Percakapan Situasi 1

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ARIBAZ : Good morning, Hid -> Greeting

Rahid : Yup, Good morning, Baz -> Respon Greeting
ARIBAZ : May I ask you a question, Bro?
RAHID : What do you want to ask me, Baz?
ARIBAZ : What do you do for living? -> Ask Occuption
RAHID : I am a chemical technician. It’s like support trouble shooting and
research development product -> respon occuption
ARIBAZ : How do you feel about your job ? -> ask feelling the job
RAHID : I feel this my passion, I like my job, so I am happy when I take my duty
and solvie that is it. How about you.. do you working ? what is kind of
your job? -> respon feelling the job
ARIBAZ : Yes, I do.I’m a technician support. It is challenge cause I must finish the
problem solving about customer complaint, I’m enjoy it, haha ,
RAHID : Awesome!. Good luck your job
ARIBAZ : Thanks, you too, bro
RAHID : Ok, Nice to see you.. Baz
ARIBAZ : Nice to see you too, Hid..

Situation 2

ARIBAZ : hello, Hid -> Greeting

Rahid : Hello , Baz -> Respon Greeting
ARIBAZ : What are you doing, Bro?
RAHID : I am waiting for the bus, I will go to working
ARIBAZ : what is your job, bro ? -> Ask Occuption
RAHID : I am a chemical technician. It’s like support trouble shooting and
research development product. I’ve been working there for 6 years.
ARIBAZ : are you happy with your job?
RAHID : yes, I am happy when I take my duty and solve that is it. How about
you.. do you working ? what is kind of your job?
ARIBAZ : Yes, I do.I’m a technician support. It is challenge cause I must finish the
problem solving about customer complaint, I’m enjoy it, haha
RAHID : do you have a job interesting?
ARIBAZ : yes, I do, last month, i went to customer to solve a problem about
Product. The problem must be done quickly because it will be sent to
others customer. Alhamdulillah, I have finished it before the product will
be sent. I’m proud of my job. How about you, bro?
RAHID : ….?
ARIBAZ : fantastic !! its cool man,
RAHID : Thanks a lot,
Ok I will go now. The bus has came.
ARIBAZ : Take care, Hid..
RAHID : yap, see you
ARIBAZ : See you too


RAHID : Hey, man. How are you doing?

ARIBAZ : I’m good, bro. How about you?
RAHID : I’m a little bit tired because I studied hard last night.
ARIBAZ : I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any quiz for today?
RAHID : No, I don’t. I going to finish the final assignment to get graduation this
Year. After that, I’d like to be chemical technician.
ARIBAZ : wow.. that’s amazing, bro.. I always suppert you. You know that
RAHID : Thanks man,
ARIBAZ : what is your dream, man ?

Smith: So, why did you do that?

Smith: Jadi, mengapa kamu melakukan itu?
Jacob: I am going to follow the TOEFL test to get a ticket aboard.
Jacob: Aku akan mengikuti tes TOEFL untuk mendapatkan tiket keluar negeri.

Smith: Seriously?
Smith: Serius?

Jacob: Yup… That’s my dream, man. I’d like to continue my study overseas and take
MBA at Oxford University.
Jacob: Yup … Itu mimpiku, kawan. Aku ingin melanjutkan studiku di luar negeri dan
mengambil MBA di Universitas Oxford.
Smith: Wow! That’s amazing, bro. I always support you. You know that huh.
Smith: Wow! Itu luar biasa, bro. Aku selalu mendukungmu. Kamu tahu itu kan.
Jacob: Thanks, man.
Jacob: Terima kasih, kawan.
Smith: So, tell me what have you prepared?
Smith: Jadi, katakan padaku apa yang telah kamu siapkan?
Jacob: I realize it’s ain’t easy to make my dreams come true because it will be the first
hardest test of my life. I have lots of preparation for that. You know, study hard is the
best preparation, isn’t it?
Jacob: Aku menyadari itu bukan hal mudah untuk membuat mimpi jadi nyata karena itu
akan menjadi ujian tersulit pertama dalam hidupku. Aku punya banyak persiapan untuk
itu. Kamu tahu, belajar dengan giat adalah persiapan terbaik, bukan?
Smith: Yeah, you’re right. There is not an easy way to the top. No pain no gain.
Smith: Ya, kamu benar. Tidak ada jalan mudah menuju ke puncak. Bersakit-sakit
dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.
Jacob: Hahahaha… Absolutely, man.
Jacob: Hahahaha … Benar sekali, kawan.
Smith: Why are you so crazy about MBA?
Smith: Mengapa kamu sangat tergila-gila dengan MBA?
Jacob: Why am I so crazy about MBA? Because it’s my dream, actually. I love to do
business as my father does. You know business is like blood flowing through my vein. I
can’t live that. The world is smaller than before which full of postgraduate who
swimming in the fishbowl year after year. I mean that lots of competition up ahead. We
must be ready for that.
Jacob: Mengapa aku sangat tergila-gila dengan MBA? Karena itu cita-citaku,
sebenarnya. Aku suka melakukan bisnis seperti ayahku. Kamu tahu bisnis itu seperti
darah yang mengalir melalui pembuluh darahku. Aku tidak bisa hidup tanpanya. Dunia
lebih kecil dari sebelumnya yang penuh dengan pascasarjana yang berenang di
akuarium tahun demi tahun. Maksudku, banyak kompetisi di depan. Kita harus siap
untuk itu.
Smith: Yup. You’re right. We must keep fighting to make our dreams come true.
Smith: Yup. Kamu benar. Kita harus terus berjuang untuk mewujudkan impian kita.
Jacob: What is your dream, man? Do you wanna be a doctor as your father?
Jacob: Apa mimpimu, kawan? Apakah kamu ingin menjadi dokter seperti ayahmu?
Smith: That’s my parents’ dream but not me. You know, I spend almost twelve hours on
a computer and the internet.
Smith: Itu mimpi orang tuaku tapi bukan aku. Kamu tahu, Aku menghabiskan hampir
dua belas jam di komputer dan internet.
Jacob: Yeah. I know that. You love computer and internet so much, don’t you?
Jacob: Ya. Aku tahu itu. Kamu sangat menyukai komputer dan internet, bukan?
Smith: Yup. More than anything. I will be an Internet Marketing someday.
Smith: Yup. Lebih dari apapun. Aku akan menjadi Internet Marketing suatu hari nanti.
Jacob: For real, man! Awesome.
Jacob: Sungguh, kawan! Luar biasa.
Smith: Even though it’s only in front of the laptop and my fingers dancing on the
keyboard. But it’s not as easy as it’s seen. There are lots of tips and tricks on how to be
a successful Internet Marketing with billion passive income in a month. Consistency,
discipline, and hard working are the golden keys to make that dreams come true.
Smith: Meskipun hanya di depan laptop dan jari-jariku menari di keyboard. Tapi itu tidak
semudah yang terlihat. Ada banyak tips dan trik tentang bagaimana menjadi Internet
Marketing yang sukses dengan milyaran pendapatan pasif dalam sebulan. Konsistensi,
disiplin, dan kerja keras adalah kunci emas untuk mewujudkan impian itu.
Jacob: Absolutely agree with you, man. Life is too short but the journey is too long. We
have to start right now when we’re still young.
Jacob: Sangat setuju dengan kamu, kawan. Hidup terlalu pendek tetapi perjalanannya
terlalu panjang. Kita harus mulai sekarang ketika kita masih muda.
Smith: That’s right, bro. So, what will you do tonight?
Smith: Benar, bro. Jadi, apa yang akan kamu lakukan malam ini?
Jacob: I don’t have any idea. Maybe just stay at home and open TOEFL book. How
about you?
Jacob: Aku tidak punya ide. Mungkin hanya tinggal di rumah dan buka buku TOEFL.
Bagaimana dengan kamu?
Smith: I’ll meet up with my friends at a coffee shop. We are going to discuss business.
Maybe you can join us?
Smith: Aku akan bertemu dengan teman-temanku di kedai kopi. Kami akan membahas
bisnis. Mungkin kamu bisa bergabung dengan kami?
Jacob: Wow! Business… It’s awesome. I’ll join with you.
Jacob: Wow! Bisnis… Luar biasa. Aku akan bergabung denganmu.
Smith: Okay, I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock.
Smith: Oke, Aku akan menjemputmu jam 7.
Jacob: That’s perfect. Catch you up at seven.
Jacob: Sempurna. Sampai ketemu jam tujuh.
Smith: Okay, man. See you soon.
Smith: Oke, kawan. Sampai jumpa nanti.
MBA: Master of Business Administration

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