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November 2010
Official Publication of Kingsway Council #3387
4202C Dundas Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6
Published the 15th day of each month Volume 50 Issue 3



Here is the complete list for the fraternal year.
Meetings will be held in our hall at
4202C Dundas Street West @ 8:00 p.m.
What follows is a list of council events. We
DATE MEETING TYPE understand if you can not make it out to all of
NOVEMBER 23 GENERAL MEETING the events, but we encourage you to attend as
DECEMBER 14 GENERAL MEETING many functions as you can.
EXECUTIVE MEETING Saturday Holy Angels Christmas Flea
December 4 Craft Sale
Sunday Out of the Cold Dinner
APRIL 12 GENERAL MEETING Saturday Council Basketball
APRIL 26 EXECUTIVE MEETING January 22 Free Throw Holy Angels
MAY 10 GENERAL MEETNG Saturday District Basketball
EXECUTIVE MEETING February 8 Free Throw Holy Angels
MAY 24
Sunday District Basketball Free Throw
February 5 Holy Angels
JUNE 28 EXECUTIVE MEETING Tuesday Ordinandi Dinner
May we suggest you copy and place this list on the March 1
refrigerator or on your desk so you don’t forget when
there is a meeting. All members are welcomed to at- All dates are T.B.A until 30 days of posted date.
tend both types of meetings.
Kingsway Council 2010-2011 Kingsway Council – General Meetings
CHAPLAIN The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each
Fr. Leo Burns C.S.B 416-847-6131 month at 8:00 P.M. sharp (except
GRAND KNIGHT July & August) at the Council
Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085 Chambers, 4202C Dundas St.
DEPUTY GRAND W., Etobicoke. The second
KNIGHT Tuesday meeting is a general
Paul Bryce 416-948-0445 members meeting and the fourth
PAST GRAND Tuesday is an executive business
Grand Knights of Kingsway meeting.
Council KNIGHT
Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
James Arm-
 1951/52 CHANCELLOR

Wally Evans 1952/53 Anthony Orgera 416-855-5400 Father Gregory Kelly Assembly General
 Jack Dunn 1953/54 WARDEN
Vince Colgan 1954/55 Meetings
 Jack Harnett 1955/56
Mark Sabada 416-231-5203
 Furgus Walsh 1956/57 FINANCIAL SEC-
 Paul Grace 1957/58 RETARY
The 3rd Thursday of each
 Gilford Leinster 1958/59 Ronald Craddock 416-997-6706 month at 8:00P.M. St. Greg-
 Wally Bedolfe 1959/60 TREASURER ory’s Parish Hall. (Except
 John Quinn 1960/61
Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491 July, August and December)
 1961/62
O’Kelly ADVOCATE For more information contact:
 Thomas Keating 1962/63 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735 Brother Frank Ficker @ 416-
 Jack Wallace 1963/64 RECORDER 720-8663.
 E. Paul Butler 1964/65
Karl Moesch 905-270-9003
 Enio Biason 1965/66
Daniel McKeon 1966/68
Micheal Doerig Kingsway Columbus Club
 Leslie Karnac 1968/69
Philip Catalano 1969/70 TRUSTEE 1 YR
 Herbert Hunter 1970/71 Vince Conforzi 416-233-8363 PRESIDENT
 Carl Nuss 1971/73
TRUSTEE 2 YRS Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085
 Larry Zinkel 1973/74
William Danny Franchi 416-732-4648 VICE-PRESIDENT
 1974/76
Greaves TRUSTEE 3 YRS Paul Bryce 416-948-0445
 Charlie Brochu 1976/78
 Victor Castrucci 1978/80 Frank Ficker 416-720-8663 SECRETARY
Steve Harvey 1980/--- Frank Ficker 416-720-8663
 ----/81 TREASURER
Chris Columbus 416-239-9109
 Stanley Leonard 1981/82
David Young 416-899-8036 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735
John Bothello 1982/84
J. Paul Balog 1986/87 Tom Potocnik 416-523-9733 Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
Placido Natale 1987/88
 Peter Flanagan 1988/90
Uris Doerig
David Young 416-899-8036
 Michael Breton 1990/92
Thomas Troke 1992/93 State & Supreme Representatives Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491
John Lametti 1993/95
Chester Sitarz 1995/96
Sam Tassone 1998/00
State Deputy Arthur Peters
John Chiappetta 2000/02
Tom Potocnik 2002/04 DISTRICT DEPUTY DIST. # 106
Horodeckyj Sam Tassone 647-225-2020
Danny Solomon 2006/08
Danny Franchi 2008/10
Denis Tisdel 2010/…. Danny Franchi 461-732-4648
Archie Lobo 905-567-1698
Out of the cold is gearing up once again
this year. Under the geographical area, our council
falls between two of these out reach centers. St.
Matthew’s Anglican/Our Lady of Peace Catholic,
every Sunday from November 14, 2010 -March
27, 2011 at 3962 Bloor Street West (St.
The Knights of Columbus and the Special
Mathew’s) from 5:00 p.m. Sunday until 7:30 a.m.
Olympics in Ontario have had a storied history, which
Monday. For more information on this location continues today.
please contact them by email at: Dates for the 50/50 draws which the Knights
help out selling tickets for the Special Olympics will
The other location is a joint effort from All be written in upcoming newsletters For more infor-
Saints Anglican/Our Lady of Sorrows, every Fri- mation, please contact the State board representative,
day night from November 24, 2010-April 1, 2011. Joe Mathews at 905-279-5057 or by email at:
The location is 2850 Bloor St. West just off Royal In most cases, one week’s confirma-
York Road, from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 8:00 a.m. tion is needed if you intend to help.
Saturday. For more information on this location
please contact them by email at: of- If you are interested in volunteering for this game,
please contact Joe Mathews (905-279-5057) by Fri-
day, September 17th as the Leafs would like the list of
volunteers in by that day. Thank you.
Both locations can only accommodate men
for sleeping over but do not refuse women for
meals and then are shuttled to a women’s shelter Next 50/50 game is January 3rd at the Air Canada
for the night. Both of the locations offer clean Center
clothing and breakfast for the next day as well as a
TTC ticket. Only the St. Matthew/Our Lady of
Peace location offer showers.

As always the Out of the Cold Program is

looking for men’s clothing in good condition
(shirts jackets, hats, gloves and boots). Also per-
sonal size toiletries for the men to take with them.
Any of the locations will be more then happy to
take in what ever you can provide.

There is also a musical night being ar-

ranged at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish some time
in November as a way of fundraising for the pro-
gram. Please stay tuned for more details.
Yet this totally unqualified Brother touched
The Padre’s House and influenced the lives of thousands of people. Peter
LeGris, one of the ushers at St. Michael`s Cathedral
Saint Brother Andre, and a member of Toronto Council of Knights of Co-
pray for us. lumbus, said that Brother Andre cured three of his
relatives. When Brother Andre came to Toronto, he
Less than a month ago, I would stay at St. Michael`s College, because he was a
had the privilege of accompanying friend of our Superior-General, Father Mc Corkell.
two bus loads of pilgrims from Toronto to Montreal to Over 150,000 miracles are attributed to St. Joseph
celebrate the canonization of Brother Andre on Octo- through the intercession of Brother Andre.
ber 17, 2010. Brother Andre was a good friend of the
Knights of Columbus and our Columbian Magazine That magnificent Oratory of St. Joseph in
had a large picture of him with an impressive gather- Montreal stands as a monument to the sanctity and
ing of Third and Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. influence of the humble porter whom Cardinal Tur-
No doubt the Knights of Columbus helped him build cotte has called Heaven`s Gateskeeper. Every year
that magnificent Oratory of St. Joseph which Cardinal millions flock to St. Joseph`s Oratory to pray. I hope
Turcotte described as the largest Church in the Arch- that every Knight of Columbus will join those millions
diocese of Montreal and the largest Church dedicated to benefit from the prayers and intercessions of that
to St. Joseph in the world. little doorkeeper whom Pope Benedict has raised to
the highest honours of the Catholic Church.
When we arrived in Montreal, we were refused
admission to that huge upper basilica at the Oratory as This poor, humble man is the first Canadian
it was over-packed and the authorities were afraid the man to be canonized as a saint. His life challenges
fire marshal would close them down if they ever found you to be the next Canadian man to be made a saint.
out. We had to stand throughout the Mass in the
lower Chapel which hold 1,000 people and was St. Brother Andre, pray for us.
crowded far beyond its capacity. Whoever claims
there is no Faith left in the Catholic Church in Quebec, Rev. L.D. Burns C.S.B.
doesn't know what they`re talking about. Chaplain Kingsway Council.

Brother Andre was a remarkable person for his

sanctity, his miracles and for a number of other rea-
sons as well. He began his life with three strikes
against him i.e. his poverty, his illiteracy and his poor
health. His father died when he was nine and his
mother when he was twelve. The ten children were
farmed out among his equally poor relatives. He had
no education nor skills and so did menial jobs in Que-
bec and the Eastern United States. He learned English
while he was in the U.S.

He applied to join the Holy Cross Fathers. The

Congregation of the Holy Cross is a teaching commu-
nity and so there really was no place for Brother An-
dre. Bishop Bourget of Montreal asked the Holy
Cross Fathers to accept Brother Andre as a favour, so
they did. But he had no qualifications to be teacher so
they gave him the position as pastor at Notre Dame
College in Montreal.
came, and those who were ready went in with him to
the marriage feast, and the door was shut. 11Afterward
Brothers, the other virgins came also, saying, 'Lord, lord, open to
us.' 12But he answered, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not
We are now in the month of No- know you.' 13Watch therefore, for you know neither the
vember and it has been a busy day nor the hour.
month. We have helped with two
pasta dinners and both were a huge As mentioned earlier November is a month to remem-
success. I want to thank all the ber, so let us as good Catholic men ensure that we are
brothers that helped out with the ready for God’s calling, God calls us in more ways
two events. We also had our Memorial Mass on Nov. than one, so we should have an open mind, but more
9th and we had a very good turnout, I want to thank Fa- importantly an open heart so that we can do whatever
ther Burns our Chaplain and Ante Market our Seminar- he ask of us. Let us remember to keep our oil lamps
ian for making this service extra special as we remem- filled.
bered and honoured Past Chaplains, Past Grand In closing I want to remind you that your coun-
Knights, Brothers and Daughters of Isabella who have cil is busy working on the plans for the 60th Anniver-
left us for a better life with our Lord Jesus Christ. sary of the Council, which will take place on March 12
Some of us who were able to have time off from work 2010 at Holy Angels Parrish, Mass will be at 5:00 pm
were also present for the Remembrance Day service at followed by a dinner dance at the Church Hall. We are
the Etobicoke Civic Center, on November 11th. Again putting together anniversary book and would welcome
Kingsway Council 3387 was honoured to lay a reef to any photo or stories that our editing team could incor-
remember our brave soldier who fought in World War porate into the book. I will also be sending a personal
I, World War II, the Korean War and many peace keep- invitation to all of you in early January and I am hop-
ing missions over the years. We as Canadian are lucky ing that you will be able to join us for this very special
to live in a country that promotes peace and human event.
rights as a way of life. We should never take for
granted what these brave soldiers have done for us as
we enjoy freedoms of expression and choice. Every- God Bless You All and Let Us All Unite in Daily Prayer
one who is lives in Canada should be very proud to be
Canadian. November is also the month to remember
our family members and friends who have left us to be
with Christ our Saviour. We miss them dearly and
through prayer we ask God to watch over them as they
prepare a place for us in heaven. This reminds me of
the following Gospel passage, Mark 25 verse 1 to 13.
"Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins Denis A. Tisdel, Grand Knight
who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3For
when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with
them, 4but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.
As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became
drowsy and slept. 6But at midnight there was a cry,
'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' 7Then
all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8And
the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil,
for our lamps are going out.' 9But the wise answered,
saying, 'since there will not be enough for us and for
you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.'
And while they were going to buy oil, the bridegroom

Brother Knights,

November is a month of remem-

brance. It is a time to remember all of
our friends and family who have left
this world and hopefully are enjoying
their eternal life in Heaven. Novem-
ber, or more specifically November
11 , is also a time to remember those who made the
ultimate sacrifice in order that we may enjoy the free-
doms that we have.

Throughout history, Canada has always stood strong

to defend the freedoms that we have. What follows is
an estimate of Canadian lives lost in war:
between 60,000 and 70,000
Spanish Civil War: Vivat Jesus!
approximately 500 (half of the volunteers) Paul Bryce
WW2: Deputy Grand Knight
approximately 43,187 Kingsway Council #3387
Korean War: Celebrating 60 years of service to our Church and
over 500 Community
Vietnam Conflict:
estimated between 100 and 145

These brave men and women gave their lives

because they believed in protecting our rights and
freedoms. And so we honour them on November 11th.

We should also recognize those who are still

alive and are fighting for us today, or are waiting in
the wings, ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice.
Whether or not we think war is appropriate, we should
stand up for our troops and support them. They are
doing the same for us. Each day, let us remember our
troops, and ask God to keep them safe until they return
The events below are not council related and were put together by all the weekly bulletins.

St. Gregory’s
Our Lady of Sorrows
The Christmas Season, parishioners of St.
Saturday December 11, 2010 Gregory’s will be organizing a Giving Tree
to help thoughts in our community. Gifts
All Day Confessions will be collected and donated to needy
9:30am to 5:00pm families in our community in the name of
the parishioners of St. Gregory’s. Simply
select a card, and on the weekend of De-
St. Clement cember 11th and 12th bring a wrapped gift
to the church hall for that child or adult. If
The Friends of St. Clement are preparing
for their annual Christmas Luncheon on you do not have time to shop and would
Sunday, December 5th. 12:00 noon to like to participate, envelopes for financial
4:00 p.m. Their guests are men and donations will also be available. Thank you
women from hostels, shelters and the for your generosity.
streets of Toronto. They need donations of
food, and volunteers to cook, serve, set-
up, clean-up, etc. Financial assistance is
always appreciated. Call Frank Znidarec if
you can help in any way: 416-695-2215.
Or sign up in the vestibule.

St. Clement Parish is blessed to have a

Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Jesus Christ,
alive and present in the Eucharist, is
adored and glorified 24 hours a day. It is
absolutely essential that someone be pre-
sent before the Lord at every hour of the
day or night. If we can’t make that solemn
commitment, then the chapel will close.
Can you give one hour a week?
Call Elizabeth at the parish office for open
times on the adoration schedule.
SQUIRES From the Supreme Website


We are well on our way to
having our Squires Circle
re-instated. The Circle’s
original name was St. John Pope Benedict XVI has announced a consistory on November 20,
Bosco Circle # 1193, and unless the new Squires want to at which he will elevate 24 bishops and archbishops to the Col-
change it, it will continue with that name. Brother Paul lege of Cardinals. Three of them are Knights of Columbus, in-
cluding Archbishops Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme
Bryce has just received acceptance from the State Advocate
Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Donald Wuerl, archbishop
to serve as counsellor and is attempting to firm down some of Washington, D.C., and Kazmierz Nycz, archbishop of War-
recruitment dates with three of our churches. If any brother saw.
knows of a potential Squires candidate, please contact
Brother Paul Bryce @ (416) 948-0445 or by email Archbishop Burke became a Knight in 1977, at LaCrosse (Wisconsin) council 839 while he was still a parish priest. He
became the Bishop of LaCrosse in 1995. He transferred to Bish-
Up Coming Degree Dates!!! ops Council 10490 when he became Archbishop of St. Louis in
Anyone interested in advancing in their Knighthood, 2004. Pope Benedict named him to head the Supreme Tribunal,
here is a list of upcoming First, Second and Third De- sometimes referred to as the Vatican’s “supreme court,” in 2005,
and he remains a member of Council 10490.
gree dates. Please contact our Grand Knight,
Denis Tisdel, if you wish to attend a degree. Archbishop Wuerl became a Knight at Duquesne Council 264
while serving as a priest in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 1979. He
First Degrees became Bishop of Pittsburgh in 1988, and while there, wrote a
series of articles for Columbia magazine on the writings of Pope
Dec 2nd John F. Kennedy Council John Paul II. He transferred to Catholic University of America
Dec 6th Our Lady of Grace Council 9542 when he became Archbishop of Washington, D.C.
in 2006.
Dec 12th St. Francis Xavier
Jan 3rd Our Lady of Grace Archbishop Nycz became a Knight at Warsaw Council 14271 in
November 2007, about six months after the council was estab-
Second Degrees lished, and seven months after he became Archbishop of War-
Jan 16th St. Patrick`s
Feb 20th St. Patrick`s
Mar 20th St. Patrick`s

Third Degree

Jan 23rd TBA

Feb 27th Perpetual Help
May 29th John Bosco
Jesus Knows You're

A burglar broke into a house one night. He

shined his flashlight around, looking for
valuables when a voice in the dark said,'
Jesus knows you're here. 'He nearly
jumped out of his skin, clicked his flash-
light off, and froze. When he heard noth-
The Hope for Children Foundation is a sup- ing more, after a bit, he shook his head
ported Catholic Children’s Aid Society charity. and continued. Just as he pulled the ste-
Kingsway as will as several other councils and reo out so he could disconnect the wires,
the Hope for Children have worked hand in clear as a bell he heard 'Jesus is watching
hand on many different projects is the past. you.' Freaked out, he shined his light
One that we have continued to work on is the around frantically, looking for the source of
charity bingo’s to support the Knights of Co- the voice.
lumbus burcey which is handed out once a Finally, in the corner of the room, his flash-
year. Below are the bingo dates for September light beam came to rest on a parrot 'Did
to December of 2010, which are held at the you say that?' he hissed
Keele Street Bingo Hall. Any interested at the parrot. Yep', the parrot confessed,
brother willing to help out please contact then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you
Brother Sam Tassone for more information. that he is
watching you. 'The burglar relaxed. 'Warn
Friday September 17 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm huh? Who in the world are you ?' 'Moses,'
Friday October 15 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm replied the bird. 'Moses?' the burglar
Friday November 19 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm
'What kind of people would name a bird
Friday December 17 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm Moses?' The kind of people that would
name a
Rottweiler Jesus.'
Our Council in Action
Please note all photos are posted on our website
Holy Angels
50th Anniversary

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