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Realistically Predict
Capacity and Pressure Drop
for Packed Columns
Generalized pressure-drop correlation (GPDC)
charts have been the standard for predicting
Henry Z. Kister
Jeffrey Scherffius packing flood points and pressure drops.
Khashayar Afshar This article guides engineers on the correct
Emil Abkar
Fluor Corp. and incorrect uses of the GPDC interpolation
procedure, and updates the method for
today’s new state-of-the-art packings.

or several decades, the Sherwood-Eckert generalized In Eq. 1, ν is the kinematic viscosity of the liquid. Note
pressure-drop correlation (GPDC) chart has been the that the kinematic viscosity (in centistokes) is obtained by
standard for predicting flood points and pressure drops dividing the dynamic viscosity (in centipoises) by the liq-
in packed columns. This chart [initially developed by Sher- uid density in g/cm3 — not by the liquid density in
wood, et al. (2) and later modified by Lobo, et al. (3)] con- English units.
tained only a single curve that predicted packing flood points. FP is the packing factor, which is an empirical factor
Leva added a new family of curves to the chart’s flood-point characteristic of the packing size and shape. Packing fac-
curve to predict packing pressure drop (4). Eckert proposed tors for common packings are listed in most distillation
further modifications (5–7), the most recent of which omitted texts (8–10).
the flood curve, retained only the pressure drop curves, and CS is known as the C-factor, which is the superficial gas
incorporated several other minor modifications. Strigle velocity (US) corrected for vapor and liquid densities (ρG
changed the scales of this latest Eckert version from log-log and ρL). It is given by:
to semi-log to make interpolation between adjacent pressure-
drop curves easier (8). Known as Strigle’s chart (Figure 1), CS = US[ρG/(ρL – ρG)]0.5 (2)
this is the “best and latest,” and preferred, version of the
GPDC, as discussed in current distillation texts (8–10). The C-factor describes the balance between the vapor mo-
Those versions of the GPDC are based on random pack- mentum force, which acts to entrain swarms of liquid droplets,
ing only. For structured packings, Kister and Gill (11) devel- and the gravity force, which resists the upward entrainment.
oped a modified chart [GPDC(SP), where SP stands for This closely resembles the force balance used by Souders and
structured packings], Figure 2, that empirically was a better Brown for entrainment flooding in tray columns (13).
fit to a large database of published structured-packing data. The GPDC chart abscissa is the flow parameter, Flv,
The GPDC chart ordinate is the capacity parameter (CP), given by:
given by:
Flv = (L/G)( ρG/ρL)0.5 (3)
CP = CSFP0.5ν0.05 (1)
This flow parameter represents the ratio of liquid kinetic
This article is based on a paper presented at the 2007 AIChE Spring energy to vapor kinetic energy. High flow parameters are
Meeting (1). The full paper, including an appendix containing all of the
updated charts, is available at the CEP website, typical of high liquid rates and high pressures. Conversely,

28 July 2007 CEP

low flow parameters are typical of vacuum and low-liquid- AT = tower cross-section area, ft2
rate operation. CS = C-factor based on tower superficial velocity,
defined by Eq. 2, ft/s
Removal of the flood curve from recent versions of the CP = capacity parameter, defined by Eq. 1
GPDC chart curtailed its ability to predict flood. This capa- Flv = flow parameter, defined by Eq. 3
bility was reinstated by a simple correlation (14): FP = packing factor, characteristic of packing geometry, ft–1
∆P = pressure drop, in. H2O/ft of packing
∆PFl = 0.12FP 0.7 (4) G = gas mass flowrate, lb/h
L = liquid mass flowrate, lb/h
US = superficial vapor velocity, ft/s
Equation 4 expresses the pressure drop at the flood
Greek Letters
point as a function of the packing factor alone. Once this ρ = density, lb/ft3
pressure drop is known, the flood velocity can be calculat- µL = liquid viscosity, cP
ed from the GPDC (or any other good pressure-drop pre- ν = kinematic viscosity, cSt
diction method). Equation 4 states that the pressure drop at Subscripts
the flood point decreases as the packing capacity increas- Fl = at flood
es, as observed earlier by others (15–17). The numerical G = gas
L = liquid
constant originally proposed by Kister and Gill was 0.115;
MOC = at maximum operational capacity
Strigle (8) endorsed Eq. 4, but with the coefficient round-
ed up to 0.12.
Predictions from the latest version of 2.4
∆P, in. H2O/ft
the GPDC (Figures 1 and 2) were com-
2.0 1.5
pared to thousands of packing pressure-
drop measurements (8, 11, 14). The
1.6 1.0
GPDC correlation gave good predictions

for most pressure-drop data. It generally 0.5

works well for the air-water system with
flow parameters as low as 0.01 and as 0.25
high as 1 (8). For nonaqueous systems, it
works well for flow parameters from 0.4 0.05
0.03 to 0.3 (typical of atmospheric and
mild vacuum distillation). 0.0
The GPDC correlation was shown 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.0 5.0
(11, 14) to be optimistic for flow param- (L/G)(ρG/ρL)0.5
eters greater than 0.3 (typical of pres-
 Figure 1. Strigle’s GPDC chart for random packings. (Reprinted from Ref. 8. Copyright ©
sure distillation and/or high-liquid-rate Gulf Publishing, Houston, TX (1994). Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)
applications). These optimistic
predictions were attributed to 3.0
enhanced liquid frothiness at 2.8
higher pressures (8). The 2.4 ∆P, in. H2O/ft
GPDC correlation is also limit- 2.2 ∆P = 1.5
Capacity Parameter

ed at low liquid rates (flow 2.0

parameters < 0.03), where liq- 1.8 1.0
uid properties have much less 1.6
1.4 0.5
of an effect on pressure drop 1.2
than the GPDC predicts (18). 1.0 0.25
GPDC interpolation 0.6 0.10
Predictions from the GPDC 0.4
correlation are sensitive to the 0.0
packing factor. While most pack- 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00
ing factors reported in the litera- Flow Parameter
ture are satisfactory (8, 11, 14), a  Figure 2. Kister and Gill’s GPDC(SP) chart for structured packing.

CEP July 2007 29


few are a poor fit to experimental pressure-drop data. In addi- an excellent fit to experimental data is insufficient to ren-
tion, for some packings, the dependence of pressure drop on der a packing pressure-drop correlation suitable for design.
vapor and liquid loads is not adequately predicted by the In addition, the correlation’s limitations must be fully
GPDC correlation. understood. This applies to other packing pressure-drop
The deviations from the correlation tend to be system- correlations as well.
atic rather than random (14). Furthermore, some regions These limitations are overcome by GPDC interpolation.
where the correlation provided poor pressure-drop predic- Superimposing experimental data points (for a specific
tions are those of great commercial interest. It follows that packing) on the curves of the GPDC chart converts the
GPDC into an interpolation
chart (for that packing).
Pressure drops are calculated
2.6 Legend for Data Points by interpolating the plotted
2.4 ∆P, in. H2O/ft ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft pressure-drop data. The corre-
2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
lation curves merely help guide
Capacity Parameter

2.0 ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft

∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft the interpolation. An atlas of
1.8 1.0
∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft interpolation charts and an
0.5 Flood MOC application procedure are avail-
1.2 able in Refs. 10 and 12.
1.0 0.25
For random and grid pack-
0.6 0.10 ings, the curves on the inter-
0.4 polation charts are those of the
0.2 Strigle version of the Eckert
0.0 GPDC, Figure 1 (8). For struc-
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00
Flow Parameter
tured packings, the curves on
Basis: FP = 40 the interpolation charts are
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of those of the Kister and Gill
the data points must be used to predict packing performance.
GPDC(SP), Figure 2 (11). For
all charts (random, structured
 Figure 3. GPDC interpolation chart for Mellapak Plus 752Y with flood and pressure drop data.
or grid packings), the abscissa
is the flow parameter, given
by Eq. 3, and the ordinate is
2.6 Legend for Data Points the capacity parameter, given
2.4 ∆P, in. H2O/ft ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft by Eq. 1.
2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft Flood and maximum oper-
Capacity Parameter

∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft

2.0 ational capacity (MOC) data
∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft
1.8 1.0 ∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft are also plotted on the GPDC
1.4 0.5
Flood MOC interpolation charts, and the
1.2 charts are invaluable for inter-
1.0 0.25 polating these. The MOC (also
0.8 referred to as the maximum
0.6 0.10
efficient capacity) is defined
0.2 as the “maximum vapor rate
0.0 that provides normal efficien-
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00 cy of a packing” (8). Where
Flow Parameter flood data are absent, Eqs. 4
Basis: FP = 12
and 5, respectively, can be
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of
the data points must be used to predict packing performance. used for inferring flood points
and MOCs from pressure-drop
 Figure 4. GPDC interpolation chart for Mellapak Plus 252Y with flood and pressure drop data, data on the charts.

In all GPDC interpolation charts (Figures 3–9), large symbols denote data for non-aqueous systems and US,MOC = 0.95US,Fl (5)
small symbols denote data for aqueous systems.

30 July 2007 CEP

Flood-point predictions from Eq. 4 were compared to an Updates
extensive data bank for modern random and structured The last update of the GPDC interpolation procedure was
packings (11, 14). Pressure drops were calculated using the issued in 1995 (12). Much has happened in packing technolo-
GPDC interpolation charts. Equation 4 predicted all the gy since, and these developments are addressed in this article.
flood points in the data bank to within +15%, and most to Updated charts for 22 packings are presented in full in
within +10%. This procedure was also shown to be insensi- Ref. 1 (Figures 3–9 here are typical examples), along with a
tive to reasonable errors in packing factors (10). comprehensive table outlining the sources of the data shown
The suitability of the GPDC interpolation charts as a in the charts. The updates address the following:
basis for interpolation is not accidental. Packing pressure 1. A recent development followed the realization that liq-
drops correlate extremely well with GPDC coordinates, uid drainage in structured packings was restricted at the ele-
i.e., the flow parameter and the
capacity parameter. The depen- 3.0
dence does not always follow 2.8 Legend for Data Points
the correlation contours, but 2.6
∆P, in. H2O/ft ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft
2.4 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
always appears to exist. 2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft
Capacity Parameter

Furthermore, the correlation 2.0 ∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft

coordinates are essentially a 1.8 1.0 ∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft
“performance diagram,” i.e., a 1.6 Flood MOC
plot of a vapor load against 1.4 0.5
liquid load, a tool commonly 1.0 0.25
used for charting column 0.8
hydraulic performance. 0.6 0.10
The conversion of the 0.4
GPDC into interpolation charts 0.2
overcomes a multitude of limi-
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00
tations of the correlation. The
Flow Parameter
GPDC interpolation charts Basis: FP = 13
readily identify any regions NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of
where data veer off the correla- the data points must be used to predict packing performance.

tion curves, and give reliable

estimates (by data interpola-  Figure 5. GPDC interpolation chart for Flexipac HC 2Y with pressure drop data.
tion) in these regions.
It may be argued that the 3.0
interpolation procedure breaks 2.8 ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft
down when data are absent. The 2.6 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
2.4 ∆P, in. H O/ft
2 ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft
counter-argument is that the 2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft
Capacity Parameter

GPDC correlation curves are 2.0 ∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft

always there to fall back on and 1.8 1.0 Flood MOC
to get a prediction, but now 1.6 Small symbols = aqueous data
0.5 Large symbols = non-aqueous data
there is also a tool to warn that 1.4
there are no data in this region 1.0 0.25
and that uncertainty is involved. 0.8
A shortcoming of the 0.6 0.10
GPDC interpolation data chart 0.4
procedure is that it replaces a 0.2
single correlation chart by an 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00
atlas. The interpolation charts Flow Parameter
Basis: FP = 13
consume more storage space in
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of
the design manual or on the the data points must be used to predict packing performance.
computer and require more
updating effort.  Figure 6. GPDC interpolation chart for Montz B1-250M with flood and pressure data.

CEP July 2007 31


ment-to-element transition rather than inside elements. This while others (23) have a slightly lower efficiency. These
means that the liquid accumulation leading to flood initiates packings are represented in Figures 3–6.
at the element transition region. A fourth-generation of 2. Inside each element of a structured packing, corrugat-
structured packings evolved — in which the main body of ed sheets are most commonly inclined at about 45 deg. to
each element has layers inclined at 45 deg., but the top or the vertical (typically indicated by the letter “Y” following
both ends of each element are rounded or vertical to pro- the packing size). This angle is large enough for good liquid
mote drainage at this end region. These high-capacity struc- drainage, avoiding stagnant pockets and regions of liquid
tured packings offer more capacity than equivalent 45-deg.- accumulation, and small enough to prevent gas from
inclined packings; some (19–22) have the same efficiency, bypassing the metal surfaces. In some packings, the inclina-
tion angle to the vertical is
steepened to 30 deg. (typically
indicated by the letter “X” fol-
2.6 Legend for Data Points lowing the packing size). This
∆P, in. H2O/ft ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft
2.4 improves drainage, and there-
2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
fore capacity, but at the
Capacity Parameter

∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft

2.0 expense of reduced gas-liquid
∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft
1.8 1.0 ∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft contact, and therefore, efficien-
Flood MOC cy. Many new X-type packings
1.4 0.5
1.2 have come on the market since
1.0 0.25 the previous update of the
0.8 charts. Figure 7 is a typical
0.6 0.10
chart for one of these packings.
0.2 3. For one line of popular
0.0 structured packing (Flexipac
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00 1Y, 2Y, 3Y and 4Y), the origi-
Flow Parameter
Basis: FP = 5 nal GPDC interpolation charts
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of (10) were based on pressure-
the data points must be used to predict packing performance. drop data measured in an exten-
sive air-water test program by
 Figure 7. GPDC interpolation chart for Flexipac 3X with pressure drop data.
Koch Engineering in 1982 (24,
25). Recent publications by the
2.8 same company appear to have
∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft
2.6 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
shifted support to new air-water
2.4 ∆P, in. H2O/ft ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft data (21, 26) that measured sig-
2.2 ∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft nificantly larger pressure drops
Capacity Parameter

2.0 ∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft

under equivalent conditions.
1.8 1.0 Flood MOC
1.6 Small symbols = aqueous data (This is discussed further in the
1.4 0.5 Large symbols = non-aqueous data examples.) Figure 8 is an
1.2 example of a revised chart for
1.0 0.25 one of these packings based on
0.8 the vendor’s latest data.
0.6 0.10
4. The Raschig Super-Ring
0.2 high-capacity random packing
0.0 has become available and
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00 gained popularity. Figure 9 is a
Flow Parameter new GPDC chart for one size
Basis: FP = 15
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of of these packings.
the data points must be used to predict packing performance.
5. Data and GPDC charts
 Figure 8. GPDC interpolation chart for Flexipac 2Y with flood and pressure drop data. for Hyperfil knitted-mesh
tower packing were recently
In all GPDC interpolation charts (Figures 3–9), large symbols denote data for non-aqueous systems and published (27).
small symbols denote data for aqueous systems.

32 July 2007 CEP

Use and misuse of the GPDC charts Thus, liquid density = ρL = 48/62.4 = 0.769 g/cm3 and
The following examples illustrating common misuses of kinematic viscosity = ν = 0.60/0.769 = 0.78 cSt.
the GPDC charts are based on actual experiences. Some 4. Calculate the capacity parameter. Figure 9 gives a
details may have been changed to make it difficult for read- packing factor of 18 for the #1.5(M) Raschig Super-Ring.
ers to recognize where the experience occurred. From Eq. 1, CP = 0.299 × 18 0.5 × 0.78 0.05 = 1.25.
5. Calculate the flood point. Figure 9 does not contain
Example 1: Typical flood and pressure-drop flood data, so Eq. 4 is used to give ∆PFl = 0.12 × 18 0.7 =
calculations for a possible retrofit 0.91 in. H2O/ft of packing. The flood capacity parameter
A 6-ft-dia. chemical vacuum tower contains a 20-ft bed is the ordinate at the flood pressure drop and at the flow
of #1.5 metal Raschig Super-Ring packing. The tower is to
be retrofitted for a vapor flowrate of G = 40,000 lb/h, vapor Table. Packings considered for retrofit in Example 1.
density of ρG = 0.036 lb/ft3, liquid flowrate of L = 32,000
lb/h, liquid density of ρL = 48 lb/ft3, and liquid viscosity of Flexipac HC 2Y Mellapak Plus 252Y
µL = 0.60 cP. Would the packing achieve these flowrates? If
FP (Figures 4 and 5) 13 12
the packing is to be replaced by Mellapak Plus 252Y or
Flexipac HC 2Y structured packing, can a pressure drop CP (Eq. 1) 1.065 1.023
reduction be achieved?
∆PFl (Eq. 4) 0.72 0.68
Solution. Figures 9, 4 and 5 are GPDC interpolation
charts for these packings. These charts are the basis for Flood CP
(from Flv and ∆PFl) 1.62† 1.57*
the calculations.
1. Calculate the flow parameter from Eq. 3. Flv = % Flood 66% 65%
(32,000/40,000)(0.036/48)0.5 = 0.022. Actual Pressure Drop
2. Calculate the C-factor from Eq. 2. The tower area = (from Flv, CP), in. H2O/ft 0.25† 0.22‡
AT = (π/4)62 = 28.27 ft2. The vapor velocity = US =
40,000/(3,600 × 0.036 × 28.27) = 10.9 ft/s. From Eq. 2, the Notes:
0.5 * There are actual flood data, so there is no need to use Eq. 4. The
C-factor = 10.9[0.036/(48 – 0.036)] = 0.299 ft/s. flood point is a direct interpolation of flood data, so it is predicted with
3. Calculate the kinematic viscosity in cSt. This is a high degree of confidence.
obtained by dividing the dynamic viscosity in cP (µL) by the † Limited extrapolation is needed, but it is quite straightforward and
involves low risk.
liquid density in g/cm3 (ρL). Centistokes, centipoises and
‡ The data permit a high degree of confidence in the pressure drop
g/cm3 are all units in the CGS system, and are consistent prediction.
units. An accurate estimate of
kinematic viscosity is obtained
by dividing the dynamic viscos- 3.0
ity by the specific gravity. 2.8
2.6 ∆P, in. H2O/ft Legend for Data Points
Misuse #1: Mixing units in
2.4 ∆P = 1.5 in. H O/ft
kinematic viscosity calculations ∆P = 1.5 2
∆P = 1.0 in. H O/ft
2.2 2
Capacity Parameter

has been the top cause of get- ∆P = 0.5 in. H O/ft

2.0 2

ting incorrect answers from the 1.0 ∆P = 0.25 in. H O/ft

1.8 2
∆P = 0.10 in. H O/ft
GPDC correlations. The kine- 1.6
Flood MOC

matic viscosity is raised to the 1.4 0.5

power of 0.05 in the calculation 1.0 0.25
(Eq. 1). The conversion factor 0.8
between the English units of 0.6 0.10
lb/ft3 and the CGS units of 0.4
g/cm3 is 62.4. When 62.4 is 0.2
raised to the 0.05 power, it pro- 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 5.00
duces an error of 23%. This Flow Parameter
makes a large difference in the Basis: FP = 18
final answer, yet the wrong NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of
the data points must be used to predict packing performance.
answer makes sense, so the
error is difficult to identify.  Figure 9. GPDC interpolation chart for #1.5(M) Raschig Super-Ring with pressure drop data.

CEP July 2007 33


parameter of 0.022, about 1.73. The percent of flood is remaining steps are different and are based on Figure 10.
1.25 × 100/1.73 = 72%. Thus, the existing packing (#1.5 4. Calculate the capacity parameter. Eq. 1 gives
(M) Raschig Super-Ring) will comfortably achieve the CP = 0.299 × 27 0.5 × 0.78 0.05 = 1.53.
required retrofit flowrates. 5. Calculate the flood point. Figure 10 does not contain
6. Calculate the pressure drop. Locate a point on the chart flood data, so Eq. 4 is used to obtain ∆PFl = 0.12 × 27 0.7 =
whose abscissa is the flow parameter (0.022) and whose ordi- 1.21 in. H2O/ft of packing. The flood capacity parameter is
nate is the capacity parameter (1.25). At that point, the pres- the ordinate at this flood pressure drop and the flow param-
sure drop is about 0.35 in. H2O/ft of packing. For a 20-ft bed, eter of 0.022, about 2.27. Therefore, the percent of flood is
the total pressure drop is 0.35 × 20 = 7 in. H2O. 1.53 × 100/2.27 = 67%.
7. Evaluate the structured packing for the retrofit. For So a packing factor increase of 50% changes the calcu-
this calculation, Steps 1–3 are the same as above. Steps 4–6 lated flood point only by 7%. This change is entirely due to
are repeated based on Figures 4 and 5. This produces the the effect of packing factor on the flood point per Eq. 4.
results shown in the table on the previous page. The flood point would not have been impacted had flood
8. Compare the pressure drops in Steps 6 and 7. A pres- data been present on the chart.
sure drop reduction of 0.10–0.13 in. H2O/ft of packing 6. Calculate the pressure drop. Locate a point on Figure
can be expected. This will save about 2–2.5 in. H2O over 10 whose abscissa is the flow parameter (0.022) and whose
the 20-ft bed. ordinate is the capacity parameter (1.53). At that point, the
This small pressure drop reduction is unlikely to be ben- pressure drop is about 0.35 in. H2O/ft of packing. For a 20-
eficial enough to justify the cost of a structured packing ft bed, the total pressure drop is 0.35 × 20 = 7 in. H2O. This
retrofit in this tower. However, if the structured packings is the same as the pressure drop calculated with the correct
can also offer a significant efficiency improvement, such a packing factor of 18.
retrofit may be justified. Misuse #2: Packing factors from different sources should
not be mixed. The GPDC interpolation charts are simple plots
Example 2: How important is the packing factor? of measured C-factors against flow parameters at constant
Suppose that for Example 1 a grossly excessive packing pressure drops. Due to the low power, the kinematic viscosity
factor was used. Figure 10 shows an excessive packing fac- has little impact. The packing factors play the sole role of
tor of 27 for the same packing, #1.5(M) Raschig Super- moving the data points up or down relative to the curves, but
Ring (the correct chart has a packing factor of 18). What the data, not the curves, are being interpolated. For a given
impact would this have on the calculation? packing, the packing factor is simply a constant on the ordi-
Solution. Steps 1–3 are the same as in Example 1. The nate. As long as the packing factor used in the calculation
is the same as that used in and
3.0 listed on the chart (as in Ex-
2.8 amples 1 and 2), it plays no role
2.6 ∆P, in. H2O/ft Legend for Data Points
in the pressure drop calculation.
2.4 ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft
∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 1.0 in. H O/ft If Eq. 4 is used, the packing fac-
2.2 2
Capacity Parameter

2.0 ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft tor plays a small role in the

1.0 ∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft flood calculation.
∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft
1.6 In preparing the charts,
Flood MOC
1.4 0.5 packing factors were carefully
chosen to move the data closest
1.0 0.25
0.8 to the curves. This minimizes
0.6 0.10 errors in the use of Eq. 4. For
0.4 the pressure drop interpolation,
0.2 the closer the data match the
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 5.00
curves, the better the curves
Flow Parameter can guide the interpolation. For
Basis: FP = 27
the pressure drop interpolation,
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of any packing factor (within rea-
the data points must be used to predict packing performance.
son) could have been picked
and the same pressure drop
 Figure 10. GPDC chart for #1.5(M) Raschig Super-Ring with a grossly excessive packing factor. result obtained.

34 July 2007 CEP

Example 3: Pressure drop test program published by Koch Engineering (24) in 1982
calculation beyond flood and used in its catalogs for over a decade (25). Recent Koch-
Misuse #3: Pressure drop calculation above the flood Glitsch publications (21, 26) substituted new data, some
point is invalid. The GPDC interpolation charts are excel- from the same test unit, showing significantly higher pres-
lent predictors of pressure drop when the column is sure drops for each packing from the same family.
unflooded. However, once flooded, the variation in pressure Figures 12a and 12b illustrate the differences. It is not
drop becomes totally unpredictable. Often, flood is accom- clear why the pressure drop of this packing has risen in the
panied by a sharp rise in pressure drop, yet in other cases, last decade or so. It is clear that charts based on the 1982 data
packing flood occurs with no sharp change in pressure drop are too optimistic to predict the “best and latest” pressure-
(28). So any attempt to predict pressure drop of a flooded drop measurements supported by the vendor. The existing
tower is wrong. GPDC charts for the packing do not adequately reflect the
Figure 11, based on Ref. 29, is a classic example of this new data (29) because they are based on the old data. Thus,
misuse. For this packing (Flexipac 2Y), there were quite a Figure 8, as well as Charts 10.6102R1 through 10.6108R1 in
few flood data points plotted on the GPDC chart in the rele- Ref. 1 (R1 stands for Revision 1), are revised charts for the
vant region (10), measured by the Separation Research Flexipac 1Y, 2Y, 3Y and 4Y based on the new data.
Program (SRP) at the Univ. of Texas in Austin (30). Unlike the changed pressure-drop calculation, the flood
Interpolation of these flood data would give a flood point prediction of the superseded GPDC interpolation chart for
vapor rate 9.5% higher than the experimental flood point, Flexipac 2Y is quite close to the measured flood point
yet the calculation displayed on Figure 11 (27) extended to (within 10%). This is because the flood point interpolation
more than 30% above the measured flood point! The por- is based on flood-point data measured by SRP (30) that
tion of the graph between 9.5% and 32% above the GPDC were not affected by the pressure-drop data substitution.
flood point is totally invalid. It is, therefore, most important to be alert to data changes
The difference between the valid portion of the calculat- and reliability. Fortunately, data changes for a given packing
ed curve and the experimental curve in Figure 11 is do not happen too often.
addressed in the next example.

Example 4: GPDC interpolation 1.60

Pressure Drop, in. H2O/ft

McNulty and Hsieh (24)

can only be as good as its database McNulty and Sommerfeldt (21)
There is nothing magic about GPDC interpolation. As
stated earlier, the kinematic viscosity and packing factors 0.80
play minor, if any, roles. What is being interpolated is the
measured data. Therefore, if GPDC interpolation starts giv- 0.40
ing unsatisfactory predictions, reviewing the data should be
high on the troubleshooting list. 0.00
The lower curves on Figures 12a and 12b show samples 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Cs, ft/s
of the pressure drop data that were used to derive the GPDC
charts for two sizes of Flexipac Y packing. These data were  Figure 12a. Flexipac 1Y metal structured packing pressure drop
taken from the measurements obtained in a very extensive vs. C-factor (air-water, 10 gpm/ft2, Koch/Koch-Glitsch data).

Pressure Drop, in. H2O/ft

1.4 McNulty and Hsieh (24)

Pressure Drop, in. H2O/ft

GPDC KFP-5 (26)

1.2 Vendorʼs New Test Data 1.20
0.8 0.80
0.6 Misuse #3
0.2 Flood Point 0.00
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 Cs, ft/s
Fraction of Measured Flood
 Figure 12b. Flexipac 2Y metal structured packing pressure drop
 Figure 11. Incorrect application of GPDC beyond the flood point. vs. C-factor (air-water, 10 gpm/ft2, Koch/Koch-Glitsch data).

CEP July 2007 35


Example 5: Flood or no flood? Extrapolation is required, and uncertainty exists. It is

A refinery crude tower has a 14-ft i.d., but its packed quite possible that the vendor has little data in this zone,
stripping section is contained in a 5-ft-i.d. cylinder (or and any proprietary predictions are likely to be uncertain.
“can”). The packed bed is 10 ft tall. The plant is measuring The strength of the GPDC is that it does give this warning
a pressure drop of 13–20 in. H2O across the bed. Evaluation to the user, whereas the proprietary program does not.
by others using proprietary software concluded that the bed Fortunately, flood data (measured by the packing ven-
should be operating at 87% of flood with a pressure drop of dor) are available all the way to a flow parameter of 0.56,
8 in. H2O. The vapor and liquid loading are highest at the and from there to 0.79 the extrapolation only needs to
top of the bed, and gradually diminish moving downward. travel a short path. Also, the flood data appear to trend
At the bottom of the bed, the vapor loads are about half well, and should give a reasonable prediction, despite the
those at the top. Operating conditions at the top of the bed uncertainty. The flood data extrapolate to a capacity
are: G = 77,000 lb/h, ρG = 0.45 lb/ft3, L = 580,000 lb/h, parameter of about 0.8 at a flow parameter of 0.79. From
ρL = 41 lb/ft3, and µL = 3 cP. this, the percent of flood = 100 × 0.87/0.8 = 109%.
Solution. Figure 13 is the GPDC interpolation chart for Unlike the proprietary method, the GPDC interpola-
this packing and the basis for the calculation. tion procedure predicted flooding at the operating condi-
1. Calculate the flow parameter. From Eq. 3, tions. Considering that the high loads were only at the
Flv = (580,000/77,000)(0.45/41)0.5 = 0.79. top of the bed, the entire pressure drop of unflooded
2. Calculate the C-factor from Eq. 2. AT = (π/4)52 = packing in this service should have been less than 3–5 in.
19.64 ft2. US = 77,000/(3,600 × 0.45 × 19.64) = 2.42 ft/s. H2O, as can be calculated from Figure 13 and integrated
CS = 2.42[0.45/(41– 0.45)]0.5 = 0.255 ft/s. over the bed. The actual measured pressure drop was
3. Calculate the kinematic viscosity. ν = 3/(41/62.4) about four times higher.
= 4.57 cSt. In this case, the GPDC interpolation calculation also
4. Calculate the capacity parameter. Based on a pack- invalidated a proposed revamp with a more open packing.
ing factor of 10 as shown in Figure 13, CP = 0.255 × While it was estimated that the new packing would operate
4.570.05 × 100.5 = 0.87. at 88% of flood, the GPDC interpolation chart for the pro-
5. Plot the flow parameter on the abscissa and the capac- posed packing showed that although the more open pack-
ity parameter on the ordinate to identify the operating point ing would satisfactorily handle current conditions, it would
on Figure 13. This figure shows that the operating point in experience flooding at the revamp loads. On this basis, the
this tower falls in a region where the flow parameter is high- stripping section cylinder (can) was replaced with a larger
er than the range at which data are available for this packing. one, and trouble-free operation was achieved.

Example 6:
3.0 Extrapolating data
2.6 ∆P, in. H2O/ft Legend for Data Points Consider again Example 5.
2.4 ∆P = 1.5 in. H2O/ft Would a retrofit with Flexipac
∆P = 1.5 ∆P = 1.0 in. H2O/ft
Capacity Parameter

2.2 3X permit current operation

2.0 ∆P = 0.5 in. H2O/ft
1.8 1.0 ∆P = 0.25 in. H2O/ft without flooding?
∆P = 0.10 in. H2O/ft Solution. The GPDC inter-
Flood MOC
1.4 0.5 polation chart for Flexipac 3X
1.2 is shown in Figure 7 and is the
1.0 0.25 Operating Point basis for this calculation. Flv,
0.6 0.10
CS and ν are the same as in
0.4 Example 4. For Flexipac 3X,
0.2 the packing factor is much
0.0 lower, FP = 5, so the capacity
0.005 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.50 1.00 5.00
parameter is CP = 0.255 ×
Flow Parameter
Basis: FP = 10 4.57 0.05 × 5 0.5 = 0.615. The
NOTE: The GPDC curves are for guidance only. Interpolation of point (0.79, 0.615) can be
the data points must be used to predict packing performance. plotted on Figure 7. In the
absence of flood data, Eq. 4 is
 Figure 13. GPDC interpolation chart for packing in tower stripping section, showing an operating used for the flood pressure
point above flood.

36 July 2007 CEP

drop ∆PFl = 0.12 × 50.7 = 0.37 in. H2O/ft of packing. ly clear at the higher flow parameter. Under such circum-
The closest data points for this pressure drop are at stances, extrapolation is unreliable and must be avoided.
flow parameters of 0.3–0.4, much lower than the 0.79 in
the tower. The operating point is well outside the available Example 7: Unrealistic predictions
data range for Flexipac 3X. This interpolation chart is This example presents several experiences in which pre-
unable to tell where the flood point is at a flow parameter dictions for a packed tower by the vendor and by simulators
of 0.79. Therefore, the interpolation chart cannot tell were optimistic. In each of these, Eq. 4 gave an excellent
whether Flexipac 3X will permit operation at the current prediction for the maximum capacity.
loads without flooding. Tower A. This chemical tower, equipped with wire-mesh
Misuse #4: Any extrapolation must be performed with structured packing with a packing factor of 21, ran com-
good engineering judgment. In Example 5, the extrapolation pletely smoothly until reaching a pressure drop of 1 in.
was to a nearby region, there were well-defined flood data, H2O/ft of packing. It would then rapidly lose efficiency,
and the data trends were clear. Although there was some exactly as predicted by Eq. 4. Simulation (both vendor-spe-
uncertainty, extrapolation could be expected to yield a rea- cific and general options) predicted a much higher capacity.
sonable estimate. In Example 6, however, there were no Tower B. This chemical tower, equipped with random
flood data, the operating point was quite far from the pres- packing with a packing factor of 18, rapidly lost efficiency
sure-drop data points, and the data trends were not complete- when the pressure drop increased above 0.67 in. H2O/ft of

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CEP July 2007 37


packing. This compares to a flood pressure drop of 0.9 from HENRY Z. KISTER is a Fluor Corp. senior fellow and director of fractionation
Eq. 4. The measurement was slightly lower than the predic- technology at Fluor Corp. (3 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92698; Phone:
(949) 349-4679; E-mail: He has over 30 years of
tion because the vapor load was high only near the top of experience in design, troubleshooting, revamping, field consulting, control
the packings, so much of the bed operated at a lower pres- and startup of fractionation processes and equipment. He is the author of
sure drop. Simulations (using various options) predicted a three books and 80 articles, and has taught the IChemE-sponsored
“Practical Distillation Technology” course more than 300 times. A recipient
much higher capacity. The plant initially theorized that the of several awards, Kister obtained his BE and ME degrees from the Univ. of
shortfall in capacity was due to vapor maldistribution. New South Wales in Australia. He is a Fellow of IChemE and AIChE, and
serves on the Fractionation Research Institute’s Technical Advisory and
Tower C. This chemical absorber was equipped with ran- Design Practices Committees.
dom packing with a packing factor of 18. The highest pres- JEFFREY SCHERFFIUS is a senior process engineer at Fluor. He has nine years
sure drop at which operation was stable was 0.8 in. H2O/ft of experience with various gas-processing technologies, including
hydrogen manufacture, carbon dioxide recovery and sequestration, and
of packing. Above this, the pressure drop would rise rapidly. ammonia manufacture. He has also worked on several column
This compares to a flood pressure drop of 0.9 from Eq. 4. troubleshooting and debottlenecking projects. Scherffius received his BS
in chemical engineering from the Univ. of California, San Diego and is a
Simulation predictions (both vendor and general options) registered professional engineer in California.
were of a 20% higher capacity. KHASHAYAR (KASH) AFSHAR is an associate process engineer at Fluor. He
has one year of experience in carbon dioxide capture technology. He
Tower D. Random packing installed in a chemical tower received his BS in chemical engineering and materials science and
fell short of achieving the design capacity. The vendor engineering from the Univ. of California, Berkeley and his MS in chemical
method predicted flooding at a pressure drop of 1.5 in. engineering from Stanford Univ.
EMIL ABKAR is an associate process engineer at Fluor. He has more than ten
H2O/ft of packing. With a packing factor of 18, Eq. 4 pre- years of engineering experience in oil and gas processing, petroleum
dicted that the packing would flood significantly earlier, at a refining, heavy oil upgrading and petrochemical plants, with expertise in
linear alkyl benzene and hydrogen manufacture. Abkar holds a BSc from
pressure drop of 0.9 in. H2O/ft of packing. The packing Isfahan Univ. of Technology in Iran, and a Master’s from the Univ. of
flooded exactly at that pressure drop. CEP Southern California, both in chemical engineering. He is a member of AIChE. or Circle No.123

38 July 2007 CEP

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