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Running Head: FEDERALISM

Charman M. Malinao Jr.
Grade 11 - G

TRACE College
Passed To:
Sir Anjo


Federalism in itself is effective in evading tyranny in which was its’ main purpose for
such a government to implement for but yet it has its’ positive remarks – like all things there
it has its’ negatives. Having a divided power among states, it gives way and right for each
division to have their own laws and rights. Federalism is an arrangement of government that
guarantees established division of forces between a bureaucratic government and its
combining units so that these two arrangements of government work in select political spaces
for the accomplishment of shared objectives.

Federalism is appropriate for a nation having an enormous region, populace and territorial
characters, since it ensures an extensive level of self-rule and select political space for the
unifying units. The local and ethnic characters are subsequently guaranteed conservation,
insurance and flourishing through self-administration. Centralization of forces likewise brings
about awful administration since the unifying units need managerial independence and
financial assets to manage their duties.

Such a condition of terrible administration prompts the rise of different complexities and
emergencies in alliance. These emergencies, if not settled through the standard between
administrative compromise components, lead to the breakdown of socio-political and
financial frameworks, and even breaking down of the nation. In an alliance, power is shared
between central government and areas. Centralization of forces by the national government
undermines the acknowledged standards of federalism. In a profoundly concentrated
government framework, the constituent regions become angry towards the oppressive
administration of the central government. They don't settle on being consigned to the status of
unimportant authoritative units and denied of their characteristic rights. Therefore, clashes
rise in the political framework.


Federalism, mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities
within an overarching political system in a way that allows each to maintain its own integrity.
Federal systems do this by requiring that basic policies be made and implemented through
negotiation in some form, so that all the members can share in making and executing
decisions. The political principles that animate federal systems emphasize the primacy of
bargaining and negotiated coordination among several power centers; they stress the virtues
of dispersed power centers as a means for safeguarding individual and local liberties.
(, 2019)

Throughout history, we were taught to believe that the divided are bound to fall but
Federalism believes otherwise. It is within the gravity of the words of Ernesto Teodoro
Moneta, “In varietate unitas!” meaning ‘Unity through diversity’. In modern society this is
quite possible, given that each state has a written constitution which outlines the terms by
which power is divided or shared. This also gives each state or settlement their right to have
their own laws and which the downside is the inequality of rights and laws in each state is
unevenly distributed. For example, the State of Mississippi may illegalize the use of
Marijuana within their borders while Los Angeles legalize the use of Marijuana for Medicinal
purposes. This of course may give inconvenience to citizens of a state in which is in need of
the said product for Medicinal purposes, given the fact that when abused, there will be
penalty. Countries today like Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, and Malaysia
(federal constitutional monarchy) had implemented Federalism into their governance and
maybe soon the Philippines as well. Having this sort of decentralized power may prove
effective in giving the economy of the Philippines an improvement considering that each
state will have more power over their own resources and hence have their own economic pros
and cons to go through without having to ask Malacañang which will be in-charge of the
overalls. One of the upsides of decentralization is that nearby government units will likewise
have no more reason for deferred and low-quality activities and projects since they won't
have the option to accuse the national government any longer. This will likewise decrease the
reliance of the real populace on the Capital or Metro Manila when pushed to the point of
Employment and for setting up organizations. Metro Manila only represents 14% of the
populace but was given 35% of the national budget. Taking the Philippines for example as to
what Federalism may bring brings out what it gives to a nation or state and may, in my
opinion, be the best possible way to govern a nation.


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