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How to Setup Eagle CAD

The first time you run Eagle CAD from your account on the PCs in lab you will want to
set the following options:
Menu -> Options
Libraries N:\eagle\lbr;N:\eagle5\lbr
Design Rules N:\eagle\dru
User Language Programs N:\eagle\ulp
Scripts N:\eagle\scr
CAM Jobs N:\eagle\cam
Projects N:\eagle\shared_projects;u:\eagle
(you will need to create the “eagle” directory on your u:\ drive

Menu -> Options

User Interface
Leave most the defaults, but also check “command texts”, and I
like the background color of the “Layout” window to be “Black”

Explore/Expand both “lbr” items in the “Libraries” category. This takes about 20
seconds to load all the libraries. After both library items have been expanded right click
on the “Libraries” item and select “Use All”. This should put a green dot to the far left of
each listed library. You may have to change the size of the window to see the green dot.
Finally select File and Save all.
To create a new project:
In Control Panel under Projects and your u:\eagle directory, right click and create
a new project. Give it a name.
Then right click on the project name and “add a schematic”.
Then use Add, Move, Delete to organize your components in the correct places.
Connect the appropriate pins using the “Net” item.

Below is a list of the components you are most likely to use for Lab 4’s take home

74xx-us.lbr Use any logic in this library. Some of the items are listed below
74LS00D NAND Gate
74LS02D NOR Gate
74LS04D Inverter Gate
74LS138D Decoder


Required Setup Before auto-routing your circuit board.

When you have finished positioning all your chips and connectors inside the 80 X
100mm area (80 X 100mm is the largest board size for the free version of EagleCAD)
follow these steps to auto-route your chip connections.
1. Select Edit->Design Rules. In this Dialog leave the default values except for the
following: IF/When you get more experienced with EagleCAD you will change
these settings to fit the type of circuit you are designing.
a. In the Clearance tab change all Clearances to 6mil. .
b. In the Sizes tab change Minimum Width to 8mil and Minimum Drill to
c. In the Masks tab change Limit to 20mil
2. Select OK when done.
3. Select Tools -> Auto…
4. In the Autorouter Setup window change Routing Grid to 5. Then select OK and
watch you board route. When complete the bottom left corner should state
“Optimize4: 100.0% finished.”
5. If it does not say “Optimize4: 100.0% finished” you will need to “Ripup” all the
autorouted connections by selecting Edit->Ripup and then clicking the Green
traffic light icon at the top toolbar. With the connections back to just Nets spread
out your chips more so the autorouter has more room to route your connections.
Repeat steps 3 and 4.

Steps for generating CAM files. Files that could be sent to a PCB fabrication company
to create your board. Now that your board is autorouted it is ready to send to the
fabrication company. These steps will help you generate the required files.
1. Select Options->Set. Then select the “Drill” tab and click “Set”. A warning will
appear, select “YES” and finally OK to exit that window.
2. Select File->Run, and a file selection dialog should appear already in the directory
n:\eagle\ulp. Select the file “drillcfg.ulp” and click “Open”. A small dialog
should appear. Select “inch”. Another dialog will appear showing all the drill
sizes your board uses. Select “OK”. A Save Dialog will appear. Save the file
with the same name as your project with the drl extension in your projects
3. Select File->CAM Processor. The CAM Processor dialog will appear. In this
dialog select File->Open->Job and browse for the file
n:\eagle\cam\ Then generate all CAM files by selecting
“Process Job.” When complete all files have been generated. Exit out of that

Steps for sending your board files to (Advanced Circuits) for a free file
1. In Windows Explorer, explore to your projects directory. Create a directory
called “4pcb” in that project directory. Then copy the files with these extensions
to this “4pcb” directory:
a. *.bol (boarder outline)
b. *.cmp (Top layer solder)
c. *.drd (NC Drill file)
d. *.dri (Drill tool file)
e. *.drl (Drill tool file)
f. *.gpi (Extra Gerber file)
g. *.slk (Top Silkscreen)
h. *.sol (Bottom layer solder)
i. *.stc (Top layer Stop Mask)
j. *.sts (Bottom layer Stop Mask)
2. Then zip all these files into one zip file.
3. Browse to
4. Click on “Free DFM File Check”, then in the next web page click on “Go to Now!”
5. Then in the next window type your email twice and browse for your zip file and
select “Upload ZipFile.”
6. On the next webpage select:
a. *.bol Drawing/Other
b. *.cmp Top Copper
c. *.drd NC Drill
d. *.dri Drawing/Other
e. *.drl Drawing/Other
f. *.gpi Drawing/Other
g. *.slk Top Silkscreen
h. *.sol Bottom Copper
i. *.stc Top Soldermask
j. *.sts Bottom Soldermask
k. Enter your contact Info
l. Enter a Part number say: <yourname>lab4, Revision 1.0, Layer Count 2
m. Enter your boards X Dimension and its Y Dimension in units of inches
n. Leave everything else blank or the default EXCEPT select ITAR to NO
o. Submit.
p. Then in about 15 minutes or so you should receive back an email
hopefully with “NO SHOW STOPPERS”

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