Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Topic: House, rooms of the house, furniture and household objects

Aims: Student shall be able to talk, ask and answer questions about where the different objects are

 To learn how to describe furniture, rooms of the house

 Practice vocabulary
 To develop student’s listening, writing, and speaking skills
 Practice grammar

Lesson Stage Procedure Time

Warm up 1. Start by greeting the students enthusiastically.
2. Proceed to show a small warm up video to pre-
introduce the topic “prepositions”
3. Encourage students to describe what they see after
giving an example. 10 minutes
4. T- Cues the students using different timestamps of the
video so that they ask and answer questions with each

Presentation  TT Teaches the structure of adjectives with elicitation

by using images and then teaches how to question and
describe item locations near the house and in rooms 10 minutes
inductively and deductively.
 Explains TEACHER’S MISTAKES activity
TT-SS clarification drill Pair Work Oral Drill:
 Teacher puts the students in pairs to make questions 5 minutes
about the rooms in their house and furniture

Written Drill Teacher gives out a hand out to practice over the 5
prepositions and rooms, household objects.
Close The students end the class playing a game of Bingo using the
new vocabulary, to strengthen their speaking and listening

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