Submitted By:: Vaniya Ravikumar G. REG NO: 2010118141 Plant Pathology 2 SEMESTER M.Sc. (Agri) N.M.C.A, N.A.U, NAVSARI

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REG NO : 2010118141
2nd SEMESTER M.Sc. (Agri)





Trichoderma viridae
• 1. History
• 2. Taxonomical classification
• 3. Biology
• 4. Mechanism of action
• 5.Mass production of Trichoderma fungus
• 6. Advantages
• 7. Disadvantages
• 8. Methods of application
• 9. Precautions during application
• 10. Compatibility
• 11. Formulations
• 12. Companies which are produced this fungus by different name.

Trichoderma is………
• Very effective biological agent,
• Free living,
• Ubiquitous,
• Highly proliferating,
• Non polluting,
• Systemic ephemeral,
• Readily biodegrable,
• Cost effective,
• Synergistic effect,
• Longer shelf life.
• Free living fungus common in soil and root ecosystem.
• Highly interactive in root, soil and foliar environment.
• Suppresses the pathogens by different species of this fungus.
• Ecologically safe..
• Trichoderma is an asexually reproducing fungal genus most frequently
found in soil; nearly all temperate and tropical region.
• These species can colonize woody as well as herbaceous plants, in which
the sexual teleomorph has observed.

• 1671-First found in Germany.
• 1794-Identified by Persoon almost 224 years ago.
• 1927-Gilman and Abbott recognized four species based on colour, shape
of conidia and colony appeareance.
• >81 years ago the potential use of Trichoderma by Weindling (1932) and
first to demostrate the parasitic activity in wilt of pigeon pea
• Best known mycoparasite against many soil borne plant pathogens.

Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Hypocreales
Family: Hypocreaceae
Genus: Trichoderma
Species: Viride

Trichoderma viride is a mold which produces spores asexually, by mitosis. It is
the anamorph of Hypocrea rufa, its teleomorph, which is the sexual
reproductive stage of the fungus and produces a typical fungal fruiting body.
The mycelium of T. viride can produce a variety of enzymes,
including cellulases and chitinases which can degrade cellulose and chitin
respectively. The mould can grow directly on wood, which is mostly composed
of cellulose, and on fungi, the cell walls of which are mainly composed
of chitin. It parasitizes the mycelia and fruiting bodies of other fungi, including
cultivated mushrooms, and it has been called the "green mould disease of
mushrooms". Trichoderma viride is the causal agent of green mold rot onion.


• Cultures are fast growing at 25-30°C.

• Conidia forming within on week in compact or loose tufts in shades of
green or yellow or less frequently white.
• Yellow pigment may be secreted into the agar, specially on PDA media.
• A characteristics sweet or coconut odour is produced by some species.

• Highly branched, difficult to define or measure.

• Loosely or compactly tufted.
• Main branches of the conidiophores produces lateral side branches.
• The branches may rebranch, with the secondary branches and longest
secondary branches being closest to main axis.
Asexual Life cycle
• Disease Control: Trichoderma is a potent biocontrol agent and used
extensively for soil born diseases. It has been used successfully against
pathogenic fungi belonging to various genera, viz. Fusarium,
Phytopthora, Sclerotia etc.
• Plant Growth Promoter: Trichoderma strains solubilize phosphates and
micronutrients. The application of Trichoderma strains with plants
increases the number of deep roots, thereby increasing the plant's ability
to resist drought.
• Grow rapidly and quickly colonized in the soil.
• Promoting nutrient uptaking.
• Provide natural long term immunity to crops and soil.
• Bioremediation: Trichoderma strains play an important role in the
bioremediation of soil that are contaminated with pesticides and
herbicides. They have the ability to degrade a wide range of insecticides:
organochlorines, organophosphates and carbonates.

• Enhances the yield along with quality of produce.

• Boost germination rate.
• Increase in shoot and root length.
• Solubilising various insoluble forms of phosphates.
• Augmenting Nitrogen fixing.
• Promoting healthy growth in early stages of crop.
• Inceasing dry matter production sustainibility.
• Harmless to human and livestock.
• Act against a wide range of pathogenic fungi.
• Harmful parasites of mushrooms.
• It do not grow in alkaline pH. (above 8)
• Zone specific and slow growth.
• Looses its effectivity if not placed in native condition.
Available Products in Market
• Don’t use chemicals fungicides after application of Trichoderma fungus
for 4-5 days.
• Don’t use Trichoderma in dry soil. Moisture is a essential factor for its
growth and survivability.
• Don’t put the treated seeds in direct sun rays.
• Don’t keep the treated FYM for longer duration.
• 1) Seed treatment : Mixed 6-10gm of Trichoderma powder per kg of
seed before sowing.
• 2) Nursery treatment : Apply 10-25gm of Trichoderma powder per 100
meter square of nursery bed. Application of neem cake and FYM before
treatment increases the efficasy.
• 3) Cutting and seedling root dip : mixed 10gm of Trichoderma powder
along with 100gm of well rotten FYM per litre of water and dipped the
cuttings and seedlings+ for 10 minutes before planting.
• 4) Soil treatment : Apply 5kg of Trichoderma powder per ha after turning
of sunhemp or dhaincha into soil for green manuring or Mix 1kg of
Trichoderma formulation in 100kg FYM and cover it for 7 days with
polythene. Sprinkle the heap with water intermittently. Turn the mixture
in every 3-4 days interval and then broadcast on the field.
• 5) Plant treatment : Drench the soil near stem region with 10gm
Trichoderma powder mixed in a Litre of water.
• 6) Wound application :
• 7) Furrow application :

Trichoderma harzianum

• For space and nutrients under specific conditions do not get substrate.
• Supress growth of pathogens poplulation
• E.g. soil tratment with T.harzianum spore suppressed infestation of
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp., vasinfectum and F .sp. melonis.
• Antagoinst fungi parasitize other pathogenic fungi.
• Hyphae of Trichoderma either grow along the host hyphae or coil around
• E.g. : T.harazianum and T.hamatum were mycoparasite of both
Sclerotium rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solani.
• Coiling of hyphae around the pathogens.
• Penetration by haustoria and
• Lysis.
• Recognize and attach to the pathogenic fungus and excrete extra cellular
lytic enzymes like Beta 1, 3-glucanas, Proteases and lipase.
• It is the condition in which one or more metabolites excreted by an
organism have harmful effect on one or more other organisms.
• In such antagonistic relationship spp. A produce a chemical substances
that is harmful to spp. B without a spp. A deriving any direct benefit.
• E.g. : Trichoderma secreted-
• Trichoderma, Viridine, Trichothecin, etc.
• Trichoderma strains solubilize phosphates and micronutrients.
• The application of Trichoderma strains in rhizosphere of plants increse
the numbers of deep root, there by incresing the plants ability to resisiting

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