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"Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud.


Dr Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize (Chemistry) 1954, Nobel Peace Prize 1962 )


The Internationally Recognised

Skin Cancer Treatment System



This brochure contains background information, user instructions and technical support
material on the skin cancer treatment system Cansema. If instructions are followed, Alpha
Omega Labs guarantee 100% success in the removal of dermal or epidermal malignant lesions
- regardless of type, size or variety... or the treatment is free and payment is refunded.

Although designed for self-administration, Cansema is not a replacement for timely,

competent medical advice and attention. Alpha Omega Laboratories highly recommends that
prior to usage the user obtain a biopsy or other diagnostic determination of the suspected
cancer site. On the basis of reliable diagnosis, and in conjunction with medical consultation,
the user may then make the decision as to whether or not to use the Cansema system.



Cansema is a topical ointment that, when applied to cancerous lesions of the dermis and
epidermis, necroses the aberrant tissue (i.e. kills the cancer cells), creates an "eschar" (what
would appear to the layman as a pus formation) -after which the body itself expels the "scab"
leaving a pit ("decavitated area"). Over a period of several weeks this "decavitated area" heals
over, usually leaving a slightly depigmented area where the lesion was removed.

Cansema is the latest and most advanced in a category of cancer-killing ointments historically
known as "escharotics" (Gk. "escharotikos"). Most of those which have been discovered,
manufactured, utilized and/or patented in the U.S. over the last 100 years have been
composed of the caustic compound zinc chloride, plus one or more medicinal herbs, of which
most have anti-microbial properties. These have included parts from bloodroot (or
"sanguinana"), bittersweet, ginger root, galanga, and even capsicum (red pepper). Other non-
active additives have included kerosene oil, glycerine, lard, metallic cobalt, and, of course,

The U.S. Patent Office lists not less than four patents using zinc chloride as their caustic base
which claim to have had at least some success in removing skin cancer and related growths.
Moreover, there are thousands upon thousands of documented "cures" using escharotics, not
only with Cansema, but with similar compounds, going as far back as the 1920's through to the
1950's with the famous Harry Hoxsey escharotic formula. And the legacy of that formula still
lives today at the Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico.

Cansema's supremacy in a field of proven, effective cancerolytic ("cancer killing") ointments

rests on its ability to work in one application, work quickly, and work with no known side
effects - other than some pain in certain cases within the first 4 to 14 days, in which case an
analgesic (pain killer) such as ibuprofen should be administered. (See "Range of Physiological

Although the etymological root to "escharotic" means "burning" and the word is, in fact,
commonly used in orthodox medicine to characterise the effects of a skin burn caused by
acids, alkalies, metallic salts, phenol or carbolic acid, carbon dioxide, or electric cautery - this
interpretation would not be accurate for Cansema. Although Cansema does contain some zinc
chloride which will cause serious burns it applied in high concentrations, it is hardly a scorcher.
In fact, Cansema is very selective in its action, it is escharotic to cancerous tissue and only
mildly irritating ( or "rubefacient", causing redness) to healthy skin. Some individuals have
used Cansema to determine if a lesion is cancerous by simply applying it, although Alpha
Omega Laboratories does not recommend it for this purpose.

In summary, Cansema is the latest, most widely used topically applied skin cancer ointment; it
is the most advanced salve of its kind, belonging to a class of compounds known as
"escharotics." Empirical case studies to date show that it has successfully removed every
malignant carcinoma, adenocarcinoma (i.e. breast cancer) and even melanoma to which it has
been applied. In the case of larger tumors, the application of Cansema can produce some pain,
even though the end results are successful. Therefore, it is important to have aspirin, NSAIDs
(i.e. like iboprofen) or some other pain killer readily available prior to treatment.

Is Cansema legal?

Why hasn't the FDA approved this valuable product!

and if it's so valuable, why haven't we heard more about it!

In one word, no. Cansema is not approved by the FDA. For reasons that will soon be clear, it
will be a very, very long time before it's ever approved - if that day comes at all. Since we at
Alpha Omega are ourselves U.S. citizens, we wouldn't be in the Bahamas if the product could
be freely distributed in the U.S.

Some folks have difficulty understanding how a product that is proven to be safe, effective,
and inexpensive, would get into trouble in a country that boasts of "free trade" and a 200-
year-old "Bill of Rights."

Only the uninitiated will be unaware that there is a powerful consortium of interests in the
U.S. called the Medical Industrial Complex ("M I.C"). It involves powerful interests, both within
the drug industry, the orthodox medical industry, U.S. government regulatory agencies and
even in academia. It involves the Federal Trade Commission and the Food & Drug
Administration. It involves the American Medical Association, the National Cancer Institute,
American Cancer Society, the National Academy of Sciences - in short, it involves all those that
benefit, directly or indirectly, from the highly lucrative franchise that comprises the $90 billion
a year "'U.S. cancer care industry."

To be sure, this is no news to many people. Very little goes on in Washington that is not
politically motivated. The widespread introduction of something so simple and innocuous as
"margarine" in the 1940's created years of hurdles for its backers. The dairy lobby (which
rightly saw margarine as threatening to the market share of "butter") created so many hurdles
that it was not until 1958 that margarine gained the upper hand as the edible fat of choice for
consumers worldwide.
You can imagine, therefore, how threatened the MIC, a far more powerful lobby employing
millions, must be with a product such as Cansema which takes care of skin cancer. Are they
really threatened? You bet they are!

The folks at the FDA, FTC, AMA and throughout the MIC are "biting at the bit" to take effective
cancer remedies, such as Cansema, off the market, label us quacks, con men, or cheats, and
make sure that you remain ignorant of how easy it now is to manage skin cancer, something
that would otherwise call for expensive surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and/or whatever
else can pump your bill into the thousands, yet not guarantee that your problem has been
completely eliminated. Who knows, maybe this is the greatest irritation of all, we have and do
honour a money back guarantee. That would be a disastrous policy for someone who sold
something that did not work. Compare our policy to that of the medical establishment. When
was the last time you went to a doctor, received treatment that was not effective, and was
able to go back for a cheerful money back refund? Get the picture?

(Nevertheless, if anyone thinks that Cansema is not exactly, and we mean exactly, what we
propound it to be, we highly recommend not using the product.)

There are many books on the market which deal with this unique area of corrupt American
politics. Many of the major book dealers have been pressured by the MIC into not carrying at
least some of the titles we list below, so you may have problems finding them, depending on
where you live.

"For the medical profession this era may well be one of the most shameful and ethically
questionable periods of its history" Stanley WohI, M.D.

Cansema in conjunction

with Medical Counsel

Although Cansema can and is self-applied by a great many people worldwide who are not
trained in the healing arts, it is often a good idea to seek out a competent health care
professional. Many medical doctors have worked with Alpha Omega associates who are not
members of the American Medical Association, and, therefore, are open-minded to alternative
programs that really work, such as Cansema. You may also seek out a competent N.D.
(naturopathic doctor) or D.C. (doctor of chiropractic medicine) who has worked in this area.

Often, the worst people to go to are orthodox cancer specialists, such as oncologists, because
they are usually too arrogant to concern themselves with approaches that are not solidly in the
mainstream. They are the most vocal proponents of such expensive, ineffective and potentially
harmful conventional treatments as radiation and chemotherapy. Rarely will they jeopardise
their career by deviating from the "party line." Moreover, they must contend with the old
system of "peer review," which has, in modern times, become a kind of Stalinist tool to
support medical techniques and practices that are the most profitable, but not necessarily

Well, so much for medical science and adherence to the Hippocratic oath.

WE advise all Alpha Omega customers that if they so choose a health care professional to
monitor their progress, they do so with discretion. The practitioner must not only be
sympathetic to the condition of the patient (member), but have a sincere respect for the
patient's right to make and educated, informed choice - and in this case that means the right
to choose Cansema as an alternative treatment.

If you have questions about this matter, contact our office for more information or even a
referral to a competent physician in your area.


WARNING: Please read the following instructions through carefully before applying Cansema.
Do not, in any way, deviate from the following. If you have questions after a thorough reading,
please call Alpha Omega for any clarification.


(1) PREPARATION: First, as stated earlier, the user may want to have a biopsy or other
diagnostic procedure performed to ascertain whether or not there is, in fact, skin cancer. Many
people prefer to go to their medical doctor to confirm with a biopsy first. There is certainly
nothing wrong with this approach.
Many people, on the observation that they have a "mole" or similar pigmented growth that is
growing and getting darker, have elected to use Cansema. The decision as to whether or not to
use Cansema is entirely at the discretion of the user; there is no danger, toxic or otherwise, of
applying Cansema to healthy tissue; although doing so for other than diagnostic purposes is
really a waste of good product.

Never, never, never apply Cansema near mucous membranes, do not apply too close to the
eyes, mouth, anus, or genital areas - that is any closer than a quarter inch (6 mm) away. Apply
to the lips if necessary, but not in the mouth. Do not apply to skin-burned tissue. Do not apply
to open wounds that are caused by a puncture or penetration by an intruding object - that is, a
cause other than the invasiveness of the neoplasm itself.

(2) APPLICATION: Cansema comes in a 14 oz. container. The product has the consistency of a
thick, moist paste. It can easily be self-applied with the fingers and should be spread over the
lesion or cancerous tissue in a thin covering, almost lightly "caked." Wash hands thoroughly
before and after applying. The applied area will start to tingle shortly afterwards - anywhere
between 5 minutes to 6 hours after the one application. In some cases there is a burning
sensation, so it is important to have pain killer, available during the process. It is also a good
idea to place a bandage over the area, particularly if the forming eschar is on a place on the
body that might be subject to being bumped or bruised in the course of daily activity.

(3) MANAGING THE ESCHAR: After 24 hours remove the bandage. Using rubbing alcohol and a
Cotton Bud very lightly go over the lesion, removing any excess Cansema and other organic
debris (i.e. pus, serous fluid, etc.) Do not use petroleum or Vitamin E at this time, as you may
accelerate the healing process before the eschar has a chance to come out. Normally a
bandage can be left on for a period of 10 days, however in advanced cases there is
considerable "drainage" (that is, a steady emission of pus). In the sense that Cansema kills the
cancer cells and takes certain leukocytes (defending white blood corpuscles) with it in the
process of eliminating the neoplasm, it is a suppurative agent, that is, drainage should not be
viewed as abnormal. The range of possible response is very little pus and only one bandage
ever required; to a regular change of bandages required in the case of advanced melanomas.
Your case will be somewhere in between. In any event, try to keep the eschar covered with
petroleum jelly and a bandage.

(4) REMOVING THE ESCHAR: The eschar itself represents the death of the neoplasm, and this
occurs shortly after application. Everything that follows from there is the body's own
reparative responses. From here on out, the body knows exactly what to do and wastes no
time doing it. However, to us the days and weeks that follow may seem lengthy. The next
stage is the removal of the eschar, or scab. This usually happens within 10 days after initial
application, unless the case is advanced and/or the cancer(s) cover a large area of the body. As
with any scab, let it fall out when it is ready. Do not pull it out prematurely; although you may
find that it will eventually be attached with a small thread of skin tissue which can be easily
and safely severed.

(5) "HEALING OVER": After the eschar comes out the pit or "decavitation" can look raw and
unsightly. Nonetheless, if kept covered and the everyday principles of good hygiene are
followed there will be no threat of secondary infection. Use petroleum jelly or a Vitamin E
ointment at this stage until completely healed to minimize scarring. Over a period of a few
months, or in some cases two years, the entire area will be healed with only some
"depigmentation" or scar tissue. The result is never more unsightly than if conventional
surgery had been chosen instead, and is usually immeasurably better. There has never been a
case of the cancer coming back to the area applied in our nine years of experience, unless a
metastasizing has occurred from cancer development in some other area of the body. In other
words, once Cansema has finished its work, there are no residual cells from the original


There are a number of parameters which vary from person to person, depending on the type
of cancer, the size, location and the disposition of the individual. Because certain people
experience responses that are new to them and for some may even be a bit frightening, it is
important to cover the range of possible responses.

(1) SIZE OF ESCHAR: Many people have far more cancer activity beneath the skin than is visible
on the surface. Because of this, some users are surprised that what they thought was a small
lesion, in fact turns out to be larger than expected. The average lesion is approximately twice
as big as an eschar than it appears to be from the skin surface.

(2) DRAINAGE FACTOR: Cansema is a suppurative - it produces an escharotic pus formation.

For many people, particularly those with smaller lesions, the pus is self-contained and it dries
up within a few days and comes off as a coagulated scab in a matter of a few days. However,
this is less likely if the neoplasm is larger - (bigger than one inch or 25 mm), or is really an
adenocarcinoma (tumour of a glandular organ, particularly breast cancer). Tumours which are
two inches or greater in diameter almost always involve heavy weeping and require changes in
bandages, as many as five times a day in some cases. Know this to be a normal part of the
healing process.
(3) INFLAMATORY EDEMA: In nearly all cases there is at least some inflammation and build-up
in fluids in and around the applied area. Cansema is lightly caustic, so this is a natural
physiological response. Often the edema doesn't occur at the site of application, but in nearby
joints. For instance, if Cansema is applied to a cancerous lesion residing on the gastronemius
(larger calf muscle), it is not uncommon to see edema develop at the ankle. Edema is a natural
part of the process and should not cause distress. It rarely lasts for more than a few days.

(4) PAIN FACTOR: The range of response varies greatly from mild tingling to considerable. Our
experience is that at its worst Cansema is rarely more painful than that to be endured in the
healing process that follows surgery. Users should be prepared with pain killers ("analgesics")
before application so that if they need it, it's available.

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