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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review article

Current Concepts

Cameron P. Simmons, Ph.D., Jeremy J. Farrar, M.D., Ph.D.,
Nguyen van Vinh Chau, M.D., Ph.D., and Bridget Wills, M.D., D.M.

engue is a self-limited, systemic viral infection transmitted From the Oxford University Clinical Re-
search Unit and Wellcome Trust Major
between humans by mosquitoes. The rapidly expanding global footprint of
Overseas Programme (C.P.S., J.J.F., B.W.),
dengue is a public health challenge with an economic burden that is cur- Hospital for Tropical Diseases (N.V.C.),
rently unmet by licensed vaccines, specific therapeutic agents, or efficient vector- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and the
Centre for Tropical Medicine, University
control strategies. This review highlights our current understanding of dengue,
of Oxford, Churchill Hospital, Oxford,
including its clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, tests that are used to diagnose it, United Kingdom (C.P.S., J.J.F., B.W.). Ad-
and its management and prevention. dress reprint requests to Dr. Farrar at the
Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Oxford
University Clinical Research Unit, 190
De ter mina n t s of the Cur r en t Dengue Pa ndemic Ben Ham Tu, Quan 5, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, or at
The global burden of dengue is large; an estimated 50 million infections per year oc-
N Engl J Med 2012;366:1423-32.
cur across approximately 100 countries, with potential for further spread (Fig. 1).1 Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Central to the emergence of dengue as a public health problem has been the dispersal
of efficient mosquito vectors across much of the tropical and subtropical world. The
primary vector, the urban-adapted Aedes aegypti mosquito, has become widely distrib-
uted across tropical and subtropical latitudes. It emerged from Africa during the slave
trade in the 15th through 19th centuries, spread into Asia through commercial ex-
changes in the 18th and 19th centuries, and has spread globally with the advent of
increased travel and trade in the past 50 years.2 In addition, the geographic range of
a secondary vector, A. albopictus, has dramatically expanded in recent years.3 Global-
ization of trade, in particular the trade of tires from used vehicles, is thought to ex-
plain the dispersal of eggs and immature forms of these arboviral vectors into new
territories.4 Endemicity has also been facilitated by rapid urbanization in Asia and
Latin America, resulting in increased population density with an abundance of vector-
breeding sites within crowded urban communities and the areas surrounding them.
Dengue infections in Africa remain largely unquantified, but recent outbreaks sug-
gest that substantial parts of the continent may be at risk for increasing dengue
transmission. More surveillance is required to assess the true burden of disease (see the
Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at
Vector control, through chemical or biologic targeting of mosquitoes and removal
of their breeding sites, is the mainstay of dengue prevention, but this approach has
failed to stop disease transmission in almost all countries where dengue is endemic.
Antigenic diversity of the dengue virus is important, since the lack of long-term
cross-immunity among the four virus types allows for multiple sequential infections.
Thus, the spread of dengue illustrates how global trade (and the transport of the
mosquito vectors), increasing travel within and between countries (and the move-
ment of viremic people), urban crowding (which is conducive to multiple infections
from an infected mosquito), and ineffective vector-control strategies have supported
a pandemic in the modern era. With the increasingly global spread of dengue,
practicing physicians in temperate North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan are

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Suitability for Dengue

High suitability

Low suitability
Unsuitable or nonendemic

Figure 1. Global Dengue Risk.

Determination of the risk status was based on combined reports from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Gideon online, ProMED, DengueMap, Eurosurveillance, and published literature. Risk exclusions were made on the
basis of a biologic model of temperature suitability and areas of excessive aridity defined according to the GlobCover “bare areas” land-­
cover classification. Within areas at risk, environmental suitability for dengue transmission was modeled with the use of a boosted
­regression-tree algorithm that took into account 8342 confirmed point-occurrence records, random background pseudo-absences (arti­
ficially generated absences), and a suite of 18 environmental and climatic covariates and sources of data (Bhatt S, Gething PW, Brady O,
and Hay S: personal communication). (For additional details on the method and sources of data, see the Supplementary Appendix,
available with the full text of this article at

more likely than ever to see returning travelers Within each dengue virus serotype, multiple geno-
with dengue infection. The diagnosis should be types comprise phylogenetically related sequences.
considered in any patient presenting with fever Subtle antigenic differences exist between geno-
that has developed within 14 days after even a types of the same serotype,12,13 but these may not
brief trip to the tropics or subtropics, including be clinically relevant, since human infection with
those regions where dengue has not traditionally one serotype is believed to confer long-lived sero-
been considered an endemic disease.5,6 type-specific immunity, but only short-lived cross-
immunity between serotypes.
V irol o gic Fe at ur e s The dynamics of dengue viruses within urban
and endemic populations are complex, involving
Dengue is caused by one of four single-stranded, the birth and death of viral lineages.14,16 Although
positive-sense RNA viruses (dengue virus type 1 dengue has emerged in multiple new territories
through dengue virus type 4), also referred to as over the past 40 years, the viruses themselves are
serotypes) of the genus flavivirus (family Flavi- paradoxically “local” in their evolutionary histo-
viridae). Infectious virus and the virus-encoded ries, suggesting that the global dispersal of den-
NS1 are present in blood during the acute phase, gue virus has occurred in relatively infrequent
and high-level early viremia and NS1 antigenemia “jumps,” most likely by the movement of viremic
have been associated with more severe clinical humans to new geographic settings with a suit-
presentations.7-9 The detection of NS1 is also the able vector and a susceptible population.
basis for commercial diagnostic assays.10
Dengue viruses exist in two environments: Im munopatho gene sis
the urban or endemic setting, where humans
and mosquitoes are the only known hosts, and Insights into the pathogenesis of severe dengue
forested areas, where transmission of mosquito- are hampered by the lack of an animal model that
borne viruses occurs between nonhuman primates accurately recreates the transient capillary perme-
and, rarely, from these primates to humans.11 ability syndrome accompanied by a decreasing

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Current Concepts

viral burden that is seen in patients (Fig. 2). Epide- tions may occur, ranging from mild febrile ill-
miologic studies have identified young age, fe- ness to severe and fatal disease.1 The differential
male sex, high body-mass index, virus strain, and diagnosis is broad and varies as the disease
genetic variants of the human major-histocom- evolves. During the febrile phase, it includes oth-
patibility-complex class I–related sequence B and er arboviral infections as well as measles, rubel-
phospholipase C epsilon 1 genes as risk factors la, enterovirus infections, adenovirus infections,
for severe dengue.18-21 Secondary infection, in the and influenza. Other diseases that should be
form of two sequential infections by different se- considered as part of the differential diagnosis,
rotypes, is also an epidemiologic risk factor for depending on the clinical picture and local dis-
severe disease.17,22,23 Mechanistically, increased ease prevalence, include typhoid, malaria, lepto-
risk in secondary infection is thought to be linked spirosis, viral hepatitis, rickettsial diseases, and
to antibody-dependent enhancement of virus in- bacterial sepsis.
fection in Fc receptor–bearing cells and the gen- Patients were previously classified as having ei-
eration of a large infected cell mass in vivo.24 A ther dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever,
consequence of a large virus-infected cell mass is with the latter classified as grade 1, 2, 3, or 4.
a physiological environment in tissues that pro- Over a number of years, there was increasing con-
motes capillary permeability; however, this hypoth- cern regarding the complexity and usefulness of
esis is based on temporal associations between this classification system. In particular, there was
immunologic markers and clinical events, with- concern regarding the requirement that all four
out evidence of a direct, mechanistic link to cau- specific criteria (fever lasting 2 to 7 days, tendency
sation (Fig. 2). to hemorrhage evidenced by a positive tourniquet
test or spontaneous bleeding, a platelet count of
less than 100×109 per liter, and evidence of a
Pathoph ysiol o gy of
End o thel i a l Dysf unc t ion plasma leak based on changes in the hematocrit
and pleural effusions) be met to support a diag-
There is no evidence that the virus infects endo- nosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever — such that
thelial cells, and only minor nonspecific changes some patients with clinically severe disease were
have been detected in histopathological studies of categorized inappropriately.32-34 With the recent
the microvasculature.25,26 Although no specific revision of the World Health Organization (WHO)
pathway has been identified linking known im- dengue classification scheme, patients are now
munopathogenic events with definitive effects on classified as having either dengue or severe den-
microvascular permeability, thromboregulatory gue.1,33,35 Patients who recover without major
mechanisms, or both, preliminary data suggest complications are classified as having dengue,
that transient disruption in the function of the whereas those who have any of the following con-
endothelial glycocalyx layer occurs.27,28 This layer ditions are designated as having severe dengue:
functions as a molecular sieve, selectively restrict- plasma leakage resulting in shock, accumulation
ing molecules within plasma according to their of serosal fluid sufficient to cause respiratory dis-
size, charge, and shape. Hypoalbuminemia and tress, or both; severe bleeding; and severe organ
proteinuria are observed during dengue infection; impairment. It is hoped that this system will prove
proteins up to and including the size of albumin more effective for triage and clinical management
are preferentially lost; this is consistent with a and will improve the quality of surveillance and
small but crucial change in the filtration charac- epidemiologic data collected globally. Continued
teristics of the glycocalyx.29 Both the virus itself efforts through prospective multicenter studies are
and dengue NS1 are known to adhere to heparan warranted to define the most appropriate classifi-
sulfate, a key structural element of the glycocalyx, cation scheme.
and increased urinary heparan sulfate excretion has
been detected in children with severe infection.30,31 Cl inic a l M a nife s tat ions

After an incubation period of 3 to 7 days, symp-

Differ en t i a l Di agnosis a nd
Dise a se Cl a ssific at ion toms start suddenly and follow three phases — an
initial febrile phase, a critical phase around the
Although most dengue virus infections are as- time of defervescence, and a spontaneous recovery
ymptomatic, a wide variety of clinical manifesta- phase.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Febrile Phase
Figure 2 (facing page). Immunopathogenesis of Severe
The initial phase is typically characterized by high Dengue in Secondary Infections.
temperature (≥38.5°C) accompanied by headache, The kinetics of viremia in a patient with secondary
vomiting, myalgia, and joint pain, sometimes with dengue, the timing of common complications, and
a transient macular rash. Children have high fever possible mechanistic causes are shown. Early in sec-
but are generally less symptomatic than adults ondary infection (or primary infection of infants), anti-
body-dependent enhancement is thought to increase
during this phase of the illness. Mild hemorrhagic
in vivo concentrations of virus.17 Antibody-dependent
manifestations such as petechiae (Fig. 3A) and enhancement is linked to the presence of non-neutral-
bruising, particularly at venipuncture sites (Fig. izing or subneutralizing levels of dengue virus–reactive
3B), and a palpable liver are commonly noted. Labo- IgG induced by a primary infection, or acquired passive-
ratory findings include mild-to-moderate throm- ly in newborns. A large infected cell mass results in ele-
vated concentrations of acute-phase response proteins,
bocytopenia and leukopenia, often with a moder-
cytokines, and chemokines; generation of immune com-
ate elevation of hepatic aminotransferase levels. plexes; and consumption of complement and release
This phase lasts for 3 to 7 days, after which most of split products. The activation, proliferation, and se-
patients recover without complications. cretion of cytokines in tissues by memory T lympho-
cytes recognizing conserved and altered peptide ligands
Critical Phase are postulated to add to the inflammatory milieu dur-
ing secondary infections. Collectively, the host immu-
In a small proportion of patients, typically in chil- nologic response is thought to create a physiological
dren and young adults, a systemic vascular leak environment in tissues that promotes capillary perme-
syndrome becomes apparent around the time of ability when the viral burden is in rapid decline. How-
defervescence, evidenced by increasing hemocon- ever, the exact mechanisms are unclear. Interactions
between dengue nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) and the
centration, hypoproteinemia, pleural effusions, and
surface glycocalyx layer may result in release of heparan
ascites. Initially, physiological compensatory mech- sulfate into the circulation, thereby altering the filtration
anisms are up-regulated in an attempt to maintain characteristics of the layer and resulting in leakage of
adequate circulation to critical organs, resulting in proteins. Loss of essential coagulation proteins proba-
narrowing of the pulse pressure when loss of plas- bly plays a major role in the development of the typical
coagulopathy, which is usually manifested as an increase
ma volume becomes critical. If the pulse pressure
in the partial-thromboplastin time accompanied by low
narrows to 20 mm Hg or less, accompanied by fibrinogen levels but with little evidence of procoagu-
signs of peripheral vascular collapse, dengue shock lant activation. Heparan sulfate may also function as
syndrome is diagnosed and urgent, although care- an anticoagulant and contribute to the coagulopathy.
ful, resuscitation is required. Systolic pressure may
remain normal or even elevated at this time, and
the patient may appear deceptively well, but once (gastrointestinal or vaginal), or both may occur in
hypotension develops, systolic pressure decreases adults with no obvious precipitating factors and
rapidly and irreversible shock and death may follow only minor plasma leakage (Fig. 3C).36 Moderate-
despite aggressive attempts at resuscitation. Dur- to-severe thrombocytopenia is common, with na-
ing the transition from the febrile to the critical dir platelet counts below 20×109 per liter often
phase, between days 4 and 7 of the illness, it is observed during the critical phase, followed by
crucial for the clinician to be aware of warning rapid improvement during the recovery phase. A
signs that clinically significant vascular leakage transient increase in the activated partial-throm-
may be developing in the patient. These signs of boplastin time and a decrease in fibrinogen levels
impending deterioration include persistent vomit- are also frequently noted. However, the coagula-
ing, increasingly severe abdominal pain, tender tion profile is not typical of disseminated intravas-
hepatomegaly, a high or increasing hematocrit cular coagulation, and the underlying mechanisms
level that is concurrent with a rapid decrease in remain unclear.37-39 Infrequently, other severe
the platelet count, serosal effusions, mucosal manifestations, including liver failure, myocardi-
bleeding, and lethargy or restlessness. tis, and encephalopathy, occur, often with minimal
Hemorrhagic manifestations are most common associated plasma leakage.
during this critical period. In children, clinically
significant bleeding occurs only rarely, usually in Recovery Phase
association with profound and prolonged shock. The altered vascular permeability is short-lived,
However, major skin bleeding, mucosal bleeding reverting spontaneously to a normal level after ap-

1426 n engl j med 366;15  april 12, 2012

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Current Concepts

Critical phase

Capillary permeability

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day of illness

Virus infection
(with potential antibody-
dependent enhancement)

Macrophage Virus-infected natural killer cells Cytokines
macrophage or and memory T cells
dendritic cells

NS1 Virus

Endothelial cell


NS1 modulation
of glycocalyx and possible Complement
release of heparan sulfate split products

degranulation Inflammatory
Capillary Thrombocytopenia

Decompensated plasma leakage, including leakage of essential coagulation proteins


proximately 48 to 72 hours, and is concurrent with Draft 3 03/26/2012

Di agnos t ic Te s t s
Author Farrar_ra1110265
rapid improvement in the patient’s symptoms. AFig # 1
second rash may appear during the recovery phase,Title Laboratory
diagnosis of dengue is established di-
DE Campion
ranging from a mild maculopapular rash to a se-ME rectly ME’sby detection of viral components in serum or

vere, itchy lesion suggesting leukocytoclastic vascu-Artist indirectly

by serologic means. The sensitivity of
litis that resolves with desquamation over a period each approach is influenced by the duration of
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully

of 1 to 2 weeks (Fig. 3D). Adults may have profound the patient’s illness (Fig. 4).10 During the febrile
fatigue for several weeks after recovery. phase, detection of viral nucleic acid in serum by

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e



Figure 3. Hemorrhagic Manifestations of Dengue Infection.

Panel A shows a typical petechial rash in an infant with dengue. Panel B shows minor bleeding around injection sites,
a very common feature in dengue. Panel C shows a hematoma in a patient with severe dengue. Coagulation disorders
and the combination of increased vascular fragility, platelet dysfunction, and thrombocytopenia are believed to explain
the hemorrhagic manifestations in dengue. Panel D shows characteristic diffuse macular rash that appears after re-
covery from the acute illness in an adult patient with dengue. The rash may appear between 3 and 6 days after the
onset of fever. “Islands of white” of normal skin are surrounded by an erythematous rash. Occasionally, a more
severe leukocytoclastic type of reaction is observed.

means of reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain- due to a previous dengue virus or related flavivi-

reaction (RT-PCR) assay or detection of the virus- rus infection.43
expressed soluble nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) by Serologic diagnosis of dengue relies on the de-
means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tection of high levels of serum IgM that bind den-
(ELISA) or the lateral-flow rapid test (not currently gue virus antigens in an ELISA or a lateral-flow
available in the United States) is sufficient for a rapid test; IgM can be detected as early as 4 days
confirmatory diagnosis. For primary infections in after the onset of fever. IgM seroconversion be-
persons who have not been infected previously tween paired samples is considered a confirma-
(which is typical in the case of most travelers), the tory finding, whereas detection of IgM in a single
diagnostic sensitivity of NS1 detection in the fe- specimen obtained from a patient with a clinical
brile phase can exceed 90%, and antigenemia may syndrome that is consistent with dengue is widely
persist for several days after the resolution of fe- used to establish a presumptive diagnosis. Com-
ver.40-42 The sensitivity of NS1 detection in the fe- mercially available IgM tests with acceptable per-
brile phase is lower in secondary infections (60 to formance characteristics have recently been identi-
80%), reflecting an anamnestic serologic response fied.44 Serologic diagnosis of dengue can be

1428 n engl j med 366;15 april 12, 2012

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Current Concepts

confounded if the patient has very recently been

infected or vaccinated with an antigenically related IgG (primary
flavivirus (e.g., a virus associated with yellow fever
or Japanese encephalitis). In addition, patients with
secondary infections mount rapid anamnestic IgG (secondary infection)
antibody responses in which dengue virus–reactive
IgG may predominate over IgM. In clinical settings IgM
where methods of molecular detection (e.g., RT-
PCR) are not available, investigation for elevated
levels of dengue virus–reactive IgM or soluble NS1 NS1 (serum, ELISA, or rapid test)
in serum is a pragmatic diagnostic approach in a
patient in whom dengue is suspected.43,45 Viremia (serum, RT-PCR

M a nagemen t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Day of Illness
Currently, no effective antiviral agents to treat den-
gue infection are available, and treatment remains Figure 4. Laboratory Diagnostic Options in a Patient with Suspected Dengue
supportive, with particular emphasis on careful Infection.
fluid management.1 Patients who have no com- Detection of viral nucleic acid, nonstructural protein 1 (NS1), or IgM sero-
conversion is a confirmatory finding in patients in whom dengue is a possi-
plications and are able to tolerate oral fluids may
ble diagnosis. Day 0 is the first day when the patient noted any symptom
remain at home with instructions to return to during this illness. ELISA denotes enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,
the hospital immediately if bleeding or warning and RT-PCR reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.
signs suggestive of vascular leakage develop. How-
ever, our practice is to evaluate these patients
daily in a medical clinic with a complete blood
count to monitor hematocrit and platelet values. of any value in patients who do not have clinically
Development of any warning sign indicates the significant bleeding, even when thrombocytopenia
need for hospitalization and close observation, is profound.47,48 The use of prophylactic platelet
with judicious use of parenteral fluids in patients transfusions is increasing in countries where den-
with inadequate oral intake or a rapidly increasing gue is endemic, but given the associated clinical
hematocrit. If the condition progresses to the den- risks and the financial costs, controlled trials need
gue shock syndrome, prompt fluid resuscitation to to be performed before this becomes established
restore plasma volume is imperative, followed by as the standard of care. In patients with severe
ongoing fluid therapy to support the circulation at dengue infection, adjuvant therapy, including vaso-
a level just sufficient to maintain critical organ pressor and inotropic therapies, renal-replacement
perfusion. Isotonic crystalloid solutions should be therapy, and further treatment of organ impair-
used, and isotonic colloid solutions should be re- ment, may be necessary.
served for patients presenting with profound shock The establishment of a therapeutic pipeline
or those who do not have a response to initial and the design of randomized, controlled trials of
crystalloid therapy.46 To limit the risk of the de- drugs targeting the virus or the immune response
velopment of fluid overload, parenteral fluid thera- are recent developments. Recent trials have as-
py should be kept to the minimum required to sessed chloroquine,49 oral prednisolone (A Ran-
maintain cardiovascular stability until permeabil- domized, Placebo-Controlled, Partially Blinded
ity reverts to a normal level. [Drug versus Placebo] Trial of Early Corticosteroid
Blood transfusion can be lifesaving for patients Therapy in Vietnamese Children and Young Adults
with severe bleeding that compromises cardiovas- with suspected Dengue Infection; Current Con-
cular function, but it should be undertaken with trolled Trials number, ISRCTN39575233), and
care because of the risk of fluid overload. Platelet balapiravir (A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-
concentrates, fresh-frozen plasma, and cryopre- Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Ef-
cipitate may also be needed depending on the co- ficacy of the Dengue Virus Polymerase Inhibitor
agulation profile. However, at present, there is no [Balapiravir] in Male Patients with Confirmed
evidence that prophylactic platelet transfusions are Dengue Virus Infection; num-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ber, NCT01096576), and further trials of statins chia-infected A. aegypti are partially resistant to
and other antiviral drugs are planned. Currently, dengue virus infection51,52 and can invade natural
there is no evidence in favor of the use of any spe- A. aegypti populations,51,53 suggesting the possi-
cific therapeutic agent for dengue. bility of induction of widespread biologic resis-
tance to dengue viruses in A. aegypti populations.
Effec t s on He a lth C a r e S ys tems
Vac cine s
Dengue imposes major demands on health care
systems. Although severe dengue occurs in only a The leading dengue vaccine candidate, ChimeriVax
small proportion of dengue infections, early iden- (Sanofi Pasteur), is a tetravalent formulation of
tification of high-risk patients is difficult and attenuated yellow fever 17D vaccine strains express-
patients with uncomplicated infections are fre- ing the dengue virus prM and E proteins.54 It has
quently hospitalized for observation. Rapid and been difficult to develop a vaccine for dengue that
effective triage by experienced personnel at the is safe and elicits balanced neutralizing antibody
primary health care level, efficient and affordable responses to all four serotypes. However, in the
transportation systems to facilitate daily clinical past 5 years, remarkable progress has been made,
assessment, and public education campaigns to and multicenter phase 2–3 clinical trials that are
increase awareness of the disease all help to reduce designed to determine the efficacy of this three-
unnecessary admissions. Among hospitalized pa- dose vaccine are under way. Data on immunologic
tients, meticulous attention to detail is necessary to correlates of immunity are lacking. Long-term
limit iatrogenic complications, including fluid over- follow-up of vaccinees will be essential to under-
load. Ideally, patients with severe dengue infection stand whether waning vaccine-elicited immunity
should be treated in dedicated high-dependency predisposes recipients to more severe outcomes on
units where frequent clinical observations by ex- subsequent natural infection. Other candidates in
perienced staff with immediate access to repeated early phases of clinical development include vac-
hematocrit measurements can ensure that fluid cines containing live attenuated dengue viruses and
therapy is carefully titrated as needed. In such recombinant subunit vaccines.55
circumstances, mortality of less than 1% is achiev-
able among patients with shock, and the need for F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
ventilatory support and intensive care is mini-
mized. Improvements in the early diagnosis and The field of dengue research has been invigorated
risk prediction of severe disease are urgently need- over the past decade, fueled by the growing rec-
ed, especially in areas with a high case burden, ognition of the burden of disease coupled with the
where appropriate allocation of limited resources prospect of a dengue vaccine. However, no vaccine
is crucial to the outcome. Ongoing research aims can be an immediate global panacea, and efforts
to refine the WHO 2009 classification scheme, to improve treatment through application of exist-
particularly with regard to warning signs for the ing best practices in triage and fluid management,
development of severe disease. along with efforts to develop new antiviral or oth-
er therapeutic drugs, must continue. Similarly, in-
Ne w A pproache s t o Ta rge t ing novative approaches to preventing transmission of
the V ec t or the virus, such as through modification of mos-
quito populations, should be fostered. An improved
New vector-control approaches include the release understanding of the current epidemiology of the
of genetically modified male mosquitoes that ster- disease and the potential for its future spread would
ilize the wild-type female population, thereby re- also assist policymakers in allocating resources to
ducing egg output and the population size of the combat this global public health challenge.
next generation that would be available for po-
Dr. Simmons reports that his institution receives consulting
tential transmission of the dengue virus.50 An fees on his behalf from Unither Virology and Tibotec and grant
alternative strategy involves embryonic introduc- support on his behalf from Hoffmann–La Roche. No other po-
tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
tion of strains of the obligate intracellular bacte- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
rium wolbachia into A. aegypti. Strikingly, wolba- the full text of this article at

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Current Concepts

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Current Concepts

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