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Agreeableness – Musk is not a typical guy who takes things likely, and
in the past if we take a look at the history of Tesla Motors, Musk has had
major fallouts including with co-founders whereby he has fired and
gotten rid of major players when they don’t follow his vision and ideals
that he persistently pushes forward. There are mixed opinions by many,
but those he continues to work with are those that follow his vision, and
those who fail to proceed are often let go.
Extraversion – Musk is not afraid of public platforms, we can often see
him on stages making unveils of new products, charity speaking,
connecting with customers, asking for reviews and opinions and taking
their feedback into consideration. Anyone in the big business like him has
to be very open and welcoming to the general public, and introvert would
simply fail in making business deals, and getting messages across to the
general public.
Conscientiousness –Musk is a very dependable and organized person in
this very complicated business world. He has laid steady foundations to
all companies he manages, bringing the digital age of Paypal, co-founded
Tesla Motors, founding Space-X, and being at the head of SolarCity’s
new venture plans. Musk works over 20 hours per day.
Emotion Stability – If there is one daunting trait that Musk has taken
from pioneer Steve Jobs is that he is a bit harsh with employees. There
have been many cases that show that he often lashes out at employees if
they are not following his guidelines. He often demands seemingly
impossible things and publicly chews out at employees who fall short of
his goals. I personally believe that in a daunting situation where he’s at
the top of these major companies, it is a must to be at the top of your
game especially when making demands from your employees, otherwise
these companies would fall short and simply not be the pioneers as they
have set themselves in the market.
Openness to Experience - “Risk” is word that Musk is too familiar with,
critics in the early stages of Tesla always said that an affordable electric
car would not be possible. Even at times when his company was on the
verge of bankruptcy he poured his own money into the business to have it
continue running. In his autobiography he has written that he used all his
money he made from selling PayPal into Tesla in order to continue
funding for designs and advancements, luckily he was able to take the
company from the ground up and make it what it is today. He has
continuously taken huge business risks, and continues to do so even with
the current deals in negotiation to purchase Solar City.

Agreeableness- Jeff Bezos is a pioneer in the world of internet business

and was influential in defining this liberty that is now essential in many
world web aspects. He invented the idea of predictive analytics that
recommends goods to clients based on search history and buying habits.
The design has made online business proficient. Hence, Bezos is regarded
as highly agreeable.
Extraversion – Bezos’s extraversion personality measured regarding his
attitude towards society. He is an extrovert because of his desire and
active entrepreneur attitude to innovation. He seeks out outstanding
persons and negotiates the finest prices of the products sold on his
website. This quality plays a major role in enhancing the competitiveness
of the corporation as it contributes to the online retailing growth.
Conscientiousness- When it comes to conscientiousness he is
hardworking dependable and organized. He is independent and loves to
focus on the task at hand, how to execute it and how to prosper. He takes
and always willing to take risks but only after thorough research and
careful calculations on the subject.
Emotional stability- Bezos ‘s emotional stability is relatively high
because his sense of style is not what one could expect from a
cooperative superstar. His disregard of business dress code by wearing
blue jeans and a button down shirt meaning he is a low self-monitor. His
behaviour does not change for he wears depending on who is around him.
Openness to experience- Bezos’ openness is measured through his
appreciation for new ideas. He thinks differently because he has never
been satisfied with the achievements of Amazon; hence, he has always
focused on the new opportunities for the future.

Extraversion-Yes, he is a extraversion person. He has always maintained a

sense of fun at Alibaba. When the company first became profitable, Ma gave
each employee a can of silly string to go wild with. In the early 2000s, when the
company decided to start Taobao, its ebay competitor, he had his tam do
handstands during breaks to keep their energy levels up.
Agreeableness- He used to go to employees of his company to discuss ideas,
how to improve on certain things etc. According to him no one is an island, so
we should get together with like minded people and chase our dreams.
Conscientiousness- He is a very responsible person. Company lore has it that
Ma came up with the name “Alibaba” while sitting in a San Francisco coffee
shop. At a company anniversary event, he dressed up as a punk rocker for a
performance in front of 20000 alibaba employees. This shows that he is not
only a good entrepreneur but also he is responsible for the welfare of his
Emotional Stability- When it comes to emotional stability jack ma is one of
the most calm persons in the room. Despite, Donald Trump’s protectionist
attitude towards trade, Jack Ma said that China and USA are not about to be
drawn into a trade war.
Openness to Experience- He is a very curious person. Ma had no experience or
coding but he was captivated by the internet when he used it for the first time
during a trip to US. His curiosity and imagination led him to be one of the finest
entrepreneurs in the industry.




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