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B3 james Ryan arante MOVIE REVIEW


There was a girl named Rylie. She first have the emotion called joy or happiness. For Joy it
was a red letter day. As the time goes on she developed different emotions, they are anger,
disgust, fear, and sadness. Rylie’s life was almost perfect before they move on. When Rylie
reached their new home her emotions feel sad because of the place. When she reached her
new school she also got upset, they try to cheer up Rylie by making Rylie think about good
events in her life or also called as core memories, but when they play it sadness touch the
memory so it turns blue which represents sad events and it was out of the blue. Joy does not
want that core memory to be a core memory. Joy have pressed the suck button so Sadness
and Joy got sucked up. Everything gone horribly wrong all the islands have been destroyed,
So Sadness and Joy just bury the hachet and worked together to return to the headquarters
and fix everything in their way they meet BingBong, Rylie’s imaginary friend. BingBong help
them to find the train that can go to the headquarters. They have successfully ride the train
after some problems, but on their way the honest island have fallen so they have fallen too.
Joy got a new plan she will transfer using the tube that brings memories back to the
headquarters but it broke. Bingbong and Joy fell on the dump wherein things are being
forgotten. They use Bingbong’s rocket or vehicle to go up to the top. Bingbong did not go so
that Joy can reach the top. Joy finds Sadness and return to the headquarters to fix everything.
They have returned everything back to normal. Rylie lives happily.
I am very sad because Bingbong was forgotten by Rylie but at the same time I am happy
because everything went back to normal.

I recommend this to my friend because this movie is well-made and this movie shows
different lessons. It has good language and good Ideas.
Cause and effect
Cause: Joy and Sadness were sucked up and been brought to the memory storage.
Effect: Rylie lost her emotions. Everything gone wrong

Rylie returns home and live happily.

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