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European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201–207

Original article

Maternal serum nitric oxide levels associated with biochemical and clinical
parameters in hypertension in pregnancy
a, a b a
Jose L. Bartha *, Rafael Comino-Delgado , Francisco J. Bedoya , Manel Barahona ,
a a
Daniel Lubian , Fatima Garcia-Benasach
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Puerto Real, Puerto Real, Carretera Nacional IV. KM 665.11510 Cadiz, Spain
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Seville, Seville, Spain

Received 13 March 1998; accepted 22 September 1998


Objectives: To measure maternal serum concentrations of total nitrites, as an index of nitric oxide synthesis, in normal and hypertensive
pregnant women, and to examine the correlation between these concentrations and several variables of clinical interest. Study design: A
total of 60 women in four different groups were studied: 10 normotensive pregnant women, 17 pregnant women with preeclampsia, 18
pregnant women with gestational hypertension and 15 pregnant women with chronic hypertension. Serum nitrite levels were determined
using the Griess reaction after reduction with nitrate reductase. Results: Serum nitrite levels were higher in preeclamptic women
(34.11614 mmol / l, P50.04), lower in chronic hypertensive women (19.5666.46 mmol / l, P50.04) and similar in women with
gestational hypertension (26.9769.44 mmol / l) in comparison to the control group (25.3767.24 mmol / l). Serum nitrite levels in
preeclamptic women had significant positive correlations with hematocrit, fasting insulinemia, and apolipoprotein B and negative
correlations with platelet count, serum phosphorus and glucose:insulin ratio. In pregnant women with chronic hypertension a negative
correlation was found between serum nitrite levels and active partial thromboplastin time. In pregnant women with gestational
hypertension, serum nitrite levels had negative correlations with birthweight and 24-h urine calcium, and positive correlations with mean
corspuscular hemoglobin, 24-h urine sodium and maternal age. Conclusions: We suggest that in women with preclampsia, a higher
maternal nitric oxide level may act as a compensatory mechanism against hemoconcentration and platelet aggregation and that nitric oxide
production may be related to some metabolic events. In women with gestational hypertension, higher serum nitrite levels may be related
to clinical and biochemical findings common in preeclampsia. In chronic hypertension, a lower maternal nitric oxide level is related to the
status of coagulation.  1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nitric oxide; Preeclampsia; Hypertension; Pregnancy complications; Lymphocyte subpopulations; Perinatal outcome

1. Introduction vasoconstriction and a disturbance of platelet function and

the hypothetical contribution of NO to the pathophysiology
Nitric oxide (NO) released by endothelial cells is a of this disease, has been widely studied [3–10]. In animal
potent vasodilator which contributes to the maintenance of models, the inhibition of NO synthesis has been demon-
vascular tone and blood pressure regulation while inhib- strated to produce signs similar to those found in pre-
iting platelet aggregation and adhesion to the endothelium eclampsia (i.e. sustained hypertension, proteinuria, throm-
[1,2]. bocytopenia and intrauterine growth retardation) [3,4].
Preeclampsia is associated with endothelial damage, In humans, several authors have reported low maternal
NO levels and the presence of an endogenous inhibitor of
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 134 956 470276; fax: 134 956 830477; NO synthesis in women with preeclampsia [5,6], but other
e-mail: studies found diametrically opposed results. These studies
0301-2115 / 99 / $ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0301-2115( 98 )00234-6
202 J.L. Bartha et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201 – 207

were primarily based on the in vitro evaluation of an Blood pressure, umbilical Doppler ultrasound using S / D
increase in nitrite production and NO synthase activity ratio, gestational age at birth, birthweight, mode of deliv-
after adding the serum of preeclamptic women to cultured ery, Apgar’s score and newborn gender were recorded.
endothelial cells [7]. Furthermore, other authors found that Blood was collected from subjects at room temperature
NO concentrations in fetoplacental circulation are in- into 10-ml silicone-coated Vacutainer blood collecting
creased in preeclampsia [8,9]. Finally, some authors did tubes containing no additives. Blood was allowed to clot at
not find differences in NO levels between normal and room temperature and was centrifuged for 20 min at 2000
preeclamptic pregnant women [10]. g. Aliquots of the serum were then stored at 2808C until
Most of these studies are based on the desire to find a they were required for the assay.
definitive hypothesis to explain the pathophysiology of Serum nitrite levels were determined using the Griess
preeclampsia. However, although it seems a disturbance in reaction. Because NO is spontaneously oxidized into both
maternal NO level is not the primary cause of the disease, nitrite and nitrate, the samples were analyzed after reduc-
the relationships of this molecule to the important clinical tion with nitrate reductase as follows: 200 ml of serum was
aspects of this pathology should be studied. incubated in a final volume of 998 ml containing 0.5 U of
On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that nitrate reductase (50 ml) (Boehringer Mannheim), 5 mmol /
endothelium-dependent relaxation is decreased in the l flavin adenosine dinucleotide (50 ml), 56 mmol / l potas-
setting of essential hypertension [11], but, at present, only sium phosphate, pH 7.5 (400 ml), 50 mmol / l reduced
one study [12] has investigated maternal NO levels in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (8 ml), 290
maternal chronic hypertension. Similarly, NO levels in ml of water for 2 h at 378C. Excess reduced nicotinamide
other kinds of hypertension in pregnancy, like gestational adenine dinucleotide phosphate, which interferes with the
hypertension, have not been well studied. chemical detection of nitrite, was oxidized by continuation
The present study has two objectives: firstly, to evaluate of the incubation for a further 30 min at 378C after
the maternal serum NO level not only in preeclampsia, but addition of 5 mg (1 ml) of lactate dehydrogenase, 0.2
also in gestational hypertension and chronic hypertension mmol / l (120 ml) pyruvate and 79 ml of water. Nitrite was
and secondly, to correlate the maternal serum NO level determined with the Griess reagent by mixing equal
with several clinical, hematological, biochemical and volumes of the reduced samples with the Griess reagent:
immunological variables of clinical interest in these dis- 0.1% a-naphtylamine in water–1% p-aminobenzene sul-
eases. famide in 5% phosphoric acid (1:1, v / v). The samples
were allowed to stand for 15 min in the dark and then read
in a spectrophotometer at an absorbance of 550 nm. A
2. Materials and methods range of sodium nitrite standards was prepared, and a
standard curve was used to convert sample measurements
Sixty women in four different groups were studied: 10 to micromoles per liter of nitrite [9].
normotensive, 17 preeclamptic, 18 gestational hypertensive Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin, hematocrit,
and 15 chronic hypertensive pregnant women. Preeclam- mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin,
psia was defined as the development of blood pressure mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, leukocytes
$140 / 90 mm Hg after 20 weeks’ gestation occurring in and platelet count, and mean platelet volume, were mea-
women with no prior history of hypertension or renal sured by standard automated techniques (Coulter).
disease whose blood pressure returned to normal within 3 In maternal serum, total proteins, urea, creatinine, uric
months post-partum plus the presence of de novo acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
proteinuria .300 mg / day. Women with this kind of SGOT, SGPT, LDH, glucose, insulin, cholesterol, tri-
hypertension who did not have proteinuria were catalogued glyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipopro-
as having gestational hypertension. Women who were tein A, apolipoprotein B and iron were calculated using
hypertensive before 20 weeks’ gestation were considered colorimetric assay with autoanalyzer Hitachi 917. Sodium,
to have chronic hypertension. potassium, calcium and proteins in 24-h urine were
Gestational age at the time of blood sampling did not calculated by the same method.
differ significantly: 34.5662.36 weeks’ gestation in the Transferrin was measured by immunoturbidimetric
normotensive pregnant group, 35.0663.24 in the pree- assay. Albumin was calculated by using the Behring
clamptic group, 36.1162.92 in the gestational hyperten- nephelometer analyzer II. Ferritin was measured by en-
sion group and 29.3364.84 in the chronic hypertension zyme-immunoassay (Boehringer Mannheim) [13].
group. Blood for study of coagulation was collected into tubes
The percentage of nulliparous in each group did not containing sodium citrate. Fibrinogen, activated partial
differ significantly, 50% (5 / 10) in the normotensive group, thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time were
58.82% (10 / 17) in the preeclamptic group, 55.56% (10 / calculated using automated standardized methods.
18) in the gestational hypertensive group and 40% (6 / 15) Peripheral blood lymphocytes were studied in all
in the chronic hypertensive group. women. Venous blood was collected by venipuncture
J.L. Bartha et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201 – 207 203

between 7.00 and 9.00 in the morning in fasting state. correlation with nitrite level in cases of preeclampsia
These cells were labelled using murine monoclonal anti- (r520.52, P50.02) and this trend was maintained in
bodies specific for different cell surface antigens conju- cases of gestational hypertension even though it was of
gated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and phyco- borderline statistical significance (r520.43, P50.07). No
erythrin (RDI) (Cyto-Stat / Coulter Clone T4-RDI / T8- significant correlations were found between lymphocyte
FITC and Cyto-Stat / Coulter Clone CD3 (IgG1)-FITC / B4- subpopulations and nitrite levels in any of the studied
RDI)). Cell count was performed by flow cytometry groups.
(EPICS system). The results were recorded both in per- Coagulation was not related to serum nitrites level
centages and absolute numbers of stained cells. The except in chronic hypertension where a negative correla-
labellin procedures were performed on ice. Total T and B tion was found between nitrites and active partial throm-
lymphocytes and CD4 (recognize helper / inducer T cells), boplastine time (r520.66, P50.03) (Table 2).
CD8 (recognize suppresser / cytotoxic T cells) and CD4 / Overall, positive correlations were found between pa-
CD8 ratio were analyzed [14]. rameters of renal function (urea and creatinine) and
Comparisons between groups were done using the maternal serum nitrite levels (r50.32, P50.03, and r5
unpaired the Student’s t test. The Pearson’s correlation 0.26, P50.04 respectively). Uric acid had one of the
coefficient and linear regression were used to evaluate the highest correlations with maternal serum nitrite levels
relation between maternal NO levels and all of the studied (r50.37, P50.003).
variables. However, when a variable was not normally In gestational hypertension serum nitrite levels had a
distributed, Spearman’s rank correlation was used. Signifi- significant negative correlation with 24-h urine calcium
cant level was set at 95% (P,0.05). (r520.49, P50.03) and a positive one with 24-h urine
sodium (r50.47, P50.03).
Serum phosphorus levels had significant negative corre-
3. Results lations with nitrite levels in preeclampsia (r520.48, P5
0.04). No significant correlations were found between
As shown in Table 1, preeclamptic women had a serum nitrite levels and serum sodium, potassium, calcium
significantly higher maternal serum nitrite concentration or magnesium level. Neither SGOT nor SGPT nor LDH
(34.11614.36 vs. 25.3767.24 mmol / l, P50.04) while had significant correlations with maternal nitrite levels.
women with chronic hypertension had a significantly lower In pregnant women with preeclampsia, serum nitrite
nitrite concentration than the control group (19.5666.46 levels had significant positive correlations with insulinemia
vs. 25.3767.24 mmol / l, P50.04). Women with gestational (r50.59, P50.01) and negative one with glucose:insulin
hypertension had a similar nitrite level to the control group ratio (r520.60, P50.01) (Table 2).
(26.9769.44 mmol / l). There was a significant positive correlation between
Overall, we found significant positive correlations be- apolipoprotein B and serum nitrite levels in the preeclamp-
tween serum nitrite levels and hematocrit (r50.29, P5 tic group (r50.48, P50.04). No correlations were found
0.02) and mean corpuscular volume (r50.26, P50.04). between serum nitrite levels and other lipid parameter.
These correlations were greater in women with preeclam- Overall, gestational age at birth and neonatal birth
psia (r50.48 and r50.44 respectively) (Table 2). In weight were negatively correlated to serum nitrite levels
gestational hypertension, an important negative correlation (r520.31 for both, P50.01). The correlation with birth
was found between serum nitrite levels and mean cor- weight was higher in cases of gestational hypertension
puscular hemoglobin (r50.48, P50.04). In contrast, the (r520.50, P50.03). There was a significant positive
trend in normotensive women was toward a negative correlation between maternal age and serum nitrite levels
correlation, even though this relationship was not signifi- in these cases (r50.53, P50.02).
cant for hematocrit (r520.42) and for mean corpuscular Multiparous chronic hypertensive women had lower
volume (r520.39) while maintaining its significance for nitrite levels than nulliparous ones (Table 3). There were
mean corpuscular hemoglobin (r520.66, P50.03). no differences in maternal serum nitrite levels depending
Lecucocytes were not correlated to nitrites in any of the on mode of delivery and Apgar score (Table 3). Surpris-
studied groups. Platelet count had a significant negative ingly, mothers bearing male fetuses tended to have higher
nitrite levels, even though this difference was of borderline
Table 1 statistical significance (P50.06 in total and P50.05 in
Maternal serum nitrite concentration (mmol / l) in the studied groups preeclampsia) (Table 3).
Group n Mean S.D. P*
Control 10 25.37 7.24
Preeclampsia 17 34.11 14.36 0.04 4. Comment and conclusions
Gestational hypertension 18 26.97 9.44 NS
Chronic hypertension 15 19.56 6.46 0.04 We found a significantly higher maternal NO level in
*Comparison with control group; NS5not significant. women with preeclampsia and a significantly lower one in
204 J.L. Bartha et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201 – 207

Table 2
Significant correlations between hematological, immunological, biochemical and clinical parameters and maternal serum nitrite level
Total (n560) Control (n510) Pre (n518) GH (n518) CH (n515)
r P r P r P r P r P
HTO 0.29 0.02 0.48 0.04
VCM 0.26 0.04
MCH 20.66 0.03 0.48 0.04
Platelets 20.52 0.02
APTT 20.66 0.03
Urea 0.27 0.03
Creatinine 0.26 0.04
Uric acid 0.37 0.003
Na24 0.47 0.04
Ca24 20.49 0.03
P 20.48 0.04
Insulin 0.59 0.01
G/i 20.60 0.01
ApB 0.48 0.04
Age 0.53 0.02
Gest. a.b. 20.31 0.01
Birthweight 20.31 0.01 20.50 0.03
Abbrevitions: Pre, preeclampsia; GH, gestational hypertension; CH, chronic hypertension; HTO, hematocrit; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCH, mean
corpuscular hemoglobin; APTT, active partial thromboplastin time; Na24, Ca24, sodium and calcium in 24-h urine, g / i, glucose / insulin ratio; ApB,
apolipoprotein B; gest.a.b., gestational age at birth.

those with chronic hypertension in comparison to nor- plasma cGMP was higher in women with preeclampsia
motensive pregnant women. compared with normal pregnant women. Together with
In support of our results, Nobunaga et al. [12] found that these studies, our research suggests that preeclampsia is
women with preeclampsia who were at or near term, had not primarily due to a decrease in NO production. Rather,
higher plasma total nitrites than normal pregnant women. there may even be a compensatory increase in NO
Other authors [15,16] have found evidence of endothelial synthesis, which probably works to counteract the vas-
activation associated with an increased NO production. NO oconstriction and the higher platelet aggregation that
modulates both vascular tone and vascular smooth muscle characterise this disease. Admittedly, a chronic activation
reactivity, by activating soluble guanylate cyclase [17]. of endothelial NO synthesis could lead to endothelial
The relaxation response to NO is directly proportional to damage as a secondary consequence.
the concentration of cGMP [18]. In additional support of Only one author [12] studied maternal serum NO level
our results, Schneider et al. [19] found that the level of in women with essential hypertension in pregnancy. As in

Table 3
Clinical parameters and maternal serum nitric oxide level: parity, mode of delivery, Apgar’s score and newborn gender
Parity Mode of delivery
0 .0 Cesarean section Vaginal
n Mean S.D. P n Mean S.D. n Mean S.D. P n Mean S.D.
Total 31 27.9 12.2 NS 29 25.4 11.2 26 26.7 11.3 NS 34 26.4 12.1
Controls 5 25.7 5.7 NS 5 25.0 9.2 5 25.8 7.8 NS 5 24.9 7.4
Pre 10 34.3 17.1 NS 7 32.3 12.7 8 34.6 12.1 NS 9 32.5 18.4
GH 10 24.0 9.4 NS 8 30.6 8.6 7 23.4 10.9 NS 11 29.2 8.0
CH 6 25.5 5.4 0.01 9 15.6 5.9 6 20.9 9.4 NS 9 18.6 6.2
Apgar’s score 59 Newborn gender
#7 $8 Female Male
Total 7 30.3 16.5 NS 53 26.2 11.0 37 23.9 10.2 0.06 23 31.1 12.7
Controls 0 10 5 21.2 4.4 0.06 5 29.5 7.4
Pre 3 41.6 15.5 NS 14 31.7 15.3 9 27.2 14.7 0.05 8 40.6 13.4
GH 2 16 11 28.1 8.4 ns 7 25.1 11.2
CH 2 13 12 18.7 7.4 ns 3 22.8 8.2
Abbreviations: ns, not significant; Pre, preeclamptic women; GH, gestational hypertension; CH, chronic hypertension.
In cases of controls, GH and CH, Student’s t test is impossible for Apgar score 59 due to a low number of cases in the #7 group.
J.L. Bartha et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201 – 207 205

this study, significantly lower plasma concentrations were results, women with gestational hypertension and lower
found in women with essential chronic hypertension. This calcium excretion tend to have higher nitrite levels, which
might be related to the recognised failure of intravascular we found to be present in preeclampsia, and perhaps, these
volume expansion, associated with chronic hypertension. women should be more strictly monitored. In the pree-
In our study, a low nitrite level in these women is clamptic group, the negative correlation between 24-h
associated with a higher coagulation state. Phenomena urine calcium and serum nitrite level was not statistically
such as intrauterine growth retardation and superimposed significant (r520.21) but this could be explained by the
preeclampsia may be dependent on this factor, but further fact that in this group, almost all the women had severe
studies are needed to clarify the role of NO in complica- hypocalciuria and perhaps, within this extreme range, the
tions of chronic hypertension during pregnancy. correlational level does not reach statistical significance.
NO contributes to maternal systemic vasodilatation and Begum et al. [22] found a significant correlation be-
reduced vascular reactivity during pregnancy. Moreover, tween urinary NO metabolites (nitrate and nitrite) and
NO inhibits platelet activation and aggregation while NO maternal serum triglycerides. In another study [25], a
donors reduce platelet activation in preeclampsia [20]. We positive correlation between urinary excretion of NO
have found a positive correlation between plasma nitrite metabolites and plasma HDL-cholesterol was found. The
level and hematocrit and a negative relationship between importance of lipids and lipoproteins in NO production in
NO level and platelet count in women with preeclampsia. preeclampsia has been demonstrated [26]. Several studies
Hemoconcentration, platelet activation and aggregation are [8,12,26] support the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of
typical signs of preeclampsia. Therefore, it could be preeclampsia may be due to uncharacterised circulating
suggested that an increase in NO synthesis may work as a factors that not only do not inhibit but also activate the
compensatory mechanism against these effects. production of NO by endothelial cells. In this way, several
It is known that NO is involved in the mechanisms of authors [8,26] have provided evidence of in vitro activa-
inflammation and immune response and that an altered tion of endothelial cells by plasma of preeclamptic women.
immunological mechanism has been described in the Davidge et al. [26] performing fractionation of plasma,
pathogenesis of preeclampsia [21]. We found no correla- have determined that the factor (or factors) stimulating NO
tion between lymphocyte subsets and maternal serum NO generation was extractable by charcoal and present in lipid
levels. Further studies, involving other aspects of the extracts and lipoprotein isolates, with a molecular mass
inflammatory process, are needed to clarify if there is some greater that 1.5 million, which is characteristic of a
relationship between NO production and the immunologi- lipoprotein or lipoprotein aggregate. In preeclamptic
cal changes described in preeclampsia. Overall, we found a women, we found a positive correlation between maternal
positive correlation between the parameters measuring serum nitrite level and apolipoprotein B. Moreover, in
renal function and maternal serum NO level. It is logical to these women, there is a positive correlation with in-
assume that if renal function is altered, lower nitrites sulinemia and negative correlation with insulin sensitivity
excretion and higher serum levels may result. Begum et al. measured by glucose:insulin ratio. Insulin has a significant
[22] found a significant positive correlation between role in lipid metabolism and we have suggested that
creatinine clearance and urinary excretion of NO (nitrate / hyperinsulinemia in a fasting state could be related to the
nitrite) and negative relationship with blood pressure and pathogenesis of this disease [27].
serum uric acid. Roberts et al. [23] hypothesised that NO synthase activity in the uterus decreases at the end
plasma nitrites in preeclampsia may act as an indicator not of gestation while exogenous NO relaxes the myometrium,
only of NO production, but also of reduced renal clear- but whether NO contributes to uterine quiescence during
ance. Davidge et al. found no differences in nitrate and pregnancy has yet to be confirmed [28]. However, in our
nitrite plasma concentrations between women with pre- study, there was a negative correlation between maternal
eclampsia and women with normal pregnancies. In women oxide level and gestational age at birth which is probably
with preeclampsia, plasma creatinine levels were elevated due to the fact that higher levels were found in preeclamp-
indicating a reduced glomerular filtration rate while urine tic women, who delivered earlier. Also it has been
concentrations of nitrate and nitrite were lower [24]. Thus, described that the local application of a NO donor induces
one can see that with decreased renal function there are cervical ripening in pregnant guinea-pigs, but still con-
higher urea, creatinine and NO levels. tradictions exist in the role of NO on uterine quiescence
In gestational hypertension, 24-h urine calcium is nega- [29].
tively correlated with maternal serum NO level. It is There was a significant negative correlation between
known that hypocalciuria is common in preeclamptic maternal nitrite level and newborn weight. This is logical
women. We suspect that some pregnant women who are when taking into account that lowest birthweights were
diagnosed with gestational hypertension because they do found in women with preeclampsia, who had highest NO
not present with proteinuria could actually have mild forms levels. However, the maintenance of this relationship in
of preeclampsia since other clinical and biochemical women with gestational hypertension is very interesting.
characteristics of this disease are presented. In view of our Once again, a gestational hypertensive woman with higher
206 J.L. Bartha et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 82 (1999) 201 – 207

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