Abdurrohman Muzakki: The Effects of Engklek Game On Locomotor Movement Skills

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Abdurrohman Muzakki1*
Sport Education, Master Degree Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
email: abdurrohmanmuzakki@gmail.com

Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) have important role to play in developing motoric skills of future
children. The development of FMS does not just happen, but special treatment needs to be given to the
child. Playing activities become the most suitable alternative for children to learn the motion. The
most dominant FMS exhibited by the child are locomotor. For this purpose, this paper aims to explain
the effect of the game on the locomotor movement skills.

This research also included experimental research using one group pretest-posttest design. The
sample was taken by cluster random sampling with the number of subjects selected as many as 51
students of grade IV MI Thoriqussalam (Islamic Elementary School), Sidoarjo district, East Java
province, Indonesia. Locomotor movement skills were measured using observation techniques with
process-oriented methods. Data analysis using t-test dependent with significance level of 0.05.

The results showed that there was a significant increase as evidenced by the results of different test
resulted p-value 0.000 <0.05. The increase in locomotor base skill value is indicated by the change in
the pretest average value of 6.89 to 11.42 at posttest or increased by 49.7% (moderate). Based on
these results it can be concluded that the game is suitable to use to help students learn basic
locomotor movement skills.

Key words : engklek game, FMS, and locomotor


Physical education (PE) is an education that can support the achievement of overall educational
goals. PE has the potential to develop domains that include: cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and
physical. PE is education through physical activity using the medium of activity in the form of
physical activity called sports. The characteristics of PE teaching in elementary school age children
are playing while learning or learning while playing. So it is appropriate if the development of
learning PE be used as a medium to develop students' motion skills since childhood.
There are two reasons behind the writing of this article, i.e.: (1) The development of technology
today takes up most of the child's time for physical activity. Though armed with physical fitness,
people will get a higher life expectancy and free from disease (Blair, 2012). The closest aspect of
physical activity to health is physical fitness (Prakoso et al., 2014). This is supported by several things
such as the existence of a negative relationship between the long use of information technology to
physical activity. Children at least 5 hours 52 minutes daily to watch TV and play Computer games
(Woods, 2007). In addition, Grund et al., (2001) conducted research on the habits of children aged 5-
11 years of viewing television. The results showed that children with high television time tended to be
overweight. (2) To get high physical fitness, children need a lot of physical activity. Children with
high basic movement skills tend to have high confidence to be able to engage in physical activity and
exercise (Buschner, 1994 pg. 5). FMS have a positive relationship to health (Logan et al., 2011).
FMS does not flourish, FMS should be developed through learning and practice. According to
Vandaele et al., (2011) FMS child mastery is obtained from physical activity and games. According to
Logan et al., (2011) FMS needs to be learned, trained, and strengthened. Anwar (2005) diversity is a
learning tool for children to develop their potential.
FMS becomes an important subject matter that must be submitted by teachers to students through
PE learning (Permendikbud No. 24 tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar).
Teachers are required to create focused PE learning to help students learn to master FMS. However,
the student's FMS condition is currently in an unsatisfactory state. The FMS score of students in one
school in Sidoarjo district, is below the minimal value of mastery. The teacher concludes that most
students are not able to achieve minimal mastery due to minimal student space and low learning
innovation in PE.

The Engklek game can be used by PE Teachers to improve student FMS. NSW Department of
Education and Communities and NSW Health (2012) in its program "Live life well at shool" believes
that the engklek game can be used to improve FMS especially in locomotor motion. Engklek games
can be used for physical activity including activities for exercising, improving coordination and body
health, and developing skills in child growth. Based on the problem of low basic movement skills, it is
necessary to develop a game that allows to optimize the existing resources in schools to provide
treatment to the quality of FMS students.

Experimental design of experimental design using one group pretest-posttest design was used.
Subjects involved students of grade IV-C (25 students) and grade IV-D (26 students), the total subjects
involved were 51 students selected by cluster random sampling. FMS was assessed using observation
techniques using process-oriented principles. Locomotor movement skills are assessed as 3 types of
movement i.e.: side gallop, vertical jump, and hop. The research instrument used is a process-oriented
assessment instrument developed by Barnett et al., (2009). Data analysis to know difference of pretest-
posttest value using t-test dependent with significance level of 0.05.
The use of t-test dependent can only know the significance of different posttest and pretest
values. While to know the big increase of pretest value to posttest required further pengitugan use n-
gain normalized. The formula calculates the gain as follows:
Mposttest − Mpretest
G= %
Mideal − Mpretest
G : large increase in pretest value against posttest
Mposttest : mean of posttest
Mpretest : mean of pretest
Mideal : ideal value / maximum value that may be obtained
Based on the calculation using the formula above then the value of G can be classified
according to table 1 as follows:
Table 1
Classification of Pretest Improvement Values on Posttest

No. Increase Value Range Information

1 30.0% bellows Low
2 30.0%-69.9% Moderate
3 70.0% - upwards High
Source: Pendidikan Menengah Kejuruan ed. 2004 on Maknun (2015)


The result of the research is the result of locomotor movement skill analysis which consists of
three basic motion types: vertical jump, hop, and side gallop (see table 2).The results can be explained
that there is a significant difference between the basic motion skill values locomotor type when pretest
and posttest. The significance of the difference in value is evidenced by the t value of 13.59 and the
sig value. 0.000 <0.05. Based on the change in mean there was an increase of 49.7% fall into the
medium category.
At the locomotor base motion skill the vertical jump type shows that there is a difference
between the pretest and posttest values. The significance of the difference in value is evidenced by the
value of t arithmetic of 8.88 and the value of sig. 0.000 <0.05. Based on the change in mean there was
an increase of 42.3% into the category of moderate. At the locomotor base motion skill the hop type
indicates that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest values. The significance of the
difference in value is evidenced by the t value of 8.21 and the sig value. 0.000 <0.05. Based on the
mean change there was an increase of 48.4% into the moderate category. In the locomotor base skill
value the side gallop type shows that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest values. The
significance of the difference in value is evidenced by the value of t arithmetic of 10.19 and the value
of sig. 0.000 <0.05. Based on the change in mean there is an increase of 60.7% into the category of
Table 2.
Results of Differences Analysis of FMSDuring Pretest-Posttest
Fundamental Mean
Test N Mean T Sig. Conclussion Deviation
Movement Skill Difference
Post 51 3.78 Difference 42.3%
Vertical Jump 1.63 8.88 0.000
Pre 51 2.16 Post>Pre Fair
Post 51 3.76 Difference 48.4%
Hop 1.16 8.21 0.000
Pre 51 2.59 Post>Pre Fair
Post 51 3.88 Difference 60.7%
Side Gallop 1.74 10.19 0.000
Pre 51 2.14 Post>Pre Fair
Post 51 11.42 Difference 49.7%
Locomotor 4.53 13.59 0.000
Pre 51 6.89 Post>Pre Fair
Note: the significance level of different test is 0.05.

The engklek game is included in the traditional game in Indonesia which previously played
more freely by the children. This game is played by children with nonstandard rules. Rules are usually
agreed upon by players before the game is executed. As time went on, the game became unpopular
due to the modernization and digitalization of the times. So this game even become popular in PE
learning in schools that exist in Indonesia.
The implementation of the game in PE, actually more dominant with the hop activity, but can be
combined with various types of FMS to be learned by students. This game is created with fast
competition between students in side gallop activities, standing broad jump (exercise for vertical
jump), and hop. With this kind of competition, it can give students the opportunity to learn FMS in the
form of vertical jump, side gallop, and hop.
Based on the research results, the value of FMS taught increased significantly. The large
sequence of basic skill values increases from the largest to the smallest, namely: side gallop (60.7%),
hop (48.4%), and vertical jump (42.3%). The three types of FMS are assessed to determine the value
of locomotor base motion skills. Based on the result of the three FMS, locomotor value was increased
significantly by 49.7%. That is, the provision of special treatment to improve the basic motion of
students successfully performed through the provision of a game in the PE learning PE.


Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that the type of FMS that
experienced the highest increase is the side gallop, hop, and the lowest is a vertical jump. Although
there is a difference between the three types of FMS but the category of improvement of the three
skills are the same, that is in the moderate category. So that the increase of the three FMS is in line
with the significant increase in basic locomotor motion skills. This proves that the treatment provided
by the teacher has a real impact on students' FMS.

For that, teachers need to be more innovative in providing treatment in PE learning so that
students can learn the motion. The engklek game is proven to have an impact on the quality of FMS,
so teachers can use this type of game to improve basic student movement skills.

Foremost. I would like to express to my special lecture Drs. Suroto, M.A., Ph.D., and Dr.
Nanik Indahwati, S.Pd., M.Or. for support of my study and research. motivation and immense
knowledge. I could not have imagined having a better lecture and mentor for my study and research.


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