Classical Religions & Philosophies Charts

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Name: Alexis Sfera, Faith Kaufman, Ranya Abuqubo Date: 26 Sept 2018 Period: 6

Classical Religions and Philosophies Comparison Charts

Explain how religions, belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies originated, developed, and spread as a result of
expanding communication and exchange networks.

Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity

Judaism Zoroastrianism Christianity
The founder of Judaism is The founder was Zoroaster The founders of Christianity
Founders) and Abraham. The supporters of (Zarathustra). Jesus. The supporters were
Supporters Judaism were the Hebrews The supporters are persians the jewish.
and adherents in other parts
of the empire, such as Egypt,
Mesopotamia, and Anatolia.
The Judaism beliefs were ● single god (Ahura The Christians beliefs were to
Doctrine there was one god, they were Mazda) believe in god, Jesus Christ
monotheistic. They also had ● cosmic conflict of and the holy spirit.
10 Commandments good and evil The belief in heaven and hell
● angels and demons and the holiness of Church.
● God and evil

Salvation is achieved by Salvation is achieved by being Salvation is achieved in

How is salvation understanding their good. christianity by having faith.
achieved? relationship to Yahweh

Judaism appealed to Israel and The societal groups this The societal groups this
To which societal Judah religion appealed to was the religion would appeal to is the
groups would persians. romans.
this religion

Religion’s effects on the Effects: They influenced other Christianity’s effects on

What are this society was the revolutionary religions with their belief of society is the cultural
religion’s effects idea that laid the groundwork Heaven and Hell, either than influence in church, art,
on society? for social reform that their religion did not philosophy, and the culture.
(Causation, spread beyond Persia.

Judaism did spread beyond its Zoroastrianism did not spread Christianity did spread beyond
Did it spread original location. They made a farther than Persia. its original location because of
beyond its state that split into 2, Israel the roman empire which
original location? and Judah. Israel was helped christianity thrive.
(Why / why not?) conquered by Assyria and
Judah was conquered by
Greek Philosophy, Hellenism, Roman Philosophy
The traditional beliefs of Greece was polytheistic, where there were various gods and
Traditional goddesses. Their hierarchy was based off of the gods and goddesses which included Zeus, and
Beliefs of Greece the king of gods. The traditional beliefs of rome were believing in god where emperors had
and Rome them believe they were gods and spirits that protect families in their households.
(popular religion)

Greek Philosophies Hellenism Roman Philosophy

Major Socrates: A Greek Philosopher Alexander: The contributions Cicero: His contributions was
Philosophers/ who wrote through the were through spirits and creating latin philosophical
Contributors, writings of his students. political power. The beliefs vocab. His beliefs were the
Contributions Socrates main Philosophy was were the complex system of existence of gods and the
and Beliefs about the modern western deities and rituals. afterlife of heaven and hell.
systems. Socrate contributed
the socratic method which
was through western Epicureanism: His philosophies
philosophy. were based around the
teachings of Epicurus (to seek
modest pleasures to attain
Plato: Plato's major tranquility). His beliefs were
contributions were radical materialism
life,philosophy, and work. His (psychology).
beliefs were through the
afterlife, immortality, and
perception and reality. Stoicism: His philosophies was
teaching self control
overcoming certain emotions.
Aristotle: An Ancient Greek Stoicism beliefs were between
Philosopher that made the good and bad. The good
contributions to physics, being wisdom, self-discipline,
biology, medicine, and justice and the bad being
mathematics, logic, theatre injustice and cowardence.
and dance. Aristotle's beliefs
were that the world is made
up of individuals.

The effects of these Greek The effects of hellenism on The effects of Roman
What are the Philosophers were the society was through language, Philosophers was through
effects on influence through the art, and political ideas. education in building schools
Society? foundation of western of law.
(Causation, system’s.

Chinese Philosophies: Legalism, Daoism, Confucianism

Legalism Daoism (Taoism) Confucianism Commented [1]: done

Major Han Fei: prominent Legalist Laozi: sixth-century BCE Confucius: born to an Commented [2]: I'll do this one
Philosophers, philosopher archivist aristocratic family
and Beliefs Contributions: Not much, Contributions: It shaped the Contributions: Values justified
chinese people went to culture of ordinary people. many inequalities of Chinese
Confucianism. society.
Beliefs: They believed in
Beliefs: They believed most simple living and end of Beliefs: They believe in social
people were stupid, meaning striving. harmony through moral
they had a pessimistic view of example and they had a
human nature. Additionally, secular outlook on life.
the solutions to things were Additionally, Confucius
harsh punishments. emphasized education as the
key to moral betterment.

It was the basis of legal The effects were Chinese work The effects were mainly
What are the systems. Additionally, legalist of art. For example, the yin marked by the Chinese elite
effects on thinking provided inspiration and yang. culture. Also, they defined
Society? and methods for the harsh gender expectations.
(Causation, reunification of China under
CCOT) Shi Huangdi and the Qin

Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism

Jainism Hinduism Buddhism
(not Brahmanism)
The founders and supporters They did not have an The founders and supporters were
Founders) and were Nataputta, Mahavira, established founder Siddhartha Gautama
Supporters and the Jains

No one can achieve In order to live a peaceful live, Theravada Mahayana

Doctrine liberation you must be quiet and The 3 Universal The 4 Noble
Complete perfection and peaecful Truths Truths
purification of the soul; only The 3 Noble
occurs in the eternal Truths
liberation state The Noble
Eightfold Path

Salvation is achieved by your You can achieve salvation by Monks/Lay Salivation is

How is right knowledge, your right your devotion and your way People are achieved by the
salvation/ conduct, and your right of knowledge responsible for notion of skillful
enlightenment their own leads to rebirth
achieved? salivation in the pure lands

The societal group that this The societal group that this They appealed to They appealed
To which religion would appeal to is religion would appeal to is women of lower to women of
societal Indians. Hindus. case lower case and
groups would praising Buddha
this religion

Effects: were non-violent Effects: Had an impact Effects: Effects:

What are and believed in because of the caste system They had an They had an
these reincarnation, then and strong beliefs. impact on how impact on how
religion’s liberations detached they detached they
effects on were to the were to the
Society? world world

Jainism wasn’t able to No, the caste system didn’t It did spread out It did spread out
Did it spread spread around the world spread, but hinduism spread of India, the of India because
beyond India? because of travelling, but it to Southwest Asia because death of Buddha the monks were
(Why / why did spread across India. India is close to Southwest allowed people now traveling
not?) Asia and for the caste system, to realize they and teaching
asians didn’t approve of that. wanted to other people
believe in this about this
religion. After religion.
Buddha’s death
they taught
about him in

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