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Changing Communities Vocab List


(EXAMPLE) An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary
form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Computer (n.)

Community All the people who live in a particular place, area etc.

Demographic The process that represents the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth
Transition and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized
economic system
Urbanization The process of making an area more urban

Urban In, relating to, or characteristics of a town or city

Rural In, relating to, or characteristics of the countryside rather than the town

Suburb An outlying district of a city, especially a residential one

Exurb A prosperous area beyond a city’s suburbs

Urban Sprawl The spread of a city into the area surrounding it, often without planning

Electric Grid An electric grid is a network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are
connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control
Infrastructure The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the
operation of a soceity or enterprise
Central The main business and commercial area of a town or city

Slums A squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people

Gentrification The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to
middle-class taste
Metropolitan Relating to or denoting a metropolis or large city

Industrial Area An area outside of town or city that is designed especially for factories or offices

City A large town

Greenbelt An area of open land around a city, on which building is restricted

Walkable Walkable communities encourage pedestrian activity, expand transportation options,

Community and have safe and inviting pedestrian infrastructure is accessible and serves people of
all ages and abilities.

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