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Dexter Jay P.


GAS 11 St. Martha


1. Paco was in Manila on July 16 1997

2. He was at the party with his friends

3. Paco was illegaly arrested

4. He was accused for killing the Chiongs sisters

5. He smuggled a camera in the jail


1. Paco and his brother are the suitors of the Chions sister

2. He use a private plane to go to Cebu

3. Chiongs family bribed Rusia

4. Larranagas brother is a friend of Rusia

5. The picture presented by the witness is edited

According to what I have watch, there is no justice in the Philippines becaouse it shows
that if you have a power you can control anything.In the case of Paco the Chiong's family
have a power and have a kapit with the government or with President Erap Estrada.Thats
why they easily arrested Paco even though it is illegal and accused him that he raped and
murder the two sisters even though they dont know if the video they recovered was the
body of Marijoy. I feel pity with Paco because I know that he is innocent and the
Chiong's Family are just framing him up. It also shows that the Judge in the case dont
listen to the witnesses of Paco including his classmates and teachers in the culinary
school.While easily trust the only one witness of the Chiong's and setting him
free.Imagine that Paco is being accused with the crime the he did not commit, it so ufair.

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