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doi: 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00657.

Turning signals into meaning – ÔShared decision

makingÕ meets communication theory
Jürgen Kasper Dipl.-Psych., Dr. phil.,*,  France Légaré MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP,à Fülöp Scheibler
Dr. rer. medic. M.A.§ and Friedemann Geiger Dr. phil.–
*Institute of Neuroimmunology and Clinical MS-Research (INiMS), University Medical Center, Hamburg, Germany,  Unit of Health
Sciences and Education, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, àDepartment of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine,
Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, §Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, Cologne, Germany and –Tumor Center
and Department of Paediatrics, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany

Correspondence Shared decision making (SDM) is being increasingly challenged for
Jürgen Kasper, Dipl.-Psych., Dr. phil. promoting an innovative role model while adhering to an archaic
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
approach to patient-clinician communication, both in clinical
Hamburg practice and the research field. Too often, SDM has been studied
Germany at the individual level, which ignores the interpersonal system
between patients and physicians. We aimed to encourage debate by
Accepted for publication reflecting on the essentials of SDM in terms of epistemology. We
7 December 2010
operationalized the SDM core concept of information exchange in
Keywords: communication, decision terms of social systems theory. An epistemological analysis of the
making, dyadic data analysis, inter-
personal relations, physician patient term information refers to its inherent process character. Exchange
relation, uncertainty of information thereby becomes synonymous with social sense
construction, indicating that, rather than just being a vehicle, the act
of communication itself is the information. We plead for the
adoption of existing dyadic analytical methods such as those offered
by the interpersonal paradigm. Implications of an updated concept
of information for the use of SDM-evaluation methods, for SDM-
goal setting, and for clinical practice of SDM are described.

ural science.3 Rather than representing a radical

new scientific position, it fits into broad episte-
Clinical decision making is the use of diverse mological debates in the philosophy of science,
strategies to generate and evaluate potential falsificationism and holism. Regarding philoso-
solutions to health related problems.1 In this phy, EBM is characterized by the specific defi-
process, physicians should apply the current nition of the relationship between evidence and
scientific knowledge to the clinical context.2 As a knowledge leading to a normative concept as to
particular epistemological view defines how sci- how to use evidence when making medical
ence is applied and knowledge is communicated, decisions.4 The challenge here is to apply this
this requirement seems both challenging and concept to specific clinical decisions ensuring
important for the quality of clinical practice. that they are made consistent with patientsÕ
The paradigm of evidence-based medicine values and preferences. The resolution of this
(EBM) successfully exemplifies the adoption of issue requires consideration of actual commu-
the contemporary general epistemology in nat- nication and decision-making theory.4 In par-

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4 Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al.

ticular, the application of current science tion are sensitive to the underpinning concepts
includes accommodation to changes in the social of knowledge applied by participants and eval-
norms of the health system concerning role uators. In other words, what makes paternalism
preferences of the parties involved and to the a paternalistic (communication) concept might
quality and structure of the knowledge that be the assumption of an expertsÕ monopoly of
medical decision making is based on. In this the relevant knowledge.
regard, the shared decision-making model This article aims at encouraging debate on
(SDM) is intended to replace the traditional shared decision making by reflecting its essen-
style of asymmetrical one-way communication tials in terms of epistemology representing the
between physician and patient that has been sum of beliefs on the process of cognition, which
handed down for centuries by medical tradi- is vital to the definition of ÔknowledgeÕ. We will
tion.5 SDM is supposed to represent a concept start from the core definition of SDM and
suiting the communicative challenges of the continue by commenting on the content of risk
actual structure and quality of knowledge, by information. After presenting our epistemologi-
involving the patient as an additional source of cal examination, present evaluation methods
information which is relevant to the decision. and goal setting in SDM are criticized. Finally,
However, the concept will not meet todayÕs some idea is provided as to what it would mean
challenges by referring to an archaic model of to base the concept on an up-to-date commu-
communication based on a traditional concep- nication model.
tion of knowledge and knowledge acquirement. Although definitions of SDM vary greatly5,6
To give an example with regard to the medical and there is a lack of consensus, the SDM defi-
decision-making context, a traditional concept nition provided by Charles7 probably achieves
of knowledge is reflected in the information the closest agreement between the authors
monopoly of the medical experts. We still concerned.5 Following Charles, SDM can be
witness SDM advocators simplifying its core described as a two-way exchange of information
process as an exchange of specialist information between the parties concerned with the medical
from the physician for value information from decision either from the professional or from a
the patient. This explanation ignores the fact patientÕs point of view. This definition refers
that the patientÕs medical knowledge (be it fed by firstly to the term information, secondly to its
experiences with a certain drug type or by a transfer by two-way exchange and thirdly to the
web-based self-help group) and the physicianÕs process character of a decision to which both
values (e.g. about responsible palliative care of a parties contribute.7 A specification of this defi-
child) are essential sources for a fruitful mutual nition applicable in research and practice has
process of information exchange. People may been lacking since.
argue that patientsÕ medical knowledge some-
times is not accurate or is biased by convictions
Information as part of medical risk
on, for instance, their beliefs regarding the reli-
ability of scientific knowledge. However, in
principle, the same applies to information the The information to be exchanged is anything but
physician feeds into the process. By contrast trivial. Risk information is complex and ambig-
with the traditional view, scientific knowledge is uous. Even physicians fail to correctly interpret
now no longer seen as certain or stable, nor as probabilistic explanations.8,9 Patients are all the
being accessible only to experts. By allocating more easily overburdened when processing this
specialist information to the physician and kind of information because of their emotional
value-information to the patient the above- involvement in decisions concerning them-
mentioned simplification implicitly refers to an selves.10 More thorough consideration shows
outdated concept of knowledge. We argue that that the relevant subject in risk information is
the quality of the SDM process and its evalua- uncertainty rather than data on probabilities.

 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 15, pp.3–11

Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al. 5

Uncertainty can consist in the absence of data as an aspect of content that should not be
that can be drawn upon to provide relevant neglected when discussing medical decisions. But
information on medical procedures. Uncertainty it can also be taken literally and seen as imme-
exists in the ambiguity of contradicting infor- diately transferable to social communication
mation or in the difficulty of applying existing theory. In the following sections, we seek to
evidence, for instance, on probabilities of benefit elucidate this position by addressing the ques-
and side-effects in a certain case. Uncertainty tion as to which process we assume information
appears in the choice of a treatment option on evolves from.
both sides of the decision-making dyad.11,12
Uncertainty is referred to in some of the SDM
Information as construct
literature.13–15 It is even seen by some authors as
an exclusion criterion for SDM13 and by others as Developers of SDM interventions traditionally
a disadvantageous condition that should be pro- define information as data or knowledge trans-
hibited.14 In our view, uncertainty is neither a mitted from sender to recipient by linear trans-
side-issue nor something that explanation alone fer. This includes the assumption that the
can remove. It is the subject of both partiesÕ information does not change during transfer and
engagement in the communication.11 The case of is represented on the recipientÕs side in the same
a young woman recently diagnosed with multiple form. This assumption arises from the idea of a
sclerosis can help to illustrate this. Her diagnosis digital information model, where interferences
is based on a single neurological event and two and biases do not occur. By contrast, Ôpeople
magnetic resonance images with a 4 week delay make decisions … by attending selectively to
between. The diagnosis suddenly hit her with a external information to create an internal,
jolt. However, there is little more to say with mental representation of the decision context or
certainty. The challenge for physician and patient problem.Õ And Ôit is the mental representation
negotiating early immunotherapy is to inform that is evaluated to reach a decision, not the
this decision by thorough consideration of the information originally providedÕ.18 In the digital
remaining uncertainties: It is uncertain whether, model, a passive recipient is attributed to one of
when and how often she may relapse in the future. two possible states – understanding or not –
It is uncertain whether she will become increas- which gives little space for participation. An
ingly limited in her mobility. And it is uncertain invitation to participate and thereby to assume
whether she would be among the 10–20% of responsibility would as a precondition offer
patients responding to immunotherapy.16 The increased options with regard to the individualÕs
question of efficacy of early vs. later treatment in behaviour. ÔOnly a free person (who could always
a longer time frame is even more uncertain. act differently) is able to act responsiblyÕ.19 The
On a more abstract level, we see the initial following definition of information seems more
motivation to communicate not in the provision suitable to the idea of involvement as it provides
of information but in the uncertainty perceived an active role for the recipient:
by one of the two parties in a communication. In
ÔI can never be sure what the meaning is that you
1948, Shannon17 provided a relevant definition read into my words, because what moves from me
of information (entropy) in terms of uncertainty to you are signals and not the meanings of signals.
as part of a mathematical theory of communi- This is to me the basic fact of communication. As
cation. Shannon defined information as the long as you use something like signals that run in a
channel, you have to have a code to turn the
uncertainty contained in a finite sequence of
signals into meaning.Õ20
signals or, more generally, in a distribution. The
more irregular the sequence, and the less pre- These principles provide the foundations for a
dictable and uncertain, the more information it communication theory. Information and reality
contains. This can be understood as a metaphor construction in this context are self-organizing
indicating the importance of seeing uncertainty and therefore not instructable. The reception of

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6 Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al.

external knowledge requires a suitable cognitive meaning on both sides. The interpretation of a
structure on the recipientÕs side. Von Foerster,19 communicative action, the Ôturning of signals
who is considered as one of the Ôfounding into meaningÕ, is a contingent selection. It is not
fathersÕ of constructivism, defines communica- predetermined, but represents one of many
tion as a kind of individual process of sense- possible choices. Co-ordination of oneÕs com-
construction: ÔThe world is full of signals, but municative actions with oneÕs counterpart
there is no information around.Õ Although these requires high frequency feedback.21,22 As it is
ideas are not new, and are implemented into unlikely that situation definitions are ever iden-
many communicative contexts, some readers tical on both sides a specific definition cannot be
may doubt whether it is useful to apply imposed by one side on the other. In this regard,
constructivist ideas to physician patient consul- two-way exchange does not mean that person A
tations. In particular, the probabilistic nature of presents his ⁄ her information while person B
the subject offers much room for interpretation contributes information from another back-
and appraisal and we feel that this implies a need ground, as the method is described in the SDM
for communication to be perceived as a literature.14 Moreover, more or less mechanistic
co-construction of reality. However, even if the concepts of SDM, such as step-by-step com-
theory is quite difficult to agree with in its radical munication guides or skill-based taxonomies, are
tenor, it can still introduce the concept of process not sufficient because they miss the interactive
into the definition of information. This contrasts core of the method.23 The process of transferring
with the common use of the term in the SDM information is seen from a systems theory
literature, where information is assumed to be viewpoint as a co-operative invention, where
a digital and static entity which is merely information results from interaction. Beyond
delivered to the recipient. Another significant this co-operation on the level of content, this
implication of constructivism is the dependence process is shaped by the dyadÕs interpersonal
of observation on the individual observerÕs relations. These relations are not a static con-
cognitive structure. This means that the same dition, either, but evolve from the very process
signals (for example data on frequencies or of information transfer within a social system.
expression of medical advice) take on different
meanings in different individuals.
The interpersonal information in
Information resulting from a social
From the beginning, a climate of interpersonal
construction process
non-dominance was assumed to be implicit in
If even information, which is the basic parame- the SDM process,7,24 which is supposed to be
ter in risk communication is a process which is open concerning the choice finally made. Hith-
hard to control or predict, what should we then erto, interpersonal dynamics have not, apart
conceive exchange to be? Exchange is the social from a few exceptions,25–28 been recognized as
process to develop information on both sides of being of particular interest in SDM research.
the dyad. Social systems theory yields the Existing programmes focussing the succession
transfer of constructivist epistemology to the of actions within decision-making communica-
experience of the world of sociology and tion14,15 address the meso-process rather than
communication, including the opportunity to the interpersonal micro-process that emerges
verify theorems through everyday experience. through both parties responding to each other.
Adopting the process-definition of information, The interpersonal relationship is a subtle and
social systems theory conceives the social dynamic series of occurrences and is established
dimension of this very process.21 The absence of anew by each interaction in a communicative
certainty about the correct interpretation of process.29 The interpersonal relationship, as an
received signals instigates a construction of important criterion of SDM, deserves consider-

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Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al. 7

ation in modelling and measuring risk commu- assumption can be illustrated by an example
nication by applying the interactional from a qualitative study which was part of one
focus.23,25,26 SDM instruments so far do not of our controlled decision-making trials. We
take into account the interpersonal focus on this conducted separate in-depth interviews with
process level. There is a need to clearly define physicians and patients when they had finished
and operationalize effective communication in their consultation. One physician comprehen-
terms of interpersonal concepts, such as those sively reported on the content and the course of
introduced by Kenny,30 Benjamin31 or Kiesler.32 a particular consultation with an older woman
A recent study33 investigated the degree of with multiple sclerosis. Our impression was that
congruence of physiciansÕ and patientsÕ percep- the physician processed the decision about
tions of their communication using a dyadic immunotherapy to a high standard of SDM.
measurement approach with appropriate The patient, in turn, reported that the major
analytical methods. Interdependency in this study topic of the consultation was her insufficient
is defined as a marker for mutuality in the medical bladder function and could hardly remember
communication. A large body of research has any decision about immunotherapy. An obser-
been studying interpersonal behaviour using the vation-based instrument focussing on the
constructs drawn from the interpersonal circle.32 physicianÕs communication behaviour would not
It is assumed that people in dyadic interactions have revealed this fundamental misunderstand-
negotiate the definition of their relationship ing. Assessment of SDM from the point of view
through verbal and non-verbal cues, which can be of one of the involved parties, or from that of a
described as interpersonal variables arranged third person, as is usual, seems to miss the
around a circle in two-dimensional space.34 target. Inconsistencies have been reported in a
Although neglected up to now, theory, theorems number of studies employing more than one
and assessment tools generated by the interper- single SDM measure. Little or no correspon-
sonal paradigm already exist.25,29,34 dence was found either between observer and
patient views or between physician and patient
views.36–39 In terms of constructivist theory,
Implications for evaluation of SDM
these results indicate incongruence of sense
As becomes obvious, information as referred to construction by representatives with different
in constructivism, in social systems theory and in perspectives. Rather than limiting validity, the
interpersonal theory is defined in a process degree of congruence in sense construction is the
dimension. Information in this regard is no central parameter targeted by SDM. However, a
longer a static entity, but emerges from mutual measurement approach systematically analysing
exchange in a social sense-constructing process. the congruence of communication measures as
Existing instruments and evaluation strategies perceived from different perspectives is still
for communication in clinical practice do not missing. Interaction-based operationalizations,
take this process character into account and e.g. consideration of the physicianÕs responsive-
therefore cannot adequately indicate the degree ness to the patientÕs participation behaviour that
of sharing in a physician patient consultation.23 goes beyond ensuring understanding, have not
Currently, SDM is assessed as the patientÕs been found in the literature.26,40,41 Although
feeling of trust or of being involved or by others representing the fundamental unit of evaluation,
as the physicianÕs engagement in performing a the dyad has hitherto rarely been taken into
set of skills regarded as likely to enhance account in the SDM measurement field.42
involvement.35 However, an observation-based Methodological and data-analytic approaches
method can only be valid to the extent by which useful in the study of dyads are, however,
a patient correctly interprets the physicianÕs available.43,44 A study of decisional conflict,
activities and might show little of the actual including data on both physician and patient,
process taking place within the dyad. This shows how dyadic analyses can fruitfully be

 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 15, pp.3–11

8 Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al.

applied to the evaluation of decision communi- pool of practical communication examples.

cation to answer process related research ques- Nevertheless, as our essay pleads for awareness
tions.33,45 Dyadic approaches to communication of contingency in the meaning of communicative
permit adjustment to accommodate structures of actions, readers will not expect prescriptions for
higher complexity, such as triads or groups; application of SDM in practice. However, in the
however, dyads are the smallest unit of analysis. following, we will comment on some areas of
Moreover, analyses of social relation-based immediate practical relevance for physician
constructs, such as interdependency and patient communication and elucidate what it
concordance in the interpersonal paradigm, would mean to base SDM on an actual concept
could accommodate the process character of the of knowledge. Firstly, we propose to regard all
method. This would help to establish the medi- subjects of exchange in the SDM dyad as
cal communication concept in a rich and information, rather than distinguishing between
powerful tradition.30–32,34 information (that is provided by the health
professional) and values (contributed by the
patient). Both parties are challenged to consider
Implications for goal setting
all sources of information relevant for an
Progress in SDM would affect the setting of informed decision, including the physicianÕs
goals. Considering a theory of information preferences and the patientÕs knowledge about
would offer new insight into the way in which his or her own body. In a constructivist view,
communicative interventions, such as training information is never unbiased, but bias can have
provided to physicians, can affect the social different causes, which are important to recog-
construction process. Training courses would nize. Secondly, to follow mutuality in practice
change their emphasis and move away from step- goes beyond cosmetic amendments in the
by-step programmes and would aim, instead, to consultation and also includes the parties mak-
help patients and physicians to develop skills of ing efforts to check whether the physician
responsiveness to each otherÕs participation in understands the patientÕs position. Thirdly,
the process of communication. Having in mind although a mutual exchange is recommended,
the importance of evidence based, balanced and the parties are not in a symmetric position. As it
comprehensive information, it will nevertheless is the patientÕs health that is at issue, it is the
increasingly be seen as essential to maximize patient who has to make the decision. The health
knowledge and to strive for certainty in patients. professional can assist with the information
The management of existing uncertainty, how- process by exploring the meaning of data to the
ever, and the ability to come to a decision despite patient. Questions are powerful interventions in
uncertainty, could take on greater importance as this regard. Opening a discussion about data on
another specific task in line with basic ideas of efficacy of a treatment by use of a one hundred
shared decision making.12 A shift in goal setting stick figure pictogram, the physician could ask
and new approaches to measurement of SDM ÔWhich figure do you think you are in the
communication will even make it possible to diagram?Õ. Patients clearly identifying them-
reappraise the existing evidence on SDM. selves with one of the figures (red = no benefit,
blue = benefit, green = no benefit, no need for
intervention) indicate a poorer understanding of
Practical implications
uncertainty from patients answering ÔWell, how
Our epistemological analysis of the SDM could I know, donÕt I have a 12% chance of
concept was informed by our own experiences in benefit?Õ. Fourthly, updating the communication
clinical practice and its evaluation. When concept leads to a close-to-reality definition of
abstracting from actual communicative the core process, the sharing of SDM. Rather
phenomena and deducing from communication than insisting on the partiesÕ agreement on equal
theory, we draw conclusions from an extensive contribution to the decision, we feel that

 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 15, pp.3–11

Turning signals into meaning, J Kasper et al. 9

consensus can act as an indicator of a co-oper- of the decision-making process, the physician
ative construction of relevant information would share uncertainty with the patient, thus
between physician and patient. Consensus refers becoming Ôa broker of choiceÕ.2
to the situational definition including the social
roles and the contents within the dyad. This shift
in emphasis might relieve from feeling the need
to organize their consultation in an unnatural We thank Dr Anne Humphreys for her
mechanistic manner. To enhance consensual supportive proof reading and advice on our
perception of the situation physicians can make manuscript.
use of all standard skills to interweave their
information process with that of the patient,
Conflict of interest
such as explicitness, responsiveness, asking
questions and paraphrasing. Fifthly, we are This work was done without funding. No
aware of the complexity of challenges physicians conflict of interest to declare.
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patients. Therefore, it seems necessary to
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 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 15, pp.3–11

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