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Name:Apple Jane V.

Baylosis Grade:11S-Einstein

Mariang Makiling is said to be the mysterious fairy guarding Mount Makiling. No one knows how old
she is. It is believed she is as old as the mountain itself. The very few people who have seen her
wandering around the thick forest of Makiling say she is tall and graceful, with brown skin, deep black
eyes, and hair almost touching the ground. Deer hunters have seen her standing on
the edge of a cliff on moonlit nights, with her
long hair floating in the air and her singing
echoing throughout the deep valleys.

Mariang Makiling likes to appear after a storm.

She strolls around the woods to straighten
broken trunks, replace nests on the branches
of trees, mend the wings of butterflies, and
clear the streams of fallen twigs and logs. As
she walks around, all signs of the storm
disappear; roses and orchids bloom, birds
chirp with glee, and deer run around once

Mariang Makiling is also known to have a

good heart. She would appear as a young girl
to help old women gather firewood. She would then slip gold nuggets, coins, and jewels into their
bundles of wood. She would also invite tired hunters to her home where she will serve them a warm
meal and cold drinks. She often gives them a small parting gift of ginger, which hunters discover to
have turned into gold when they arrive home.

Many of those who were granted Mariang Makiling’s generosity knows well how to repay her
kindness. They thus leave on the grounds of Mount Makiling a hen that is less than one year old and
with feathers as white as milk. White hens are her favourite treats.

Mariang Makiling has often appeared as an old woman begging for food from hunters. She does this
to test their kindness to those in need. People who refuse to help her are chased away from the forest
with the sound of howling monsters hiding in the shadows of the woods.

As time went by people saw less of Mariang Makiling. She no longer appears to people to bring them
gifts of gold and jewels. Hunters have no one to turn to when they are hungry and thirsty.

Many blame Mariang Makiling’s disappearance from the forest on the people who do not return her
generosity. Others say that the cutting of trees and excessive hunting of wild animals have greatly
disappointed Mariang Makiling that she refuses to come out anymore. But the tale of the mysterious
fairy of Mount Makiling lives on.
Apple Jane Baylosis 11S-Einstein


Labaw Donggon, the eldest of the three, asked his mother to prepare his magiccape, hat, belt and kam
pilan for he heard of a place called Handug where abeautiful maiden named Angoy Ginbitinan lived.

Labaw Donggon proceeded home with his new bride.

The giant would not allow Labaw Donggon to go through without a fight.

Labaw Donggon won the hand of Abyang Durunuun and also took her home.

The moment he set foot on the ground Saragnayan asked him, “Who are you
and why are you here?” To which he answered,
“I am Labaw Donggon, son ofDatu Paubari and goddess Alunsina of Halawod. I came for the beautiful
Malitong Yawa Sinagmaling Diwata.” Saragnayan laughed.

Labaw Donggon then challenged Saragnayan to a duel saying that whoeverwins will have her.

Labaw Donggon submerged Saragnayan under water for seven years, but whenhe let go of him, Sarag
nayan was still alive.

The latter uprooted a coconut tree and started beating Labaw Donggon with it.

He survived the beating but was not able to surpass the powers ofSaragnayan’s pamlang and eventuall
y he gave up and was imprisoned bySaragnayan beneath his house.

They rode their sailboats through the region of eternal darkness, passed theregion of the clouds and th
e land of stones, finally reaching Saragnayan’s home.

Labaw Donggon’s defeat and subsequent imprisonment by the Lord of Darknessalso angered his brot

Humadapnon was so enraged that he swore to the gods of Madya-

as that hewould wreak revenge on all of Saragnayan’s kinsmen and followers.

Humadapnon prepared to go to Saragnayan’s domain.

Right after Humadapnon left to seek Saragnayan’s followers and relatives hisbrother Dumalapdap left
for Burutlakan-ka-adlaw where the maiden Lubay-Lubyok Hanginun si Mahuyokhuyokon lived.

Labaw Donggon went to the north, Humadapnon went south, Dumalapdap tothe west and Datu Paub
ari remained in the east.

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