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Detailed Lesson Plan in Digital Electronics

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to
A. Discuss the procedure of PCB designing clearly
B. Perform the step by step procedure of PCB designing
C. Value the importance of PCB designing
II. Subject Matter
“PCB Designing”
III. Materials
References: Printed Circuit Board;
PCB Substrate;
IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Students Activity

“ Good Morning Class” “ Good Morning Sir”

“ Let us start this day by thanking God and (Mr. Bejuco will stand in front and will lead
ask for his Guidance, Mr. Bejuco Please the prayer.)
lead the prayer”
“Before you take your seat kindly pick-up
the pieces of trash and arrange your
“Ms Secretary May I know who are the (The Secretary of the class will stand and
absentees for this day?” tell who are the absentees for the day.)

B. Motivation
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“When you hear the word designing what (Students will raise their hands)
comes in your mind?” “ Making a thing based on what you want
to do.”
“Thank you, how do you feel when you are (Students will raise their hands)
given a chance to design a thing?” “ Happy, because I can have a chance to
express what I feel”
“Thank you. It really feels good if you are
given a chance to design, though you have
the freedom to make or design what you
want there is always a step to be followed
in order to make the right design. Right
class?” “Yes Sir.”
“Our topic deals about steps in designing a

C. Lesson Proper
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Now we are going to study The process of
PCB Designing, but before knowing the
process of designing, lets define first what a
PCB is, Anyone who has an idea? (Students will raise their hands)

(Pick 2 students from each group) “ PCB is a electronic tool used in every
electronic devices”
“Thank You, Please be noted that those
students who are participating will get extra
points for recitation.

Going back to the lesson, the Printed

Circuit Board or PCB is a card made
specifically for attaching electronic

PCB serves two purpose

1. It is a place to Mount Components
2. It Provides the means of electrical
The PCB has two sides, the Substrate and
the Copper Trace.

The Substrate physically holds the circuit

components and printed wires in place and
provides electrical insulation between
conductive parts.
While the Copper Trace is for connecting
the electricity between the electronic
D. Activity
Teacher Activity Students Activity

Safety Precaution
1. Remove all jewelry when
performing the activity.
2. Eating and Drinking is prohibited.
3. Avoid Horseplaying .
4. Be familiar with the tools and
chemical to be used.
5. Do not perform the activity unless
the instructor told you to do so.
6. If accident happens, report
immediately to the instructor.
Please Refer to the handouts for the Steps
in PCB Designing.
What is the First Step anyone?
(Students Raise their hands)
1. Prepare the materials Needed, we
will be using Masking tape, cutter, “Prepare the materials Needed”
Pentel Pen, PCB, Ferric Chloride
Plastic Container.
What is the second Step?
2. Cover the PCB with Masking Tape (Student Raise their hands)
The Third Step Class? “Cover the PCB with Masking Tape”
3. Draw up the Layout (Student Raise their hands)
“Draw up the Layout”
4. Carefully trace the design using (Students will draw their own Design)
cutter and remove the excess (Students Will Follow the 4 Step)
Masking Tape.
What is the 6 step Class?
5. Subject to Etching Process. (Students will Raise their hand)
For the etching process, Put “Subject to Etching Process.
enough amount of ferric chloride to For the etching process, Put enough
the container to submerge the PCB. amount of ferric chloride to the container
Usually the Etching process takes to submerge the PCB.”
15-20 mins.
6. Rinse the PCB with water. (Students Will Follow the 5 Step)
7. Remove the masking tape with the
E. Generalization
Based on what you have learned in this
topic, who can now share their learnings? (Students will raise their hands)
“I have learned that PCB is very important in
every device we use. It is said that PCB is
the Back bone of every Device.”

“Thank You. How about the steps in PCB (Students will raise their hands)
Designing, anyone?” “ I have learned that there are 7 steps in
PCB designing
1. Prepare the materials Needed,
2. Cover the PCB with Masking Tape
3. Draw up the Layout
4. Carefully trace the design using
cutter and remove the excess
Masking Tape.
5. Subject to Etching Process.
For the etching process, Put enough
amount of ferric chloride to the
container to submerge the PCB.
6. Rinse the PCB with water.
7. Remove the masking tape with the
“Very Good!, It is very important to know
what is a PCB and how to do the

V. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following questions and write the answer to the space provided.
I. Identification
________1. It is the backbone of electronic devices.
________2. It provides the electrical needs of the electronic components.
________3. It holds and provide insulation to the electronic components.
II. Enumeration
4-10 7 steps in PCB Designing
VI. Assignment
A. Follow up assignment
1. Research about different PBC design.
2. Per group, Submit each PCB with holes already drilled.
B. Advance Assignment
1. Read about Soldering a Component.

References: Printed Circuit Board;

PCB Substrate;

Prepared By:

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