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Chapter 16: Star Performer

The next day was Sir Chong Xu’s class. Sir Chong Xu was known to be stringent, and seeing
that A Lian, this bighead carp, who had neither a powerful background supporter, nor was she
proficient in magic, but unexpectedly still dared to arrive late; he was on the verge of
expelling her, and so made her stand still in the corridor with a book on her head.

A Lian was usually quiet and lovable, but nevertheless it was the first time she had met with
this kind of trouble. After Sir Chong Xu’s class ended, Tian Luo supported her back into the
room, and kneaded her arms and thighs for her. With a deeply concerned look she said,

“Are you not sore and achy?”

A Lian shook her head,

“Its nothing.”

Tian Luo handed over some water as she seemed thirsty, but seeing her loudly drinking it
down, she became worried. Afterall, she had been standing for no less than two hours.

“What did you do last night? Why did you just return this morning?” Tian Luo asked.

A Lian clasped the cup of water with both hands, and thinking about last night’s matter, she
couldn’t help but knit her brows. Last night, after returning from the Enlightenment Temple,
High God had demanded to carry her back to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. Originally it had
been fine, so she had answered High God’s question about what Fairy Hong Qiao had
previously asked her, but then his face immediately sunk, and without saying a word, he
threw her down from the clouds, causing her to immediately fall into a nearby river.

She was a stranger there, and was confused and disoriented for a long while, then following
the river, she swam for quite some time before finally arriving at the Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion. And so, naturally she’d returned late. However, Tian Luo was exceptionally
excited, and straining to lower her voice, asked,

“You…You and High God were together overnight?”

Although A Lian was a fish, she was not confused nor ignorant, and immediately her whole
face became red, and lowering her eyes, she lightly shook her head.

Tian Luo was somewhat disappointed. Then, thinking of that High God’s handsome face, tall
body and slender and powerful legs, she tightly gripped her friend’s hand, and encouragingly

“The pavilion closest to the water enjoys the moonlight first[1]; you walk close to High God,
and carefully seize an opportunity to win him over soon, and devote your energy to him…”
she winked, then with emphasis continued, “but at the same time, a fish should have
ambition—go forward! Face him!”
Hearing this, A Lian blushed, but hurriedly said,

“I’m only a fish, how could I dare to tarnish High God’s jade body? Tian Luo, you should not
make such irresponsible remarks.”

However Tian Luo was given free rein to quickly cause disputes. And she only thought her
friend was young and good-looking, with large breasts and a small waist; but depending
solely on this to achieve great ambitions, was rather a pity.


Although A Lian had provoked High God’s anger last night, nevertheless she spoke and kept
one’s promise[2], and so kept the thing she’d promised earlier in mind.

A Lian politely refused Bai Xun’s kindness, and then went to the Bright Moon House after

The Bright Moon House’s shopkeeper, Immortal Meng Ji, personally interviewed her, and
looking her up and down, he unhurriedly said,

“You actually look like a student, your stature is also not bad. However, our Bright Moon
House’s threshold is very high, and we did not plan to look for another person in five hundred
years, however… You were personally introduced by High God, so I will make an exception
and receive you.”

This was precisely the benefit of having a background supporter. But if one wanted to make
an acquaintance with High God, one must get used to gaining influence through unofficial

“Many thanks to Immortal, A Lian will work with determination and not turn her back on
Immortal’s appreciation,” A Lian gratefully said.


Far away, inside High God’s Ninth Heavenly Free and Unfettered Hall, he gazed into the
Lake Mirage. He saw the small fish demon in the corridor with a stack of books on her head,
barely able to stand still, and fine sweat dripping down her reddened face.

His brimming anger disappeared in an instant.

Corporally punishing a disciple… It seemed that this Chong Xu did not intended to ask for
this year’s bonus.

Rong Lin slowly walked back into the palace hall, and lifting his robe to sit, gazed at the
small realistic phoenix carving. His bright and handsome appearance was covered with a rare
small cloud of worry. Originally, due to kindness, he had helped this small fish demon
repeatedly, even twisting honor to give her preferential treatment.
But he clearly knew her own errant thoughts toward him… This fascination was precisely a
very large worry. Over the past many thousand years, High God had not dared to get too
close to any immortal females because of this reason.

Last night, even though that small fish demon’s expression was ignorant and naive, how
could he not see her secret intentions? But, three hundred years of cultivation was nothing of
consideration in front of him.

However, because she was infatuated with him in this way, naturally she was able to
recognize fairy Hong Qiao’s admiring intentions towards him. And seeing that, when he and
Fairy Hong Qiao stood together, it was more natural than the two of them, for a moment,
such thoughts must have surged within her, causing her to give such a vague declaration and
make the fairy doubt his moral character. But he had always avoided immorality, so how
could he cause her to tarnish his reputation like this?

He had been furious, and soon afterwards he’d thrown the small fish demon into a nearby
river. At that moment, his heart had felt humiliated and angry, making him simply unwilling
to see her again. But the small fish demon was unfamiliar with the place, and after changing
directions many times, without any other option, she was forced to turn back again. Only
when he finally watched her swim back to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, did he feel relieved.

Rong Lin thought; this small fish demon had such deep feelings for him at such a young age,
and even though he’d turned a blind eye, emotions couldn’t always be controlled. After the
Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s newly entered disciple competition was finished, this small fish
demon wouldn’t have any reason to be entangled with him again—when the time came he
would leave and travel for a few hundred years, which would also easily make the small fish
demon stop thinking about him.

Thus, believing this, Rong Lin relaxed slightly with a deep breath. Since he had already
finished planning, he returned to the matter of the small fish demon’s behavior clearly
insulting his reputation, and decided to forgive her for her youth.

Being merciful and virtuous could also be considered as doing good deeds.

After a while, Rong Lin’s forehead smoothed out, and his mood became a lot better. So,
when Xiao Bai came in and saw his cheerful expression, he then opened his mouth and asked
him to drink wine together.


Last time, because of the matter of A Lian entering the Secluded Department, Rong Lin had
become somewhat unhappy with Xiao Bai. But now, seeing that Xiao Bai was taking the rare
initiative to come over and be friendly, naturally Rong Lin was also no longer ostentatious.

Speaking rare words, Xiao Bai said,

“In regards to that day’s matter, I was not very careful. I did not know you cared about that
small fish demon so much.” After speaking, he smiled at the phoenix carving, and took a
feather light glance at Rong Lin.
Rong Lin’s expression subtly changed somewhat, and after that, he indifferently said,

“Even if there are other flowers and plants, I also treat everyone favourably.”

Xiao Bai did not say anymore.

The two High Gods decided to honour Bright Moon House with their presence, letting the
golden glittering restaurant increase even more with the deities’ splendor. Shopkeeper
Immortal Meng Ji smiled, then went out to personally welcome them, and upon seeing the
two High Gods, politely greeted and chatted. Then Immortal Meng Ji lead the two men in.

But Rong Lin’s mood was not good.

Standing outside the restaurant, was the small fish demon in a revealing outfit, looking a bit
sluggish. That small fish demon was normally dressed very innocently—what was this skirt
she wore today?

The skirt was extremely close fitting, and even though the upper part of her body was
completely covered, on the other hand, it made her exquisite womanly figure even more
pronounced…..As she stood to the side and looked over in his direction, he saw her skirt
move to and fro, splitting open to expose her shining white thighs and perfectly straight, slim
lower legs. Rong Lin’s heart thumped. Had she given up on herself like this, and stayed here
to stroke her hair coquettishly, because he had thrown her into the river?

Immortal Meng Ji followed Rong Lin’s gaze, falling on the beautiful woman stationed
outside to welcome guests. Even though it was not the first time he’d seen this damn younger
sister’s womanly figure, now, as he took a glance, he could not help but widen his eyes

Immortal Meng Ji smiled and said,

“The natural endowments of this fish High God recommended isn’t bad. Since she started
standing outside to welcome guests today, our restaurant has had twenty percent more
customers than usual…” saying this, he happily raised two slender fingers, and seeing that
High God did not speak, he continued, “…I am ready to spend money to hold on to this
bighead carp, I want to make her the star performer here.”


[1]Idiom meaning to benefit from intimacy with an influential person.

[2]Idiom meaning as good as one’s word.

Chapter 17: The Fish Soup Is Already Finished

Immortal Meng Ji was admittedly quite happy; however, fearing High God would
misunderstand, immediately explaining, said, “Our Bright Moon House is an honorable
restaurant, however, you two High Gods also know, this year heaven’s economy has been in
a slump. It is very difficult to fight openly and maneuver covertly in the catering business,
this small immortal also cannot do anything about it. Bright Moon House is a millennium-old
shop; it seems as if it is not able to keep up with the times, and also cannot avoid its fate of
bankruptcy. This is also a way to attract customers, people in the same profession all do it
like this. Besides, this small immortal only let that bighead carp stand there, and does
not.make her do any other thing…”

Other things. The tip of Rong Lin’s brow moved slightly, already showing the first sign of

Unexpectedly, Immortal Meng Ji was immersed, and thinking aloud, said, “Even though this
bighead carp is white-skinned and good-looking, with a large chest and small slender waist,
her legs are also naturally fair and slender, but she has no other talent, and can only be a
flower vase. Being a flower vase can still be usable for a short while, but continuing like this,
even furniture can also get very tired. Relying on one’s face for a living cannot make one eat
for a lifetime, ah, therefore, saying this, one of these days I will carry her to fairy Bi Yuan to
learn how to dance and play folk songs and what not, a very good one-time package.”

Rong Lin was mentally distressed, and stamped into the Bright Moon House, originally
wanting to reprimanded, but realizing the small fish demon did not recognize him from the
beginning, bowed reverently and respectfully, saying a polite greeting.

Ah, so that was the forte of her character.

However A Lian did not mean it like that, she was naturally happy when she saw High God,
but now with many people in the Bright Moon House, she only stood outside the door. How
could she claim to have a good relationship with High God? At the time High God had taken
her from the Secluded Department, he had also been unwilling to let other people know the
two of them were acquainted, therefore this time she also simply pretended not to know High
God, to avoid causing him any trouble.

Immortal Meng Ji hurriedly said, “Young A Lian, what else are you trying to do? Hurry and
go and welcome these two High Gods.”

A Lian smiled like a flower and gave an “ai” sound, then walked in front and welcomed the
two High Gods to go up and take a seat.

Rong Lin closely followed behind her, and saw between the gap as she walked. Two faintly
discernible thighs flashed past him, completely offending his sensitive feelings.

Rong Lin speculated, hesitating somewhat.

If he showed his anger, and made the small fish demon change out of those shameless
clothes, that would be exactly as she wished. She was acting this way, to prove he still
somewhat cared about her; if he paid no attention, why would he care what she wore?
This reasoning he should ignore, and naturally she would sound out the difficulties and
retreat to avoid defeat…


Rong Lin took in a deep breath and thought, if he acted like this, this small fish demon would
seriously abandon herself, and then how should that be good?

While thinking like this, the small fish demon had already led and welcomed them to a
private room, then went out as spry and lively as a butterfly.

Rong Lin sat down, a sweet smell seeming to still linger beside him, staying until it was
lightly sniffed. This caused his frowning forehead to get increasingly tighter.

Naturally, she must have smeared on poor quality face cream, but had been better off with the
former well-known fishy smell.

Now, even with the rare delicacies and exquisite broth, complemented with fine liquor, Rong
Lin didn’t have the least bit of an appetite. In contrast, Xiao Bai, who sat across from him,
actually appeared to be in a rare joyful mood. Xiao Bai carefully poured a cup of wine, then
facing Rong Lin, said, “This wine is not bad.”

Xiao Bai did not have any other addictions, however, he actually liked the thing in the cup
very much. To cope with being on the Island of Immortals, he must have been alone and
helpless and drank until he lost consciousness. But afterwards, he no longer enjoyed drinking;
as he had adapted everything for her, and naturally did not dare to drink in front of her.

Xiao Bai then said, “Since you are concerned about that small fish demon, then let her come
over. Why bother to show a scowling face?”

Rong Lin was also not the type to like showing his displeased mood for others to see, besides,
he was also rarely fidgety, and for the most part, had a gentle mood, and often did several
good deeds. Being aloof and remote all day long, on a cloud of an unstressed manner and
indifference, and carrying an aloofness from worldly matters with a free and unfettered
appearance, when had he ever once experienced being this worried and anxious, like a
common person?

Rong Lin drank a toast, then said, “She follows her own examples. I am only looking after
her momentarily, is it possible to still see her after thirty years?”

Xiao Bai said nothing, but once in awhile a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.

Rong Lin drank the excellent wine, wanting to make his mind calm down for awhile, and
then begun to impatiently drink more and more. He set aside the small cup, and wanting to
see what that small fish demon was wearing now, used a thousand mile secret art.

However, he saw that outside of the Bright Moon House, there was no trace of her to be seen.

After quietly and calmly observing, he then saw the small fish demon inside a private room,
with a man stroking her small hand…
Immortal Meng Ji hurried over, but the private room was already in a complete mess.

He immediately stepped forward, helping a man in a purple robe who’d fallen to stand up,
and was repeatedly apologizing.

The purple robed man trembled with injuries on both hands, and looking up, he saw the man
with glaring eyes standing behind the small fish demon. Then coldly smiling, said, “I’ve
heard about the incomparable and magnificent High God, honest and generous with a
benevolent heart. However, he unexpectedly idles like this, and even gets into other people’s

A Lian swayed slightly, her heart thumping wildly. She raised her hand and lightly pulled on
High God’s sleeve, and quietly said, “High God, Immortal Meng Ji will explain, however,
this is Immortal Lord Long Xia…”

Then added, “…however Immortal Lord Long Xia’s immortal moat donated a seat to our
Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s book pavilion, please don’t argue with him.”

Rong Lin looked at her askanced.

High God’s expression did not have even a hint of gentleness. Immediately A Lian became
somewhat panicky, and hurriedly stammering said, “I’m afraid… I’m afraid to cause you,
High God, any trouble.”

However, Rong Lin did not pay attention to Immortal Lord Long Xia, but instead, glanced at
Immortal Meng Ji, and coldly said, “You clearly knew she was my fish, and you let her do
this sort of thing?”

Immortal Meng Ji’s expression was sluggish, and he looked blankly at the small fish demon
beside High God.

But when all was said and done, he was well acquainted with the ways of the world, and
immediately responding came over, despite being afraid and full of cold sweat.

Rong Lin also turned to Immortal Lord Long Xia and said, “If you dare touch her with a
single finger next time, I will see to it that you won’t need to keep those two pincers!”

He then led the small fish demon out of the private room, leaving only Immortal Meng Ji and
Immortal Lord Long Xia to look at each other in dismay.

Outside the Bright Moon House, the color of the sky overhead indicated that it was already
not early.

Rong Lin irritably pinched the hand of the person at his side. The whole way, his face had
been ashen, and he had not spoken a word.

A Lian blinked, cautiously and solemnly sizing him up, and seeing that he was not in a good
mood, bit her lip after a while, not knowing what to do.

After a long time passed, High God smiled and then said, “Still want to go back?”

A Lian managed to respond, and hurriedly shook her head but did not speak, but then very
slowly said, “Actually… Actually, I don’t like that sort of thing.”

Rong Lin bent his head to look at her, “You don’t like it, but still did it?”

A Lian puffed out her cheeks, then said, “I owe High God a lot of money, and I wanted to
pay it back earlier…”

Rong Lin thought, then said, “There’s no need to worry about this matter; this money is my
early investment towards you, you can pay it back slowly someday.”

A Lian said, “If… If I don’t pass the competition, what will happen?”

When that time came, she would have to leave the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion right away.

Hearing this, Rong Lin stopped pacing, and calmly looking at her, saw her distressed face. He
lifted his hand to stroke her face, and used the sleeve of his garment to softly wipe the
makeup off her face.

The thick painted makeup, on her good-looking face, had now become just a small cat face.
Rong Lin actually thought it was a bit nice to look at like this, and said, “Then in these
coming days, concentrate on practicing magic, do not ask to come out and show your face in
public. When the time comes for you to possibly leave the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, ask
about paying back the money then, and I will set up another job for you.”

A Lian nodded heavily, and happily said, “The moonlight is very beautiful tonight, should we
have a swimming competition again?” But seeing that High God still did not reply, she then
blinked and said, “This time, I will yield to High God.”

Rong Lin withdrew his hand, then loftily and coldly said, “Who wants you to yield?”

He took big strides in front, seeming as though he wanted to take a walk in the moonlight
together, the sleeve of his clothes moving gracefully, as he left a petite figure behind which
bounced up behind him and pulling his sleeve, said, “Let’s go.”

“Not going.”


“Not considering.”

“High God is afraid of losing to me?”

“…If you lose, I will make you into fish head soup.”

“That’s good, ah.”

Since High God had spoken about postponing the settlement the debt, naturally A Lian
prepared to greet the arrival of the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s new disciple competition with
her full strength.

That month, High God had given her many pointers, and even though the progress was not
small, when all was said and done, her base foundation was inferior. In comparison to the
other Ninth Heavenly Pavilion disciples, the difference was still by a large length.

On the eve of the competition, Rong Lin actually did not make her practice over and over
again, but merely swam together with her and relaxed. A Lian was normally noisy, however
that evening, she was deeply worried and sick at heart, silent and taciturn. Rong Lin knew she
was under a lot of pressure, and being unexpectedly pacifying, said, “Don’t worry too much,
if you really are unable to pass, next time you can try again.”

A Lian pulled her finger, and in a small voice said, “Then I would still have to wait three
hundred years.”

Rong Lin indifferently said, “Three hundred years is not much.”

In regards to High God living thirty thousand years, those three hundred years really would
be something that happened in a flash, and there was nothing alarming about it.

But seeing the small fish demon’s large wet eyes still gazing at him, he opened his lips and
said, “Then we will separate for three hundred years.”


Rong Lin paused. He always did not know how to reply. When did he and her become ‘we’?
Moreover, they were not together at all, how did it become ‘separate’? However, today Rong
Lin was in the mood to show consideration towards her, and did not bother about this
inappropriate pretext. But also – Rong Lin quietly looked at the small fish demon’s face; he
rarely had a noisy youngster at his side. If she disappeared all of a sudden, perhaps he really
would be somewhat unused to it.

“I don’t want much, just working your hardest is enough,” Rong Lin said.

A Lian heard his voice, and obediently nodded, “Okay I got it. For High God, I will try

“…Eh.” ·

The next day was the day of the new disciples’ competition. At dawn, she and Tian Luo then
hurriedly went out.

A Lian was puzzled, and said, “Where are we going?”

“You can come with me,” Tian Luo replied.

A Lian was still puzzled. Afterwards, Tian Luo arrived in front of the cafeteria turf; however,
when they arrived, they saw many new disciples lined up in a group of straight rows. A Lian
could not see anything at the front of the queue, and then Tian Luo finally pulled her to the
end of the line.

With an excited face, Tian Luo said, “Sitting ahead of us is third senior sister Jinli, however
senior sister Jinli is the pride of us aquatic animals. Every time there is an exam she gets
number one. Senior sister Jinli lives alone on the Island of Immortals, it is very hard for us to
meet, and next year she is going to jump into the Dragon Gate. When that time comes, her
status will immediately be different. Today we can benefit from the cheerful atmosphere, and
hope today’s competition will go smoothly and favorably.”

A Lian thought deeply.

After absorbing the benefits of the cheerful atmosphere of Jinli, A Lian and Tian Luo went to
the exam room.

Altogether the new disciples’ competition was divided into two; a writing exam, and a
martial arts exam.

The competition results had four grades; they were respectively: Grades A, B, C and D.

If a person was a heavenly descendant, they only needed two Grade Cs, and could enter
smoothly and become an official Ninth Heavenly Pavilion disciple.

However, heavenly descendants naturally received the best education since youth, and for the
most part, many of the excellent foreign disciples had not been dawdling since arriving.

But in regards to A Lian, Tian Luo and foreign disciples like that, the Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion’s stakes were, however, a little high–requiring two Grade B’s or higher, to be
allowed to stay in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion.

A Lian’s cultivation was shallow, however, writing exams were not difficult for her. At the
end of the exam, she then received Sir Chong Xu’s red ‘Grade A’ stamp, and gratefully said,
“Thank you, Sir.”

Sir Chong Xu looked down on A Lian’s kind of small demon, but being a master, who would
not want to make something of each of one’s disciples? So he naturally, in a rare show of
encouragement, said, “You mustn’t be arrogant; passing a writing exam does not represent
anything, this evening’s martial arts test is the most crucial.”

A Lian earnestly nodded, showing she understood.

Tian Luo’s educational level was not high, and during the writing exam she’d bitten the shaft
of her pen with a distressed face, waiting to hand over the examination paper. Naturally she
received Sir Chong Xu’s yellow ‘Grade B’ stamp, and was emotional, her eyes brimming
with tears.

The two of them had unexpectedly met Xiao Zao earlier that morning, and after inquiring,
saw Xiao Zao with a red mark.
They both knew Xiao Zao was experienced at magic, and now, seeing her smoothly pass the
writing exam, Tian Luo said, “It would be good if I could be just like you.”

Xiao Zao spoke well with them, and she’d worked with them for almost a millennium. Up
until this moment, they had definitely been better than her.

That afternoon’s martial arts exam was unstoppable.

The martial arts exam was different to the writing exam, and instead took real swords and
real spears to the stage, and countless eyes would be present to watch.

All new disciples were divided into ten groups. Each group had twelve persons, which was
twenty-two fights. Luck was also very important at this time.

For example, Tian Luo had gotten the sunflower group in the end.

Furthermore, the sunflower group’s other disciples, had never been exceptional or
outstanding, and for the most part, knew Tian Luo’s magic was also the same way. Tian Luo
had about four hundred years of cultivation, but nevertheless, the sunflower group’s odds of
success was still very large, and if they tried a little harder perhaps they could get a bit ahead.

Tian Luo relaxed with a deep breath, and then asked A Lian, “And you? Which group did
you get?”

She pried open A Lian’s hand, and saw her name above a neatly written ‘Group B’.

In all, there were ten groups, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J. In order from the front, the
cultivation levels became more and more tremendous.

It looked as though Xiao Zao had gotten Group A, however, her magic was exquisite. This
was very well known, and naturally, she did not have to worry.

Because of A Lian’s cultivation capacity, she was at the bottom of the new disciples. If she’d
drawn Group I like Tian Luo and so on, the sunflower group, in that case, she could still try.
But now in the end, she had drawn Group B, the quintessential group of people, what were
the odds of success?

Tian Luo worriedly said, “A Lian? What’s to be done?”

A Lian held the inscribed bamboo stick in her hands, and was blank for a split second. Then
she turned her head, looking at the new disciples already preparing the Group B area. She
wanted to take a competitor.

…For the most part they were all outstanding children of heavenly descendants, and in
addition, there were two sea clan experts.

Victory or defeat was not required to be predicted immediately from the beginning…but no
matter who she was paired with, she did not have a chance to win with all of them.
Xiao Zao was also worried. Even though A Lian tried hard, and put focus on her strength,
even if she tried hard again, she however only had three hundred years of cultivation. If she
had quite a lot of good luck, she could have drawn Group I, the sunflower group, and could
have still thought of a way to exchange with her, but now she had gotten Group A.

The three girls were all unable to find a solution.

In the distance, Bai Xun saw the dark cloud of worry around them, and immediately strode
over and asked A Lian, “What group are you in?”

Even when interacting several times in the past, A Lian had not dreaded facing Bai Xun, but
now he could be considered as a kind of friend. She gave him a look at the bamboo stick in
her hand, then said, “I’m in Group B.”

Bai Xun knew from living at Dongze Lake, that in order to come to this Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion place, she would not to die in this competition. Several times when he didn’t think
she could get up, she had pushed and stood up. He saw that her black brows were slightly
wrinkled, and without much thought, took the sign from inside of her hand without the
slightest hesitation, and stuffed his own into her hand.

“Take it.”

Bai Xun had drawn Group E, an exactly medium strength group, and even though A Lian’s
didn’t have much odds of success, however, it was much better than being in Group B.

Bai Xun also did not speak much, and after exchanging the sign immediately strode over to
Group B’s area.

A Lian put her hand out to look at the sign, and seeing that tall sturdy figure gradually
moving further away, after awhile did not know what to say.

She thought, and then took small steps behind.

Bai Xun saw her following, and deliberately held the plank up to his face and said, “My
magic is tremendous; being in Group E would give me an unfair winning advantage. Bighead
carp, if you think of me as a friend, then do not say more.”

Naturally A Lian knew his magic was tremendous, he was indeed the most outstanding fish
of Dongze Lake!

A Lian looked up, and then facing Bai Xun, smiled and said, “…Thank you.”

Chapter 18: Roast Fish

This deed of Bai Xun’s had really made A Lian very emotional. She knew precisely that Bai
Xun was the most awesome fish in Dongze Lake, but in the end this Ninth Heavenly Pavilion
had infinite knowledge. As a foreign fish, how could one’s talent be revealed so easily? A
Lian suddenly recalled something. On the journey to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, she had
seen Bai Xun’s large figure, and did not dare to speak to him much, and also Bai Xun’s
temper was taciturn. However,not speaking had helped her quite a bit.

Tian Luo also said, “This Bai Xun really is not bad.”

In the end, whether it was possible to remain in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion would be seen
after this. If left behind, even if a course had to be finished afterwards, one still had to return.
How could it be said it was plated with gold, when the status was also different? If one lost,
there was no choice but to stay behind, and that was a waste; whether there would be a
chance three hundred years later to register to enter the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion again was
entirely unknown.

A Lian squeezed the sign in her hand, and lightly nodded.

The competition was about to begin and the masters of the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion had also
all came to watch and were sitting together. Finally a cheerful voice floated about. Two High
Gods had arrived seated on a cloud; the sleeve of a robe flew past and they fell into the
honoured seat.

The gentle and refined High God Xiao Bai attracted many blushing female disciples, but
there was a seemingly even more attractive man wearing a white robe. High God Rong Lin
calmly took a seat, and although his face was blank, however, for a split second, it caused all
things under heaven and earth to be completely overshadowed.

A Lian had always known High God was good-looking, but now, he was aloof and remote,
and she looked up from below. Today, she definitely could not help but sigh about the
difference between the reaches of a cloud and the mud on the ground.

A Lian repeatedly looked up at him, then began to feel at ease while staying in Group E, still
waiting to compete.

In total, a group had twelve people. Two groups of people carried out the first round of the
competition, wearing Grade D’ on their backs, and were instantly eliminated. The winners
were six ‘Grade C’ people; the six people then advanced to the second round, winning until
they rose to ‘Grade B’. Then the final three winning people were tested again, and the winner
was given a ‘Grade A’ sign.

A Lian naturally did not have excessive hopes of receiving a ‘Grade A’. She, as a foreign
fish, even if she wanted to become an official disciple of heaven, could only do so as long as
she won two rounds and received a ‘Grade B’.

However, in this Group E, there was a galaxy of talent. A Lian’s knowledge was included
among these skills.

For example, the naturally delicate and petite young woman wearing a blue skirt, called Bai
Xi, looked unremarkable, when actually she was a descendant of Bai Xi and Teng She.

After Pangu split heaven and earth apart, Nüwa used mud to make man, while at the same
time long ago also made a snake god a house pet for herself. One was Bai Xi. While Bai Xi
was female, the second, Teng She, was male. Afterwards, because Nüwa made heaven, there
were not enough rainbow stones to use. Therefore, she used her body to mend heaven, and
then Bai Xi and Teng She naturally followed Nüwa.

It was reasonable to say that Bai Xi, as a martyred orphan,who also had noble parentage, did
not need to do the competition again, and was immediately accepted. However, Bai Xi had
very subdued behavior.

Naturally, A Lian did not hope to go with Bai Xi.

She looked to the side again, then after awhile her heart suddenly thumped.

The man to her left side had a tall figure. He was twice as tall as Bai Xun from Dongze Lake,
and seeing him full of muscle from head to toe, just the smallest part of his arm was about as
thick as her waist.

This new disciple, Huo Zheng, came from the Mountain Zhang. Huo Zheng’s original form
was a ferocious beast, with a large, fierce build, five tails and one horn, a howl that sounded
like thunder splitting open a rock, that liked eating tigers and leopards.

Huo Zheng was an extremely talented new disciple. A Lian unexpectedly did not want to go
with him.

The remaining few, even though they were also awesome, were not as good as Huo Zheng
and Bai Xi.

Fortunately in her first round she had pretty good luck, and drew Hebang from Yunze Lake
as an opponent.

A Lian suddenly relaxed in one breath.

Group E drew two unexpected people, Huo Zheng and Bai Xi. Hebang naturally was also like
that. She had drawn A Lian aside to form a group and was somewhat happy at heart. She
leaned to the side to look at the small silver carp, immediately relaxing with a breath, and
instantly somewhat displeased, soon afterwards said, “Don’t be happy too early, I was
carefully chosen to come from Yunze Lake. In regards to strength you are by far inferior to
me. In this match I will not yield.”

Of course A Lian knew that Hebang was Yunze Lake’s elite, in regard to strength, she was
also really not as good as her. How could it be said that there was still a bit of hope?

A Lian smiled and politely said, “En, I also will try very hard.”

Even though Hebang knew A Lian was not proficient at magic, that day’s competition was of
great importance. Also she did not dare to lower her guard, therefore as soon as the
competition began, they then exerted sufficient strength, closing in step by step.

Hebang had four hundred years of cultivation. This was one hundred years more than A Lian,
and naturally she had not been unoccupied for nothing. Her magic was pretty good, and in the
beginning held the win.
The competition took place on a floating stage, without a protective screen set up around it. If
one fell from the round platform then they would be eliminated.

A Lian stood at the edge of the platform many times, on the verge of collapse, and caused the
hearts of the people watching to be alarmed.

Rong Lin sat on the high platform above. Presently, his brows were pinched as he looked
down at Group E’s circular platform.

Xiao Bai had a comfortable and relaxed appearance, and glancing towards Rong Lin, said,
“This small fish demon really has improved. It seems your tutelage this month was pretty
good, but it’s a pity her foundation is lacking. This Hebang is from Yunze Lake’s aristocratic
family, and naturally her parents had no difficulty giving everything to help instruct. This
match, is it not supposed to be easily won?”

Be that as it may, Xiao Bai did not say it was impossible to win.

In fact it really was this way. Even though A Lian’s foundation was lacking, however, her
tenaciousness and endurance were not overlooked, annoying Hebang precisely because she
would not fall down from the platform.

Hebang was also anxious, and unable to help changing back to her original form, the
clamshell opened a small crack, firmly holding A Lian’s arm inside, trying to throw her out.

Rong Lin frowned, and slightly indignant, said, “Hebang is also very boorish.”

Fortunately this was the final.match,and A Lian won dangerously.

Although Hebang had fallen off of the platform, A Lian, standing above the circular platform,
also had an injured arm.

After a while, Tian Luo, barely winning her match ran over, lifting her sleeve and seeing both
sides of A Lian’s arms freshly dripping with blood, becoming extremely distressed. She
simultaneously wiped medicine on her while saying, “What made you fight as if your life
depended on it?”

A Lian smiled and said, “If not by staking everything, how would I be able to beat Hebang?”

That was true. Tian Luo was not at all Hebang’s match, and this time A Lian had
unexpectedly beaten Hebang; it really was extremely amazing.

A Lian again said, “I did not anticipate you preparing ointment.”

Finished applying the ointment, Tian Luo carefully placed her sleeve down, then meeting her
eyes said, “How could I possibly think of this… ah? Here—” she lifted her hand to indicate
to Bai Xun close by, “he gave it to me just now.”

A Lian turned her head, and saw Bai Xun just climbing onto the high platform.
Xiao Zao and Bai Xun were in the middle of battling, and Tian Luo was preparing. A Lian
stroked the ointment, touching her arm, and immediately felt that it was not as sore, and
prepared to begin the second round of the competition.

The wait until the time to draw the second round’s bamboo stick was finished. However, A
Lian had recovered for a long time.

She saw the figure of Huo Zheng, who was three times larger than her, holding a bamboo
stick the same colour as hers.

The first round, and her opponent was unexpectedly Huo Zheng!

A Lian tightly squeezed the bamboo stick in her hand, subconsciously looking towards the
high platform, and thinking of that aloof and remote High God. A Lian was also afraid for a
split second, but after a moment let go and became relaxed, preparing to meet the enemy head

In regards to strength, Huo Zheng and Bai Xi were the most tremendous in Group E, and by a
rough calculation Huo Zheng was still superior to Bai Xi.

Being with the one who was the strongest in Group E, the ‘Grade B’ sign was not easy to

Before starting the battle, Huo Zheng gazed at the delicate, petite young woman in front of
him, then with the air of a nobleman, tenderly said, “I do not want to hurt you, you should
step down on your own.”

Huo Zheng naturally had the power of a god, a fierce temperament, entirely much more
powerful than A Lian. It was practically a certainty that A Lian would not win.

But how could A Lian give up? After going through great difficulties to come here, as long as
she beat him she could stay at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion immediately..

“Big brother Huo Zheng, let us begin,” A Lian said.

Huo Zheng smiled at her, then understood, and after a moment no longer asked any more.
Then he immediately began the competition.

Compared to Hebang just now, A Lian only then profoundly realized, just how different the
strength was with Huo Zheng. Huo Zheng’s strength was so great, apart from her dodging,
there was no alternative, and also he had only just begun to exert brute force, and his figure
was even more especially agile.

On the other side, Xiao Zao had already smoothly won the second round, and did not have
the slightest damage. Even though it was as expected, Xiao Bai was still in a joyful mood,
and immediately turned to Rong Lin and said, “You seem to want to keep this small fish
demon, but her route really isn’t the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion.”
The outcome of the battle was already very clear, Xiao Bai saw the small fish demon’s
obstinate temper. She would continue once more, in addition to getting injured again and
again, but the outcome would not change at all.

Several moves later, A Lian’s physical strength was already exhausted. Then finally Huo
Zheng swept out an arm, and his power rose steeply into the sky, immediately making A Lian
return to her original form.

Rong Lin raised his head to gaze at the small fish demon’s repeatedly falling fishtail, his
eyebrows pinched tightly, and suddenly got up.

Xiao Bai warningly said,“Rong Lin, you must not be impulsive.”

Beaten back to her original appearance, A Lian was certainly losing this match without a

And then Huo Zheng saw her lying on her stomach, firmly holding on to the edge of the
circular platform, unwilling to fall off. He then opened his mouth and shot flames towards

Huo Zheng also did not have any other intention, only wanting to make her aware of the
difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat, and then fall down.

But even though she did not expect that spray of raging flames, there were not dodged
because that small fish demon did not want to fall down, and was still firmly fastened to the
circular platform, stubbornly pushing and wanting to get up.

Having won her match, Tian Luo sobbed while watching the scene. Sniffing, she said, “This
foolish fish; I can already smell the fragrance of a roasted fish. What is she still trying to do?
Hurriedly come.down, ah!”

The fish fragrance was overflowing, as the tail of the small silver carp above the circular
platform was already covered with a large burnt area.

Then after Huo Zheng swept his leg at her, the small silver carp in human form with a
fishtail, fell straight down with a “bang* into the water below.

Droplets splashed in all directions, then a tense voice was heard—

“This match, Huo Zheng is the victor.”

As expected, when Xiao Bai turned his head, he saw an empty seat behind him, and suddenly
a smile lightly pulled the corner of his mouth.


At the side of the Blue Wave pond, A Lian embraced Rong Lin’s neck, and was embraced
around the middle by him as he walked to the center of the pond. She bent her head to look at
her burnt fishtail, powerlessly hanging down, then meeting Rong Lin’s eyes, said, “High
God, I cannot stay at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion.”
She had lost her second match, and did not get the ‘Grade B’ sign. In that case, she did not
have the qualifications to stay in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion.

Rong Lin released her onto a big stone at the side of the pond, and holding her fishtail, slowly
immersed it into the water, seeming as though he hadn’t heard her, then asked, “Still able to

The burnt fishtail lightly swayed below the water, still fairly flexible.

“Here’s no problem,” A Lian said.

Rong Lin looked at her. “So, still want to stay?”

A Lian thought. Large black and white eyes met his, then she nodded and said, “En, I want to
be a little closer to High God.”

Rong Lin thought, then didn’t have much to ask. He looked towards her fishtail in the water,
then lifted his hand and lightly stroked her waist.

A Lian saw her own silver fishtail emerge a moment later. That originally burnt and ruined
fishtail had unexpectedly began to heal slowly, returning to its former undamaged
appearance. How could it be said? A Lian was a young woman. The extent to which young
women loved beauty, they as fish were such also, that in their eyes, their fishtail was even
more important than their face.

Therefore A Lian happily swung her tail, and said, “Good!”

In the end, the honorable matchless High God’s face was splashed, and Rong Lin closed his
eyes. A Lian saw, and hurriedly tensed with an exclamation. Quickly holding her face, she
blinked her large guilt-ridden eyes and said, “Sorry, I’m sorry.”

She then lifted her hand, and absentmindedly wiped it for him.

Rong Lin gave a small hmph, but did not reproach her again.

He slowly got up, mien graceful and matchless, then glancing down at her said, “Come,
follow me.”

A Lian hurriedly changed back into human form, and stood up, stamping her feet. When they
were a little bit less sore, she then asked, “High God, which place are we going to?”

High God’s looks were matchless as he walked away, and he did not turn his head to look at
her, but indifferently said, “I’m carrying you to go to the backdoor.”

That afternoon when the competition had already finished, Xiao Zao was smoothly received
to the Grade As, and Tian Luo also bumpily increased to the Grade Bs. In short, they were all
able to smoothly continue staying in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. As for Bai Xun, switching
groups did not adversely affect his performance, and he also officially became an official new
Ninth Heavenly Pavilion disciple.
A Lian saw Bai Xun’s name on top of the list of names, and relaxing in one breath said,
“Very good.”

Rong Lin frowned, urging her onwards.

“Coming,” said A Lian, and hurriedly followed High God’s steps, following him so that they
could go and see High God Xiao Bai together.

Xiao Bai saw the two of them enter. Retaining a slightly smiling expression, he saw that she
did not appear to have the slightest damage. He also had a tacitly mutual understanding,
however speaking neither too fast nor too slow said, “This small fish demon really went
beyond my expectations, but she lost to Huo Zheng, and had no alternative but to get a
‘Grade C’ in the martial arts exam; everyone at the scene saw it…”

He looked towards Rong Lin, and said, “If the backdoor is entered this time, I’m afraid it
would be somewhat hard to convince the masses.”

“In that case—I must leave?” Rong Lin said.

Xiao Bai laughed. He had a very youthful laugh; his originally bright, eminent and matchless
face, when laughing, changed to a warm youthful manner. He thought, then said, “It’s not
that there is no way.”

Rong Lin glanced at him, indicating he should continue speaking.

Xiao Bai then said, “The threshold for foreigners to come to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s
doorstep is high. It requires that these people two get two Grade Bs, but towards people from
heaven it is not high… So as long as A Lian registers as a young woman from a heavenly
household, even if she got a Grade C in the martial arts exam today, it is logical that she
would be qualified to attend school too.”

Chapter 19: Household Register

Rong Lin did not understand the meaning of Xiao Bai’s words. How would this small fish
demon know someone in heaven? If she wanted to become a member of the heavenly
household register, she could only go to him. After weighing over the matter, he was already
treating her with extreme benevolence and utmost duty. It was the same as doing good works,
but he also had not done good works of this degree. Over thirty thousand years, he had done
many benevolent acts, but this matter was of great concern, and was absolutely not something
that could be done by simply lifting one’s hand.

Rong Lin titled his head to glance at her, and saw her expectant face looking at him.

‘Don’t mind it,’ Rong Lin thought.

Then he turned towards A Lian and said, “Prepare the household register book, then we will
go to the Secluded Department.”
A Lian wanted to answer right then, but hearing Xiao Bai then neither too fast nor too slow
said, “Then what kind of identity do you intend to use?”

What kind of identity? Rong Lin pondered for half a day. The difference between him and
this small fish demon’s ages was a bit large, but his figure was youthful and bright; looking at
her, he was not clear on how big of an age difference there was.

He immediately said, “Before, when this small fish demon went to the Secluded Department,
I pretended to be her older male cousin to take her out.”

“…Cousin,” Xiao Bai muttered, a smile appearing on the corner of his lips.

Seeing Rong Lin’s rather dissatisfied reaction, he then explained, “It may be assumed that
you have not been versed in the things of the world for a very long time. After a few years
many achieved the Dao and became immortals. Heaven’s population suddenly rose, and
moreover, giving preferential treatment with the heavenly household register was quite
abundant, increasingly taking advantage of the loophole. If you want to use the title of older
cousin to go and do it, then I advise you not to go on this trip…”

Then indifferently explaining the sentence again he said, “If not for being closely related, the
Secluded Department will likely not accept the case.”

A Lian faintly thought this matter was troublesome; then turning to look at Rong Lin, said,
“High, High God?”

Even though Rong Lin was High God, and accepted people’s reverence, he usually did
official business according to the official principles, and nevertheless was doing this entering
through the backdoor for the first time. With everything in order, he had lived for thirty
thousand years and disliked destroying this order. Just now he had thought of helping this
small fish demon since he was feeling a small bit of compassion. But now, after calming
down and thinking it over, he was really no good to assist her in breaking heaven’s rules.”

“If you say she is your lost daughter from outside, it actually might work,” Xiao Bai said.

Not waiting for Rong Lin to get angry, A Lian immediately opened her mouth and said, “That
won’t do. How can I sully High God’s pure reputation?”

Clearly Rong Lin was also not receptive to this suggestion. Now seeing the originally calm
and silent small fish demon’s face flushing so emotionally, naturally he knew she wasn’t only
protecting his pure reputation – if she knew how to protect his pure reputation, then why did
she speak so vaguely and cause fairy Hong Qiao to misunderstand that day?

It naturally called to mind that if someone as bright and incomparable as High God, were to
really have had some sort of father and daughter relationship, then the thoughts she kept for
him would be all the more too embarrassing to mention. Nevertheless it may be assumed that
this small fish demon still had a bit of vision.

Xiao Bai said, “It really is somewhat inappropriate.”

He looked at A Lian in front of him and then said, “Since you are Xiao Zao’s friend, naturally
I want to think of a way to help you.”

A Lian gratefully said, “Thank you, High God Xiao Bai.”

Continuing, Xiao Bai said, “I heard that you and Yuan Jiang’s relationship is pretty good?”

A Lian did not know why Xiao Bai had suddenly mentioned Yuan Jiang. She then honestly
said, “Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang is very considerate towards me.”

Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang was the head chef of the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s cafeteria, and
was very infatuated with A Lian and had tried to woo A Lian numerous times.

In the end she did not understand at all, and with presently glowing cheeks, turned towards
Xiao Bai and said, “How did High God Xiao Bai know?”

Xiao Bai did not reply, but said, “Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang’s infatuation towards you; just
now when you were on the competition stage, from the beginning, he watched from the side.
He immediately came to look me after seeing you lose to beseech me to think of a way. He
even said – as long as you could continue to stay at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, he was
willing to do anything.”

Rong Lin’s brows pinched and he said, “It’s merely a carp, that’s all.”

Xiao Bai looked at him, then said, “Even though Yuan Jiang is a carp, he grew up in the Jade
Floor heavenly lake however, and has a genuine heavenly household register. His temper is
meek, and is without much addictions. Because Miss A Lian is a freshwater fish, it may be
assumed that there is quite a lot of common language. This is the reason why Yuan Jian
looked for me. Miss A Lian wishes to stay in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, and you both have
a pretty good relationship, so it would be better to go to the Bureau of Fate and receive a
marriage contract…when the time comes Miss A Lian would properly and honorably be on
Jing’s heavenly household register, and this will easily solve everything.”

Speaking to A Lian again he said, “Yuan Jing’s reputation in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion is
pretty good;.he is honest and guileless. It may be assumed that it is unlikely Miss A Lian will
be treated unfairly, so wait until your schooling is complete and then you two can take a trip
to the Bureau of Fate and take a divorce book.”

Xiao Bai was cherished as a highly respected character, and spoke very few words. But he
had no choice but to speak and put forward this suggestion, which was indeed appropriate.

A Lian tightly clasped both hands, and secretly sent a measuring glance at Rong Lin. His face
was calm and collected and he did not speak. She also understood that presently, apart from
this way, there was no other method.

A Lian thought, then in a small voice said, “Then, then I will have to trouble High God Xiao

Xiao Bai wore an amiable expression. If it were not for Xiao Zao beseeching him, how could
he possibly look after this troublesome matter? He then said, “In that case, I will call Yuan
Jing to come over at once; Rong Lin and I can be the witnesses. That way, Yuan Jiang will
never dare to bully you someday.”

A Lian was moved to tears.

“Thank you High God Xiao Bai.”


Immortal Lord Yuan Jing really was deeply attached to A Lian. Seeing his sweetheart fight as
though her life depended on it that day, precisely because she wanted to keep staying at the
Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, naturally he wanted to do anything to help her. Now hearing High
God Xiao Bai was calling on him, he hastily rushed over, and waited to hear High God Xiao
Bai’s meaning. Immortal Lord Yuan Jing’s face was somewhat burning hot, and with a gaze
full of tender feelings he looked at A Lian beside the two High Gods, then pledging said, “To
both High Gods, I, Yuan Jing, will treat Miss A Lian well in the future, and will do
everything for Miss A Lian.”

Immortal Lord Yuan Jing’s appreciation was already very clear.

A Lian and Immortal Lord Yuan Jing looked for a quiet place, for both people to talk over the
marriage together. A Lian gazed at Immortal Lord Yuan Jing’s refined and honest face, and
realistically explained her own purpose.

Immortal Lord Yuan Jing then said, “I know. To be able to quickly help Miss A Lian is
exactly what I was looking for. You can be at ease, and just like our marriage contract, I will
also treat you with mutual respect between husband and wife. If you don’t want to make it
public, then we can just keep this a secret. These next few years you only have to worry about
properly cultivating into a Ninth Heavenly Pavilion immortal. He will wait until the day
school is completed, and if Miss A Lian still want to part with me, I will still be okay with

This couldn’t be said any better.

A Lian then said, “En, thank you, Immortal Lord.”

Immortal Lord Yuan Jing was simple and honest and smiling, said, “You can call me Yuan
Jing, you need not be courteous like this.”

Speaking again he said, “In that case, shall we will take a trip to the Bureau of Fate

‘Entering school is an imminent affair’, she thought before saying, “…Okay.”

Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang chatted very happily, then A Lian watched him leave and went to
Xiao Bai with a smile on her cheeks. However she saw that High God Xiao Bai was the only
remaining person, and High God Rong Lin’s whereabouts were unknown.

With one look Xiao Bai understood and said, “Rong Lin already went back.”
“…Oh.” A Lian nodded disappointedly, and then High God Xiao Bai left.


When Tian Luo saw A Lian return, she immediately bounced over and said, “Let me have a
look; is your leg okay?”

A Lian calmly smiled and lifted her skirt to show two perfectly straight, slim and snow white
legs before saying, “It’s okay.”

Astonished, Tian Luo said, “How is that possible… just now I definitely smelled the fish

A Lian secretly told Tian Luo, that it had been High God who cured her. Tian Luo relaxed in
one breath and said, “It’s good that it’s fine.”

Yi Gui and Yi Zhang walked over. Today, the two sea clan woman had smoothly passed the
new disciples’ competition. Yi Zhang was like Tian Luo, and was able to meet the
qualifications. Yi Gui had good luck and had selected a weaker team, which was enough to
achieve ‘Grade As’ in both the writing exam and the martial arts exam.

Today A Lian’s performance on stage was also seen by the two sea clan women. Previously
she’d had one hundred and one ways to run on a bank, but today A Lian’s performance was
seen in front of all the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion people, so packing up and leaving was an
obvious thing.

In a good mood, Yi Zhang comforted her saying, “Not just anyone is able to stay at the Ninth
Heavenly Pavilion, bighead carp ah, you had better return a bit earlier to your small place.
Take advantage of your youth and marry into a good household; don’t have these daydreams

Tian Luo inhaled through her nose, then said, “A Lian, I hate to part with you…so how about
I think of a way again. It might be possible to use money to completely settle all the

Tian Luo’s heart was also very clear. This time was not the same as the previous competition,
fair and above board, and to prevent new disciples from slyly obtaining relations to enter
through the backdoor, a lot of silver could not buy an individual’s place.

A Lian thought, but nevertheless did not want to tell Tian Luo about Immortal Lord Yuan
Jing’s matter, and that waiting until tomorrow’s matter was done then telling Tian Luo was
better. Or else if something unexpected happened, it would not be good if Tian Luo was
emptied of joy.

She then said, “During these two days I will think of a way.”

Tian Luo nodded with an “en”.

The moon above the tip of the willow branch fully brightened the pond.
Rong Lin stood at the side of the Blue Wave Pond, his godly appearance incomparable.

He was waiting for the small fish demon to arrive.

After a moment he saw the small fish demon run over. Intimately pulling his arm, she
crooked her head, and said, “Did High God wait for a long time? It’s not my fault.”

The corner of Rong Lin’s mouth tilted upwards and he lifted his hand to pinch her face,
smiled at her painful “aiyo”, and immediately a misty layer of water spread over her large
glossy eyes. That was a good mood.

Rong Lin studied her before saying, “The moonlight is very beautiful tonight, should we
compete in swimming together?”

He waited for the small fish demon to happily agree from the bottom of her heart. However,
after a moment a man appeared from behind the small fish. It was the Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion’s Immortal Lord, Yuan Jing.

Immortal Lord Yuan Jing held the small fish demon in his embrace, and the two people
looked at each other, full of tender feelings. Then the small fish demon raised her head and
spoke to him. “High God Rong Lin, I cannot keep you company and swim together with you
anymore… I am already a married fish.”

Immortal Lord Yuan Jing smiled even more and stepped forward. Then offering with both
hands said, “High God, inside this is the wedding sweet from my wife and I.”

The small fish demon also smiled and said, “This wedding sweet is very sweet and delicious,
please eat a lot of it, High God.”

Rong Lin’s anger raised for no reason, and he reached out and grabbed Yuan Jing’s collar.
After a moment, a glossy pink adorable little girl resembling about seven eighths of the small
fish demon stepped forward, dragging his arm and noisily said, “Uncle, you let go of my

Afterwards, the little girl, turned into two people, then three…then seven, then eight…

Rong Lin awoke dripping with sweat.

He walked towards the window in front of him, and seeing the phoenix carving on the shelf,
lifted his head to look at the moonlight outside.

Recalling the scenario in the dream, Rong Lin inhaled deeply.

The next day A Lian woke up very early.

Opening the window wide, an emerald green plumed bird flew in. The bird chirped
continuously, then finally placed a paper in its claw in her hand. Then with a flap of its
wings, it flew away.
A Lian’s brows pinched, and she slowly unfolded the paper in her hand, murmuring as she
read aloud, “At 1:00 pm, come to the Blue Wave pond…”

“What are you looking at?” Tian Luo moved closer to take a look and then said, “Why didn’t
you write anything on it?”

A Lian paused. This response had come just now. Generally speaking, it was written to her
by High God. High God wanted her only to see, and that was the reason why Tian Luo could
not see the handwriting on top.

At exactly 1:00 pm, A Lian finally arrived at the Blue Wave pond, and in the distance saw the
back of High God Rong Lin’s tall, lofty figure.

She hurriedly walked forward.

Then glancing at him, she saw that today High God was dressed even more formal than
yesterday. The garments made his appearance increasingly more and more eminent and
bright. He looked matchless and incomparable.

For a moment A Lian was somewhat dazzled, then she greeted him, “High God.”

High God lightly answered with an ‘en ‘before indifferently asking, “Brought the household
register book?”

Chapter 20: Conjugal Union

“…Brought it.”

A Lian pointed her finger to the jade gourd fastened to her hips, then said, “It’s already
packed inside. What matter did High God call me for? Is it possible to speak quickly?
Immortal Lord Yuan Jing made an appointment to go to the Bureau of Fate to receive the
marriage contract. After seeing High God, I must rush over.”

Rong Lin reached out and pulled the jade calabash from her waist, then took out the
household register inside. Stuffing the jade calabash back into her embrace, with an annoyed
expression said, “There is me; you still want to do something with Yuan Jing? He’s only a
carp. If not for being born in the Heavenly Lake, perhaps now he would already have been
made into someone’s fish soup. What good prospects do you have in following him; not
having to worry about clothes and food and life? Or endless pieces of gold and silver
jewelry? In that case, his monthly salary is still not enough to buy you a complete skirt made
from raw shark silk.”

Even though High God’s words were sensible, nevertheless A Lian quietly retorted,
“Immortal Lord Yuan Jing is very good to other people.”
Rong Lin became even angrier, and resentfully said, “Is being a good person the same as
eating food? You are still young. Your brain is completely full of passion, love and affection;
when the moment comes to really live one’s life, there is no time for regret.”

A Lian suddenly responded, and looked up at him. “Then High God’s wish is…”

Rong Lin’s eyes flickered open, and he gazed at the calm surface of the pond.

“I will not be getting married in approximately the near future. You and I were brought
together by fate. In that case, I will help you again once more.”

Even though A Lian was astonished, she was able to recall Immortal Lord Yuan Jing from
the day before and did not feel good. “But I promised Immortal Lord Yuan Jing,” she said.

Knowing that her heart was not happy at the moment, and that he had already spoke to this
extent, she still played back and forth with him.

Rong Lin thought, then angrily looking at her, said, “My official salary is high, I am good
looking, and have a house and a mount. Half of the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s real estate is
mine; how can that Yuan Jing compare to me even a little bit?”

He continued, “…You say it yourself; between Yuan Jing and I, will you choose me or
choose him?!”

Walking high above the clouds, A Lian turned to look at the man beside her and said, “High
God, how about I first go to Immortal Lord Yuan Jing and explain? We are going to the
Bureau of Fate now, and Immortal Lord Yuan Jing is still in my Ninth Heavenly Pavilion

Rong Lin had unexpectedly mentioned Yuan Jing, and now contrary to expectations, his
mood was pretty good. He patiently said, “This time you can be at ease. I already sent
someone to the school to notify him.”

A Lian said praisingly, “High God really is attentive.”

The corner of Rong Lin’s mouth tilted upwards, but he didn’t speak.

Afterwards they quickly arrived at the Bureau of Fate.

The Bureau of Fate was in charge of heaven’s marriages. However, upon their entrance, it
was desolate. A Lian followed closely behind Rong Lin, then said, “Why are there so few
people here? Even the Secluded Department is a bit lively.”

Contrary to expectations, Rong Lin was actually slightly aware of this. The majority of
heaven’s male and female relationships were short lasting love affairs, in which they had sex
once and then parted ways, without interference. Immortals liked to be unfettered; why would
they be willing to fetter themselves with a marriage contract, and shoulder the responsibility
of a married couple? In Rong Lin’s thirty thousand years of life in heaven, he nevertheless
disapproved slightly of this viewpoint. It was probably because he was very talented, that he
did not need to use pair studies to boost the capacity of his cultivation, and he was also
upright and kind hearted, not liking to take small advantages of people.

Immortal Lord Si Yuan had just began to doze off, but seeing that High God Rong Lin had
honored them with his presence, he rubbed his eyes, somewhat rather unconvinced. Still
thinking it was a dream, but looking carefully, he saw that it really was undoubtedly High
God’s appearance. Immediately getting up, he bent and cupped his hands in greeting, then
saluting him, said, “High God Rong Lin, we are honored by your presence. Excuse this small
immortal for not going outside to greet you; may High God forgive me.”

He then asked, “As I am unaware as to why High God suddenly descended to the Bureau of
Fate, how can I help?”

Rong Lin’s character had always been good, and so he would not put on airs. He then waved
his hand, saying, “Immortal Lord does not have to be over-courteous. I came to this place
today, not for the purpose of public affairs…”

He then held out the two household register books in the palm of hand, and then took out
ninety-two silver and pressed it on top of the household register books.

“Thank you for your trouble, Immortal Lord, in assessing this written marriage contract,” he

Immortal Lord Si Yuan had a naturally affable appearance, with grey hair and a long beard.
His position in heaven was not high, but his experience was considerably deep. In regards to
age, he was actually still High God Rong Lin’s senior by a little.

All throughout his life he had seen countless gales billow; common matters simply could not
incite even small ripples in his mind.

But now—

Immortal Lord Si Yuan’s eyes widened, and astonished, he said, “High God… wants to get

Rong Lin coughed lightly, then curving his lips and smiling, said, “Yes. I’m not very young,
it’s time to settle down.”

Immortal Lord Si Yuan was actually glad to see it happen. From the time he’d originally met
High God he had absolutely admired him and his unusual esteem for others’ interests. He
glanced at the small young woman beside High God. It looked really symbolic; then turning
towards A Lian he said, “It looks as if High God avoids immorality. A man who lives his life
low-key is already very rare. Young Miss indeed has very good fortune.”

A Lian bashfully said, “Thank you.”

Rong Lin raised his hand and rubbed her head, then said to Immortal Lord Si Yuan, “She has
little courage, and is afraid of strangers.”
Immortal Lord Si Yuan nodded, showing that he understood. Looking the small young
woman up and down, and seeing her original form for a moment, he was actually slightly
sluggish, however he soon reacted, and smiling, said, “The height difference is quite

Since it was a personal matter, after Immortal Lord Si Yuan politely greeted High God, he
then proceeded with official business. He picked up the two people’s household register
books, then seeing the small young woman’s birthday, mentally said, ‘This age difference is
even more adorable…’

However, Immortal Lord Si Yuan was used to seeing all kinds of newlywed husband and
wife age differences; it was very common in heaven, and also was nothing serious.

A Lian wrote in the information. Her characters were graceful and proper, and her face was
just as good looking. Suddenly thinking of something, she turned to look at High God, who
was holding the pen beside her, and seeing him somewhat lost in thought, then called, “High

“…En?” Rong Lin answered, inclining his head to meet the small fish demon’s eyes. His
heart suddenly sped up a bit, and he said, “Then write this dedicatedly, and really earnestly
finish filling out the form.”

The two people finished filling in the information, and had their thumbs stained with red
paste. Then they pressed their fingerprints on top of the marriage contract.

Afterwards Immortal Lord Si Yuan led the two people to the Marriage Pavilion.

Inside the Marriage Pavilion was a large spherical mirror. Precisely, it was heaven’s Marriage

Rong Lin led A Lian to stand in front of the Marriage Mirror. Inside was the quiet clear
reflection of two people’s figures, and even their hair was completely clear.

Immortal Lord Si Yuan said, “Getting married is a happy matter; two newlyweds smile, and
this Marriage Mirror will record everything.

Having heard what was said, Rong Lin quirked his lips.

The gold light of the Marriage Mirror flashed, then the two people’s appearances were

Rong Lin indicated to the still scene displayed in the Marriage Mirror. The small fish
demon’s smile was also sweet, and he was even more extraordinarily handsome. Standing
together was indeed heartwarming and pleasing to the eye, and contrary to expectations, he
was somewhat satisfied.

Coming out from the Marriage Pavilion, Rong Lin and A Lian closely followed behind
Immortal Lord Si Yuan to the rear courtyard of the Bureau of Fate.
Inside the courtyard there was a tree with many luxuriant leaves The large tree covered the
sky and the moon, and hanging on top were countless red fruits, suffused with golden light.
However, the dimension of each of the tree’s fruits was completely wrapped around by red
silk thread.

Surrounding the large tree were tall, newly sprouted saplings. Some were already seven to
eight feet high, while some were still just germinating; large and small, unevenly matched.

Explaining, Immortal Lord Si Yuan said, “This is the Conjugal Union Tree.”

The Conjugal Union Tree was also known as the Yearning Tree, or the Married Couple Tree.
The top of the tree was full of Conjugal Union fruits. After coming to the Bureau of Fate to
receive a newlyweds’ marriage contract and completing looking at the reflection in the
Marriage Mirror, the married couples came to this place next to receive a Conjugal Union
fruit. They wrote their names on the top of it and planted it here, to take root and germinate.
If the feelings between the two people were deeply sincere, the Conjugal Union Tree below
would grow healthy and strong, opening branches and scattering leaves; naturally, when the
fate ends, the Conjugal Union Tree would also wither.

Immortal Lord Si Yuan saw the two people choosing a good Conjugal Union fruit; then not
disturbing them, let them plant it together.

Rong Lin easily copied his name, then handed over the Conjugal Union fruit to A Lian.

A Lian held it and wrote her name on top, then seeing the their names side by side, crooked
her head, then turned towards High God, who digging a hole with a hoe, and said, “High
God, if someday we want to part, what would be done about this Conjugal Union Tree?”

His snow-white gown splashed from head to toe with mud, Rong Lin frowned and said,
“When that time comes we would receive a divorce book, then take a hoe and remove the tree
by its roots.”

“But this pitiful good Conjugal Union Tree will die…” A Lian said.

Rong Lin lightly humphed, and no longer spoke to her, but continued to dig the earth. This
small fish demon had unexpectedly hinted that she wanted to part with him, how couldn’t he
see it? It was actually satisfying to think about.

Finished planting the Conjugal Union Tree, Rong Lin was resting to the side. A Lian
cautiously and solemnly watered it.

Then afterwards they received the marriage contract from Immortal Lord Si Yuan.

Rong Lin glanced at the marriage contract, and cautiously receiving it, tucked it into his wide
sleeve, then turned towards A Lian and said, “This marriage contract will be with me for
safekeeping. Do you have any complaints?”

If parting in the future, they would have a need for this marriage certificate. If he gave it to
the small fish demon and then she didn’t want to be with him, it would not be good for her to
have the marriage contract.
A Lian nodded, then calmly said, “En, putting it at High God’s side is good.”

After coming out of the Bureau of Fate, Rong Lin saw clouds and mist winding around the
surroundings. He then reached out and pinched the marriage contract in his sleeve, still
feeling somewhat mystified.

He glanced at the small fish demon. It was hard to believe that he had just received a
marriage contract with her like that.

Rong Lin drew in a deep breath, then took A Lian to the Secluded Department to change
household registers.

However, afterwards he did not immediately carry her back.

Puzzled A Lian asked, “High God, where are we going now… ah?”

Rong Lin did not even think about it. “Going to look for Yuan Jiang.”

“What is High God looking for Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang to do?”

Rong Lin thought, a smile aroused on his lips and then he said, “Naturally, proper behavior is
based on reciprocity – to invite him to eat the wedding sweets.”

Chapter 21: Pegasus

However, A Lian felt this was kind of inappropriate.

Even though she did not have any other relationship with Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang, when
all was said and done, today he had agreed to go together with her to the Bureau of Fate to
receive a marriage contract. Just now, she’d had to choose between High God and Yuan Jiang
and she had chosen the former. Already not very sincere, how could she easily intentionally
ask him again to eat wedding sweets like this? Thinking like that, A Lian at once explained,
“High God, in order to help me just now, we received a marriage contract. In order to prevent
it from someday becoming troublesome, we had better not tell Immortal Lord Yuan Jiang as

Rong Lin was so angry he became muddleheaded. But as he listened to the small fish
demon’s words, he realized that they were indeed sensible. He originally did not want to
make their relationship public and this marriage certificate was also to let her enter the Ninth
Heavenly Pavilion smoothly… Due to her reminder, Rong Lin immediately responded.

However, there was actually an indescribably unwell feeling in his heart.

He did not want this conversation to become public, for it to be said that he was the first one
to open his mouth. However, she was only a very small silver carp; was it possible that she
still dared to ignore him?

Thinking of the small fish demon’s infatuation towards him, Rong Lin knew she naturally
would not ignore him. When loving a person very deeply, in that case, it was possible to
unconsciously want to put one’s stance very very low, as low as dust. She was afraid she
didn’t deserve him.

Rong Lin also no longer mentioned Yuan Jiang, and led her to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai was a person on an indifferent cloud, his manner unstressed in everything; but
hearing this matter, he was actually somewhat astonished. “This action was unexpectedly
quick,” he said.

Rong Lin brought out the new household register book he’d just gotten from the Secluded
Department in front of him, then said, “Is it alright now?”

Now the small fish demon was indeed on that god’s impressive family ancestral register.

Xiao Bai looked indifferently, then said, “Naturally, it is pretty good.”

Then again said, “I also happen to have a matter to talk over with you. This Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion is my Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. For approximately several years you also did not
come over to teach at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. Now, selecting the best has ended, and
the new disciples are successively entering school, they very much need a master…”

How did Rong Lin not hear Xiao Bai’s meaning come out? If it was before the change, he
would not have been very restricted. To give lessons in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion…..

“Allow me to think this over for a few days,” he said.

Xiao Bai then said, “You can.”

Then speaking with a smile said, “Happy newlywed.”

Rong Lin frowned as he looked at him, then lead A Lian out.

The colour of the sky indicated that it was already late. A Lian realized that he was going
along with her to his residence, and asked, “High God? Where are you taking me? Tian Luo
is still waiting to have dinner with me.”

Rong Lin looked slightly askance at her, then said, “What? Just received the marriage
contract, and you already want to separate from me?”

His voice had just fell, when he was met with the small fish demon’s slightly astonished
expression. Rong Lin, afraid she had imagined her love was reciprocated, then coughed
lightly, and explaining said, “You left for approximately two days; the other day I understood
your diligence, but now things are settled. You should probably consider the money you owe
me as repaid. You need not go to the sort of place like Bright Moon House, starting from
today; when you have the time come to the Free and Unfettered Hall to sweep and clean,
wash clothes, scrub the floor and so on…”

Rong Lin had already thought about this issue very thoroughly.

He had originally introduced her to the job at Bright Moon House, only to let her go there to
serve dishes and so on to worldly businessmen, who were all like Meng Ji, seeking nothing
but profit unscrupulously. Her life in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion was not done. Previously
meeting with Meng Ji like that, he feared that she would be eaten without even bones left.

A Lian actually had not dared to forget the debt. Repaying money owed was heaven’s law
and earth’s principle; she could, because of High God’s benevolent heart, take advantage and
act as though nothing had happened.

A Lian nodded, “That’s good, I am an expert at cleaning, and will certainly guarantee High
God’s satisfaction.”

She was happy in her heart, and smiled brilliantly, but not taking care, sprained her ankle and
almost fell through the clouds. Luckily she reacted quickly, and quickly grabbed High God’s
belt with both hands.

Rong Lin frowned, and seeing her holding his belt, said, “Even though we received the
marriage contract, nevertheless we are not genuinely husband and wife. You must not grope,
or else don’t blame me for becoming hostile.”

A Lian urgently released both hands. “I’ve offended High God.”

Rong Lin again said, “You have entered the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. However, that’s only
the first step, and to be able to smoothly finish school, it depends on your fortune. You – look
at you – in three hundred years of cultivation, have not even learned to ride the clouds, would
saying it not make people laugh? If you learned to ride the clouds, there would be no need for
you to exhaustingly swim the entire journey from Dongze Lake to the Ninth Heavenly
Pavilion, and also swim for one month.”

A Lian said, “What High God said is…” Recalling the whole journey, it remained fresh in A
Lian’s memories. She continued, “Nevertheless it was my first time going far away, I thought
it was a fresh experience at first, but then I couldn’t swim anymore. If not for big brother Bai
Xun carrying me on his back throughout the journey, I would not have been able to swim for
a month.”

Rong Lin’s eyes widened. “You rode that swordfish?!” he exclaimed.

That swordfish referred to Bai Xun. Just like the silver carp, he was also commonly referred
to as the bighead carp.

Rong Lin severely said, “The matter before I will disregard for the time being, but someday
you must pay a little attention to your behavior, you must be aware that you’re a married
He then looked into the distance, and seemed to ponder over something, then after that
breathed out a long breath, and continuing said, “I have ten pegasi; later you can choose one.
Learn to ride the clouds before, then after it will be easy to get around by pegasus.”

A Lian gratefully said, “Many thanks, High God.”


The Free and Unfettered Hall was located in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion. Now in the dense
twilight, the remaining multicolored light of the sunset made the Free and Unfettered Hall
increasingly more quietly luxurious.

A Lian was shocked at the gorgeous extravaganza before her eyes as they stepped into the
Free and Unfettered Hall. Exclaiming in admiration she said, “Is this High God’s house? It’s
really big…”

High God also had vanity. He had originally paid no mind to this, but now seeing the small
fish demon’s shocked gasp, actually quite enjoyed reaping the benefits. He crossed both arms
and said, “It’s just ordinary. I admire simplicity, and do not like it too magnificent.”

A Lian nodded. High God’s taste was really not bad.


“It’s so big here; High God lives by himself. Is it not very lonely?” A Lian said.

There she went again. Rong Lin glanced at her and then said, “I am very used to it.”

Saying this, he walked forward. The small fish demon’s implication, How could he not know
it? The Free and Unfettered Hall was very big; and he lived alone in solitude. Then, did she
think she could move over and live with him?

The corner of Rong Lin’s mouth suddenly pulled, then replying to the person behind him, he
said, “There is no need to come and clean everyday, coming back every other half a month to
clean is enough.”

It was very late, so Rong Lin decided to let her rest first, and pointing a finger to the guest
room said, “Tonight you can rest here. Tomorrow morning, get up and select a pegasus.”

A Lian turned to look inside the room. The Free and Unfettered Hall’s guest room was rather
small, but in comparison to the room in the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion that four people shared,
this was much larger. A Lian looked around, and liked it very much, then turned to ask High
God, “Where does High God sleep?”

Rong Lin looked at her warningly, thinking, then he said vaguely, “Just next door. If there’s
nothing, do not come and look for me.”

Staying in High God’s home was already an extreme disturbance. Aware, A Lian said,
“Okay. High God, rest a bit earlier.”
In Rong Lin’s own bedroom, he stood near the window with his hands crossed behind his
back; and his mood was slightly complicated. He took out the marriage certificate he had just
tucked inside his sleeve, slowly unfolding it to take a look, and seeing the two names side by
side, felt it was all somewhat delicate.

Adjusting his mood, Rong Lin then prepared to rest.

He had not slept well in the latter half of the night before, and had woken and struggled with
his thoughts, but now the matter was settled, he was actually somewhat weary.

Rong Lin took off his robe and prepared to untie his belt, when he suddenly thought of the
moment in the clouds just now; the scene of that small fish demon’s pure face while tugging
at his belt.

Rong Lin thought, not yet untying his belt. But not only did he put on the robe he’d taken off
once more, he also laid down with his clothes on.

After lying on the couch for a short while, Rong Lin got up once again, and walking over to
the door, lifted his hand to inspect the lock, ensuring that anyone outside was unable to push
it open. He then laid down on the couch once more.


Early the next morning, Rong Lin led A Lian to the stable to choose a pegasus.

The pegasus was the mount of the people in heaven, but only high working immortals were
qualified to have pegasi to get around on. Inside the Free and Unfettered Hall’s stable, there
were ten silky-haired, lively and enthusiastic pegasi of noble lineage.

The pegasi’ appearance was more or less the same as a normal horse, however, the height
was a lot taller; more than three times taller than a mortal horse. Waiting inside the stable,
aside from some being a little taller, one could not tell the difference. But when the pegasus
galloped high in the clouds, the pegasus grew wings, its feet produced magic clouds, and
even its whole body emitted a multicolored radiance.

A Lian was already conscious of how much she owed High God. Until she owed him nothing
she would not ask for his pegasus again. Thinking of how she would be coming over to the
Free and Unfettered Hall often in the future, she realized that if she didn’t have the pegasus,
she would be unable to fly this far.

Rong Lin was generous, and pointing towards the stable, asked her to choose one at will.

A Lian carefully looked, and chose the cornermost one, a short, small white horse.

Rong Lin looked at the small snow-white horse, and bent his head to look at his own snow-
white clothes, his expression complex as he looked at her.

Since he’d asked her to choose it herself, she chose a good one. Rong Lin naturally did not
have any complaints. However A Lian was tiny. The small white horse was considered to be
pretty small amongst the other pegasi, but when she stood beside it, that small white horse
still appeared especially tall.

A Lian raised her hand and lightly stroked the small white horse’s head. The small white
horse actually had a docile temperament, and let A Lian gently caress it.

A freshwater fish that stayed in the lake all year round naturally did not have much
knowledge and experience. A Lian was seeing a horse for the first time, and naturally loved it
too much to part with it.

Rong Lin saw her engrossed in talking to the horse, and unexpectedly found himself being
given the cold shoulder. He then said, “Can you ride this pegasus?”

A Lian crooked her head, then smiling as she met High God’s eyes, said, “I have never

The answer came as no surprise. Rong Lin also did not expose her tricks, and following along
with her meaning said, “Then I will teach you.”

A Lian politely said, “That is just inconveniencing High God.”

Rong Lin carried her in his arms, then climbed onto the horse’s back. He sat behind her and
naturally embraced her from behind, then held the reins tightly and said, “Riding a pegasus is
not difficult. As long as you press on the stirrup, and hold the reins tightly, that
enough. All living things have spirits; a mount is like this. As long as you trust it, then it will
not want to throw you down. Compared to the human horse, this pegasus is indeed much
easier to ride. The pegasus is psychic; even if you do not know where to go, as long as you
tell it, then it can carry you there.”

A Lian turned her head and said, “So as long as I say to it that I want to see High God, it can
carry me to you?”

Rong Lin stared calmly into her clear eyes, his face expressionless as he made an affirmative

A Lian took the reins High God gave her, firmly grasping them in her hand. The horse’s
hooves raised high, and it let out a whinny, then with a pouf, brandished a pair of large snow-
white wings, and in a flash took off over the Free and Unfettered Hall and straight into the

The sound of the wind rushing by echoed in their ears, and blew in a disorderly manner
through their hair, messily interweaving them together, until it was unclear which was which.

That early in the morning, the sun gradually rose in the eastern horizon, appearing as a fiery

The two people above riding the pegasus gazed at the rising sun opposite them.
A Lian squinted, then happily said, “The sunrise is very beautiful. Seeing the sunrise
underwater is different from what I see in the sky now.”

Rong Lin and the soft delicate body in front of him were tightly stuck together, as they
galloped the entire way. It was hard to avoid feeling somewhat uncomfortable. He heard the
small fish demon casually saying a few words. Then he moved, shifting back a little, wanting
to keep his distance from her.

However, the horse unexpectedly surged forward, and he was moved forward again, once
more sticking to her.

“High God?” A Lian said.

Hearing her suddenly call him, High God, who was usually able to remain calm in the face of
unsettling events, for the first time became somewhat nervous.

“What, What’s wrong?” he stammered.

A Lian indifferently said, “Oh, nothing.”

Rong Lin relaxed in one breath.

But then he heard that small fish demon continue to speak.

“High God, your large dragon is pressing against me.”

Chapter 22: Fire and Water

Early the next morning, A Lian got up from the guest room and after neatly folding the
bedclothes, ran outside of High God’s bedroom, and lifted her hand to knock a few times on
the door.

“High God, are you still asleep?” she asked.

Since riding the pegasus yesterday, after seeing the sunrise, High God had been unwilling to
acknowledge her. He did not even have dinner or lunch with her, but stayed alone inside his
bedroom. High God had a godly human body; if he did not eat meals, it was nothing
important, and he liked peace and quiet. A Lian was tactful and did not go and disturb him.

She stopped in the doorway for a while, then said, “On the two days High God did not dine, I
got up early and made mung bean cakes for you. I will just leave it outside, and you can eat
as many as you want. Also, I washed all of your dirty clothes; they are just drying in the
courtyard. If it rains, please remember to take them in. Oh, I also swept the courtyard, and fed
the pegasi inside the stable…”

She spoke incessantly, but seeing the person inside had still not said a word, then said,
“Then… then I will return to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion first.”
Carrying a small book bag on her back, she turned her head to look at the outside of the
locked door, then headed over to the stables.

The small white horse was not worried about life; yesterday, she had ridden in the sky and
seeing her today, looked up upon hearing her call.

A Lian smiled, stepping forward to stroke him. The small white horse was very considerate
and lowered his head, rubbing A Lian’s cheek.

A Lian lifted her leg and stepped onto the stirrup, then sat above the horse’s back, and
blowing the whistle around her neck, she energetically said, “Let’s go!”

The pegasus gracefully transformed, happily taking off with a whinny. Then it bounded up,
flapping its wings and soaring. The person on the horse gradually faded away in the sky
above the Free and Unfettered Hall.

High God’s room door slowly opened.

High God’s manner was pure and honest and as noble as an incomparably elegant moon. He
stooped to pick up the plate of mung bean cakes outside, then after that walked over to look
at the back of the small fish demon riding the horse, and frowned.

Thinking of the scene from the day before, High God’s ears became burning hot.

Where was what silver carp? Clearly that was a black (dirty) fish!

Returning to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion, Tian Luo listened to A Lian’s news about being
able to stay to attend the immortal cultivation class. Incessantly excited, she said, “Really?
Very good, we can be together again.”

Yi Zhang had thought that this bighead carp definitely could not stay. Now hearing this news,
naturally she did not feel comfortable in her heart; then lifting her chin slightly, she glanced
at her, and said, “How is that possible? The Ninth Heavenly Pavilion is usually fair and
impartial. That day you failed to beat Huo Zheng, and had no option but to get a Grade C in
the martial arts exam. Presently anyone with eyes can see – how did you walk through which

A Lian had already thought of a way to explain this. She absolutely could not mention High
God and affect his clean reputation. She then said, “It was my older cousin who rushed to
help me, and moved me to a heavenly household register.”

As these words fell, the always indifferent Yi Gui’s expression was not good.

Yi Zhang and Yi Gui were also said to be noble sea clan women, with some celestial
immortals, and could also claim a few higher connected relations to climb. The celestial
household register was strictly controlled nowadays; even they were unable to go through this
method, but this bighead carp from a small cave lake region, could actually achieve this?

Naturally Yi Zhang was resentful, and said a few words.

After they left, Tian Luo then said, “There is no need to pay any attention to her, we should
just get used to it. Oh right, should we celebrate together today?”

A Lian’s heart was also happy, and nodding she said, “Okay.”

Every celebration had a meal, and it was Tian Luo’s treat to the guest. When A Lian would
not comply, Tian Luo’s eyes gleamed with tears as she said, “Are you looking down on my

Afterwards she again said, “A Lian, you usually take care of me so much, I also want to treat
you well, that’s all…”

Tian Luo’s father was a parvenu. From childhood she had been protected very well, and was
naturally simple and kind hearted. Because she was from a pond, she felt very inferior, and
also treasured A Lian’s friendship very much. Every time A Lian did not need her money, her
golden bean burst with despair, and called A Lian, not knowing what to do.

Today A Lian wanted to have a dinner party, after all these past two days, Tian Luo had
worried continuously because of her matter.

Tian Luo muttered a few words to herself. There was nothing more to say, but she was very
considerate and chose the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s cafeteria, and did not go to the
restaurant nearby.

The two people also invited Xiao Zao to go with them to the cafeteria.

While lining up to get food, when it was A Lian’s turn, she carried several types of food that
Tian Luo and Xiao Zao liked, and had prepared to pay, when someone took her food.
Shocked, she said, “Meng, Immortal Meng Ji!”

A Lian did not realize it at first. Originally when Immortal Meng Ji had been Moon House,
his appearance had been imposing, glistening with golden light from head to toe, but now his
appearance was as different as black and white.

Naturally Immortal Meng Ji also recognized A Lian, and amiably said, “Oh, Xiao Lian ah.”

A Lian nodded, then asked, “How is Immortal Meng Ji experiencing life?”

Soon after Immortal Meng Ji became acquainted with A Lian, nevertheless he had become
quite fond of the small young woman, and so truthfully said, “Bright Moon House went
bankrupt, and I did not have a place to go, so I asked my friend for a job here.”

Falling from the clouds overnight was a fear that not everyone could withstand. A Lian saw
Immortal Meng Ji’s brimming smile, and contrary to expectations he was not discouraged,
but had also quickly pulled himself together again like this. It was certainly possible that he
could return to the office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan.

During the time at the Bright Moon House, Immortal Meng Ji had treated her pretty well,
recognizing her for her worth, and although the job was not for long, nevertheless it was
engraved into her heart.
Compared to the rowdy friends he usually interacted with, Immortal Meng Jo was somewhat
touched, and waving a large spoon, gave A Lian two drumsticks. He then winked at her, and
quietly said, “This does not cost any money.”

There were still many people lining up to get food from the cafeteria, however A Lian wasn’t
too shy, and so told him thank you.

Then it was the other disciple’s turn.

That disciple took in everything, and said that Immortal Meng Ji was generous, and couldn’t
help but secretly rejoice. However, he did not anticipate that on his turn, Immortal Meng Ji
would brandish a spoon, and scoop out a single spoonful, then persistently shake out two or
three scoops, then shake out meat exactly in the middle.

That disciple finally could not help but feel distressed and said, “Don’t shake your hand,
Immortal, you have shaken out all my meat.”

Immortal Meng Ji glowered, and immediately grimaced with displeasure, “If you don’t want
to eat, then don’t eat in here.”


The silver carp was a herbivore, and normally ate some aquatic grasses. When eating in the
Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s cafeteria, she only ate vegetable dishes, and so gave the two
chicken drumsticks to Tian Luo and Xiao Zao. Tian Luo and Xiao Zao were accustomed to A
Lian’s care, they also knew her preferences in food, and so actually did not decline.

“…Anyone here?”

Hearing a man’s voice, the three seated people raised their eyes. Standing tall beside the
tables, was a suntanned man. A Lian was the very first to call out, “Big brother Bai Xun.”

Bai Xun shyly smiled, then said, “Can I sit here?”

Originally only the three people sat together. Tian Luo and Xiao Zao sat opposite each other,
while A Lian sat beside Tian Luo, and when Bai Xun asked to sit, naturally it was in front of
A Lian.

A Lian recalled they day of the competition, and when all was said and done was grateful in
her heart. She then hurriedly said, “You can ah.”

Seeing Bai Xun sit, A Lian then said, “The matter on that day, I still haven’t properly thanked
big brother Bai Xun for.”

Bai Xun smiled and said, “It’s nothing.” Then again he said, “I heard that you are able to
keep staying?”

A Lian did not know why Bai Xun’s news was this fast, but she didn’t ask, but nodded and
said, “En.”
Bai Xun also did not ask why, but gazed at her with deep pitch black eyes. Then dropping his
eyes, he softly said, “…That’s good.”

Bai Xun’s body was the largest of the fishes and also the strongest, naturally requiring more
food than the other men, and so he very quickly finished the small hill of food piled in front
of him. Thinking of something, he then glanced at the refined table manners of A Lian who
was sitting across from him, and after a while his cheeks became somewhat slightly burning

Finished with his food, Bai Xun immediately asked, “Bighead carp, we’re going to split up,
what course do you want to take?”

A Lian did not reply, however Tian Luo crooked her head and took the initiative to say, “We
are aquatic types, naturally we would choose the water system. Could it be that big brother
Bai Xun wants to choose something else?”

Ever since coming there Tian Luo had wasted time. When the new disciples had just entered,
they were not divided between departments, metal, wood, water, fire and earth. All five types
of magic were important to study to build a good foundation, and then the department you
were good at was chosen later. For Tian Luo and A Lian, even though their foundations were
not good, nevertheless studying water magic was uncomplicated, yet every time they received
a scolding, precisely because Sir Chong Xu taught fire magic. Now that they were already
official Ninth Heavenly Pavilion disciples, they were finally able to choose their department.
Naturally, Tian Luo urgently wanted to escape from the evil clutches of Sir Chong Xu, and
without the slightest hesitation chose water magic.

“En. I plan to choose the fire department,” Bai Xun said.

As these words fell, even Xiao Zao, who had been silent, was shocked. In order for her to
cultivate magic, she had not dared to rashly choose any other department, but rather had
listened to Xiao Bai, and chose her original wood system. However, Xiao Zao had some
knowledge of the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion’s magic of five elements. Out of these; metal,
wood, water, fire and earth, the fire system was the strongest, which nothing could surpass,
and the water system was the weakest. When cultivating water magic, one only had to be
diligent, but for the fire magic system, apart from having to be diligent, there still needed to
be innate skills. Naturally, this fire system would someday have achievements that the water
system could not hope to reach.

Urging in a low voice Xiao Zao said, “Cultivating fire magic is not easy, you had better think
it over again.”

Bai Xun politely smiled and said, “En, I know, however, I already thought it over very

A Lian was in a daze in front of Bai Xun, and after a moment also did not know what to

And by chance, several new disciples sitting adjacent to them were also talking about the
problem of which other department to choose.
Among these, was the Huo Zheng she had fought. Seeing her, he smiled at her. Looking at
the noble dress of the others, she immediately knew they were heavenly descendants.

“…Us heavenly people naturally want to choose fire magic. Untalented good for nothings
goes to the water department. I already spoke to my Father King, and the younger generation
of our family have all studied fire magic since ancient times; only sissies do water magic.”
The one saying this was Emperor Dong Jida’s grandson.

And again the person said, “Also I heard, High God Rong Lin will be coming to the Ninth
Heavenly Pavilion to teach… to teach the new disciples.”


“My grandfather told me. Naturally, it is absolutely true. High God Rong Lin already hasn’t
taught at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion for a long time; moreover, teaching new disciples can
be considered the first time in a thousand years. High God Rong Lin’s theology is fire magic;
when the time comes it seems as though he will give one or two private pointers. In that case,
we have not come to the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion by a chance.”

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