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Contents Page
1. INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. REGULATION................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. ISSUE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS...............................................................................................................4
3.1 NO CHARGE.................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 CONFIDENTIALITY.......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 RETURN UPON REQUEST................................................................................................................................ 4
4. INVITED TENDERER TO BECOME INFORMED..........................................................................................4
4.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 QUANTITIES................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 SANTOS PROVIDED INFORMATION................................................................................................................... 4
5. QUERIES DURING TENDER PERIOD.........................................................................................................4
5.1 CLARIFICATION.............................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR POTENTIAL SUBCONTRACTORS......................................................................................5
6. ADDENDA...................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 ISSUE OF ADDENDA....................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2 TAKING INTO ACCOUNT.................................................................................................................................. 5
7. PRE-TENDER MEETING AND SITE INSPECTION......................................................................................5
7.1 OBLIGATION TO ATTEND................................................................................................................................. 5
7.2 COSTS OF ATTENDANCE................................................................................................................................. 5
8. TENDER CLOSING TIME.............................................................................................................................. 5
8.1 TIME FOR LODGEMENT................................................................................................................................... 5
8.2 EXTENSIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 5
8.3 REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION............................................................................................................................ 5
8.4 RIGHT TO CANCEL......................................................................................................................................... 5
9. LODGEMENT OF TENDERS........................................................................................................................ 5
9.1 TENDER SYSTEM........................................................................................................................................... 5
9.2 FORM OF TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMISSION................................................................................6
9.3 TIMING AND FORM OF COMMERCIAL SUBMISSION...........................................................................................6
9.4 LATE DELIVERY.............................................................................................................................................. 6
10. TENDER PREPARATION COSTS................................................................................................................. 6
11. CONTENTS OF Technical and Administrative Submission............................................................................6
11.1 TENDER FORM – TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE.........................................................................................6
11.2 TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCHEDULES................................................................................................6
12. CONTENTS OF Commercial Submission....................................................................................................10
12.1 TIMING OF COMMERCIAL SUBMISSION..........................................................................................................10
12.2 TENDER FORM – COMMERCIAL.................................................................................................................... 11
12.3 COMMERCIAL SCHEDULES........................................................................................................................... 11
13. POST-TENDER SUBMISSION....................................................................................................................11
13.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................................... 12
13.2 FAILURE TO SUBMIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................12
14. ALTERNATIVE TENDERS........................................................................................................................... 12
14.1 ENCOURAGEMENT TO OFFER ALTERNATIVE TENDERS...................................................................................12
14.2 NARRATIVE TO BE PROVIDED........................................................................................................................ 12
14.3 MARKING OF ALTERNATIVE TENDERS...........................................................................................................12
14.4 CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVE TENDERS.................................................................................................12
15. TENDER VALIDITY...................................................................................................................................... 12
16. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER....................................................................................................................... 12
16.1 TENDER SELECTION..................................................................................................................................... 12
16.3 DEEMED ACCEPTANCE................................................................................................................................. 12
17. DISCLOSURE OF TENDER INFORMATION..............................................................................................12
17.2 NOTIFICATION TO UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERERS.............................................................................................13
18. OTHER INFORMATION............................................................................................................................... 13
19. TENDER EVALUATION PROCESS.............................................................................................................13
ANNEXURE 1 - TENDER SPECIFIC INFORMATION.........................................................................................15
MANAGEMENT PLAN (SMP) AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SAFETY OCCURANCES...........................................17
RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN (HRMP)....................................................................................................29
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP)...............................................................................................30

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1.1 General
Where a word or phrase has been defined in General Terms and Conditions of Contract then
such word or phrase shall have the same meaning in these Conditions of Tendering unless
the context otherwise requires.
1.2 Definitions
In these Conditions of Tendering and Tender Documents, unless the context otherwise
“Addenda” means a written document issued by Santos modifying or clarifying the Tender
Documents in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to, as a response to any
queries from invited Tenderers;
“Alternative Tender” means a Tender based on proposals which may not conform with the
requirements set out in the Tender Documents but which may reduce the cost of the Services
or improve the operating economy of the operations of Santos and which would not reduce
safety or increase the risk of any Santos activity or delay the carrying out or performance of
the Services;
“Commercial Submission” means Tenderer’s commercial proposal as specified in Clause
“Meeting” means a meeting or site inspection arranged in order to brief all proposed
Tenderers and attended by a senior representative of the Tenderer for the duration of such
meeting, particulars of which are given in Annexure 1;
“Technical and Administrative Submission” means Tenderer’s technical and administrative
proposal as specified in Clause 11.
“Tender” means the Tender Forms, Schedules and other documents completed by or on
behalf of the Tenderer and any and all drawings, written statements and any other matter
submitted by the Tenderer as its Technical and Administration or Commercial submissions and
received by Santos in accordance with these Conditions of Tendering;
“Tenderer” means the person or persons identified as such on the Tender Form and includes
all persons on whose behalf the person named therein has or may be deemed to have lodged
the Tender;
“Tender Bond” means the Tender security bond detailed in Clause 12.3 (c).
“Tender Closing Time” means the date and time nominated in Annexure 1 to these
Conditions by which the Technical and Administrative Submission is to be lodged with Santos
or as may be extended pursuant to Clause 8 of these Conditions of Tendering. Following
evaluation by Santos of the Technical and Administrative Submissions those Tenderers who
will be requested to present a Commercial Submission will be informed of the Closing Time
for the Commercial Submission;
“Tender Documents” means the documents provided by Santos with its invitation to Tender
for the purpose of tendering including but not limited to:
 these Conditions of Tendering and Annexure 1;
 Forms of Tender and Schedules;
 The draft Contract.

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It will be clearly understood that the Tenderer shall be responsible to comply with and be fully
aware of all applicable governmental laws and regulations which will be applied for the tender
process. The Tenderer must comply with the following regulations references :
 Presidential Decree No. 18 year 2000 dated 21 February 2000 regarding The
Guidance on Procurement Process of Goods/Services in State Company;
 Technical Directive of Presidential Decree No. 18 year 2000;
 Pertamina Decision Letter No. Kpts-077/C0000/2000-SO regarding Goods/Services
Procurement Implementation Guideline for Pertamina/PSC/JOB/TAC;
 Bulletin Procedure No. 077 Revision III year 2002.
3.1 No charge
Copies of the Tender Documents will be provided free of charge to each invited Tenderer.
3.2 Confidentiality
The Tender Documents are the property of Santos. They are to be treated and maintained by
the invited Tenderer at all times as confidential and shall not be used by or disclosed to others
at any time except as is necessary to prepare the Tender (and then only on a confidential
basis satisfactory to Santos). These obligations are continuing obligations.
3.3 Return upon request
All invited Tenderers to which Tender Documents are issued, other than the successful
Tenderer, shall return them to Santos upon request.
4.1 General
The invited Tenderer shall, prior to submitting the Tender, examine the Tender Documents,
become acquainted with the nature of the proposed Contract and the Services to be executed
under the Contract, inform itself in accordance with the Indemnity contained in General Terms
and Conditions and assess the risk and cost of performing the Services or supplying materials
under the Contract.
4.2 Quantities
Except where the Contract is to be a Schedule of Rates contract or to the extent a Schedule
of Prices includes a provisional quantity, the invited Tenderer is responsible for determining
the actual quantities required to execute the Services.
4.3 Santos provided information
Santos has endeavoured and will continue to endeavour (without being obliged to do so) to
ensure the accuracy of information provided to, or obtained by the Tenderer or its Personnel
from Santos or its Personnel. The Tenderer and Santos acknowledge that any information so
provided is for the convenience of the Tenderer only and will not form part of any Contract
unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Santos and the Tenderer and the Tenderer’s
subsequent entry into the Contract is deemed to have been based on the Tenderer’s own
investigations and determinations.
5.1 Clarification
If an invited Tenderer has any doubt as to the meaning or completeness of any portion of the
Tender Documents or any other query regarding the Tender Documents, it shall request
clarification in writing from the person nominated in Annexure 1. Clarification shall be valid
only if issued in writing by Santos. Any clarification given pursuant to this clause may also be
issued to all other invited Tenderers.

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5.2 Responsibility for potential subcontractors

The invited Tenderer shall be entirely responsible for the activities of its potential
subcontractors and suppliers with respect to the Tender including answering any queries they
may have.
No proposed subcontractor or supplier to the invited Tenderer shall contact Santos in any way
and Santos will not be obliged to acknowledge or respond to any such contact.
5.3 Communications
At no time does any communication, whether oral or written, during the review of Tenders and
development of any arrangements to provide Services to Santos constitute or create a
Contract for the provision of any Services unless expressly stated.
6.1 Issue of Addenda
At any time prior to Tender Closing Time Santos may issue Addenda. All Addenda will be
consecutively numbered and will be sent to each invited Tenderer except where such invited
Tenderer has previously advised that it will not be tendering.
6.2 Taking into account
The Tenderer shall confirm in its Tender that all Addenda have been taken into account in the
7.1 Obligation to attend
If attendance at a Meeting is noted in Annexure 1 to be required then a senior representative
of the invited Tenderer need to attend. Failure to attend such meetings is liable to result in
disqualification of Tenderer to participate in this Tender.
7.2 Costs of attendance
The invited Tenderer shall be responsible for all costs associated with attending the Meeting.
8.1 Time for lodgement
Technical and Administrative Submissions must be lodged by the Tender Closing Time.
Commercial Submissions should only be lodged in accordance with further instructions from
8.2 Extensions
Tender Closing Time may be extended by Santos, at any time, for any reason, by written
notice to the invited Tenderers.
8.3 Requests for extension
Santos is under no obligation to consider requests for an extension of the Tender Closing
8.4 Right to cancel
Santos reserves the right to cancel this tendering exercise at any time prior to the Tender
Closing Time. In such an event, Santos shall not be liable to any of the Tenderers for any
costs or expenses suffered or incurred by them, including without limitation, costs associated
with the preparation of any Tender.
9.1 Tender System
A two stages bidding system will be used. The first stage will cover Technical and
Administrative Tender content and the second stage will cover the Commercial offer.
Contents of the two stages are listed in Clauses 11 and 12 below respectively.

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9.2 Form of Technical and Administrative Submission

Three copies of the Technical and Administrative Submission shall be presented. The
document shall be securely bound or fixed and, where practical, pages shall be consecutively
All documents which make up the Technical and Administrative Submission shall also be
presented in electronic format on a compact disk. The following electronic formats are
 MS-Word (.doc)
 MS-Excel (.xls)
 MS-Powerpoint (.ppt)

Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files are not acceptable except for drawings and program / schedules.
In the event of any inconsistency between the printed submission and the electronic version,
then the printed documents shall be given precedence.
The Technical and Administrative Submission shall be lodged in a sealed envelope in
conformity with Annexure 1 at the address stated in Annexure 1 or delivered to that address
by prepaid post or by courier service, to be received by the Tender Closing Time.
9.3 Timing and Form of Commercial Submission
Following evaluation of Technical and Administrative Submissions Santos will notify Tenderers
whether they are required to present a Commercial Submission.
The Tenderer shall only present a Commercial Submission if and when requested by Santos.
Santos undertakes to provide no less than 10 working days notice to those Tenderers invited
to present a Commercial Submission.
The form of Commercial Submissions presented shall be identical to the Technical and
Administrative Submissions as described in 9.2 above (3 copies/1 compact disk).
9.4 Late delivery
Tenders lodged after Tender Closing Time shall be deemed to be late responses and Santos
may at its absolute discretion exclude the late Tender from consideration.
All costs and expenses incurred by the invited Tenderer for pre-qualification, pre-tender
review, Tender Meetings, preparation and delivery of the Tender, and arising out of any post
Tender discussions shall be borne by the Tenderer.
11.1 Tender Form – Technical and Administrative
The Technical and Administrative Submission shall be presented on the Tender Form –
Technical and Administrative together with the Schedules listed AS REQUIRED in Annexure 1
Clause 10, completed and signed by the Tenderer or by a duly authorised representative of
the Tenderer over the Indonesian Revenue Stamp.

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11.2 Technical and Administrative Schedules

Where Technical and Administrative Schedules are to be provided, such Schedules shall be
completed in accordance with the following:
a) Schedule A1 Statement of Conformance
Describe any proposed exceptions or modifications to the documents comprising the
proposed Contract. Include reasons for such exceptions and modifications. Tenderer
need not include exception or modifications to Santos Provided Documentation which are
covered in Schedule A7.
b) Schedule A2 Occupational Health & Safety Program
Provide all current safety statistics in respect to the Tenderer’s company operations for the
past 3 years; including, but not limited to:
 the number of Workers Compensation claims,
 number of hours worked,
 number of lost time injuries (LTI) recorded,
 number of medical treatment injuries (MTI) recorded,
 the total recordable case frequency rate (TRCFR).
In addition to the above, if indicated in Annexure 1, the Tenderer shall submit a draft
Safety Management Plan in accordance with Annexure 2 to these Conditions of Tendering.
Tenderer shall include a statement of the company’s safety goals.
Tenderer are also requested to submit a complete EHS Questionnaire attached to
Annexure 2.
c) Schedule A3 Human Resources Management Plan
Not Required.
d) Schedule A4 Environmental Management Plan
Provide an Environment Management Plan in accordance with Annexure 4 to these
Conditions of Tendering. Tenderer shall include a statement of the company’s
environmental goals.
e) Schedule A5 Organisation/Management/Supervisory Personnel
Provide an organisation chart or charts which identify the key people in the Tenderer’s
organisation who will be responsible for the management and supervision of the Contract.
Show reporting relationships to corporate and functional management.
In addition to naming proposed key management and supervisory personnel include:
 resume of each named person in the team proposed for the management and
supervision of the Services;
 name and telephone number of a client referee for each person.
 Physical location of each of the individuals during the provision of Services;
 Which individuals will be dedicated exclusively to the provision of Services, and which
will be assigned on a part-time basis;
f) Schedule A6 Quality System Questionnaire
In addition to completing the questionnaire, attach a copy of certification and list of
Tenderers procedures that will be used during execution of the Services.
g) Schedule A7 Technical Schedule
1. Documents and Drawings

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The Tenderer shall provide an outline document register estimating the type and
quantity of documents and drawings that will be revised or created by the Tenderer.
The list should be segregated into the following disciplines:
 Civil and Structural;
 Mechanical;
 Electrical;
 Instrumentation;
 Process;
 Piping;
 Telecommunication;
 Pipelines; and
 Safety

2. Exceptions to Santos Supplied Information

The Tenderer shall detail all exceptions, with the table specified below, to Category 1
information, and provide a justification for any exceptions. The Tenderer shall
demonstrate compliance with the intent of the FEED documents and detail any
deviations to the information provided in the Category 2 documentation.
3. Software
The Tenderer shall provide a list of engineering software utilised in the execution of all
Services. This list should include software used to perform process, safety structural,
compression, mechanical/piping, electrical/instrument, pipeline design work as well as
drafting, project planning, cost estimating and other activities undertaken.
4. Fabrication Facilities
Please provide details of your fabrication facilities or your fabrication subcontractors
which will be used to perform this EPCI project, if you were awarded this tender.
 location
 number and size of covered fabrication shops
 blasting and painting facilities
 cranes
 plate rolling
 welding machines
 list any relevant equipment you plan to use
5. Installation Equipment
Please provide details of your installation equipment which will be used to perform the
EPCI project, if you were awarded this tender.
 Cranes and other lifting equipment
 Transport equipment
 Welding equipment
 Excavation equipment
 Concrete equipment
 Testing equipment
 List any relevant equipment not shown above
6. Interface Management Plan

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The Tenderer shall submit an Interface Management Plan, which will outline the
strategies to be adopted by the Tenderer to ensure the project interfaces as defined in
draft contract clause 2.15 are managed effectively and without disruption to the project
7. Technical Facilities Narrative
The Tenderer to provide a description of the facilities and utilities systems proposed
for installation. The narrative shall demonstrate an understanding of the process and
operating requirements of the Onshore Facility, which shall satisfy the requirements of
the Category 1 documentation. Tenderer shall provide, as part of the narrative, a
description of:-
 Design considerations for the slugcather separator, noting requirement for solids
removal and potential for wax deposition;
 Potential areas of optimisation for the HP Flare system;
 Design philosophy and preliminary equipment sizing for the Instrument Air
 Design considerations relevant to the Waste Water Treatment System, noting the
Water Outfall specifications and potential for solids accumulation;
 Interfaces required with Indonesia Power with respect to the storage and loadout
of Crude Oil and measures to be employed to ensure segregation of the Crude
and HSD system.
The Tenderer shall supply to Santos a printout of the process simulation developed as
part of the tender, indicating the Onshore Facility design is in accordance with
Category 1 documentation.
h) Schedule A8 Project Execution Plan
The Project Execution Plan (PEP) shall be attached to this schedule. The plan should give
information regarding the strategies to be adopted by the Tenderer to ensure efficient
provision of services.

The PEP should address all key project issues, as a minimum, such as:
 Scope
 Environmental, Health and Safety
 Quality, Statutory Approvals and Licences
 Project Resources, Organisation and Management
 Project Co-ordination and Interface Management
 Project Execution, including subcontracting Strategy with respect to
o Engineering
o Procurement
o Fabrication and
o Installation
 Project Control Philosophy and Procedure
 Project Schedule and Project Milestones.

The PEP should also indicate the location where the majority of the work will be performed
for various phases of work.

The PEP shall be updated with changes throughout the project’s life and used in close-out
reporting. The description shall cover the entire process from project kick-off through Final
Acceptance, regardless of whether performed by the Tender or Tender’s subcontractor. At
the Technical Proposal submission stage emphasis needs to be given to engineering and
interface activities. The PEP shall provide narrative description as to how the various
phases of the engineering Services will be organised and executed. As PEP is a live
document, it will be revised and other phases of the Services shall be emphasised at the
time agreed with Santos.

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Information on proposed Subcontractor (s) shall be provided in the table contained in

Schedule A8. All Subcontractor (s) above US$100,000 shall be identified. Santos will
include Tenderer’s Subcontractor (s) information in assessment of Tenderer’s bid and
subsequent approval of such subcontractor (s).
Tenderer should note that Engineering Services are required to be performed in Indonesia
unless the Services is of such physical or technical complexity as to make it unable to be
completed in Indonesia.
This list may contain names of alternative companies for particular scope of Services to be
subcontracted. The Tenderer must also submit the relevant work experience of
subcontractor(s) they wish to employ.
The listing of subcontractors in this Schedule shall not be construed to be approval of
them by Santos. Approval in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions will be
required in all cases where a subcontractor is proposed.
The Tenderer shall also provide the Current and Forecast Workload until 2004 for the
Tenderer and Tenderer’s Subcontractor (s) under Schedule A8.
Tenderer shall also submit under this schedule manpower histogram corresponding to the
Engineering Procurement and Fabrication / Installation phases of the project and showing
the number of personnel required, by Discipline, compared to total currently available
resources in the same discipline for the Tenderer and the Tenderer’s subcontractor (s).
i) Schedule A9 Program
The Program shall be attached to Schedule A9.
Schedule A9 shall contain Bidder’s schedule which shall meet the following requirements:

The Tenderer shall submit a detailed integrated schedule with the bid in Primavera P3.
The hard copy must be accompanied with an electronic copy to evaluate the integrity of
the schedule. The schedule must take care of all phases of the project, i.e. engineering,
procurement, fabrication.

Scheduling activities for projects shall be performed using the Primavera P3 Version 3.1
program for the processing of CPM logic networks. The precedence diagram method
(PDM) of scheduling shall be used to tie all activities together to form the logic diagram.
The schedule shall clearly indicate all major project activities, WBS number, duration, early
start and early finish dates, latest start and latest finish dates, critical activities and the
critical path including key dates. The milestones as listed in Schedule A9 shall be included
in the schedule to be submitted. The schedule must be sufficiently detailed to allow for
reasonable control of all critical path activities. All the interface activities shall be identified
j) Schedule A10 Administration
The Tenderer shall provide a letter of statement signed on duty stamp that all Tenderer’s
company documentations submitted in pre-qualification stage, other than documentation
specified below, remain valid, otherwise the Tenderer shall attach replacement
documentation in the Administrative & Technical Submission.
1. a copy of the Tenderer's valid GAPENRI Certificate;
2. a copy of the Tenderer's valid registration with Migas (SKT - Migas);
3. a copy of Tenderer's Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and PKP;
4. a copy of Latest Year’s proof of Tax Payment Receipt;
5. Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") of Consortium Agreement with Foreign
Partners and it must be notarised, if any.

In the event that a Tenderer forms of Partnership Arrangement/Joint Venture/Consortium

for the purpose of submitting a proposal and for performing the Services, the Tenderer
shall comply with the following requirements:

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1. Partnership/joint venture/consortium agreement must be attached to your Tender.

The Agreement must be signed by all parties in the partnership arrangement and
authorized by a notary public;
2. Partnership details - who is in the partnership, previous work history with partner;
3. A Letter of Statement that members of the partnership/joint venture/consortium will
not be changed or replaced after the Tender or during the performance of the
Services. The letter shall be signed by all members on duty stamp. Should one or
more member(s) withdraw from its partnership/joint venture/consortium, than the
partnership/joint venture/consortium will be disqualified at Santos discretion.
4. Your Tender shall be signed by all parties so as to be legally binding on each
member to the partnership/joint venture/consortium.
5. The Principal Tenderer shall be responsible for Tender Bond and Bank Guarantee.


12.1 Timing of Commercial Submission
The Commercial Submission shall be presented when and if requested by Santos. DO NOT
present the Commercial Submission with the Technical and Administrative Submission.

12.2 Tender Form – Commercial

The Commercial Submission shall be presented on the Tender Form – Commercial together
with the Commercial Schedules, completed and signed by the Tenderer or by a duly
authorised representative of the Tenderer.
12.3 Commercial Schedules
Commercial Schedules shall be completed in accordance with the following:
a) Schedule B1 Schedule of Rates and Prices
Rates and prices inserted in the schedule shall be the full inclusive cost of the work for
both base case and optional services for Liquids Handling Facilities described in
accordance with the Tender Documents. The lump sum figures shall be all inclusive for
provision of the services, the schedules of rates and prices shall be applicable for pricing
of variations, that may be instructed during the provision of services, if any. All rates and
prices, including the lump sums, shall include all allowances for rise and fall in the cost of
labour, materials and equipment, exchange rate variation and any import duties and like
taxes that Tenderer considers appropriate. When VAT is applicable it shall be shown
b) Schedule B2 Schedule of Indonesian Content
List services and materials to be sourced from within Indonesia. Show the estimated
value of the Indonesian content.
Santos requires that the Tenderer offers full, fair and reasonable opportunity to Indonesian
suppliers and manufacturers to participate in provision of the Services.
c) Schedule B3 – Tender Bond
The Tenderer shall submit a Tender Bond from a commercial bank (Bank Umum)
approved by Santos, except from a rural bank (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat) with the
Commercial Submission. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification and rejection
of the Tender. The following will apply:

 The Tender Bond must be valid for at least one hundred and eighty (180) days
from the Tender Closing Time.

 The Tender Bond must range in value from 1% to 3% of the Total Estimated
Contract Value, the exact percentage being left to the Tenderer's discretion. The
total estimated Contract Value must be shown in the Commercial Submission
only (refer 12.3 above).

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 Unsuccessful Tenderers may collect their Tender Bonds following the award of the
Contract or the cancellation of the Tender.

 Santos will hold the Tender Bond furnished by the successful Tenderer until the
successful Tenderer has signed the Contract and submitted the Bank Guarantee
and the Parent Guarantee (if required by Santos)

 In the event that any Tenderer withdraws its Tender or, on being notified that it is
the successful Tenderer, fails to enter into the Contract with Santos or fails to
provide the Bank Guarantee and the Parent Guarantee, then the Tenderer's
Tender Bond will be forfeited to Santos.

Tenderers are also required to provide a Letter of Confirmation concerning the validity and
truthfulness of the Tender Bond.


13.1 Additional information
During the Tender evaluation, Santos may, at its sole discretion, ask any Tenderer for
clarification of its Tender. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing,
however change in the total price or substance of the bid shall not be sought, offered or
permitted except as required to confirm any arithmetical correction made by Santos in the
evaluation of the Commercial Submission.
13.2 Failure to submit additional information
Should the Tenderer fail to submit the additional information so required in writing by the date
and time stipulated, Santos will not be obliged to consider the Tender further.
14.1 Encouragement to offer Alternative Tenders
Tenderers are encouraged to develop and offer Alternative Tenders in addition to the
conforming Tender.
14.2 Narrative to be provided
A narrative shall be included with each Alternative Tender which summarises the differences
between the conforming Tender and the Alternative Tender(s) and the advantages to Santos if
the Alternative Tender were to be accepted.
14.3 Marking of Alternative Tenders
Alternative Tenders should be clearly marked and separately packaged and lodged in
accordance with Clause 9 of these Conditions of Tendering in conjunction with the conforming
14.4 Consideration of Alternative Tenders
Consideration of any Alternative Tender shall be at the sole discretion of Santos.
Unless agreed in writing by Santos, the Tender shall be capable of acceptance by Santos for
one hundred and eighty (180) days after the date of lodgement of the Commercial
Submission. The time for acceptance may be extended by written agreement between the
Tenderer and Santos.
16.1 Tender Selection
Santos will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose bid has been determined to be
substantially responsive to the ITT/ Tender Documents and who has offered the lowest
evaluated Contract Value in accordance with Clause 19 below, provided that such Tenderer
has been determined to be qualified in accordance with the provisions of the Tender

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Documents. Santos reserves the right to reject any and all Tenders without the requirement to
give any reason therefore.
16.2 BPMIGAS approval
Tender selection and award of contract will be subject to BPMIGAS approval.
16.3 Deemed acceptance
A Tender shall be deemed to be accepted when either the letter of award has been issued or
the Contract document has been executed by both parties. The effective date will be the date
when the last signature is affixed to the document.
Until the Tender is accepted in accordance with paragraph 16.3, Santos will endeavour to
maintain confidentiality of information submitted by Tenderers.
Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Santos’ processing of Tenders or award decisions
may be sufficient ground to disqualify the Tenderer’s Tender.
17.2 Notification to unsuccessful Tenderers
Following acceptance of a Tender in accordance with Clause 16.3, unsuccessful Tenderers
will, on request, be notified of the name of the successful Tenderer. No other information
regarding the successful Tender will be provided. No information will be released regarding
unsuccessful Tenders.
18.1 Santos shall have no obligation to respond or reply to any anonymous/unsigned
objection/complaint letter.
18.2 In the event that a Tenderer lodges an objection/complaint under government regulation
SK077/C0000/2000-S0 and the objection/complaint is found to be unfounded, then the
Tenderer agrees that it shall be precluded from being invited to participate either in 3 (three)
consecutive tenders or for up to 6 (six) months, at Santos’ election.
19.1 Tender Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation for this Tender will be conducted in two stages. Award of the Contract will be
made on the basis of the administratively and technically acceptable tender that offers to
Santos the most advantageous price for the Service to be performed. The Tender evaluation
will be divided into two sections, Technical & Administrative and Commercial. The Technical &
Administrative Submission will be opened first and the evaluation will be conducted using the
criteria outlined below.

A. Evaluation & Comparison of the Technical and Administrative Submission

Santos will carry out a detailed evaluation of each Tender in order to determine that the
Tenderer is administratively and technically qualified. Santos will evaluate documents
supplied by the Tenderer and other requirements as specified in the Tender Documents,
including but not limited to the following factors:

a. Administrative

Those Tenderers who do not submit the Administrative Requirements as specified in

Clause 11.2(k) will be disqualified and not be considered for further analysis.

b. Technical

A detailed evaluation will be carried out by Santos in order to determine whether the
technical aspects are substantially responsive to the requirements set forth in the Tender
Documents. Evaluation on overall completeness and compliance with Santos

438852970.doc Page 14 of 32

requirements as specified in Clause 11.2(a) to 11.2(k) of Conditions of Tendering will be

conducted at Santos’ sole determination.

During the evaluation process, Santos may request clarification and conduct meetings at
both engineering and fabrications sites with each or any Tenderer to discuss any technical
issues, or where Santos requires further information, amendments or changes to be made
to the Technical & Administrative Submission.

B. Evaluation and Comparison of the Commercial Submission

The commercial evaluation will then be performed using the criteria outlined below.

a. Completeness and compliance with Santos requirements as specified in Clause 12 of

Conditions of Tendering.
b. If a commercial proposal is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by Santos,
and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the non
conforming deviation or reservation.
c. For the purpose of calculating Final Evaluated Price, each Tenderer's cost proposal
will be normalized by using formula as specified in Bulletin Procedure No. 077
Revision III, Chapter III item B point 1.

438852970.doc Page 15 of 32


Clause 1 Technical and Administrative Submission Closing Time

Date: October 6, 2003.
Time: 14:00 hours

Clause 4 Queries in respect to the Tender Documents to be directed to:

Name: The Tender Committee
Address: Santos (Sampang) Pty Ltd
Ratu Plaza Office Tower, 9th Floor
Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav 9
Jakarta 10270 Indonesia

Telephone: +62 21 270 0410

Facsimile: +62 21 720 4503

Clause 6 Attendance of Pre-Tender Meeting and Site Visit are required not more than 3
attendees per Tenderer.

Clause 6 Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on August 28, 2003 at 09:00 at the above mentioned
Site visit will be held on September 4, 2003

Clause 8 Tenders to be endorsed as follows:

Tender for Contract No: J0005
Title: Oyong Onshore Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
Technical and Administrative Submission or Commercial Submission as
Tenderer Name

Clause 8 Location of Tender Submission

For delivery by hand or post: Ratu Plaza Office Tower, 9th Floor
Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 9
Jakarta 10270 Indonesia

438852970.doc Page 16 of 32

Clause 10 Schedules to be submitted with Technical and Administrative Submission:

Schedule A1 – Statement of Conformance

Schedule A2 – Occupational Health and Safety Program - A draft Safety Management

Plan is required (See Annexure 2)

Schedule A3 – Human Relations - A Human Relations Management Plan is not required

Schedule A4 – Environmental Management - A draft Environmental Management Plan is

required (See Annexure 4)

Schedule A5 – Organisation/Management/Supervisory Personnel – An Employee

organisation chart and key personnel Curricula Vitae are required

Schedule A6 – Quality System Questionnaire is required

Schedule A7 – Technical Schedule is required

Schedule A8 – Project Execution Plan is required

Schedule A9 – Program is required

Schedule A10 - Administration

Clause 11 Schedules to be submitted with Commercial Submission:

Schedule B1 – Schedule of Rates and Prices

Schedule B2 – Schedule of Indonesian content

Schedule B3 – Tender Bond

438852970.doc Page 17 of 32




Pursuant to Clause 1.21.5 of the General Conditions of Contract the Contractor’s Safety Management
Plan as a minimum, will contain the following. This does not preclude additional information being
A Statement of the Contractor’s Company Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare, and
Environmental Policy and the Health, Safety and Environmental objectives for Services.
 Specific Project information (include Contract details and scope of work);
 Key Personnel (Operations and Base) with emergency contact numbers;
 Key Personnel Competency Standards (the formal training and experience of key personnel and
personnel associated with prescribed occupations. For example, occupations such as Drivers,
Plant Operators, Crane Operators, Crane Chasers, Scaffolders, Excavators and Shorers,
Welders and Boilermakers, persons entering confined spaces). The Contractor must be able to
demonstrate in writing that persons planning to undertake potentially hazardous tasks are
trained to a recognised standard;
 Site facilities and layout;
 Relevant Documentation (a list of Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practice, guidance notes and
any other source under which the work is to be conducted including Contract specific); and
 Communications (method, between base, field sites and mobiles).
A description of the Procedures/Policies in use, [audited, checked, implemented]; the responsible
person for maintaining compliance with procedures and how compliance with the procedure is formally
recorded; procedures may include, for example:
 Hazard Identification and Control (Job Safety Analyses);
 OHS Policy (Display and Discuss);
 Safety Induction, Training (type and frequency);
 Toolbox Meetings (frequency, content);
 Work Permit requirements;
 Job procedures and instructions;
 Emergency procedures;
 Incident/Near Miss/Hazard Reporting;
 Hazardous Substances;
 Fire Prevention;
 Electrical hazards;
 Driving hazards and requirements;
 Maintenance and servicing of vehicles and equipment;
 Personal protective equipment;

438852970.doc Page 18 of 32

 Alcohol and drugs;

 Audits; and
 Subcontractors, suppliers, etc.
Include examples of forms in use (examples may include Hazardous Substance Register, Safety
Induction Register, First Aid Treatment Record, Incident/Near Miss/Hazard Record, Safety Audit, Plant
Inspection Daily Record, Fault Register, Safety Meeting Report, etc.).
 List the Standard Work Procedures/Instructions applicable to the Services under the Contract.
 Describe the risk associated with normal operations and special risks associated with the
Services under the Contract.
 Describe the control measures that are to be used to eliminate or minimise the risk.
 Nominate the responsible person to implement and maintain the control measures.
 Nominate the responsible person for:
 First Aid Treatment;
 Serious Injury;
 Emergency Response and Evacuation; and
 Hazardous Materials.
Santos uses the following guidelines in describing notifiable and other safety related occurrences:
Lost Time Injuries (LTI)
An LTI is defined as those occurrences that result in a fatality, a permanent disability or time lost from
work of 1 day / shift or more provided that:
 The injury is work related, and
 That a definite cause can be clearly established for the injury.
Non-remote locations: An injury will be considered an LTI [provided conditions i) and ii) are met], if on
the next regular, rostered day at work the employee is unable to work due to the medical condition
caused by the work injury.
Remote locations: In the event that the injury occurs in a remote work location and equipment or
medical expertise is not available at the location to facilitate diagnosis, an absence of up to 3 days
from work will be allowed. An injury will be considered an LTI [provided conditions i) and ii) above are
met], if the medical status arising from the work injury is the sole reason that the employee is absent
from work after a period of 3 days or more.

438852970.doc Page 19 of 32

Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI)

The following are generally considered medical treatment cases (MTI). Work Injuries for which this
type of treatment was provided or should have been provided are almost always recordable.
 Treatment of Infection.
 Application of antiseptics during second or subsequent visits to medical personnel.
 Treatment of second or third degree burn(s).
 Application of suture(s).
 Application of butterfly adhesive dressing or sterile strips in lieu of sutures.
 Removal of foreign bodies from the eye.
 Removal of foreign bodies from a wound, if procedure is complicated due to depth, size or
 Use of prescription medicine (except a single dose on first visit for minor injury / discomfort).
 Use of hot or cold soaking therapy during second or subsequent visit.
 Application of hot or cold compresses during second or subsequent visit.
 Positive X Ray diagnosis (fractures, etc.).
 Admission to hospital or equivalent medical facility for treatment.
First Aid Cases (FAC)
The following are generally not considered as recordable Work Injuries unless the Work Injury involves
loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion or transfer to another job.
 Application of antiseptics during first visit.
 Treatment of first degree burn(s).
 Application of bandage(s) during any visit to medical personnel.
 Use of elastic bandage(s) during first visit to medical personnel.
 Removal of foreign bodies not embedded in the eye if only irrigation is required.
 Removal of foreign bodies from wound, if uncomplicated, i.e. by tweezers.
 Use of non-prescription medications and administration of a single dose on first visit.
 Soaking therapy on initial visit or for removal of bandages.
 Application of hot or cold compresses during first visit.
 Application of ointments to abrasions to prevent drying or cracking.
 Application of heat therapy during first visit.
 Use of whirlpool bath therapy during first visit.
 Negative X Ray diagnosis.
 Observation of injury during visit to medical personnel.
The administration of tetanus shots or boosters is not considered a Medical Treatment Injury.

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Santos Limited

Major Contract EHS Questionnaire



No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
1. EHS Policy
 Have you a current Environmental, Health and Safety - Yes, We have please see attachment
Policy or policies? 24 KRS HSE manual and Procedure
Page 3. Health, Safety and
Environment Policy statement. Please see attachment 24
- Yes,
 Does the policy state overall EHS objectives? - Yes, signed by Executive Director
 Is the policy signed by your top management? and Managing Director.
 Does the policy include a commitment to comply with - Yes,
relevant EHS legislation?
 Does the policy demonstrate a commitment to EHS - Yes,
2. Planning Identification of Hazards, Assessment and
Control of Hazards - Yes, We have Please see attachment 24
 Have you documented procedures to identify EHS KRS HSE manual and Procedure Page
hazards and assess and control the associated risk of 20-21. item 4.14, element 14.
Accident/incident reporting and Please see attachment 25
activities, products and services? investigation, Page 21-22, item 4.15.
element 15. Accident Analysis and Page
36-41, item 5. Hazard identification and
Risk Assessment.

438852970.doc Page 21 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?

3. Legal and Other Requirements

 Have you documented procedures to identify and have - We have References, please see
access to all legal and other requirements (egg Australian attachment 24 KRS HSE Manual and
Standards) that are directly applicable to the EHS issues Procedure page 5-6, item 1.4
related to your activities, products or services? References.

4. Objectives and Targets

 Have you documented EHS objectives? - Yes, We have please see attachment
24 KRS HSE Manual and Procedure
page 6-10, item 2 HSE Policy,
Objectives, Organization and Please see attachment 26
 Are these objectives consistent with your EHS policy in
- Yes,
particular with improving EHS performance?
 Do your objectives address your key EHS hazards and - Yes, We have please see
risks? acctachment 24 KRS HSE Manual
and Procedure page 16-17, item 4.7
Hazard Identification and risk
4. Management Plans
 Do you have documented management plans for - Yes, We have HSE administration &
achieving your EHS objectives and targets? Safe Working Procedures Page 26-
 Does the plan outline the means (actions) and the - Yes, Please see attachment 23
timeframes for achieving the objectives and targets?
- Yes,
 Has each action in your plan a designated person
responsible for the achievement of that action?
 Have you a procedure for ensuring that the management - Yes, We have please see KRS
plans are regularly reviewed and, if needed, be amended Manual and Procedure page 14, item
to address change? 4.2 Elemen 2. Inspection and Audit.

438852970.doc Page 22 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
5. Responsibility and Accountability
 Do you have documented accountabilities and - Yes we have, please see attachment
responsibilities of all personnel involved in your EHS 24KRS HSE Manual and Procedure
management system? page 7-10, item 2.2 HSE
Organization an Responsibilities.
 Where contractors are involved, how do you clarify the Please see attachment 24
- We are involved the site/Project.
EHS accountabilities and responsibilities of the
 Have you a person appointed that is accountable and - We have the HSE Organization chart
responsible for ensuring that your EHS Management please see attachment 24 KRS HSE
System is implemented and maintained? Manual and Procedure Page 4.
 Have you a person appointed that is accountable and - Yes, We have HSE Coordinator.
responsible for reporting on the performance of your
EHSMS to top management for review?
6. Training and Competency
 Have you a procedure for the identification of training - Yes, We have please see attachment
needs in relation to performing work activities 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
competently? Page 14-15, item 4.3 Training &
- Yes,
 Does the procedure address the development and
maintenance of competency?
 Do you assess personnel for competency? - Yes,
 Have you a procedure for EHS training? - Yes,We have please see attachment Please see attachment 27
24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
Page 15., item 4.4. element 4. Hiring
and placement.
 How do you ensure that all personnel, including - We are ensure with certificate and
contractors, are competent relative to their identified work Experience

438852970.doc Page 23 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
7. Consultation
 Are your employees involved in the development, - Yes, We have please see attachment
implementation and review of procedures dealing with 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
EHS hazards, their risk assessment and control? page 15-16, item 4.5 item elements
5, Communication.
- Yes, We have HSE Officer, please
 Do you have OHS representatives selected by your Please see attachment 27
see attachment 24 KRS Manual &
employees? Procedure page 9-10, and item 2.2.5
HSE Officer.
- Yes, We have please see attachment
 Do management and employee EHS representatives 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
receive training for this role? page 30, item 2.3.3, Training
Records and registration.
8. Communication
 Do you have a procedure for ensuring that pertinent EHS - Yes, We have please see attachment
information is communicated to and from employees and 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
Page 15-16, item 4.5, element 5. Please see attachment 28
other interested parties.
Communication and Page 32-34.
Item 3. Communication and
9. Reporting
 Do you have procedures for relevant and timely reporting - Yes, We have please see attachment
of information to ensure your EHSMS is monitored and 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
performance is improved covering: Page 44-53, item 7, HSE Record Please see attachment 34
Keeping and Performance Reporting.
 EHS performance reporting (including results of EHS
audits and reviews). - Yes,
 Reporting of incidents and system failures. - Yes,
 Reporting on hazard identification. - Ye,
 Reporting on risk assessment. - Yes,
 Reporting on preventive and corrective action. - Yes,
 Statutory reporting requirements. -
10. Documentation

438852970.doc Page 24 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
Have you established, implemented and maintain information,
in a suitable medium such as in print or electronic form, to: - Yes, We have Please see attachment
 describe the core elements of your management 24 until 28
system and their interaction; and
 provide direction to related documentation.
11. Document and Data Control
Have you procedures for controlling all of your EHSMS
documentation to ensure that:
 they are legible and can be readily located; - Yes, We have at the Head Office and
 they are periodically reviewed (revision dates are Brance Office and project.
shown), revised as necessary and approved for - Yes,
adequacy by competent and responsible personnel; Please see attachment 29
 current versions of relevant documents and data are
- Yes,
available at all locations where operations essential
to the effective functioning of the EHSMS are
 obsolete documents and data are promptly removed - yes,
from all points of issue and points of use or otherwise
assured against unintended use; and
 archival documents and data retained for legal or - yes,
knowledge preservation purposes or both, are
suitably identified.
12. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control of
Risks - Yes, We have please see attachment
Have you established, implemented and maintained 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
procedures to ensure that: page 16-17, item 4.7, element 7.
1. hazards are identified Hazard Identification & Risk
Assessment and page 36-41, item
2. risks are assessed;
5.2. Hazard Identification and risk
3. risks are controlled. Assessment.
4. process is reviewed.

438852970.doc Page 25 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
1. Hazard Identification - do your procedures address the
identification of hazards in the workplace taking into account:
 the situation or events or combination of circumstances - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
that has the potential to give rise to environmental HSE Manual & Procedure Page 18-
19, item 4.10, element 10.
harm, personal injury or illness;
Occupational Health.
 the nature of potential environmental harm, injury or
- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
illness relevant to the activity, product or service; HSE Manual & Procedure Page 22-
 past environmental incidents, personal injuries, 23, item 4.17, element 17.
incidents and illnesses; Environment Protection.
 consideration of the way work is organized, managed, - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
carried out and any changes that occur in this; HSE Manual & Procedure Page 19,
 the design of workplaces, work processes, materials, item 4.11, element 11. Purchasing Please see attachment 30
plant and equipment; Controls.
 the fabrication, installation and commissioning and
- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
HSE Manual & Procedure Page 23,
handling and disposal (of materials, workplaces, plant
item 4.18, element 18 Sub-
and equipment); Contractors HSE Control.
 the purchasing of goods and services; - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
 the contracting and subcontracting of plant, equipment, HSE Manual & Procedure Page 14,
services and labour, including contract specification item 4.2, element 2 Ispection and
and responsibilities to and by contractors; and Audit.
the inspection, maintenance, testing, repair and replacement - Yes, pleas see attachment 24 KRS
(of plant and equipment). HSE manual & Procedure page 41-
42, item 6.1. HSE Inspection.

- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS

2. Risk Assessment – do your procedures require that the
HSE Manual & Procedure Page 16-
risks associated with each identified hazard are assessed and 17, item 4.7, element 7. Hazard
have risk control priorities assigned, based on the established Identification & Risk Assessment and
level of risk? Page 36-41 Hazard Identification and
risk Assessment.

3. Risk Control – do your procedures require that risks - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS

438852970.doc Page 26 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
requiring control, are controlled through a preferred order of HSE Manual & Procedure Page 38-
control methods (commonly referred to as a hierarchy), based 39, item 5.4, Risk Criteria.
on reasonable practicability?
- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
4. Process Review – do your procedures require that the
HSE Manual & Procedure Page 39-
hazard identification, risk assessment and control processes 40, item 5.5, Risk Assessment
are subject to evaluation of effectiveness and modified as Technique.
13. Emergency Preparedness and Response
 Do you have procedures that demonstrate that all potential - Yes, We have please see attachment
emergency situations have been identified and that you 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
have controls for preventing and mitigating the associated Page 20, item 4.13, item 13.
environmental harm, personal illness and injury? Emergency Preparedness. Please see attachment 31
 Do your procedures require that, after the occurrence of
- Yes, We have please see attachment
incidents or emergency situations, that you review then 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
revise, where necessary, your emergency preparedness Page 61-72, item 12, Emergency
and response procedures? Response Plan.
 Do your procedures require that you periodically test your
emergency preparedness?
14. Monitoring and Measurement
 Do you have procedures established, implemented and - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
maintained to monitor and measure on a regular basis the HSE Manual & Procedure Page 77-
key characteristics of your operations and activities that 78, item 14.2, Record Able Items. Please see attachment 32
can cause environmental harm, personal injury and
- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
 Do your procedures require that appropriate equipment for
HSE Manual & Procedure Page 92-
monitoring and measurement related to environmental, 97, item 23, Hazardous Substance
health and safety risks is identified, calibrated, maintained Control.
and stored as necessary?

- Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS

438852970.doc Page 27 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
 Do your procedures address the identification of situations HSE Manual & Procedure Page 96-
where employee health surveillance is required, the 97, item 23.5, Use of Personal
implementation of appropriate systems and enabling Protective Equipment.
employees access to their own individual results?
15. Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventive Action
 Do you have procedures established, implemented and - Yes, We have please see attachment
maintained for: 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
o investigating, responding to, and taking action to Page 47-48, item 8, Accident/Incident
reporting and Investigation.
minimize any harm caused from, incidents;
o investigating and responding to system failures; and
Please see attachment 33
o initiating and completing appropriate corrective and
preventive action. - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
 Do your procedures address changes in your EHSMS HSE Manual & Procedure item 12,
procedures resulting from incident investigations and Emergency Response Plan and
corrective and preventive action? Page 73-76, item 13.2, Preventive
16. Records and Records Management
 Do you have procedures established, implemented and - Yes, We have please see attachment
maintained for the identification, maintenance and disposal 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
of EHS records, as well as the results of audits and Page 80-81, item 16, House keeping.
reviews? Please see attachment 34
- Yes, We have please see attachment
 Do the procedures require that EHS records are be legible,
24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service Page 44-48, item 7, HSE Record
involved? Keeping and Performance Reporting.
 Do the procedures require that EHS records are stored and
maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable
and protected against damage, deterioration or loss.
 Are records retention times established and recorded?

438852970.doc Page 28 of 32

No. Element What is your procedure/policy that Have you objective evidence to
addresses this element and where is demonstrate conformance with
it located in your supporting your procedure/policy and
documentation? where is it located in your
supporting documentation?
17. EHSMS Audit
 Do you have procedures established, implemented and
maintained for an audit program and for periodic EHSMS - Yes, We have please see
audits to be carried out by a competent person, in order to attachment 24 KRS HSE Manual &
determine whether the EHSMS: Procedure Page 42-43, item 6.2,
o conforms to planned arrangements for EHS Internal Audit and Page 14, Item 4.2, Please see attachment 35
element 1 , Inspection and Audit.
o has been properly implemented and maintained; and
o is effective in meeting the organization’s policy as
well as objectives and targets for continual EHS
 Do the procedures require that information on the results of
audits is provided to management and employees?
18. Management Review
 Do you have procedures established, implemented and - Yes we have, please see attachment
maintained for top management, at intervals that it 24 KRS HSE Manual & Procedure
determines, to review your EHSMS, to ensure its Page 43, item 6.3, HSE Observation
continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, in the and Page 17, item 4.8, element 8, Please see attachment 36
HSE Program Evaluation.
light of EHSMS audit results, changing circumstances and
the commitment to continual improvement?
 Do the procedures define the necessary information to be - Yes, please see attachment 24 KRS
collected to allow management to carry out this evaluation HSE Manual & Procedure Page 12,
and that the review is documented? item 3.2, Management review.

438852970.doc Page 29 of 32




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Pursuant to Clause 1.22.4 of the Contract General Terms and Conditions the Contractor’s
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as a minimum, shall contain the following. This does not
preclude additional information being supplied.
Environmental Policy and Objectives
A statement of the Contractor’s Company Environmental Policy and Environmental Objectives. This
policy and these objectives may form part of a Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and Health,
Safety and Environmental Objectives.
Contract Information
 Specific Project information (include Contract details and scope of work);
 Key Personnel (Operations and Base) with emergency contact numbers;
 Key Personnel Competency Standards (the formal training and experience of key personnel and
personnel) associated with the Services that have significant environmental hazards and
impacts. The Contractor must be able to demonstrate in writing that persons planning to
undertake potentially hazardous tasks are trained to a recognised standard;
 Site facilities and layout;
 Relevant Documentation (a list of Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practice, guidance notes and
any other source under which the work is to be conducted including Contract specific); and
 Communications (methods, between base, field sites and mobiles).
Environmental Management Procedures
 A description of the Procedures/Policies in use and proof that they are audited, checked and
 The responsible person for maintaining conformity with procedures and how conformity with the
procedures is formally recorded;
Procedures may include, but are not limited to:
 Hazard Identification and Control (Risk assessment and administration of environmental aspects
and impacts);
 Communication of environmental issues (e.g. toolbox meetings, bulletins and alerts);
 Environmental induction and training (frequency and type – including spill control, emergency
drills, aboriginal heritage site identification);
 Work procedures and instructions;
 Spill control (including oil, chemical and other hazardous materials);
 Environmental Incident/Near Miss/Hazard reporting;
 Management hazardous substances (including availability of MSDSs);
 Waste management (including disposal of hazardous substances, waste minimisation, recycling,
 Housekeeping;
 Audits and inspections;
 Environmental monitoring; and

438852970.doc Page 31 of 32

 Subcontractors and suppliers.

Include examples of forms in use. Examples may include, but are not limited to:
 Aspects and Impacts Register;
 Training and Induction Register;
 Environmental Incident/Near Miss/Hazard Record;
 Audit checklist, schedule and report register;
 Environmental Bulletin; and
 Toolbox meeting report.
Contractor Information
Santos Environmental Objectives for the management of activities that have a significant
environmental risk:
 Protect sites of natural, scientific or cultural heritage significance;
 Protect the marine environment;
 Avoid or minimise adverse impacts to flora and fauna;
 Avoid or minimise adverse impacts on soil;
 Avoid or minimise adverse impacts on surface drainage;
 Avoid or minimise adverse impacts on surface and ground water quality;
 Minimise air emissions;
 Avoid or minimise visual impacts; and
 Minimise safety hazards to Santos and Contractor personnel and third parties.

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