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[organization name]

[Organization logo] Commented [MH1]: All fields in this document marked by

square brackets [ ] must be filled in.
[Organization name]

Commented [MH2]: ***NOTE***

PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR ISO 45001 IMPLEMENTATION Content of the document needs to be tailored to your actual
situation and requirements. Adapt it to your own needs.
Commented [MH3]: A PowerPoint presentation of this
document can be found at: Project proposal for ISO 45001
Code: implementation
Commented [MH4]: The document coding system should be in
Version: line with the organization's existing system for document coding; in
case such a system is not in place, this line may be deleted.
Created By:

Approved by:

Date of Revision:


Distribution list Commented [MH5]: This is only necessary if document is in

paper form; otherwise, this table should be deleted.

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No. Date Signature

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©2019 Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd. www.

[organization name]

Change history
Date Version Created by Description of change

xx/xx/2019 0.1 Basic document template

Table of contents
1. REASONING ........................................................................................................................................3

2. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................3

3. PROJECT DURATION AND STRUCTURE .................................................................................................3

4. RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................4

5. DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................................................4

5.1 DELIVERABLES FOR OH&SMS LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS ....................................4

5.2 DELIVERABLES FOR OH&SMS PLANNING & OPERATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................4

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©2019 Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd. www.

[organization name]

1. Reasoning Commented [MH6]: In this section “Why?” should be

explained. Answer the question why would you implement ISO
45001? Please note, ISO 45001 could be implemented even if
Primary reasons for ISO 45001 implementation are to: organization does not apply for formal ISO 45001 certification, but
this is not common.
 Improve public/community relations, image and credibility by attaining certification with ISO
Commented [MH7]: For more information on the benefits of
45001 implementing ISO 45001, see that article: 4 key benefits of ISO
 Reduce incidents leading to liability, leading to reducing insurance premiums 45001 for your business
 Improve decisions by basing them on data from the Occupational Health & Safety benefits-of-iso-45001-for-your-business and How ISO 45001 can
benefit a supply chain
Management System (OH&SMS)
 Improve consultation and participation of employees 45001-can-benefit-a-supply-chain/.

Secondary reasons to implement ISO 45001 are to:

 Create a culture of continual improvement of the processes
 Improve employee engagement toward process improvement

2. Purpose Commented [MH8]: This section should answer the question

“What?”, (i.e., what are the goals of the implementation?).

The purpose of the project is to:

 Gain ISO 45001 certification
 Increase compliance with Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legal and other requirements
 Ensure control of process hazards that cause risks of OH&S incidents
 Increase community relations, image and market share of [organization name]
 Better management of processes, activities, and functions
 Reduce costs through reduction of accidents and insurance premiums resulting from
enhancements identified through continual improvements attained through the ISO 45001

3. Project duration and structure Commented [MH9]: This section should answer the questions
“What?”, “How Long?” and “When?”.

The implementation project is divided into different phases: Commented [MH10]: For some help on understanding
implementation, see the article: 5 tips to make your ISO 45001
1. Initiation, planning, and assessment – project is set and assessment of existing processes is implementation project successful
carried out. Gap analysis is performed.
2. Implementation – implementation of OH&SMS, i.e. requirements defined in ISO 45001.
Commented [MH11]: See this online ISO 45001:2018 Gap
3. Consolidation – internal audit and management review of the results and comparison to the Analysis Tool for more help:
requirements. Review and corrective action for any problems, and setup of ongoing

improvement activities.

Project is led by [job title]. Main milestones of the implementation project are:

Milestone Due date

Internal Audit
Project Proposal for ISO 45001 Implementation ver [version] from [date] Page 3 of 5

©2019 Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd. www.

[organization name]

Management Review
Corrective Actions
Continual Improvement Setup

Detailed content of the milestones and respective responsibilities are described in the Project Plan

4. Resources Commented [MH12]: This section answers “Who?”, (i.e., who

is needed) for the project and what other resources are needed
(i.e., money, equipment, etc.).
Resources required to implement the project include human, financial, and technical resources. Commented [MH13]: For more on implementing ISO 45001
yourself, see the whitepaper: Implementing ISO 45001 with a
Financial resources include: consultant vs. DIY approach
 Amount: [define amount of money needed to finish the project] download/implementing-iso-45001-with-a-consultant-vs-diy-
o Cost types: [split costs according to the cost type and include all resources listed approach

here, e.g. human resources – internal and external, technical and other]

Human resources include:

 Internal resources – [list internal resources, e.g. group name, project name, etc.]
 External resources – [list all external resources, e.g. consulting company, etc.]

Technical resources include:

 Tool – tool name: [enter tool name]
 Equipment – [list equipment needed]

Other resources include:

 Documentation – [list all documentation that is required, e.g. ISO 45001 Toolkit, ISO Commented [MH14]: See here detailed information about the
ISO 45001 Documentation Toolkit:
45001:2018 standard]
Commented [MH15]: For an overview of what is included, see
the article: ISO 45001 Requirements and structure
5. Deliverables requirements-and-structure/.
Commented [MH16]: This section details “What?”, i.e., here
This section lists deliverables of the project and benefits achieved with their implementation. are listed deliverables.

These are examples of best practice. Define your own deliverables

5.1 Deliverables for OH&SMS leadership & support requirements and benefits that they achieve.
The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current:
Commented [MH17]: For more information, see the article: 12
 Commitment of leadership steps for implementation and certification against ISO 45001
 Roles, authorities, and responsibilities of the OH&SMS for-implementation-and-certification-against-iso-45001/ .
 Documentation and record management (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information) Commented [MH18]: See here a Checklist of mandatory
 Resources management documentation required by ISO 45001:2018:
 Establishment and improvement of the OH&SMS of-mandatory-documentation-required-by-iso-45001

5.2 Deliverables for OH&SMS planning & operation requirements

The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current:
 OH&S Policy and OH&S Objectives (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)

Project Proposal for ISO 45001 Implementation ver [version] from [date] Page 4 of 5

©2019 Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd. www.

[organization name]

 Identification of OH&S hazards & risks Commented [MH19]: For details on OH&S hazards, see the
article: How to identify and classify OH&S hazards
 Determination and review of OH&S legal requirements and compliance
 OH&S management operational controls identify-and-classify-ohs-hazards/.

 Control of monitoring and measurement equipment processes Commented [MH20]: For more on legal compliance, see the
article How to identify and comply with legal requirements in ISO
5.3 Deliverables for evaluation of performance and improvement identify-and-comply-with-legal-requirements-in-iso-45001/.
The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current: Commented [MH21]: For more on operational controls in the
 Internal audit (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information) OH&SMS, see the article: How to implement operational controls in
ISO 45001
 Monitoring and measurement of OH&S operational controls
 Control of environmental nonconformity (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)
Commented [MH22]: For more on internal audit, see the
 Corrective actions (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information) article: How to perform internal audits in ISO 45001
perform-internal-audits-in-iso-45001/ .

Project Proposal for ISO 45001 Implementation ver [version] from [date] Page 5 of 5

©2019 Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd. www.

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