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Must Read List for Mgmt
Uploaded by akhilyerawar7013 on Oct 31, 2015 IOLO 1 Say It With McKinsey PST
Presentations Coaching Guide
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Business, Leadership, Management, Marketing Consulting, Consultants, Caree

& Strategy Search, Case Intervie

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary !orl's 0eest Profess

Companies ~by Jim Collins, Jerry I. Porras Consultin* in t"e (entiet" Cent

C"ristop"er &. #c1enna

Goo to Great: !"y Some Companies

#a$e t"e Leap an %t"ers &on't ~by Jim Collins &an*erous Company: #
consultants an businesses t"ey 1/14
24.09.2019 Must Read List for Mgmt Consultants | Mc Kinsey & Company | Strategic Management

James %'S"ea, C"arles #ai*an

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("e Goal: ) Process of %n*oin*

Impro+ement~by liya"u #. Golratt
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3nscrupulous !orl of Global Co
Consultin* ~by Leis Pinault

Influence: Science an Practice ~by

-obert B. Cialini
IOLO 1 Say It With McKinsey PST Minto Pyramid Pyramid Principle 115230 Qiao
Presentations Coaching Guide Principle Zhang…
("e 4ceptional Presen
/ormula to %pen 3p an %n t"
(imot"y J. 1oe*el
&iscipline of #ar$et Leaers: C"oose
customers, narro focus, ominate mar$et ~by #.
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!ritin*, ("in$in*, 2 Problem Sol+
("e 0e Ho: Creatin* Business
Solutions ("rou*" Collaborati+e Strate*y ~by
0ilofer #erc"ant

Say It it" Presentation

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an &eli+er Successful Business

Presentations ~by Gene 6ela5ny

Competin* for t"e /uture ~by Gary Hamel,

C.1. Pra"ala

IOLO 1 Say It With McKinsey PST Minto Pyramid Pyramid Principle 115230 Qiao
Say It !it" C"arts: ("e
Presentations Coaching Guide Principle Zhang…
to Visual Communication ~by Ge

("e /uture of #ana*ement  ~by Gary


("e Say It !it" C"arts

(ool$it  ~by Gene 6ela5ny

Blue %cean Strate*y: Ho to create

unconteste mar$et space ~by !.C. 1im, -.
House of Lies: Ho #an
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Consultants Steal 7our !atc" an
t"e (ime ~by #artin 1i"n
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#ar$etin* ~by -o*er 1erin, Ste+en Your first 30 days are free!
Hartley, !illiam -uelius
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/laless Consultin* ~b

("e !itc" &octors: #a$in* Sense of t"e

#ana*ement Gurus ~by Jo"n #ic$let"ait, )rian
!oolri*e #c1insey's #ar+in Boe
Leaers"ip, an Creation of #an
Consultin* ~by li5abet" Haas  3/14
24.09.2019 Must Read List for Mgmt Consultants | Mc Kinsey & Company | Strategic Management

("e #ana*ement #yt": &ebun$in*

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Case Inter+ie Success

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IOLO 1 Say It With McKinsey PST Minto Pyramid Pyramid Principle 115230 Qiao
Presentations Coaching Guide Principle Zhang…

!etfeet Insier Guie: Careers in

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practice of mana*ement e+elopment ~by Henry

!etfeet Insier Guie: Careers in

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Consultin* Inter+ies ~by !et/eet

%utliers: ("e Story of Success ~by

#alcolm Glaell

Vault Career Guie to Consultin* ~

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C"un*, Vault
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!alter 1iec"el
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Vault Guie to t"e Case Inter+ie ~
#ar$ )s"er, Vault

Valuation: #easurin* an #ana*in* t"e

Value of Companies ~by (im 1oller, #arc
Goe"art, &a+i !essels Vault Case Inter+ie Practice Guie
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IOLO 1 Say It With McKinsey PST Minto Pyramid Pyramid Principle 115230 Qiao
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#c1insey #in: Implementin* problem9 Vault Guie to /inance Inter+ies ~

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24.09.2019 Must Read List for Mgmt Consultants | Mc Kinsey & Company | Strategic Management
Case in Point: Complete Case Inter
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Classic Concepts an 0e Perspecti+es ~by Carl
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Competiti+e Strate*y: (ec"niues for
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Sustainin* Superior Performance ~by #ic"ael . #asterin* t"e Case Inter+ie: ("e
Porter  Complete Guie to Inter+iein* !it" t"e (op
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%n Competition ~by #ic"ael . Porter 

Ho to Inter+ie Li$e a (op #B): ;o
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career counselors ~by S"el Leanne 6/14
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Presentations Coaching Guide Principle Zhang… 10/14
24.09.2019 Must Read List for Mgmt Consultants | Mc Kinsey & Company | Strategic Management

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