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Improve your Skills Writing for Advanced PAU emt | Yee le Malcolm Mann « Steve Taylore-Knowles MACMILLAN Improve your Skills Writing for Advanced with Answer Key Series editors: Malcolm Mann e Steve Taylore-Knowles FA MACMILLAN Macmillan Education 4 Gehan Street London Ni xW ‘Adlision of Macmian Publishers Lites Companies and repesentatves throughout the word SBN 978-0-200-46209-8 (with key) SBN 972-0-220-46208-3 (without key) ISBN 978-0-230-46202-1 (with key + MPO Pack) ISBN 978-0-230-46201-4 (without key + MPO Pack) “ext, design and iustration © Macmilan Pubishors Limited 2014 Series ected by Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles ‘The authors have asserted thor rights to be dentied as the authors ofthis workin accordance with te Copyright, Designs fang Patents Act 198, Fst published 2014 {Al hts reserve no part of his publication may be reproduced, stored in a retieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, slectronc, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without the prior wren permssion of the publishers Designed by eme design te CCover design by Macmitan Cover photograph by Photoshot/Moodboard Peture research by Emily Taylor "Malcolm Mann and Steve Tayore-Knowles would lk to thank ‘everyone at Macmilan and signature manuscripts for thei hard ‘work on tis challenging but greatly enjoyable roect. “The publishers woul ike to thank al hose who participated ln the development of the project, wth apocial thanks to the freoance editor ‘The author and publishers would keto thank the folowing for permission to reproduce ther photographs. ‘Alamy/JelfGibert p15, Alamy/Boris Karoinski p99, Alamy/ Fosecrary Roberts pion, Corbis/Rachid Dahnour/Aurora (Open p88, Coris/Sean De Burca p23), CorbsEric Raptosh PPhotography/Blond Images p28, CorsHalen King p71, Corba! 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Writing for Advanced is part of the Improve your. ‘Skills exam skills series: four preparation books which cover all aspects of the Cambridge English: Advanced exam. This course aims to develop the key writing skills, and language and exam techniques, for the Advanced Writing paper. The ‘course can be used in conjunction with the other ooks in the series: Use of English for Advanced, Readling for Advanced and Listening and Speaking for Advanced. Trean also be used as a general skills development course, or as preparation for other general English tests. How do | use Improve your Skills? You can use any ofthe books in this series either in esa eer eee you through the activities step by step, so you can. atte tor es fencadea Ifyou are studying as part of a class, your teacher will direct you on how to use each activity. Some activities can be treated as discussions, in which cease they can be a useful opportunity to share ideas and techniques with other learners. How is Improve your Skills: Writing for Advanced organised? ‘The course is made up of 12 units, each aimed at developing a particular Writing skill (eg, planning. oor using paragraphs). Every unit is themed around a. ‘commonly occurring topic from the Advanced exam. Each unit consists of: = Skills development: explanation, examples and tasks to develop and practise relevant Writing skills both for general use and the exam. Each skill is broken down into simple stages with reference to why each skill is important for Advanced, = Vocabulary: useful vocabulary for the Advanced exam, = Exam focus and practice: focus on how each skill relates to the exam, followed by authentic Advanced-style tasks for real exam practice. ‘There are also Skills tip boxes throughout the book containing useful information and ideas on how to approach the exam writing tasks. nt sach nie book to How will Improve your Skills increase my chances of exam success? Skills development ‘The skills sections form a detailed syllabus of core ssriting skills which are useful both in the exam and in everyday life ~ using connectors and cohesive devices and using appropriate register, for example, People often do these things in their own language without noticing, so it can take some practice to perform these actions in another language. Learning and understanding vocabulary and grammar can take priority in the classroom, and these very important skills can often get ignored. Language input Each unit includes useful vocabulary and phrases for the exam. In Improve your Skills: Writing for Advanced, you will find a wide range of topic ‘vocabulary and ideas to :nake sure that you are well prepared when you reach the real exam. Exam technique In any exam, itis important to be prepared for the types of tasks you ar® likely to be given, and to have methods ready to answer any particular ‘question. The Exam focus section helps you develop and practise these methods. The Skills ‘up boxes give short, simple advice about different types of questions, as well as study skills and how to effectively use the skills you have learned. The course covers every question type that you will face in the Advanced exam, How is the Advanced exam organised and where does Writing fitin? ‘The Advanced exam consists of four papers: Use of, English & Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, ‘The Writing paper is made up of owo tasks and takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. What does each task consist of? ‘The writing tasks make up 20% of your final mark in Advanced, There are wo tasks which are designed to test your writing ability in a number of ways. Part 1 isa single essay task in which you are required to ‘comment on the essay question, giving your own. ideas and opinions. In Part 2 you have to choose one of three contextualised questions. You will be asked, to write one of the following text types: = report = letter = proposal For both parts, you have to write between 220 and 260 words, ‘The marks you receive in each task are based on: ! = how relevant the content is to the question. how well you communicate your message to the reader and hold their attention (this is called ‘communicative achievement). how well your writing is organised =the range and accuracy of the language used in. the writing (Le. grammar and vocabulary). ‘This course will develop your knowledge and understanding of all of the above skills, as well as the techniques you will need to use when planning. and writing, TRH AS 2 ey Cee acy Feed e Improve your writing skills: planning Planning involves spending a few minutes thinking a you start writing, It includes selecting the main points you want to for SOE icing on the onder in which you want to present them. It usually i your deck d making decisions before ms down in a way that is easy to refer to as you write 1 Which phrase best sums up the skill of planning? A presenting your key points as quickly as you can B listing your key ideas in a random order collecting your thoughts and organising your ideas the specific d POET oxo sentence important? [tae nut pen to paper, you have to concentrate ing before writing therefore he helps you to present points in the bes right paragraph or section. 2. Successful planning allows you t A focus on things other than ideas when you write. B come up with better examples or reasons as you write © include more detailed information in certain paragraphs, The first step isto recognise the typeof text you are going to write, as this will determine decide ue overal structure to follow. Then, you need to thin and make key decisions. For instance, when writing an essay, you nee How do you plan? (atentaat nd opinions you want to present. Then, break this i hs, Note down want to 9. Refer to your plan as you write following and ad as aypropr 3 what might ‘adapting’ your plan as you write involve? A. rewriting parts of your plan so it's clearer to follow B using your plan as a flexible guide rather than a fixed set of rules C creating the finished plan from your finalised piece of writing re ohswering be Advanced icing a quick plan before you DN secs ovsayise near t ec Cd tp you produce a m the mistake of producing a piece of writing without making a 4. Compared to your actual piece of writing, your plan should take A. more time to produce B about the same amount of time to produ © less time to produce. Get st Look at # Des¢ they = Dox = Wha appr = Who Devel 1 Mate al Get started Look at the photo and answer the questions. Describe briefly what these people are doing and why they may have chosen to do it Do you enjoy activities like this? Why? / Why not? What type of person might this activity be appropriate for? Who would find this activity more of a challenge? Develop your vocabulary 1 Match these words to their definitions. absorbing. ‘@ casual and relaxed exhilarating b_ unable to avoid doing eS or thinking about leisurely something. spundane: making you feel very obsessed excited worthwhile meaningful and useful ordinary and boring f taking up all your attention Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. ‘Margo likes intellectual __ such as reading classic novels and doing crossword puzzles, a chases b hunts © races d_ pursuits Inced an amusing to take my mind off all my work! a diversion b disturbance disguise d_discipline Itis said that brain, such as riddles and puzzles, not only keep the mind active but may also help prevent mental illne: @ tormentors —b_ trappers ¢ teasers 4. tricksters sd a election of icebreaker games to up the party: lighten ¢ live 4 loosen 3 Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the paragraph. Indulge « recreation # steam = unwind # urge Lelsure time is essential for a number of reasons, but one ofits most important functions isto allow us to 0 after a hard day's work or a tough spell of studying. Letting off 2) tke this ives us a way to recharge our batterias and face the task abead. Obviously, f we (3) ina leisure activity too frequently, such as playing a computer game endlessly or pursuing the same hobby every day, not only does it diminish our level of enjoyment ofthe activity, but we may also not be able toresist the (¢) __ to do it constantly. The best course of action would then be to avoid these foes of (5) at al costs. Unit 1 3 Rea 1 Read the exam tasks and complete the table. inthe : nu ‘You receive a notice from the CEO of the company where you work. oma As cea tour cany very part te Bord costrng anvering par the a | owepac no areeaton ea whee sta can go he rea Ys | Thee! ns youto send na propa ctrng ens fr pusblves this are and posing which tes woud improve wering condtons mos L - Tour class attended discussion on how employers can etter motivate employees. You have made the following notes Metiedete matte employes | | Conmers overt at cacson recive anes, “mht be a gooday to get ¥row ters" 1 Bons schemes tou gtextamoney fr iting te be ore tel 1 Rene wrk shade totyand doses “Peope wil probably start coming ar ging asthe lease 4 sts Wht an essay for you instructor discussing two ofthe methods. You should explain which : Inethod you think would be more important or employer to use for mtivaing employees and provide reasons to support your opinion. par Tou may ifyou wish; make wef the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you shoul se your ovh word as far as posse an | examtask Exam task [evar tok var Tope Taskippe —_+— 5 Read Target reader ws Purpose . o 2 Mach tne exam tas in exerise 1 wid these posbe paragraph plans = Plana Plan = Paragraph i purpose of writing Paragraph i purpose of wring Paragraph 2: description of aspect 1 Paragraph 2: suggestion 1 with reasons. ‘Write Paragraph 3: deseo ofaspect 2 Paragraph suggestion 2 with easone “ Paragraph 4 concudingstatenent Paragraph 4 resteement of suggeions be om ae tn ‘a be 6 7 F Planning 3 Read these exam tasks and write the correct task type from the box, Underline the key words inthe task. ‘ email A You see the announcement below in an. international magazine called Executive Weekly. Wath somany gadgets onthe market to choose fom, wel ike to give our readers some ideas of what’ going tobe loads of fun toindue in and what's going to make your work actually seem more enjoyable Send in a(n) _____ which describes the best and worst executive toys and state the reasons for your opinion Match the notes with an exam task from exercise 3. = Paragraph 1: quality issues with the product Paragraph 2: really liked description and image in advert Paragraph 3: material isn't what was advertised, damage visible in the product. Paragraph 4: would like product replaced free of, charge B ‘You recently purchased a chess set ‘and discovered the following defects ‘when you took it out of the box: = made of plastic, not marble as advertised = some pieces cracked = board chipped in one corner Write a(n) to the company. You should explain: ‘= the overall problem and your reason for the purchase = detailed description of each problem ‘= what you want done about it 2 Paragraph 1: lots of different items on the market Paragraph 2: interactive, good way to let off steam Paragraph 3: compact, inexpensive Paragraph 4: bit mundane, inappropriate for the office Read the exam task and the notes for a plan below. Tick the notes you would include in your text. ‘You see this notice in the university where you are studying, Write your proposal. suggest importance of having a permanent location first express an interest in making models of toys provide a brief description of the content of the proposal talk about the drawbacks of having an exhibition for a short period only restate which ideas you favour and briefly emphasise the benefits discuss having an item from the museum shop in the home a b a ‘€ mention the ease and low cost of creating a temporary exhibition t 8 h explain how a large space could house a wide array of toys ‘Match each note you would include in your text with a paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Unit 1 7 Read the exam task and underline the key words. [secs tn pt na ans nese ta vant | games has on society. You have made the following notes. |_| Mod to escent impact at violent video games have on society + parental controls ~ 7 | | + awareness, ‘Comments from discussion: || legislation “Parents should observe the games their children play and how often they | play them, | "Violent video games are known to increase aggression in young people.” "Video game makers should be free to create whatever they want." \rite an essay for your tutor discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which |____method is more important and provide reasons to support your opinion. 8 Answer the questions 1 Which best summarises the logial argument in this task? a Video games are responsible for causing violence in society There isa lot of violence in video games. 2 Whatis the main point ofthe task? a todescribe the effects of violence in video games D to discuss ways to address the impact of violence in video games, 3. Which ofthese isa supporting point for the Rist comment? a Any and all video games shouldbe kept ont of reach of young children children become absessed with a gare, playtime certainly needs tobe linited. 4. Which of these is NOT a supporting point forthe third eorament? There should be limits to what manufacturers can put in a video game. ‘These games are lke a form of artistic expression for game developers 5 Tick he following phrases that you could use in your essay for this task _ artistic expression _-__Ieisurely pastime — illegal activity — market research adult supervision __ research results — criminal behaviour absorbing pursuit 9 Make notes to plan your paragraphs for the exam task in exercise 7. Introductory paragraph 2nd main body paragraph Ast main body paragraph . So . OS Concluding paragraph 10 1 Planning 10 Read the exam task and complete the plan. Use the phrases in the box for useful vocabulary suggestions, You see the following notice in your community centre. “The manager of the community centre is considering the following ideas to Provide special entertainment opportunities as a way to relax and unwind after work or at weekends, These include a board games night, dance ‘competitions, karaoke, @ charades right and paintbat ‘The centre director invites you to send a proposal presenting two of these Ideas and give reasons to support your choice. ow ee Write your proposal appropriate for all ages = brain teaser « competitive nature # gestures w family participation hich informative experiance w intellectual pursuit = exhilarating activity = worthwhile diversion LE relaxing entertainment » simple rules ‘Summary of task idea: Oo First suggestion: Supporting ideas for first suggestion: —_ Useful vocabulary: Second suggestion: Supporting ideas for second suggestion: Useful vocabulary: Coneluding remarks: 11 Use the plan to write the main body paragraphs of your proposal Ist main body paragraph 2nd main body paragraph in Advanced 1 Look at the exam practice section on page 13 and choose the correct word or phrase to. ‘complete each sentence. Your essay will be written in a formal /semi-formal style. ‘The type of essay you write will be descriptive / argumentative. ‘The areas that will need the most planning are the beginning and end / middle paragraphs You must use some / don’t have to use any of the ideas from the prompt. ‘The ideas in the prompt that appear in your essay should be paraphrased / word for word. You don't have to / must write about the methods detailed in your notes. oak ee 2 Tick the plan that is most suitable for the essay. 1s sea ‘Main idea: gaming addiction ‘Main idea: gaming addiction Agree with: providing treatment Agree with: public service announcements Example 1: meet with a counsellor ‘Example 1: raises awareness ‘Example 2: have a support group ‘Example 2: have a proven success rate ‘Supporting phrases: help get over it, ‘Supporting phrases: television adverts, completely cured share experience Agree with: providing treatment Disagree with: warning labels ‘Example 1: meet with a counsellor ‘Example 1: packaging thrown away Example 2: have a support group Example 2: can't stop the problem ‘Supporting phrases: help get over It, share experience from happening Disagree with: warning labels ‘Supporting phrases: message lost, Example 1: not forceful enough ‘will be too late ‘Example 2: unattractive ‘Supporting phrases: people still buy products with these labels, artwork covered up 3 Choose the sentence that supports the idea for treating gaming addiction, 1 Idea: treatment programmes a Itdoes not make any sense to place a person with a gaming addiction problem into a treatment programme when these things only treat more serious addictions, b A specialised treatment programme that addresses the specific issue of gaming addiction could go a long way towards solving the problem. 2 Idea: public service announcements a This sort of thing might be slightly helpful in addressing the problem, but more often than not, people do not pay attention to them. Skills tip b If these announcements are broadcast widely enough, they may reach | When planning in people who are suffering from the problem. ‘Advanced Peper 2 Part 1, 3 Idea: warning labels shoud you a Warning labels sometimes deter people from buying certain products, | @ think of examples to so they may be effective in deterring people from overplaying a use fo support your vvideo game. positon? Yes/No _ By the time most people have started playing a video game,¢hey will |b aim o.come up with have forgotten what the warning label said in the first place. more ideas when you actualy start witing? Yes /No Planning Advanced Paper 2 ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1 Your class retently attended a panel discussion on the dangers of gaming addiction and what methods can be used to treat it. You have made the notes below, Methods for treating game adlction: | ere ae + publo senice announcements | Some opinion expressed in he dacusson © warning labels Saal eerie eee get = Del cnomtetie an? “tonlymore people know how to ecogite the sna.” “Any mention of the issue on the package would be ignored.” Write an essay for your instructor discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method you think is more important for ‘treating problems associated with gaming addictions and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as much as possible. Skills tip ‘Your paragraph pian for the essay in Advanced Paper 2 Part 1 will almost always follow the same basic sructre. Tho fist paragraph should Ways include @ statment rom the rom! pareptvased in your own words. The next two paragraphs should the public, offers a relaxed atmosphere, The food, fandard and the prepared by award you would expect xe isa different live arians and vegans. ig ntertainment. Other € romoted d opened a social club, At first I thought it would b uld go for pen to the public so it's just like an ord restaurant. I took my parents last we ed. May take you next time you're in town? There's music on Friday nights so we could conversational / academic 3. We were impressed with the food and service, and you are to be congratulated on the excellent decor. Unfortunately, the atmosphere we had expected for a quiet family meal was spoiled by the noise from the live music act and their very enthusiastic audience. I would like to suggest that your staff mention this to diners when taking thei bookings. respectf jearted 4 From the information gathered, we have ¢ the restaurant, OF those 0 ners frequenting nntertainment was provided, approximate ie. they were not staff members or their relatives. On occasions where there was humorous / professional Write the letter of a sentence in eac greatly with ow we would h ‘a This cont Db Had we k ¢ Butir’sin the entertainment it offers that th For well-known chef in. Jub really excels rt, they've really taken the food side of things seriously and they've got a Using different styles AA Read tne text and choose the best description of the type of writing from the box. Then newer the questions below. A. Thisis an informal piece of writing with a chatty, conversational style and direct, address, which are typical of an email or letter to a friend. B Thisisan academic piece of writing with a formal style, sophisticated language / and complex sentences, which are typical of an essay. | © Thisis a deserptiveplee of writing with less formal language alight neared conversational style and direct address, which are typical of a review or an article paintbal IH you've never tried paintball, you may think that its just {for kids. That's certainly what thought until my recent Visit tothe Executive Paintball Field in Stone. But if there's. But cleat the point of having un her sta improve interpersonal sls, which can then contbuteto the smooth running of the office. My own experience suggests that this wors really well through taking part inthe games of paintball we learned ot about communication, negotiation and leadership, Above ll, itwas avery motivating experience and have ‘one thing I've learned t's that corporate team-building activities are not only useful they are alot of fun, ‘One ofthe mstimpresive things bout the facity at Stones ‘the way they take safety so serious Thisisfantastic because there ae lot of young people around, and parents want to know that there no chance of anything going wrong But there sewostsrthabeauewheragoipelvoteacones —1ssatwhen we toplaypaibal tan donoharmtotecethemtostcktothe TSUEETO WOR safety ues itmight notbethe am ofthe ercse,butitsno ere wes quite abuzz inthe office. bad thing to remind people that safety at works very important. 1. Why did the writer try paintball? 2. Which two reasons does the writer give for the importance of safety? 3. How successful was the team-building experience? 12. Use the prompts below to rephrase the sentences from exercise 11 in a different style. 1. Ifyou've never tried paintball, you may think that it’s ust for kids, (rephrase more formally, suitable for an essay) Tomany people, paintball 2 One of the most impressive things about the facility at Stone is the way they take safety so seriously. (rephrase less formally, suitable for an email to a.friend) One thing 3. Thisis fantastic because there are alot of young people around, and parents want to know that there is no chance of anything going wrong, (rephrase more formally, suitable for a proposal or a report) t This emphasis on safety 4 Itmight not be the aim of the exercise, but it's no bad thing to remind people that safety at work is very important. (rephrase more formally, suitable for a letter praising the organisers) Although, our objective was to foster team building, the importance styles 1 Look at question 1 in the exam practice section on page 77 and answer these questions 1 Do you know the target reader(8) personally? Yes/No write 2. Doyou have to agree that people work too hard these days? Yes /No mre 3. Ifyou feel strongly about the article, should you use emotional language? Yes/No 4 Isitimportant to mention all three bullet points? Yes/No = 5 Isit appropriate to use humour in your letter? Yes /No 6 Should you keep to a formal, respectful style? Yes/No ss 7 Isthis a suitable way to start your letter: Dear Sir or Madam, ..? Yes /No t! 8 Isthis a suitable way to end your letter: With fondest wishes, ..? Yes/No t! y 2. Make notes to answer the questions below: ely iTt) 3 ‘bo you agree that some people work too hard? How do workers fee! about job security? v CI i 2) sapeeenenrieeoeny mene ner eee 1 ee ei paoeneenns i pore een ’ Se oe i ror ae \ they want to press ee ! they want to rn 3 ’ omner ae oe { : How would you describe the present employment Cees ful \ oa | rl | Skills tip er] In Advanced Paper 2 Part 2, should your writing style depend on 4 how strongly you feel about the subject? Yes/No 0 the person whois going to read whatyouvite? Yes/No Using different style: Pei feeli e| 21 a4 Part2 Write an answer to one of the questions 1-3 in this part, Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1 You recently tead a newspaper article which stated that people work too hard these days. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper that published the article giving your views. Your letter should mention: ‘+ reasons some people work hard = the employment situation * striking a balance between work and free time Write your letter. ‘You work for a multinational company and you have been asked by your ‘manager to write a report on some of the problems faced by employees in your country. Your manager is particularly keen to hear about how workers ‘maintain a balance between their working life and their home life. You should ‘mention the conditions in your country and ways in which the situation could bbe improved, Write your report. large company is considering relocating to your town. The management want to establish whether there are suitable leisure facilities where thelr ‘workers can go outside working hours. Residents of the town have been asked to review a local leisure centre which is suitable for employees to visit in their free time. Write your review. Skills tip In Advanced Paper 2 Par 2, one ofthe questions ‘may ask you to write a letter. Usually, this will be 2 formal eter When you ao wring to stranger orto someone in abusness conte, vays use 8 sala, formal sty. Den sk ofening the target reader by neluding language which is more suitable fora rand. fin doubt about a word ora praca, opt forthe more formal vrson, Appearance OL) DRL Dee eee Improve your writing skills: justifying Justifying invotoes providing some kind of evidence to support opinion, belief or even A factual information. The evidence may be a reason, explanation, example or result, LE orc combination of several oral of them. Justifying gives credibitity, and helps convince the reader that what you're saying is correct and sensible, 1 ityour argument has ‘credibility’, the reader is A less likely to find it sensible B unlikely to require any evidence C more likely to agree with it. 17 you merely state an opinion without providing supporting evidence, the reader has little reason to accept or agree with it. To convince the reader, you have to demonstrate thy you betieve what you have stated is correct. In other words, you need to Put forward a logical argument, and not just present an opinion in isolation. That way, the reader wit! recognise that your opinion or point is based on sound reasoning. 2. ‘The phrase ‘sound reasoning’ is connected to the idea of A listening for detail, B sensible thinking © providing multiple reasons. As part ofthe planning process, decide what evidence - reasons, explanations, fezamaples, results ~ you're going to include to support your points and opinions, Then, PREM SUM os yo. write, you need to make use of a wide range af phrases and structures that are used for reasons (This is due to, etc), explanations (in other words, etc), examples (Tor Instance, etc), and results (AS a consequence, et) 3 Which of these words might be used to justify something? ‘A nonetheless B altogether C hence SENNA .0scving is important whenever you have to present an opinion, belief or fact and ESL explain or defend it, It is particularly relevant to writing an essay in Paper 2 Part 1 ERTL 1 fs on essential clement in developing a convincing argument on the topic given. Pei fv a presen pintns ut do nat repey ul sty em ae 4 whien A. Justifying is retevant to both Part 1 arid Part 2 of Paper 2 B Justifying is only really relevant to Paper 2 Part 1 C Justifying is only relevant to essays, reviews, reports and proposals. ny fact orp aie pres pres Justifying Get started Look at the photo and answer the questions, = Interms of physical appearance, how do you think the Interviewee has prepared for this interview? Think in terms of the following: ciothes w face « hair | f= Is the way someone looks important to an interviewer? Why? / Why not? = ‘Don't judge a book by its cover’ To what extent do you agree with this saying? Develop your.vocabulary 1. Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences. disfigured = plain = striking = thinning = youthful Ahealthy diet can keep your skin looking _as you get older. Ifyou have hair, you should go and see a specialist immediately. A fire in the kitchen left her face badly Someone can be __ in appearance, but a friendly smile can make them look more e attractive. 5 He's not handsome in a conventional way, buthe has ____ features. 2 Match to make sentences. 1 The first _ a industry demands that we spend hours on our appearance. 2 The beauty ss b feature is her long thick red hai. 3 Cosmetic ae impression people receive of you often sticks. 4 4. pateh can easily be covered with a hair transplant. 5 surgery can radically alter someone's face these days. } 3 Choose the correct word At first glance es Itmay sound unfair, but we have usually made ourminds up for example dramatic hairstyle. Its this almost unconscious about someone before they even open their mouth. Amajor bias thats the hardest to get rd of and also the easiest to play factors obviously their (1) views /looks handsome man on. Interviewees for ajob, for example, wil 5) enhance / ‘or pretty woman wins people over more easly. Another sthe focus their appearance ~add a touch of eye-tines, change (2) expression /feature on theirface-an angry glowering thelr hair, put ona power sult -allto play onthe bias they man is hardly going to win hearts and minds. However, there expect to find in their interviewer. ‘are more subtle cues which often awaken our (3) prejudices / ~~ previews. Our conventional personalities often reactin the presence of anything that does not (4) harmonise / conform, Unit 10 Develop your writing skills: justifying 1 Read the extract and write the letter of a sentence to answer each question. G There can be no doubt that we lve in an age where looks are eversthing ) After all, though, people have different goals in life, almost everyone tries 40 look as good as they can while they pursue them. (€) This has led 40 a beauty industry ubich exploits our efforts. @ Cosmetic surgery, for instance, is booming throughout Which sentence gives a result? - ‘Which sentence gives an explanation? ‘Which sentence gives an opinion? the worl (a) Tk may have resulted from a Raden fear of agg an death | 4 Which sentence gives an example? 5 Which sentence gives a reason? Read the sentences and decide if they provide a reason, a result, an explanation or an example. 1 Their child has a very pale complexion. It's because she suffers from anaemia, __ 2 Many changeable features usually distinguish men and women in terms of appearance. These include hairstyle, make-up and clothing. - 3 Though she was a top writer, she looked quite plain, Hence, she was able to live a fairly normal life. 4 Many teenagers are deeply insecure about their looks. This is due to the ‘enormous changes their bodies are going through. 5. Members of sub-cultures often resemble one another in looks and style. In other words, they are not as rebellious as they believe. 6 Someone who has a very striking appearance may be beautiful without being pretty. To put it another way, beauty is not about ha perfectfeatures. | 7 Fora pop star to have long-term success, their image must change regularly. Madonna, for example, often introduces a fresh persona. 8 Since at least the 1960s, the emphasis has been on looking young. As a result, ‘even middle-aged people strive for youthful looks. Match to make sentences. 1 There is a Japanese saying: the nail that sticks ‘out gets hammered down, That is to say, 2 Many plastic surgeons say their work is Just as important as that of other surgeons. on the grounds that _ 8 Beautiful people are treated better from a very young age. This means that 4. There are good reasons why actors and actresses have cosmetic surgery, like 5 Conjoined twins tend to feel awkward in public since 6 Some people always have a happy expression on their face, so — their view of the world can be quite different toa plainer person's view. the way it smoothes out those worry lines on the forehead, they appear attractive even if they are not particularly good-looking. it’s better not to stand out or look different from everyone else. they save the disfigured from a lifetime of stares, they believe people are staring at their strange appearance Justifying 4. Choose the correct word or phrase, 1. The colour of a person's skin has always been an easy way to include or exclude them. To put it another way / For instance, racism is not a modern problem. 2 What is considered attractive in one culture may not be in another. That is to say / For example, a size zero model would be considered too skinny in many cultures, 3. Strong features, that is / such as high cheekbones and a large nose often photograph very well, as well as look good on film. 4 Anairstyle plays a very important role in the way someone looks. In other words / For example, a good haircut can change someone beyond recognition. 5 There is a word for judging people solely on the basis of their race, 6 Your posture is as important as your physical condition. Anyone who slouches looks bad, namely / including someone with very little body fat. smely / including, Write a word from the box in each gap. | account = consequence # due # grounds # resulted « since 1 No-one ean tell the twins apart they are always dressed the same. 2. Her plastic surgeon refuses to see her on the ____ that she has had five operations already this year. 3. He always makes a good impression on people to his warm eyes and friendly smile 4 Her face was covered in scars as a of abad car accident. Her lack of confidence _from her mother’s constant eritieism of her looks. 6 He would never wear such bright colours on of his shyness. Revitite the sentences from exercise 5 using the words in bold, 1 so 2 THEREFORE 3. CONSEQUENTLY Unit 10 7 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence, Include modal verbs where appropriate People should be happy with their looks. Ifthey (be not), they will waste time and money trying to correct them, Most people want to look the same as others not differen. Ithey did, the fashion industry —____qhe)introuble ‘That actor definitely had some plastic surgery. If he hadn't, he (not disappear) for six months. We must end this modern obsession with looks. If we dont, our children a (suffer) the consequences. 8 Write one word in each gap to complete the text. CRUEL BEAUTY? Ebroupnoutine ages. ideals o beauty have (1) to peopl especialy Women “Iefctng vying siounts of pln on theme e-() stance, the cbresta wor Fr leaerheodriry an eve cic of Shaina ania China and neck ings wom by the Kayan tbe n Burra ted varying amounts of pan on the body to create dsthgushing fealres considered atactv in those culture, Te reason (@) such entree measures was the atracton oa rea jt (2) Teed ofthe notinade ofthe dace ofthe penguins Tbe be oprsdice ere stenceattalirmre Ws pemaps re ar rare le aE a tre men exempt om Beaty tus, The daly removal of harm the face ~ shaving, inother (6 makes men look younger and youtuness amar taco selecin by feels, according to sus, Another ebuild Atos euch (7)________ posture, height and muscles are highly desirable at a genetic level. TR sacar eae eee tere they nd atactve wal to the rom 9 Complete the sentences with ideas of your own, 1 The way someone looks should not affect how they are treated, After all, — me ‘Models present an unrealistic ideal of beanty Thats to say, Some people judge others as inferior because of the colour of their skin. Consequently, —__ a . ‘There are ways in which prejudice about appearance could be avoided in job interviews ‘We pay too much attention to what other people think of our appearance, Itwe did not, ‘There are large numbers of young people with a poor body image. This is because Justifying 10 Read the texts and complete the notes with justifications and examples. The main point to bear in mind about the interview process is that personnel managers are often, trying to screen a large number of candidates to ative at a shortist. That means they will put a ‘cross next to names for what might seem trivial reasons, A multi-coloured tie might disqualify You, as might a severe expression or a strange haircut For the first interview, i is important not to offend, not to seem odd in any way. Obviously, you do not want to drop to the back of the pack, but the time to really shine isthe second interview. There, you will have time to explain why your peculiarities are actualy valuable assets for the company. 1 The problem with the interview process is that candidates need to look and sound like different people at the various stages. Explanation: Examples: Ifyou are insecure about your small eyes, the thing to remember is that wide expanses of skin around them will make them look even smaller. fringe is a much better choice of hairstyle than any kind ‘where the hairis swept backwards, exposing that high wide forehead. However the fringe should be feathery rather than thick or heavy. A light fringe can make a smal-eyed person appear to have average-sized eyes. In the same way, someone who worries that they have'a large nose can direct attention away rom it with aside parting (taking the eyes ofthe viewer away from the centre ofthe | ace) and long hair. The futher below the nose the hair ends, the shorter the nose will appear in 2 Many beauty tips you read in magazines anil on the internet seem designed less to enhance your beauty and more to disguise what are perceived as flaws’ ‘Ate you tired of your thinning hair? Do you spend more time trying to hide your bald patch than you Used to spend combing your flocks as a teenager? Do you have to correct people's false idea | of your age again and again? Maybe it's time you took steps to change the situation. The science ot hair implants has come a long way, and we are now in @ position to offer a complete solution to hair loss that is indstinguishable from a natural head of hair In fac, its a natural head of hai. Using ‘the latest surgical techniques, we take hair fllcies from areas with thick hair growth (generally the back and sides ofthe head) and transplant them into the thinning areas. Studies have shown that ‘successful hair transplants can lead to improvements in all areas of ie, from career to marriage prospects. Excellent success rates are guaranteed. B Signs of ageing of all kinds are today often seen as a negative reflection on an individual's ability. i Explanation: ___ Result: in Advanced Look at the exam practice section on page 8 ad tck the correct statements ‘The essay asks you to discuss whether beauty sells products. a een When you wnte an easy Inthe essay, you need to ask whether society favours the beautiful. | jnagvancod Paper 2 It. would be helpful to define what: you see as ‘success! Part 1, should you assume allthe When diseussing prejudice, you should restrict yourself to race. Pcs ‘The business suit is a good example of conformity ‘expressed bythe You should limit the discussion of beauty to the fashion industry. belie ' leave any justification Look at the exam practice section on page 85 again, Decide ifthe statements | of your points for the below are discussing prejudice (P), conformity (C) or beauty (B). ‘conclusion? Yes / No 1. Some of the most successful people on Earth are eccentrics. Looks do not last for the length of most careers. People who look or act differently tend to become outcasts. I is still difficult for women to break through the glass ceiling. Workplaces are slowly growing more multicultural Interviewers unconsciously treat better-looking candidates favourably. Tick the statements from exercise 2 which agree with the proposition ‘Appearance is the defining factor for success in life: ‘Tick two possible plans for the essay in the exam practice section. 1 introduce the question discuss prejudice, conformity and beauty introduce an idea of your own about success come to a conclusion Paragraph 1: introduce the question Paragraph 2: discuss how appearance can prejudice people discuss the disadvantages of beauty come to a conclusion introduce the question discuss how looking the same as other people helps discuss the advantages of beauty come to a conclusion Paragraph 1: introduce the question Paragraph 2: discuss how appearance can prejudice people Paragraph 3: discuss how looking the same as other people helps Paragraph 4: come toa conclusion Paragraph 1: introduce the question Paragraph 2: discuss the effects of prejudice Paragraph 3: discuss how our ideas of beauty conform in society come to a conclusion Justifying Advanced Paper 2 ‘You must answer this question, Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1. Your class has attended a lecture on people's appearance influencing their success in life. You have made the notes below. | Appearance is the defining factor for success in life: | space rere + cenfomy | seme eas exressed in te oct (+ beauty __ "Sexist and racist judgements begin at first sight.” Saati eee eee fine power” Herter rir or hnanepoanmpen soa Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the points in your notes. You Shea ar ae eee etree ls eases Fe and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the ideas expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. ‘Skills tip ‘An essay is meant to be a balanced piece cof writing, just as a discussion isa balanced ‘conversation. This means you should ‘ring inthe other side ofthe argument to your own and express it fait. You are then, of course, able to attack itto show its weeknesses, and you wil atleast have demonstrates that you are aware ofits existance. In doing s0, you can also make yur awn argument appear stranger. Opinions OMG LLL expressing opinions DRA LD Improve your writing skills: expressing opinions PLD of someone ese Te ste you uae todo ths wil dope fea or exami» mera B according to © ofhis/her own accord Ness) é opinions ead intioef el 2 What does the phra A supporters and sitive i ‘pros and cons’ me es en 3 Why might someone write that they are ‘not convinced! by A. toexpress their disagreement politely B toshow they are open to persuasion toshow they find it ait ee = ee are ce eens Oe : canoer apo ee See Expressing Get started Look at the photo and an How do you think Would you like Develop your vocabulary The guide promised to take them ip came from all four cornei heart / soul of the rain 6 The fact that we were ont of radio contact with the base added a feel / touch of danger to the expedition 7 The helicopter will drop you in the middle / centre of nowhere with just a backpack and water 2 Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the tex agritourism = acotourist = high: NEW-AGE TOURISM For this gree most holidays Develop your writing skills: expressing opinions 1 Decide whether these sentences are opinion (0) or fact (F). It impossible to deny that the number of unspoilt destinations is shrinking fast. 2 Speaking personally, a bustling city is much more exciting than some tropical rainforest. 3. More and more traditional resorts are registering significant reductions in visitor numbers, 4 Today’s tourists are demanding more and more for their money, as is proven by falling costs, 5. First, a travel writer sings the praises of an isolated place; six months later, the first tour groups arrive. 6 What could be better than two weeks in a tree house in the heart of the rainforest?” 7 Itseems to me that a week on a houseboat exploring the English canals is just as unusual as trekking in the Sahara. 8 The popular exotic destinations turn out to be, believe it or not, some of the most cosmopolitan places on Earth. 2 Tick th 1 T'msure you'll agree that staying in native traditional accommodation such as a yurt enhances the traveller's, experience. sentences that express the writer's own opinion. According to some, adventure holidays involve far too many isks to even consider. 3 Many insist that tourism invariably helps local economies, bringing in that all-important foreign currency. 4 There's no doubt that tourists who sing the praises of safari holidays in Africa are onto something, 5 [don't expect every reader to agree, but agritourism is the only choice for this ecotourist. 6 The boat owner claimed the beach was inaccessible by land, thus making himself indispensable to us. ‘Those who maintain that self-catering in an igloo Is their idea of heaven should really come and try it. 8 Itis commonly believed that indulging our creative side on holiday can make up for our everyday neglect of it 3 Put the sentences in order from the strongest to the least strong opinion (1 = strongest, 6 = least strong), a Ithink tourists must seek unusual experiences to make up fora mundane home life There's no doubt in my mind that tourists seek unusual experiences to make up for a mundane home life ¢ I'strongly believe that tourists seek unusual experiences to make up for a mundane home life. d_ Tmnot sure, but I suppose tourists might seek unusual experiences to make up for a mundane home life, One possible reason that tourists seek unusual experiences could be to make up fora mundane home life. £ Timagine tourists seek unusual e 1 2 3 4 riences to make up for a mundane home life. Expressing opinions 4 Match each sentence with a text type. 1. As sce it, we need to create an experience quite unlike any other in the region. 2 Ifyou ask me, the experienced traveller won't find anything fresh or inspiring about this place, so I can't really recommend it. 3. Tam of the opinion that the snow centre has not done enough to ensure the safety of its visitors, and should not, therefore, be given a licence. 4. Travellers from the developed world, from my point of view, seek out the danger missing from their everyday lives. 5 1'm 100% sure thal a trip down the Amazon river would suit us down to the ground, 6 Iappears io me that what was promised in the brochure did not coineide with what experienced. 7 Tknow you like a touch of excitement, but IMO, a holiday is about relaxation, 8 Those of you searching for a real taste of the Spanish countryside will not, to my mind, be disappointed. 9 Inmy view, the clearing in the forest offers the perfect place for our proposed campsite. 10 ‘The arrival of a single traveller to an unspoiled region, for me, instantly changes it, 30 that it loses the very quality that attracted him or her in the first place. 11 As faras I can tell, none of the criticisms we have directed at the management of the centre have been addressed, 12 Lam confident that, once you read my complaints, you will agree that I have been unfairly treated. a report D review formal email/letter informal email/eter e proposal f essay 5 Underline the phrases in exercise 4 which are used to express opinion, 6 Rewrite the underined parts of the report extrac in more appropriate language DAILY DESTINATIONS ACCOMMODATION | (1) dont reckon that we an just ive the tourist a bicycle anda map and (2) be 1008 sure that they are going to enjoy themselves d (3) Forme a bicycle tour sould be as carefully planned as any other perhaps more so.) saya tourist whe has just completed tenor teen kilometres ove five hous far mote drained of energy than one who spent similar length oftime ona coach For his reason (5) there’ na way we can offer just abasic type of accommodation atthe endo the daly journey. (6 fyouaskme thas be Lupmarket, utile remaining comfortable and cosy (7) L dont se why we cnt vet the management and staf of potential hotels and guesthouses sce we are offering them our custom. (8) One thing’ for sure we need to impress upon ‘them what behaviour and weatment our clients expect Ree Unit 11 7 Write °N’ for ‘negative’ or ‘P' for ‘positive’, depending on the writer's opinion of the initial statement. 1. Most package holidays try to add a touch of local colour for visitors. For anyone ‘with the slightest knowledge of the country, this tends to feel less than genuine. 2 Adventures in the great outdoors are often advertised as spiritual experiences. ‘There is an element of romance in camping under the stars and living in the open air that cannot be denied. 3. The safari gives tourists a chance to see animals in the wild. Certainly, though nature reserves are to some extent artificial, itis a far cry from lions pacing 2 cage in the zoo. 4 Agritourism offers guests an opportunity to get to know farm life at first hand, Having experienced a number of such packages, I'm less than convinced that they really deliver on their promises. 5 Many travel agencies sell activity and adventure holidays as much the same thing. Personally speaking, the controlled nature of the former distinguishes it completely from the spirit of the latter. - 6 People who live perfectly safe lives are prepared to risk them while on holiday. For ‘me, this can only mean that it is their everyday lives that need addressing, a 7 Camel trekking across the Sahara brings us in contact with a completely alien way Of life. I fee! this cannot be anything other than beneficial. 8 This site has been proposed as ideal for the base camp for expeditions. Given the lack of access, I find it difficult to understand why. 8 Match each statement with an opinion. 1 Many people's idea of heaven is a secluded beach a Personally, there's nothing I like more in the Caribbean, — than a holiday that is a journey in itself 2 Adventure holidays continue to become more and AS far as I'm concerned, theirs is the worst, more extreme. - possible philosophy in the long term, 8 Would you enjoy an organised trip that retraced € Forme, these private resorts represent the journey of a wagon train in the Wild West? _____ everything that is bad about tourism, 4. Agritourism could provide a vital source of income To my mind, ifyou choose the former, you for farmers in this area, must exclude the latter. 5 According to some local operators, getting as € Itseems to me, however, that some much money from each visitor as possible is what. wrongly believe it is an easy source of their job entails. — income; but itis not 6 The balance between keeping a destination unspoilt f I consider this to be an extremely and attracting more visitors isa fine one, — dangerous trend, Q Write a sentence justifying each opinion from exercise 8, 10 W 12 : Expressing opinions 10 Match each opinion with the reason why itis not appropriate or successful. 1 The manager told me that improvements were being macle at the It’s formal rather than resort, but given the state of his office, I doubt any words that come informal, out of his mouth. It’s informal rather Please come climbing with me! Iam firmly of the opinion that you than formal, cannot fail but be entertained. eee ‘Those who travel to distant parts of the world often come back as other people's opinion new people. That is simply a fact. fairly. ‘There was no pony-trekking excursion, as was advertised in your It’s arude personal brochure. I don’t reckon that’s any way to run a business ~ and my attack a It doesn't support the ‘Some people say that this is one of the best hiking trails in the proposal strongly county, though I have no idea why. enough We should promote white-water rafting as the centrepiece of the There's no justification. river experience. Itis, in my opinion, the best-selling point, apart from the bungee jumping perhaps. Match each extract with two sentences to make the beginning of a short paragraph. DE (oot ca ante socaslincriok areas the construction of new huxury hotels to mean small but high-end. 1 2 Thi 6 = pies Sincere | When antag wt i [3 so told that ny beep stayin the “7 orst. sae 7 8 Others say that the result would simply be more empty rooms. ‘The first part of the description fits perfectly; there wasn't space to swing a cat in my you hotel room. Thad heard and read so much, but nothing really prepares you for the reality. Draughty tents and overworked camels were not, however, the memories I had expected to carry home with me. ‘The place seems both ancient and modern at once; part of the mountains yet utterly constructed, man-made, ‘Many believe that those we have at the moment offer only low-cost, low-quality accommodation. ‘The second half was where the place fell short, with grubby linen, a dirty bathroom and amiserable breakfast. Itby this you meant something I would never forget, you were right. Write a sentence to conclude each paragraph in exercise 11, giving an opinion 1 2 3 4 Oo eSetlt] in Advanced 1 Look at the first question in the exam practice section on page 93 and tick which opinions might be useful to express in your proposal how you feel about adventure tourism in general ‘What kind of person you think an adventure tourist is ‘what kind of accommodation suits adventure tourism ‘Whether you think the Planning Director is capable of achieving this goal ‘Whether you think the area can attract adventure tourists ‘what kind of development would increase the town's draw the most Skills tip [Look at the first question in the exam practice section on page 98 again and Whon you write ‘write a word or phrase that means the same as each of the words or phrases proposal in pens ‘Advanced Paper 2 Part 2, shoud you We can build on our existing tourist capacity. a alnaystry to ‘There can be no doubt that the present facilities are not sufficient, ‘ive both sides of the issues ‘The waterfall is the perfeet place for aip line. ——— | youraiser People sign up for activity holidays for the excitement. re Yes/No btytostay ‘The current is very swift ust after the bend in the river ea ‘The view from the top of the gorge is breathtaking. _vold personal ‘We can take advantage of the open areas on both banks ofthe river, ____ | 9Pnions? Yes/No ‘This area has unique advantages which should be exploited. Create two possible plans using the headings. There are two extra headings which do not fit. Plan 1 Plan 2 Paragraph 1 Introduction Introduction Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 40 = Paragraph 5 Conclusion ‘Conelusion Acampsite Raising more money Water sports Organised hiking Five-star luxury Bungee jumping ‘Summer camps Canoe racing, rarcnnce Expressing opinions PT Teeth els) arg Part2 Write an answer to one of the questions 1-3 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1 You see this notice in the local library of the town where you are studying English. “The National Development Agency has given our town a grant to be spent on. developing the tourism infrastructure of the local rive. We feel itis an ideal spot for adventure holidays due to the fast flow of the rive, the spectacular gorge and the ‘surrounding forested hills. The Planning Director invites you to send in a proposal on how to utilise the natural merits ofthe area. A decision can then be made on how the money should be spent. Write your proposal. You see this announcement in a tourism magazine. ‘Ate you an agritourist? Have you been to more than one organised holiday on a farm? ‘Then we'd love to hear from you. We're looking or reviews that compare two places offering farm stays to tourists, ‘Giving our readers an idea of the best and worst that agritourism has to offer. The best reviews will be published next month. Write your review. You recently went on a safari holiday, but were extremely disappc with your experience. Write an email to the travel agency that arranged the holiday, covering the following: + the qualty of accommodation + problems with the transportation ——————— + the guide's lack of knowledge Skills tip ; ‘nen you wrte a proposal n Aovanoed Paper 2 Write your email Part 2, membre he bese purpose of ths ce of ring i 0 persuade. Aer al yu hope the reader wl be convinced to plement the eas tlned in your poe ot ting, Fors reacon, ‘whether you are wring normal, neutal or even intomal sve, your xoposal must promote your ‘eas, using Wid and powell language and sveng arguments TG j Deed A isaboutr B in © rela nd one is about a world we can onl certain and the other involves guessing, ssults and the other relates to the causes h phrase best sums up the skill of ‘hypothesising! A adequately explaining and giving reasons How do you ff SSD BW ot RID as TN ‘ zi DNase 2ria masinary stations, Tod his, you ne re ical 3 ried out in formal writing types. H 0thesising Get started Look at the photo and answer the questions. ‘= Where are the people in the photograph and what are they doing? = How difficult do you think itis to make a choice in this situation? = What factors do people usually consider ‘when buying clothes? = Who determines what styles are in fashion’? Develop your vocabulary 1 Replace eceh word in bold with ts opposite from the box. discounted # elegant # esteem overpriced = wholesale 1 You can find clothes at a much cheaper price if you're able to buy directly from a retail supplier. 2. Youseldom find inexpensive clothes in the charity shop. 3. As you're a frequent shopper here, we'll sell you these items at ‘marked-up prices. 4 You should have seen the disrespeet in which the designers were held, at the fashion show. She prefers classic, timeless designs which are simple but tasteless. 2 choose the correct word or phrase. 1 Whats the point in buying such an expensive handbag when twill soon go out of fashion / trend? 2 You don't have to be a model to workin a clothes shop, but you should at least be state-of-the-art /fashion-conscious It usually just a few fashion ms / trend: stters who make the latest fads so popular: 4 The designer received warm compliments / complements and praise in the fashion ‘world for her new summer collection. 3 Write a word from the box in each gap. boutiques # catwalk « impact « outfits « publicity = rage —— [london fashion week has come to an end for The designers seemed to have @ common theme another season. So what made a(n) (1) ‘at for this season, The use of bright colours was all the this spring's fashion extravaganza? @— + being used in every collection. There ree eae se inert was also the return of long, flowing dresses to women's fashion, These classic (5) 3 styish and practical as ever. The' lightweight fabrics would also allow the dresses to dry in minutes after a typical British shower. young model, Sandy diMarco, Not only has her image appeared in the last five issues of our magazine, but she was chosen as the glamorous face of three top designer labels at this season's fashion week. However it was her You'll no doubt see garments inspired by the fashion sense of styl off the runway that saw her come into the week in your favourit (6) ‘and department glare of (3) _____ most. stores very soon. Unit 12 Develop your writing skills: hypothesising 1 Read the exam taskand state whether the sentences are hypotheslsing about hypothetical (H) or real (R) stations ‘You see this advert on a news website, We are a chain of high stret fashion shops who want to make the clothes you wear more eco-friendly. “The owners of the company invite you to send a proposal suggesting ways || fashion could be more environmentally friendly. The best proposal we recelve | could become policy in all of our shops. Write your proposal ‘Suppose there were no clothes shops. Wouldn't people still harm the environment by making, their own clothes? Can't technology help to make fabric production ‘more efficient in terms of water and energy use? —_ If high street shops sold second-hand clothes, fewer new clothes would have to be produced. Customers might be happy to pay more money for eco-friendly clothing if they were sure it would last longer and not soon be out of fashion, One reason why existing eco-friendly brands aren't more successful may be that the average shopper isnt very environmentally aware. The fashion industry would cease to exist if it ‘were made to change its methods overnight. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement, 1 __ fashion outlets were forced to reduce their prices? What if Why not her famous name, would consumers really have wanted to buy her designs? Wouldn't ithave been Had it not been for __most business professionals went to work in tracksuits. Would people believe sportswear is formal then? @ Supposing bit _ humans are supposed to wear shoes with thick inclined soles have evolved in that shape? ait b Perhaps Hypothesising 3. Match two possible reasons or explanations to each argument, 1. The fashion industry has a duty to stop using fur: 2. Fashion designers create clothing which the average person cannot wear or afford. = 8 Small boutiques struggle to survive in this age of online shopping. is ‘a It's fair to say that such retail outlets might not use the Internet effectively enough themselves. b The fact that animal rights are all the rage with many celebrities might encourage them to do so. ¢ One reason is that there are so many alternative synthetic fabrics available to designers these days, It's probably as a result of trying to set trends that inspire people. @ Most internet shops are just wholesale suppliers that operate online. £ They may believe that their designs are too stylish for ordinary people. 4 Match to make conditional sentences. 1 Ifeveryone bought their clothes on the internet if they could afford designer clothing, _ items would be too expensive for many people to afford. 3. Ifall clothes were made with expensive, luxurious __¢ they would be less likely to wear clothes fabrics, that belong on the catwalk 4. the high street would become a thing of the past. € if fashion seasons occurred less often 2 People think they would be more glamorous 4 Fashion-conscious consumers would spend less 5 Irfamous actors were not in the glare of publicity, 5 Bach of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Write the correct word or phrase on the line. 1 What if more people are to buy second-hand clothes? Wouldn't that result in less clothing being made? 2 Supposed retailers donated some of their profits to charity Wouldn't that make an impact? 3 Would clothing prices be affected if consumers were to demanding more durable clothes? 4. Had it not been for fashion magazines, new trends may not had been promoted so aggressively 5 Its difficult to know how designers would feel if they are told to use models that weren't so skinny. 6 What would happen in a world without logos? If the designer ean't put his logo on his polo shirts, do you believe that they would sell for such marked-up prices 7 What would you do if you work as a fashion designer? Would you believe it was acceptable to make fur garments? 8 Most consumers would prefer to wearing clothes made by a local designer if they were affordable. Unit 12 6 Read the exam task and choose the best answer each question ‘You see the announcement below on the website of an ‘online film club. Best and worst costumes in cinema We're asking members of our online fim club to post reviews of their favourite films, bbased only on the costumes. ‘Send us your review ofthe best and worst costumes in film, and suggest how the | costumes affected the films. Give reasons to support your choices. |__Wete your reviow. 1 Who are the target readers of the review? a costume designers D_ film club members. 2 What should non-members do if they want to write reviews? sign up to the film club b_ post their reviews to a different address 8 What should your introductory paragraph refer to? ‘a good and bad costumes used in films. b_ how expensive costumes are 4. What would bea more appropriate conclusion? ‘a how much the quality of costumes can help to make a film (un)suecessful b_ which are the most common mistakes made with costumes in films 7 Answer the following questions about the exam task in exercise 6 1 Should you write about the best and worst costumes in only one film? Yes/No 2 Should you present your own ideas inthe review? Yes/No 3 Doyou need to justify your ideassuggestions? Yes/No 8 Complete the sentences. Use the information given, Example, 1 There are hardly any shops in the town centre. (hop in out-of-town retail outlets) It people didnt go shopping in out-of tosen rota outlets there might be swore shops inthe town centre 2 Fashion designers are using more fur these days. (result of consumer demand) ‘One possible reason _ - 3. Youshould always dress formally toa job interview. (personality is more important) What if 4. Fabric production can be very harmful to the environment, (become more eco-friendly) It - ‘5 Most high street shops are full of fashion for teenagers. (tock clothing for different age groups) Supposing 6 It'shard to think of interesting ideas for a fancy dress costume... (great ideas online) It - Hypothesising 9 Read the exam task notes and tick the statements that could be used inthe essay. Why does style matter i moder society? vedwdvalty aed derity + abvenrsag ot fasion magazzes | Some opinions expressed inthe discussion: celebrity cate “Everyone wants to show their own fashion personality." “Advertisements of latest trends are everywhere you look.” | “Stars may be tendsetters, but we dont ive in their | designer wort _| 1 The world’s top fashion designers could 4 When you surf the internet, it’s also full of pop-up never be as famous as the best actors, __ ads for discounted clothing and accessories. _ 2 The clothes you wear can instantly make 5 It’s not only clothes, but hairstyles, accessories others aware of who you are. and musical interests that can define a person's 3. What if you could walk down the street, style — ‘without seeing fashion victims all, 6 Once actors step on the red carpet, they receive around you? — compliments on or questions about their clothes. 10 Read these paragraphs from three students! essays, based on the exam task in exercise 9, and answer the questions. A B © unt T hold og fiends in i Conerties play a portant ES Fete 3s esteem but one of on ole bringegtashicn avd style eh aang are as atye-concious +o the ottentn of the ger cart walle ascurd a chy cena || Tay, [hate locking boring | | pbc. Fanars people ae alors ‘hese days uthout sera posts | | or unfashionable, even uhen | | magosnes and on telesion, 50 eveyshar of diy reels Tn ating al home, Being | | 5 toma sar peple exe cag the latest fh sheet Leen ote tobe | | wt toy wr Sosy we seuss that expensive, Loften bus | | al ed w the gumeravs wort wi eect || Salary ents | | memes en Mintaye shops and then ater | | al hove mee style? Ore possible Sra fom. Meacess eg mae them at home. [als like reoson celebrty lite seams 50 tere ariel to read Phat ever | | signing my oon clothes oppeaing is becavse most people Fappened. because 1 can sew very wel will ever expenedce it 1 Which writer refers to the ‘designer world! of stars in his/her own words? _ 2 Inwhich paragraph does the writer NOT make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion? _ 3. In which paragraph does the writer speculate only about real situations? - 4. Which writer does not hypothesise about the topic helshe is discussing? - Pelee | 1 Look at the exam task on page 101 and decide ifthe statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. You should use semi-formal or neutral language in your essay. 2 You must consider only the opinions expressed in the discussion. 3. You have to use conditional sentences if you want to hypothesise. 4 ‘You can speculate about real situations, but you should not hypothesise about imaginary scenarios. 5. You have to describe which method would serve consumers best. ‘You should attempt to use the opinions expressed in the panel discussion word for word. ‘ick the ideas that match the notes inthe exam practice task on page 101 Fashion designers should be more charitable. People should not have to buy new outfits so often. High street shops could increase their advertising budgets. ‘The local economy could benefit. Clothes should last more than a couple of months. cayettied Retailers might consider updating their websites. 1 give suggestions for yourideas descr results they Read the essay plan for the exam practice task on page 101 and ‘match the instructions to the correct paragraph number, Paragraph 1: introduction Paragraph 2; discuss topic, with reasons, causes and suggestions Paragraph 3: discuss topic, with reasons, causes and suggestions Paragraph 4: comparison of arguments with justifications Paragraph 5: conclusion State which idea would be best. b_ Hypothesise about the second idea, giving potential consequences. € State the two ideas that will be discussed. 4 Hypothesise about the first idea, giving potential consequences. € Give a balanced hypothesis ofthe effectiveness of both ideas, with reasons, Pelee hae) a4 You must answer this question. ‘Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1 Your class has attended a panel discussion on how the fashion industry could serve consumers better. You have made the notes below. How the fashion industry could serve consumers better ‘© make clothes more durable ‘promote fashion changes less |_ + support local designers ‘Some opinions expressed inthe discussion: | “Cheap clothes only last a couple of months.” “I nged clothes that wil stil bein fashion years from nov.” “Promoting local designers is great for the local economy.” Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ways the fashion industry could serve consumers better. You should explain which method would be ‘most effective and provide reasons to support your opinions. ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the panel iscussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Skills tip Hypothesising about abstract ideas requires you to express your ideas using advanced grammatical ‘structures. You need to be completely comfortable Using medals, producng conditional Seances, speculating with phases such as What eto before you ener tho exam room. For every spective or ‘hypothetical sentence you write or say, try to think of an alternative way of saying the same thing. It 's important o add some varity to your language when writing, and hypothesising allows you to do this effectively. Unit 1 Key Improve your writing skits 1G 2A 98 4c Got started ‘Students’ own anewers Develop your vocabulary if 2c da 4e Sb od 2 1d 2a de 4a Tunwind 2stoam indulge 4 urge 5 recreation Develop your writing skis 1 Suggested answers xamtask1 | Exam task? femme [retaing frotapece | emcyece g 2 = 3 e Ggleeatae— nsruaor BY coroun, EE ecetieas spain whch rd gve reasons [method ere Fronnpot |tnporanttr cove enpayestovse footing enpojes oe rotors © piper anon 2 Plan & Exam task 2 Plan 8 Exar tak 1 3 ‘Aroviow. Students should underline "describes the best and worst executive toys" and ‘state the reasons for your pion emai, Stedents should underine “explain the overall problem’, "your reason forthe purchase’, a detaled description fof each problem, and "what you want one about it 4 18 2A 5 Sentences tobe ticked 6, &f,q and h 6 Paragraph 1 © Paragraph 2a, Paragraph 30,9 Paragraph af 7 ‘Students should underine: ‘an essay for your tutor, eseussing two ofthe rmathods, ‘explain which method is more Important’ and ‘provide reasons. 8 Ja 2b 3b 4a 5 Students shouts ticle artistic expression, adult supervision, letsurely pastime, research resus, sorbing pursult ° ‘Suggested answors Introductory parearenh ‘= mention two mathods ‘= mention that reasons willbe given ‘st main body paragraph ‘= adult superision must exist ‘restricted play ime ‘responsible purchases 2nd main body paragraph ‘lets to what game makers wi do ‘public has fee choice ‘erforcoment of laws againt criminals ‘Concluding paragraph ‘restate opinion ‘= give thoughts fo future 10 Suggested answers Summary of task idea: provcing special entertainment opportunites at @ community centre First suggestion: a board games right Supposting ideas for rst suggestion: ‘rat way to bring ends and tary + togetver, easy to lean how to play Useful vocabulary: approprate for alleges, competitive nature family partcipaton elaxing entertainment, ‘worthwhile diversion, simple rules ‘Second suggestion: @charades right ‘Supporting ideas fo second suggestion: Interactive, highly creative Useful vocabulary: appropriate forall ‘ages, brain teaser, competitive natu, family patepaton, exhiarating activity, ‘worthwhile version CConciuging remarks: ideas ae the safest, easiest ways to relax and unwind in which ‘everyone can participate and enjoy 1" Suggested arswors ‘st main body paragraph: ‘The test suggestion isto have a board {games night. One reason that playing ‘ard games is a worthume activity is As ability to bring family are fends together itis appropriate forall ages, co an entire family, young and old, can participate. ‘Another reason is that boars games. ar relatively easy to larn how to play. ‘The games come wth simple nl, and {urtermore, most people know the ules of the more popular games already. 2nd main body paragrach: ‘The second suggestion isto have a ‘charades right. One reason charads ‘would be an excellent choice i ts highly inteactive and competitive nature. Participants have to stand up and use gestures to express words and phrases, ‘wth teammates trying to guess the answer. ‘Tis brings us to the second reason why it is aworhwhle acy, which sits highly ‘reatve aspect. Partiipants rely have to think about how they are going to get ther Point across, which makes charades an ‘exhilarating activity. Exam focus 1 1 formal 2 argumentative 9 midle paragraphs 4 don't have to use any 5 paraphrased must 2 Students should tick plan 1 of a tb 2h aa : Skis tip Yes, DNo Exam practice ‘Sample answer Gaming addiction is a serious issu, as ‘people who suffer rom it can develop health and social problems. However, there is method that can ensure people (get assistace for these urges so that, ‘hey no longer have outer In ny opinion, the most etfective way tohelp such suterrs i to provide a ‘pecal reatment programme which can address specific issues related to gaming [sddicton, An aadleton to video games is probaby smiar to otver adcctons in the sense tha consumes the addict's lite. Users find the game so exiting that they indulge n play for hours on fend, going without eating or any contact Wwitn te ouside works. A counselor ‘would be abe to help the person get over the problem, and a suppert croup would allow them to share their paint experiance with thors. (nthe other hand, it would be less offective to place warning labels onthe boxes of video games. The problem is they wil most ely be ignored. Ifthe buyer simply unwraps the game and iscards the box, the message wil be lst Immoditely. Even ifthe user reads the warning abel, by that point isto lat as the problem occurs once they have ‘ready bacome obsessed with the game. To sum up the best way to teat gaming adliction is to get help fort. More should be done to set up counseling programmes to erable people to doa! wth thei problem and find a healthier and less adcictive way to enjoy thomsetves. Unit 2 1 28 3A 48 Get started Students’ own answers Develop your vocabulary 1 te 2a Se 4d Sb 2 2 prominently caption 4 pamphlets 5 personne! 3 4 placement 2 hoardings 8 slogans. 4 rect mail S.campaigns Develop your writing skils 1 11 the most competitive 2 more creative and attractive than 3 more tka. than 44 key diffrence betwoon S equal, citferent 6 whereas 2 1 a proposal 2 to advertie itself as alarning cena for businoss English through its website 8 the schoo! director “4 two earning activites, career advice) S.explain how these activities help romate the schoo! a ‘Suggested answers 2 The exam practice section would be tess fun than the games for earning English section. {3 The tips for ob interviews section ‘ight be more appropriate than the job listings section, 4 The games for learning English section ‘might be less sutable than the business English vocabulary leaning section. {5 The exam practoe section might bo 2 helpful as the business English vocabulary Searing section 6 Tho jb listings soctions might be more useful than the games fo earning English section ‘ 17 2 aT 47 5F OF Sentences tobe ticked: 1,4 and 8 6 | adverts in other counties (ag. Norway) versus adverts inthe US. 2 more $0, compare ths, much more memorable, better 810 explain what a clever advert is ike “4 he consequences of unplugging @ eto veeus aot unplugging it Answer Key 5 the Norwegian advert, because its ‘more merrorabia 61 does a better Jb of preventing fires. 7 1 wheraa 2 more responsive than 8 prtorm better 4 preferred the floral scent moro 5 were higher 8 Vener 2 chant Slayer ‘colour scheme 5 more 8 two ° te 26 a de 5 10 Suggested answer Firstly fel thee ae a coupe of ives th the style of he advert. In reviewing the advert, it seems thatthe product features les prominently than we would Ike. Regarding our brand colours | would ke colour echame that isnot quite ‘as bright asthe one that appears inthe ‘advert. The colour scheme we orginally agreed ypon was more consistent with ‘ur company's logo. ‘Second in txms ofthe slogan, itis catchy, butt would be great i you could ‘make ft more memorable. We would ke something similar tothe slogan you created for lat yar’ campaign, which was shorter in length and tobe honest, sold the product more successfully. AS ‘am sure you know, tis important for our target avctence to remember the product In some way, 6 tis of crucial importance that we come up with slogan that wil ‘sick in peoples minds. Exam focus 1 1 proposal 2 tour attraction 3 town coune 4 slogans 5 targot audience placement 2 “target auciences and adver placements 2 most appropriate $3 inorder to ensure your proposals chosen 4 Proposal for Engettown’s advertising campaign 5 tnteduction, eas for campaign slogans; Target audience anc placement of adverts, Conclusion 3 ‘Santonces tobe tleked! 1,2, 4,5, 7and 8 4 Suggested answers 1 Too confident your group wil select this proposal 2 The ideas | have proposed focus onthe ‘most important aspects. {3 These suggestions give the clearest dea fr the bast campaign, 4. 0nce people see the campaign, they wil be certain to visit Engettown ‘5 Engotown has mary pleasing qualities ‘and ther ar a number of reasons to st {6 The best placement forthe advarts ‘would be on travel website, since ‘many people use the internet to book holidays enn. ‘Skis tip 2¥05,b No Exam practice ‘Sample answers Proposal for Engetown's advertising ‘campaign Introduction “The purpose ol this proposal sto suggest ideas for an advertising campaign ‘Showcasing Engetoun's tourist atractions “The proposal includes ioas for campaign ‘sogans as well as suggestion forthe ‘most appropriate target audlence and placemont of the adverts eas forthe campaign slogans ‘An attractive feature of Engltown i its ‘quaint, rural character that Is impossible 10 find in cies whien are noisier an ‘of high-se buildings. Since Engetown isnt far rom lage towns, one idea fora ‘slogan s to calla “quiet getaway’. Two ‘other special aspocts of Engetown are its historical buldings and close proximity to nature, and @ slogan could mention these ‘charactors a8 wo “Target audience and placement of adverts Sines the peopl most kal to visit Engstown fora olday re cty dwellers, the adverts should target this group of ‘ope, This wil make the campaign most ‘fective andthe grant money wil be wel spent. Furthermore, the best placement for the adverts would be on travel websites, ‘nce many people use the iteret to book hakays online. This show the message vl rach the lagest number of peopl. Pacing sdvetson the internets ky to be more cost efective than placing ten large hoatings o using ect ma CConetusion In short, Engeltown has many pleasing qualities and thee are a umber of reasons to vis, bt the ones I have proposed ara the most important aspects to focus on. When city residents soe ‘tho campaign | feel confident they wi choose to vis Engattown, 2 Report on the Mieton Job Fir Introduction ‘The folowing report concerns the recont Job fair that our company attended in an ‘fort to headhunt new personnel, Here is a summary of my interviews with various ‘candidates and some thoughts on the sutabilty as stain the company. Lvel of qualifications As far as the candidates’ qualfications are concerned, many of them have ‘graduates from university. Most of them possess bachelors degrees and a fow have obtained their master's dograe in fields lat to acvartising, 20 we could possibly filowor-vel postions a bit ‘more easy than higher-level positions, Many ofthe candidates have had ite ‘experience inthe ld, etough they ‘expressed a wilingness to learn the ropes ‘of advertising, and they seemed eager to get started on assignments Personality traits In terms of personaly, it seems that ‘many ofthe candidates would project ‘a good image forthe company, since ‘hey wore cessed professionally, a if thay wore already working for he company. The candidates areal vary ‘900d communicators, and | magine thay ‘Would be etfectve when handling cleats. ‘They were both sociable and personable, which are highly desirable quate for ‘advertising personne Conctusion| [Ali al there were many promising Ceancidates atte job far and believe that the cancidates | met have a great dal of potenti in terms of meeting our stain needs, Attached ae the CVs of the ‘candidates | found tobe mast qualified for postions within our company. 3 ‘We're at constantly bombarded with ‘advertising -on TY, in magazines, and on* ‘the internet, For me, the most memorable ‘ads are stil those shown on TV. Perhaps this is because they have te argost budgets and the biggst creative teams behind them. When they'e-go0d, theyre ‘very very good. When they're bad, theyre ‘rut creaatu, My favourite advert of all ime is fora wel-known brand of cat food It plays on ‘your heart stings, but has a wonderful sense of humour too. Ir starts with an adorable itl kitten trying to attract a ‘young woman's attention. it coary wants its dinner Shes busy studying though, and doesn't want tobe disturbed, So, the kien takes matters int ts ovn hands or, mare accuratly ts own paws. We 08 the kiten opening the cupboard oor, cing the cat food and puting it in the bowl. then eats dinner and even oes the washing-up before the young woman comes into the kchen, The look of innocence on the ken face i jut supero -t gets me every tine. My least tavourte adver of al time is for razor biade (| won't say which one). revolves around he idea of two famous sports stars meeting ata bus stop I's not a bad doa, but the scripts awl, the acting is appaling, the humour fl flat and the slogan ‘Well, that vas a close shave! is predictable and dui. cringe every time comas on In one sense, both adverts are successt In hat mey’ve made me remember thom. In another sense, though, both adverts have faled- I've never ought that brand Cf cat fd or that make of razor blade Unit 3 Improve your writing skills 10 2A 38 48 Got started Students own answers Develop your vocabulary 1 to 2a Sf 46 5b 66 2 1 difiesties 2 abiity 28 incu 4 respect S interaction 6 salt-esteem T exploit 8 fexble a a Develop your writing skill +2 ‘Students own answers 3 Suggested answers Paragraph 2 Wits main point about the changing classroom environment: The tend so hhavalots of flexible space. Ways tho witer supports this point: separating the siasscom inte actions. ting area with comfortable chars {able for craft activities or dscussion movable walls Paragraph 31 Winters secondary point about the changing classroom environment: Tha. Interaction between teacher and student ‘schanging. Ways the weiter supports this pont teacher no longer insists on students doing whal they ave fold / students ‘involved in decision-making / students. ‘are given mor freedom, for example. students can eave ther desks when they. ‘need abreak. 4 td 2a ab 4c 38 ‘Students! own answers 10 Suggested answers 1 by mentioning that both teacher and ‘student have arole to play 2 the roles and the responsibitis of the twacher giving examples of what the ‘teacher is expected todo and the ‘consequences itis is done 4 The writer Begins with he word Honever to emphasis thatthe teacher 's not solely responsibe fora lesson being successtul/ thatthe student must take responsality too, ‘5 The writer has paraphrased these points from exercise B: Students have to take some responsi for thelr own learning, Teachers should take teie roles seriously. 6 By paraphrasing the need forthe student to overcome obstacles ” 1243 ‘Students’ own answers Exam focus 1 Student’ own answers 2 Student’ own answers 3 8 Skits Yes, BNo Exam practice Sample answer Creating a poste atmosphere in the classroom is something which enables teachers to impart ther knowledge to the best of ther ality and also allows students the best possible environment In which to lear, To my mind, the key ‘laments here are the teacher-stucent relationship and a pleasant tuaying ‘Tho elationship batweon the teacher andthe students plays avtal ole in how success lesan fs, and work inthis aro the best way to improve the classroom environment. A teacher needs to strke the right balance between accessilty and authority, By this mean ‘thatthe teacher should act ina tenaly way towards students, while a the sare time maintaining a healthy respect for hi or hen ny opinion, an informal ‘approach on the part ofthe teacher ‘works bes, but he or she alae needs to be able to control the ease and allow ‘20h of ts members te contrisute to the lesson ard develop ther abies, ‘The classroom ite is of secondary lrmporanee, bat stil has a pat to play. Teaonors and school owners should make 479 that the conditions in the classroom ‘28 comfortable, This incudes having ‘enough ight, suitable furniture and a pleasant ambience, There should be ‘enough space for everyone and as few latractions such a noise from outside, 2s possible. To conclude, there is no doubt in my mind that the teacher's relationship with the ‘students is th koy toa positive learning ‘experience. If we can get this right, then all otner obstaces can be overcome. Answer Key Unit 4 Improve your writing skis 10 2A 3A 4B Get started Student’ cin answers Develop your vocabulary 1 4 guesswork 2 contemplate Setrve rasp S oate-study Bruton Teoutine Broa 2 1 devote 2 problematic 2 fgue 44 assembing Singenious Geasible 7 inspiration Develop your writing s 1 1 ‘Opening statement: Closing statement: a 2 Opening sttement: Closing statement: ¢ 2 T 2 3 ar tobe ticked: 2,8 and 4 1d 20 3f 4a Se ob s ‘Students s10ud ciclo the words: DIY, ‘Archaoolgiss, Going and In (conclusion) 6 tb 2b 3a 4a 7 Vase 2 Task 8 Task 8 Task A ‘Task 8 Task A 8 ‘Areas ofthe text where the report needs Iewprovement and wy: Report on the weekend DIY design class Introduction This reports based on observations ‘made in Sarah Fins DIY design course ‘over the weekend. In tis report, | wil ‘ive a description ot how the cass wont, (cir tly describe the plan forthe text In the introduction, Popular of tasks In torms of how students liked the take, it seams that they were very interested inthe tasks that Ms Fitch presented. The focus on intarir designs was apositve ‘aspect ofthe cass, cnt mention the second part ofthe noes for this paragraph) {ro paragraph heading given ie: Ease in learning the tasks) ‘As far as the.ease in learning the tks. Was concerned, (do't mention frst part of he notes fortis paragraph) a few students had a bt of woube about haltway through the process. AS a result, ‘some of ther designs did nt turn out properly. tmay be possibe that students id not think through the steps wall enough Conclusion ‘general. ne class was interactive and. afl for stusents, and | believe many. people wore pleased that they decided fotake the cours, (no recommendations given, ° Suggested answers Introduction ‘This reports based on observations ‘made in Sarah Fitch's DIY design cass ‘over the weekend. In this report wil give 8 description of how the class went and my recommendations for future classes. Populaty of tasks In terms of how students kod the tasks, ‘seems that they were very interested in the tasks that Ms Fich presented. The focus Con ntrr designs was a postive aspect of the class. However, some ofthe students sired to farm more designs fer outdoor sein adton tothe intro ones. ase in earning the tasks As far as the ease in learning the tasks was concerned, most ofthe students got started straight away, so the designs were not terribly cicut to create in the begining. A few students had a bit of rouble about natway through the process. Asa result, some of their signs didnot tun out propery. may be possible that students did nt think through the steps well enough, Conclusion In genera, the class was interactive net Useful for student, and | beeve many people were pleased that they decided to take the course, One recommendation | would make sto possi have a separate advanced eve class that includes the more complicated design. ‘Another recommendation woul be to Incorporate more designs for outdoor 10 16 20 30 4c " ‘Sentences tobe tekedt 2 and 2 2 Suggested answer ‘Many of vs want to explore our artic talents. One creative way of doing so iso host a programme on jewellery making Ait is a fairly efortess endeavour, think thore would be plenty of viewers who would participate inthe show. Furthermore, not ony it rewarding to create an accessory that expressss who YoU ar, you could also go into business if you show a real talent forit In torms of home improvement shows believe people want to make ther iain the world more eco-frienly, 0 it wouls be great o apply this othe home. There ‘are many simple, inexpensive and useful ‘enanges that could be taught through the programme. Besides, making your home eco-rendly is ot only good for the ‘eavonment; you wil also save money on bil Exam focus 4 ja 2b Ga 4a Sb 6a 2 1G 2A ac 4c 5c 6C 7A BA a Paragraph 1:© Paragraph 2b, ¢.9 Paragraph 3:4, Paragraph 4:9, £ ‘Skil tip No, b Yes Exam practice Sample answers 4 To: Boston Furniture Subject: Besbo Bookcase Dear Siro Madam, '.am wniting to complain about the Beebo Bookcase, which | ordered from your fonline shop on 17th February and which was delivered on 21st February Firstly the bookcase does not contain allofhe ems needed to assemble the pats together As you must be aware, the assembler neds to purchase separately ‘a pack of screws betore assembly can be attempted. As you can imagine, 1 was quite trusvated to discover this halfway through the assembly process, For you to not inelude everthing required for assembly is, n my opinion, ‘quite unacceptable and caused me ‘considerable inconvenience. ‘Secondly, the instruction booklet that ‘came with the bookcase was, in my ‘opinion, nerdy diicut to understand, despite the claim on your website that the instructions would be simple. | spent Quite alot of time trying to igure out how to folow thom, and atone point | was completely bafled bythe various steps, 18 they did not make any sense at al "would argue that thre was too much ‘quesswork involved in the instructions and they re not so easy to tolow. In light ofthe above, | oo! am ented toa partial refund, I would ike to suggest ‘hat you refund me 25% ofthe 50 euros | aid for he bookcase. ook forward to hearing rom you Yours fatty, ‘Aan Simons 2 ‘Community buling project Introcuetion ‘The purpose of ths proposal isto put forth two suggestions fora local bulcing project tobe cared out by volunteers with the help of trained professional [vl also give reasons to support my suggestions. ‘Community garden ‘These days, community gardens are being set up in neighbournoods al over the count. tis increasingly becoming ‘a necessity for every community to have ‘one, and for this reason, | would suggest we Use the funds to build a eomnmanity ‘arcen. In action, | woul! say that the creation of such a projects a highly feasible acti, asit would be relatively simple todo, t 1 ‘Athome for a low-income tary ‘Conclusion ‘Asecon¢ projec | would Ike to suggest " I balieve that more iteration with isto bull ahome fora low-income. students may be helpful to improve fami. ts crainly ota simp project thor understanding ofthe materials, to cary out, butt could bea teriic ‘and to make sure thoy are uly aware of learning process forall those wolved, al the concepls. Ie possible that we thea Wore toe buldrg Naty, nud trav tho mata to esire Slibed wouchavetoread upon ow clay oever ak stdets whthey Tbavtteverou epi te poet em lab hk sone oor but wih vained poten vcd,” mower essgnmerts shoud be shoulda net Th rjc coud tmade compulsory, Tha wy, ay cod [eocensce tepratonrtnowe inthe pha do bee when ng os omen oa es orate ner ghe up. . Conclusion Unit 5 frou thee are many fret Projects that could be worthwhile for Improve your writing skills ‘our community, | believe the two | have 1G 28 BA AC Soest he ommunty garde and the ome fora noc any eee moet beri Suspected snowere 3 Fish, shark, coral Report onthe self-study course m English Marine poluton il leaks, overfishing, erature dumping, global warming Introduction ‘This repcrt covers the sa-study course Develop your vocabulary in English iteratue that began four weeks 1 90. ne report, twill discuss how to 2a a0 4e 5b ‘students are gating on with the course materials, nomework assignments and Get started ‘Students own anewors 4 overfshing tests ane give recommendations for) Speen, possible changes to the course. jareno Course materials 44 washed up Sinos the course began, amhappy oS ets report that | have received no complaints 6 creatures ‘rom students about not being able to 7 clean-up access the materalsonine, £0 that 8 coastal soems tebe a success. nthe other 9 eisposal hand, have noticed that students seldom 30 biodiversity ask questions about the matedas. Ths might bebecause they completely Develop your writing kits understand the materials; however, think 4 it's more ikly tnt they nave not been thioking he materas through suianty 1 find out more, decide whether or at toseoit Homework assignments and tests 2 give othe manager, prosont facts It seems that stents ere completing about ‘the compulsory homework assignments 3 near someone's news oF opinion without fa; however there aresome 4 suggest a course of action ‘optional assignments inthe course for 5 relevant facts, be formal and pote futher study, and araly any of those 6 itera assignments ae being completed. Test 7 reports and proposal, reviews marks seem tobe abit ow, and it's possibie that students are having trouble ‘grasping some of the concepts inthe al be oF oF ee 1F oF ne Answer Key 3 1 e formal use of! befeve; formal language (significantietfacteticteney) 2 e informal phrases such as fairly sue; contractions (i's going to; use of ‘exclamation mark 3.9 formal phrasing such as tke nto Consideration; use of certain rather than sure) 4 neutral expressions such as ook forward to meeting you suitable or letter or email 65 formal strctures such as In tre of, ressonabiy wal passive voice (is catered fo) 6.4 formal language (0a satisfactory standard, wih the result that; passive voice the work which was dane) 7 alnformal use of contractons: colloquial expressions such as happy, ‘getting into, a cool way £8 Binformal use of contractions: colloquial expressions such as Let's just ‘say, you're going o love this one. 4 1 Text type tter/oma: Target reader ‘an official with an environmental ‘organisation; Witer's purpose: to nd ‘ut mere information and to ing out about voluntering opportunities 2 Text type: proposal; Target reader: the writer's manager Writer's purpose: to suggest ways to raise public awareness about the company/organsation {3 Tent type: review Target reader: the ‘general pubic; Water's purpose: to publicise the good and bad points of 4 Text ype: report; Target reader: the ‘writer's manager: Weter's purpose: to report on progress of an organisation ‘ver the last year ‘ 1 Minty believe, most effective, the situation 2 is realy thought-provoking S outstanding 4 potently, marine ite '5 closely examines 6 recommend doing, raise pubic 6 ‘Suggested answers Ttoinvte 2t0 praise Sto advise 410 ask fr inormaton ‘to recommend a book or fim 6 t0 accept an invitation 7 ta 2b 3b 4a 8 ‘A purpose: review of fim target reader: young magazine reader register/stle: formal or informal £8 purpose: suggestions to improve the situation target reader: serious profesional registers: formal C purpose: persuade people that marine ‘conservation is important target reader ther newspaper readers registers: balanced and pote ° ‘Suggested answers 1 ‘Of course, fim isan ideal medlm fr this kind of message because itis such a ‘popular medium, Furthermore, thanks to some ingenious. ‘camera work. wa ave tly abe to ee the. beauty of nature, 2 Fundraising In order to generate more income to help finance our work, | think we should stage. ‘eoular fundraising events. In adtion, we could make a ‘considerable amount of money through the sale of merchancise such as mugs. ‘and shits 3 ‘One important consideration when preserving marine if is that evry. ‘species is vital, “Tiss because the extinction of ust one. ‘species could upset the balance af the. ecosystem, ‘As wel as this, we need to remember that i ei n Jana that we ave facog problems wih our ‘seas. We cannot separate. one from the. other 10 Suggested answers ‘One ofthe most impressive things about ‘the fm was the clnomatograpry. With its spectacular underwater scenes, ‘accompanied by dramatic musi, the ‘im was a please to watch trom start totinish However, this was afm with a message, Itink what the wnrter and director ‘wanted to convey was the speed at which thie underwater world was disappearing, nave no hesitation in recommending tis fir or anyone wt te slightest intrest in nature ~ and that should include al of us. Exam focus 1 1 areview ofa fim oF video 2 to desenbs the finwideo fr people ho havent seen it 3 readers of Education on Screen magazine 4 The style and register should be ‘semi formal to formal because the ‘emphasis hee ison education and the ‘environment so the subject is quite a serous one, 5 reasons why readers should watch it 8.2 nature documentary: ¥ Tiss the ‘mast ogieal thing to review: {an action thier with an environmental theme: v This is aso possibe ithe ‘environmental theme can be considered possi, rather than complete science fiton 4 romance set a beautiful eting: This |s unlikely to contain the elements of ‘education and environment requ by the task 1 documentary about education: Ts ‘would probably be of-topic ures the aspect of education is something ike Enveonmental Stuces ‘cartoon with a message: Ths is unlikely but possibeif the cartoon has a ‘serous environmental message, rather than beng purely for enteralnment. 7 Students’ own answers 23 Student’ own answers ‘kite tip Yes, BNO Exam practice Sample answers 1 Revoltion Fob Stewart made his name by fing ‘Sharkwatr, a decumentary about the ddangars facing sharks. In Revolution, the follow-up, be makes ft clear that is not only sharks and he eoaans that are endangered, but potently the whole of humanity, evolution examines various areas whore ‘theres damage tothe environment such 188 the coral reels of Papua New Guinea and the deforested areas of Madagascar Stowar travels to 15 counties o talk to Individuals and organizations who are trying to find solutions. Tho diferent facts and opinions we hear are shocking but {ve us nope. Meanwhile, the spectacular camerawork ives us an insight into a world which wo might ise before we have even begun to apprecisto it. ‘Atrough Stewan's passion is clearly for ravine fo ths fle makes clear that itis not one single factor, but rather ‘combination of human ations, thats pushing the balance of nature over closer towards catastrophe. Allo us need to ee how damage fo the envionment, lose of endangered species and ocean aciifeation are thetening the future of ur planet. If the oceans oi, he argues, ‘mast af ite on Earth wil quickly folow. [Not everyone is interested in nature ‘documentaries. However, | believe this Is compulsory viewing for everyone. The main message of Revolution is tht young people are the ones who stand to lose the most. We can stop the damage, so! believe we have a duty to find out now it ot fr our benef, forthe sake of ute generations. 2 To: Geotrey Harrison Coastal Protection Agency From: Sarah Barker Subject: Steps to protect the seas and marine ite Purpose The purpose ofthis proposal isto outine my suggestions for waysin which we.can recuce the damage being done to our seas and coastins, Incusty Undoubtedly, one ofthe biggest causes of carmage to our marie tei industry Whether by pumping waste directly Into the sea or more incrcty through other methods, such as farming, where chemicals and fertisere used on the land frequerty make thir way into the 50a, there is no doubt thatthe problem has reached extremely dangerous levels. | suggest an immediate review of all industil processes and now laws which wil anforce the dafe disposal of al waste, Companies which do not comply with thee laws ehoule be stopped! rom ‘operating and governments fall to act should face international pressure, The general pubic [Athough the destruction caused by individual ie fr les serous than that of governmonts and major industies, eliave that we need to act on an individual lve too. Authors in coastal areas should step up ther campaigns * against tring, by providing suitable waste disposal cites and launching pubic awareness campaigns. THs would help highight the fact that we all havea responsibilty to preserve the environment. Conclusion Our seas and oceans ae not ust thor soa creatures. They als ply a vial role in the health of the Earth asa whos It we implement the measures suggested above, we can start to undo the damage and help preserve our planet for future generations, a To Joba Philips Subject: Tak for the envionment fir Dear Me Pips, “Thank you for inviting me to tak at your envionment fair in June, | am clighted te accept your ivtaion and | propose 10 speak about the following topics of fnvronmontal interest, Fst of al, | would keto stat with the pollution caused by industry and the fects this is having on ou seas and ‘ceans. As part of my tak, I would tke to mention how a great percentage of ‘marine polluion is caused by our actions ‘onland, for example the chemicals which ‘end up polluting our fvers and sas. wil also touch upon ocean acctication caused by the increase of carbon dioxite In the al; whic then finds its way into the sea, ‘Adaitionally, woul tik to present the curent predictions forthe future For instance, in one scenario, where rnathing is done to reverse tho damage, wo face the very real possibilty of mass extinction of 80a lifer te next 100 yous “Tis wil have a dramatic effect on the approximately one billion paople who rely rectly on fish as thei main source of protein. Howove, the consequences run far deeper, an | would keto explain how th extinction of ust one species aoc the whole balance of nate, Finally, intend to show how, by taking action now, we can prevent tis tragedy {orn happening | very much look fontard to attending the fai and talking to your visitors. Yours sincerely, Unit 6 Improve your writing skits 18 2A 38 4c Get started ‘Stuer own answers Develop your vocabulary 1 “intake 2 starving 3 prone 4 nutitous Slow-caro 2 te 2e 3a 4b Sa 3 + obesity 2 cholesterl S tatty $ nutitional Sregime Develop your writing skils 1 1 However 2 yet Sao 4t00 2 16 28 36 4b 3 1 Moreover, Furthermore 2 Hence, Thus 8 Nevertheless, n spite ofthis 4 Consequently, Accorcinaly 5 Equally Alternatively 3 a8 wel as /in addon to 410 the fact that 5 1 Therefore 2 Furthermore 8 Conversely 4 However 5 Thatis 6 Atemativaly Tor instance 6 2 them ‘which 4 wos 5 one 6 more Answer Key 1 ormer Biattor making 10 otnersise 11 Fist 1200 13 hoe son 18 Though 7 4 Unfortunately 2 Clearly ‘3 Consequently 4 Curiously 5 Understandably 6 Simiany 7 Cenainy 8 “The patient has managed to shed two pounds thanks toa igorous exercise outing and strict dat. Ang als, his blood tests have showed lower levels of blood sugar and cholestrol. Then again, he has ‘some way to go before ne is ata suitable weight forthe operation. Whats mor, he has not convinced me entirely that he is ready to change his ost. Lie, ne sometimes talks a though this regime wal only continue up to te surgery. To. ‘cap tha, he admftes succumbing to fas food meal ust aftr his previous check-up. Sue its the only time he has done 0, but he should pechaps be warned ° 1 Sinary 2 HoweverHaving said that 8 Adalionally/n adiion 4 For instance 5 Furthermore 6 cerany 10 10 2 again aT Stop. 5 Also/Next/Seconaly Bike avsincerbecause mow 1" Suggested answors 1 there are genetic reasons for obesity in ‘Some poopie that cannot be changed. 2 more and more children are daveloping siabetes. $3 the sugar and sat that it contains. +4 many people lose wilpower and give up. 5 pecnle donot seem to be geting thinner, 2 1 cisease/condtion, one 2 dleting/weight oss, vthis 3 favours, ones 4 ata’, te intake, this {6 Consumers, They 3 1 Diet books are aimed at the many) people wno are unhappy with thelr weight 2 Advertsing works well on children, ‘whichis why so much is focused on them. ‘8 We should target those citron for whom every meals junk. 4 People want instant results rom dit, which I completely unrealistic 68 Chieren whose parents suffer from ‘weight issues should be taught about heathy eating from an eary age Exam focus 1 te 26 Sf 4b 54 6a 2 1A 20 3D 4A 5D 6A 3 1 Paragrach 2 2 Paragraph | 3 Paragraph 1 4 Paragraph 4 5 Paragraph 3 6 Paragraph 4 Skils tip No, b Yes Exam practice ‘Sample answer (One ofthe greatest burdens on health systems isthe problem of obesity fang diseases such as diabetes that accompany it Excess weight is Increasingly commen arsong school-age children, condemning ther to aif ot inactivity andi heath, What rle can ‘governments playin fighting tis modern- ay epidemic? (One obvious step would be the Introduction of healt schoo! lunches Hf hilron regulary ate a balanced meal, ‘hey would dscover what nutritious food tastes lke. This might, however, be no | ‘more than a symbole step. Aft al lunch in the school canteen s not compulsory, anc what i ina lunchbox prepared at hhome cannot be regulated. In ation, Its coubtfu whether the lunches can ‘compensate for morning, evening and weekend overeating Whats vitals education. Goveerments should consider the option of introducing compulsory lessons about dit, cooking fan nutrition for al students, Homewerk ‘ould be specifically designed to involve ‘he parents and guardians of pupils, since ‘heir own cooperation is necessary in ‘2tder forthe theory to become practice. Care should be taken, however, to femphasise the importance of healthy lating, on account ofthe tendency some ‘teonagers have towards eating cisarders: forinstance, anerexia. To conclude, the avalaility of heathy school lurch would of course be a positive step, but tis unlikely to have ary ‘10a o long-term eect onthe prob of obesity. Only withthe understanding ‘hat comae with aduestion, ean young people be convinced that losing weight in healthy way and folowing a balanced let are possible and desirable goals, Unit 7 Improve your writing skils 18 2¢ 3c 4c Get started Students" own answers Develop your vocabulary 4 te 2d ge 40 5b 2 testes 2 phased S mosernise 4 overhaul 5 maximise 3 1 Inncvtlons 2 evolution 2 capabitios 4 broscoand S eustainabity Develop your writing skils 4 Sentences tobe tleked: 2, and 6 2 Suggested answers 1 I would recommend spending some of ‘the company’s profts on improving the ‘working conditions in th off. 8 One option would be to modernise the ‘way we have mootings with cents to include high-tech video conferencing 4 Focusing on the smaller, portable ‘computers shouldbe considered, as, desktop computers are becoming & thing ofthe past. 3 Suggested answers 1 Why don't you attend some workshops ‘so you can upd your skis sat? 2 would caution against cscontinuing ‘the smartphone tne as i's a commonly used doves. '3.One suggestion would be to redesion the kitchen appliances to Include touch ‘screen capabilties. 4 Have you thought about using an onine ‘ordering system to place all of our ‘orders? 5 itis advisable to redesign the _advetsing campaign in order to focus ‘on your latest innovations. 6 would recommend choosing these two ideas because they willbe most profitable forthe company. ‘ 1 dueto 2 This means: 3 Even though 4th my belet S consequently 6 would recommend 7 one suggestion 5 1 Paragraph 1 2 Paragraph 4 8 Paragraph 3 44 Paragraph 2 ‘Paragraph 1 6 take stock ofthe company’s operating systoms to see where upgrades can be ‘made, invest money in researching the ‘competion to sae what inovations hey have mace 1 ‘Students should tek 8 . 1 Task a 2 Task A 3 Task 8 Task 8 S Task 6 Task 8 ° Suggested answors 1 Product designe 2 atiquated/oltashioned ‘98 more consumers wil make the same y 44 Product capebities innovation 6 we can prevent this fer happening 10 Sentences tobe ticked: 2,3 and 4 " + readers ofa technology magazine 2 the technology magazine Tomorrow's Technology 8 0 dlscuss your favourite and least favourte devices 4 best device and worst device you've ‘000 oF used and reasons 5 inthe concluding paragraph 2 Suggested answer would tke to present my favour type of computer and the one ike oast, ‘and say which one would recommend toreadee. Tablets ave the noxt evolution in computers. You can take them with you anywhere, theyre even ighter than a laptop and they have bascally the same functions. Because they have a wide array of futons, you can use them for work or leisure, a home or inthe ofc. “They'8also quite stylish and many come itn durable carrying cases. Thor touch- screen capabilies make them user. tery as wl ‘Tishas tobe the worst computing

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