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Hannah Setter TPA 1 2136563

Teaching Performance Activities (TPA)

Activity 1: Undertaken prior to placement (Standard 6.1)

Self-assess your professional learning goals using the Australian Professional

Standards rubric in your Handbook

What are your strengths and challenges? How will you address your areas of

According to the Professional Standards for teachers (A pre-service teacher developmental

continuum) self-assessments can be used as a tool to validate current performance against the
Areas of Strength
From my current teaching experience I found that one of the most important and beneficial
standards is based on standard 1: Know the students and how they learn. Knowing best how a
student learns and getting to know a student is at the forefront of my mind. So far on all of my
placements I have had students with NEP, IEP or ILP. In these situations I have engaged in
conversations with the students’ current and previous teachers/ SSO’s to gain more knowledge. I
have also had the opportunity to learn about SEQTA, which gave me insight into student’s
backgrounds and their diverse and unique learning needs (1.2, 1.5). Although I have not yet had
the opportunity to teach students with disabilities I have used several conscious efforts to do
simple inclusive practices such as; not singling out students/ groups, grouping students for a range
of different reasons, planning and presenting differentiated tasks to look the same, along with
avoiding making assumptions (1.5, 1.6). Another strength I have in accordance to the Australian
Professional Standards aligns with standard 2.6 (Information and Communication Technology,
ICT). During my last placement I experimented with various online learning programs such as
‘Socrative’, which worked really, well in an English lesson. Another strength I acquire in the
classroom is setting and establishing learning goals that provide achievable challenges for students
of varying abilities and characteristics (3.1). Each and every lesson I begin by stating the lesson’s
objectives on a smart board/ interactive board or white board. I then discuss with my class how
they can best achieve these learning goals and utilize their time. Standard 6 (Engage in
professional learning) more specifically standard 6.3 I find myself confident in. Engaging with
colleagues in order to improve my practice is very important to me and I am always seeking
constructive feedback to then implement in my future practices.
Hannah Setter TPA 1 2136563

Areas for Improvement

A great challenge in which I am yet to fully conquer is my ability to manage challenging behaviour
(4.3). During the final week of my previous professional Experience (Willunga, 2018) I was starting
to feel confident with my behaviour management, however with only 5 weeks to overcome this I
am not where I want to be and still see this to be a challenge of mine. My current experience
teaching has been in classrooms teaching students English, thus I assume I will need to develop
the skill sets necessary to run a successful physical education class. As a way of addressing this
area of challenge, I believe an internship (extended placement) will be a great way for me to
spend more time with the students in my classes and therefore find strategies to demonstrate
knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour. Additional to this I will need
to learn how to successfully implement quality teaching within physical education, implementing
Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL), game sense pedagogies and retrieval practice. These are all
theories I will need to learn how to implement into my lessons. Additionally I plan to attend any
professional development the school has to offer alongside any critical feedback in which I can
implement into future lessons. This includes expanding my knowledge in strategies for teaching
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander students (1.4). Differentiation is a topic that I will undergo
in semester 1 this year (prior to professional experience) therefore I hope to improve and
implement some strategies in the classroom and in physical education lessons to ensure the
participation and level of readiness in all of my students. Furthermore standard 7: Engage
professionally with colleagues, parents/ carers and the community is another area for expansion.
Later this year in April I plan to attend an ACHPER (SA) Health and PE conference, where I will
professionally engage with physical educators from around the state. Another standard in which is
currently ‘missing’ is 7.3 (engage with the parents/ carers. I have not had much of an opportunity
when it comes to working with the parents and carers other than a text message home or an email
here and there about a students work. I would like to improve on this during my placement this
year by attending REC’s inspiring success night in week 2 Term 1, where students, parents and
teachers gather and discuss the students aims for the year ahead. I think this will be a great
opportunity to further my experience with the parent engagement.

Mentor/University Liaison Comment:

During her lead in days Hannah and myself have had several discussions regarding her strengths and areas for
improvement. We has have highlighted particular aspects and completed some focused observations where I have
modelled particular practises then Hannah has taken the lead in order to develop her own repertoire.

Hannah Setter TPA 1 2136563

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