Lab Report Programming Logic and Design

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Programming Logic and Design

Roland P. Collantes

BSCE 2-2
1.2 Tools for Developing Program


The Input Processing Output chart (IPO) has three important parts; the input, process and
output. Input box determines the problem that you want to solve. Process box portrays the
solution in the problem. Lastly, Output box defines the result of the program. It was simple
and easy to understand since the concepts are arranged in three boxes labeled as input,
process and output in a single row. The concept of IPO chart was similar to flowchart
because they both use an input, process and output. The difference between the two is that
flowchart has symbols which are arranged logically from up to bottom and can have many
conditions and loops while an IPO chart is much simpler since there only three boxes to be


Algorithm is defined as a set of instructions used to solve the given problem. It is a step
by step procedure in order for us to reach the goal. It was written in similar programming
languages but it is not a computer code. Similar to flowchart, an algorithm has beginning and
an end, an input, process and output. In here, we have three logical structures of algorithm;
the Sequence structure, decision or selection structure (branching) and Repetition or iteration
structure (loop). The sequence structure is a series of steps to be performed. In decision
structure, we use “if”, “if-then” and “if-elseif” statements for we encounter a set of
conditions. The conditional operators are efficient in here. And lastly, in repetition structure,
we use “while” and “for” statement since we are dealing to the outputs that may reoccur.


Pseudocode is written in natural language where people can understand it just by reading
it. It’s a set of instructions but cannot be executed in a computer. It serves as a blueprint of an
algorithm since it transcribes the language in algorithm into natural language. Pseudocode is
simply the basis of algorithm. The statements above used in algorithm were definitely used
also in a pseudocode.


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