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Oracle NCA is a protocol that handles communication with the Oracle Forms server. Using
your browser, you launch the database client, an applet viewer. You perform actions on the
NCA database through its applet viewer. This eliminates the need for client software and
allows you to perform database actions from all platforms that support the applet viewer.

The NCA environment is a three-tier environment. The user first sends an http call from his
browser to a Web server. This call accesses the start up HTML page which invokes the
Oracle Applications applet. The client (applet viewer) communicates through the
proprietary NCA protocol with the application server (Oracle Forms server) which then
submits information to the database server.

VuGen records and replays the NCA communication between the client and the Forms
server (application server).

The Oracle NCA protocol is commonly used as a multi-protocol in combination with Web
(HTTP/HTML). This is the recommended way to record with Oracle NCA. If you are using
Oracle NCA as a single protocol, web events are recorded but steps are not generated (or
replayed) by default.

If you initially created a single protocol script for Oracle NCA, and at a later stage you
require the Web functions for testing, you can regenerate your script in VuGen to add the
Web functions, without having to re-record the session. You indicate this from the Protocols
node in the Recording Options.
1> Add Application URL to IE:
 Step 1: Open Internet Explorer.
 Step 2: Go to settings.
 Step 3: Select Internet Options.
 Step 4: Click on Security tab.
 Step 5: Select Trusted sites.
 Step 6: Click on Sites Button.
 Step 7: Add the Website name to the Zone: Application URL (https://......)
 Step 8: Click on Add button.
 Step 9: Click on Close button.
2> Add Application URL to java control panel:
 Step 1: Go to Start
 Step 2: Search configure java
 Step 3: Go to Security tab
 Step 4: Click Edit Site List button.
 Step 5: Add Application URL in the location.
 Step 6: Click on Add Button.
 Step 8: Click on Ok button.
How to Enable the Recording of Objects by Name or ICX Forms Launch Set up:

 When recording an Oracle NCA script, you must record the session using object
names instead of the standard object ID. If the script is recorded using the object ID,
replay may fail because the ID is generated dynamically by the server and may differ
between iterations. You can verify that your script is being recorded with object
names by examining the nca_connect_server function.

userid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB@VIS fndnam=apps record=names ");

 If the record=names argument does not appear in the nca_connect_server function,

you may be recording object IDs. You can instruct VuGen to record object names by
modifying one of the following:

Navigate to the following Location after Login into ANSELL instance

System Administrator  Profile  System

Enter the Values as:

User  XXXXXX (Enter your user name)

Profile  ICX%Forms%Launch%

Click on Find Button

It Opens the Profile Option Name as below

Copy the URL and add ?&play=&record=names to the URL

For Ansell

Copied URL 

Updated URL 

Save the form and close.

How to Record Oracle NCA:

When recording an Oracle NCA Vuser script, follow these guidelines:

 Close all browsers before you begin recording.

 Record the login procedure in the vuser_init section. Record a typical business
process in the Actions section. When you run the script, you can then specify
multiple iterations for a specific business process. Record the logout procedure in
the vuser_end Section.

Oracle NCA Script Enhancements:

The script records dynamic values those values should be correlated.

The major dynamic values which we have correlate

1. Time instance(_ti):


Dynamic value : 572069765




2. Oas :


language_code=US&requestUrl=&oapc=2&oas=KtVSuR-a0ihHqj4-iAWVsg.."><input id=

Dynamic value : KtVSuR-a0ihHqj4-iAWVsg..


3. Icx_ticket:



Dynamic value : Lypev4i4FiA3Tqt645-j3A..


4. Mackey
5. MenuMackey
6. Fsst & Fsvt
7. Oapc
The values that is replaced for various users. During the execution of the script ,the value
from an external source(like .txt, xml or database) substitute the previous value of the

Example: Username & Password.

We have to add the header before login


Runtime settings:
Client Emulation:

• Pragma Mode:

We have to increase the max retries number and retry intervals number.

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