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LEFT Function is used to extract specified number of characters from left of string

Syntax : LEFT(StringValue,NoOfCharacters)

Function written C8 : Left(A8,4) will extract ACCA from the value resided in Cell A8

Value in A8 Result
ACCA Pakistan ACCA =LEFT(A8,4)
RIGHT Function is used to extract specified number of characters from Right of string

Syntax : RIGHT(StringValue,NoOfCharacters)

Function written B8 : Left(A8,8) will extract Pakistan from the value resided in Cell A8

Value in A8 Result
ACCA Pakistan Pakistan =RIGHT(A8,8)
MID Function is used to extract specified number of characters from within the string

Syntax : MID(StringValue,StartingPosition,NoOfCharacters)

Function written B8 : MID(A8,6,3) will extract Pak from the value resided in Cell A8

Value in A8 Result
ACCA Pakistan Pak =MID(A8,6,3)
UPPER Function is used to convert a text or a string to Upper Case

Syntax : UPPER(StringValue)

Function written B8 : UPPER(A8) will resulted ACCA PAKISTAN

Value in A8 Result
LOWER Function is used to convert a text or a string to Lower Case

Syntax : LOWER(StringValue)

Function written B8 : LOWER(A8) will resulted acca pakistan

Value in A8 Result
ACCA Pakistan acca pakistan =LOWER(A8)
PROPER Function is used to convert a first letter of each word in a string to Capital letter of the
string while remaining text will be in lower case

Syntax : PROPER(StringValue)

Function written B8 : PROPER(A8) will resulted Acca Pakistan

Value in A8 Result
ACCA Pakistan Acca Pakistan =PROPER(A8)
er of the
CONCATENATE Function is used to convert two or more string values to a single string value or combine two string

Syntax : CONCATENATE(FirstStringValue,SeconfStringValue,ThirdStringValue)

Function written C8 : CONCATENATE(A8,B8) will resulted AccaPakistan. There is no space in between, to insert a
space we need to modify a formula and insert space in between

Value in A8 Value in B8 Result

ACCA Pakistan ACCAPakistan =CONCATENATE(A8,B8)
ACCA Pakistan =CONCATENATE(A8," ",B8)

We can also use an & operator instead of Concatenate function to have the same effect on strings
Syntax : FirstStringValue&econfStringValue&ThirdStringValue

Function written C17 : A17&B17 will resulted AccaPakistan. There is no space in between, to insert a space we need
to modify a formula and insert space in between

ACCA Pakistan ACCAPakistan =A17&B17

ACCA Pakistan =A17&" "&B17
string value or combine two string

no space in between, to insert a

NATE(A8," ",B8)

e effect on strings

between, to insert a space we need

FIND Function is used to find a location of text value with in a string. This function will return the position of a text
to be located.

Syntax : FIND(TextValueToBeFound,StringValueToBeSearched)

Function written C8 : FIND("C",A8) will resulted 2 which is the first occurance of C in ACCA

Value in A8 Value in B8 Result

ACCA Pakistan 2 =FIND("C",A8)

We can also find the next occurance of string by modifying obove formula by specifying the position to start search
with in the string

Syntax : FIND(TextValueToBeFOUND,StringValueToBeSearched,StartingPositionOfSearching)
Function written C17 : FIND("C",A17,3) will return as next C is located at position 3 with in the string

ACCA Pakistan 3 =FIND("C",A17,3)

ACCA Pakistan =A17&" "&B17
on will return the position of a text


ecifying the position to start search


n 3 with in the string

SEARCH Function is used to find a location of text value with in a string. This function will return the position of a
text to be located.

Syntax : SEARCH(TextValueToBeFound,StringValueToBeSearched)

Function written C8 : SEARCH("C",A8) will resulted 2 which is the first occurance of C in ACCA

Value in A8 Value in B8 Result

ACCA Pakistan 2 =SEARCH("C",A8)

We can also find the next occurance of string by modifying obove formula by specifying the position to start search
with in the string

Syntax : SEARCH(TextValueToBeFOUND,StringValueToBeSearched,StartingPositionOfSearching)

Function written C17 : SEARCH("A",A17,2) will return 4 as next A is located at position 4 with in the string

ACCA Pakistan 4 =SEARCH("A",A17,2)

ction will return the position of a

of C in ACCA

ecifying the position to start search


sition 4 with in the string

The Excel Rept function returns a supplied text string, repeate
specified number of times.

The syntax of the function is:

REPT( text, number_times )
Where the arguments are as follows:
text-The string to be repeated.number_times-The number of
the supplied text is to be repeated.

If number_times is zero, the function returns an empty string
If number_times is a decimal, it is truncated to an integer.
urns a supplied text string, repeated a

as follows:
ed.number_times-The number of times that

e function returns an empty string;

al, it is truncated to an integer.
Len Function Example
Word Length Formula
Un iversity of the Punjab 25 =LEN(A3)
ACCA Global 11 =LEN(A4)
Nestle Pakistan 15 =LEN(A5)
Khurram Khan 12 =LEN(A6)
Excel 5 =LEN(A7)
Advance Excel Training Workshop 31 =LEN(A8)
123 3 =LEN(A9)
45678 5 =LEN(A10)
The Excel LEN function returns the length of a supplied text
The syntax of the function is:
LEN( text )
Use of Text function
123 00123
45 00045
The Excel TEXT function converts a supplied nu
1556 01556 format.
2 00002
The syntax of the function is:
165 00165 TEXT( value, format_text )
65 00065
Where the function arguments are:
value-A numeric value, that you want to be co
format_text-A text string that defines the form
supplied value.
T function converts a supplied numeric value into text, in a user-specified

the function is:

ormat_text )

nction arguments are:

ric value, that you want to be converted into text.
text string that defines the formatting that you want to be applied to the
Value Formatted Value
### 07/07/2015 =TEXT(B4, "dd/mm/yyyy")
42192 07/07/2015 =TEXT(B5, "dd/mm/yyyy")
42192 Jul 07 2015 =TEXT(B6, "mmm dd yyyy")
18:00 18:00 =TEXT(B7, "hh:mm")
0.75 18:00 =TEXT(B8, "hh:mm")
36.3636 36.36 =TEXT(B9, "0.00")
0.5555 55.6% =TEXT(B10, "0.0%")
567.9 $567.90 =TEXT(B11, "$#,##0.00")
-5 - $5.00 =TEXT(B12, "+ $#,##0.00;- $#,##0.00;$0.00")
5 + $5.00 =TEXT(B13, "+ $#,##0.00;- $#,##0.00;$0.00")
0 $0.00 =TEXT(B14, "+ $#,##0.00;- $#,##0.00;$0.00")

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