Title: Tata Leadership Practices

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Title: Tata Leadership Practices

Tata Leadership Practices

 How do we create leaders who have

 a global perspective,
 deliver sustained performance and
 live the Tata Values?


 Tata Values
 Globalization and the Business Imperatives
 Tata Leadership Practices
 TLPs Leadership Talent
 Using TLPs

Using TLPs
The Foundation

 Leadership With Trust

 The Groups growth and businesses continue to be
driven by its five core values

Tata Values

 Integrity We must conduct our business fairly,

with honesty and transparency. Everything we do
must stand the test of public scrutiny.

 Understanding We must be caring, show respect,

compassion and humanity for our colleagues and
customers around the world, and always work for
the benefit of the communities we serve

 Excellence We must constantly strive to achieve

the highest possible standards in our day-to-day
work and in the quality of the goods and services
we provide.

 Unity We must work cohesively with our

colleagues across the Group with our customers
and partners around the world, building strong
relationships based on tolerance, understanding
and mutual cooperation.

 Responsibility We must continue to be

responsible, sensitive to the countries,
communities and environments in which we work,
always ensuring that what comes from the people
goes back to the people many times over.

The Group Today Business Focus

 Growth and Leadership through Global

 Value Creating Acquisitions
 Non-Cyclical New Businesses
 Domestic Dominance
 Global Competitiveness

Using TLPs
Our Key Need

 How do we create Leaders

 who have a global perspective
 deliver sustained performance
 live the Tata Values?

Increasing the Groups Leadership Bench

 Delivery of consistent high performance across

 Geographies
 Time
 Assignments
 How the high performance is delivered What
behaviour will underpin sustained performance?
These behaviours are described through the Tata
Leadership Practices.

Leadership Behavior
VISIBLE More assessable through observation
What is demonstrated consistently in day to day
activities. What people around the leaders see.
Behavior Skills Knowledge
WHAT IS UNDERLYING Difficult to assess
Personality Motives Attributes Attitude Traits
The Tata Leadership Practices

 A set of behaviors that is required for superior

performance in the Tata context
 Excellent performers on-the-job demonstrate these
behaviors much more consistently than average or
poor performers.
 TLPs provide us with a way to define in
behavioral (output) terms what we need to do to
produce the results the organization desires and
do so in a way that lives our values and builds
our culture.
Using TLPs
Tata Leadership Practices
Three Clusters
Tata Leadership Practices
Fourteen Success Factors
Takes Ownership People Development Interpersonal
effectiveness Building Effective
Teams Withstanding Pressure
Managing Vision Purpose Strategic
Capability Dealing with Ambiguity Business
Acumen Functional Excellence
Drive for Results Customer Focus Timely Decision
making Innovation Management
Each success factor of the TLPs is translated
across management levels
How TLPs help to chart Potential
An example of a manager at Middle Management
level having potential for senior management
Middle Senior Top
Takes Ownership Takes Ownership Takes Ownership
Accountable for integrity systems Accountable for coherence of strategic choice Accountable of wisdom of policies
Certainly Now good sense of Some grasp of
Customer Focus Customer Focus Customer Focus
Explores satisfies market demands Senses new business opportunities Stimulates new market demand
Yes Discusses understands Not really creating yet
(No Transcript)
Tata Values and TLPs
Integrity We must conduct our business fairly,
with honesty and transparency. Everything we do
must stand the test of public scrutiny

 Accepting responsibility for the consequences of

your decisions and actions (25)
 Following through on commitments that you have
made (26)
 Confronting conflict situations in an honest and
direct manner (27)
 Consistently demonstrating high levels of
integrity in your daily contacts with others (28)
 Going to bat for your direct reports when you
feel they are right (37)
 Being willing to speak out on issues even when
your view is unpopular (40)

Understanding We must be caring, show respect,

compassion and humanity for our colleagues and
customers around the world and always work for
the benefit of India

 Spending time with customers or those who have

direct contact with customers (8)
 Actively looking for ways to increase value and
satisfaction for the customer (9)
 Having a clear idea of what works in the market
place (11)
 Understanding the strategic implications of
decisions (17)
 Managing change in a thoughtful and well planned
rather than reactive manner (19)
 Being genuinely concerned about people
development (29)
 Working with others to continuously improve
their personal performance (33)

Tata Values and TLPs

 Demonstrating extraordinary levels of energy and

effort (1)
 Establishing high performance goals and standards
 Making decisions based on what is best for the
customer (7)
 Rewarding people for trying new things rather
than punishing them for mistakes (10)
 Demonstrating awareness of changing industry and
market conditions (22)
 Keeping up to date with leading edge developments
in your field or function (23)
 Demonstrating a high level of skill in your
functional area (24)
 Challenging people to stretch themselves (30)

Excellence We must constantly strive to achieve

the highest possible standards in our day-to-day
work and in the quality of the goods and services
we provide.

 Actively looking for ways to increase value and

satisfaction for the customers (9)
 Establishing a climate of openness and trust -35
 Establishing team or group goals as well as
individual goals (42)
 Demonstrating a balance between the individual
and the team - is a good team player (43)
 Encouraging people to collaborate with others in
the Tata Group (44)
 Encouraging an open exchange of ideas and
different points of view. (46)

Unity We must work cohesively with our

colleagues across the Group with our customers
and partners around the world, building strong
relationships based on tolerance, understanding
and mutual cooperation.
Tata Values and TLPs

 Solving immediate problems without sacrificing

long-term results (5)
 Focusing your time and energy on the most
important priorities (6)
 Communicating an exciting vision for of the
future for the business (13)
 Helping people understand how their jobs
contribute to the overall success of the business
 Giving people candid, even-handed feedback on how
they are doing on their jobs (31)
 Being supportive and helpful in your daily
contacts with others (32)
 Being open and candid with people rather than
being vague or indirect (38)
 Handling pressure smoothly and effectively (39)

Responsibility We must continue to be

responsible, sensitive to the countries,
communities and environments in which we work,
always ensuring that what comes from the people
goes back to the people many times over.
(No Transcript)

 When values and principles are applied

consistently, they become behavioral habits
 and this enables the fundamental transformation
 of people, of relationships
 and of organizations.

How TLPs Work
Knowledge Understands market pricing dynamics
Skill How to set up new
product introduction process
TLP Demonstration (24)
Demonstrates a high level of skill in his/ her
functional area
TLP Demonstration (11)
Has a clear idea of what works in the
TLP Demonstration (28) Consistently
demonstrates high levels of integrity in daily
contact with others
Motives/ Attitude Integrity
wants to work in an honest and direct manner
Using TLPs

 Performance Management
 Potential Assessment
 Leadership Development Planning

Using TLPs
TLPs Managers Radar Chart
3 Strength 2 Neither strength nor OFI 1 OFI
Leadership Development by Level
Top Management
Middle Management
Frontline Management
Benefits of TLPs

 TLPs provide a "road map" for the range of

behaviors that produce excellent performance. It
 Drive Tata Values
 Companies "raise the bar" of performance
 Teams and individuals align their behavior with
key organizational strategies and
 Each employee understands how to achieve expected
performance standards

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