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“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

GENERIC NAME: Amlodipine


THERAPEUTIC CLASS: Antihypertensives

PHARMACOLOGIC CLASS: Calcium Channel Blockers

DRUG FORMS/ DOSAGES: Tablets: 2.5mg, mg, 10mg

INDICATIONS: Chronic stable angina, vasospatic angina (Prinzmetal or variant angina); to reduce risk
of hospitalization because of angina; to reduce risk of coronary revascularization procedure in
patients with recently documented CAD by angiography and without HF or with LVEF less than 40%

Adults: Initially, 5-10 mg P.O. daily. Most patients need 10mg daily.

Elderly patients: Initially, 5mg P.O. daily.

Adjust a dose: For patients who are small or frail or have hepatic insufficiency, initially, 5mg P.O. daily.


Adults: Initially, mg P.O. daily. Dosage adjusted according to patient response and tolerance. Titration
should occur over 7-14 days. Maximum daily dosage is 10mg.

Children ages 6-17: 2.5-55mg P.O. once daily. Maximum dosage is 5mg daily.

Elderly patients: Initially, 2.5mg P.O. daily.

Adjust a dose: For patients who are small or frail, are taking other antihypertensives, or have hepatic
insufficiency, initially, .5mg P.O. daily.


 Contraindicated in patients hypertensive to drug.

 Use cautiously in patients receiving other peripheral vasodilators, especially those with severe
aortic stenosis or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with outflow tract obstruction, and in patients
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

with HF with reduced LVEF. Because drug is metabolized by the liver, use cautiously in reduced
dosage in patients with severe hepatic disease.
MODE OF ACTION: Inhibits calcium ion influx across cardiac and smooth-muscle cells, dilates
coronary arteries and arterioles, and decreases BP and myocardial oxygen demand.
CNS: Headache, somnolence, fatigue, dizziness.
CV: Edema, flushing, palpitations.
GI: Nausea, abdominal pain.
RESPIRATORY: Pulmonary edema, dyspnea.
SKIN: Pruritus, rash.
ALERT: Monitor patient carefully. Some patients, especially those with severe obstructive CAD,
have developed increased frequency, duration, or severity of angina or acute MI after
initiationof calcium channel blocker therapy or at time of dosage increase.
 Monitor BP frequently during initiation of therapy. Because drug-induced vasodilation has a
gradual onset, acute hypotension is rare.
 Notify prescriber if signs of HF occur, such as swelling of hands and feet or shortness of breath.
ALERT: Abrupt withdrawal of drug may increase frequency and duration of chest pain. Taper
dose gradually under medical supervision.

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