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3 Nd D00- 266920 " (p961) 1v91N ONY SL WIN-96"S ‘3741 — O1-662-S001-6 WL TM 9-1005-249-10 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR RIFLE, 5.56-MM, M16 (1005-00-856-6885) RIFLE, 5.56-MM, M16A1 f= — (1005-00-073-9421) HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ‘FEBRUARY 1985 ‘TW 8-1005:248.10 2 chaNGE HEADQUARTERS as DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC 11 May 1990 Operators Manual ror IRLE 5.8em 16 (Ho0soo-s56-6888) AIRE SSeMM, MIBAY [oosoo07aae2%) ‘TW 9.1005.249.10. 11 Februmy 1985. ic changed o fllows Page 224. Add the following WARNING before the previous WARNING, WARNING th he bot care assembly locked othe rear ots ward pesto, I the weaper ls dropped or jarred mith & leaded magazine n place, could chambers (ound. By Onder of the Seotetary ofthe Army: CARL VUONO. General United States Army ‘choot Staff ofteist WILUAM J. MEEHAN jor Genarai, Unie States Army "The ata General Dierbution: uted in accordance with DA form 12:40, block 135, Operator Roquiremense for Rife, 8 86MM, TB, MIB TM 9.1095.240-10 cr (CHANGE HEapquanTERs DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No.1 Washington, D.C., 9 Decenber 1987 ‘Operator's Manual ‘er FIFLE, 5.56-MM, M16 ¢ i RIFLE, 5.56-MM, MIGAt (005-00073 8421) ‘TM $1008-240-10, 1 February 1985, is changed as follows: Front cove. Add the folowing under TM 9100524910: AIR FORCE TO TINS GORST GUAAD COMOTINGT MesrOe ‘Ate, above “FEBRUARY 1985" ‘COWMANDANTS, COAST GUARD. Page 2. The telephone numbers fr the ANCCOM Rasiciogicl Protection Otic (80) are supergede as flows: AUTOVON 793 29649965206; Commer (39) ‘eaveuboazece Page| ‘Ae hating to Reporting irra Bock: "At Force users submit AFTO. om 22 Teehnea’ Order System Pubeatons Improvement Reportar ep to WHALGiMMEDT, Robins APE, GA 310964000, Coast Guar veers submit Pubes {Nona Corectioni¢nange Regevt Foin tor Comeandant, US Casst Guerd (O00) Washington, De 203883001" Supersedure notice Is changed as tolows: “nie manual supersedes TM O'006 2400, Ap 1072, TM G.1005249104R, {ar and Rin PORCE TO TINGS", | bgt 196, neiudng a Page 12. Ada to ond of netagiaph: “Ar Force vst submit Materia Doticleney Resor vm 1c BIN MAT MGT. Robine AFB. GA MIF I ana Qually Delt leney Reporte: DIR MAT ME, Robine AFB, GA WONT. Page 15, paragraph 14 Ada. Receiver is made of ight weight aluminum aloy, hhoweve, ine sey, Ouray, and function ofthe ries are inna way Teuced ahd {Peery and logue! vos great creme, petculaty when a age 1. Ado: Paragraph 1.7. DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY'USE. Only your commending oon can giv the oder and method to ‘estoy materiel to prvent enemy ues, Raler to 1M eo 248 Pago 18, ‘cnange step 5 1 read: “Squeezing the tgget releases the hares, which strtes the ng pin. causing fo pet the primar 3 he tuna" ‘change step @ 10 read: “When round aches approximate end of brs, expand ing gute from buring propellant bass tough gas Por gas tabe, ana is the tal earorassombly. forcing to the roar. This Caueas the Dol Yo exact ane ‘sect tha npen cartge case ‘As stop 10: “The action spring and butter assembly returns the bolt carer sccumby forward, stpping a round tom the magaine and chambering it Page 24. Item (7: Date. and provides storage for base leaning materials nem (s: Ade: “end provides storage for basle cleaning materials” 0 end of Page 28. hom 2: Under “Ea tne inthe tore tom 3: Under “Equipment ls NOT READYIAVAILABLE IF" Ad: "Hamme fl.” Page 27. ‘Chango the fourth sentnce Hom "Release the trigger to “Slowly release the ager ‘Aaa tn fliowing NOTE: Fo he purpose of tis test, "SLOW" Is dened as 14 to'12 te normal ate of tigger Please Jpment it NOT READYIAVAILABLE IF,” Ad: “Thar are obetruc- Eaupment fs NOT READYIAVAILABLE IF” ada “hammer tls t fal on the second inggerequoaze ort Hammar falls On ilease ct taper" Page 28. Undee“Equipmant is NOT READVAVAILABLE IF" add “or hams als ‘onthe second tiggu age 29, tom 4. Under “Equipment is NOT READYIAVAILABLE IF" add “Sights ‘se damaged; miasng, or cannot be alusteg” ege 240, ten 8, Under “Equipment Is NOT READY/AVAILABLE 1" ade ‘Mgacne catch wi not retin or rlesee the magazin, ego 212 lem 8. Add to second paragraph ofthe WARNING: rat the enc oft ca." Page 224 (Grange step (1) tras na roto ehorging hand oe [Change stop (2) o road: "Check to soe that chamber i lea ul charging handle assombly (1) rearward, eck bol, (ful forward poston. Pace selector eve (on Page 231. Paragraph 217 ls changed as foiows: 1 If your sit fale ater performing IMMEDIATE ACTION, parform the following precoaues. 2 Ghar youre 29 eng te Bot cri lcked othe rar with he Sector evar on SAFE ‘check for jammed cadge cave. ‘ta anid casos in the chamber, tap out with cleaning rod. Insert LOADED cartridge magazin (p24) and resume noxal operation, {your te sil fas ote, clear your ite 233) and roter to lwasblashooting [a 3) Page 202 change stop 1 to ra: "Clearly placing selector ever on SAFE. remove magazin, ook bot to Tear and chock fecelver ane cham to ensue that no am ‘muntion is present 233 ana 238) ‘Alter tep 1, 2 tho following WARNING: "Ensure the sil is cles nd that no ammunition present [Change sep 2 to read: “Viualynspact trom the muzte nd andor Insrt a ‘arin rod to bore te ensure there fs ta projectile edged in Bore.” Page 240, Ada a NOTE before paragraph 221 “Protective cap is fr Held use only. OUNGT store weapon wi ne protective cap on the bara Storng the weapon Wn the protective cap n place may cause mature Yo collect inthe banal Page 248 cate sep 1 reat "on moving «cl ie swam lca, sn ‘weapon ns potected, but coi, aro oui nen tne weapar is brovgt nse {Tvarm place shouldbe Glsassembed and wiped dy several tas aa teaches foom tomperature”™ Penumbor stp "@)" and "7" to step “7” and“) Pape 30 A the tcllowing information to paagranh 3, a “Wherever the frm CLP or the ors lute or lubreant are cia In hs TW, Ii 0 be interpreted to mean Thal CLP, LSA or LAW can bellied a appieol. Tha following consirants must be ‘adhered to 1) Under all but the coldest arcle eanaivons, {SA or CLP are te ibrcans 10 use on your weapon thet may be veod at 10% or sbove, However, ‘2 not use both onthe sama weapon a hears fre (} LAW iste ube 1S se during cok arctic conditions, + 10° and blow.) Any o hm larlants may See mf 1 ot ma rca on ne cane vara. \tesoon mooi bo therouphy cleaned during change from one lubica ser ‘By diang stan (8) scorn or hearing ding change Vom one "canto anther ‘Add 1 10 1026: “Ale Bore Cleaner RBG (tem 21, 309 0) maybe used 10 remove carbon buildup inthe bore and other prs of he weapon ds 22 to road: Dey Clearing ote SD em 2.1, sp 0) may be used 0 can your weapon. 09 not dee SD on rubber, paste, ot seale Buta Page 314, Ade a second paragraph to the WARNING: “DO NOT exchange or Swit bat sosemshes from one MISMGAY to anther, it could Cause i to you and cage tn rie ge 3.1. Ald & CAUTION preceding step 1: "Do not use #screwcrve OF any ier when amving tena uu, ong so may Gamage he and oa age 3.22, Add NOTE preceding step 2: Btore removing he attr, assure that, {he hammer cooked ane the solactr lever fe NOT set on AUTO. ‘Pago 324 Ad before the NOTE: “WARNING: Tur magazine away Hom face, {pring unde fenson age 928A he folowing NOPE ater tp 2: “Une chamber rah for charber Page $35. Ade to sap 2 “Chack for broken bot ring. Page 3.41. Ade the folowing NOTE to the top othe page. “Before intal ‘butler assemoy, assure that the Maras eked ana the Selocr Ivete NOT saton AUTO. ‘ag 247. Ad tothe end ofthe fist CAUTION: , to provent damage to automatic Page 41 ‘Aa: "1" 0 AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION. ‘Adc now paragraph 42. CARE, HANDLING, AND PRESERVATION. 42, CARE, HANDLING, AND PRESERVATION |, Protect ammuniion fom mod, san, and oc day, wipe Ro at once witha clean dy cloth Se Witiacoverea Tum in hewiy coneded Sarinég 11 the ammunition gots wat pe ol ig corasion sa on bo not expose ammunition tothe direct rays ofthe sun. the powder is hot exceciveprossute may develop whan he le fe ed ©. Bo not olor grate armunition. Dust and oth abrasives tht callact on tey snmuniton may cause damage to the opening parts Cf Ue ii, Oiled {ages procuce excessive harbor Poseurs tor Desrution of Equipment to Prevent ‘As now paragraph AS AS. FORMS: Recommences Changes 1 Publications ang Blank Fors. 124 FORM 2028 Guat Detcency Repo St aoe Exuloment Inspector and Mainsnance Worksheet ‘DA FORM 2408 ‘echnleal ‘Order ‘System Publications Improvement’ Fepr "ind Raphy 'AFTO FORM 22 Page C3. Delete tem 3, CARTRIOGE CASE DEFLECTOR, age C4. Delete item 2, KIT, ADAPTER SLING. Page 09 Change 8 fotows ‘Add now tem 03 01 © tos o02428087 BOTTLE, ASSEMBLY A CYLINDRICAL (ioane sae ‘Add pow am 2. a1 —ssog0azeese 8 Seecnaatetey 50.00.2463 Page 04 ‘change flows ‘At ano tom 3. 2 CLEANING COMPOUND, RIELE leaning voltion (RBC) Zee oS. bots ie (a som) ean ‘gal cron ean (era mivcsre Day CLEANING SOLVENT 2) & ‘ga can (6850) RAT Bee a ‘Add naw liars 3.2 and 9.3 a2 ° 18000 2929000 o1s000 9956807 Step 007 a24t S1s000 685 {LUBRICATING OIL, WEAPONS: ew, ‘at 0.950) can (i349) mL CIEI07 LUBRICATING O1L, WEAPONS: (50, semua oe 15m) plate ote 422 1asom botte ot (005) can ‘oa 78h can (Giada) MILL 8000 8 egee By Order f the Secretary ofthe Army: CARE F. YLONO Genre Untied Site Ary ‘Che of Se Rest eof all RL pILNORTH Braocler Geer Untied Sizes Army The adjutem Genera Disrittion: to be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-60, Operator Matatenance requirenente for Rifle, 5.56M, M16, Mi6AL, [RADIATION HAZARD ‘WARN * ramon (3) ‘oe or oatre Cin hong ean pte wa msn tH, AMC OM Poe 129 fom ce mayb ogni cimematon obanes by coun Pe ANCE Passo Friern (M0) AUTOVEN 7s ae Commer) 7S ‘0cen pa 20- Suns Pretn Agu! Raden Wamvans (con Soy Pecans ‘hades ese ramets uma 1) se pews Hoes ‘oscar rsnete ts oniman sens Try aan amen enone rp anton Taro mi mtovacvesouteaiatedagened9) Fafoan Hae Netarer nefsancas an nan connate ah doce stron seo rts yr ocie wang ll as bv Tas aa ulate serene, weno ste ese ‘ere i PPO re ACCOM RPO emerson ara aon pe ‘sage ara Soeing ‘Al radctcney tmnt avant wma ie eet be meet dest ‘artes att Tee ars mab poison anoncapeiitashepeyeonate ‘amsciaraacane' waren vciaenoata essen sass Secret ‘Tubes eoongeoae’seavecura esata wenn, Seapets bone ‘Tremenda ob th Sota hpe sage or unosupedboany Fart emanate P41 ‘wanwis (con) Sonor man nth amuttense EMA ohH Nokes on TOUMEATANNGA RERAREEL Singin Retry ing 148 cp cry a a rea baa one COOKE PMT Arsitenperse, ay rau ematingin caro hay eson ra coho (coon means pi ese “omcepnaronpesjinigoate wep ndbeionedin eon odo rd eoede casey ‘XESS cn cute dare fron nde lrg ew no eta orate irda rsa ee be nn eee uma wien rey. ‘yaw ota unc andyauyloee bybanthenueck ene eeepc the wanvanc (conn | Peo anne ra nt Werte, ‘Minar st tumane tse obese soso nes ‘ir. Gou vipat nod ponte gurantee seo nv $n ere wowed meet abaarton stan esmrgingetore apes ‘ie eeainbo ni i tere ‘Newsegtergutnatieonnpectanttel attra mor heist How ‘ie Ty tae non sce wa ones woe pang ee Se rereretmaiinenmomecl meh cose eo are anmunton a ee U8 opens ‘rarer cue ed or pre a remnd propel ma at ym et are "ypiacty alia rabctora meas took apm peta rire PM, MYBAY elcoeinicany tives yorpetotpeom pay tins WN oper Manat FIFLE, 5.6-6M, 16, 100$-00-856-6885) FIFLE, 5.56, MIGAT ‘Yaucan hep empovetis mara. you id ay ites ot trowel away prow fe proces, pasa ws ow Mat tourer DA Fom 2ve(nconmendedCrages fo Patcsors ‘one and hrc immar APN AUS ASP ane ienowtne Aron) wets hee you FHRTe anual supersedes TH 9-1005-249-10, 1 april 1977, including all changes: TABLE oF conTENTS Enlpnen Bespin “ectea Pretest Operaten ‘OPeRaTI MeTAUCTIONS Desenton ae Use of Opore’ Coes a nets Provera Mantonarea Cech an Sees PMCS) ‘persion Une’ Uns! Conssone ‘ssonby ano Preps Fig ta ahsrents Speratrg Presse pert et Anta Ean ‘perton Under Umar none Neat, blogeat ana Chores WC) MADTENANGE msTAUCTIONS Lbtaion Inersone Toutestocng Processes Mamorance Moses ns Srpara UTSHIEAY Fite esoor ate ae ‘APPEND 8. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM ANO BASIC ISU TENS List [APPEND E. AODTIONAL AUTHORIZATION UST ‘APPENDR D. EXPENOABLEDURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST ‘Atbuagencat moe CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section |. GENERAL INFORMATION 41. SCoPE, 2 Type! Manuat Operators Model Number and Equpmart Namo: WYBNMBAY S's Fito &_Purpossel Equipment Toprowseparonretan oenveldloave epalytoengage vas ne bo 1-2, MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Deparment of ne Army rms ‘Ho oceases seater vom attrance ibe hose prscoedby OA PAM TARTS, ‘The my Marionanes Nanagerart System (TARMS), 4.3. REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: EIR’). yur te no2ds mprovenantusktow Sandu ar ER. You, hurr, athe ‘nivorewhocan lus whatyou so thosbot you equgmert Ltuskoww why youd ike the coco perlomanco Put on an SF 380 (OuatyDecy Rear) Mal tou (Conmanaer GS ry Armament Nunta and Chel Gommand APN AMEN Fox lana IL 6126000 Wel sea you el Section ll. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 1-4, EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES, “TheMIGMI6At ito irenlt rcoled gus peated, raged and shoe Terie maybe Re win sles oer in the ume or series poston, alco prevdes posernl an tloivellrsve capably to engape target the el 4.5. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS. the5.5-am fle 18oes ret cor coed win he pil oh ssn 4-6 EQUIPMENT DATA. 8, not cade mopsrine an sng Fite MGA, wi carhage maghine ad Sn era eng ite wash upressor ie wayne asa i ot ‘Senisuoraic ‘acme axrum toca ange case an 98 ros 120200 rounds 00 aor Section Ill. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Magasin may be ead with St ‘sem cpen er ses. Ire aged cage magne Image wel and hambesound Face retret movelrestcr lero [SAFE SOU or AUTO, andpace nn ‘2 your cruiser 4 inet ret ae rae wa etaast ‘el eqvecs the Wage. ‘5 Scuneing niger resass heen sd abo tte oa te pina on te 1 Th rina gies he pepe ine rod 7, Ges om ne curing pope phase projet slong tata of en 8. Thertinghitebarelcausestre oj whch proves saaiy dura aoe tse {nen ound eacesanoroceate oc ct bel, expacig gases om busing poplint ‘aus out ough gus Stand gus be, Gas Goes rt De carer asso, sO ‘Sige ond chanber new round CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: Section |. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOI CONTROLS AND INDICATORS, 21, MIGMI6A1 MECHANICAL CONTROLS, EAR SGT 1-280 wasp anseriges 0 450 ma ano GUARG Su RN (2): ems! ues a pee FLASH SUPPRESSOR (fannie oer gr ERCTONPORT COVEN pominvporeceeom agra encase ens {ARTICGE MAGADNE spies 39 race eta the wesc uxGAZNE CATCH BUTTON) eaten case mapas) fam megan wen shed LONER RECEIVERANOEXTENSONASSENBLY()-ooncetengsinsa he waapnan det FonWeno ASST ASSEMBLY (EAs OMY) (seo Past dy wad SHOULDER GUN STOCK ASSEMBLY (sabes ie CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY (10) -coce weapon wren poping le Sang wen, 2-1, MIGIMI6A1 MECHANICAL CONTROLS (CONT). FRONT S11 POST 1) - sate son ARR HANDLE ASSEMBLY (12nd bw nr hand cing te SELECTOR LEVER (12) - srr ein SU 9 AUTO len re 22, THROW AWAY THE WHITE GLOVES FOR RIFLE INSPECTIONS, 4. CLP wteaveatin caer. Tetris ils pve sparen Thine cto Senos fang CUP, specly in coat ero you gh reve treo be yu ila ‘on as yeu trktnoncrt Sa tow way ou she gov Butea are wth you ie yourancswrenyou mses because our topes rogong!9 pe ae ik you tone Ne ued eng amour of CU on ae, 3 Nowyeusegargtmpastelotonngdoy dhe your ted stewrinassto woe ‘na ites don aan, Reeder, CL ies carr art over sos wong, So, oe ‘hee Tternat oon toring sino beaten a eenogeavertsin GL heen ‘nrc roonsan cores actly imieporeli no eeangcucabon arate 2, ARMORY ANDORDNANCE INSPECTORS. vousrotseconale whinoeet \etouns an arreres ecu be cipors ao ao oathornaing hahaa Choe ‘eaten ratalparsratinss Sac saeaysiworkemanng expat exbenlote ‘vet tertsuc atone eis owan Soares propery ra tats asthe ‘ipe yeusaidbe abatsietronglany ota Sets, ctr stato ‘nr por bot twat Nat awa learog ibe a resend ety Section Il. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS, AND SERVICES (PMCS) 24. GENERAL. Perrmate(A)opratons PMCS tyousrethe assigned operstorans ihe weapon ts bean sede au and nt sed a pedo 90 day ou have {oor ated te wagpon fore at me ‘Aninactve weapon awoapen, wher ansgradot nt signa enna, ‘tatstoedinanrnatoomeraperadet 0.ays Perfomance clara ang (PMCS) fan naive wagon wa Be eames every 90 ys Galore You Operate Alayskoep nmi he CAUTIONS ana WARNINGS. Prem your before) Pcs. > Whe Yau Operate. Aways Kept mind he CAUTIONS and WARNINGS Prom you ‘ring 0) PCS. Aer You Operate. Be suet prox your ar (A) PMCS. {Your Eqjpman Fate Operate Teabesoat wth pope super. Pape ay cine to ranzanal ratanance use fe pope fms. See BA PAM T3830, 25. PMCSPROCEDURES. raPcstetcinsthooemuedchechs and services ‘bbs paomed ener acura pevtermar lh it When rosea ese of PCS, trates PCS tam Ne, courmstallousedtr the TN tem No colunmon GAP 2408 Teed he tomo be spaced Te arts eunn corinne condor that mane Perit rotrocavatale becuse nail oper primary corbatmean #anynng ‘ars wong, and you came! coc! I ous, rly axganzatonal mantras, OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND ‘SERVICES (PMCS) Belo Opeaton 9 FunOowian A Aa Operon =] TET TORE RSTES Seer t WARN. Before staring an nepecton be suelo (p23). Corot sqvecethe loge ‘wath eras bon cere. pel he chambeto nae nat ts py and ‘smmuron in peston lobe charted Donel eoepve srumintnrasr wear, ‘ats expen aa aur eget or comptes and erveabiy (See append © eect 1 {| [ESSENTIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. Check ine autronzed loos ‘OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) B-tlrOpemon Dung Open A Ar Opeaton WANTENANCE READINESS. icra ean Boe wih ry saa ion 9p 01131), 1 Cartel andace te ecioravrn SAFE onto Sqveze ‘OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) 8 teow cpeton 0 Duing pan A- At Open SELECTOR LEVER FUNCTIONING (CONT) 'b SEWPoSton, Squzcetige’ hammer shoul orapeo thoraransaccet ite Rees intrgge Youshu neat eck fe yauvcase ne hape Aca ses oe Nt oe Seedorr does ol incion—-—______} ‘OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND. ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) 8-2etreOpeaton_D-Ouie Open Ahnu Cpron ‘SELECTOR LEVER FUNGTIONNG (COT, | cAu"o Puen Coster sau 0 om 7 Dasa on ne igg an esse ome ea agai Te ‘Sarno ota beenune ‘te alowed tomova errr ‘gto coking sequence OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND. ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) B-treOperon_D-Darg Down A A Open Sapa asor 'FLE SIGHTS (ZERO ADJUSTMENT). ove ont () ano) seronatauetnyanedites Ramopmnin coast ‘OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) 8 BetzeOpoaton 0-Day Opeaten A Ata pwn hefBpeTe] pews EADWNVANARLE of. MAGAZINE CATCH (FUNCTION). Insert magazine (3) th wa “The rapa calc sau hid We mate mpc, Pesig te ‘mozaanecalehttor shoul ucathe magne To edusife ‘Magne cach, use leaning od lo ess mone mage cach [uae linet done magazee extn) sek outer te ‘ecavo Tobgien ene magacna san cack toloueh nh Surtercneene OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) B-BslreCpraton Dug Opeton A Ate Opti 6. VISUAL INSPECTION OF RIFLE Be sree cla, fer pages 289 tu 295, 20k me ie over fr missing or carapas pans Repet msn oF ‘danaje porto unt emer OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND ‘SERVICES (PMCS) (CONT) tere Opto D- Curry Operon A Ate Oberon chee Ree See 7 | [=] pemooc merecron oF mIFLE. Peioticay check ito mane Seis ceanandthwearoforegnmaeranbere org malar (Sin bre, dean or fp), MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DURING FIRING OPERATIONS, sure rs ler. 1 pages 235 tu 295, rman 3.8) + | MAITENANCEOFFIFLEAND EQUPMENT. Feisstipe(p2-1) ‘lan anc esta acorn o gogoe 328 ts 9-93. Osesarbe Sralreaobayena. stem anc 0908 Report a damaged or ‘sing par to unt amore Section Il, OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS 2.6. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE IN ARMS ROOMS. waRNine Be seit ele Ret pages 29 thu 235, 1 Place ase vee) on SEM! 2 os econ cover (8) ane Ssrdequszs gor) ounce fisce nee te 27. ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR FIRING - CLEAN |AND LUBRICATE. 1 Ciar youre (p20) 2 Loker engin Boe are chamber 8 Remove ang cease (p 3-17) bh carer atsonby an ltan carton aecl rom fng Bin (and aisles fol assem 2) ar bears anes) wi) seas tase 189) Gran inane care ky) wih ppeclearar em 2 oop) ily cat wtnGLP ier. ap9 0) Poy special aterion bor cam pn ro I) pny eco, a ana bang ang caumion 4 Syabour tem crab omuzle Make suresaab toms. ap) oes ain way Pv 5 Caan ant vat ps (9 3-29, 5 Rasssemol and rsa ot carr assay (p 3-45) 28, INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS - STANDARD DAYLIGHT SIGHT SYSTEM. Soe pape 220 or at ron ardour ahs e unwuRaeD —APerrunE: APERTURE MARKED ean scx 1 REAR SIGHT Hes wo aerate fr ang, ‘Vs be urmanea aperture for apts fom 0-200 mate. 1s th aprire martes ota om 300 40 res 2 FRONT SIGHT Has ve races of train per reson. 29. INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS - LOW LIGHT LEVEL SIGHT SYSTEM, nore: ‘See page 221 fr adusing he ss. ee? ean Sout + Use etowtotl sgh sstem wren vy sme Net every witrave ts oh 2 REAR SIGHT Has two apace ‘Use 7 oa sh ape arated spur) lr nigh ng and wien vise 1 Ute nenarigh aparure(spertue area 280th weapon anstohtamgesuplo {ed mers urd ranma condor jandieerrone 2M APERTURE 29, INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS - LOW LIGHT LEVEL SIGHT SYSTEM (conn, wannne “ RADIATION HAZARO The Yor so past cota ri os alot ‘aoaciveTitum M8. Take emer by, sa tamper fale post any mano Ron kr Bo nt laskan er 20h the at ih 8 FRONT SIGHT. Has ony our ches of eaten por revoir. Spt pst rks il of luminous mater Matera an Bese rr no sony you cant oe he va ate 2.40, INTIAL ADJUSTMENTS - BATTLESIGHT ZERO, Nore ‘Tozoroterta, aut tet sgt (leva) ed harem she soa you can Mt arin pot at 2 gen range 1 tieaht ec kiatstingon ta Mohs whch wilcousoepointtaim andro! 2 wren using -arodaperure, patterns alin fag 25 stars, Fence rangi ow conducted wa pot en Snape osc atte sure 8 Tha 25m ar argo NSN 62200-67-182 Ras eonglee zg ston pitas nlstace Thetegeis prion beh ses one ade priester he sanded dts ‘her se piadorusathinolon igen aghteyem The gree on oe rget Sup 3 at oe ch of raton of wrap is equa Wo ne Host change m sown Swndone a 2.11. INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS - SIGHT ADJUSTMENT (LOW LIGHT LEVEL AND STANDARD DAYLIGHT SYSTEMS). EAR SIGHT To aust wag, dares detent and rot cr 0 dcten you want FRONT SIGHT To act slovaton, 2 Escnternotasettneettnat //7,) nm Xt TRPACT 1 COCR DISTANCE ‘ramping sveTew | Low DGHT LEVEL SGHT SYSTEM aT 27cm (17646) 09em zen) 25 reore Bem (tain) Sem tale'n) {0 metre Seem iztaeein) | 702m 2-94) 200 as 2.12,_INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS - USING LOW LIGHT LEVEL SIGHT SYSTEM, DAYLIOHT FING 1 Use apr marked 2 Etecive ranges 20 reersognabatisght 20): beyonthatse holt fain above ‘eared pit of pec. {3 Aimabout 1 iene tovetopottargeta 30 meters anaabout22ntesabovelopaietat 4 To eco a rer pct pracice hoot 2.12 INTIAL ADJUSTMENTS - USING LOW LIGHT LEVEL, ‘SIGHT SYSTEM (CONT). MGM ANO LMTED VIGSHLITY 5 Ube unmade) aor 6 Use aayght nes poceare Boban ed at ie 7 tact age se St cant Iratpottenmoceporonct Yon aoa wn 7men aperture onagee a 4 Under ceranigh coats, yoscanseotaghpoet ecard whee you ‘elasrg Prous tov, oo et ot ot parce, 5 Praca poitoning sock against Shue ann gh Yt pa. 2.13. INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS-CARE AND CLEANING OF FRONT SIGHT. tino an ane Sooner nerioae oe Ee @ anlbe ~ -s sonia ‘halo iets sghpostrasasnat (Parveen eoaacve Tum 3 sa pst many mare, STAMPED HERE : caution DONT wea wre uth ocean ha sn be et basen er actu th ton a. Nore ‘= Toaeruen Froquentyowkinasen patecamage SLM oy famage evar or sapaces hawt ee PO fst echy Be un eee eae aie a 214, OPERATING PROCEDURE - LOADING. Pont muse mae deca, | Rtcnagennde maar mer 2 uchgrahandenanty erat [Ge rece seeoriowr Gon SAFE, are rpg handset 2.15, OPERATING PROCEDURE-CHAMBERING AND FIRING AROUND. Ss BOLT ASSEWBLY OPEN 1 pagent ene? prety 2 rw oe Fs 2 Nove selector lev: @)'0 SEMI x AUTO. 4 Squeze te tigger ar re, a ‘OUT ASSeWaLY CLOSED 3 Release tha chain hand seer. semi (2 Ltt go. foun 2.45. OPERATING PROCEDURE - CHAMBERING AND FIRING A ROUND (CONT). ‘BOLT ASSEMBLY CLOSED (CONT) | Toplowardacetassamey2)0 16 Saquoone the ge (and ne, neue torr ae ‘Sckod VGA ony, 216, OPERATING PROCEDURE - IMMEDIATE ACTION. 2416, OPERATING PROCEDURE - IMMEDIATE ACTION (CONT) and sso (21) Sd sept romaa act ip 235) 2.17. OPERATING PROCEDURE - REMEDIAL ACTION. eco rg wih verounin saber aban ramovte ound {ast However aang wane. ou came remove win 1 neon wat 1 ‘sath te angina ane dresan. Th ny fou wo ge har eaninarminoncate whch causharpan Oaeenr reo wh ah 2 tacarap cases mie camo, uo ume Seanag io nove yar sta tr chock ‘iene 248, PROJECTILE LODGED IN BORE. It an usble pop of rcuca rel exper- reed caring tng. minal soar ee. D> ‘opined acon Besurot cera nee i lta (ona) aot nat wat 18 meas or tare! an {onan ssaor 0 caso you won Be ht + Remove casege agian, ck ot andreunharing seni), caunon project agg in bre, dono stot © ‘emore Tam weapon omniateral 2 Vaal nepectancornsn acoanagrdinobow answers notaprojctioledgacls 2.19, OPERATING PROCEDURES - CLEARING YOUR RIFLE. wanton, “o.aod acide ig anys ck to chart er 1 lc str) on SAFE ZS nore ow ‘weapon otcockos, ve cnet pre ona SAFE 2 Remove carl mage (2)bydapas- sina magaahe eh bute (9) an plng artoge mopazine (2) down 219, OPERATING PROCEDURES - CLEARING YOUR FIFLE (CONT). 8 Tol bot open, pul caring tan ‘Sear (treewar oes atom oot fata (5), sn atow boo reve Towa Srur engage tot cacn Retuneregng dl ase orwar nore Ear tat sla ver (1) on sare + Shee cn rd har) ore 5 wy sla evr) pani owars SAFE. ao bt go fawardy pressing ‘per pron De (3. Aveipn stones snastay soe 6 Pace scr over (1) on SEMI ard Saveze igor lease tanen on Sarre ree 2.20, OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. (CARTRIDGE DEFLECTOR - FOR “LEFTYS" ‘Thar ie x cage doctor rth haces avaba from your Trahing Ais See (tos (TASO} MI5A2 BLANK FIRING ATTACHMENT (BFA) wanna esonan¥200 with na BFA and gant re deel at yore lesthan 20 et awey Do ot seta Hota atactment HANDS ONLY. nore ‘Ate 0 rounds, cect ae EFA egh Mate sure ten carton Dui ater ah (ring ere | QZ 220. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT (CONT). TOP SLING ADAPTER 1 rove sit sing tom Twnough PUL TIOHT Lwoer 2 Workadoptersingthoughenve! 9 rk buchen ar tn tough op, sa orughcop. Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS. Nore rani cnton ate dled any cms condien requong spt mat ae of he weapon 221, HOT, DRY CLIMATES. nore Het, ry imate ar uly sty ard sony fas, Toy are ot ding Syl Fars en cool ug he np ner. 1 Dust anda wl got no tht ard louse msuntns end excesive Wear on carroner weg sutossIwough ares acon dun he eg parser '.Cootionis iss aly to frm on mt pars ay cat: httrs, cate orang sues ory win a sl amour lane trcant and preserabve (CLP) (tm {PO} anys sake CuP prot use), Do ol bee evel parte! rte Dargo {ry coactait an sana making he ri ae fo ep Sea 9 1 ube nal «Using AtatonaurorzabonListAAL) squpmente_plsctve cpanésparemagacne rsocitagsardavraleprisctcove toms ap0}winopteop cusiandeandhon [Jetngrto nee Use mass fre ae thetaces stuson ows Asa meru eee ‘sansandeteinrta weap ie loco por cover dasa, acanye napacrenaatede Feri, anda muzzle cap on he muse. nore ‘elo, rrou the proach cap an Keep fr ar use, Hower ot ‘anguaur late rfwin ne protcive exp. Thecaowiblow owen est ‘unas ee and ay be 2.22, HEAVY RAIN AND FORDING. Peremmartrance aconina he apo- te cle eeston. Usa AL equipment and expencate te protec hele. Aways ‘lepine acy Unig ha protect capo ap hap wale ot oh al. Alay dra any ‘tot tam eaten. Oye bre wih swat asp D) ac enna oo recess. 2-23, EXTREMELY COLD CLIMATES. 1 Tooperithe rin exromey colscnaar, depress the ger gardphnger ad open ‘ns tiger quae Ths maealea oer erage wien yo aie weaning ace mia WAM CF tt Chan avaubcais eid 8 warm oon. Terie shade et com tenors, posstie (0) A009 24 coat of CLP ton 1, app 0} a Nnctorlpar Nore ‘Aways Sate CLP foci 2 good mare bles apiing (2) Toprevet rena, hogp ewespncovtraé han moving ema wamtoaccd are stow gra costing. (9) Almay ep the weapon ry. (4) ae uncon te weapon approximate avery 30 mines hep prevent ein ot components (8) Dorota @ hot weap in enw or (6) Keap te ammunion cry. Meise wi cause matron, Dr Mate te 17) UsirgAALequomant. 9. protecvecanandrtactabagandpretev oat (tm3, sop ina pret youre Usaha wbaneve the ares conse saute. Avy ‘Sec arom oct ne baretboe Coan bral ore wth a (lem app) and ean ecesay tle tre 224, HOT, WET CLIMATES. {Perom nome! mantnarca ae etna nthe PMCS tbl (809098 24). Perm mantenancemorerequanty haps hidean sutaca ole botcarierateonty Lsperecevaranabavel assert ar lowe erase ara eonion asonby for coascn ‘ros fona, en an hate Te hap paver coroson.rovove nando wea wing rg (8 4 app). Ory and sect hy tr CL (term 900 9) ‘4. Check amnion 2 carrie magssines Hequety fr earedon Clan using CLP {0am $3600) and wpe ry wt mpeg a9 (ton 369 0), hts ete A. equrer an era on pen wen ea Section V. NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL (NBC). General proces canbe funda FM 9-47, FM 21-40, and TM 3 220. lero page 19. CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Section |. LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS: 341. LUBRICATION GUIDE. 5 Cans abc nd Pennie CL (en 1,90 be ote bone Lh Lebar. Atm al aryl othe ye © Gare Lut. Hoa onc mt can be ea ih the fg tore “Thus breton Irons are nancy. Section Il. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES: 32. INTRODUCTION. 4 Te abl ts ho canon maintons when ou my ra the operation oe irarimane oe te Yu shou poor he waalrepeton seater scare he Sree a Ts man! amet ll matunctons hat may oer, nr es inspections ard cena scone famatinton sre oer caractedy lta sore My ‘TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Stop 7 Cece ae sla ver (in SAFE Pac SEMI or AUTO poston. ‘ep 2. Chuck or mpept asso fg ‘Assemble sore (p 3-42). TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) 1 WEAPON WAL NOT FRE (CONN, ‘Sta 2. hc roo man fing pn aces 2 Sep 4 Chek for tact arent, amare and acd (p 1) Step Check ta mach carton on ng ‘lean 9 3341, ” ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) aANETOW 2 OUT WAL NOT UNLOCK ‘Sp 7 Chacko diy bot. ‘Goan e336. Step 2 Check tor bes bet. Naty agenzatone ravteance ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) TEST OR MSPECTION 3 WEAPON WAL NOT EXTRAGT. ‘Sep 1. Check fox suck cargo cantage case cambr. rove suck cargo or care cae (9221), ‘Sep 2. Chock for boken eatigeextor 1) Fentor sing assem (2) Replace bot aasensy ar rly ogeiatinal martonatoe ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) {3 WEAPON WL NOT EXTRACT (CONT ‘tap 3, Check ity or coded armuriton (lan iy ammurion wath ry eth ‘nde ararson ms Go rood 1 us upto smmuntan ‘Step 4 Check or eaton in char ‘leon (p33), ‘Slop 5. heck fo carton in canndge ont” renga bo asm cree Clan ip 88) ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) “WEAPON WIL NOT EJECT CARTRIDGE CASE ‘Sep 1 Check for oken seco spig Report to ut amore fo pe ‘Step 2. Bat assets sie’ ups domn “etatlcampnis wore bl campn ole ec neaows or Imprepar assy Osasmmble an azole corel, Repo eal 5. WEAPON WL NOT FEED. ‘Stapf. Chak fro code arma. ‘2. Clean ay aerunion wth oy co. ©: Govededammunan must be oud to unt spor anmnton pesca! Sip 2. Check or yeaa aging ‘lan (9228) ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) 5 WEAPON Wit NOT FEED (CONN. sep, sm 4 ‘5 Sep 6 ‘Chk or eacie carnage maiz (1) Replace (ape © ecko too mary rounds canine Romove exces rounds (Chek or ett bute assay acon, enave (2323) and sean (92-3), Carga magazin rt ty eae Acs magne ete 20), ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) TEST OR WSPECTIN ROUND WALNOT CHAMBER, ‘tp 1 Check for yo orodos anrunton. 2 Clan ary arevrton win ey 5 Gorodes snmntion mst be ote unt spor ammanon Ste 2 Checker damaged emuaion epic p41). ‘Sip 3. Check or exon chamber (1) (oan (p24), ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) TROT Wa ROTO = a ‘ap Chek cones, creabondutdvln Sere cena ge Gian (> 395, ‘9p 2 Check er fonen cari east) emove (93.21) and an (p33), ‘Sp 3. Checker rested ter esomby ston. move (p 3-23) an ton [p 3.39) ‘Step 4 Reseed mover ba erie sept. Fenove (p37), oan (93:3), ad eae nore at ste pa ie sr bl caver sesriy an Yen pt at ack ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) {5 WEAPON HAS SHORT RECO. ‘Sep 1 Gap in ot rng (rt stagger) ‘Stagger ng gas 3.42. ‘Step 2. Corben orn key anc cart ase oon cso gas be oan (9 3-4 ana 30) BOLT FALS TO LOCK AFTER LAST ROUND. Step 1 Cea or yo ceeded ete. Chan 3-8 ‘Sep 2 Check tty erie magusine ence (p08). 40, SELECTOR LevER BINDS, (hook not enough Mca on selec evr (1 cate with CLP ta, op 0) ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) 1 BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY “HUNG UP ‘eck round ane bata a rt charging eae Wannna. Koop doe ot mz | Reove emtige mapas cavnion ‘verona irene, Bt sure sion. 1b, Hod charging hand asso 1) back sarc bang me atten) on eur ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) TEST OR NERECTION 11, BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY “HUNG UP (ONT) hwo tots nator push heigl assembly (1) nerd Round tout Fe brough magazne wal). ‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) ‘2 CANT SEE TRITIUM si@aT post WARING RADIATION HAZARD tn ne event nro tummaton, ottetoclRsdiepca Fey On Ont erect eh tweum. meaty mash wn Daas Sou0 20 water, Sep. Leo emt token cr meg Term nto wi emer Says st be tne as rade was S662. hse alwrent of nes deers ato fot ot pew down on ck ‘309 3 Lunous amet ay “Gee sg sa and CLP Ga 9, pO} Section Ill. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: 3.3. FIELD-STRIPPING MIG/MI6A1 RIFLE. cLeARING RL warns. “Tomoisacsntaleg besiertoie ea ip 258), ul tack cr hae (1) an chek ‘amber (2) Pace cle lve on SAFE sume Remove sg (1 ou ‘ano QUAROS - THE “BUDDY srsTEar* 1 Remove ard lan hand guide cy it ee eons ‘be soon Brough Fare guar Yr ole 2 Place te weapon on he asc (1) wth one hae ‘rong he sock antec grin tw owe endl ihe hare guard 2) 9 We you bey prossesdonnon te tpn ain ‘ous worande-iscos)pullnshan guard Ses 4 Rapeat procedure terme ater had quod 3.3. FIELD-STRIPPING M16/MI6A1 RIFLE (CONT). ‘UPPER ANO LOWER RECEIVERS ® ee 1 Pun tkadoun pi (1) a a 25 gos. 2. Pot upper acer (2) om ewer ‘3h 4 Seperate upper (2) ana ier (3) ses 3-3, FIELO-STRIPPING MI6IMIGA1 RIFLE (CONT). ‘CHARGING MANDLE ASSEMBLY AND BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY (CONT) ‘3 Put charging hare soso (1) back 4 Move bt sembly (9) oranda {rd down a omve incoed odio an remove ita ‘ering it) Doo epono os spit (do ring neti pn) 8 Pushin on ot assomay (3) put 8 Catnip |5) 88 tops et oon oan. bot car assem (2). 3.3, FIELD-STRIPPING M16/MI6A1 RIFLE (CONT). ‘CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY AND BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY (CONT) 7 Gvetotearpn(6latumandiaoet 8 Remove bot assem) rombotearier assem 2). nore insert ena’ are sng assem Dy ony wen Sty or damaged 9 Prestcpot crac tacnexthatspirg 33. FIELD-STRIPPING MI6/M16A1 RIFLE (CONT). ‘CHARGING HANOLE ASSEMBLY AND BOLT CARRIER, [ASSEMBLY (CONT) caunon (Do nt spares am srng asa 94. FIELO-STRIPPING CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE, nore ‘taseonb ony i eavisge magia dy. 1 nsec fda ip 1) fr ewerdarage momar 2 Useceanngrodsectonto 3 Sid bse (om cae Sere wn seeped "ae mena 345. MAINTENANCE OF CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE. ‘CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND REASSEMBLY 1 Clan and ute. Use eva (tom 6,2 Inspec sping (2) na ttowe 3) am ‘9 O)iowsadithemtbe(t)sprg(2), age pare are Senagod pace cer ‘rcolover(). hy korea sonng(2) rape magazne Sratetower win CLP (or app). NOTE Nees ig Sit ieee Lurinhe pce Sonya 4 Make sure siting onthe si ce Base Sige bese (trae al our ate. 94, MAINTENANCE OF UPPER RECEIVER AND BARREL ASSEMBLY. Dont orn arecton are ban in bee (Use CLP nem 99) 08th otowing areas: 4. At ares poco, cntsen, dit ae Boe ard canter Upp recive trl asebly king has HP BaP * Speman etna aA ap Ra brn cae 2 ral barbus oncerirgros() dp CLP te gp) endhoartnchanba 2) ‘Srcleching gs (6) Cea by pusig and wang Seung 0 3-6. MAINTENANCE OF UPPER RECEIVER AND BARREL ‘ASSEMBLY (CONT). ‘cLeanwa (conn 3 Usoaborotrahtocian ote utc pou aslbe (soe ier andbatom tom ‘tom of upper rca. 4+ Tae otere bath an ins sna hoe ana sn lo 5, 29D) py CUP (tm {pp ote swat Fun oa trough nanber (ant fash stppresor 2) and back {5 Toromove tba, AP (tm, appO) st: Then wipe ean bore bush may beusod ‘tear ease heavy bul carbon. 1 Wipe dy by romana ro (1) wh swat he wih Coan swabs (tm 5, app) ouo0 armbar (2) an a supoes”() 3.6. MAINTENANCE OF UPPER RECEIVER AND BARREL, ‘ASSEMBLY (CONT). Insecta) abe (2) and hand guar) orcracks, eck Hyouneka pa (oa rey ancora marseranc, 1 ght or andcnanbar cur ste banelarontsgn ndmatices ue ew pus. 2 Sie cv) at eg spe (2) et ve ens @ Z “ tert sveatienas {emo CoP aD} eng Ung ura 27. MAINTENANCE OF CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY ANO BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY, ‘cueaNne ‘caumion Do ote hing pin lan aa loo tl caer ssa 1 Gan at prs anode sutacnct be 2 Clean te ht cari ey waa SS cen mr ema Poon ne) irae CL a, ‘apps cha on op and feo) ‘ab tom, sm) Ux mca om (2p 0) spt sting et [LP ap Oo carb 3 Remeve cron depois ac it tom {boeng los () win er hae in CG fom 1209 4 Geanarasbenndbateings endanger \potecacer (8). IsPECTION wanna 1 nggeat caring handle OONOT reange bat Seay iis oaces, s5s0mbles bones ee ends oben. raped bat assonby (2) for Grace or toctoes, eepealy inthecom pn ol ars. 23 epect hog pn retang oor ones oaks. oF 37. MAINTENANCE OF CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY AND BOLT ‘CARRIER ASSEMBLY (CONT). INSPECTION (CONT) 4 pet bt cam pin (oe eas oop {petting infor bers, acolo. warvearion ge 1 Light este tng pin (1) and tring pl Ons muse 2 oor iam pal on Saotonncncssrae {CLP (tom p00) Mk canon ob ase 2am pn (8), Bo ‘gs (6, ra atic oe bt seen 4 Lah 1.206) lest ar sue neo oh eartar siserby (), Gowerousy ube ie (9) andcam pn eea (10) bt ca ‘arse bt wn CUP tam 3 Dry ey of tot cari ssa). Pace ove dap of CLP (am 1 600) ‘3.8, MAINTENANCE OF LOWER RECEIVER AND EXTENSION ‘ASSEMBLY. cavnon one ut eve Bush Fey pe Sra matron aki ey. 1 Yipee Yom nape (1 wi sua (ten 8 090). 2 Ue ew cleaner (te 2 pp dem but 2 Useusab 45,850 pow mL? tm, 2000) srdeorngonchiocwanporserouingearosanana ew ctan ae), {Et tom ots pars of twe Yocwer and exancn soy) 4 leaner assem sng) and ‘ssn (wih bra (a 5, 9D) ‘pea GLP tam apo 0). Woe Sy wwsrecTion 1 Examine nnr racer and nn at ‘ono 1) fr beta oben ge), Bitch eanadadodeame "eset acer carnage re (Shendsentordorngedanocar oe) (Cotte pare comarca rd ‘sane ast (rasa ee bone 2 Mauhiine parame nyo 38,_MAINTENANCE OF LOWER RECEIVER AND EXTENSION ASSEMBLY (CONT), ‘wanicarion 1 Ugny worete sce comer Sasson (1) sna), and butler assem) win CUP (om #366 2 Generous uta Stews 0) rd tie) id ecendon sero (wit LP tom 36801 38. REASSEMBLY OF M16§M16A1 RIFLE. {LOWER RECEIVER AND EXTENSION ASSEMBLY Inst sing (ane utr 2OLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY AND ChaRGWa HANOLE ASSEMBLY nore. New xtacor na leone ie with Seng. Baste ratio ice 1 ve spng comas once, sst the large ect sing inte actor 2 Insotoxtacer (1) an png ‘ssoneiy (i mo bat Pu taco (9) ae peng ‘sen (2 dow. Alpe hale) ‘tents bat ana nt ext bes 3.9, REASSEMBLY OF MIGIMIGAI RIFLE (CONT). [BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY ANO CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY (CONT) oe 4 ‘Stagger gas bo ras (5) 10 ep gas beer wanna $5 ‘ld bot asso (8) bot carer ‘asenal ( Pe 8 2 = Q ® p 7 Doping nn (6)hn Plt stay (6) back anole ng ing paring wn a. 10. Nore Fringpinstedrotafowhanbaltarar seen (iy res pee dow 9-9. REASSEMBLY OF M16/MI6A1 FIFLE (CONT). ‘BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY ANO CHARGING HANDLE ASSEMBLY (CONT) 4 9 Tumbeticanorassonby (7) 10 Engage, ten gut, ching handle ra a yt shake sso 1) bo way io upper eer. ‘gn, nore Be suo tol stant etandd to bl cri, "2 Pap cura ane ay) stacey (ptr inge 3.9, REASSEMBLY OF M16/MI6A1 RIFLE (CONT). JOINING UPPER AND LOWER RECENERS 1 in upper ecive() andlower 2 Apotte proton olesanpusn recwor 2 prot pa) ‘caumion Saat vm en SAFE SE ne eee 6 3.9, REASSEMBLY OF MI6/M16A1 RIFLE (CONT). NANO GUAROS- THE “BUDOY SYSTEM” 1 Phe te near on th ttc 1) hone hae ‘rena he octane a grepng a lewe enaot {faborel neon hard guar io hard gourd ap (2) 2 Have your by srese down 2 lp 9). 3st nan gar 4 apea nese sps 1 instal ter han quar. 310. FUNCTIONAL CHECK. waren Toaveidacsdertaling be suecatioe ‘regains removed a chanbr les e230 ky, 1 Patcwongrandasanby 0 lowe on SAFE” Savon gee (3) Manne shot nat 3:10. FUNCTIONAL CHECK (CONT). 3. Pace sect ever (2 on AUTO. Put Charing ane aesery 0 ee end eens: Squeeze the ager harmee ‘oust Ho opera Mee enseack ther, Rave te peso on te ti fe and squeere to rer ep. The jeecweiazeaees peed eons Pict Pan op eoiemeeatee Ee armeesioes Eddomertmacaaeus Sortie ira semua Ses CHAPTER 4 AMMUNITION AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION. i fp vious wanna Te Te avo posse exter nat ne 1 Sercusly oroded ammunition * Dorad capes * Cangas win noe Dae '* Canidgs epoes to oxeme heal 96°F (570) ul ey Rave cola ‘eo ori om te mz, becuse ag mont ofa lore wad of pres af burt opal ight etry hn Dat ge 8. Use oxy auaod ammunition hats “GALL, TRAGER, DUMMY, aiscwre 0 US seen fies “wise” "aso! “hata Keep dy and len, Youle dapense APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTS Section |. INTRODUCTION B41. SCOPE. tisaspensxissconcorettcontiomandbeseeuetnsrinete ‘0 sp you inotor tame requees er sale and on psa. B2. GENERAL. The Corporat ol Ent hon ae Sac ese ms Us a iced Ino the oon econ 2 Secon Component o nd ton. This ing er frmatanl purposes ony, ais ‘rotatory orequstonslcemerts, Thus tome arpa! ne anaem,aesearee ard speaely ackapedtorranspotaboncr error Apart hoe tem ese tere rst {evan he onsen none is saucer ranseredtotn propery sob Matton ‘0 Turshed aes you nnn he tore Section Bas evs toms, Those retheminirum ezenalierareqieso pa ito operator operate. nc parm emergancy tsa though hopes np bschagoa I must ba wah the ile ung operaion an vnnawr«e ansiored betes ‘pany aczuns, Tho luster wl espe wah hart oy Home. Tears our Sony f reqestequstion replacement i, based n TOENTTOE atoraaton the an B.3, EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS. Tre tolonng roves an oxlanston co: i ound te a ge {Column (1 Musraton Numbers Number. This colin incase ruber oI he iweaaton mic he ter i on Cot (2)- ona! Sock Number. Ines th Nona tock munber assigned ote tm ag witb used fr aqutonng purposes 1 Cau (2 -Deteypton. Ineaes he Feral Rom rare ad que, & min msrgton te dont ana cate eto, Th ast fot each tem ious te FSC ‘uonecs) lowed by th der numb 4. Cau 4 - Unit of Meosore (UM). incest measure usd parton he act cpeatenalmaenence hneten Tas measures expense by 2 wo-haracor abet ‘Baeston (e820. ©. Gat (3) - Quanity equre ty). tneses tne ua otha te auterze tobe sed tron be enue Section ll. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM Section Ill. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS o 2) ® «|e tis | neoa!stese | oesepten sabe oy, wane: | "“'numver’ | FScwand Pan Munter _Gncode | ue | rat APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) Section |. INTRODUCTION CA. SCOPE. Tsanpone iss action tons youn uuharzeerhesuppetct ie ©. GENERAL. ste ortes tome conettav tacos snd hat ret have tebe ued nw. Tese te re al atone YOuDy CTA MOE. TOA orITA ©. EXPLANATION OF LISTING. natoa soknunbers, esiptions and quant tes are proved ony erty nd rquet adnan you aque supe ‘cubrent The toms are etdin apenaicnreqzencby tom ara wah ype Soca (G2. °CTA MTOE, TDA. JTA) whch eubosees ha tom) 00 Section Il. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) oO 2) eo] @ uaTioNA DESCRIPTION stock same ov uwoen | FScM AND PART NUMBER foncobe | un | aur (CTA AUTHORED ITEMS 4005001858008 | kG, PROTECTIVE: fr 29 als ‘ound magazin (500 per be) aque 1 per magace (roach ectaese 1008-0-118-6192| BLANK FIRING ATTACHMENT, MI5A2: ela (For vag oy) (99009) 8000 1005002081298 | BRUSH. CLEANING, SMALL ARMS ore eal a (204) Noes 100s.00.9081435 | RUSH, CLEAWNG, SMALL ARMS: cramtor — | cx | 4 (18209) os29s8 Section Il ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST « nariow, ‘sro NUMBER 100s.0-1714778 (AAL) (CONT) eschPTon SCM AND PART NUMBER FBRUSH, CLEANING, SMALL ARS oom = (13200) Bases ‘car, PROTECTIVE, OUST fa (93204) aueoe” CARTRIDGE CASE DEFLECTOR es ‘esewecr (93200) a7eaz8 CASE, MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT: & ‘tn tou patos owoge (eieag cose CASE, SMALL ARM fos es econ ouers Section Il. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) (CONT) or z ape Nava DESCRIPTION srock case ov nuween | scm NO PART NUMBER foncooe | un | Avr eos.o1-s128021] Hanous secrion,cisannG Roo, sua — | ex] + (ion sos lesen wy arr an ala +o0s.0001-s4] MAGAZINE. CARTRIOGE: 20 rund als (03208 exis Section I. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) (CONT) a vescatPnon SUA ARS ‘aeoe eer Section Il. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) (CONT) @. aye DESCRIPTION FScw ANO PART NUWBER, ‘TOE AUTHORIZED ITEWS 10s.20017701 | BavONET KNIFE MP WiSCABBARO (03200 ears 100820600200 |s1P00, RIFLE Ma WICAARYNG CASE (12 oaasont Toe sue ADAPTER KT (8200 oust rors 90406 1579 APPENDIX D EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (EDSML) Section |. INTRODUCTION D1. SCOPE. rns sopanax ats expendable supp an mats you witness © ‘pete anaarian he M1GNGA! re. Tsk lr oration purpones cn ard ot ‘tse to requston tele ame Trae tre aro aahorond oyu by CTA S057, ExgonsabedDurne ters (nce Mscal Cass V. Ropar Pars ae Horace), CTA (100, Amy Medea! Capariert ExpencabiaDuabe ons. D2. EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS. 1. Calum (1)- tom Numb. Ths nubs assigns he arty in he rg aie ‘aavencoamtve raat rarctoneo rye marl “Ure occa vee or 0.2. EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS (CONT) Column 2}-Lovel Thecohinn eines ta lowet irl ofmantansos hares the ste or (C- Opernercrew «alu (9) - Nana Sock Number Te he Nation stack pba assged he om: ua equator easton he tm. Cou) - Desorption. Inseata th Faded nar ed agi, dessin icy te tom, The ast tao eas tem neato a FageaSueB Caer Mandar (FSCa in parnnaces toanas by the pan reer «Clu (5) - Uni of Measure (UM). eats ne mess vend n pring he ca ‘nanarance ncion Ths mssewe expessed aw chars pnt steven (G0,eq mp) teuntolmeaaire oars rom neu ue, teen Pe nesta 8 ‘Soe tat wi sate your requrenerts Section Il. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (ESML) we 2) ry oy NATIONAL No|ever} _ NuwaeR DESCRIPTION uM + | 6 | ersoorsoaa7s | cleaver, wericant aN oz PRESERVATIVE: 220 bote (ero) meses 2| & | so20cn2se se | cueanen, ro8acco rire ee faton Wt we oo (32 pero ats) OLLSPPECLEANER EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (ESML) (CONT) 2 3) @ o NATIONAL ‘sroce eve | nuMBer DESCRIPTION un S| © | woosoosenzive| coven paoreorve a (03200 ease 4] © | re2000205-171 A, WPI: 50 bet we (e506) A 3) 8 | © | oscostedaes] swae, SMALL ans CLEANING ka eaten 1 pkg (1000 pe pase), “sang essa APPENDIX E STOWAGE GUIDE Section |. INTRODUCTION e 2. GENERAL. The gid ahat ct te physic ntlaion stowage loaton of a ‘sppesleAAL ana experi spy tons Yogi be cried wth hs easement ‘SCOPE. ts aperex sabe wld ony hen spect y th rong ay Section ll, GUIDE FOR STOWING ACCESSORIES IN SMALL ARMS ACCESSORIES CASE OR IN BUTTSTOCK nore Teaayamipstagie Nertnardoay basenieeonensscrg'> LMANTENANCE EQUIPMENT CASE: SMALL AFMS ACCESSORIES, PACKED Wm CLEANING EGUPHENT AND SUPPLIES nore ‘Ses fran bow on Now o open Buk en ies wi tack tage. ALPHABETICAL INDEX ‘suerte Prepcsio Frag" ian and be c Components of En tm and Bast eae tes Lt ® EnupentCharactotstes. Capabies, ana Fans Eaupent Date, Exupert Coser Etpensai/OuaeSuopes and Merits List e Fn Siping bt eral nomation ta Ausennts Latecatn Gude Marienance Forms and Recrds anionanco of Curgge Meare aintenanceof Cnn Mande hase nd Bo Cari Asso Marienance of Lower Reaver end Exersion Aer) \Maonance of Upper Rosier end Bara Assen Maianance Proce praia Procedure (Operaon of Aor Eauneat poraton Under Unusual Constone| peraten Unser Usual Consens Serato Prone Marenance Chests ans Saris Provarve Moiananee Ghects and Sarces PMCS) R sent MIGR i Feperrg Equpman reowement Recorenans (ERS) s Sexpo Sovave Gui Tecnica Prins of Operation Traoshoorg on 2y Onder fhe Serta ofthe Any, JOHN A. WickitaM, J. ‘Cone rte Ses my oe: ref of PONALD peLanono gate Gera OneStat Ary The Adan Covered Dian: To be distribured in accordance with Dh Form 12-40, Operator and Crow Mainterance requiresents For Biflo, StS6IM, MIB, HISAL ‘tus apo: te soesinons

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