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CCS Launched Project CNR and RED HAT

By: Maria Louiesa A. Palaca

Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It

needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in
its ability. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language
skills. It also helps them learn to listen. Reading helps children [and adults]
focus on what someone else is communicating. Reading is fundamental to
functioning in today's society.

In response to the issues on reading proficiencies of learners in the entire

country, DepEd Region X has launched Project Care for NorMin Readers
(Project CNR) which aimed at making every elementary and high school
learner an independent reader in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English.
Project CNR make use of a “pull out” system where learners identified for the
project shall report to the reading session during the agreed reading time for
an intensive instruction under a trained reading teacher.

Fortunately, the Division of Cagayan de Oro has also initiated a reading

program “Reading Is Everybody’s Duty in Holistic Approach and Techniques
(RED HAT). This program encouraged every school to have a reading hub by
grade level where pupils can get inside and read. This RED HAT is very timely
with Project CNR.

On July 29, 2019, City Central School launched the Project CNR and RED
HAT. The program started at exactly 1;30 in the afternoon having parade
around the school campus grace with the presence of CCS the dynamic,
determined and diligent lead principal Mr. Duque A. Caguindangan,
Assistant to the Principal Mr., Joel L. Ylanan, Reading Teachers, CNR pupils
and parents. Mr. Caguindangan said that the Project CNR is an avenue to
help pupils who are struggling in reading. He challenged the reading
teachers, class advisers and parents to go hand in hand for the positive
outcome of the program.

For the City Central School identified readers they report to their reading
session during their English time so that there will be no subject left behind
by the learner.

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