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Method Statement for Survey Monitoring

Of Excavated Slopes

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Document Revision History

CRS (if applicable)
Revision Description Date
Ref. No. Rev.

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Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose and Scope...................................................................................4

2.0 Document Control.....................................................................................4

3.0 Reference Documents...............................................................................4

4.0 Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations.......................................................6

5.0 Responsibility...........................................................................................8

6.0 Materials and Equipment..........................................................................9

7.0 Resources...............................................................................................11

8.0 Methodology / Procedure.......................................................................12

9.0 Quality Control........................................................................................17

10.0 Health, Safety and Environment..............................................................17


Appendix A : QA/QC Forms

Appendix B : HSE Risk Assessment

Appendix C : Drawings

Appendix D : Equipment and Software Specifications

Appendix E : Geotechnical Substantiation Report

Appendix F : Material Approval Request

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1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This document describes in detail the method to be implemented and
resources to be utilized for the survey monitoring of excavated slopes during
construction, in order to provide an adequate, advanced warning of any
possible impending movements.

1.2 In addition procedures relating to the calibration and use of all survey
equipment, the survey operations as well as data handling and reporting are
described herewith.

1.3 The geotechnical aspects and justification of this activity are addressed in
“Geotechnical Substantiation Report” that can be found under Appendix E.

1.4 It is noted that the monitoring scheme described in the present document will
allow the COMPANY to carry out long term monitoring at its own discretion
even after construction works are completed, if deemed necessary.

2.0 Document Control

2.1 This method statement is a controlled document, and will be distributed as
such to those detailed on the Internal Distribution of Documents Matrix
maintained by the Document Controller.
2.2 Internal distribution of this document will be by the Document Controller,
while external distribution will be via the Secretary.
2.3 The documents govern the preparation, registration, approval, distribution and
amendment / revision of this method statement will be according to “your
reference document”
2.4 Revisions to the text of this document will be indicated by a black line in the
right side. Details of previous revisions will be removed.
2.5 This document, including all revised versions will be included in Project
Document Register.
2.6 The requirements for document numbering are addressed in the project
specific procedure “your reference document”

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3.0 Reference Documents

3.1 The following documents define the requirements to be employed to
demonstrate compliance of the works defined in this method Statement:

 Specifications / Codes / Standards

Ref. Title

 Drawings
Ref. Title

 Documents
Ref. Title

4.0 Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations

4.1 Definition and Terms

4.2 Abbreviations
S/N Abbreviatio Description
. n

5.0 Responsibility
5.1 The Project Manager is responsible to appoint site supervisory personnel to
organize, coordinate, and oversee the execution of the work detailed in this
method statement.
5.2 The Construction Manager is responsible for the organization and coordination
of the entire work detailed in this method statement.
5.3 The Chief Surveyor is responsible for the execution of the works detailed in
this method statement. He will be responsible for instructing the survey
personnel about the requirements of the contract, including all restrictions,
safety regulations, scope of work and time schedule. He will assure that survey
works are carried out to the survey specifications and that data handling and
reporting are carried out efficiently and to the required standards. In addition,

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he will be responsible for related logistic matters and all matters related to
HSE and the quality of the works.
5.4 The Surveyors under the guidance and supervision of the Chief Surveyor will
ensure that:
 The survey data will be acquired, logged and archived correctly.
 The survey data will be processed and interpreted correctly.
 Equipment will be operated within the defined limits and tolerances.
 Calibrations will be carried out as defined in the calibration procedures.
 Comprehensive instructions and proper supervision will be provided to the
survey assistants.
 Coverage and density of acquired survey data will be as per specifications.

5.5 Assigned HSE staff is responsible to assist the survey team to develop safe
methods of working and to monitor implementation of the controls as required.
5.6 Assigned QA/QC staff is responsible to assist the survey team to ensure all
works comply with specified requirement and to monitor implementation of the
controls as required.

6.0 Materials and Equipment

6.1 Materials
Survey monitoring activities include the below list of permanent materials:

 Concrete Foundations

 Steel Rebars

 Aluminum Plates

Additionally surveying equipment, accessories and consumables will be used as

detailed below.

For the initial establishment of the monitoring points on the ground, steel rods
and concrete foundation shall be used as per section 8.3.2 below. Also the
points will be labeled using aluminum plates as per section 8.3.3.

6.2 Equipment
The main equipment (hardware & software) to be utilized for the surveying
works are listed below.

Topographic Survey Equipment & Software No.

Dual Frequency GPS RTK Receivers
Manufacturer: ASHTECH, Model: Proflex800 or equivalent
Static GPS Data Processing Software
Manufacturer: ASHTECH, Model: “GNSS Solutions” or 1

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6.3 Extracts from the above equipment operation manuals, including description
and technical specifications can be found in Appendix D “Equipment &
Software Specifications”.

6.4 Sufficient spares, accessories and consumables will be available during

execution of the survey works to avoid delays. These include but are not
limited to the following:
 Batteries
 Cables
 Antennas
 Tripods
 Tribrach
 Survey Poles
 Measuring tapes

7.0 Resources
7.1 Plant
Subject activity does not include the use of any particular plant.
7.2 Personnel / Workforce
The manpower that will be involved in the execution of the survey monitoring
works includes the following personnel:

Description No.
Chief Surveyor 1
La Surveyors 2
SSS Survey Assistants 2

Personnel responsibilities are detailed in relevant chapter 5.0 above.

8.0 Methodology / Procedure

8.1 Schedule of Works

Works will be executed on a daily 12-hour basis, 6 days a week.

8.2 Survey Control

8.2.1 All survey data will be referenced to the geodetic reference system
specified in the Contract documents & drawings as detailed below:

8.2.2 Project geodetic reference system details:

 Horizontal Datum:

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Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 39

Spheroid: Clarke 1880
Datum: Nahrwan 1967

 Vertical Datum:
Local Chart Datum (LCD).

8.2.3 The abovementioned vertical Datum (LCD) is also referred to as “Chart

Datum” (CD), “include your reference” Chart Datum” and has been pre-
determined as 0.96m below Mean Sea Level (MSL).

8.2.4 Detailed geodetic parameters are listed below.

Spheroid Parameters

Projection Parameters

Datum Transformation Parameters

8.2.5 Horizontal & vertical control will be referenced to the control points included
in “include your reference”, these are the same control points used for the
execution of the construction works.

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8.2.6Extract from abovementioned “include your reference” report including

control points coordinates can be found below:

8.2.7 All survey monitoring points coordinates & levels will be expressed in the
reference system described above unless instructed otherwise by the
8.2.8 Successive sets of monitoring measurements will be taken using the exact
same control points to allow direct comparison of the readings. This is to
ensure that any possible errors in the original coordinates of the control
points, regardless how small they may be, do not affect the observed
coordinates of the monitoring points leading to false conclusion of movements.
8.2.9 Based on the above all monitoring measurements shall be executed relative
to primary control point PM3. This has been selected because it lies in the
vicinity of the project area but outside the limit of construction works so it is
expected to remain intact after construction works are completed. This will
allow the “include your reference” to continue the monitoring at its own
discretion after construction has been completed using the same control point
as reference, allowing accurate comparison of future monitoring
measurements with the ones taken during construction.
8.2.1 Primary control points PM1 and A16 will also be measured during each survey
campaign. This will allow overall verification of the GPS system as well as a
confirmation that primary reference control point PM3 has not been disturbed
in between successive sets of measurements. Possible disturbance of PM3 if it
went undetected would lead to erroneous values and subsequently wrong
conclusions on the measurements of the monitoring points. Moreover in the
unlike event that PM3 is destroyed or found to have been disturbed these 2
points will also work as backup so that monitoring can continue based on
those without inducing any discrepancies in the measurements of the
monitoring points by adopting new reference control points.
8.2.11A layout drawing showing the locations of the primary Project control points
listed under 8.2.6 can be found in the following page. Control points PM3, PM1
& A16 that will be used for the monitoring of the slopes have been highlighted
in the subject drawing for easy reference.

8.3 Establishment of Monitoring Points

8.3.1 Monitoring Points (MPs) will be installed along the benches of the excavated
slopes at regular intervals. Proposed locations of MPs are shown on drawing
“include your reference” that can be found under Appendix B. As shown the
distance of the monitoring points along the same bench shall not exceed
200m. A staggered pattern has been adopted where the length and layout of
the benches/slopes allowed it.

8.3.2 Monitoring Points shall be materialized on the ground by concrete

monuments similar to the ones used for establishment of survey control
points. The point of measurement shall be the center of a steel rebar
embedded in the ground and secured by concrete. This may be achieved by
manual excavation or drilling using a portable drilling tool as required by the

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type and nature of the ground at each location. At any case the points will be
firmly secured on the ground and stability shall be assured before
measurements commence. Typical section and dimensions of the proposed
monuments to be established at the locations of the monitoring points can be
found below.

Monitoring Point Monument Typical Section

8.3.3 The monuments shall be labeled using 3x5 cm aluminum plates carrying
the monitoring point number for easy identification. These will be fixed next to
the point of measurement (rebar), on the flat concrete surface. A sample of
the aluminum labels to be used for this purpose can be found below.
Monitoring Point Label

8.3.4 The monitoring points shall be established on the external part of the slope’s
bench, at a typical distance of 1m from the top of the slope. Establishment of
points at the internal side of the bench, very near to the slope toe shall be
avoided to avoid GPS multi-path effects or poor GPS satellites reception that
could potentially affect the quality of the measurements.

8.3.5 The monitoring points shall be established gradually during the construction
period following the progress of the excavation works. New monitoring points
shall be added in each survey campaign as the construction works advance.
Establishment and measurement of monitoring points on a specific bench shall
commence once the successive, lower bench has been already constructed
and the excavation works have moved lower. This is to ensure safe and
uninterrupted survey operations. Moreover to avoid possible influence in the
measurements due to vibration caused by construction equipment.

8.4 Survey Method

8.4.1 Coordinates and levels of the monitoring points shall be measured at monthly
intervals by GPS static/rapid static method.

8.4.2 This is a differential GPS positioning method of the highest accuracy

which yields accuracies in the order of few mm in the measurement of
baselines. It involves the use of two or more GPS receivers simultaneously
recording satellite data at the points of interest. For baseline vectors in the
order of less than 5 kilometres single frequency receivers could be used.
The use of dual frequency receivers however allows greater accuracy
especially over longer baselines. This is because it allows ionosphere
effects and other systematical errors on the satellite signal to be

8.4.3 Three dual frequency GPS receivers shall be deployed for the execution of
the measurements. One of the receivers shall be permanently installed on

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reference control point PM3. It will operate continuously collecting data

throughout the period of the monitoring survey campaign.

8.4.4 The two remaining GPS receivers shall be moved from point to point by 2
independent survey crews. Recording interval in all GPS receivers shall be set
to 1 second and minimum occupation time on each monitoring point shall be
15 minutes. This period may be extended in specific monitoring points if
deemed necessary to assure sufficient data of good quality have been

8.4.5 GPS antennas on all points shall be installed on tripods carrying tribrach to
assure stability during the execution of the measurements. Slant antenna
height shall be measured by measuring tape from 2 sides and recorded on the
“GPS Observations Sheet” that can be found in Appendix A, along with other
important field information.

8.4.6 During each monthly survey campaign control points A16 and PM1 shall
also be measured in addition to the monitoring points for quality control
purposes as detailed in section 8.2.10.

8.4.7 Above procedure will result to the measurement of all “radial” baselines from
reference point PM3 to each individual monitoring point as well as to control
points A16 and PM1.

8.4.8 “GNSS Solutions” post processing software shall be used to resolve

ambiguities for all static GPS observations to their final vector component dx,
dy and dz. Results shall be analysed and processed using the same software
and the onboard QA tools. Error ellipses of the calculated baselines shall be
calculated to ensure that these fall within the predetermined tolerances. A
report generated automatically by the software shall be exported including the
coordinates of all measured points, base line lengths, estimation of errors and
other useful information.

8.4.9 Results shall be submitted to the COMPANY in tabulated excel format.

These shall include the coordinates E, N, H of each monitoring point as
measured during each monthly campaign. The differences dE, dN, dZ of the
present coordinates versus the ones of the previous set as well as the
original/“base” values shall be included. Historical diagrams will also be
prepared to provide a graphical representation of each point’s horizontal
position & elevation changes as applicable. Drawings showing the resulting
vectors for each point shall also be prepared and submitted in case any
movements are detected. Other forms of data presentation will also be
considered, subject to COMPANY requirements.

8.4.10At any case it is important to detect any persistent change of coordinates on

any of the points that cannot be attributed to random minor measuring
tolerances and identify any possible trend that suggests a movement. In such
case the next step would be to determine whether any such movement tends
to accelerate over time. For this reason measurements may be taken at more
frequent intervals on the specific point(s) combined with other investigations
as detailed in Geotechnical Substantiation Report under Appendix E.

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9.0 Quality Control

9.1 All works will be undertaken in compliance with the quality requirements of
the Contract, and “include your reference”.
9.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) is not required for this activity since all records
are equipment-generated. Equipment will be controlled in accordance to
relevant procedures “include your reference” and Procedure “include your
reference” as detailed below.
9.3. All GPS equipment and accessories will be tested for correct functioning, prior
to shipping to the site. Each receiver has an in-built self-test procedure that is
activated at power on. The procedure is designed to carry out a system check
on all channels and to test the memory installed in the receiver. The receiver
will carry out an automatic search for satellites. The position/satellite
information displayed is then checked visually for validity before the unit is
powered down and packed ready for shipping to the site. If a receiver does
not comply with the manufacturers specifications it will be sent away for
factory checks and/or repairs.
9.6 The accuracy of a GPS receiver cannot be guaranteed by a calibration
certificate for the specific receiver used, because the overall accuracy depends
also on the satellite part of the system. For this reason the accuracy of the
GPS system will be checked onsite on known control stations as per sections
8.2.10 & 8.4.6. Results will be recorded in the relevant form that can be found
in Appendix A (“include your reference””).

10.0 Health, Safety and Environment

10.1 The works shall be carried out in compliance with the applicable HSE legal
and contractual requirements as well as with the “include your reference”.
10.2 The significant HSE hazards and risks related to the works covered by this
document have been identified, and documented in ““include your
reference” .
10.3 The identified hazards and associated risks and mitigation controls shall be
communicated to the workforce through registered Pre-task briefings at
the beginning of each shift.
10.4 All personnel involved in the survey works will be HSE inducted prior to
commencement of the works in accordance to COMPANY requirements.

---- END OF TEXT ----

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Appendix A
QA/QC Forms
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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Appendix B
HSE Risk Assessment
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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Appendix C
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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Appendix D
Equipment and Software Specifications
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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Appendix E
Geotechnical Substantiation Report
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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Appendix F
Permanent Approval Request
Title Reference Rev Page
. s

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