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Modern Physics

Q1. To produce characteristic X -rays using a tungsten target in an X -ray generator the
accelerating voltage should be greater than………. volt and the energy of the
characteristic radiation is………. eV .
(The binding energy of the innermost electron in tungsten is 40 keV .)
Solution: Binding energy of innermost electron = 40keV
This is in fact the ionization potential of tungsten.
⎛1 1 ⎞
40 × 103 ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
∴Vmin = ⎝ 1 2 ⎠ = 30, 000 volt
⎛1 1⎞
⎜ 2− ⎟
⎝1 ∞ ⎠
∴Energy=30,000 eV.

Q2. The radioactive decay rate of a radioactive element is found to be 10 3

disintegration/second at a certain time. If the half life of the element is one second, the
decay rate after one second is …….. and after three second is ………
Solution: For radioactive decay, A = A0 ⎜ ⎟
Where A0 = Initial activity = Initial decay rate

A = Decay rate after n half lives

n = number of half lives
T1/ 2
At t = 1, n = 1
∴ A1 = 1000 ⎜ ⎟ = 500 disintegration/sec
At t = 3, n = 3
∴ A3 = 1000 ⎜ ⎟ = 125 disintegration/sec
Q3. The maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted in the photoelectric effect is linearly
dependent on the ……………of the incident radiation.
In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the ratio of the kinetic energy to the total energy
of the electron in a quantum state n is…………
Solution: According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
( KE )max = hυ − φ
where φ is a work function

∴ ( KE )max is linearly dependent on frequency incident radiation.

Q4. In the uranium radioactive series, the initial nucleus is 92 U and the final nucleus is
82 Pb . When the uranium nucleus decays to lead, the number of α -particles emitted

are ………. and the number of β -particles emitted are ……….

Solution: α − particle is 1 He4 , Z = 2, A = 4

β − particle is −1 e0 , Z = −1, A = 0

change in A occurs only due to α − particle

Change in Z occurs due to α and β both
Let number of α − particles emitted = n1

And number of β − particles emitted = n2

∴ n1 × 4 = 238 − 206 = 32 or n1 = 8
For Z ,
( n1 × 2 ) − ( n2 ×1) = 92 − 82
or ( 8 × 2 ) − 10 = n2 or n2 = 6

∴ α − particle emitted are 8.

β − particles emitted are 6.
Q5. When the number of electrons striking the anode of an X-ray tube is increased
the ……….. of the emitted X-rays increase, while when the speed of the electrons
striking the anode are increased the cut-off wavelength of the emitted X-rays ………..
Solution: An increase in number of electrons striking the anode increase the intensity of X − rays.
An increase in kinetic energy or speed of electrons striking the anode ejects X − rays of
⎛ hc ⎞
greater energy ⎜ hv = ⎟
⎝ λ ⎠
Hence v increases and λ decreases.
Q6. When boron nucleus ( B) is
5 bombared by neutrons, α -particle are emitted. The
resulting nucleus is of the element ………… and has the mass number ……….
Solution: 5 B10 + 0 n1 →2 He 4 + 3 Li 7

Element of Li represents the resulting nucleus. Mass number of Li is 7.

Q7. Atoms having the same …………. but different ………….are called isotopes.
Solution: Isotopes have same atomic number ( Z ) and different mass numbers ( A ) .

Q8. The binding energies per nucleon for deuteron ( H ) and helium (
2 He 4 ) are 1.1 MeV
and 7.0 MeV respectively. The energy released when two deuterons fuse to form a

helium nucleus ( 2 He 4 ) is ………..

( )
Solution: 2 1 H 7 →2 He 4

Binding energy of two deuterons = E1

∴E1 = 2 [ 2 × 1.1] = 4.4 MeV

Binding energy of two deuterons = E2

∴E2 = 4 ( 7.0 ) = 28.0 MeV

∴ Energy released ΔE = E2 − E1 = 28 − 4.4 = 23.6 MeV

Q9. The wavelength of the characteristic X-ray K α line emitted by a hydrogen like element is
0.32 Α . The wavelength of the K β line emitted by the same element will be……………

Solution: Kα correspondence to : n = 2 to n = 1

K β correspondence to : n = 3 to n = 1

1 ⎡1 1⎤
=C⎢ 2 − 2⎥
λα ⎣ n1 n2 ⎦
1 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ 8C
or =C⎢ 2 − 2⎥=
0.32 A ⎣1 3 ⎦ 9
1 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ 8C
→ =C⎢ 2 − 2⎥=
λβ ⎣1 3 ⎦ 9
λβ 3C 9 27
∴ = × or λβ = × 0.32 A
0.32 A 4 8C 32
or λβ = 0.27 A

Q10. The Bohr radius of the fifth valence electron of phosphorous atom (atomic number = 15)
acting as a dopant in silicon (relative dielectric constant = 12) is ……….. Α .
Solution: The fifth valence electron of phosphorous lies in its third shell i.e. n = 3
∴ Bohr radius = rn

⎡ n2 ⎤ ⎡ 32 ⎤
∴ rn = ⎢ Er ⎥ r0 or rn = ⎢ × 12 ⎥ × 0.53 A
⎣Z ⎦ ⎣15 ⎦
or rn = 3.81A
Q11. In an X-ray tube, electrons accelerated through a potential difference of 15,000 volt strike
a copper target. The speed of the emitted X-rays inside the tube is …………… m/s.
Solution: X − rays are electromagnetic waves which travel with speed 3 ×108 m / s in vacuum.
The speed of emitted X − rays does not depend on the accelerating potential applied to
∴ The speed of X -rays =3 ×104 m / s
Q12. In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the ratio of the kinetic energy to the total energy
of the electron in a quantum state n is
Solution: The kinetic energy of an electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom is
me 4
K= 2 2 2
8ε 0 h n
The total energy of an electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom is
− me−4
E= 2 2 2
8ε 0 h n
∴ = −1
Q13. In the nuclear process, 6 C11 → 5 B11 + β + + X , X stands for ……………

Solution: 6 C11 →5 B11 + β + + X

6 C11 →5 B11 + ( +1 )
e0 + υ (neutrino)
X stands for neutrino.
Q14. A potential difference of 20 kV is applied across an X − ray tube. The minimum
wavelength of X − rays generated is………Ǻ.

Solution: λmin =
6 ⋅ 63 × 10−34 × 3 ×108 ) (
= 0.62 Ǻ
eV (
1.6 ×10−19 × 20 ×103 ) ( )
Q15. The wavelength of Kα X − rays produced by an X − ray tube is 0.76Ǻ. The atomic
number of the anode material of the tube is………
Solution: For ( Kα ) X - rays

1 2 ⎡ 1 1⎤
− R ( Z − 1) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ where n1 = 1, n2 = 2
λ ⎣ n1 n2 ⎦
⎡1 1 ⎤
( Z = 1)
2 −1
⎢⎣12 − 22 ⎥⎦ where RR = 1.1×10 m

( Z − 1) × 3 ×1.1×107
0.76 ×10−10 4
or ( Z − 1) =
0.76 ×10 × 3 ×1.1×107
or ( Z − 1) = 40 or Z = 41

∴ Atomic number of anode material = 41 .

Q16. Consider the following reaction:
1 Η + 12 Η = 42 He + Q
Mass of the deuterium atom = 2.0141 u
Mass of helium atom = 4.0024 u
This is a nuclear ………. reaction in which the energy Q released is ………. MeV
Solution: This is a nuclear fusion reaction.
1amu = 9.31 MeV
Difference of mass is converted into energy.
Energy released = ⎡⎣ Δm ( amu ) ⎤⎦ 931 MeV

Q = 2 × 2.0141 − 4.0024] × 931 MeV

or Q = 24.02 MeV
Q17. The recoil speed of a hydrogen atom after ii emits a photon in going from n = 5 state to
n = 1 state is ……. m / s .
Solution: Linear momentum is conserved in the recoil process.
Momentum of recoil hydrogen atom = mv
Momentum of emitted photon =
⎡1 1⎤
ΔE = E5 − E1 = −13.6 ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ eV
⎣5 1 ⎦
⎛ 24 ⎞ 13.6 × 24
= (13.6 ) ⎜ ⎟ eV =
⎝ 25 ⎠ 25
( )
× 1.6 × 10−19 J

ΔE = 2.1×10−18 J
∴ mv = or v=
c mc
2.1× 10−18
or v= = 4.19 m / s
( ) (
1.67 ×10−27 × 3 × 108 )
Q18. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted by a photosensitive surface depends on the
intensity of the incident radiation.
Ans. False
Solution: Kinetic energy of photoelectron = Incident energy - workfunction
Kinetic energy = hυ − φ

Thus kinetic energy depends on frequency (υ ) of incident radiation.

Kinetic energy does not depend on incident intensity.

Infact the number of photoelectrons emitted depends on incident intensity. The statement
is therefore false.
N. B. Greater the incident frequency, greater will be kinetic energy of photoelectron.
Greater the incident intensity, greater will be photocurrent.
Q19. In a photoelectric emission process the maximum energy of the photoelectrons increases
with increasing intensity of the incident light.
Ans. False
Solution: Maximum energy of photoelectrons increases with increasing frequency of incident
The number of photoelectrons emitted increases with increasing intensity of light.
Q20. The order of magnitude of the density of nuclear matter is 10 4 kg m −3
Ans. False
Solution: Nuclear density is of the order of 1017 kg / m3 .
Hence the statement is false.
Multiple Choice Questions with ONE Correct Answer:
Q21. An alpha particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through 180o by a f uranium nucleus. The
distance of closest approach is of the order of
(a) 1 Α (b) 10−10 cm

(c) 10−12 cm (d) 10−15 cm

Ans. (c)
Solution: Energy is conserved.
Loss in kinetic energy = Gain in potential energy
1 ( Ze )( 2e ) = 5 ×
4πε 0 rmin
(1.6 ×10 ) J

1 2Ze 2
∴ rmin =
4πε 0 5 ×1.6 × 10−13

( 9 ×10 ) ( 2 )( 92 ) (1.6 ×10 )

9 −19

or rmin =
5 × 1.6 × 10−13
or rmin = 5.3 × 10−14 m

or 5.3 × 10−12 cm
The distance of closest approach is of the order of 10−12 cm
The half life of radioactive radon is 3.8 day. The time at the end of which (1 / 20) of the
radon sample will remain undecayed is (given log10 e = 0.4343 )
(a) 3.8 day (b) 16.5 day (c) 33 day (d) 76 day
Ans. (b)
Solution: N = N 0 e− λ / t where λ = = 0.18
= N 0 e −018t or log10 20 = 0.18 × t × log10 e
or 1.3 = 0.18 × 0.4343 × t
or t = or t = 16.5 day
0.18 × 0.4343

Q23. Beta rays emitted by a radioactive material are

(a) electromagnetic radiations
(b) the electrons orbiting around the nucleus
(c) charged particles emitted by the nucleus
(d) neutral particles.
Ans. (c):
Solution: Beta rays are emitted from nucleus.

0 n1 →1 H 1 + ( 1 β 0 )

A neutron disrupts into a proton and a beta particle. The beta particle is ejected from the
nucleus. The beta particles are fast moving electrons.
Q24. If elements with principal quantum number n > 4 were not allowed in nature, the number
of possible elements would be
(a) 60 (b) 32 (c) 4 (d) 64
Ans. (a)
Solution: The maximum number of electrons in an orbit are 2n 2
If n > 4 is not allowed, the maximum number of electrons that can lie in first four orbits

2 (1) + 2 ( 2 ) + 2 ( 3) + 2 ( 4 ) = 2 + 8 + 18 + 32 = 60
3 2 2 2

∴ Possible elements can be 60.

Q25. Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition n = 2 → n = 1 in the atoms and
ions given below. The shortest wavelength is produced by
(a) hydrogen atom (b) deuterium atom
(c) singly ionized helium (d) doubly ionised lithium
Ans. (d)
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 1
Solution: = RZ 2 ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ ∴ ∝ Z2.
λ ⎝ n2 n1 ⎠ λ

λ is shortest if Z is largest. Z is largest for doubly ionized lithium atom ( Z = 3) among

the given elements.
Hence wavelength for doubly ionized lithium will be the least.
Q26. The equation 411 Η + → 42 Ηe 2+ + 2e −1 + 26 MeV represents
(a) β -decay (b) γ -decay (c) fusion (d) fission
Ans. (c)

( )
Solution: 4 11 H + →42 He2+ + 2e−1 + 26MeV represents fusion reaction. The reaction represents

fusion of hydrogen into helium.

Q27. Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by
(a) the use of lead shielding
(b) passing them through water
(c) elastic collisions with heavy nuclei
(d) applying a strong electric field.
Ans. (b)
Solution: Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by passing them through water. Heavy water
is used as moderator in nuclear reactors.
Q28. Consider α particles, β particles and γ -rays, each having an energy of 0.5 MeV . In
increasing order of penetrating powers, the radiations are
(a) α , β , γ (b) α , γ , β (c) β , γ , α (d) γ , β , α
Ans. (a)
Solution: for a given energy, the increasing order of penetrating power is given by α particles
< β particles < Gamma rays.

Multiple Choice Questions with One Correct Answer

Q29. An energy of 24.6 eV is required to remove one of the electrons from a neutral helium
atom. The energy in ( eV ) required to remove both the electrons from a neutral helium

atom is
(a) 38.2 (b)49.2 (c)51.8 (d)79.0
Ans. (d)
Solution: When One of the electrons is removed from a neutral helium atom, energy is given by

13.6Z 2
En = − eV
For helium ion, Z = 2 , when doubly ionized
For first orbit, n = 1
× ( 2 ) = −54.4 eV
∴ E1 = −

∴ Energy required to remove it 54.4 eV

∴ Total energy required = 54.4 + 24.6 = 79 eV
Q30. A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particles with respective
half-lives 1620 and 810 year. The time, in year, after which one-fourth of the material
remains is
(a) 1080 (b) 2430 (c) 3240 (d) 4860
Ans. (a)
Solution: Q = e− λ t
There is a simultaneous emission of two particles
∴ = e−( λ1 + λ2 )t = e −( λ1 +λ2 )t
N0 4 N0

or log 4 = ( λ1 + λ2 ) t log e

0.693 0.693
Now λ1 = λ2 =
1620 810
⎡ 1 1 ⎤
∴ 2.303[ 2 × 0.3] = 0.693 ⎢ + t
⎣1620 810 ⎥⎦
2.303 × 0.6 ×1620
or t = or t = 1080 year
0.693 × 3
Q31. The Kα X − ray emission line, of tungsten occurs at λ = 0.021 nm . The energy difference
between K and L levels in this atom is about
(a) 0.51 MeV (b)1.2 MeV (c) 59 keV (d) 13.6 eV
Ans. (c)
Solution: Consider the transition of an electron from L − shell to K − shell.
E L − EK = where E is in eV and λ is in Ǻ.
Or ΔE = = 58928 eV or .ΔE = 59 keV
Q32. Masses of two isobars 29 Cu 64 and 30 Zn 64 are 63.9298 u and 63.9292 u respectively. It
can be concluded from these data that
(a) both the isobars are stable
(b) Zn 64 is radioactive, decaying to Cu 64 through β -decay.

(c) Cu 64 is radioactive, decaying to Zn 64 through γ -decay

(d) Cu 64 is radioactive, decaying to Zn 64 through β -decay

Ans. (d)
Solution: In beta decay, atomic number increases by 1 but mass number remains the same
Therefore the following equation is possible

29 Cu 64 →10 Zn64 + ( −1 e0 )

Cu 64 is radioactive. It decay to Zn64 through β − decay

Q33. As per Bohr model, the minimum energy (in eV) required to remove an electron from the
ground state of doubly ionized Li atom ( Z = 3) is

(a) 1.51 (b) 13.6 (c) 40.8 (d) 122.4

Ans. (d)
Solution: For hydrogen atom and hydrogen like atoms
13.6 z 2
En = − eV
Therefore, ground state energy of doubly ionized lithium atom
( Z = 3, n = 1) will be
−13.6 × ( 3)

∴ E1 =
= −13.6 × 9
or E1 = −122.4 eV
Q34. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from a surface when photons of
energy 6 eV fall on it is 4 eV. The stopping potential, in volt, is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 10
Ans. (b)
Solution: Stopping potential is the negative potential which stops the emission of
( K .E )max electrons when applied.
∴ Stopping potential = 4 volt
Q35. In hydrogen spectrum the wavelength of H α line is 656 nm, whereas in the spectrum of a

distant galaxy, H α line wavelength is 706 nm. Estimated speed of the galaxy with
respect to earth is,
(a) 2 × 10 8 m / s (b) 2 × 10 7 m / s (c) 2 × 10 6 m / s (d) 2 × 10 5 m / s
Ans. (b)
Solution: Since the wavelength increases from 656nm to 706 nm in respect of Hα line, the

galaxy recedes with speed v w.r.t. earth.

v Δλ
Δλ = λ or v = c
c λ
( 706 − 656 ) ×
∴v =
656 ×10−9
( 3 ×10 )

50 × 3 × 108
or v = m/s or v = 2 ×107 m / s
Q36. A particle of mass M at rest decays into two particles of masses m1 and m2 , having
nonzero velocities. The ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of the particles, λ1 / λ 2 , is

(a) m1 / m2 (b) m2 / m1 (c) 1.0 (d) m2 / m1

Ans. (c)
h λ1 p1
Solution: de-Broglie wavelength λ = ∴ =
p λ2 P2
Since momentum p is conserved in the decay process, p2 = p1 ∴ =1
Q37. Which of the following is a correct statement?
(a) Beta rays are same as cathode rays
(b) Gamma rays are high energy neutrons
(c) Alpha particles are singly ionized helium atoms
(d) Protons and neutrons have exactly the same mass
Ans. (a)
Solution: (a) Beta rays are same cathode rays are same as cathode rays they are streams of
(b) Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves. They are not neutrons
(c) Alpha particles are doubly ionized helium atoms, not singly ionized helium atoms
(d) Protons have mass slightly less than that of neutrons. Masses are not exactly the same
Option (b), (c) and (d) are incorrect.
Option (a) is correct
Q38. [
Order of magnitude of density of uranium nucleus is, m P = 1.67 × 10 −27 kg ]
(a) 10 20 kg / m 3 (b) 1017 kg / m 3 (c) 1014 kg / m 3 (d) 1014 kg / m 3
Ans. (b)
Solution: Nuclear density is of the order of 1017 kg / m3

Q39. 22
Ne nucleus, after absorbing energy, decays into two α -particles and an unknown
nucleus. The unknown nucleus is
(a) nitrogen (b) carbon (c) boron (d) oxygen
Ans. (b)
Solution: 10 Ne22 → 2 ( 2 He 4 ) + 6 X 14 . The unknown nucleus ( X ) is carbon =6 C14

Q40. Binding energy per nucleon vs. mass number curve for nuclei is shown in the figure.
W , X , Y and Z are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release
energy is Y
8.5 X
8.0 W
Binding Energy 7.5
in MeV
Nucleon 5.0

0 30 60 90 120
Mass number of nuclei
(a) Y → 2 Z (b) W → X + Z (c) W → 2Y (d) X → Y + Z
Ans. (c)
Solution: When total binding energy of products is more than that of reactants, energy is released
in the process. Effectively the total binding energy is increased.
Total B.E. = B.E. per nucleon × number of nucleons
8.5 X
8.0 W
Binding Energy 7.5
in MeV
Nucleon 5.0

0 30 60 90 120
Mass number of nuclei
Reaction Reactant Product
(a) Y → 2 Z 60 × 8.5 = 510 MeV 2 × 30 × 5 = 300 MeV
(b) W → X + Z 120 × 7.5 = 900MeV ( 90 × 8 + 30 × 5) = 870 MeV
(c) W → 2Y 120 × 7.5 = 900MeV 2 × 60 × 8.5 = 1020 MeV

(d) X → Y + Z 90 × 8 = 720 MeV ( 60 × 8.5 + 30 × 5) = 660 MeV

Total binding energy is increased, in reaction W → 2Y from 900 MeV to 1020 MeV
Q41. Imagine an atom made up of a proton and a hypothetical particle of double the mass of
the electron but having the same charge as the electron. Apply the Bohr atom model and
consider all possible transitions of this hypothetical particle to the first excited level. The
longest wavelength photon that will be emitted has wavelength λ (given in terms of the
Rydberg constant R for the hydrogen atom) equal to
(a) 9 / (5 R ) (b) 36 / (5 R ) (c) 18 / (5 R ) (d) 45 / R
Ans. (c)
Solution: For electron, energy = −
Also energy En is proportional to mass of electron

2 Rhc
For hypothetical particle, energy = −
The hypothetical particle has double the mass of the electron and same charge as the
The longest wavelength of photon = λmax

It correspondence to transition of the hypothetical particle from n = 3 to n = 2

hc ⎡1 1⎤ 1 2R × 5
∴ = 2 Rhc ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ or =
λmax ⎣2 3 ⎦ λmax 36
or λmax =
Q42. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from an excited state to the ground
state. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Its kinetic energy increases and its potential and total energies decrease.
(b) Its kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases and its total energy remains
the same.
(c) Its kinetic and total energies decrease and its potential energy increases.
(d) Its kinetic, potential and total energies decreases.
Ans. (a)
− KZe 2
Solution: Potential energy of electron
1 Kze2
Kinetic energy of electron
2 r
Where K =
4πε 0

1 KZe2
Total energy (T.E.) of electron − =
2 r
When an electron undergoes transition from excited state to ground state , r decreases.
∴K .E. increases
P.E. decreases as it becomes more negative
T .E. decreases as it becomes more negative.
Option (a) is correct.
Q43. Two radioactive materials X 1 and X 2 have decay constants 10λ and λ respectively. If
initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of
X 1 to that of X 2 will be 1 / e after a time
1 1 11 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10λ 11λ 10λ 9λ
Ans. (d)
N1 1
Solution: Given = Q N = N 0 e − λt
N2 e

N 0 e−10λ t 1 1 1
∴ = or = or 9λ t = 1
N 0e− λ t e e 9λ t
or t =

Q44. Electrons with energy 80 keV are incident on the tungsten target of an X-ray tube. K
shell electrons of tungsten have 72.5 keV energy. X-rays emitted by the tube contain only
(a) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum wavelength of
0.155 Α
(b) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with all wavelengths
(c) the characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
(d) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum wavelength of
0.155 Α and the characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
Ans. (d)
Solution: For continuous X − ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung),

λmin ⎛⎜ in A ⎞⎟ =
0 12375 12375 0
∴ λmin = A
⎝ ⎠ E ( in eV ) 80 ×103
∴ λmin = 0.155 A
Energy of incident electron = 80keV
Ionization energy of K − shell -electron = 72.5 keV
Since incident energy of electrons is greater than ionization energy of electrons in
K − shell, the K − shell electrons will be knocked off.
Hence characteristic X − ray spectrum will be obtained. Option (d) represents correct
Q45. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from
(a) inner orbits of atoms
(b) free electrons existing in nuclei
(c) decay of a neutron in a nucleus
(d) photon escaping from the nucleus
Ans. (c)
Solution: For beta emission from nucleus, a neutron of nucleus decays into a proton and a beta

0 n1 →1 H 1 + ( −1 e0 ) proton beta particle

Q46. The transition from the state n = 4 to n = 3 in a hydrogen-like atom results in ultraviolet
radiation. Infrared radiation will be obtained in the transition
(a) 2 → 1 (b) 3 → 2 (c) 4 → 2 (d) 5 → 4
Ans. (d)
Solution: In hydrogen like atoms:

1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
λ ⎝ n1 n2 ⎠
transition of electron occurs from n2 to n1

is proportional to energy
from n = 4 to n = 3 , ultraviolet radiation is obtained
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 7R
= R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = = 0.048 R
λ ⎝ 3 4 ⎠ 144
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 3R 1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 5R
(a) = R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = = 0.75R (b) = R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = = 0.14 R
λ ⎝1 2 ⎠ 4 λ ⎝ 2 3 ⎠ 36
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 3R 1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 9R
(c) = R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = = 0.2 R (d) = R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = = 0.02
λ ⎝ 2 4 ⎠ 16 λ ⎝ 4 5 ⎠ 400
λ is smaller than ultra violet in (a), (b) and (c)
λ is greater than ultra violet in (d).
greater the λ , less the energy of radiation
infrared radiation has less energy and greater λ as compare to ultra violet radiation.
Hence option (d) is correct.
Q47. The intensity of X − rays from a Coolidge tube is l
plotted against wavelength λ as shown in the
figure. The minimum wavelength found is λC and

the wavelength of the Kα , line is λK . As the

accelerating voltage is increased
λC λK
(a) λK − λC increases (b) λK − λC decreases

(c) λK increases (d) λK decrease

Ans. (a)
Solution: Wavelength of Kα line ( λK ) does not depend on the accelerating voltage (V ) applied

between cathode and anode in Coolidge tube. Options (c) and (d) are therefore incorrect
Minimum wavelength of X − rays emitted = λc

As the accelerating voltage (V ) is increased, λc decreases. ∴ ( λK ) does not change with

accelerating voltage.
∴( λK − λC ) increases when V is increased.

Option (a) is correct.

Q48. A radioactive sample consists of two distinct species having equal number of atoms
initially. The mean life time of one species is τ and that of the other is 5τ . The decay
products in both cases are stable. A plot is made of the total number of radioactive nuclei
as function of time. Which of the following figures best represents the form of this plot?

(a) (b)

τ t τ t
(c) (d)

τ t τ t
Ans. (d)
Solution: The total number of radioactive nuclei, as a function o time, during decay process, will
continuously decrease. This is correctly depicted in (d).
Figure (a) shows that the total number ( N ) remains constant for some time. This is

Figure (b) and figure (c) indicate fall and rise in ( N ) at some instants during decay. Rise

in ( N ) is never possible during decay. The options (b) and (c) are therefore incorrect.

Option (d) is correct.

Q49. The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5 kV and the current through it is
3.2 mA . Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is

(a) 2 × 1016 (b) 5 × 1018 (c) 1 × 1017 (d) 4 × 1015

Ans. (a)
Solution: Let n = number of electrons striking the target charge q = ne
charge ne i×t
∴ Current = = ∴n =
time t e

∴n =
( 3.2 ×10 ) ×1

or n = 2 ×1016
1.6 ×10
Q50. A hydrogen atom and a Li ++ ion are both in the second excited state. If lH and lLi are

their respective electronic angular momenta, and EH and ELi their respective energies,
(a) lH > lLi and EH > ELi (b) lH = lLi and E H < ELi

(c) lH = lLi and E H > ELi (d) lH < lLi and E H < ELi

Ans. (b)
Solution: In the second excited state, n = 3
⎛ h ⎞
∴lH = lLi = 3 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2π ⎠
Z H = 1, Z Li = 3, E ∝ Z 2 ∴ ELi = 9 EH

or EH < ELi
Q51. The half-life of 215
At is 100 μs . The time taken for the radioactivity of a sample of
At to decay to 1 / 16 th of its initial value is
(a) 400 μs (b) 6.3 μs (c) 40 μs (d) 300 μs
Ans. (a)
Solution: For radioactive disintegration,
N = N 0 ⎜ ⎟ , where n = number of half lives.
n 4 n
N0 ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞
= N0 ⎜ ⎟ or ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟
16 ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
∴n = 4
∴ t = n × half life or t = 4 ×100 μ s or t = 400 μ s
Q52. Which of the following processes represents a γ -decay?

(a) A
X Z + γ → A X Z −1 + a + b

(b) A
X Z + 1 n0 → A−3 X Z − 2 + c

(c) A
X Z →AX Z + f

(d) A
X Z + e−1 → A X Z −1 + g
Ans. (c)
Solution: During a γ − decay, Z and A do not change.
This condition is fulfilled in option (c)
Q53. The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by V = V0 ln ⎜ ⎟ , where
⎝ r0 ⎠
r0 is a constant. Assuming Bohr’s model to be applicable, write variation of rn with n, n
being the principal quantum number?
(a) rn ∝ n (b) rn ∝
(c) rn ∝ n 2 (d) rn ∝
Ans. (a)
Solution: Given: V = V0 ln
∴ Potential energyU = eV

r dU ⎛r ⎞ 1
or U = eV0 ln ∴ = eV0 ⎜ 0 ⎟
r0 dr ⎝ r ⎠ r0
or force =
This force provides the necessary centripetal force.

mv 2 eV0 eV0
∴ = or v= (1)
r r m
By Bohr’s postulate, mvr =

or v =
2π m r

nh eV0 nh m
From (i) and (ii), = or r = ×
2π m r m 2π m eV0

⎡ h 1 ⎤
or r = ⎢ ⎥×n
⎣⎢ 2π meV0 ⎦⎥

∴ rn ∝ n

Q54. If the atom 100 Fm 257 follows the Bohr model and the radius of 100 Fm 257 is n times the

Bohr radius, then find n .

(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 4 (d) 1/4
Ans. (d)
Solution: According to Bohr’s model,
⎛ m2 ⎞
rm = ⎜ ⎟ × r0
⎝ Z ⎠
where m = orbit number
r0 = Bohr radius

( 5)

∴ For 100 Fm m = 5, Z = 100 ∴rm

= r0
25r0 1
or nr0 = ⎡⎣Qrm = nr0 ( given ) ⎤⎦ or n =
100 4
Q55. For uranium nucleus how does its mass vary with volume?
(a) m ∝ V (b) m ∝ 1 / V (c) m ∝ V (d) m ∝ V 2
Ans. (a)
Solution: Nuclear density is constant being of the order of 1017 kg / m3

∴mass = ( density ) × volume ∴m ∝ V

Q56. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an α - particle. If the Q value of
the reaction is 5.5 MeV , calculate the kinetic energy of the α - particle
(a) 4.4 MeV (b) 5.4 MeV (c) 5.6 MeV (d) 6.5 MeV
Ans. (b)
Solution: Linear momentum is conserved.
∴ p1 = p2

but p = 2mK where K = kinetic energy

∴ 2 ( 216m ) K1 = 2 ( 4m ) K 2

where K 2 is for α − particle and K1 is for nucleus.

or 216 K1 = 4 K 2 or K 2 = 54 K1 (i)

Given: K1 + K 2 = 5.5MeV (ii)

From (i) and (ii),
K1 + 54 K1 = 5.5 ( MeV )

or 55K1 = 5.5( MeV ) or K1 = MeV
or K1 = MeV (iii)
∴ K 2 54 × K1 or K 2 = MeV
or K 2 = 5.4 MeV (iv)

∴ Kinetic energy of α − particle = 5.4 MeV

Q57. In a photoelectric experiment anode potential is
against plate current l
(a) A and B will have same intensities while B
and C will have different frequencies
(b) B and C will have different intensities while A B
and B will have different frequencies
(c) A and B will have different intensities while B V

and C will have equal frequencies

(d) B and C will have equal intensities while A and B will have same frequencies.
Ans. (d):
l Same intensity
Solution: At slopping potential, photoelectric current is
Saturation current
zero. It same for A and B .
∴ A and B will have equal frequencies C
Saturation current is proportional to intensity.
B and C will have equal intensity
Option (d) represents correct answer. V

Q58. A 280 day old radioactive substance shows an activity of 6000 dps, 140 day later its
activity becomes 3000 dps. What was its initial activity?
(a) 20000 dps (b) 24000 dps (c) 12000 dps (d) 6000 dps.
Ans. (b)
Solution: For radioactive disintegration,
1 N 0 1 ⎛ A0 ⎞
λ = ln = ln
t N t ⎜⎝ A ⎟⎠
1 ⎛ A ⎞
or λ = ln ⎜ 0 ⎟
280 ⎝ 6000 ⎠
1 ⎛ A ⎞
also λ = ln ⎜ 0 ⎟
( 280 + 140 ) ⎝ 3000 ⎠
1 ⎛ A ⎞ 1 ⎛ A ⎞
∴ ln ⎜ 0 ⎟ = ln ⎜ 0 ⎟
280 ⎝ 6000 ⎠ 420 ⎝ 3000 ⎠

⎛ A ⎞ ⎛ A ⎞
or 3ln ⎜ 0 ⎟ = 2 ln ⎜ 0 ⎟
⎝ 6000 ⎠ ⎝ 3000 ⎠
A3 ( 6000 )
3 2 3
⎛ A ⎞ ⎛ A ⎞
∴⎜ 0 ⎟ = ⎜ 0 ⎟ or 02 =
⎝ 6000 ⎠ ⎝ 3000 ⎠ A0 ( 3000 )2

6 × 6 × 6 × 109
or A0 = or A0 = 24 ×103
3 × 3 × 106
or A0 = 24000
∴Initial activity =24000dps
Q59. A proton has kinetic energy E = 100keV which is equal to that of a photon. The
wavelength of photon is λ2 , and that of proton is λ1 . The ratio is proportional to

(a) E 2 (b) E1/ 2

(c) E −1 (d) E −1/ 2
Ans. (d)
hc hc
Solution: For photon, E = or λ2 =
λc E
For proton kinetic energy K = m p v 2p
or 2m p K = m 2p v 2p

or 2m p K = p 2
or 2m p K = ⎜ ⎟ , by de Broglie equation
⎝ λ1 ⎠
K = K .E = Energy E
h h
or λ1 = = (ii)
2m p K 2m p E

From (i) and (ii),

λ1 hc 2m p E
= ×
λ2 E h

λ2 c × 2m p λ1
or = = c 2m p × E −1/ 2 or ∝ E −1/ 2
λ1 E λ2
Q60. Kα wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number Z = 11 is λ . Find the atomic

number for an atom that emits Kα radiation with wavelength 4λ .

(a) Z = 6 (b) Z = 4
(c) Z = 11 (d) Z = 44
Ans. (a)
Solution: According to Moseley’s law,
f = a 2 ( Z − b ) where f = frequency =

= a 2 ( z − 1)
For Kα line, b = 1 ∴
= a 2 ( Z1 − 1)
For one atom,

λ a ( Z − 1)
2 2
= a ( Z 2 − 1)
For other atom, 2
or 1 = 2 2
λ2 λ2 a ( Z1 − 1)2

λ ( Z 2 − 1) ( Z 2 − 1)
2 2

or ( Z 2 − 1) = 25
or = =
4λ (11 − 1) 2

or Z 2 − 1 = 5 or Z 2 = 6
Q61. A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state inelastically Energy of
the colliding photon is 10.2 eV. After a time interval of the order of micro second another
photon collides with same hydrogen atom in elastically with an energy of 15 eV. What
will be observed by the detector?
(a) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and an electron of energy 1.4 eV
(b) Two photons of energy 1.4 eV
(c) Two photons of energy 10.2 eV
(d) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and another photon of 1.4 eV.
Ans. (a)
Solution: For hydrogen atom,
E1 = −13.6 eV , E2 = − = −3.4 eV
∴E2 − E1 = −3.4 − ( −13.6 )
or ( E2 − E1 ) = 10.2 eV

Due to inelastic collision of photon with stationary hydrogen atom, the photon will be
absorbed with its energy 10.2 eV . The electron will jump from ground state (first orbit) to
second orbit.
The electron falls back to its original state in less than a microsecond and releases a
photon of energy 10.2 eV . Another photon collides with same hydrogen atom inelastically
with an 15eV . This photon on absorption will knock out an electron and will ionize the
atom as the ionization energy is only 13.6 eV .
∴ Balance energy = 15 - 13.6
or Balance energy 1.4 eV
The knocked out electron will retain energy 1.4 eV with It.
The detector will observe one photon of energy 10.2 eV and an electron of energy 1.4 eV.
Option (a) represents the answer.
Q62. A beam of electrons is used in an Young double slit. experiment. The slit width is d .
When the velocity of electron is increased, then
(a) no interference is observed
(b) fringe width increases
(c) fringe width decreases
(d) fringe width remains same.
Ans. (c)
Solution: de Broglie wavelength λ =
Wavelength λ will be associated with the electron
When speed v of electron increases, λ decreases.
∴Fringe widthβ =
∴ As λ decreases, β also decreases
∴ Fringe width decreases.
Q63. If a star can convert all the He nuclei completely into oxygen nuclei, the energy released
per oxygen nucici is [Mass of He nucleus is 4.0026 amu and mass of oxygen nucleus is
15.9994 amu]
(a) 7.6 MeV (b) 56.12 MeV (c) 10.24 MeV (d) 23.9 MeV
Ans. (c)
Solution: 4 ⎡⎣ 2 He 4 ⎤⎦ →8 O16

Binding energy Δm × 931.5 MeV

= ( 4 × 4.0026 − 15.9994 ) × 931.5 MeV

= 10.24 MeV
∴ Energy released per oxygen nuclei = 10.24 MeV
Q64. 87 Ra is a radioactive substance having half life of 4 day. Find the probability that a
nucleus undergoes decay after two half lives.
(a) 1 (b) 1 / 2 (c) 3 / 4 (d) 1 / 4
Ans. (c)
N0 N
Solution: After one half life remains, 0 decays.
2 2
N0 3N
After two half lives, remains, 0 decays.
4 4
∴ The probability that a nucleus undergoes decay after two half lives is .
Q65. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The
smallest wavelength in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest
integer) is
(a) 802 nm (b) 823 nm (c) 1882 nm (d) 1648 nm
Ans. (b)
Solution: The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spectrum corresponds
to the transition n = 2 to n = 1 . How? That is
1 ⎛1 1 ⎞
= R⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ (i)
122 ⎝1 2 ⎠
where R is the Rydberg constant in consistent units.
And the transition from n= ∞ to n = 3 will produce the smallest wavelength in infrared
region of the hydrogen spectrum. So,
1 ⎛1 1⎞
= R⎜ 2 − ⎟ (ii)
λ ⎝3 ∞⎠
Equation (i) and (ii) give λ = 823.5 nm.
Q66. In the options given below, let E denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and n a
neutron. The correct option is
(a) E ( 236
92 ) ( I ) + E ( Y ) + 2 E (n)
U >E 137

(b) E ( 236
92 U ) < E ( I ) + E ( Y ) + 2 E (n )

(c) E ( 236
92 U ) < E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2 E (n )

(d) E ( 236
92 U ) = E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2 E (n )

Ans. (a)
Solution: Rest mass energy of U will be greater than the rest mass energy of the nuclei into
which it breaks. The constituent nuclei and neutrons will have kinetic energy also, as a
result of conservation of linear momentum.
Q67. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength λ fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off
wavelength of the emitted X-rays is
2mcλ2 2h 2 m 2 c 2 λ3
(a) λ0 = (b) λ0 = (c) λ0 = (d) λ0 = λ
h mc h2
Ans. (a)
Solution: Let K be the kinetic energy of the incident electron. Its linear momentum p = 2mK .
The de-Broglie wavelength is related to the linear momentum as
h h h2
λ= = or K =
p 2mK 2mλ 2
The cut-off wavelength of the emitted X − ray is related to the kinetic energy of incident
electron as
hc h2 2mcλ 2
=K= ⇒ λ =
λ0 2mλ 2
Q68. The shortest wavelength of X − rays emitted from an ray tube depends on
(a) the current in the tube
(b) the voltage applied to the tube
(c) the nature of the gas in tube
(d) the atomic number of the target material.
Ans. (b), (d)
Solution: X − rays emitted from an X − ray tube depend upon:
(i) The accelerating voltage applied to tube. When accelerated, the electrons acquire
greater energy before striking the target.
X − rays emitted from target therefore possess greater energy. X − ray with shorter
wavelength possess greater energy. Hence wavelength of emitted X − rays depends on
the voltage applied to tube.
(ii) According to Moseley’s law,
Q69. The threshold wavelength, for photoelectric emission from a material is 5200Ǻ
Photoelectrons will h emitted when this material is illuminated with monochromatic
radiation from a
(a) 50 watt infrared lamp (b) I watt infrared lamp
(c) 50 watt ultraviolet lamp (d) I watt ultraviolet lamp.
Ans. (c), (d)
Solution: Threshold wavelength = 5200Ǻ
This is the maximum wavelength of the incident radiation which produce photoelectric
Wavelengths less than 5200Ǻ will produce the effect.
Wavelength of infrared light is of the order of 8000 Ǻ.
Wavelength of ultraviolet light is about 4000 Ǻ.
Hence ultraviolet lamp can produce the effect.
Options (c) and (d) represent the correct answer.
Q70. From the following equations pick out the possible nuclear fusion reactions:
(a) 6 C13 + 1 Η 1 → 6 C14 + 4.3 MeV

(b) 6 C13 + 1 Η 1 → 7 N 13 + 2 MeV

(c) 7 N 14 + 1 Η 1 → 8 O15 + 7.3 MeV

(d) 92 U 235 + 0 n1 → 54 Xe140 + 38Sr 94 + 0 n1 + 0 n1 + 200 MeV

Ans. (b), (c)
Solution: Nuclear fusion reaction occurs when two or more lighter nuclei combine to produce a
heavier nucleus.
Q71. In Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom
(a) the radius of the n th orbit is proportional to n 2
(b) the total energy of the electron in n th orbit is inversely proportional to n .
(c) the angular momentum of electron in an n th orbit is an integral multiple of .

(d) the magnitude of potential energy of the electron in any orbit is greater than its kinetic
Ans. (a), (c), (d)
Solution: (a) rn ∝ n 2 . Option (a) is correct

(b) Total energy of electron T .E.

−13.6Z 2
T .E =
Option (b) is not correct
(c) Angular momentum of electron =

Option (c) is correct
⎛ −27.2 ⎞
(d) Potential energy of electron = ⎜ 2 ⎟ eV for hydrogen atom.
⎝ n ⎠
∴ P.E. =
The option (d) is correct
Q72. The X − ray beam coming from an X − ray tube will be
(a) monochromatic
(b) having all wavelengths smaller than a certain maximum wavelength
(c) having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum wavelength -
(d) having all wavelengths lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength.
Ans. (c)
Solution: For X − ray tube,
λmin = where e = change on electron.
Q73. The mass number of a nucleus is
(a) always less than its atomic number
(b) always more than its atomic number
(c) sometimes equal to its atomic number.
(d) sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number.
Ans. (c), (d)
Solution: (c) Z ∞ A, 1 H 1 , in case of hydrogen,

(d) For other atoms ( z )


options (c) and (d) are correct.

Q74. Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because
(a) there is a minimum frequency of light below which r photoelectrons are emitted.
(b) the maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons depends only on the frequency of
light arid not on its intensity.
(c) even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, the photoelectrons leave the
surface immediately.
(d) electric charge of the photoelectrons is quantized
Ans. (a), (b), (c)
Q75. During a negative beta decay
(a) an atomic electron is ejected
(b) an electron which is already present within the nucleus is ejected.
(c) a neutron in the nucleus decays emitting an electron.
(d) a part of the binding energy of the nucleus is converted into an electron.
Ans. (c)
Solution: For beta decay,

0 (
n1 →1 H 1 + 1 β 0 )
→ Proton + beta particle (electron)
Q76. During a nuclear fusion reaction
(a) a heavy nucleus breaks into two fragments by itself.
(b) a light nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(c) a heavy nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(d) two light nuclei combine to give a heavier nucleus and possibly other products.
Ans. (d)
Q77. The potential difference applied to an X - ray tube is increased. As a result, in the emitted
(a) the intensity increases
(b) the minimum wavelength increases
(c) the intensity remains unchanged
(d) the minimum wavelength decreases
Ans. (c), (d)
Solution: for X − ray tube,
λm ⎛⎜ in A ⎞⎟ =

⎝ ⎠ V
As accelerating voltage is increased, λm will decrease.
Number of electrons bombarding the target determine the intensity (or quantity) of
emitted radiation. Accelerating voltage does not change the intensity of X − rays emitted.
Q78. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half life 2 hr emits radiation of intensity which is
64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible
to work safely with this source is
(a) 6 hr (b) 12 hr (c) 24 hr (d) 28 hr
Ans. (b)
Solution: The intensity of radiation omitted is proportional to rate of decay of radioactive
ln 2 N0
N = N 0 e − λl where λ = or λ t = ln
2 N
⎛ ⎞
1 ⎜ N ⎟ 2
× ln ( 2 )
or t = ln ⎜ 0 ⎟ =
λ ⎜ N 0 ⎟ ln 2
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 64 ⎠
= 2 × 6 = 12 hour
Q79. The decay constant of a radioactive sample is λ . The half-life and mean-life of the
sample are respectively given by
(a) 1 / λ and (ln 2 ) / λ (b) (ln 2 ) / λ and 1 / λ
(c) λ (ln 2 ) and 1 / λ (d) λ / (ln 2 ) and 1 / λ
Ans. (b)
0.6931 ln 2
Solution: Half-life T = =
λ λ
Mean life τ =
Q80. When a monochromatic point source of light is at a distance of 0.2m from a photoelectric
cell, the cut off voltage and the saturation current are respectively 0.6V and 18.0 mA . If
the same source is placed 0.6 m away from the photoelectric cell: then
(a) the stopping potential will be 0.2 volt
(b) the stopping potential will be 0.6 volt
(c) the saturation current will be 6.0 mA
(d) the saturation current will be 2.0 mA.
Ans. (b), (d)
Solution: The stopping potential depends on the frequency incident radiation and not on the
intensity of incident radiation The source is same, though placed at different distances
consequently the stopping potential remains unchanged. The saturation current depends
on the radiation-intensity incident on cathode of photocell. The radiation-intensity
depends on the distance between the source and the cathode Infact, inverse square law
applies to intensity.
1 1
intensity ∝ ∴ Saturation current ∝
r2 r2
1 ( I S )2 r12
or I S ∝ ∴ =
r2 ( I S )1 r22

( I S )1 and r1 refer to initial condition

( I S )2 and r2 refer to initial condition
2 2
⎛r ⎞ ⎛ 0.2 ⎞
∴ ( I S )2 = ( I S )1 × ⎜ 1 ⎟ or ( I S )2 = (18mA ) ⎜ ⎟
⎝ r2 ⎠ ⎝ 0.6 ⎠
18 ×1
or ( I S )2 = mA
or ( I S )2 = 2mA

Hence (b) Stopping potential = 0.6 volt

(d) the saturation current will be 2.0 mA
Q81. A star initially has 1040 deuterons. It produces energy via the processes

1 H 2 +1 H 2 →1 H 3 + p , and 1 H 2 +1 H 1 →2 He 4 + n . If the average power ;radiated by the

star is 1016 W , the deuteron supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the order of
(a) 106 s (b) 108 s (c) 1012 s (d) 1016 s
The masses of the nuclei are as follow:

( ) ( )
M H 2 = 2.014 amu ; M ( p ) = 1.007 amu; M ( n ) = 1.008 amu; M He 4 = 4.001 amu .

Ans. (c)
Solution: 1 H 2 +1 H 2 →1 H 3 + p

1 H 2 +1 H 3 →2 He 4 + n
by adding

( )
3 1 H 2 →2 He 4 + p + n

∴Δm = 3 ( 2.014 ) − [ 4.001 + 1.007 + 1.008]

or Δm = 0.026 amu
Mass is converted into energy
1 amu = 931.5 MeV

or 1 amu = 931.5 ×106 ×1.6 × 10−19 J

∴ Energy from ( Δm ) = 0.026 × 931.5 × 1.6 × 10−13 J = 3.87 × 10−12 J

∴ Energy released by 3 deuterons = 3.87 ×10−12 J

3.87 ×10−12 × 1040
∴ Energy for 10 deuterons =

E = 1.29 ×1028 J
Energy Energy
∴Power= or time =
Time Power
1.29 × 1028
Time = 16
sec = 1.29 × 1012 sec
Time is of the order of 1012 sec.
Q82. When photons of energy 4.25eV strike the surface of metal A ,, the ejected
photoelectrons have maximum kinetic energy, TAeV and de Broglie wavelength λ A . The
maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons liberated from another metal B by photons of
energy 4.70eV is TB = (TA − 1.50 ) eV . If the de Broglie wavelength of these

photoelectrons is λB = 2λ A , then

(a) The work function of A is 2.25eV

(b) the work function of B is 4.20eV
(c) TA = 2.00eV

(d) TB = 2.75 eV
Ans. (a), (b), (c)
Solution: Consider metal A
Incident energy = work function + Kinetic energy of photoelectrons
∴ 4.25 ( eV ) = WA + TA

Kinetic energy = where P = momentum
PA2 1 ⎛ h ⎞
∴TA = = ⎜ ⎟ , by deBroglie equation
2m 2 m ⎝ λ A ⎠
1 ⎛ h ⎞
∴TA = ⎜ ⎟ (ii)
2m ⎝ λ A ⎠

consider metal B
4.7 = (TA − 1.5 ) + WB (iii)
2 2
1 ⎛ h ⎞ 1 ⎛ h ⎞
Also TB = ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ (iv)
2m ⎝ λB ⎠ 2 m ⎝ λB ⎠

From (iv) and (ii), we get

2 2
TB ⎛ λA ⎞ T − 1.5 ⎛ λA ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ or A =⎜ ⎟ [Q TB = TA − 1.5]
TA ⎝ λB ⎠ TA ⎝ λB ⎠
T − 1.5 ⎛ λ A ⎞
or A =⎜ ⎟ [Q λB = 2λA ]
TA ⎝ 2λ A ⎠
or 4TA − 6.0 = TA or 3TA = 6

TA = 2.00eV (v)

from (i), WA = 4 − 25 − TA
= 4.25 − 2 = 2.25eV

From (iii), WB = 4.7 − (TA − 1.5 ) = 4.7 − 2 + 1.5 = 4.20 eV (vii)

Again TB = TA − 1.5 = 2 − 1.5 = 0.5 eV (viii)

Option (a), (b), (c) are correct as depicted in equation (vi) (vii) and (v) above
Q83. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?
(a) The rest mass of a stable nucleus is less than the sum of the rest masses of its
separated nucleons
(b) The rest mass of a stable nucleus is greater than the sum of the rest masses of its
separated nucleons.
(c) In nuclear fission, energy is released by fusing two nuclei of medium mass
(approximately 100 amu).
(d) In nuclear fission, energy is released by fragmentation of a very heavy nucleus.
Ans. (a), (d)
Q84. Let m p be the mass of proton, mn the mass of neutron, M 1 the mass of a 10 Ne nucleus
and M 2 the mass of a 20 Ca nucleus. Then

(a) M 2 = 2M 1 (b) M 2 > 2M 1

(c) M 2 < 2M 1 (d) M 1 < 10 (mn + m p )

Ans. (c), (d)

Solution: M 1 is the mass of 10 Ne 20 nucleus.

M 2 is the mass of 20 Ca 40 nucleus.

Ne means 10 protons + 10 neutrons
Ca means 20 protons + 20 neutrons
protons and neutrons are constituent particles.
Due to mass defect, which is necessary for binding the nucleus, mass of nucleus is always
less than the sum of masses of protons and neutrons
For 10 Ne 20 nucleus, M 1 < 10 ( m p + mn ) (i)

The mass defect is more in case of heavier nucleus where in binding energy needed is
∴ 20 ( m p + mn ) − M 2 = B.E.for 20Ca 40

10 ( m p + mn ) − M 1 = B.E.for 10 Ne 20

∴ 20 ( m p + mn ) − M 2 > 10 ( m p + mn ) − M 1

∴10 ( m p + mn ) > ( M 2 − M 1 ) or M 2 < M 1 + 10 ( m p + mn )

Q M 1 < 10 ( m p + mn ) ∴ M 2 < 2M 1 (ii)

Q85. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition n1 → n2 , where n1 and n2 are the
principal quantum numbers of the two states. Assume the Bohr model to be valid. The
time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. The
possible values of n1 and n2 are

(a) n1 = 4, n2 = 2 (b) n1 = 8, n2 = 2

(c) n1 = 8, n2 = 1 (d) n1 = 6, n2 = 3
Ans. (a), (d)
Solution: According to Bohr model,
rn ∝ n 2 (i)

vn ∝ (ii)
2π 2π rn rn
now Tn = = or Tn ∝
ω vn vn

or Tn ∝ , by (i) and (ii). Or Tn ∝ n3
(Tn )1
n13 ⎛n ⎞
∴ = 3 or 8 = ⎜ 1 ⎟
(Tn )2 n2 ⎝ n2 ⎠
or n1 = 2n2

Option (a): n1 = 4, n2 = 2 It fulfils condition

Option (d): n1 = 6, n2 = 3 It fulfils condition

Options (a) and (d) are correct
Q86. The half-life of 131
Ι is 8 day. Given a sample of 131
Ι at time t = 0 , we can assert that
(a) no nucleus will decay before t = 4 day
(b) no nucleus will decay before t = 8 day
(c) all nuclei will decay before t = 16 day
(d) a given nucleus may decay at any time after t = 0 .
Ans. (d)
Solution: A given nucleus may decay at any time after t = 0
Q87. X − rays are produced in an X − ray tube operating at a give accelerating voltage. The
wavelength of the continuous X − rays has values from
(a) 0 to ∞
(b) λmin to ∞ where λmin > 0

(c) 0 to λmax where λmax < ∞

(d) λmin to λmax where 0 < λmin < λmax < ∞

Ans. (b)
Solution: In X − ray tube,
λmin = where λmin is in Ǻ
V ( volt )

All wavelengths greater than λmin are found.

Option (b) is correct
Q88. The work function of a substance is 4.0 eV. The longest wavelength of light that can
cause photoelectron emission from this substance is approximately
(a) 540 nm (b) 400 nm
(c) 310 nm (d) 220 nm.
Ans. (c)
Solution: λmin =
work function

∴λmin =
( 6.63 ×10 ) × ( 3 ×10 )
−34 8

4 × 1.6 ×10−19
or λmin = 310 ×10−9 m
Q89. The half-life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean-life time of another
radioactive element Y . Initially both of them have the same number of atoms. Then
(a) X and Y have the same decay rate initially.
(b) X and Y decay at the same rate always.
(c) Y will decay at a faster rate than X .
(d) X will decay at a faster rate than Y .
Ans. (c)
Q90. The graph between the stopping potential (V0 ) and ⎜ ⎟ is shown in the figure φ1 , φ2 and
φ3 are work functions.
Which of the following is/are correct?

Metal1 Metal 2 Metal3

φ1 φ3

θ 1
(nm )

0.001 0.002 0.004

(a) φ1 : φ2 : φ3 = 1: 2 : 4

(b) φ1 : φ2 : φ3 = 4 : 2 :1

(c) tan θ is directly proportional to where h is Planck’s constant and c is the speed of
(d) Ultra violet light can be used to emit photoelectrons from metal 2 and metal 3 only.
Ans. (a), (c)
Solution: According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
− φ = eV where φ = work function
hc φ ⎛ hc ⎞ 1 φ
or V = − or V = ⎜ ⎟ −
eλ e ⎝ e ⎠λ e
V and ⎜ ⎟ relation represents a straight line.
hc hc
∴ Slope of line = or tan θ =
e e
∴ Option (c) is correct (i)

V0 Metal1 Metal 2 Metal3

φ1 φ3

0.001 0.002 0.004

(nm ) →

At V0 = 0

hc hc hc
φ1 : φ2 : φ3 = : :
λ01 λ02 λ03

= ( 0.001 hc ) : ( 0.002 hc ) : ( 0.004 hc ) = 1: 2 : 4

∴ Option (a) is correct (ii)

Option (b) is obviously incorrect when (a) is correct.
From graph
= 0.001 nm −1 ∴ λ01 = 1000nm for metal 1.
= 0.002 nm −1 ∴ λ02 = 500nm for metal 2
= 0.004 nm −1 ∴ λ03 = 250nm for metal 3.
λ of ultraviolet < 400nm.
The ultraviolet light can be used to emit photoelectrons from metal 1 and metal 2. It
cannot emit electrons from metal 3.
Option (d) is incorrect.
Options (a) and (c) are correct.
Q91. charge + Ze , where Z is a constant and e is the magnitude of the electronic charge. It
requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from the second Bohr orbit to the third Bohr orbit.
(i) the value of Z .
(ii) the energy required to excite the electron from the third to the fourth Bohr orbit
(iii) the wavelength Of the electromagnetic radiation required to remove the electron
from the first Bohr orbit to infinity.
(iv) the kinetic energy, potential energy, and the angular momentum of the electron in the
first Bohr orbit.
(v) the radius of the first Bohr orbit.
(The ionization energy of hydrogen atom = 13.6 eV , Bohr radius = 5.3 × 10 −11 metre,

velocity of light = 3 × 10 8 m / sec . Planck’s constant = 6.6 × 10 −34 Joule − sec

Solution: (i) The value of Z :
According to Bohr model, for hydrogen like atom
13.6Z 2
En = − eV
⎡1 1 ⎤
∴ (E3 − E 2 ) = −13.6Z 2 ⎢ − ⎥
⎣9 4 ⎦
13.6Z 2 × 5 47.2 × 36
or 47.2 = + or Z 2 = = 25
36 13.6 × 5
or Z = 5 (i)
(ii) (E 4 − E3 ) :

⎡1 1 ⎤ 13.6 Z 2 × 7
E 4 − E3 = −13.6 Z 2 ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ =
⎣4 3 ⎦ 9 × 16
13.6 × 25 × 7
= = 16.53 eV (ii)
9 × 16
(iii) λ for removing electron from n = 1 to n = ∞
Q E∞ = 0 E = − E1 = + × Z 2 eV
(1) 2

or E = 13.6 × 25 × 1.6 × 10 −19 J

= 13.6 × 25 × 1.6 × 10 −19

or λ =
(6.6 × 10 )× (3 × 10 )
−34 8

13.6 × 25 × 1.6 × 10 −19

or λ = 3.64 × 10 −9 m
(iv) Energy and angular momentum:
13.6Z 2 13.6 × 25
Total energy in first orbit = − ; T .E. = −
n2 1
T .E. = −340 eV (iv)
Q K .E. = −T .E. or K .E. = 340 eV (v)
Again P.E. = 2 × T .E. or P.E. = 2 × (− 340 )
or P.E. = −680 eV (vi)

nh 1.66 × 10 −34
Angular momentum = =
2π 2x
= 1.05 × 10 −34 Js (vii)
(v) The radius of first Bohr orbit r1 :

Bohr radius 5.3 ×10 −11

r1 = or r1 =
Z 5
or r1 = 1.06 × 10 −11 m (viii)
Q92. Hydrogen atom, in its ground state, is excited by means of monochromatic radiation of
wavelength 975 A . How many different lines are possible in the resulting spectrum?
Calculate the longest wavelength amongst them. You may assume the ionization energy
for hydrogen atom as 13.6 eV
Solution: (i) Number of different lines in spectrum:
12375 12375
E (in eV ) = or E =
λ ⎛⎜ in A ⎞⎟
⎝ ⎠
or E = 12.69 eV
or E n − E1 = 12.69 or − = (− 13.6) = 12.69
13.6 13.6
or − = −0.91 or n = = 15 = 4
n2 0.91
n(n − 1)
∴ Total number of lines =
∴ Total number of lines = =6 (i)
(ii) Longest wavelength or shortest frequency
It is obtained in transition from n = 4 to n = 3 as shown in figure.
13.6 ⎛ 13.6 ⎞
∴E 4 − E3 = − − ⎜− ⎟
(4)2 ⎝ 32 ⎠
⎛ 13.6 13.6 ⎞
or E 4 − E3 = ⎜ − ⎟eV
⎝ 9 16 ⎠
or E 4 − E3 = 0.66 eV




n =1

∴ Longest wavelength =
E (in eV )
or λ max = = 1.875 × 10 −6 m (ii)
∴ Longest wavelength 1.875 × 10 −6 m
Q93. How many electrons, protons and neutrons are there in a nucleus of atomic number 11
and mass number 24?
(i) Number of electrons =
(ii) Number of protons =
(iii) Number of neutrons =
Solution: (i) Number of electrons = 0
(ii) Number of protons = Atomic number Z = 11
(iii) Number of neutrons = = ( A − Z ) = (24 − 11) = 13
Protons and neutrons reside in nucleus. Electrons revolve around the nucleus, Electrons
do not lie in nucleus.
Q94. A uranium nucleus (atomic number 92, mass number 238) emits an alpha particle and the
resultant nucleus emits β − particle. What are the atomic number and mass number of the
final nucleus?
(i) Atomic number = (ii) Mass number =
Solution: 92 U 238 → 90 X 234 + 2 He 4

90 X 234 → 91 Y 234 + ( − β0)

Final nucleus = 91 Y 234 = z Y A

∴ (i) Atomic number of final nucleus = 91
(ii) Mass number of final nucleus = 234
0 0
Q95. Ultraviolet light of wavelengths 800 A and 700 A when allowed to fall on hydrogen
atoms in their ground state, is found to liberate electrons with kinetic energy 1.8 eV and
4.0 eV respectively. Find the value of Planck’s constant.

⎛ hc hc ⎞
Solution: Kinetic energy in first case = ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
⎝ • λ1 λ0 ⎠
hc hc
∴ K1 = −
λ1 λ0
hc hc
Kinetic energy in second case = −
λ2 λ0
hc hc
∴ K2 = −
λ2 λ0
hc(λ 2 − λ1 )
or (K 1 − K 2 ) =
hc hc
∴ K1 − K 2 = −
λ1 λ2 λ1λ 2
(K1 − K 2 )λ1λ2 (K 2 − K1 )λ1 2
or h = =
c(λ 2 − λ1 ) (λ1 − λ2 )c

or h =
(4 − 1.8) × 1.6 × 10 −19 × (800 × 10 −10 )× (700 × 10 −10 )
(800 − 700) × 10 −10 × 3 × 108
h = 6.6 × 10 −34 Js
Q96. The ionization energy of a hydrogen like Bohr atom is 4 rydberg. (i) What is the
wavelength of the radiation emitted when the electron jumps from the first excited
state to the, ground state? (ii) What is the radius of the first orbit for this atom?
Solution: Given :The ionization energy of hydrogen like atom is 4 rydberg
1rydberg = 2.2 × 10 -18 J
(i) Wavelength when electron jumps from E2 to E1 state:
QEn = −
⎡1 1⎤ ⎛ 3⎞
∴ E 2 − E1 = −4 R ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ = (− 4 R ) × ⎜ − ⎟
⎣2 1 ⎦ ⎝ 4⎠
hc hc
or E 2 − E1 = 3R or = 3R or λ =
λ 3R

(6.6 × 10 )× (3 × 10 )
−34 8

3 × (2.2 × 10 ) −18

or λ = 3 × 10 −8 m or λ = 300 A
(ii) Radius of first orbit of the atom:
4R −18 2.2 × 10 −18
E1 = − 2 where R = 2.2 × 10 J = eV
1 1.6 × 10 −19
Let Z be the atomic number of given element
13.6Z 2 4R
∴ E1 = (eV ) Z2 =
(1) 2
13.6(in eV )
⎛ 2.2 × 10 −18 ⎞ 1
or Z 2 = 4 × ⎜⎜ −19 ⎟
⎝ 1.6 × 10 ⎠ 13.6
or Z 2 = 4 or Z = 2
Qrn = (where r0 is the Bohr’s radius)
0.53 × 10 −10
or rn = or rn = 2.6 × 10 −11 m
Q97. A double ionized lithium atom is hydrogen-like with atomic number 3.
(i) Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excited the electron in Li from the
first to the third Bo orbit. (Ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equal 13.6 eV ).
(ii) How many spectral lines are observed in the emission spectrum of the above excited
⎛ 13.6 ⎞
Solution: (i) For hydrogen like atom E n = ⎜ − 2 Z 2 ⎟eVλ of radiation excite electron from
⎝ n ⎠
n = 1 to n = 3 :
Given: Z = 3
× (3) = −13.6 × 9 eV
∴ E1 = −
(1) 2

× (3) = −13.6 eV
E3 = −
(3) 2

∴ E3 − E1 = −13.6 − (− 13.6 × 9)

or ΔE = 13.6 × 8
or ΔE = 108.8 eV = 108.8 × 1.6 × 10 −19 J

= 108.8 × 1.6 × 10 −19 )

or λ =
(6.6 × 10 )× (3 × 10 )
−34 8

108.8 × 1.6 × 10 −19

or λ = 1.137 × 10 −8 m = 113.7 A
(ii) Number of spectral lines in emission spectrum:
n(n − 1)
or Number of spectral lines =
3× 2
or Number of spectral lines =


n =1

∴ Number of spectral lines = 3

The transition are 3 → 1, 3 → 2, 2 → 1
Q98. There is a stream of neutrons with a kinetic energy of 0.0327 eV. If the half life of
neutrons is 700 second, what fraction of neutrons will decay before they travel distance
of 10m ?
Solution: Kinetic energy of neutron = 0.0327 eV

or K = 0.0327 × 1.6 × 10 −19 J

1 2
or mv = 0.0327 × 1.6 × 10 −19
2 × 0.0327 × 1.6 × 10 −19
or v 2 =
1.675 × 10 − 27
or v 2 = 0.0625 × 10 8
or v = 0.25 × 10 4 m / s
distance 10
∴ time taken = =
velocity 0.25 × 10 4

or t = 4 × 10 −3 sec

∴ Fraction that decays =

= 1 − e − λl )
⎧⎪ −⎛⎜ 0.693×4×10− 3 ⎞⎟ ⎫⎪ −6
= 1 − ⎨e ⎝ 700 ⎠
⎬ = 3.9 × 10
⎪⎩ ⎪⎭
Q99. A particle of charge equal to that of an electron − e an mass 208 times the mass of the
electron (called a mu meson) moves in a circular orbit around a nucleus o charge + 3e .
(Take the mass of the nucleus to be infinite) Assuming that the Bohr model of the atom is
applicable to this system,
(i) derive an expression for the radius of the n th Bohr orbit.
(ii) find the value of n for which the radius of the orbit is approximately the same as that
of the first Bohr orbit for the hydrogen atom.
(iii) find the wavelength of the radiation emitted when the mu-meson jumps from the
third orbit of the first orbit.
Solution: (i) Radius of n th Bohr orbit:
Let mass of electron = me

∴ Mass of Mu-meson = m = 208me

Nucleus with infinite mass is at rest. Mu-meson revolves in circular orbit around the
nucleus. The centripetal force is provided by electrostatic force between the nucleus and
the charged Mu-meson.
(208 me )v 2 1 (3e )(e)
∴ =
rn 4πε 0 rn2

3e 2
or rn = (i)
(4πε 0 )208me v 2
Since the Bohr model is applicable to this system,
Angular momentum =
2π (208 m e )
nh rn −e
or mvrn = in the n th orbit.

+ 3e
or v =
2π × mrn
nh nh
or v = = (ii)
2π × 208me rn 416πme rn

Eliminate v between (i)and (ii) and deduce rn

3e 2 (416πme rn ) 2

∴ rn = ×
4πε 0 × 208me (nh )2
n 2 h 2ε 0
or rn = (iii)
624πme e 2

(ii) Value of n so that r1 of H − atom = rn of Mu-meson.

h 2ε 0
r1 of H − atom = Q rn = r1 of H − atom
πme e 2
n 2 h 2ε 0 h 2ε 0
∴ = [ from (iii)]
624πme e 2 πme e 2

or n 2 = 624 ≈ (25)

or n = 25 (iv)
(iii) λ when Mu-meson jumps from n = 3 to n = 1

1 ⎡1 1⎤
= 208 R × Z 2 ⎢ 1 − 2 ⎥
λ ⎣ n1 n2 ⎦

( ) 2⎡ 1 1⎤
= 208 × 1.1 × 10 7 × (3) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥
⎣1 3 ⎦

208 × 1.1 × 10 7 × 9 × 8
or =
λ 9
or λ = = 0.000546 × 10 −7
208 × 1.1 × 10 7 × 8
or λ = 0..546 × 10 −10 m or λ = 0.546 A
0 0 0
Q100. A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A, 4972 A , 4972A and 62.16 A with a total

intensity of 3.6 × 10 −3 Wm −2 equally distributed amongst the three wavelengths. The beam
falls normally on an area 1.0cm 2 of a clean metallic surface of work function 2.3 eV .
Assume that there is no loss of light by reflection and that each energetically capable
photon ejects one electron. Calculate the number of photo electrons liberated in two
Solution: Energy of photon in eV = 0
λ in A
∴ E1 = eV = 2.99 eV
12375 12375
E2 = eV = 2.49 eV , E3 = eV = 1.99eV
4972 6216
workfunction = 2.3 eV
First two wavelengths have energies great than work function of metallic surface. Hence
they can eject photoelectrons.
Total intensity = 3.6 × 10 −3 Wm −2
Number of wavelengths = 3
∴ (
Energy falling per second = 1.2 × 10 −3 × 10 −4)
= 1.2 × 10 −7 J / S
∴ Let number of photons of first wavelength = n1
and number of photons of second wavelength = n2

1.2 × 10 −7
∴ n1 = = 2.5 × 1011
2.99 × 1.6 × 10 −19
1.2 × 10 −7
n2 = = 3.0 × 1011
2.49 × 1.6 × 10 −19
∴ Total photons per second = (2.5 + 3.0)1011 = 5.5 × 1011
∴ Each capable photon ejects an electron
∴ Photoelectrons liberated in two sec 2 × 5.5 × 1011 = 1.1 × 1012
Q101. A gas of identical hydrogen like atoms has some atoms in the lowest (ground) energy
level A and some atoms in a particular upper (excited) energy level B and there are no
atoms in any other energy level. The atoms of the gas make transition to a higher energy
level by absorbing monochromatic. light of photon energy 2.7 eV . Subsequently, the
atoms emit radiation of only six different photon-energies. Some of the emitted photons
have energy 2.7 eV , some have energy more and some have less than 2.7 eV
(i) Find the principal quantum number of the initially excited level B .
(ii) Find the ionization energy for the gas atoms.
(iii) Find the maximum and the minimum energies of the emitted photons.
Solution: The atoms of a hydrogen-like gas absorb monochromatic light of photon energy.
Initially some atoms are in energy level A and some are in excited energy level B .
Subsequently the atoms emit radiation of only six diff photon energies.
Some of the emitted photons have energy 2.7 eV ,
some have energy more than 2.7 eV and
some have energy less than 2.7 eV .
(i) Principal quantum number of initial level B :
Since only six different transitions take place, the final state is n = 4
The energy levels of hydrogen atom are given by
En = − eV
If n B is the principle quantum number of the initially excited state B , then

13.6 ⎛ 13.6 ⎞
E 4 − E nB = − − ⎜− ⎟
4 2 ⎜⎝ n B2 ⎟⎠

⎡1 1⎤
= 13.6 ⎢ 2 − ⎥
⎣ n B 16 ⎦
Now, E 4 − E nB = 2.7 eV

⎡1 1⎤
Thus 2.7 = 13.6 ⎢ 2 − ⎥
⎣ n B 16 ⎦
Which gives n B ≈ 2
The different transitions are as shown in the figure


B n=2

A n =1
(ii) Ionization energy for gas atoms: E 4 − E 2 = 2.7 eV
E1 E1 3
∴ − = 2 .7 or − E1 = 2.7
42 22 16
or E1 = −14.4 eV
∴ Ionization energy of gas atoms 14.4 eV
(iii) Maximum and minimum energies of emitted photons:
Maximum energy of the emitted photon corresponds to the transition n = 4 to n = 1
E max = E 4 − E1

E E 15 E1 (− 15)(− 14.4 )
or E max = 2
− 2 =− =
4 1 16 16
or E max = × (− 14.4) = +13.5 eV
or E max = 13.5 eV , for the emitted photon
Minimum energy of the emitted photon corresponds to the transition n = 4 to n = 3
E1 E1
E min = E 4 − E3 or E min = −
4 2 32

or E min =
− 7 E1
or E min =
(− 7 ) × (− 14.4) = 0.7 eV
16 × 9 16 × 9
∴ E min = 0.7 eV , for the emitted photon.
Q102. Electrons in hydrogen like atoms (Z = 3) make transitions from the fifth to the fourth
orbit and from, the fourth to the third orbit. The resulting radiations are incident normally
on plate and eject photoelectrons. The stopping potential for the photoelectrons ejected
by the shorter is 3.95 volt. Calculate the w of the metal and the stopping potential for the
photoelectrons ejected by the 1onger wavelength. (Rydberg constant = 1.094 × 10 7 m −1
Solution: The stopping potential for shorter wavelength is 3.95 volt i.e., maximum kinetic energy
of photoelectrons corresponding to shorter wavelength will be 3.95 eV . Further energy of
incident photons corresponding to shorter wavelength will be in transition from n = 4 to
n = 3.

− (13.6)(3) ⎡ − (13.6)(3)2 ⎤
E 4 →3 = E 4 − E 3 = −⎢ ⎥ = 5.95 eV
(4)2 ⎣ (3) 2

now from the equation, K max = E − W

we have, W = E − K max = E 4→3 − K max

= (5.95 − 3.95) eV = 2 eV
Longer wavelength will correspond to transition from n = 5 to n = 4 . From the relation

1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= RZ 2 ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
λ ⎜n ⎟
⎝ f ni ⎠
The longer wavelength ,
( )
2⎛ 1
= 1.094 × 10 7 (3) ⎜ − ⎟
1 ⎞
⎝ 16 25 ⎠
or λ = 4.514 × 10 −7 m = 4514 Α
Energy corresponding to this wavelength,
12375 eV
E= 0
= 2.74 eV
4514 A
∴ Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons
K max = E − W = (2.74 − 2) eV = 0.74 eV
or the stopping potential is 0.74 volt.
Q103. It is proposed to use the nuclear fusion reaction
1 H + 12 H → 42 He
in a nuclear reactor of 200 MW rating. if the energy from the above reaction is used with
“a 25 ,percent efficiency. the reactor, how many, gram of deuterium fuel will be needed
per day. (The masses 12 H and 42 He are atomic mass unit d 4.0026 atomic mass
unit respectively).
Solution: Deuterium fuel needed per day in the reactor:
Mass defect provides the energy in the reactor:
Δm = 2(2.0141) − (4.0026 ) = 4.0282 − 4.0026 = 0.0256 amu

∴ ΔE = (Δm )(931.5 MeV ) = (0.0256 )(931.5) × 1.6 × 10 −13 J = 3.82 × 10 −12 J

Efficiency = 25%
∴ Energy available due to fusion of two deuterium
nuclei = × 3.82 × 10 −12 J
∴ Energy available = 9.55 × 10 −13 J

9.55 × 1013
Energy available per deuterium nuclei = J
Total energy needed = power × time

( )
= 200 × 10 6 × (24 × 60 × 60) = 1.728 × 1013 J (ii)

1.728 × 1013
Number of deuterium nuclei required = = 0.362 × 10 26
× 10 −13
∴ Mass of deuterium required = m
m × Avogardo number
∴ = 0.362 × 10 26
0.362 × 10 26 × 2
or m = or Mass = 120.26gram
6.02 × 10 23
Hence 120.26gram of deuterium fuel will be needed per day in the nuc1ear reactor
Q104. A monochromatic point source radiating wavelength 6000 A , with power 2 watt, an
aperture A of diameter 0.1 m and a large screen SC are placed as shown in figure. A

photoemissive detector D of surface area 0.5 cm 2 is placed. at the centre of the screen.
The efficiency of the detector for the photoelectron generation per incident photon is 0.9.


0.6 m

(a) Calculate the photon flux at the centre of the screen and the photocurrent in the
(b) If the concave lens L of focal length 0.6 m is inserted in the aperture as shown, find
the new values of photon flux and photocurrent. Assume a uniform average transmission
of 80% from: the lens.
(c) If the work function of the photoemissive surface is1eV , ca1culate values of the
stopping potential in the two cases (without and with the lens in the aperture)
Solution: (a) Photon flux and photocurrent in the system:
Energy of photon radiated E

∴E =
or E =
(6.6 ×10 )(3 ×10 )
−34 8

λ 6000 ×10 −10

∴ Energy of n1 photons (3.3 × 10 −19 )× n1
Let n1 photons be radiated per second.

∴ Power = 3.3 × 10 -19 × n1 or 2 = 3.3 × 10 −19 × n1

∴ n2 = = 6.06 × 1018 per second
3.3 × 10 −19
n1 Phtons 6.06 × 1018
∴n 2 = or n2 =
area 4π (0.6 ) area × sec 4π (0.6)
2 2

or n2 = 1.34 × 1018 per unit area per sec

area of aperture = π l 2
⎛ 0.1 ⎞ −3
A = 3.14 × ⎜ ⎟ = 7.85 × 10 m

⎝ 2 ⎠

Total photons
= An2 = 7.85 × 10 −3 1.34 × 1018 )
= 1.052 × 1016 per second
Area of detector = 4π (6 − 0.6) = 4π (5.4)
2 2

Photons 1.052 × 1016

∴ at detector =
area × sec 4π (5.4)

∴ Photon flux at the centre of screen = 2.87 × 1013 s −1 m −2 (ii)

Area of detector = 0.5cm 2 = 0.5 × 10 −4 m 2

Total photons on detector
( )(
= 0.5 × 10 − 4 2.87 × 1013 = 1.435 × 10 9 s −1)
Efficiency of detector = 0.9
∴ = 0.9 × 1.435 × 10 9 s −1
∴ charge per unit time = (1.6 × 10 −19 )× (0.9 × 1.435 × 10 9 )

∴ Current in detector = 2.07 × 10 −10 A (iii)

(b) Photon flux and photocurrent when lens is inserted:
A concave lens is inserted in the aperture
1 1 1 L
− =
v u f
S S′
object is at S . Image is formed at S ′ D

1 1 1 1 1 2
or = + =− − =− 0.3m 0.3m
v u f 0.6 0.6 0.6
5.7 m
or v = −0.3 m 6.0 m
From (i),
Photons fallingon lens
= 1.052 × 1016 (80% of photons are only transmitted).
⎛ 80 ⎞ 1.052 × 10
Photons fallingon detector
=⎜ ⎟× = 2.06 × 1013 s −1 m −2
area × time ⎝ 100 ⎠ 4π (5.7 )

∴ New photon flux at detector = 2.06 × 1013 s −1 m −2 (iv)

∴ ( )( ) (
New Current = 2.06 × 1013 0.5 × 10 −4 (0.9) 1.6 × 10 −19 )
or New Current = 1.483 × 10 −10 A (v)
(c) Stopping potentials - with lens and without lens:
The insertion of concave lens reduces the intensity of radiation but it has no effect on the
frequency of radiation. The stopping potential depends on incident frequency. It therefore
remains same without or lens.
Incident energy = eV or E = 2.06 eV
⎛ 0

⎜ 6000 A ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Workfunction φ = 1.0 eV
∴ Maximum kinetic energy = E − φ = 2.06 − 1.0 = 1.06 eV
∴ Stopping same with lens and without lens.
Q105. A nucleus X , initially at rest, undergoes alpha decay according to the equation,
92 X → 228
z Y +α
(a) Find the values of A and Z in the above process.
(b) The alpha particle produced in the above process is found: to move in a circular track.
of radius 0.11 m in a uniform magnetic field of 3 tesla. Find the energy (in MeV )
released during the process and the binding energy of the parent nucleus X .
Given that: m(Y ) = 228.03 u; m(10 n ) = 1.009 u

( 4
2 He ) = 4.003u; m(11 H ) = 1.008 u.
Solution: (a) A = 228 + 4 = 232, Z = 92 − 2 = 90

mv 2
(b) The magnetic force qvB provides centripetal force to α − particle for its circular
mv 2 qr B
∴ = qvB or v =
r m

or v =
(2 × 1.6 × 10 )× 0.11× 3

4.003 × 1.67 × 10 − 27
∴ v = 1.58 × 10 7 ms −1 (i)
Linear momentum is conserved in the process.

mY vY = mα vα (ii)
Nucleus X is initially at rest
Total kinetic energy = K α + K r
1 1 ⎡ mα vα ⎤ 1 1 mα2 vα2
= mα vα + mY ⎢
⎥ = mα vα +

2 2 ⎣ mY ⎦ 2 2 mY

1 ⎡ m ⎤
= mα vα2 ⎢1 + α ⎥
2 ⎣ mY ⎦

× (4.003 × 1.67 × 10 − 27 )× (1.58 × 10 7 ) ⎢1 +

1 2⎡ 4.003 ⎤
= J
2 ⎣ 228.03 ⎥⎦
8.49 × 10 −13
= 8.49 × 10 −13 J = = 5.31 MeV (iii)
1.6 × 10 −19
Equivalent mass = = 0.0057 amu
X is parent nucleus, Y is daughter nucleus
Also m X = mY + mα + equivalent mass
= 228.03 + 4.003 + 0.0057 = 2320.387 amu
Now, Nucleons = 92 protons + 140 neutron
Binding energy = (92 × 1.008) + (140 × 1.009 ) − 232.0387
B.E. = 1.9573 amu or B.E. = 1.9573 × 931.5 MeV
∴ B.E. of nucleus X = 1823 MeV (iv)
Q106. Light from a discharge tube hydrogen atoms falls on the surface of a piece of sodium .
The kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons emitted from sodium is 0.73 eV . The
workfunction for sodium is 1.82 eV .
(a) the energy of the photons causing the photoelectric emission,
(b) the quantum numbers of the two levels. involved in the emission of these photons,.
(c) the change in the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom in the
above transition and
(d) the recoil speed of the emitting atom assuming it to be at rest before the transition.
(lionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV )
Solution: (a) According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation Incident Energy = workfunction +
Maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron
or E = 1.82 + 0.73
E = 2.55 eV (i)
(b) Quantum numbers of the two levels:
⎛ 13.6 ⎞
In case of hydrogen atom, E = −⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ n ⎠
∴ E1 = −13.6 eV , E 2 = −3.4 eV = −1.5 eV
E 4 = −0.85 eV . The discharge tube contains hydrogen atoms
Since E 4 − E 2 = −0.85 − (3.4 ) = 2.55 eV (ii)
Hence the quantum numbers of the two levels involved in the emission of these photons
are 4 and 2.
The transition occurs from 4 to 2 (ii)
(c) Change in angular momentum in above transition
ΔL = L 2 − L 4

⎛ h ⎞ ⎛ h ⎞
or ΔL = 2⎜ ⎟ − 4⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2π ⎠ ⎝ 2π ⎠
or ΔL =
(d) Recoil speed of the emitting atom:
Momentum is conserved in the process
Momentum of hydrogen atom = mv
Momentum of emitted photon = ∴ mv =
c c
E 2.55 × 1.6 × 10 −19
or v = or v =
mc (1.67 × 10 −27 )(3 × 108 )
or v = 0.814 m / s
∴ Recoil speed of emitting atom 0.814m / s
Q107. A neutron of kinetic energy 65 eV collides in elastically with a singly ionized helium

atom at rest It is scattered at an angle of 90 o with respect of its original direction.

(i) Find the al1owed of the energy of the neutron and that of the atom after the collision
(ii) If the atom gets de-excited subsequently by emitting radiation, find the frequencies of
the emitted radiation
[ Mass of He atom = 4 × (mass of neutron ) , Ionization energy of Hoatom = 13.6 eV ]
Solution: Initially, K = Kinetic energy of neutron = 65 eV Kinetic energy of helium at rest = 0
After, inelastic collision, let K 1 = Kinetic energy of neutron and K 2 = Kinetic energy of
helium atom. y
Momentum is conserved. m
Momentum p = 2mK .

K = 65 eV 90
neutron K2
∴ 2mK = 2(4m )K 2 cos θ , along x − axis.

2mK 1 = 2(4m )K 2 (sin θ ) , along y − axis.

∴ Square and add,
2m(K 1 + K ) = 2(4m )(K 2 )(sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ )
∴ K1 + K = 4 K 2 (i)
(ii) As a result of inelastic collision, the electron of atom acquires energy and jumps to
higher orbits. Energy is conserved in the process.
Initial energy = Final energy
or 65 = K 1 + K 2 + ΔE (ii)
For singly ionized helium atom, the energy states are given by
13.6Z 2
E=− eV
n2 − 3.4 eV , n = 4

− 6.04 eV , n = 3

− 13.6 eV , n = 2

E1 E2 E3
− 54.4 eV , n = 1

He + (Z = 2 )

13.6 × (2)
for n = 1, E1 = − = −54.4 eV
13.6 × 4
for n = 2, E2 = − = −13.4 eV
13.6 × 4
for n = 3, E3 = − = −6.04 eV
13.6 × 4
for n = 4, E 4 = − = −3.4 eV
Possible values of ΔE : case (1) i.e. 1 → 2 .
ΔE1 = −13.6 − (− 54.4 ) = 40.8 eV
From (ii), 65 = k1 + K 2 + 40.8 or K1 + K 2 = 24.2
From (i), (4 K 2 − K ) + K 2 = 24.2 or K 1 + K 2 = 24.2
24.2 + K 24.2 + 65 89.2
or K 2 = = = 17.84 eV
5 5 5
∴ K 1 = 24.2 − K 2 = 24.2 − 17.84 = 6.36 eV
case (2) i.e. 1 → 3
ΔE 2 = −6.04 − (− 54.4 ) = 48.36 eV
K 1 = 16.328 eV , K 2 = 0.312 eV
case (3) i.e. 1 → 4 .
ΔE3 = −3.4 − (54.4 ) = 51eV ; K 1 = 1.8 eV K 2 = 15.8 eV

Kinetic energy can never be negative. The electron therefore cannot jump to a 4.
.The electron can jump to a = 2 and a = 3.
Allowed values of K 1 of neutron, are 6.36 eV and 0.312 eV .
Similarly allowed values of K 2 of atom, are 17.84 eV and 16.328 eV .
The electron is allowed to its highest jump to a 3.
(ii) Frequencies of emitted radiations during dc-excitation:
De-excitation can occur in three ways. The possible emission lines are only three.
(a) Transition n3 → n2

E3 − E 2
Frequency v1 =
h − 3.4 eV , n = 4

− 6.04 eV
− 13.6 eV

v2 v3
n =1
− 54.4 eV

∴ v1 =
[− 6.04 − (− 13.6)]× 1.6 × 10 −19
6.63 × 10 −34
or v1 = 1.82 × 1015 Hz
E3 − E 2
(b) Transition n 2 → n1 v 2 = = 11.67 × 1015 Hz
E 2 − E1
(c) Transition n 2 → n1 v3 = = 9.85 × 1015 Hz
During de-excitation, frequencies of emitted radiations are
1.82 × 1015 Hz,11.67 × 1015 Hz and 9.85 × 1015 Hz

Q108. A small quantity of containing Na 24 radio nuclide half life = 15hour)of activity 1.0 micro
curie is injected into the blood of a person A sample of the blood of volume 1cm 3 taken
after 5 hour shows an activity of 296 disintegration per minute. Determine the total
volume blood in the body of the person. Assume that radioactive solution mixes
uniformly in the blood of the person.
( 1curie = 3.7 × 1010 disintegration per second)
Solution: For radioactive decay, R = R0 e − λ t

or (− λ t ) = ln

2.303 ⎛R ⎞ 0.693
or t = log10 ⎜ 0 ⎟ , where λ = per hour
λ ⎝ R⎠ 15

Half life (T ) of the radio nuclide Na 24 = 15hour

Volume of blood = 1cm 3 taken as a sample

After 5 hour, R = 296 dpm in the blood sample.

2.303 ⎛ R ⎞
∴t= log10 ⎜ 0 ⎟
0.693 ⎝ 296 ⎠
⎛ R ⎞ 5 × 0.693 R0
or log10 ⎜ 0 ⎟ = or = 0.10033
⎝ 296 ⎠ 2.303 × 15 296

or R0 = 296 × 1.26 = 373 dpm

or R0 = dps
Activity of one micro curie 10 −6 curie = 3.7 × 10 4 dps
⎛ 373 ⎞ 3
If activity is ⎜ ⎟ , volume of blood 1cm
⎝ 60 ⎠
3.7 × 10 4 × 60 3
If activity is 3.7 × 10 4 dps volume = cm
∴ Volume of blood = 5951.7 cm 3
or Volume of blood = 5.95 litre
∴ Total volume of blood in the body of person is 5.95 litre.
Q109. A hydrogen like atom (atomic number Z ) is in a higher excited state of quantum number
n . The excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively
emitting two photons of energy 10.2 eV and 17.0 eV respectively. Alternately, the atom
froth the same excited state can make a transition to the second excited state by
successively emitting two photons of energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV respectively.
Determine the va1u of a and Z . (Ionization energy of H − atom 13.6 eV )
13.6 2
Solution: For hydrogen like atoms, E n = − Z eV
Z = atomic number n = quantum number of excited state.
Given: E n − E 2 = (10.2 + 17 ) = 27.2 eV (i)

E n − E3 = (4.25 + 5.95) = 10.2 eV (ii)

Subtract (ii) from (i), E3 − E 2 = 17 eV

13.6 Z 2 ⎡ 13.6 Z 2 ⎤
or − − ⎢− 2 ⎥
= 17
(3)2 ⎣ (2 ) ⎦
13.6Z 2 13.Z 2 13.6(− 4 + 9)Z 2
or − + = 17 or = 17
9 4 36
17 × 36
or Z 2 = =9 or Z = 3 (iii)
13.6 × 5
E n − E 2 = 27.2 , from (i)

13.6 Z 2 ⎛ 13.6 Z 2 ⎞
or − − ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ = 27.2
n2 ⎝ 22 ⎠
⎛ 1 1⎞
or 13.6 Z 2 ⎜ − 2 + ⎟ = 27.2
⎝ n 4⎠
1 1 27.2 27.2 2
or − + = = =
n 2
4 13.6 × Z 2
13.6 × 9 9
1 2 1 8−9 1
or − 2
= − = =− or n 2 = 36
n 9 4 36 36
or n = 6 (iv)
∴n = 6 and Z = 3
Q110. An electron, in a hydrogen-like atom, is in an excited state. It has a total energy of
3 − 3.4 eV Calculate (i) the kinetic energy and (ii) the de Broglie wavelength of the
Solution: (i) In hydrogen like atoms,
Kinetic energy of electron = Total energy

∴ Kinetic energy = 3.4 eV (i)

(ii) de Brogue wavelength of electron:
h h
λ= = where K = Kinetic energy of electron
p 2mK
6.6 × 10 −34
∴λ =
2 × (9.1 × 10 −31 )× 3.4 × 1.6 × 10 −19
or λ = 6.63 × 10 −10 m or λ = 6.63 A
Q111. At a given instant there are 25% undecayed radio-active nuclei in a sample. After 10 se
the number of undecayed nuclei reduces to 12.5% Calculate (i) mean-life of the nuclei
and (ii) the time in which the number of und nuclei will further reduced to 6.25% of the
reduce number.
Solution: (i) At an instant, undecayed nuclei = 25%:
After 10 sec, undecayed nuclei = 12.5%
In 10 sec, the number is reduced to half.
∴ Half life T = 10 sec (i)
T 10
Mean life τ = = = 14.43 sec (ii)
0.693 0.693
(ii) N = N 0 e − λ t

λ = 0.0693 s −1
= e −0.0693 t
e 0.0693 t = = 16
0.0693 t = ln 16
= 2.303 log10 16
= 2.303 × 1.2041 = 2.773
or t = = 40 sec
Q112. In an ore containing uranium, the ratio of U 238 to Pb 206 nuclei is 3. Calculate the age of
the ore, assuming that all the lead present in the ore is the final stable product of U 238
Take the half-life of U 238 to be 4.5 × 10 9 year.
Initial number of U 238 4 N 4
Solution: 238
= ∴ 0 =
Final number of U 3 N 3

2.303 N0 ⎛ 4.5 × 10 9 ⎞ 4
∴t = log10 = 2.303 × ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ log10
λ N ⎝ 0.693 ⎠ 3

= 15 × 10 9 (log10 4 − log10 3)

= 15 × 10 9 (0.6021 − 0.4771)

= 15 × 10 9 × 0.1250 = 1.875 × 10 9 year

Q113. Assume that the de Broglie waves associated with an electron can form a standing wave
between the atoms arranged in a one dimensional array with nodes at each of the atomic
sites. It is found that one such standing wave is formed if the distance d between the
atoms of the array is 2 A . A similar standing wave is again formed if d is increased
to 2.5 A but not for any intermediate value of d . Find the energy of the electrons in
electron volt and the least value of d for which the standing wave of the type described
above can form.
Solution: Given : Nodes are formed at each of the atomic sites. Let loops be formed in distance
of 2 A .

∴ (n + 1) loops will be formed in distance of 2.5 A .


Any intermediate value of d is not allowed

0 0
2Α 2.5 Α
λ /2 λ /2


p loops ( p + t ) loops
two neighbouring nodes are separated by
⎛λ⎞ 0
∴ p⎜ ⎟ = 2 A

( p + 1) λ p + 1 2.5 5
= 2.5 A ∴ = =
2 p 2 4
or 4 p + 4 = 5 p or p = 4 (i)
2× 2 0 0
∴ λ= = 1A ∴ λ = 1A (ii)
(i) Energy of electrons:
de Broglie wavelength = λ =
or λ = where K denotes kinetic energy
h2 0
∴K = where λ = 1 A = 10 −10 m

(6.63 × 10 ) −34 2
= 2.415 × 10 −17 J
2 × (9.1 × 10 )× (10 )
−31 −10 2

2.415 × 10 −17
= eV = 151eV (iii)
1.6 × 10 −19
(ii) Least value of d for identical standing wave:
Distance d will be minimum when only one loop is formed.
λ 1 0 0
∴ d min = = A = 0.5 A
2 2
∴ Least value of d = 0.5 A (iv)
Q114. The element Curium 96 Cm has a mean life of second, its primary decay modes are
spontaneous fission and a-decay, the former with a probability of 8% and the latter with a
probability of 92%. Each fission releases 200 MeV of energy. The masses involved in
− α decay are as follows:
96 Cm = 248.072220 u , 94
Pu = 244.064100 u and 42 He = 4.002603 u . Calculate the power

output from a sample of 10 20 Cm atoms. 1u = 931 .
Solution: The primary decay modes of 96 Cm 248 are
(i) Spontaneous fission (probability 8%)
(ii) − α decay (probability 92%).
The nuclear reaction is given below:

96 Cm 248 → 94 Pu 244 + 2 He 4

∴ Mass defect in the reaction = Δm

∴ Δm = mass of Cm − mass of Pu − mass of He
or Δm = 248.072220 − 244.064100 − 4.002603
or Δm = 0.005517 u
∴Energy released = (0.00515 × 931) MeV
Eα = 5.136 MeV

Given: E f = Each fission released 200 meV of energy

Mean life of Cm = 1013 sec

∴λ = = 10 −13 s −1
mean life
again = λN where N is given to be 10 20
∴ Rate of decay = (10 −13 )(10 20 )

or Rate of decay 10 7 dps

of these 10 7 dps , 8% are in fission and 92% are in α − decay process.
Energy released per second due to fission
= × 10 7 × 200 = 16 × 10 7 MeV
Energy released per sec due to α − decay
= × 10 7 × 5.136 = 4.725 × 10 7 MeV
Total energy released per second = (16 + 4.725)10 7 MeV = 20.725 × 10 7 MeV
∴ Power output = Energy per second
= (20.725 × 10 7 )× (1.6 × 10 −13 )J / s = 3.316 × 10 −5 W

= 3.32 × 10 −5 W
Q115. Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a constant rate α . The element
has a decay constant λ . At time t = 0 , there are N 0 nuclei of the element.

(a) Calculate the number N of nuclei of A at time

(b) If α = 2 N 0 λ , calculate the number of nuclei of after one half-life of A , and also the

limiting value of N as t → ∞
Solution: Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a c rate a.
Decay constant of element =
At t = 0 , nuclei of element present N 0

(a) Number N of nuclei of A at time t :

Net rate of formation of nuclei of element A =
dN dN
∴ = α − λN or = dt
dt α − λN
N t
∫N α − λN = ∫0 dt or − [α − λN ]NN =t
λ 0

⎛ α − λN ⎞ α − λN
ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = −λt or = e −λ t
⎝ α − λN 0 ⎠ α − N 0λ

or α − λN = e − λ t (α − λN 0 )
or N =
[α − (α − N λ )e ]
−λ t

ln (2)
(b) (i) If α = 2λN 0 , t = half life =

∴ N=
[2λN 0 − (2λN 0 − λN 0 )
−λ t
λN 0
or N =
[2 − e −ln(2 ) ] ⎡
⎢⎣Here e
− ln ( 2 )= 2 −1 1⎤
= ⎥
λN 0 ⎡ 1 ⎤ 3N 0
or N = ⎢⎣2 − 2 ⎥⎦ = 2
or N = N0
(ii) when t → ∞ and α = 2λN 0

α 2λ N 0
N= = = 2N 0 or N = 2N 0
λ λ
Q116. Photoelectrons are emitted when 400 nm radiation S incident on a surface of
workfunction 1.9eV . These photoelectrons pass through a region containing
α − particles. A maximum energy electron combines with an α - particle to form a He +
ion, emitting a single photo in this process. He + ions thus formed are in their fourth
excited state. Find the energies in eV of the photons lying in the 2 to 4 eV range, that are
likely to be emitted during and after the combination.
[Take h = 4.14 × 10 −15 eV .s. ]

Solution: Incident energy =

∴ E1 =
(4.14 × 10 )× 3 × 10
−15 8

λ (400 × 10 ) −9

or 1 = 3.1 eV or K max = E1 − workfunction

or K max = 3.1 − 1.9 = 1.2 eV

when an electron possessing combines with an ct-particle, He is formed and a single
photon is emitted in the process. He ions thus formed are in their fourth excited state.
Fourth excited state means n = 5
13.6 Z 2
E5 = − eV
13.6 × (2)
or E5 = − = −2.2 eV
∴Energy of emitted photon = 1.2 − (− 2.2 ) = 3.4 eV

13.6 × (2)
Similarly E 4 = − = −3.4eV
13.6 × (2)
E3 = − = −6.04 eV
13.6 × (2 )
E2 = − = −13.4 eV
The possible transitions, after combination, are:
ΔE5→4 = E5 − E 4 = 1.2 eV . It is less than 2eV .

ΔE5→3 = E5 − E3 = 3.84 eV

ΔE5→2 = E5 − E 2 = 11.4 eV . It is greater than 4eV .

ΔE 4→3 = E 4 − E3 = 2.64 eV

ΔE 4→2 = E 4 − E 2 = 10.2 eV . It is greater than 4eV

ΔE3→ 2 = E3 − E 2 = 7.56 eV . It is greater than 4eV .

Hence in the range 2eV to 4eV , photons emitted have energies

3.4eV (during electron − α combination)
3.84 eV and 2..64 eV after combination.
Q117. A hydrogen-like atom of atomic number Z is in an excite state of quantum number 2n . It
can emit a maximum energy photon of 204 eV . If it makes a transition to quantum state
n , a photon of energy 40.8eV is emitted Find n, z and the ground state energy (in eV )
for this atom. Also calculate the minimum energy (in eV ) that can be emitted by this
atom during de-excitation. Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is − 13.6 eV .
Solution: Energy in case of hydrogen like atom = E n

13.6Z 2
En = − eV
Consider transition from 2n to 1
⎡1 1 ⎤
13.6 Z 2 ⎢ 2 − = 204
⎣1 (2n )2 ⎥⎦
⎡ 1 ⎤
or 13.6Z 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ = 204 (i)
⎣ 4n ⎦
Consider transition from 2n to n
⎡ 1 ⎤
13.6 Z 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ = 40.8
⎣ 4n ⎦
⎛ 3 ⎞
or 13.6 Z 2 ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 40.8 (ii)
⎝ 4n ⎠
⎡ 1 ⎤
13.6 Z 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥
or ⎣ 4n ⎦ = 204
⎡ 3 ⎤ 40.8
13.6 Z 2 ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ 4n ⎦
4n 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞
or ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ = 5 or 4n 2 − 1 = 15 ⇒ n 2 = 4
3 ⎝ 4n ⎠
or n=2 (iii)
13.6Z 2 × 3
put n in (ii), we get, = 40.8
4 × (2)

40.8 × 4 × 4
or Z2 = = 16
13.6 × 3
or Z =4 (iv)
for minimum energy, consider transition 4 to 3.
2⎛ 1 1 ⎞
∴ E min = 13.6 × (4) ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟eV
⎝3 4 ⎠
13.6 × 16 × 7
or E min = eV or E min = 10.58 eV
9 × 16
hence n = 2, Z = 4, E min = 10.58 eV

Q118. When a beam of 10.6 eV photons of intensity 2.0W / m 2 falls on a platinum surface of

area 1.0 × 10 −4 m 2 and workfunction 5.6 eV , 0.53% of the incident photons eject
photoelectrons. Find the number of photoelectrons emitted per second and their minimum
and maximum energies (in eV ) Take 1eV = 1.6 × 10 −19 J .
Solution: Incident energy E = 10.6 eV = 10.6 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )J = 16.96 × 10 −19 J
Energy incident
= 2W / m 2
area × time
Number of incident photons 2
∴ = = 1.18 × 1018
area × time 16.96 × 10 −19

Incident photons
( )
= 1.18 × 1018 × area

= 1.18 × 1018 × (1.0 × 10 −4 )

= 1.18 × 1014

Number of photoelectrons ⎛ 0.53 ⎞
⎟ × 1.18 × 10
⎝ ⎠
n = 6.25 × 1011 (i)
Minimum energy = zero (ii)
Maximum energy = E1 − work function
or K max = (10.6 − 5.6)eV

or K max = 5.0 eV (iii)

Hence number of photoelectrons emitted per sec = 6.25 × 1011

Minimum energy = zero, K max = 5.0eV
Q119. In a nuclear reaction U undergoes fission liberating 200 MeV of energy. The reactor
has a 10% efficiency and produces 1000 MW power. If the reactor is to function for 10
year, find the total mass of uranium required.
Power output
Solution: Efficiency of reactor =
Power input

1000 × 10 6
Power input = = 1010 W
10 / 100
∴ Equivalent energy = Power input × time

= 1010 × 10 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 J

= 31.1536 × 1018 J (i)

Now 1 fission releases 200 MeV energy
∴ 1 fission releases energy = 200 × 1.6 × 10 −13 J (ii)
From (i) and (ii),
3.1536 × 1018
Number of fissions =
200 × 1.6 × 10 −13
or Number of fissions = 9.85 × 10 28
∴ Number of U 235 atoms = 9.85 × 10 28

Avogadro number = 6.02 × 10 26 per kg

∴ 6.02 × 10 6 atoms are contained in 235kg of U 235

∴ 9.85 × 10 28 atoms are contained in mass

235 × 9.85 × 10 28
= kg
6.02 × 10 26
∴ Mass of U 235 = 38451 kg
Q120. A nucleus at rest undergoes a decay emitting an α − particle of de-Broglie wavelength
2 λ = 5.76 × 10 −15 m . If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of the
α − particle is 4.002 amu , determine the total kinetic energy in the final state. Hence,
obtain the mass of the parent nucleus in amu. 1 amu = 931.470
Solution: Let Z X A represent the parent nucleus
The parent nucleus decays emitting α − particles
∴ Z X A → Z − 2 Y A− 4 + 2 He 4
Mass of daughter nucleus Y = 223.610 amu
Mass of α − particle = 4.002 amu

De-Broglie wavelength of α − particle, λ = 5.76 × 10 −15 m

So, momentum of α − particle would be
h 6.63 × 10 −34
pα = = kg − m / s
λ 5.76 × 10 −15
or pα = 1.151 × 10 −19 kg − m / s
From law of conservation of linear momentum, this should also be equal to the linear
momentum the daughter nucleus.
pα pγ

Let Kα and K γ be the kinetic energies of α − particle and daughter nucleus. Then total

kinetic energy in the final state is

p2 pγ
K = Kα + K γ = α +
2mα 2 M γ

pα2 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎟
= ⎜ +
2 ⎜m ⎟
⎝ α Mγ ⎠

pα2 ⎛ M γ + mα ⎞
K= ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎜ M m ⎟
⎝ γ α ⎠
1amu = 1.67 × 10 −27 kg
substituting the values, we get

(1.151× 10 ) −19 2

(4.002 + 223.610)(1.67 × 10 −27 )
(4.002 × 1.67 × 10 )(223.61× 1.67 × 10 )
− 27 − 27

K = 10 −12 J

10 −12
K= MeV = 6.25 MeV
1.6 × 10 −13
or K = 6.25MeV
mass equivalent to energy K = amu
or Δm = 0.0067 amu ∴ m X = mY + mα + Δm

or m X = (223.610 + 4.002 + 0.0067 ) amu

or m X = 227.67 amu
∴ Mass of parent nucleus = 227.62 amu
Q121. A radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y with a decay constant λ X = 0.1s −1 .

⎛ 1 ⎞
Y further decays to a stable nucleus Z with a decay constant λY = ⎜ ⎟ s −1 Initially there
⎝ 30 ⎠
are only X s nuclei and their number is N 0 = 10 20 .

Set, up the rate equations for the populations of X , Y and. Z . The. Populations of
Y nucleus as a function ‘of time is given by
⎛ N 0λX ⎞
N Y (t ) = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟{exp(− λY t ) − exp(− λ X t )}. Find the time at which N Y is maximum
⎝ (λ X − λY ) ⎠
and determine the populations of X and Z at that instant.
Solution: Radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y
Y further decays to a stable nucleus Z
Initially there are only X nuclei and there number is N 0 = 10
(i) Rate equations:
At an instant t ,
Let number of nuclei of Y = N Y and number of nuclei of = N 2
∴ Rate equations of populations of X , Y and Z are

⎛ dN X ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = −λ X N Y
⎝ dt ⎠

⎛ dN Y ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = λ X N X − λY N Y
⎝ dt ⎠

⎛ dN Z ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = λY N Y
⎝ dt ⎠
(ii) Time t at which N Y is maximum:
N 0λX
Given: N Y (t ) =
λ X − λY
e −λY t − e −λ X t ]

For N Y (t ) to be maximum, N Y (t ) = 0
dN Y
From (ii), = λ X N X − λY N Y ∴ λ X N X = λY N Y
N 0λX
( )
or λ X N 0 e −λ X t = λY
(λ X − λY )
e −λY t − e −λ X t ]
λ X − λY (e − λ t − e − λ
Y Xt
or =
λY e −λ t X

or − 1 = e (λ X − λY )t

⎛λ ⎞
or ln⎜⎜ X ⎟⎟ = (λ X − λY )t
⎝ λY ⎠

⎛ ⎞
1 ⎛λ ⎞ 1 ⎜ 0.1 ⎟
or t = ln⎜⎜ X ⎟⎟ or t = ln⎜ ⎟
λ X − λY ⎝ λY ⎠ 0.1 −
1 ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
30 ⎝ 30 ⎠
or t = 15 ln (3) or t = 16.48 sec
(iii) Populations of X and Z when N Y is maximum:

N X = N 0 e − λ X t or N x = (10 ) e − (0.1)(16.48 )

or N X = 1.92 × 1019
Since λ X N X = λY N Y according to equation (iv),

⎛ ⎞
N X λX ⎜ 0.1 ⎟
∴N Y =
or N Y = 1.92 × 1019 ) ×⎜
⎜ 1 ⎟

⎜ ⎟
⎝ 30 ⎠
or N Y = 5.76 × 1019
Again N Z = N 0 − N X − N Y

or N Z = 10 20 − 1.92 × 1019 − 5.67 × 1019 ) ( )
or N Z = 1019 [10 − 1.92 − 5.76]

N Z = 2.32 × 1019
Hence (i) Rate equations for populations X , Y , Z are given in equations (i), (ii) and (iii)
(ii) Time at which N Y is maximum = 16.48 sec

(iii) Population of X = N X = 1.92 × 1019

Population of Z = N Z = 2.32 × 1019
Q122. A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr model) is observed to emit six wavelengths,
originating from all possible transitions between a group of levels. These levels have
energies between − 0.85 eV and − 0.544 eV (including both these values).
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these transitions.
(Take hc = 1240 eV − nm , ground state energy of hydrogen atom = −13.6 eV )
Solution: A hydrogen –like atom emits six wavelengths.
n(n − 1)
∴ =6 or n = 4
Transition therefore occurs between m th energy state and (m + 3) energy state

E m = −0.85 eV

⎛ Z2 ⎞
or − 13.6⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = −0.85 , according to Bohr model
⎝m ⎠
Z represents the atomic number of atom.

Z 0.85 1 1 Z
or = = = = 0.25 ∴ = 0.25
m 13.6 16 4 m
similarly E m +3 = −0.544 eV

13.6Z 2
or − = −0.544
(m + 3)2
Z 0.544 1 1
or = = = = 0 .2
m+3 13.6 25 5
∴ = 0.2 (ii)
Form (i) and (ii) we get
m = 12 and Z = 3
∴ Atomic number of the atom = 3
(b) Smallest. wavelength emitted in the transitions:
The smallest wavelength corresponds to maximum difference of energies.
∴ ΔE max = E m +3 − E m
A m+3


m +1


= −0.544 − (− 0.85) = 0.306 eV

∴ λmin =
ΔE max
or λmin = = 4052.3 nm
∴ Smallest wavelength = 4052 nm

Q123. Two metallic plates A and B , each of area 5 × 10 −4 m 2 are placed parallel to each other at
a separation of 1 cm. Plate B carries a positive charge of 33.7 × 10 −12 C .A
monochromatic beam of light, with photons of energy 5eV each, starts falling on plate
A at t = 0 so that 1016 photons fall on it per square metre per second. Assume that, one
photoelectron is emitted for every 10 6 incident photons. Also assume that all the emitted
photoelectrons are collected by plate B and the workfunction of plate A remains
constant at the value 2eV . Determine
(a) the number of photoelectrons emitted up to t = 10 s
(b) the magnitude of the electric field between plates A and B at t = 10 s , and
(c) the kinetic energy of the most energetic photoelectron emitted at t = 10 s when it
reaches plate B .
Neglect the time taken by the photoelectron to reach plate B. Take
ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12
N − m2
Solution: (a) Number of photoelectrons emitted up to t = 10 s
Area of each plate 5 × 10 −4 m 2
Separation between plates = 1cm = 10 −2 m
Photons incident
= 10 6
area × time
∴ No of photons incident = 1016 × area × time
( )
= 1016 × 5 × 10 −4 × 10 = 5 × 1013

5 × 1013
∴ No of photoelectrons emitted =
10 6
Number of photoelectrons = 5 × 10 7 (i)
(b) Magnitude of field between plates:
Charge on AQ A = 8 × 10 −12

( ) (
QB = charge = 33.7 × 10 −12 − 5 × 10 7 × 1.6 × 10 −19 )
= (33.7 − 8) × 10 −12 C

charge on BQB = 25.7 × 10 −12 C

σB σA 1
∴E = − or E = (QB − Q A )
2ε 0 2ε 0 2 Aε 0

17.7 × 10 −12
or E =
( ) (
2 × 5 × 10 − 4 × 8.85 × 10 −12 )
E = 2000 N / C (ii)
Energy of photoelectrons on plate B :
Energy = E − W = (5 − 2 )eV = 3eV

( )(
Increase in energy = (Ed )eV = 2 × 10 3 10 −2 eV = 20eV )
∴ Energy of photoelectrons on plate B = (20 + 3)eV = 23eV (iii)
Q124. Frequency of a photon emitted due to transition of electron of a certain element from L
to K shell is found to be 4.2 × 1018 Hz . Using Moseley’s la find the atomic number of the
element, given that the Rydberg’s constant R = 1.1 × 10 7 m −1
Solution: Atomic number of element:
According to Bohr model, ΔE = hυ

2⎡ 1 1⎤
or Rhc(Z − b ) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ = hυ
⎣ n1 n 2 ⎦
for K − series, b = 1
2⎡ 1 1⎤
∴ υ = Rc(Z − 1) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥
⎣ n1 n 2 ⎦

( )( )2⎡ 1 1⎤
or 4.2 × 1018 = 1.1 × 10 7 3 × 10 8 (Z − 1) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥
⎣1 2 ⎦

4.2 × 1018 × 4 56 1000

or (Z − 1) =
= × = 1697
1.1 × 10 × 3 × 10 × 3 33
7 8
or Z − 1 = 41 or Z = 42
Atomic number of element = 42
Q125. A radioactive sample emits nβ − particles in 2 sec. In next 2 sec it emits
0.75nβ − particles. W4hat is the mean life of the sample? Given ln 2 = 0.6931 and
ln 3 = 1.0986
Solution: Let N 0 be the initial number of nuclei. So, after 2 seconds amount remaining = N 0 e −2 λ

∴ Amount dissociated, n = N 0 (1 − e −2λ ) (i)

Again after 2 seconds amount remaining = N 0 e −2 λ e −2 λ

∴ Amount dissociated, 0.75n = N 0 e −2λ − N 0 e −2 λ e −2λ

⇒ 0.75 = N 0 e −2 λ 1 − e −2 λ ) (ii)
solving equations (i) and (ii)
0.75n N 0 e −2λ 1 − e −2 λ
n (
N 0 1 − e −2λ )
3 4
or, e − 2λ = ⇒ e 2λ
4 3
( )
or, ln e 2 λ = ln 4 − ln 3
or, 2λ = 2 ln 2 − ln 3
or, 2λ = 2 × 0.6931 − 1.0986
or, λ = 0.1438 sec −1
∴ Mean life = = 6.954 second
or mean life = 7 second
Q126. In a photoelectric, experiment setup, photons of energy 5eV fall on .the cathode having
workfunction 3eV . (a) If the saturation current is i A = 4 μA for intensity 10 −5 W / m 2 then
plot a graph between anode potential and current. (b) Also draw a graph for intensity of
incident radiation 2 × 10 −5 W / m 2
Solution: For photoelectric effect,
Incident energy (E ) = Workfunction (φ ) + K max

or K max = E − Workfunction (φ )

or eV0 = (5 − 3) = 2eV

or V0 = volt
∴ The saturation current depends on incident intensity
(a) Saturation current i A = 4 μA for intensity 10 −5
(b) saturation current i A = 8μA for 2 × 10 −5
The graphs (a) and (b) are shown in figure.

I n = 2 × 10 −5 W / m 2
I A = 1 × 10 −5 W / m 2
(in μA) 4

− 6 − 4 −2 0 2 4 6
V (in volts )
Q127. A radioactive sample of U decays to Pb through a process for which the half-life is
4.5 × 10 9 year. Find the ratio of number of nuclei of Pb to 238
U after a time of 1.5 × 10 9
year. Given (2)
1/ 3
= 1.26

Solution: Radio of number of nuclei of Pb to U 238 .

U 238 decays and Pb is formed through the radioactive process.
N = N0 ⎜ ⎟
where N 0 = Initial number of radioactive material

N = Number of radioactive material left

n = Number of half lives
time of decay 1.5 × 10 9 1
or n = = =
half life 4.5 × 10 9 3
1/ 3
∴NU = N 0 ⎜ ⎟

1/ 3
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞1 / 3 ⎤
N Pb = N 0 − N U = N 0 − N 0 ⎜ ⎟ = N 0 ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎝2⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦

⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞1 / 3 ⎤
N 0 ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
N Pb ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ 1
= 1/ 3
= 1/ 3
NU ⎛ ⎞
1 ⎛ ⎞
N0 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
= 21 / 3 − 1 = 1.26 − 1 = 0.26
Q128. The photons from the Balmer series in Hydrogen spectrum, having wavelengths between
450 nm to 700 nm , are incident on a metal surface of workfunction 2eV . Find the
maximum kinetic energy of ejected electron. (Given hc = 1242eV nm )
Solution: For Balmer series,
hc ⎡1 1⎤
= 13.6⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥ eV where n = 3,4,5.....
λ ⎣2 n ⎦
1242 eV nm 13.6 × 5
when n = 3, =
λ3 9× 4
1242 × 9 × 4
or λ3 = = 657 nm
13.6 × 5
1242eV nm 13.6 × 3
when n = 4, =
λ4 16
1242 × 16
or λ4 = = 487 nm
13.6 × 3
In the allowed range, we have these two wavelength Maximum kinetic energy is
contained by wave of great frequency or smaller wavelength.
hc ⎛ 1242 ⎞
∴ K max = − work function = ⎜ − 2 ⎟eV
λ ⎝ 487 ⎠
= (2.55 − 2 ) eV = 0.55 eV
∴ Maximum K .E. of ejected electron = 0.55 eV
Q129. The potential energy of a particle of mass in is given by
⎧ E ; ≤ x ≤ 1⎫
V (x ) = ⎨ 0 ⎬
⎩ 0; x >1 ⎭

λ1 and λ 2 are the de-Broglie wavelengths of the particle, when 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and x > 1
respectively. ‘If the total energy of particle is 2E 0 find
Solution: de Broglie wavelength λ = where K denotes kinetic energy of particle
Case (i): 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
Given: potential energy = E 0

Given: Total energy = 2E 0

∴Kinetic energy = 2 E 0 − E 0 = E 0 ∴ λ1 =

Case (ii): x > 1

Given: potential energy V ( x ) = 0
Given: Total energy = 2E 0

∴ Kinetic energy = 2E 0

h λ1 2 E0
∴λ 2 = ∴ = = 2
2m(2 E 0 ) λ2 E0

∴ = 2
Q130. Highly energetic electrons are bombarded on a target of an element containing 30
neutrons. The ratio of radii of nucleus to that of helium nucleus is (14 )
1/ 3
. Find (a)
atomic number of the nucleus. (b) the frequency of K α line of X − ray produced.

(R = 1.1 × 10 7
m −1 and c = 3 × 10 8 m / s )
Solution: (a) Radius of nucleus r = r0 A1 / 3
Where A = mass number
r0 = a constant

For known nucleus r1 = r0 (4 )

1/ 3

For unknown nucleus, r2 = r0 A1 / 3

1/ 3 1/ 3
r2 ⎛ A ⎞ ⎛ A⎞
or (14 )
1/ 3
∴ =⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ or A = 56
r1 ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎝4⎠
Number of protons = A − number of neutrons = 56 -30 = 26
∴Atomic number = 26
Frequency of K α line of the X − rays produced:

Frequency of K α line = f

2⎡ 1 1⎤
∴ f = Rc(Z − b ) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥b = 1 for K α , Z = 26
⎣ n1 n2 ⎦

( )( 2⎡ 1
) 1⎤
or f = 1.1 × 10 7 3 × 10 8 (26 − 1) ⎢ 2 − 2 ⎥
⎣1 2 ⎦

3.3 × 1015 × 25 × 25 × 3
or f =
or f = 1.547 × 1018 Hz

∴ Frequency of K α line of the X − rays = 1.547 × 1018 Hz

Q131. In hydrogen-like atom (Z = 11) line of Lyman series has wavelength λ . The de-Broglie’s
wavelength of electron in the level from which it originated is also λ . Find the value of
Solution: The wavelength of spectral series

1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= RZ 2 ⎜⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟⎟
λ ⎝ n1 n 2 ⎠
1 2 ⎛1 1 ⎞
For Lyman series, = R(11) ⎜ − 2 ⎟ (given Z = 11 )
λ ⎝1 n ⎠
h h hrn
de-Broglie wavelength λ ′ = = =
p mv mvrn
Since L = mvrn = (where rn = radius of n th orbit)

2πhrn 2π rn
∴λ′ = =
nh n
Since rn = a0 n 2
(Where a 0 = Bohr’s radius = 0.529 ×10 −10 n )

(0.529 × 10 )n−10 2

2π × 0.529 × 10 −10 × n 2 2π × 0.529 × 10 −10 n
∴λ′ = =
11 × n 11
1 11
or =
λ 2π × 0.529 × 10 −10 × n
1 1
As per question, λ = λ ′ ∴ =
λ λ′
2⎛ 1 ⎞ 11
or R(11) ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ =
⎝ n ⎠ 2π × 0.529 × 10 × n

1 11
or n − = = 25
n 2π × 0.529 × 10 × (11)2 × 1.1 × 10 7

or n 2 − 1 = 25n
As 1 is very small as compared to n 2 . ∴ we neglect 1.
∴ n 2 = 25n or n = 25
Q132. Four physical quantities are listed in Column I. Their values are listed in Column II in a.
random order
Column I Column II
(a) Thermal energy of air molecules at room temperature. (e) 0.02 eV
(b) Binding energy of heavy nuclei per nucleon. (f) 2 eV
(c) X − ray photon energy (g) 1 keV
(d) Photon energy of visible light (h) 7 MeV
Ans. a → e, b → h, c → g , d → f
Q133. In the following, column I lists some physical quantities and the column II gives
approximate energy values associated with some of them. Choose the appropriate value
of energy from column I for each of the physical quantities in column I.
Column I Column II
(i) Energy of thermal neutrons (A) 0.025 eV
(ii) Energy of X − rays (B) 0.5eV
(iii) Binding energy per nucleon (C) 3eV
(iv) Photoelectric threshold of a metal (D) 20 eV
(E) 10keV
(F) 10 MeV
Solution: Column I Column II
(i) Energy of thermal neutrons A 0.025 eV
(ii) Energy of X-rays E 10 keV
(iii) Binding energy per nucleon F 8 MeV
(iv) Photoelectric threshold of a metal C 3 eV
Q134. Column I Column II
(i) Nuclear fission (a) Converts some matter into energy
(ii) Nuclear fission (b) Generally possible for nuclei with low atomic number
(iii) β − decay (c) Generally possible for nuclei with higher atomic
(iv) Exothermic nuclear (d) Essentially proceeds by weak nuclear forces
(i) → (a),(b)
(ii) → (a), (c)
(iii) → (d)
(iv) → (a),(b), (c)
Q135. Some laws/processes are given in column I. Match these with the physical phenomena
given in column II.
Column I Column II
(a) Transition between two atomic energy levels (p) Characteristic X rays
(b) Electron emission from a material (q) Photoelectric effect
(c) Mosley’s law (r) Hydrogen spectrum
(d) Change of photon energy into kinetic energy (s) β -decay
of electrons
Ans. a → p, r; b → q, s; c → p; d → q
Assertion & Reason:
Q136. Statement-1: If the accelerating potential in an X − ray tube is increased, the wavelengths
of the characteristic X − rays do not change.
Statement-2: When an electron beam strikes the target in an X − ray tube, part of the
kinetic energy is converted into X − ray energy
Ans. (b)

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