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Seminar on Technology and Its Impact Report




In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of







Assistant Professor, ECE Department


Assistant Professor ECE Department



(AUTONOMOUS)Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, R.R District, Hyderabad – 501301(Affiliated to JNT
University Hyderabad and Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)

Date: 18/04/2019

This is to certify that the Seminar on Technology and Its Impact Report entitled
No:17311A04B2] in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Technology degree in
Electronics & Communications Engineering to Sreenidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, is a report of review work carried out by
his/her during academic year 2018-2019 under our guidance and supervision.


Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Incharge , STI Co-Incharge, STI
ECE Department ECE Department

Dr. S.P.V. Subba Rao

HOD, ECE Department

We hereby declare that the work described for Technical seminar topic,
entitled “WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF POWER” which is being submitted
by us in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Technology in the
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute Of
Science & Technology affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (Telangana) is the work on our
own effort and has not been submitted elsewhere.

We are very thankful to Mr. V.Rajasekhar, ECE Dept and to

Mr.B.SaiReddy, ECE Dept. Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Ghatkesar for providing an oppurtunity to this topic and giving valuable timely
suggestions over the work.

We convey our sincere thanks to Dr. S.P.V. Subba Rao, Head of the
Department (ECE), Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar,
for his kind cooperation in the completion of this work.

We even convey our sincere thanks to Dr .P.Narsimha Reddy, Executive

Director and Mr.ShivaReddy, Principal, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Ghatkesar for their kind cooperation in the completion of the
technical seminar.

Finally we extend our sense of gratitude to all our friends, teaching and
non-teaching faculty, who directly or indirectly helped us in this endeavour.











Can we imagine the life without electrical
wires? From now answer to this question INTODUCTION
is yes. The method proposed in the
present paper called “Witricity” will Wireless electricity or witricity is
facilitate to Transfer power without using the transfer of electric energy or power
wires. The efficient midrange power can over a distance without the use of wires.
be transmitted to any device which uses In our present electricity generation
that range of power by the technique used system we waste more than half of its
in this Witricity concept. Now a days resources. Especially the transmission
there is a Rapid development of and distribution losses are the main
autonomous electronics like Laptops, concern of the present power technology.
Cell-phones, House-hold robots and all Much of this power is wasted during
the above devices typically rely on transmission from power plant
chemical energy storage(Battery) .As they generators to the consumer. The
are becoming daily needs to present resistance of the wire used in the
generation, Wireless energy transfer electrical grid distribution system causes
would be useful for many applications as a loss of 26-30% of the energy generated.
above and they need midrange energy. This loss implies that our present system
This is the main reason to prepare this of electrical distribution is only 70-74%
paper. Wireless electricity or witricity is efficient. We have to think of alternate
the transfer of electric energy or power state - of - art technology to transmit and
over a distance without the use of wires. distribute the electricity. Now- a- days
In order for the energy to be transferred global scenario has been changed a lot
safely coupled resonators are used. When and there are tremendous development
two magnetically resonating objects at in every field. If we don’t keep pace with
“Strongly coupled” regime tend to the development of new power
exchange energy efficiently by transfer of technology we have to face a decreasing
power in the non-radiating fields. This is trend in the development of power sector.
the basic principle involved in it. By The transmission of power without wires
taking two coils having same magnetic may be one noble alternative for
resonance and one is coupled to source electricity transmission.
and other is coupled to Device. So that the
Our forefathers marveled at the
energy transfer is efficient even the air
invention of glowing light bulbs by
gap between them is high.
Thomas Edison in 1879. However, to us
21st centurions, the light bulb is nothing
out of the ordinary. When computers, The Brain behind WiTricity? Prof.
cellphones, laptops, iPods, etc. were Marin Soljacic from Massachusetts
invented our antennas tweaked. Now this Institute of Technology (MIT), is the one
is what you call invention! However, as who has proved that magnetic coupled
time's progressing we are getting used to resonance can be utilized in order to
these devices. In fact, charging all these transfer energy without wires. What's
appliances has become so very even more interesting is how he came
cumbersome. Each appliance has its own about this idea. Soljacic, just like any of us
set of chargers, and with every family was fed up of his 'low battery' beeping
member owning their cellphones, the cellphone and wondered just like any of
drawers are overflowing with all sorts of us if there was a way to get rid of this
wires. How many times have you wished 'charging problem'. However, here is
if there could be some way to do away where the difference between Soljacic
with all the wiry clutter? When you are on and any of us comes in. He didn't just
the way to work and your cellphone stand there wondering, instead he tried to
beeps in hunger for a battery charge, figure out if there existed any physical
haven't you wished for your cellphone phenomenon which could be of some
battery to get 'self charged'. Well your help. He remembered Michael Faraday's
plight has been heard by doctor discovery of electromagnetic induction
'WiTricity'. What is WiTricity? WiTricity (1831) and used it to come up with
is nothing but wireless electricity. WiTricity. MIT's Experiment: In 2007,
Transmission of electrical energy from Marin Soljacic led a five member team of
one object to another without the use of researchers at MIT (funded by Army
wires is called as WiTricity. WiTricity will Research Office, National Science
ensure that the cellphones, laptops, iPods Foundation and the Department of
and other power hungry devices get Energy) and experimentally
charged on their own, eliminating the demonstrated transfer of electricity
need of plugging them in. Even better, without the use of wires. These
because of WiTricity some of the devices researchers were able to light a 60W bulb
won't require batteries to operate. from a source placed seven feet away,
with absolutely no physical contact
between the bulb and the power source.
The first copper coil (24 inches in
diameter) was connected to the power
source and the second was connected to
the bulb, and were made to resonate at a
frequency of 10 MHz. The bulb glowed
even when different objects (like a
wooden panel) were placed between the
two coils. The system worked with 40%
efficiency and the power that wasn't surrounding environment, but remains in
utilized remained in the vicinity of the the vicinity of the transmitter. This
transmitter itself, and did not radiate to ensures safety as well as minimal wastage
the surrounding environment. Is of power. One of the five researchers, Dr.
WiTricity a New Concept? No, this Aristeidis Karalis says that their coupling
concept of wireless electricity is not new.
In fact it dates back to the 19th century,
when Nikola Tesla used conduction- The term WiTricity was used for a project
based systems instead of resonance that took place at MIT, led by Marin
magnetic fields to transfer wireless Soljačić in 2006. The MIT researchers
power. Further, in 2005, Dave Gerding successfully demonstrated the ability to
coined the term WiTricity which is being power a 60 watt light bulb wirelessly,
using two 5-turn copper coils of 60 cm
used by the MIT researchers today.
(24 in) diameter, that were 2 m (7 ft)
Moreover, we all are aware of the use of away, at roughly 45% efficiency.[7] The
electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) coils were designed to resonate together
which is quite well known for wireless at 9.9 MHz (wavelength ≈ 30 m) and were
transfer of information. In addition, lasers oriented along the same axis. One was
have also been used to transmit energy connected inductively to a power source,
without wires. However, radio waves are and the other one to a bulb. The setup
powered the bulb on, even when the
not feasible for power transmissions
direct line of sight was blocked using a
because the nature of the radiation is wooden panel. Researchers were able to
such that it spreads across the place, power a 60 watt light bulb at roughly
resulting into a large amount of radiations 90% efficiency at a distance of 3 feet[The
being wasted. And in the case of lasers, research project was spun off into a
apart from requirement of uninterrupted private company, also called WiTricity.
line of sight (obstacles hinders the The emerging technology was
transmission process), it is also very demonstrated in July 2009 by CEO Eric
dangerous. What's so Unique about Giler at the TED Global Conference held
in Oxford.[8][9] There he refers to the
Soljacic's experiment? What Soljacic's
original idea, first applied by the
team has done is that they have physicist Nikola Tesla between his
specifically tuned the transmitting unit to coils,[10] and shows a WiTricity power
the receiving device. The transmission is unit powering a television as well as three
also not hindered by the presence of any different cell phones, the initial problem
object in the line of sight. If the object to that inspired Soljacic to get involved with
be charged is in the vicinity of the the project.
WiTricity source, then the energy transfer Automobile manufacturer Toyota made
will undoubtedly take place. In this an investment in WiTricity in April
'coupling resonance' system, the electric 2011.[11][12]
energy that is not used up by the receiver In September 2012, the company
does not get radiated into the announced it would make a $1000
demonstration kit available to interested
parties, to promote development of In February 2019, announced the
commercial applications.] acquisition from Qualcomm Incorporated
and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. of
certain technology platform and IP assets,
CEO Alex Gruzen was hired in 2014, and which will bring over 1,500 patents and
decided to take WiTricity out of the patent applications related to wireless
competition for powering consumer charging that WiTricity will own or
electronics, and focus on wireless power control. Prior to the acquisition,
for electric vehicles. The company Qualcomm Incorporated and WiTricity
nonetheless demonstrated wireless had been working collaboratively with
power for a Dell laptop at the January, global standards organizations, which
2017 Consumer Electronics Show, which currently leverage reference designs from
became commercially available in each company. This acquisition will
2017.[14] The company has reportedly simplify ratification of the standard and
collaborated with car help ensure interoperability across
makers Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Jaguar, Niss automakers. EV drivers will be able to
an, and Toyota. In 2017, having raised use any standards-compatible wireless
$68 million to date, the company reduced charging pad to power their vehicles
its workforce from 80 to 55 and closed an
office in Austin, Texas, all in an effort to
better reposition WiTricity to address the
market opportunity around electric
vehicles and directly contend with its
biggest EV
competitor, Qualcomm Halo.[15]
After years of R&D, patent design and
licensing with global automakers, 2018
saw the first EV with WiTricity’s
technology hit the streets – the BMW
530e iPerformance sedan, equipped with
the first-ever wireless charging system[16].
Building on this, WiTricity was named a
2018 New Energy Pioneer by Bloomberg
New Energy Finance[17] and signed
several new licensing deals including
MAHLE in Germany[18] and Anjie Wireless
in China[19].
In 2019, Honda partnered with WiTricity
to demonstrate their wireless vehicle-to-
grid (V2G) charging model at CES 2019 in WiTricity is also collaborating
Las Vegas, leveraging WiTricity’s DRIVE directly with leading carmakers to drive
11 wireless charging system.[20] global standards for wireless charging
systems, which is being built using
WiTricity’s intellectual property[3]. These energy can be transferred from a power
wireless charging standards are not only source to the powered device. In contrast
crucial for automakers, but also for utility to the example of mechanical coupling
companies and city planning given for the train, magnetic coupling
organizations in developing new does not require any physical contact
infrastructure that can support future between the object generating the energy
mobility technologies[4]. Standards and the object receiving or capturing that
initiatives include the SAE International, energy.
International Electrotechnical
two conductors are said to be inductively
Commission (IEC), International
coupled or magnetically
Organization for Standardization (ISO), coupled [1] when they are configured
STILLE, China Automotive Technology & such that a change in current through one
Research Center (CATARC), China wire induces a voltage across the ends of
Electricity Council and the Chinese the other wire through electromagnetic
Electric Power Research Institute induction. A changing current through the
(CEPRI). first wire creates a changing magnetic
field around it by Ampere's circuital law.
The changing magnetic field induces
an electromotive force (EMF or voltage)
in the second wire by Faraday's law of
induction. The amount of inductive
coupling between two conductors is
measured by their mutual inductance.
The coupling between two wires can be
increased by winding them into coils and
BASICS placing them close together on a common
axis, so the magnetic field of one coil
Induction Coupling passes through the other coil. Coupling
can also be increased by a magnetic
Induction coupling occurs when core of a ferromagnetic material like iron
an energy source has a means of or ferrite in the coils, which increases the
transferring energy to another object. One magnetic flux. The two coils may be
simple example is a locomotive pulling a physically contained in a single unit, as in
train car- the mechanical coupling the primary and secondary windings of
between the two enables the locomotive a transformer, or may be separated.
Coupling may be intentional or
to pull the train, and overcome the forces
unintentional. Unintentional inductive
of friction and inertia that keep the train coupling can cause signals from one
still and, the train moves. Magnetic circuit to be induced into a nearby circuit,
coupling occurs when the magnetic field this is called cross-talk, and is a form
of one object interacts with a second of electromagnetic interference.
object and induces an electric current in An inductively
or on that object. In this way, electric coupled transponder consists of a solid
state transceiver chip connected to a large current within it. Coupling must be
coil that functions as an antenna. When
tight in order to achieve high
brought within the oscillating magnetic
field of a reader unit, the transceiver is efficiency. As the distance from the
powered up by energy inductively
primary is increased, more and more
coupled into its antenna and transfers
data back to the reader unit inductively. of the magnetic field misses the
Magnetic coupling between secondary. Even over a relatively
two magnets can also be used to
short range the inductive coupling is
mechanically transfer power without
contact, as in the magnetic gear grossly inefficient, wasting much of
the transmitted energy.

 Directed radio waves: Power

transmission via radio waves can be
made more directional, allowing
longer distance power beaming, with
shorter wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation, typically in
the microwave range. A rectenna may
be used to convert the microwave

 Induction methods: energy back into electricity. Rectenna

The electrodynamic conversion efficiencies exceeding

induction wireless transmission 95% have been realized. Power

technique is near field over distances beaming using microwaves has been

up to about one-sixth of the proposed for the transmission of

wavelength used. Near field energy energy from orbiting solar power

itself is non-radiative but some satellites to Earth and the beaming of

radiative losses do occur. In addition power to spacecraft leaving orbit has

there are usually resistive losses. With been considered

electrodynamic induction, electric  Microwave methods: In the case of

current flowing through a primary electromagnetic radiation closer to
coil creates a magnetic field that acts visible region of spectrum (10s
on a secondary coil producing a of microns (um) to 10s of nm), power
can be transmitted by converting away, while providing forty percent
electricity into a laser beam that is efficiency. This was made possible using
then pointed at a solar cell receiver. two copper coils that were twenty inches
This mechanism is generally known as in diameter which were designed so that
"powerbeaming" because the power is they resonated together in the MHz range.
beamed at a receiver that can convert One of these coils were connected to a
it to usable electrical energy. power source while the other, to a bulb.

Existing Wireless Electicity System With this witricity setup, the bulb got

The first experiment of historicity, the powered even when the coils were not in

concept of wireless electricity, was sight.

conducted in the year 2006, by

researchers from Massachusetts Institute Data collected through measurements

of Technology. The Assistant Professor of showed that there was transference of

this team of researchers was Marin 40% of electricity through witricity. The

Soljacic. interesting part of the electricity was that

the bulb glowed despite the fact that

This experiment was done using two wood, metal and other devices were

copper coils of diameter two feet, a placed in between the two coils.

transmitter that was attached to a power

source and a receiver that was placed This concept of witricity was made

about seven feet from the transmitter. possible using resonance where an object

This receiver was attached to a light bulb vibrates with the application of a certain

and once power was switched on at the frequency of energy. So two objects

transmitter, the bulb lit up despite there having similar resonance tend to

being no physical connection between the exchange energy without causing any

transmitter and receiver. effects on the surrounding objects. Just

like in acoustic resonance, where there is
a chance of a glass breaking if you strike
The MIT researchers have been able to
the right tone, witricity is made possible
power a 60 watt light bulb from a power
with the resonance of low frequency
source that is located about seven feet
electromagnetic waves.
new, real time data mining-based layers
In this experiment, the coils were to complement the two existing non-data
resonated at 10 MHz where the cols mining layers. These new layers will
coupled and energy made to flow improve detection of fraudulent
between them. With each cycle, more applications because the detection system
pressure and voltage built up in the coil can detect more types of attacks, better
till the accumulation of voltage provided account for changing legal behaviour, and
enough pressure and energy to flow to remove the redundant attributes.
the light bulb. These low frequency These new layers are not human
electromagnetic waves are rather safe as resource intensive. They represent
though the body responds strongly to patterns in a score where the higher the
electric fields; it has almost zero response score for an application, the higher the
to absorbing power from a magnetic field. suspicion of fraud (or anomaly). In this
way, only the highest scores require
human intervention. These two new
layers do not use external

It consists of mainly two parts, the
reciever and the transmitter. It works on
the principle of Electromagnetic
induction and Resonant Inductive

The transmitter is made up of a coil of

enamelled copper (magnet wire) with a
few turns. This coil is essentially an
inductor and generally has a large
diameter. (Actually the diameter is
critically chosen according to the
frequency of operation). This coil is
connected in parallel to a capacitor (or in
some cases the coil is made such that it
has a desired self capacitance). This
The main objective of this research parallel LC circuit is excited by an AC
is to achieve resilience by adding two voltage at a chosen frequency which
should be equal to its resonant frequency.
Higher frequencies are preferred for this. microwaves or lasers.These techniques
The receiver is essentially a LC parallel can be transported longer distances
circuit with same resonant frequency as energy, but must be directed to the
that of the transmitter. This is done for receiver. Proposals for such applications
maximum efficiency over long distances. are solar power satellites, drones and
As the Tx is excited, a voltage is induced wireless power.
in the Rx. A setup of coils under the name
WiTricity developed at MIT,USA was able
to light up a 60 watt light bulb from 2m
distance with 45% efficiency.


Wireless power techniques fall into two

categories, non-radiative and radiative. It revels the main idea of the “reso
In near-field/non-radiative techniques, Electrical resonance occurs in an electric
power is transferred over short distances circuit at a particular resonance
by magnetic fields using inductive
frequency when the impedance between
coupling between coils of wire or in a few
devices by electric fields using capacitive the input and output of the circuit is at a
coupling between electrodes.Applications minimum (or when the transfer f
of this type are electric chargers maximum). Often this happens when the
toothbrushes, RFID tags, smart cards, and impedance between the input and output
chargers for implantable medical devices, of the circuit is almost zero and when the
such as artificial pacemakers and transfer function is close to one.
inductive power or recharge electric
Resonance of a circuit involving
vehicles such as trains or buses.A current
objective is to develop wireless charging capacitors and inductors occurs because
systems for mobile and portable the collapsi windings that charges the
computing devices such as cell phones, capacitor, and then the discharging
digital music players and laptops without capacitor provides an electric current that
being tethered to a wall outlet. builds the magnetic field in the inductor,
and the process is repeated continua
In the techniques of radiation or far field,
the energy is transmitted by beams of frequency: where f is the resonance
electromagnetic radiation, such as frequency in hertz, L is the inductance in
henries, and C is the capacitance in farads almost zero and when the transfer
when standard SI units are used. 4 function is close to one. Resonance of a
circuit involving capacitors and inductors
occurs because the collapsing magnetic
field of the inductor generates an electric
current in its windings that charges the
MECHANISM There are various capacitor, and then the discharging
methods of transferring 4.1. Resonant capacitor provides an electric current that
Magnetic Coupling Magnetic coupling builds the magnetic field in the inductor,
occurs when two objects exchange energy and the process is repeated continua
through their varying or oscillating where f is the resonance frequency in
magnetic fields. Resonant coupling occurs hertz, L is the inductance in henries, and C
when th same. Resonance Amruta is the capacitance in farads when
Gaikwad and Ankit Chourasia standard SI units are used. WRITRICITY
EET/index.asp 2 Wireless power MECHANISM transferring electricity
transmission is not a new idea. Nickolas wirelessly, basically they are classified as:
Tesla demonstrated transmission of e Figure 1 Resonant Magnetic Coupling
energy without wires in early 19th Magnetic coupling occurs when two
century. Tesla used electromagnetic objects exchange energy through their
induction systems. William C Brown varying or oscillating magnetic fields.
demonstrated a micro wave powered Resonant coupling occurs when the
model helicopter in 1964. This receives natural frequencies of the two objects are
all the power needed for flight from a approximately the TYPES Non-Radiative
micro wave beam. In 1975 Bill Brown Radiative Resonance Coupling Inductive
transmitted 30kW power over a distance Coupling Laser/ Microwave
of 1 mile at 84% efficiency without using
cables. Researchers developed several ADVANTAGES
technique for moving electricity • No need of line of sight - In witricity
PRINCIPLE OF WITRICITY It revels the power transmission there is any; need of
main idea of the “resonance condition” line of sight between transmitter and
between two circuits”. A. Electrical receiver. That is power! Transmission can
resonance: Electrical resonance occurs in be possible if there are any obstructions
an electric circuit at a particular like wood, metal, or other devices were
resonance frequency when the placed in between the transmitter and
impedance between the input and output receiver.
of the circuit is at a minimum (or when
the transfer f maximum). Often this • No need of power cables and batteries -
happens when the impedance between Witricity replaces the use of power cables
the input and output of the circuit is and batteries.
• Does not interfere with radio waves.

• Wastage of power is small -

Electromagnetic waves would tunnel,
they would not propagate through air to
be absorbed or dissipated. So the wastage
is small.
Witricity has a bright future in providing
• Highly efficient than electromagnetic
wireless electricity. There are no
induction - Electromagnetic induction
system can be used for wireless energy limitations in Witricity power
transfer only if the primary and applications. Some of the potential
secondary are in very close proximity.
applications are powering of cell phones,
Resonant induction system is one million
times as efficient as electromagnetic laptops and other devices that normally
induction system. run with the help of batteries or plugging

• Less costly - The components of in wires. Witricity applications are

transmitter and receivers are cheaper. So expected to work on the gadgets that are
this system is less costly.
in close proximity to a source of wireless
DISADVANTAGES 'power, where in the gadgets charges
automatically without necessarily, having
 Mainly require short distances to to get plugged in. By the use of witricity
charge there is no need of batteries or
 Does not give enough energy to remembering to recharge batteries
power larger vehicles and periodically. If a source is placed in each
equipment room to provide power supply to the
 Cost and supplying the public whole house. Witricity has many medical
 Still under production and applications. It is used for providing
improvement electric power in many commercially
 Current companies with devices available medical implantable devices.
that would implement the Another application of this technology
technology still coming in includes transmission of information. It
would not interfere with radio waves and
it is cheap and efficient.
CONCLUSION [1] G.Z. Yang, “Body sensor networks”,
Birkhauser, 2006, ISBN: 978-1- 84628-
272-0 [2] A. Kurs, A. Karalis, R. Moffatt, J.
As a new method of wireless energy D. Joannopoulos, P. Fisher, and M. Soljacic,
transfer, witricity has a high “Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly
potential in medical applications. In Coupled Magnetic Resonances”, Science,

this paper, we investigate the Vol. 317, pp. 83-86, Jul. 2007.
[3] A. Karalis, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M.
feasibility of witricity in providing
Soljacic, “Efficient Wireless Non-
wireless power to body sensor
[8] F. Zhang, X. Liu, S. A. Hackworth, R. J.
networks. A theoretical analysis has Sclabassi, and M. Sun, “In Vitro and In
been presented to understand the Vivo Studies on Wireless Powering of
oscillatory behavior in system Medical Sensors and Implantable

operation. A novel type of thin film Devices,” Fourth annual IEEE-NIH Life
Science Systems and Application,
belt-shaped resonators has been
Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Apr 9-10,
designed, fabricated and measured.
A witricity prototype system was 2009.

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