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Continue and maintain current macroeconomic policies, including fiscal, monetary,

and trade policies.
2. Institute progressive tax reform and more effective tax collection, indexing taxes to
3. Increase competitiveness and the ease of doing business. This effort will draw upon
successful models used to attract business to local cities (e.g., Davao) and pursue the
relaxation of the Constitutional restrictions on foreign ownership, except as regards
land ownership, in order to attract foreign direct investment.
4. Accelerate annual infrastructure spending to account for 5% of GDP, with Public-
Private Partnerships playing a key role.
5. Promote rural and value chain development toward increasing agricultural and rural
enterprise productivity and rural tourism.
6. Ensure security of land tenure to encourage investments, and address bottlenecks
in land management and titling agencies.
7. Invest in human capital development, including health and education systems,
and match skills and training to meet the demand of businesses and the private sector.
8. Promote science, technology, and the creative arts to enhance innovation and
creative capacity towards self-sustaining, inclusive development.
9. Improve social protection programs, including the government’s Conditional Cash
Transfer program, to protect the poor against instability and economic shocks.
10. Strengthen implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Law to enable especially poor couples to make informed choices on financial
and family planning.
1. Continue and maintain current macroeconomic policies, including fiscal,
monetary, and trade policies.
MACROECONOMIC POLICIES. We are going to maintain good macroeconomic
fundamentals, which includes addressing the issues of tax evasion, corruption, and
smuggling. By reducing tax evasion, corruption and smuggling, revenue generation
will be boosted substantially, even if we reduce tax rates, for example.
2. Institute progressive tax reform and more effective tax collection, indexing
taxes to inflation.
 TAX REFORM. We [also aim to] make the tax system more equitable and more
progressive, meaning lighter burden for lower-income groups and higher tax
rates for higher-income groups. Our tax system should be more competitive
with our ASEAN neighbours, at least, and other neighbouring countries in Asia.
3. Increase competitiveness and the ease of doing business. This effort will draw
upon successful models used to attract business to local cities (e.g., Davao)
and pursue the relaxation of the Constitutional restrictions on foreign
ownership, except as regards land ownership, in order to attract foreign direct
 Reforms to ensure competitiveness and promote ease of doing business will
be mandatory. [applause] Reacting to these needs, the restrictions on the
economy will be needed to make more investments to come and to develop
labor-intensive industries such as manufacturing, agriculture and tourism shall
be pursued.
 To enhance local business environment by addressing bottlenecks in business
registration and processing, streamlining investment application process and
integration the services of various government offices.
 Processing time in issuing permits and licenses shall be reduced to the barest
4. Accelerate annual infrastructure spending to account for 5% of GDP, with
Public-Private Partnerships playing a key role.
 Road development shall complement with the trust modern agriculture,
infrastructural and expanding improving the construction and rehabilitation to
roads and the irrigation.
 Establishing modern harvest facilities to minimize losses.
 Accelerate infrastructure spending improving national roads and bridges and
implementing the Mindanao Logistics Infrastructure network and other road
 Pursue inter Island linkage projects.
5. Promote rural and value chain development toward increasing agricultural
and rural enterprise productivity and rural tourism.
 The restrictions on the economy will be needed to make a more investments to
come and to develop labor intensive industries such as manufacturing
agriculture and tourism shall be pursued..
 Aims to conduct more access road tourism to service centers and tourist strikes.
Road development project shall complement w/ modern agricultural
infrastructural and expanding improving the construction and rehabilitation to
roads and the irrigation and establishing modern harvest to post harvest
facilities to minimize losses.
 We shall also conduct nationwide soil analysis to determine areas most suitable
for rice farming to optimize production.
 To use effective soil rehabilitation and fertilization, we shall strictly enforce
fisheries laws particularly on illegal fishing and promote aquaculture along
6. Ensure security of land tenure to encourage investments, and address
bottlenecks in land management and titling agencies.
 There is a need to review the land reform program, which has a checkered kind
of performance.
 The government has issued the ancestral certificate titling covering vast thrust
of land especially in the Island of indigenous people of Mindanao (Indigenous
peoples right Act) to protect and assist them.
7. Invest in human capital development, including health and education
systems, and match skills and training to meet the demand of businesses and
the private sector.
 There must be sufficient income for all Filipinos to meet the basic needs and
non-food needs for the families.
 To continue to track investment that will generate thousands of jobs each year.
Jobs that are suitable for the poor and less skills members of the workforce.
 The government also provide universal health insurance to all Filipinos.
 Fully implement the Magna Carta for Women (RA 9710 of 2009)
 Prioritize the rehabilitation of abusers and increase the number of residential
treatment and rehabilitation facilities in all regions of the country.
8. Promote science, technology, and the creative arts to enhance innovation and
creative capacity towards self-sustaining, inclusive development.
 Research on Science and technology has always been overlooked area of
development resulting in a shortage of innovation. Unless we take a serious
stand in the field of Science and technology, the country’s workers will remain
mediocre alongside their foreign counterparts.
9. Improve social protection programs, including the government’s Conditional
Cash Transfer program, to protect the poor against instability and economic
 To strengthen the delivery of social services, the government will intensify its
protection programs, so it can use its resources, expertise to make a dent in
the country’s poverty levels.
 To genuinely reduce the vulnerabilities of the people, the beneficiaries of 4 ps
or the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
10. Strengthen implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law to enable especially poor couples to make informed
choices on financial and family planning.
 Vigorous and sustained implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law will result in good childcare, human capital
investment, workforce quality, and a more buoyant and brisk labor market. This
has not been included in previous Philippine Development Plans, but it is the
centerpiece of the new Philippine Development Plan.

Why is it that there is no law and order in the 10-point agenda?

• He numbered as item number 0 (Peace and Order)
 No. 0 because it’s obvious that law and order has to be the bedrock , the
foundation of any economy.

• Reference: MBC Forum No.6 series of 2016
• Emmanuel J. Lopez ( - July 5, 2016 - 1:07pm
• Philippine Daily Inquirer / 12:10 AM January 02, 2017
• socioeconomicagenda
• President Duterte SONA 2016 and 2019

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