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In Partial Fulfilment
Of the requirement
For Practical Research I

Prepared by:
ANGELES, Richard Luis P.
BARCELON, Sydrick M.
CASTRO, Niño Stephen G.
DY, Ansly Brandon U.
ESPIRITU, Nikko Angelo N.
SADO, Zeus Nathan A.
TABAMO, James Ezekiel T.
VENTURA, Kirby Jon F.

Submitted to:
Mr. Terrence Jade S. Facun
Practical Research Teacher



STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM…………….……………………………………………..4
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………............................................................4
SCOPE AND DELIMITATION…………………………………………………………….......5
DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………………………….............................6
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………………..............................8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………………………………………………8
REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES……………………………………………………………11
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………………………….17
RESEARCH DESIGN………………………………………………………….......................18
RESEARCH LOCALE………………………………………………………………………….18
RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………...19
RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS…………………………………………………………………19
DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE…………………………………………………………..20
TREATMENT OF DATA……………………………………………………………………….20

Choosing a course or strand in senior high school is a very challenging part for

every student. It is a stage in life wherein students are about to be forged to become a

successful professional and it falls on the one, the biggest decision that will change their


But first of all what is senior high school? Senior high school is under the k to 12

curriculums or the kinder to grade 12 curriculum, which says that there is an additional 2

years in the secondary education before graduating high school. And this law was

signed by the former president Benigno Simeon Aquino III last May 15, 2013. There are

4 main tracks under the senior high school program which are the (1) Academic track,

(2) Sports track, (3) Technical-Vocational Livehood Track (TVL) and (4) Arts and Design

track. Students can pick their own tracks and strands based on their strengths and

abilities and through their careers which they are going to take in college.

The additional two years for the senior high school may seem a burden to some

parents and students that came from the lower class of the society of ours. but, these

curriculum has the aim of providing every student an opportunity to enhance their

competitiveness globally and to provide opportunities to other students to be employed

after graduating senior high of the purpose of the new k to 12 curriculum is to

give students an opportunity to be employed to other business establishments and for

the students to discover more their strength and abilities that will help them to decide

what course is suitable for them to take.

But the question in our time, are they ready to face challenges in senior high

school? The purpose of this research study is to give information about the level of

preparedness of the upcoming grade 11 students (grade 10, 2018-2019. We conducted

this research because as we observe and experience, students from the grade 10 level

are often unsure on what particular strand they will fit and what would be the best for

them based on their affinities. Through this research, we can identify the current level of

preparedness of moving up candidates of Don Bosco Technical institute Tarlac if they

are well ready or not to face senior high school.

Being a senior highshool student he/she must ready to face struggles that will

come because senior high is a stepping stone that will lead you to your biggest

achievement, which is to become a professional. A wrong decision will have a great

impact on their future. Choosing a right career is not that easy, but if you put passion on

everything that you do it will become easy. We must choose wisely and not smartly.

Statement of the problem

1. What level of preparation are the students conducting?

2. What preparations are the grade 10 students doing befor entering Senior high


3. how do teachers and parents helps students prepare for Senior high school?

4. What difficulties are the grade 10 Bosconians are experiencing as they enter Senior


Significance of the study

It has come to our observation and experience that there is numerous numbers

of students that are not physically and mentally fit to be part of the senior high school. it

can lead for the student to be more unfocused to study and they may encounter

problems that is hard to solve on their part. This study aims to provide information to the

Teachers, Parents, Students, School Administrator and future researchers’ a data that

shows the level of preparedness of every grade 10 student of Don Bosco Technical


To School Administration-This study seeks to be of use and assistance to school

administrations and educational institutions in allotting slots for Grade 11 students in

Don Bosco Technical Institute-Tarlac.

To the Teachers. Teachers and educators, on the other hand, may be able to help them

prepare their lesson plans appropriately for the incoming grade 11 students.

To the Parents. This research is of importance to parents as it may aid them in their

decision if they will let their son/daugther’s to enroll in a prestige school in tarlac.

To the Students. To students, most especially to know if they can cope up with the shs

curriculum, and if they can study well with the co- educational environment.

To the Future Researchers. This study and its ideas may serve as reference data in

conducting similar researches to this one in the future. Additionally, the findings of this

research might also be used to check and/or verify the validity of other findings.

Scope and Delimitation

This Study will utilize students, parents, teachers and different foundations

and institution which are affiliated to Don Bosco Technical Institute- Tarlac. The

population of this study will originate from the whole cluster of the grade 10 students to

maintain strategic distance from the heterogeneous information that can lead to

inaccurate or vague findings. This research study is more inclined on the the opinions

and perceptions of the grade 10 students and their preparedness in entering senior high


Definition of terms
1. Senior High School

It is a secondary school that students attend in the three or four highest grades before


2. K to 12 ( Kinder to Grade 12)

It is a term used in education and educational technology in the United States, Canada,

and possibly other countries, is a short form for the publicly-supported school grades

prior to college. These grades are kindergarten (K) and the 1st through the 12th grade


3. Preparedness.

It is the degree to which a student is ready for new learning. It is based on both general

academic knowledge and specific knowledge within the learning area and it is the state

of being prepared for a particular situation.

4. Academic Track or Strand.

It prepares our learners to be equipped with the necessary academic program if they

wish to pursue tertiary education geared towards the physical and health sciences,

various fields of engineering, technology, and mathematics.

5. Bosconian

- It is a term used to refer to any person who, studies , teaches and preist (e.g. priest,

parents, teachers) in any Don Bosco school.

6. Grade 10

- It is the tenth year of school post-kindergarten or the tenth year after the first

introductory year upon entering compulsory schooling.

7. Co-Educational

-is a system of education where males and females are educated together.

8. Academic strand

- This strand prepares our learners to be equipped with the

necessary academic program if they wish to pursue tertiary education geared towards

the physical and health sciences, various fields of engineering, technology, and

mathematics and in business field

9. Technical-Vocational Track(Tech-Voc)

-This track also invests primarily on skills that can gain you requisite COCs (Certificates

of Competency) and NCs (National Certifications) which would be essential when

looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade

10. School Administration

-oversee the daily operations of schools, colleges, universities, day care centers and

preschools. A school administrator's specific responsibilities differ between

organizations, but often these administrators are an important link between students

and local communities.

Review of Related Literature
a. Foreign
In the field of training, availability for change is regularly said to be a critical

indicator of how effectively new approaches, projects, or practices will be actualized .

On the off chance that individuals or gatherings are prepared to set out on the

instruction change, they are more averse to oppose or effectively harm its usage;

and when they are prepared to attempt change, they will do as such more vigorously

and insightfully than they may do generally . In certain viewpoints on status; to

adequately execute another program, for example, improving the essential training

educational modules, individuals included ought to be given adequate information of

the adjustment with the end goal for them to effectively receive the new program.

Status isn't just absence of opposition, however rather a progressively dynamic,

drew in readiness, capacity, and a change of cognizance to embrace another training

. Status is believed to be a basic herald to effective execution of the instructive

change on the grounds that the partners are the ones following up on it. At the point

when availability is high, partners are more put resources into the change exertion,

consume more prominent exertion in the change procedure, and display more

prominent diligence even with snags or misfortunes which add to an effective

sexecution of the new program. Availability to any adjustments in the instructive

framework has suffering, circumstance explicit, and contingent segments . It is the

degree to which an individual or a gathering is molded to acknowledge, grasp, and

receive the change . Some view preparation as an individualistic state, where people

communicate with potential change, build up a position toward it, and after that

demonstration as needs be. Segments of individual preparation may include self-

adequacy, the discernment that one will most likely attempt change effectively or

dread of the outcomes of progress. It alludes to every partner's shared determination

to execute the new program and shared confidence in their aggregate capacity to do

as such. Observers of change see status as a hierarchical, basic, or aggregate

trademark. Notwithstanding, some propose that inability to build up satisfactory

status represents one-portion of all ineffective, expansive scale change endeavours.

In respect to this, it very well may be induced that the general population are the

genuine wellspring of, and the vehicle for change, since they are the ones who will

either grasp it or oppose it . Along these lines, it is crucial to evaluate person's

preparation recognition preceding any change endeavour. By surveying preparation

for the full execution of the K-12 program, pioneers of the academe, instructive

chiefs, instructors, and instructive advancement specialists can distinguish holes,

downsides, and issues that may exist. In this manner, evaluating the availability of

chose schools and colleges in the Philippines for the usage of K-12's senior

secondary school program will fill in as the drive for improved execution methodology

and specialty elective mediations or measures for any foreseen negative effect. The

effective execution of the K-12 educational modules lays on the eagerness and

status of the instruction part and partners to grasp change.

b. Local
Worldwide Community. In any case, our present training framework frustrates us

from ending up progressively focused where the instruction arrangement of the

Philippines was upgraded from ten years of fundamental instruction to a 12 - year

program called K - 12 (Hub Pages Inc., 2016). The K - 12 programs quickens shared

acknowledgment of Filipino alumni and experts in different nations (K - 12 Philippines,

2015). The decision of profession begins at first from essential to optional school, and

even in Senior High Levels, where decision of strand will be embraced whether Science

Technology, Business or Humanities. This is the pivotal time to comprehend what

profession means and how it will influence your life always (Olatunde, A.T., 2015).

Training is fundamental for the act of picked vocations. What's more, experience is one

of the significant instrument to upgrade the aptitudes and information of the understudy

for their future ( Tabora, 2015). Senior High School is two - year of particular upper

optional instruction; understudies may pick a specialization dependent on bent, intrigue

and school limit. The decision of vocation track will characterize the substance of the

subjects an understudy will take in Grade 11 and 12. Every understudy in Senior High

School can pick among three tracks Academic, Technical - Vocational Livelihood, Sports

and Arts, The Academic incorporate HUMSS(Humanities And Social Sciences), STEM

(Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics), ABM(Accountancy and Business

Management) (Gazette,2012). The new training framework intended to give the

understudies a chance to comprehend the reason for exceptionally institutionalized

learning, wherein they experience on an increasingly advance instruction, centers

around utilizing innovation, and how to speak with other individuals ( Nation Research

Council, 2012). The choice on great profession decision once in a while rely upon how

the manner in which understudies apparent the world and their future. In thinking of the

correct choice of what calling to take, understudies need to use their aptitudes (Pafili and

Mylonakis,2011). The new framework were suitable in light of the fact that they would

involve making new establishments to grow the scope of training administrations gave.

Additionally, the new instruction framework will delivered a persuaded organization with

a more improve exhibition ( Brewer, et al., 2007) "What you are in the present reflects

what you will be later on". The way that will be taken today, particularly in picking the

predefined track is a major advance in forming the kids' future. Henceforth, the k - 12

educational programs is a development training framework for molding all inclusive

aggressive students, just as meeting the fulfilment and desire for the understudies as far

as instructing procedures. It is a direct result of the distinctive techniques and

methodologies of the manner in which that are educated. he K - 12 Basic Education

10 | P a g e
Program plans to furnish each Filipino youngster with the instruction s/he needs to

contend in a worldwide context.In May, President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines

marked into law a fundamental training educational programs that will see a compulsory

kindergarten year and two extra senior secondary school years added to what was a 10

- year instruction educational programs to make essential training 12 years. The

program has been received in schools in the Philippines, yet in addition in Filipino

schools abroad that pursue the division's educational programs ( ICEF, 2013).

Review of Related Studies

a. Foreign

Senior High School is the formal training arrangement of middle dimension after

the lesser auxiliary dimension that gets ready alumni to proceed with their instruction

to a larger amount (school). In a strategy point of view, senior secondary school

graduates are set up to proceed with their training. Guardians and the Junior High

School ought to set them up exhaustively and autonomously. This examination is

expected to depict and dissect the different components which become the

references for instructive achievement in senior secondary school particularly in

reinforcing instructive character and the nature of laborers as the need of work

environment, including the job of government in tending to these conditions. The

examinations got from schools, to be specific convenience and significance of senior

secondary school educational modules advancement to the necessities of

specialists in a decent quality industry, the vital has an extraordinary duty,

accessibility of creation units, associations with organizations and businesses, have

a decent synchronous participation between professional secondary school and

senior secondary school

11 | P a g e
The examination approach utilized in this investigation is an assessment inquire

about with a "Procedure Audit", utilizing quantitative and subjective techniques and

quantitative with explorative overview. Through this methodology will be acquired the

information to uncover the pertinence and reasonableness between the abilities that

have been secured by senior secondary school graduates with the capabilities

required by industry, the hole between the competency of alumni with industry

needs, chain transformation required for senior secondary school graduates who

work in the assembling business and the possibility of professional school (SMA

innovation) in acknowledging instructing processing plant. This exploration was

directed so as to survey and assess the pertinence of senior secondary school with

the requirements of ventures in Pasuruan. This investigation utilizes an assessment

look into plan with a "Procedure Audit", utilizing quantitative and subjective

techniques and quantitative strategies explorative study. Evaluative research led so

as to accumulate information on the execution in the usage of a strategy which can

be utilized to improve approach execution through important arrangement

suggestions. In the execution, this examination utilized blended techniques, in

particular quantitative and subjective strategies. Quantitative strategy is utilized to

depict parts of approach and its acknowledgment to the execution of essential

training in light of the criteria which are sketched out by the steady government

arrangements. The utilization of quantitative strategies produce thorough picture

toward the execution of senior secondary school instruction just as the holder of

value control endeavors at the school level. At last, this investigation can give an

exhaustive profile of the execution of senior secondary school instruction as a pointer

of the quality and significance of training. The essential information was acquired by

meeting the respondent or information sources to finish a survey and did the

perception and documentation in the senior secondary school , the assembling

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business and fix shop/picked fabricating industry as tests. Respondents or

wellsprings of information originate from senior secondary school industry and

business person. They are central of senior secondary school , industry pioneer, and

entrepreneurs. The populace in this investigation is the senior secondary school .

Testing was finished by irregular inspecting. The following stage decides the senior

secondary school that will be picked as an example. In the interim the assembling

business and business visionaries are picked dependent on the pertinence with the

fields of ability in the related senior secondary school. Modern classifications

dependent on the quantity of laborers that is possessed by the business. While

business visionaries are utilized as a wellspring of information is the senior

secondary school graduated class who opened the business autonomously.

b. Local
The Philippines was the last nation in Asia having a 10-year fundamental training

and pre-college program (SEAMEO and INNOTECH, 2012). Around the world, the

Philippines were joined by Djibouti and Angola of Africa having the briefest

preuniversity training framework with different nations having 13 or 14-year cycles

(Senate of the Philippines, 2011). The 12 years or more is as per global practice as

stipulated in the Washington Accord, Bologna Process just as in the ASEAN and

APEC Mutual Recognition Projects and considerably more. The truly necessary

redesign of the Philippine fundamental instruction framework turns into a reality

through Republic Act 10533, otherwise called the Enhanced Basic Education Act

which was passed last May 2013 making the preuniversity and essential training

from 10 to 13 years (Congress of the Philippines, 2011). The upgraded fundamental

training program includes no less than one (1) year of kindergarten, six (6) long

periods of rudimentary, and six (6) years in auxiliary instruction; the optional training

13 | P a g e
has four (4) long stretches of middle school and two (2) long stretches of senior

secondary school instruction (in the same place). The Senior High School levels

which offer a wide scope of subjects from which understudies Abstract: The

examination is an audit of the writing on the fundamental training (k-12) educational

programs explicitly the senior secondary school (SHS) of the Philippines, Japan, and

the US. Consequences of the audit demonstrate that the SHS educational programs

is proposed to get ready understudies to go into school/college or to work in the

business or be a business person. The SHS program is the last dimension in all

essential training projects of the nations looked into. The Philippines has a clearer

display with somewhere around four tracks (scholastics, tech-voc, sports,

expressions and plan) and no less than ten strands. Japan has two tracks in

scholastics and tech-voc. The US essential instruction framework shifts from state to

state, like its SHS educational programs. There is no positive track as this is left to

singular state and their school regions to choose. There are absolutely scholastic,

tech-voc and different sorts of schools. Most of the individuals who pick scholastic

track are understudies who intends to continue to school. There are as yet a shame

in choosing tech-voc and different courses as this are seen by numerous individuals

as the course for poor performing/tricky understudies. The enrolment in tech-voc

schools in the US is declining in spite of the flood of interest for talented specialists.

In the three nations, the accessibility of qualified instructors is as yet an issue. This

circumstance is genuine in the Philippines as it began the SHS program in June

2016. Different issues incorporates the need to build an immense number of

homerooms and offices. These are right now being tended to too by the legislature.

Watchwords: K12, essential instruction, DepEd, profession way, tech-voc,

scholastics Senior High School Curriculum in the Philippines, USA, and Japan Danilo

H. Sarmiento1 Ronald L. Orale Buenavista National High School, San Jorge Samar

14 | P a g e

Vol. 01 No. 3 13 Sarmiento and Orale (2016) can pick a program prompting school

or college entrance or a profession in business or industry (DepEd, ND). The

Philippines together with Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore have two years of

Senior High while the remainder of Southeast Asia has three years (SEAMEO and

INNOTECH, 2012).

The investigation is a survey of the examination on the fundamental training (k-12)

educational modules explicitly the senior secondary school (SHS) of the Philippines,

Japan, and the US. Consequences of the survey demonstrate that the SHS

educational modules is planned to get ready understudies to go into school/college

or to work in the business or be a business visionary. The SHS program is the last

dimension in all essential training projects of the nations checked on. The Philippines

has a clearer display with no less than four tracks (scholastics, tech-voc, sports,

expressions and plan) and no less than ten strands. Japan has two tracks in

scholastics and tech-voc. The US essential training framework shifts from state to

state, like its SHS educational modules. There is no unequivocal track as this is left

to singular state and their school areas to choose. There are absolutely scholastic,

tech-voc and different kinds of schools. Most of the individuals who pick scholastic

track are understudies who intend to continue to school. There is as yet a disgrace in

choosing tech-voc and different courses as this are seen by numerous individuals as

the course for poor performing/tricky understudies. The enrolment in tech-voc

schools in the US is declining regardless of the flood of interest for talented

specialists. In the three nations, the accessibility of qualified instructors is as yet an

issue. This circumstance is genuine in the Philippines as it began the SHS program

in June 2016. Different issues incorporate the need to build an enormous number of

15 | P a g e
study halls and offices. These are at present being tended to too by the legislature.

Catchphrases: K12, essential training, DepEd, profession way, tech-voc,

The Philippines has a sum of 13 years from Kindergarten to Grade 12, which are all

required and free particularly in the state funded schools. It even sponsors

understudies who will take their evaluation 10 to 12 classes in the tuition based

schools or colleges/universities through the voucher program (DepEd, ND). The K to

12 training project in the Philippines tends to the deformities of the nation

fundamental instruction educational modules. As guaranteed by the advocate of the

K12 program, the educational modules is consistent, guaranteeing the smooth

change between evaluation levels and continuum of capabilities. It is additionally

applicable and responsive, enhanced and student focused educational programs

(SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012). There was an aggregate of all around more than 1M

understudies in evaluation 11, (first year in SHS). Around 60.6% were taken a crack

at the scholastic track while just 39% were in tech-voc educational modules and

under 0.5% picked the games, expressions and structure educational modules


16 | P a g e
Conceptual Framework







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Research design
This study used descriptive research design. The first phase focused on

gathering qualitative data about preparedness of grade 10 Bosconians to enter senior

high school. Wherein, in this study, the researcher conducted one-on-one interviews and

through survey questionnaires. And the second phase of the research is the retrieval of

the distributed questionnaires that are made by the researchers. And the third phase of

this study is based on the answers of the respondents in which the answers are being


Research locale
Don Bosco Technical Institute in Tarlac City (formerly Don Bosco Academy), or

simply DBTI - TARLAC, is a pre - school, grade and high school all - male private

Catholic. Last 2016, the Co- Educational environment for senior high school was started.

It is the only academic - technical school in Tarlac that is the first ever Don Bosco school

in the Philippines. This campus is in Sto. Christ, City of Tarlac, Philippines.

This school has been named after St. John Bosco whom the Church has

proclaimed Father and teacher of the youth. He devoted his existence to teaching. To

continue this work, he founded a spiritual society of clergymen and brothers - the

Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB).

The seal of Don Bosco Technical Institute Tarlac consists of the gear, flask,

laurels, and the anchor. The gear is the symbol of technical education. The flask

symbolizes academic education provided by the school with special emphasis on

science. The laurels point to the contribution of the institution in preparing capable

citizens. The anchor is the symbol of Christ.

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On its golden jubilee, the school added the Latin motto under the seal: Ducere

est servire (To lead is to serve). The school has a four core values which is: Prayer,

Character, Excellence and Service. Prayer to be in union with God. “Our faith, we learn,

love and live.” Character to become a person of will and worth. “Never perfect but

forever trying to be one.” Excellence to give the best that one can. “We strive to outdo no

one else but oneself.” Service to lead others to total development. “Contributing to

progress is our measure of success.”

Respondents of the study

The respondents for this study will originate from the selected students form

the cluster of the current grade 10 students, school year 2018-2019 in Don Bosco

Technical Institute- Tarlac and their respective parents and some selected subject


Research Instruments
Qualitative research relies more on the person’s observation on one problem.

Thus, the researchers made three survey instruments that will be used to collect data

from our respondents. The questionnaire will answer the following queries: (1) how

prepared are the students to enter senior high .(2) how teachers and parents help

students for senior high school And (3) what are the different ways that students do to

prepare senior high school.

An essay derived survey questionnaires will be used in collecting data from

the respondents of the study that will lead us to more reliable answer that will help us to

make our analysis that will answer the preparedness of grade 10 students to enter

senior high school.

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Data Gathering Procedure

Before the researchers collected data form the respondents, they secured first

permission, to the Rector, Principal and to the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs of

this institution, to conduct interviews and survey form our respondents, specifically

students, parents and teachers. Before we gave the questionnaires, we first explain the

purpose why we conducted this study.

Treatment of data

For the students, stating that 2 out of 5 respondents who answered the questionnaires

are prepared, because they have stated that as of their situation, they have high grades and are

performing well in class, which makes them feel confident to enter senior high school. While,

the rest are not prepared, due to them having no plans and the influence of their relative having

low grades in senior high.

The different preparations that they are doing are developing their understanding in

major subjects. As of now, they are focusing in passing junior high school first, by reviewing and

socializing more. The difficulties that they are expecting are new topics, difficult projects, and

people who are hard to understand. So they stated that they’ll prepare by becoming more hard

working and studying harder. While others have no plans and preparations at all.


As for the parents, they stated that their sons are prepared to enter senior high school,

because their sons have been preparing for the possible subjects that will show up in senior

high and the fact that the parents saw their son performing well in class.

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The different preparations that their sons are doing is by studying hard, socializing more

and doing short drills/exercises. Their sons also tries their best to comply all of the requirements

as they will experience a new high school life.

They help their sons by giving them the freedom to what school to child wants for senior

high school. All of the parents are focused on supporting their sons and giving them advices to

help them achieve their goals in life and for their sons to learn by themselves.


1. How prepared are the students for senior highschool?

According to the three teachers we interviewed they had stated/answered our questions

to know how prepared the students are for senior high school. The students are

basically prepared for senior high school, as per a science teacher of the grade 10

students of dbti ,they take their subjects seriously not only to pass the subject but to

have a grade of 85 or higher in order to qualify for stem track. According to a cle teacher

the grade 10 students are taking their English,science,and math seriously, and also they

are monitoring their grades. Last but not the least according to sir Zaldy C. Salcedo a

math teacher, the performance of the grade 10 students are qualified for senior

highschool, for they already possess the basic skills needed for studying higher level of

difficulty of subjects.

2. What are the different ways to prepare your student?

According to the science teacher, One of the many ways to prepare the students for

senior high school is career guidance, that is vital in showing their appropriate track for

their knowledge. And as for the CL teacher, he stated that it gives the students all the

possibilities they will be encountering along the K-12 program and also include the

norms to be observed in the senior high. Through teaching, students could learn/master

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the competencies provided by the DepEd. Also, by giving them works to do individually

and collaboratively, they experience how to deal with task more efficiently and

effectively. Some information regarding the strand they wanted to be in where it also

gives preparation for them in termsof what they will be studying.

According to the results we gathered from the respondents, we conclude that the grade

10 students of DBTI-Tarlac are basically prepared to senior highschool for the next

academic year (2019-2020).

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FOREIGN: Teachers' Perceptions on Senior High School Readiness of Higher

Education Institutions in the Philippines Imee C. Acosta1,*, Alexander S. Acosta2




FOREIGN: Retrieve from: Zainuddin, HM; Muslihati, Hambali, IM (2015); The study

of preparation strategy of senior high school (SMA / MA) graduates in Pasuruan;

Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), Vol.4, No.4, pp: 945-951;

LOCAL: Danilo H. Sarmiento1 Ronald L. Orale Buenavista National High School,

San Jorge Samar Philippines “Senior High School Curriculum in the Philippines,

USA, and Japan.

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