Care and Control of Tools

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Despite the enormous advances in the mechanisation and computerisation

of the engineering industry in general, there remains the requirement for a
high degree of hand skills on the part of technicians who are engaged in the
day-to-day maintenance of aircraft and their associated components.

While the majority of aerospace components are manufactured under

stringent standards, in factory (and laboratory) conditions, it is necessary to
remove many items of equipment for cleaning, inspection, overhaul and, if
needed, repair before they are, subsequently, re-installed in their appointed

These actions may entail the use of many specialist tools and materials,
which are used while following written procedures, while it is quite possible
that some, comparatively simple, repairs may call upon such basic hand
skills as the cutting, filing, drilling, riveting and painting of metals or other

No matter whether there are specialist or basic skills required, all will
demand a certain quality of the work practices (and of the work-force)

3.1 CARE OF TOOLS : Engineers are responsible for the maintenance

of their personal tools, whilst other personnel, in designated Tool Stores,
must care for all the different, specialist tools for which they have the
responsibility. It is also the responsibility of engineers to ensure that any
tools, or other items of equipment they use, are not left in an aircraft or
associated components.

The care required for different tools can vary. Ordinary hand tools may
merely require racking or locating within sturdy tool boxes, with careful,
daily, maintenance restricted to little more than a visual check.

Precision instruments however, require great care both in storage and in

use. They may need to be kept in special, soft-lined, boxes within other
storage facilities. Prior to use they should have a ‘zero’ check or calibration.
Some tools require that they have a light coating of machine oil, to prevent
the onset of corrosion.

Each tool (whether it be a hammer or a micrometer), will require some
special care, to ensure its optimum performance for, without this care, even
the most expensive tools very quickly become second rate and useless.

3.2 CONTROL OF TOOLS : Control of tools is important to good

engineering practices and is also vital to flight safety. A variety of systems
can be used to control tools but, whichever system is used, it must allow a
100% check of the tools in use before it can be considered as acceptable.

One form of control is the ‘shadow board’ and ‘tool tag’ system, (refer to Fig.
6). Each tool is positioned over its silhouette, on the tool board. Technicians
are issued with identification tokens (numbered ‘tags’) which are exchanged
for the tool and, usually, a tag is hung above the silhouette, to be reclaimed,
in exchange for the tool, when it is returned to the board. The shadow
board/tool tag system works equally well when the tools are held within a
designated Tool Store arrangement.

In workshops and bays it is normal for a toolkit to be held by the

department in addition to its engineers holding personal sets of tools. The
tools held by the department are often referred to as ‘special tools’, meaning
that they are only for maintenance work on the items being serviced in that

A wheel bay, for example, may have sets of special spanners, levers, seal
applicators and pre-set torque wrenches, which are used primarily for the
servicing of particular types of aircraft wheels. This dedicated tool kit makes
tool control much simpler and safer, with the tools all being clearly marked
as belonging to that specific bay.

No matter where tools are being used, it is the responsibility of each

technician to keep track of ALL of the tools used during a particular task.
The most important check of all is the final, ‘End of Work’ tool check, when
all tools must be collected and checked off against personal inventories,
ensuring all borrowed tools (from the Tool Store for example), are returned
and any personal tool tags collected.


the relevant airworthiness codes, applicable to the United Kingdom Civil
Aviation Industry, such as the British Civil Aviation Requirements (BCARs),
Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs), and Air Operators Certificates,

prescribe that, where necessary, tools, equipment and, in particular, test
equipment are all calibrated to acceptable standards.

This topic provides an overall picture of the types of requirements and tests
required in establishing and maintaining an effective calibration system. It
takes into account factors such as the degree of accuracy required,
frequency of use and the reliability of the equipment.

The key factor is the need to establish confidence in the accuracy of the
equipment when it is required for use. The required calibration frequency
for any particular piece of test equipment is that which will ensure it is in
compliance with the standards applicable to its intended use. In all cases,
standards used are attributed upon the need for ultimate traceability to one
of the following:

• The standard specified by the equipment manufacturer/design


• The appropriate National/International Standards.

3.3.1 General Notes on Calibration :The appropriate standards are used to

achieve consistency between measurements made in different locations,
possibly using alternate measuring techniques. The calibration of test
equipment is best achieved by the operation of a methodical system of

This system should be traceable by an unbroken chain of comparisons,

through measurement standards of successively better accuracy up to the
appropriate standard. Where recommendations for calibration standards are
not published, or where they are not specified, calibration should be carried
out, in the UK, in accordance with British Standard EN 30012-1: Quality
Assurance Requirements for Measuring Equipment.

As an alternative to operating an internal Measurement and Calibration

System, an Approved Organisation or an Approved/Licensed Engineer may
enter into a sub-contracting arrangement to use an Appliance Calibration
Service. This arrangement does not absolve the contractors of the service
from maintaining standards as if they were carrying out the work

In all instances, it is the responsibility of the user to be satisfied that the

unbroken traceability chain is in place. External organisations, which
supply an external Calibration Service, should be those holding
accreditation of the National Accreditation of Measurement and Sampling,

3.3.2 Procedures : The definition of appliances requiring calibration are

those items which are necessary to perform measurements or tests of an
aircraft, a system or a component, to defined limits, as specified in the
technical documentation of the Type Certificate holder.

Procedures, controlling regular inspection, servicing and, where

appropriate, calibration of such items, are to indicate to the users that the
item is within any inspection time limit. These ‘Next Inspection’ labels must
clearly state when, and, if necessary, where the next calibration is due.

There should be a programme that plans the periodic inspection, service or

calibration within the defined time limit, which ensures that the item
remains in calibration. It is common sense to stagger the calibration of
items, so that the largest number are available for use at all times. It is also
important, that a register of all items requiring calibration is held, so that
cross-checking can be simply carried out. Where a small number of
particular items are held, then contract loan of equipment is permitted.

The intervals at which calibration is required, can vary with the nature of
the equipment, the conditions under which it is used and the consequences
of incorrect results. The frequency will be in accordance with the
manufacturer or supplier’s instructions, unless the organisation can show
that a different interval is warranted in a particular case. This would
normally require a system of continuous analysis of calibration results to be
established, to support the variation to the recommended calibration

Any appliance, the serviceability of which is in doubt, should be removed

from service and clearly labelled accordingly. The appliance must not be
returned to service unless the reason for its unserviceability has been
eliminated and its continued calibration re-validated. Action must be taken,
if an item of equipment is found, during re-calibration, to have a significant
error. This must include re-checking of measurements made prior to finding
the fault.

The scope of the records maintained, are dependent upon the standards
required and the nature of the equipment. The record system can also
provide a valuable reference in case of dispute or warranty claims. These
records can also indicate ‘drift’ and can help in reassessing calibration

Calibration records or certificates should, as a minimum, contain the

following information for each appliance calibrated:


1)Identification of equipment 2) Limits of permissible error 3)Standard


3) Authority under which the document was issued 4) Any limitation

of use of equipment •5) Date when each calibration was conducted
6)Assigned calibration interval.(NEXT CALIBTATION DUE )

Where calibration services are provided by outside organisations, it is

acceptable that the accuracy of the equipment is attested by a release
document in the name of the Calibration Company.

Any measurement is affected, to some degree, by the environment in which

it is made. The equipment will need to be calibrated, transported and stored
under conditions compatible with the type of equipment, to ensure its
accuracy is not impaired.

To provide valid and repeatable test results, the facilities used for
calibration must have a controlled environment. It is necessary to control
the temperature, humidity, vibration, dust, cleanliness, electromagnetic
interference, lighting and other factors that may affect the standard of the
results. If any of these requirements cannot be met, then compensation
corrections must be applied to the calibration standard to ensure continued

A measurement Checking Standard can be applied, at the work place, to

check the accuracy of an appliance and to ensure its continued correct
functioning. The Checking Standard will be robust and its accuracy will not
match that of a full calibration check, but it will give confidence between
checks that the equipment is functioning correctly.

The company Quality System has the responsibility of ensuring the

continued accuracy, not only of the items of equipment, but also of the
actual testing facilities.

3.4 USE OF WORKSHOP MATERIALS: Many of the wide variety of
materials, used in workshops, require some form of control in their
handling. This control can involve:

• Safety: relating to such topics as the toxicity, corrosiveness or other

health risks associated with the use of certain materials• Management:
referring to the storage, use and correct handling of all materials whether
they are solid, liquid, or, in some instances, gaseous • Economy:
involving such matters as to the using of the correct dosage or proportions
when mixing compounds, using only as much material as required for a
specific task and to the keeping in stock of only sufficient materials and
thus avoiding ‘lifed’ items reaching their expiry dates before being used.

Abrasive papers, solder and brazing materials, wire wool, tyre powder, oil
spill powder and so on, all require control of issue and use, though they
may not, normally, require stringent safety precautions.

A huge range of liquids can be used in the workshop situation, some of

which are harmless and some of which are extremely toxic. It is vital that
the work-force make themselves aware of the risks involved when dealing
with ANY materials, and especially when working within enclosed areas.

Some materials are flammable and must, therefore, be stored outdoors.

These include oils, greases, some adhesives, sealing and glazing compounds
in addition to many paints, enamels and epoxy surface finishes, which are
stored in metal cabinets and, usually, located (in the Northern hemisphere)
on the North side of a workshop or hangar. This ensures that the cabinet
remains in the shade of the building and does not get exposed to the sun’s
hot rays during the day. It is also important that only the minimum amount
of these materials is taken indoors for the work which is being done.

When handling materials that give off fumes, it may be necessary to have
the area well ventilated and/or have the operator wearing a mask or some
form of remote breathing apparatus. The finished work may also give off
fumes for some time afterwards, so care must be taken to keep it ventilated
if necessary.

Obviously all liquids must only be used for the purpose for which they are
designed and never mixed together, unless the two materials are designed to
be mixed, such as with two part epoxy adhesives and sealants.Many liquids
used in workshops and in the hangar have (as mentioned earlier) a fixed
‘life’. This date is printed on te container and must be checked before use,
because many materials are unsafe if used beyond their expiry date.

The disposal of liquids is a critical operation, and must only be carried out
in accordance with company (and, often, national or international)

Liquids must never be disposed of by pouring them into spare or

unidentified containers and they must not be allowed to enter the ‘domestic’
drains systems.The working with, and the use of, high pressure gas
containers and oxygen systems, was adequately discussed in the Safety
Precautions topic.

3.5 STANDARDS OF WORKMANSHIP :Whilst the standards of

workmanship, during the hand-working of metals and other materials, is
controlled by the craftsperson, once machinery is used in the
manufacturing process, then the standards of finish and workmanship
depend upon the allowances set by the designer and on the type of
machinery being used.

With hand tools, there are standards of finish, but these depend upon the
skill of the craftsperson and, again, on the tools being used. For example,
when filing metal, different grades of files are used, to obtain a
comparatively smooth surface finish while other methods, such as abrasive
papers, pastes and polishes, are then used, to provide the final finish.When
sawing, the same procedures apply in that blades with finer teeth will give a
better finish to the sawn edges, which may then be further smoothed, using
an appropriate selection of files.

When drilling a hole, the conventional twist drill will only produce a finish of
a certain standard. If a finer finish, to the inside of the hole, is required,
then a reamer would be used, to smooth the material inside the hole, so
that, if a tight fitting pin is to be fitted through the hole, there will be better
surface contact.There are a variety of machines that can generate a smooth
surface on a piece of metal, the selection between them being decided by the
quality of finish. A lathe can produce an exceptionally smooth surface on a
bar or some other rotated shape. If a large area is required to have a smooth
finish, then perhaps, after initial casting or forging, the choice may be of
employing either a grinding machine or a milling machine, to .provide the
desired result.

In summary, the quality of the finished article is dependent both on the skill
of the craftsperson and the equipment available to complete the task. It
does not matter whether the tools in use are files and emery cloth or an
expensive milling machine; the standard of workmanship of the
craftsperson can make a great deal of difference to the finished article.

When calibrated, it is necessary to keep a record to ensure that it is known

when the equipment will need re-calibration. Where necessary it should be
identified how accurate the equipment is over the complete measuring
range. Sometimes a chart will indicate how much the instrument varies
from the stated value over the complete measuring range.



In order to perform his duties competently and speedily, the Licensed

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer needs to provide himself with an adequate
tool kit, maintain it properly and add to it as he progresses from one aircraft
to another in the pursuance of his career. It is obvious, therefore, that
knowledge of tools is an essential part of his overall field of learning. In this
topic we shall consider some aspects of the provision and safe keeping of
both personal tools and some special tools. The provision of special tools is
usually undertaken by the organisation for whom the engineer works, but
their proper use and safe keeping is very much the responsibility of those
who use them.

The care of tools, their correct usage and safe keeping is an aspect of the
engineers work which must be approached with the same degree of
responsibility as all other facets of his work. Worn tools, e.g. spanners with
spread jaws, screwdrivers with incorrectly ground blades etc. will damage
the equipment on which they are being used, as well as risking injury to the
user. To minimise the risk of loose articles being left on aircraft, many
engineering organisations now use 'Shadow Boards' for tool storage. A
black wooden board carries painted silhouettes of all the tools attached by
spring clips to that particular board. At the end of a particular period, a
brief glance will show which tools are still in use of have not been returned
to their storage. This method has contributed very effectively to a reduction
in the number of accidents due to loose tools left in aircraft.

Despite some organisations using shadow boards, many only use them for
specialist tools therefore in many companies the mechanic / technician will
be expected to supply and control his own personal tool kit.


Many different materials are used on aircraft and most of them need to be
approved for aircraft use. A few examples of the different materials are:

• Sheet metal, rivets and fasteners for repairs

• Adhesives, sealants and jointing componds.

• Cleaning materials, these may be water based or solvent based.

• Painting materials – etch primers, thinners, paint and paint removers.

• Fuels, engine oil and hydraulic fluid.

• Fluids for a variety of purposes including acids, alkaline fluids.

These and many more will be discussed during the rest of the course. It is
most important for you to realise that many of the materials need special
care to avoid both damage and injury. The maintenance or repair manuals
will always specify the recommended material for a specific task. Sometimes
an alternative will be identified, but if not so identified the recommended
material must be used. Each of the materials will normally be identified by a
part number or identification code. This code number may be a
manufacturers code or an internationally standard code. For example many
aircraft sheet metal skins are made from an aluminium alloy called
durallumin. This may be coded 2017, 2117 or 2024, each being a slightly
different specification.


One of the main tasks an engineer has to perform is to identify if the aircraft
conforms to its design specifications. Much of the maintenance work
involves carrying out some form of inspection. This will often involve
measuring to check if dimensions are correct.

An engineer will be required to take measurements in a variety of different

circumstances, using a variety of measuring devices. The following list gives
some of the situations where a measurement may be made:

• Measuring tyre tread depth to ascertain if tread wear is excessive

• Checking the up and down movement of a control surface – this may

involve measurement of an angle or a dimension

• Measurement of thickness of brake pads • Determining the

dimensions of damage to aircraft structures • Measurement of the overall
length of an electrical actuator

• Measurement of the volume of fuel during a fuel flow check

• Accurate measurement of the dimensions of a hydraulic cylinder

In each of the previous cases a different method of measurement may be

used. In the first example, a tyre depth gauge might be used. In the second
the measurement might be carried out with a steel rule or a special tool
supplied by the aircraft manufacturer.

Accuracy of Dimensions

As well as using different types of

measuring device, the measurements may need to be carried out to a
greater degree of accuracy. In all cases it is true to say the dimension
cannot be measured exactly. It is only possible to measure to the accuracy
of the measuring device used. As well as this, the measuring device will not
be totally accurate.

The scale of the rule shown is in millimetres, with the smallest sub-division
representing 5mm. The line A is between 30mm and 35mm. You should not
estimate the value of A as 33mm (or 34mm). Its value can only be accurately
stated as 30mm. If you need to measure more accurately, you need to use a
more accurate measuring device such as a vernier caliper.

Another way of giving a false indication of the accuracy of a measurement or

dimension is to specify too many decimal places in your measurement. For
example, if you measure a dimension of 418 inches with a rule calibrated in
eight’s of an inch, you might be tempted to state the dimension as 4.125” as

this is the decimal value. This implies that you have measured to an
accuracy of 0.001” rather than 18" .


When components are manufactured, it is impossible for them to be

manufactured to exact dimensions. Part of the reason for this is much the
same as we have already stated. The best accuracy we can achieve is
dictated by the accuracy of our measuring devices. The ability of a machine
to produce identical parts also comes into play. A cutting tool will wear and
so will produce slightly different parts each time. If a part is rolled or
extruded, the rollers or die will not produce the same results each time. It is
essential that components are interchangeable so that they may fit together.
The parts are therefore made to a specified limit so that each may be slightly
smaller or larger than the stated “nominal” size. A tolerance is the permitted
variation tolerated and is a measure of the accuracy or standard of
workmanship. If for example a part should be 25mm in diameter (nominal
size), it may be considered acceptable if it is within the limits 25.02mm
(high limit) and 24.98mm (low limit). The difference between the two limits
is the tolerance, in this case 0.04mm. It is more difficult (and more
expensive) to produce items with very small tolerances. We often use the
term close tolerance in this case. Aircraft components are usually
manufactured to closer tolerances than in other engineering applications.

The allowance is considered when we have two mating parts such as a shaft
and a hole. The shaft is obviously designed to fit into a hole. Each will have
a high and a low limit. The allowance is the difference between the high
limit of the shaft and the low limit of the hole.

2.5 CALIBRATION OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENT :Gauges and precision

measuring instruments need to be checked against a Standard Value on a
periodic basis to ensure accuracy within a given range. If a particular
measuring device is designed to be accurate to say 0.001”, it will not give
the required accuracy if care is not taken when it is used. It is also common
practice to check it every time it is used to confirm it’s accuracy. A
micrometer would, for example be checked for its zero ready every time it is
used. It is not always essential for the device to give the exact value as long
as it is known how inaccurate the device is. Precision gauges should
normally be checked and re-calibrated at least every six months.=========


Tools can be divided into:

* Personal tools. Those tools that are purchased by the

tradesman/woman and kept in his/her tool box. They will include

such item as, screwdrivers, spanners, socket sets etc. They may

also include test instruments such as multi-meters.

* Special tools that are kept by the company in the stores and these

may be dedicated to an aircraft type. May include specialist

equipment too large to keep in tool boxes and expensive equipment and test
sets. Will usually include special to type adapters, tools, test sets etc.

Routine Care of Tools : Each tool (spanner, socket, extension, test set,
etc) should be marked with a code that identifies it and its normal location.
Each trades-person should have his/her own code etched into each item
and that code recorded with the firm that that person is working for.

Cleaning.: All tools benefit from being kept clean. It also means less chance
of contamination of the equipment being worked on (contamination of fluid

systems, air conditioning systems etc). Most metal tools are kept in good

condition by the application of a thin oil or an oil based solution such as

WD40, which is then wiped clean using a clean lint free cloth.

Files are cleaned using a scratch card.

Test-sets are kept clean and free from liquids. Should they become

contaminated then they are to be returned to the manufacturer for

dismantling, cleaning, assembly and testing.

Storage. Most tools are simply stored in a secure box. Socket sets, spanner

sets etc are usually stored in the special box they are supplied in. This not

only keeps them all in one location (and easy to find), but also aids the

of checking all tools are present at cessation of work.

Delicate tools and instruments will be supplied and kept in boxes

(micrometers, verniers, watchmaker’s screwdrivers, slip gauges etc).

Some large/special tools will be stored in a secure room. These may be

placed on shelving or hung on ‘shadow boards’. These boards have clips or
other supports screwed to them onto which the tool is hung. Painted on the
board where the tool hangs is the silhouette of the tool. When the correct
tool is clipped into the correct place on the board then it’s shadow cannot be

It is useful when doing a tool check as one look at the board (which may

contain many dozens of tools) tells the observer immediately if any tool is


Files should be kept in their sleeves to protect the teeth, or in some sort of

hold-all. Sharp objects such as dividers, scribers etc should have their
sharp ends pushed into a piece of cork (a wine bottle cork) to protect them.

Maintenance. Some tools will need attention with a file from time to time to

trim them to shape – these include pin punches, taper punches, drifts, flat

screwdrivers etc.

Hammer heads will need checking for security to the shaft. If not secure tap

the head down with another hammer and drive the wedge to further home.

Chisels will need re-honing and drills will need re-sharpening (use a special
jig) though small drills are best replaced when they loose their edge.

Apart from the above most tools need no further attention, however, those

tools that are used for measurement will need checking/calibration. For the

checking of standard precision instruments see the book in this series

entitled ‘Tools’. For calibration of test sets etc see the chapter in this series


Tool Checks :It is most important that tools (and anything else for that
matter) are not left on aircraft after completion of work. They are a serious
hazard as they can jam controls, block system pipes etc. The term ‘loose
articles’ applies to anything left on an aircraft after maintenance – this
includes rags, split pins, locking wire, and tools. It is most important that a
loose article check is carried out after every task on the aircraft, engine,
component, and as a double check a tool-check is also carried out. Each
person working on the aircraft should check his/her tool kit after each task
and at the end of the working day, or before the next flight to ensure that all
tools are accounted for. Any special tools used from the tool-store should be
returned and the person in-charge of the store should do a tool check to see

that there are no tools missing.

If, during these checks, a tool is found missing then the aircraft should not
be allowed to fly until it has been found. The search will include the work
areas of the aircraft, all tools boxes, the tool store, hangar/workshop area,
rubbish bins, scrap bins etc. A check will also be made of the signing in and
out book of the tool store to see if this record shows who has had what tool,
and when.

WORKSHOP MATERIALS :These can include:

* Barrier cream – to be rubbed into the hands and any other parts

of the body (arms etc) that might come into contact with any

lubricants, fuels, compounds etc. Helps prevent skin contamination with

these substances and possible dermatitis. * Soaps and soap/cleansing

* Eye cleansing water. Sterilised water supplied in a dispenser for

the irrigation of the eye should a foreign body (piece of swarf, dust

etc) get into the eye or if the eye is splashed with a harmful liquid.

* Oils. Supplied in sealed tins to an approved specification. Avoid

contact with oils.



Recommended Practices :In order to comply with the requirements
prescribed in CAR Parts 43, 145, and 148 regarding the maintenance and

manufacture of aircraft and components, various precision (calibrated)

tools, and inspection, measuring and test equipment must be used to
ensure aircraft, engines and components conform to the manufacturer’s

These tools, and the inspection, measuring and test equipment must be
periodically calibrated as recommended by the Manufacturer or operator.

Where a process, or sequence of processes, requires calibrated tools or

equipment to be used to determineconformance to specification of the
aircraft or component for certification for release-to service then calibrated

equipment must be used at each step in the process.

In various industrial, aerospace and defence organisations, it has been a

long standing practice to permit the use of workshop equipment that is not
subjected to periodic calibration if no test data needs to be recorded. This
may include a null indication measurement, waveform monitoring,
continuity checking, troubleshooting, or determining or assessing the
feasibility of repairing versus scrapping an item. In these cases the
equipment must be clearly identified as “NOT FOR CALIBRATED TESTING”
or “NO CALIBRATION REQUIRED”. Equipment so identified cannot be

utilised for conformance acceptance or certification for release-to-service.

Note: Where both calibrated and un-calibrated equipment are located in the
same workshop, procedures must be established to ensure that un-
calibrated equipment is used for trouble shooting only and not for final
certification or for releaseto-service.

Calibration: Calibration ensures the accuracy of the tools, and inspection,

measuring and test equipment used to return aircraft,engines and
components to service. Calibration minimises measurement errors and
uncertainties to acceptable levels.For calibration of tools, and inspection,
measuring and test equipment, acceptable levels of uncertainty are defined

by the tolerance limits of the equipment’s parameters established by the

manufacturer. The outcome is maintenance of the equipment within the
defined accuracy of the manufacturer’s design tolerances.

Calibration is as defined as :The application of specifically known and
accurately measured input to ensure that an item will produce a specifically

known output which is accurately measured or indicated. Calibration

includes adjustment or recording of corrections as appropriate”.

Options for Calibration :Tools and inspection and test equipment that
require calibration must be calibrated by

1. An Accredited Calibration Laboratory; or

2. A Non-Accredited Calibration Laboratory

Calibration Facility or Laboratory

A calibration facility or laboratory can be any person or organisation who

tests and/or calibrates measurement devices

or working standards, in a controlled environment to ensure repeatability

Documented calibration procedures must

be used and documented evidence of the traceability of the standards used

must be provided.

A calibration laboratory can be provided by a CAR Part 145 Maintenance

Organisation, a CAR Part 148 Manufacturing Organisation or a CAR Part 66
LAME provided the requirements of a calibration facility or laboratory are

Acceptable Procedure for Test Equipment

An acceptable procedure is one that has been published or received from

the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer may consider that only
certain test equipment is considered as being acceptable to determine the

calibration of their equipment. If alternate test equipment is required to be

used then either the manufacturer to an appropriate person, qualified in
metrology should attest to the use of alternate test equipment.

Procedures based on industry standards may need to be developed,

accepted and used by a Calibration Laboratory if the manufacturer’s data is
not available or sufficient.

Calibration Interval and Labelling :The equipment manufacturer’s
recommended calibration interval should be used where available.

Where an equipment manufacturer does not specify a calibration interval,

an evaluation should be carried out and documented to support the selected
interval, utilising the following:

1. Quality of the tool or instrument

2. Operating environment (usage level, where used, storage etc.)

3. Calibration interval for other similar tools or instruments

4. The accuracy of measurement required

The resultant interval is then established as the initial calibration interval

and this may be increased or reduced based on the process outlined in the

The calibration interval should be varied (increased or decreased) based on

the reliability of the equipment in maintaining its accuracy as determined
from the equipment calibration history. Any interval should be appropriate

to the accuracy of measurement to be performed. Any variation from the

Manufacturer’s recommended interval must be documented and include the

Where a tool is marked “Calibrate Before Use” the transfer standard against
which that tool (working standard) is checked should have a log book where
each calibration of each tool is recorded. This activity ensures that there is

an auditable trail relating to the use of that tool. The policy regarding the
use of such tools and reference standards should be highlighted within the
Policy and Procedures Manual (or equivalent document).

Calibration of equipment should be performed at certain periods of the

equipment life.

Generally calibration should be performed at the following times:

1. Initial purchase, prior to use unless it comes with a calibration certificate

2. After repair.

3. Periodic calibration

4. Whenever accuracy is in doubt.

There may be some instances where the aircraft or equipment manufacturer

specifies more stringent calibration requirements for a particular piece of
equipment than the test equipment manufacturer recommends. This
additional requirement must be considered when setting calibration
intervals and procedures.

Procedures for variation of intervals

The determination of a calibration interval for a particular item of

equipment involves the analysis of the calibration history for the equipment
with the data arranged as an observed percentage of intolerance.

Vs. time since a calibration or test. The data should be assembled from
recorded results of calibration or testing,organised into a calibration history.
A calibration history consists of an unbroken sequence of calibration or
testing results accompanied by the date of service against a given serial


Each record should provide all information necessary for analysis. This
information needs to include as minimum :

What information are required in calibration chart?( marks )

1. Identification (serial number, tag number etc.) of the item serviced

2. Any special usage classification of designation.

3. Date of service.

4. Condition as received, prior to adjustment or other corrective service.

5. Service action taken.

6. Condition released (serviceable/unserviceable/limited calibration etc.)

7. Identification of the reference standards used in calibration of the item

Environment (Storage and usage)

The storage and usage of a calibrated item of equipment has a direct

relationship to the calibration assessment program.

If the location or usage of the equipment changes this needs to be taken
into consideration. For example, a torque wrench used daily that has a
transit container and is stored on a tool board may have a 6 month
calibration interval.

If it is transferred for use in a different working environment such as the

tarmac, then consideration should be given to reducing its calibration

WARNING: Some of the liquids listed above are toxic and/or highly
inflammable and/or corrosive and/or harmful if in contact with the skin, or
if their fumes are inhaled. Read the warning/safety notice on the container
and the warnings given in the AMM/manual. In general always use barrier
creams and avoid unnecessary contact with any liquids, gasses,
compounds etc.

Another book :

Workshop Practices :

An understanding of aircraft workshop principles and practice is a

fundamental requirement for those aircraft engineering technicians or
engineers, irrespective of their chosen specialization.

This presentation will give learners an understanding of the safe working

practices associated with aircraft workshop activities and the care, control
and safe use of aircraft workshop tools and equipment.

Learners will develop the skills needed to safely carry out tasks associated
with aircraft Tools and Equipment. They will also gain the skills necessary
to read and interpret engineering diagrams and drawings.

Care of Tools :

- Good tools can be quite an investment, but if you keeping your tools
properly stored, cleaned, and maintained it will maintain its effectiveness.

- Tools and equipment on the aircraft undergo rigorous handling. These

tools are exposed to large amounts of dirt and abuse. Proper maintenance of
tools and equipment is critical to preserving them for future use. Failure to
maintain the tools properly results in unnecessary expense.

Example :

1 )Clean the tools and equipment after each day's work. While a thorough
cleaning is not required each day, a general wipe-down and removal of the
heaviest dirt is key to extending the life of the tools.

2) Keep air pipe lines and electrical( cords wires )protected from heavy foot-
traffic and vehicles or other motorized machinery, can easily cut or crush
cords and hoses, preventing the tools from w orking properly, and creating
potential electrical hazards. Cover the electrical cords with purpose-built
ramps or casing.

3) Lubricate air tools and pneumatic equipment before each day's use.
Condensation in the pipe line creates an environment for corrosion inside
pneumatic tools. Coating the internal components of these tools with air-
tool oil will displace the moisture and prevent tool corrosion.

4) Inspect and repair all equipment and tools at the completion of each job.
Make all repairs to the equipment that are necessary for future
construction work. This will prevent time being wasted repairing faulty
equipment at future use.

Tool Control : - Tool control is a method to quickly determine that all

tools are accounted for at the end of a maintenance task. This can only be
done if each tool has a specific place where it is stored that allows for
quick identification if the tool is missing. There are several ways to do this
- Tool control affects safety. Leaving a tool in an aircraft or engine is not
just an inconvenience, it is a safety risk. Realizing this, most aircraft
maintenance businesses enforce some sort of tool control procedures. They
realize that establishing and enforcing a tool control program can provide
numerous benefits, the foremost of which is safety.

Tool shadowing : This involves specifying a specific space for each tool. It

should be designed in such a way as to quickly determine if a tool is

missing. A popular method is to use some type of foam product and cut out
spots for each tool. In a toolroom environment, walls can be used with
pegboard and hooks. The item is then outlined and shadowed.

Tool identification :Some companies require employees permanently mark

their tools for tool identification purposes. This provides a way to quickly
identify who a tool belongs to when it is found. Tools can be marked using a

vibra-peen tool. Some other marking methods such as permanent marker

may not be very effective in a hangar environment. Marking tools serves two
purposes. First of all, it ensures that if a tool is found it is returned to the
owner. Second,it helps assure compliance with missing tool reporting. It
makes employees become more vigilant in reporting missing tools vs. just
going to the closest tool truck or store to buy a replacement.

Tool inventory : A tool inventory should be accomplished on a regular

basis so that any missing tools can quickly be identified and searched for
before they affect the safety of an aircraft. This can be done after each work
task or at least once a day. Many companies choose to do it at the beginning
and end of each shift.

Tool inspection :An important part of tool control that can easily be
overlooked is tool inspection. Tools should be inspected before and after
each use to ensure they are in proper working order and no parts are

If this is not done, it can be easy for a piece of a tool to be left behind in a
work area.. “We require mechanics to inspect all tools and equipment before
and after each use. This is written in our standard operating procedures
manual. This policy helps ensure that no pieces from a broken tool are left
in an aircraft or engine after maintenance is performed.”

Missing tool reporting: An important part of any tool control program is

a process for missing tool reporting. In order to achieve the goal of
accounting for all tools to ensure a safe product for the customer, a culture
must be present that encourages employees to report any missing tool. This
procedure should be clear as to how often tools need to be inventoried, how
the employee should report a missing tool, and the steps to be taken

once a missing tool is reported. An important part of this is the person who
has the authority to release the aircraft in the event a missing tool is not


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