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Baikie & Wilhelm Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol.

11, 338–346

Emotional and physical health benefits

of expressive writing
Karen A. Baikie & Kay Wilhelm

Abstract Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in
both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing
paradigm, participants are asked to write about such events for 15–20 minutes on 3–5 occasions. Those
who do so generally have significantly better physical and psychological outcomes compared with
those who write about neutral topics. Here we present an overview of the expressive writing paradigm,
outline populations for which it has been found to be beneficial and discuss possible mechanisms
underlying the observed health benefits. In addition, we suggest how expressive writing can be used as
a therapeutic tool for survivors of trauma and in psychiatric settings.

Over the past 20 years, a growing body of literature emotional experiences (Box 1) for 3–5 sessions, often
has demonstrated the beneficial effects that writing over consecutive days, for 15–20 minutes per session.
about traumatic or stressful events has on physical Most studies have been conducted in the laboratory,
and emotional health. In the first study on expressive
writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986), college students
wrote for 15 minutes on 4 consecutive days about
‘the most traumatic or upsetting experiences’ of their Box 1 Typical writing instructions
entire lives, while controls wrote about superficial For the next 4 days, I would like you to write
topics (such as their room or their shoes). Parti- your very deepest thoughts and feelings about
cipants who wrote about their deepest thoughts and the most traumatic experience of your entire life
feelings reported significant benefits in both or an extremely important emotional issue that
objectively assessed and self-reported physical has affected you and your life. In your writing,
health 4 months later, with less frequent visits to the I’d like you to really let go and explore your
health centre and a trend towards fewer days out of deepest emotions and thoughts. You might tie
role owing to illness. The authors concluded that: your topic to your relationships with others,
‘writing about earlier traumatic experience was including parents, lovers, friends or relatives;
associated with both short-term increases in physio- to your past, your present or your future; or to
logical arousal and long-term decreases in health who you have been, who you would like to be or
problems’ (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986: p. 280). who you are now. You may write about the same
general issues or experiences on all days of
writing or about different topics each day. All of
Expressive writing studies your writing will be completely confidential.
The basic writing paradigm (Pennebaker, 1994, Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or sen-
1997a, 1997b; Smyth & Pennebaker, 1999) used in tence structure. The only rule is that once you
most of the subsequent expressive writing studies begin writing, you continue until the time is up.
involves participants writing about traumatic or

Karen Baikie is a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral research fellow with the Black Dog Institute and School of Psychiatry,
University of New South Wales (Black Dog Institute, University of New South Wales, The Villa, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Randwick NSW 2031, Australia. E-mail: She completed her PhD in the use of expressive writing in the
Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney. Her interests are in the application of expressive writing for different
clinical populations and in working therapeutically with survivors of trauma, as well as general adult clinical psychology. Kay
Wilhelm is a consultant psychiatrist in consultation liaison psychiatry at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, and the Mood Disorders
Unit, Black Dog Institute, where she is also project leader for the General Practitioner Education Program. She is a clinical
Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales. She has a long-standing interest in depression, especially gender issues
and psychosocial risk factors, brief psychotherapy for depression and self-harm, as well as primary care and general hospital
psychiatry. K.B. is supported by National Health and Medical Research Council Program Grant 222708.

338 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11.

Health benefits of expressive writing

although more recently writing has been done at

Box 2 Longer-term benefits of expressive
home or in a clinical setting. Participants often reveal
a considerable range and depth of emotional trauma
in their writing. Although many report being upset Health outcomes
by the writing experience, they also find it valuable • Fewer stress-related visits to the doctor
and meaningful (Pennebaker, 1997b). Control partici- • Improved immune system functioning
pants are asked to write as objectively and factually • Reduced blood pressure
as possible about neutral topics such as a particular
• Improved lung function
room or their plans for the day, without revealing
• Improved liver function
their emotions or opinions. No feedback is given on
• Fewer days in hospital
the writing.
Owing to the nature of APT, study results dis- • Improved mood/affect

cussed below are not exhaustively referenced; • Feeling of greater psychological well-being

instead, we have tried to give the most representative • Reduced depressive symptoms before exam-
or comprehensive publications. For further reading inations
on expressive writing and its implementation we • Fewer post-traumatic intrusion and avoid-
recommend Lepore & Smyth (2002), Pennebaker ance symptoms
(1997a,b) and Sloan & Marx (2004b).
Social and behavioural outcomes
• Reduced absenteeism from work

Immediate and longer-term • Quicker re-employment after job loss

effects of expressive writing • Improved working memory

• Improved sporting performance

The immediate impact of expressive writing is • Higher students’ grade point average
usually a short-term increase in distress, negative • Altered social and linguistic behaviour
mood and physical symptoms, and a decrease in
positive mood compared with controls. Expressive
writing participants also rate their writing as signifi-
cantly more personal, meaningful and emotional. about emotional topics changed the way that
However, at longer-term follow-up, many studies participants interacted with others, suggesting that
have continued to find evidence of health benefits writing may also have an impact on objectively
in terms of objectively assessed outcomes, self- assessed social and linguistic behaviour (Pennebaker
reported physical health outcomes and self-reported & Graybeal, 2001).
emotional health outcomes (Box 2).
Self-reported physical health outcomes
Objectively assessed outcomes Expressive writing also produces longer-term
Expressive writing results in significant improve- benefits in self-reported health outcomes such as
ments in longer-term physical health outcomes such visits to the doctor (Cameron & Nicholls, 1998),
as illness-related visits to the doctor (Pennebaker & physical symptoms (Park & Blumberg, 2002) and
Beall, 1986; Pennebaker et al, 1988; Pennebaker number of days out of role because of illness
& Francis, 1996; King & Miner, 2000), blood pressure (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986; Smyth et al, 2001).
(Davidson et al, 2002, citing Crow et al), lung function In general, expressive writing does not affect
(Smyth et al, 1999), liver function (Francis & health-related behaviours such as exercise, diet or
Pennebaker, 1992) and number of days in hospital drug/alcohol use (Pennebaker et al, 1988).
(Norman et al, 2004). Expressive writing has also
produced significant benefits in a number of measures Self-reported emotional health outcomes
of immune system functioning (Pennebaker et al, 1988;
Esterling et al, 1994; Booth et al, 1997; Petrie et al, 1995, Some studies have also found longer-term benefits of
2004). expressive writing for emotional health outcomes,
Significant benefits have also been found for such including mood/affect (Pennebaker et al, 1988; Páez
objective outcomes as students’ grade point average et al, 1999), psychological well-being (Park & Blum-
(Pennebaker & Francis, 1996; Cameron & Nicholls, berg, 2002), depressive symptoms before examinations
1998), absenteeism from work (Francis & Pennebaker, (Lepore, 1997) and post-traumatic intrusion and
1992), re-employment after job loss (Spera et al, 1994), avoidance symptoms (Klein & Boals, 2001). How-
working memory (Klein & Boals, 2001) and sporting ever, the findings for emotional health are not as
performance (Scott et al, 2003). In addition, writing robust or as consistent as those for physical health.

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11. 339

Baikie & Wilhelm

Meta-analyses that patients with cancer reported benefits such as

better physical health, reduced pain and reduced
A meta-analysis of 13 studies using expressive need to use healthcare services (Rosenberg et al, 2002;
writing with healthy participants (Smyth, 1998) Stanton & Danoff-Burg, 2002), although others failed
found a significant overall benefit (d = 0.47, to find any benefits (Walker et al, 1999; de Moor et al,
P <0.0001) and specific benefits in objective or self- 2002). Patients with HIV infection showed improved
reported physical health, psychological well-being, immune response similar to that seen in mono-
physiological functioning and general functioning therapy with anti-HIV drugs (Petrie et al, 2004) and
outcomes. Smyth’s review suggests that, for physic- individuals with cystic fibrosis showed a significant
ally and psychologically healthy individuals, the reduction in hospital-days over a 3-month period
effects produced by expressive writing are sub- (Taylor et al, 2003). Women with chronic pelvic pain
stantial and similar in magnitude to the effects of reported reductions in pain intensity ratings
other psychological interventions, many of which (Norman et al, 2004) and poor sleepers reported
are more involved, time-consuming and expensive. shorter sleep-onset latency (Harvey & Farrell, 2003).
In clinical populations, a meta-analysis (Frisina Benefits have also been found for post-operative
et al, 2004) of nine expressive writing studies also course after papilloma resection (Solano et al, 2003)
found a significant benefit for health (d = 0.19, and for primary care patients (Klapow et al, 2001;
P <0.05), although when analysed separately the Gidron et al, 2002).
effects for physical health outcomes in medically ill
populations were significant (d = 0.21, P = 0.01) but
those for psychological health outcomes in psy- Psychological conditions
chiatric populations were not (d = 0.07, P = 0.17).
Other studies have investigated expressive writing
Although the benefits are more modest than in studies
in preselected groups of trauma survivors and
with healthy participants, this meta-analysis
individuals with specific psychological difficulties,
suggests that expressive writing nevertheless has
with mixed results. Students with a trauma history
positive effects in clinical populations.
have shown improvements in physical health
(Greenberg et al, 1996; Sloan & Marx, 2004a), post-
Who can benefit? traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology
and other aspects of psychological health (Schoutrop
Medical conditions et al, 1997, 2002; Sloan & Marx, 2004a), although not
In comparisons with controls, expressive writing all studies find benefits (Deters & Range, 2003).
produced significant benefits for individuals with a Limited benefits were obtained for male psychiatric
variety of medical problems (Box 3). Study parti- prison inmates (Richards et al, 2000), victims of
cipants with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis showed natural disaster (Smyth et al, 2002) and individuals
improvements in lung function and physician-rated who had experienced a recent relationship break-
disease severity respectively, following a laboratory- up (Lepore & Greenberg, 2002).
based writing progamme (Smyth et al, 1999), Expressive writing was beneficial, but not signi-
although people with rheumatoid arthritis using a ficantly more so than control writing, for females
home-based videotaped programme showed no writing about body image (Earnhardt et al, 2002),
benefit (Broderick et al, 2004). Some studies found children of alcoholics (Gallant & Lafreniere, 2003),
caregivers of children with chronic illness (Schwartz
& Drotar, 2004), students screened for suicidality
(Kovac & Range, 2002) and individuals who had
Box 3 Medical conditions that might benefit experienced a bereavement (Range et al, 2000;
from expressive writing programmes O’Connor et al, 2003).
• Lung functioning in asthma Compared with controls, expressive writing was
detrimental for adult survivors of childhood abuse
• Disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis
(Batten et al, 2002) and for a small sample of eight
• Pain and physical health in cancer Vietnam veterans with PTSD (Gidron et al, 1996).
• Immune response in HIV infection Our review of the literature shows that psycho-
• Hospitalisations for cystic fibrosis logical health benefits tend to be more often found
when participants’ traumas and/or symptoms are
• Pain intensity in women with chronic pelvic
clinically more severe, although results are in-
consistent. One explanation for this inconsistency
• Sleep-onset latency in poor sleepers may be that many of the studies with null findings
• Post-operative course instructed participants to write about the specific
traumatic event they were selected for, rather than

340 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11.

Health benefits of expressive writing

using the standard instructions (Box 1), which allow

them to write about events of their choosing. In Box 4 Mechanisms by which expressive
studies where expressive writing was beneficial, writing might work
many participants wrote about topics other than • Emotional catharsis: Unlikely
their particular physical illness or psychological
• Confronting previously inhibited emo-
problem, but still showed improvements in that area
tions: May reduce physiological stress
(Smyth & Pennebaker, 1999).
resulting from inhibition, but unlikely to be
the only explanation
Individual differences • Cognitive processing: It is likely that the
development of a coherent narrative helps to
In addition to studying specific health populations, reorganise and structure traumatic memories,
researchers have explored various individual resulting in more adaptive internal schemas
difference indices to identify those subgroups for
• Repeated exposure: May involve extinction
whom expressive writing is most beneficial. Results
of negative emotional responses to traumatic
have been inconsistent. Variables generally found to
memories, but some equivocal findings
be unrelated to outcome include age, trauma severity,
baseline physical and psychological health levels,
negative affectivity and measures of inhibition and
prior disclosure. emotional catharsis or venting of negative feelings.
Smyth’s (1998) meta-analysis found that the effects Writing only about the emotions associated with a
were greater for males than for females. Expressive trauma is not as beneficial as writing about both the
writing is more beneficial for those high in alexi- event and the emotions (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986).
thymia (Páez et al, 1999; Baikie, 2003; Solano et al, Furthermore, expressive writing results in immediate
2003) and high in splitting (Baikie, 2003), character- increase in negative affect rather than immediate
istics often seen in patients with psychosomatic relief of emotional tension, and the obtained health
disorders and borderline personality disorder benefits are unrelated to the amount of negative
respectively, suggesting potential for the use of emotion or distress either expressed or reported just
expressive writing in these populations. after writing (Smyth, 1998).

Conclusion Emotional inhibition and confrontation

Overall, studies examining expressive writing Pennebaker’s (1985) theory proposed that actively
demonstrate some beneficial effects in physical and/ inhibiting thoughts and feelings about traumatic
or psychological health. Although the empirical events requires effort, serves as a cumulative stressor
findings are at times equivocal and further research on the body and is associated with increased
is required to clarify populations for whom writing physiological activity, obsessive thinking or rumi-
is clearly effective, there is sufficient evidence for nating about the event, and longer-term disease.
clinicians to begin applying expressive writing in Confronting a trauma through talking or writing
therapeutic settings with caution. Indeed, Spiegel about it and acknowledging the associated emotions
(1999) noted that a drug intervention reporting is thought to reduce the physiological work of
medium effect sizes similar to those found for inhibition, gradually lowering the overall stress on
expressive writing (Smyth, 1998) would be regarded the body. Such confrontation involves translating the
as a major medical advance. event into words, enabling cognitive integration and
understanding of it, which further contribute to the
reduction in physiological activity associated with
How does it work? inhibition and ruminations (Pennebaker, 1985).
This theory has intuitive appeal but mixed
Although the exact mechanism by which expressive empirical support. Studies have shown that expres-
writing confers health benefits is still unclear, there sive writing results in significant improvements in
have been a number of potential explanations (Box various biochemical markers of physical and
4) (see also Sloan & Marx, 2004b). immune functioning (Pennebaker et al, 1988; Esterling
et al, 1994; Petrie et al, 1995; Booth et al, 1997). This
Emotional catharsis suggests that written disclosure may reduce the
physiological stress on the body caused by inhibi-
There is little support for the initial hypothesis that tion, although it does not necessarily mean that
expressive writing operates through a process of disinhibition is the causal mechanism underlying

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11. 341

Baikie & Wilhelm

these biological effects. On the other hand, parti- increases working memory capacity, which may
cipants writing about previously undisclosed reflect improved cognitive processing (Klein &
traumas showed no differences in health outcomes Boals, 2001).
from those writing about previously disclosed
traumas (Greenberg & Stone, 1992) and participants
writing about imaginary traumas that they had not Exposure
actually experienced, and therefore could not have The effectiveness of prolonged exposure as a treat-
inhibited, also demonstrated significant improve- ment for post-traumatic stress (Foa & Rothbaum,
ments in physical health (Greenberg et al, 1996). 1998) led to the suggestion that the writing paradigm
Therefore, although inhibition may play a part, the may produce extinction of negative emotional
observed benefits of writing are not entirely due to responses through repeated writing about traumatic
reductions in inhibition. memories (Lepore et al, 2002). This hypothesis has
met with mixed support. There is some evidence that
Development of a coherent narrative exposure may underlie the emotional health benefits
of expressive writing (Sloan & Marx, 2004a; Sloan et
A computerised text analysis system, Linguistic al, 2005). However, many participants benefit from
Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; Pennebaker et al, writing regardless of whether they write about the
2001), was specifically designed to determine same traumatic experience or different experiences
whether certain linguistic markers might be associ- at each writing session. Furthermore, writing
ated with improvements in health. The LIWC sessions are usually considerably shorter than the
program analyses the writing tasks by calculating 45–90 minutes deemed necessary to facilitate
the percentage of words in the text matching each of emotional habituation. Some of the benefits of
82 predefined language categories. The most expressive writing may be a result of repeated
consistent finding has been that, over the course of exposure to negative emotional experiences.
writing, participants whose health improved used
more positive-emotion words, a moderate number of
negative-emotion words and an increased number Conclusion
of ‘cognitive mechanism’ words (the latter include As can be seen, each of the proposed theories has
insight words such as understand, realise and causal supporting and contradictory evidence (Sloan &
words such as because, reason) (Pennebaker, 1997b). Marx, 2004b). The mechanism of action appears
The subsequent suggestion that the beneficial effect to be complex, with the demonstrated benefits
of expressive writing is the development of a coherent potentially resulting from some combination of
narrative over time, reflecting increasing cognitive immediate cognitive and/or emotional changes,
processing of the experience, is consistent with the longer-term cognitive and/or emotional changes,
literature on traumatic memory and trauma treatment social processes and biological effects, rather than
(e.g. van der Kolk et al, 1996). In addition, recent being accounted for by any single factor (Pennebaker,
linguistic studies have shown that session-to- 2004).
session variations in pronoun use are related to
health improvements, which may reflect a transform-
ation in the way people think about themselves in How to use expressive writing as
relation to others and the world (Pennebaker, 2002). a therapeutic tool
Cognitive processing Expressive writing has primarily been investigated
in carefully controlled research settings, with results
More direct investigations of cognitive processing generalising well across laboratories. However, given
as a potential mechanism suggest that writing may its simplicity, expressive writing appears to have
help the writer to organise and structure the great potential as a therapeutic tool in diverse clinical
traumatic memory, resulting in more adaptive, settings or as a means of self-help, either alone or as
integrated schemas about self, others and the world an adjunct to traditional therapies (see also Smyth &
(Harber & Pennebaker, 1992). Helm, 2003; Pennebaker, 2004). For example,
Although the cognitive processing hypothesis has promising results have been found using e-mail-
been difficult to evaluate empirically owing to the based writing assignments (Sheese et al, 2004), an
difficulty of measuring cognitive changes, there is internet-based writing intervention for post-
evidence that narrative formation and coherence are traumatic stress (Lange et al, 2000) and writing tasks
necessary for expressive writing to be beneficial for couples recovering from an extramarital affair
(Smyth et al, 2001) and that expressive writing (Snyder et al, 2004).

342 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11.

Health benefits of expressive writing

Box 5 Suggestions for the clinical use of Box 6 Notes on expressive writing
expressive writing
As a clinical psychiatrist working in a public
• Expressive writing tasks can be set as teaching hospital, I (K.W.) have found expressive
homework, or can be carried out before, writing to be a useful addition to my repertoire
during or after a session of short-term psychological interventions for
• Writing should be carried out in a private, people who harm themselves, in the medical
personalised place, free from distractions wards and for out-patients with stress-related
symptoms, anxiety and depression. I use it
• Write on three or four occasions, usually on
together with daily mood charts, problem-
consecutive days or weeks
solving, goal-setting, relaxation, mindfulness,
• Set aside 30 minutes, with 20 minutes for exercise prescription and other interventions
writing and 10 minutes for patients to that form part of the Black Dog Institute’s general
compose themselves afterwards practitioner education programme (for related
• Use the writing instructions shown in Box 1 screening measures and information sheets
• Let the patient select a traumatic/stressful follow the prompt for Clinician aids on the
experience: do not specify a particular trauma Institute’s website at http://www.
or event ).
• Allow the patient to structure the writing I keep a series of empty journals of different
rather than imposing structure colours (to offer a choice) and ask patients to
• If possible, give the patient the option to write write on four occasions, following the instruc-
by hand or on a computer tions in Box 1. They are told to write for them-
selves and it is up to them whether they want to
• Explain to the patients that their writing is
share the writing with anyone else. Later, I give
private, for themselves not for you and that
some feedback on the changes in writing (after
confidentiality and anonymity are assured;
linguistic analysis), if requested.
explain that you will not read their writing
unless they want you to Writing has helped people to resolve long-
• Do not give feedback standing issues about relationships at home
and work, and to put into words feelings that
• Writing should be kept by the patient or have been too sensitive to describe face to face.
separate from the clinical file Some patients have shown their writing to
significant others and found this helpful.
Research suggests that writing may be more bene-
In extending the paradigm to clinical settings, ficial for men and, in my experience, men have
following as much of the traditional protocol as certainly found it an acceptable intervention.
possible will make it more likely that health The writing is intended for patients to use as a
benefits will be achieved (see also Batten, 2002). short-term intervention to start a process of
Although there is no direct evidence, it has been dialogue with themselves or to ‘unblock’ a
suggested that the more structured approach of difficult issue. It is not intended to replace face-
the expressive writing paradigm is more beneficial to-face interaction and is best done with a
than simple diary-keeping (Smyth & Pennebaker, follow-up appointment for debriefing.
1999). In addition, it seems that incorporating
As the whole point is to bring up issues that are
both the cognitive and the emotional components
emotionally charged, it is important to work out
of the experience (i.e. thoughts and feelings)
the best timing for the writing and to have a
is helpful (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986; Smyth &
contingency plan if the patient becomes dis-
Pennebaker, 1999). Suggestions for using expres-
sive writing in clinical or self-help settings are
given in Box 5. For some people the experience has been
As the application of expressive writing outside extremely helpful and has quickly resolved
of research settings is relatively recent, it is issues that have been mulled over – sometimes
recommended that clinicians collect some data to for years – with no resolution.
assess its effectiveness in their particular setting, I encourage people to continue to use their
including appropriate pre- and post-writing journals in whatever way they think best, and
measures of physical health, psychological health most do so.
or general functioning (see Box 6).

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11. 343

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Deters, P. B. & Range, L. M. (2003) Does writing reduce

Cautions and limitations posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms? Violence and
Victims, 18, 569–580.
Expressive writing is generally associated with an Earnhardt, J. L., Martz, D. M., Ballard, M. E., et al (2002) A
writing intervention for negative body image: Pennebaker
immediate increase in negative affect, but this short- fails to surpass the placebo. Journal of College Student
term distress does not appear to be detrimental or to Psychotherapy, 17, 19–35.
pose a longer-term risk to participants (Hockemeyer Esterling, B. A., Antoni, M. H., Fletcher, M. A., et al (1994)
Emotional disclosure through writing or speaking
et al, 1999). Given the large number of studies modulates latent Epstein–Barr virus antibody titers.
conducted to date, with only a few finding any Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 130–140.
worsening of symptoms for those writing about Foa, E. B. & Rothbaum, B. O. (1998) Treating the Trauma of
Rape: Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for PTSD. New York:
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paradigm appears to be reasonably safe for parti- Francis, M. E., & Pennebaker, J. W. (1992) Putting stress into
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psychological functioning of children of alcoholics.
overwhelming, although they may choose to Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 21, 55–66.
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Baikie & Wilhelm

Cure: How Expressive Writing Promotes Health and b improved immune response in HIV patients
Emotional Well-being (eds S. J. Lepore & J. M. Smyth), pp. c decreased admission rates in cystic fibrosis
31–51. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association. d improvements in joint stiffness in rheumatoid
Taylor, L. A., Wallander, J. L., Anderson, D., et al (2003) arthritis
Improving health care utilization, improving chronic e improved immune response in glandular fever.
disease utilization, health status, and adjustment in
adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. A
preliminary report. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical
3 People engaging in expressive writing are instructed
Settings, 10, 9–16. to:
van der Kolk, B. A., McFarlane, A. C. & Weisaeth, L. (eds) a write by hand or on a computer
(1996) Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience b always play soft music while writing
on Mind, Body, and Society. New York: Guilford Press. c answer a set of questions provided
Walker, B. L., Nail, L. M. & Croyle, R. T. (1999) Does
emotional expression make a difference in reactions to d write freely without worrying about grammar
breast cancer? Oncology Nursing Forum, 26, 1025–1032. e think about a topic prior to the session.

4 Expressive writing results in:

MCQs a higher college grades for students
b more exercise taken per week
1 Successful outcome in expressive writing requires: c higher rates of re-employment after redundancy
a a correct statement of the facts d fewer visits to the general practitioner or health centre
b revealing subconscious thought processes e better diet.
c being able to discuss the writing with a significant
other 5 The instruction for an expressive writing task should
d being able to write freely for one’s self include:
e verbal expression of emotion while writing. a nominating a particular time of day
b writing about ‘deepest thoughts and feelings’
2 Expressive writing has been shown to lead to: c writing about the same topic on each occasion
a significant improvement in lung function in asthma d writing about a very traumatic experience
sufferers e specific instruction not to write at bedtime.

MCQ answers
1 2 3 4 5
a F a T a T a T a F
b F b T b F b F b T
c F c T c F c T c F
d T d T d T d T d T
e F e F e F e F e F

346 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2005), vol. 11.

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