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Inventory Managmnt System

Project Domain: Invntory Management

Platforms : Web
Design (UI/UX): Modern & Rsponsive
Phases S. No. Tasks (Detailed) (Man Days)
Analysis -
1 Architecture/Inventroy Pages Design/Database Design/Design doc will be created on use case basis, this is most critical
phase for the project. The HTML design will also be finalized in this period of time.

UI Design -
Implementation and release will be done on use case basis
2 We will finalize release schedule in advance and design and program Inventory Managemnt and call to actions with
complete frontend design of The Product.
Compatbility - FireFox, Google Chrome, Responsive with other devices.
3 Inventory Management System Functons & Modules
1- Super Admin Login
Profile Management
Alerts Management [Stock Notifications]
Create Stores
Roles & Permissions Creation
Add New Role
Delete Role
Customized Roles
Sub-Admin Creation
Search Users By Email ID| Employee Code| Name|Contact Number
Users Managemnt (Add/Edit/Delete)
Inventory Management
Change Password
Sub-Admin Login
Profile Management
View Roles & Permissions
Request for Change of Role
View Inventory
Manage Inventory According to Role
Forget Password? Request For New Password
Requests Management (It will be taken Care By the Super Admin Permissions)
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2- Vendor Management
Vendor's Name
Email ID
Contact Number
Zip Code
Contact Number
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3- Clients Management
Client's Name
Email ID
Contact Number
Zip Code
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4- Inventory Management
Select Inventory Type For Stock Management
4.1 Upload Iteams/Products Via CSV File With Below Fields|System Upload (Chemical/Machinary)
Sr. No
Product ID
Quantity of Products
Product Name
Product Image
Product Price
Pack Size
Vendor Name
Vendor Email ID
Vendor Contact Number
ZIP Code
Purchased Date
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4.2 Mannual Upload Products/Iteams With Below Fields|Mannual Upload (Chemical/Machinary)
Sr. No
Product Code
Quantity of Products
Product Name
Product Image
Product Price
Pack Size
Vendor Name
Vendor Email ID
Vendor Contact Number
ZIP Code
Purchased Date
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4.3 Search Products (Filter- Search By)
Product ID
Product Name
Vendor's Name
Date of Purchased
Vendor's Email ID
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Raised Request For New Purchase With Below Fields
Rquest Date
Product ID
Product Name
Number of Quantity
Name of Vendor
Vendor's Contact Details
4.4 View Inventory
Sr. No
Product ID
Product Name
Product Image
Pack Size
Product Price
Product Descrption
Purchased Date
Vendor's Name
Vendor's Contact Details
Total Quantity of Products
Consumed Quantity
Remain Quantity
Green Flag (If Number of products are available up to a set limit)
Red Flag (If Number of Products are getting shorter than the set Limit)
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Search By Product ID
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Search By Purchased Date
Search By Vendor's Contact Details
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5- Entry of Consumed/Outgoing Products
Select Product Type
Enter/Select Product Code
Enter/Select Product Pack Size
Enter/Select Product Name
Enter/Select Name of Sales Person
Order Number
Number of Quantity
Total Price
Client's Name
ZIP Code
Email ID
Contact Number
Submit for approval
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Expoert CSV Reports
6- Reports
Sales Invoices Reports (Standard Format According to Client's Need)
Purchased Invoice Reports (As per Standard Format)
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Search Reports by Product Name ( Incoming Products)
Search Reports by Product ID ( Consumed/Outgoing Products)
Search Reports by Product Name ( Consumed/Outgoing Products)
Search Reports By Client's Name/Email ID/Contact Number
Search Reports By Vendor's Name/Email ID/Contact Number

Testing (QA) and Project Management

Test Planning
Test Cases (Optional)
Bug reporting
Bug fixing
Load Testing
Staging deployment (for review and testing)
Testng, UAT

Itertative testing and deployment for Agile Development and progress.

Bug reporting and bug fixing shared transparently with the client.

Release and UAT activities (Transation phase)

UAT (User Acceptance testing)
One time Production Deployment (Optional)
Sign off from the client
Release notes, Help files, documentation, Source code handover to the client
Feedback received

Total Man days

Technology, Tools & Approach Adopted for Web Applicatons

1 Programming Language: C#
2 Framework: ASP.NET MVC5
2 Database: SQL
3 Graphical Designs using Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw, Dreamweaver
4 Agile Methodology Adopted

Summary - Phase work

S.No. Phase wise breakup Man Days
1 Kick-off Phase
2 Elaboration Phase
4 Development Phase - Web
5 Testing (QA)
6 Release & UAT

Efforts Estmates - Man days




Ki ck-off Phas e El a boration Phas e Devel opment Pha se - Web Testing (QA) Rel eas e & UAT

Per man day cost

Summary - Efforts, Costng & Resources

Total Effort (in per person days)
No. of development resources
Time-frame of delivery (in calendar days)
Time-frame of delivery (in calendar weeks)
Product Development Cost
Discount (0%) (can be discussed in final meeting)
Total Cost of the Project (after discount) - FINAL COST

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