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Mindanao 2020 Peace and Development


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Mindanao must change. This is an imperative aspired for by every well-meaning citizen of
Mindanao. The pockmarked and turbulent history of Mindanao that is marred by
division, dashed hopes, fear and frustration must give way to a future marked by unity,
optimism, pride and contentment. This is a future that will not come to Mindanao from
without, but one that Mindanawons must work together to secure for themselves under an
empowering national governance environment.



This need for a better future for Mindanao and its people is the impetus for the formulation of the
Peace and Development Framework Plan for Mindanao, timeframe 2011-2030 (Mindanao 2020),
which was spearheaded by the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA). The process was
designed and undertaken in a highly participatory process, consisting of countless forums,
workshops, focus group discussions, interviews, surveys and consult of writings in various
forms; to forge ownership, hence strengthen support and commitment to plan implementation.

Mindanao 2020 covers the next 20 years up to the year 2030. The name connotes a clear vision
for the future, one that is not difficult for Mindanawons to define in the context of their long
history of peculiar difficulties and challenges. Mindanao 2020 is, at the outset, envisioned to
provide a holistic and multi-dimensional framework, with greater emphasis than heretofore given
to Mindanao history, culture and social development. As a plan for both peace and development,
it aims to integrate the work from a wider range of disciplines than previously undertaken, and
by a wider range of social factors.

As a framework plan, Mindanao 2020 is not intended to be a detailed blueprint, but a guide that
puts in coherent form the aspirations and imperatives expressed and espoused by Mindanawons
regardless of ethno-cultural, sectoral and socioeconomic backgrounds; sets general directions;
defines broad strategies; and identifies a number of key concrete initiatives for the short, medium
and long term, without any claims for comprehensiveness or exhaustiveness. As such, it will
serve as basis for more detailed plans and budgets of shorter duration within its 20-year time
frame. It will also help guide more geographically specific regional or local plans to ensure
consistency and coherence within a Mindanao-wide perspective. Notwithstanding its intent to be
a broad long-term framework, it also captures, out of respect for the participatory process
undertaken, a number of specific and shorter-term initiatives that were espoused by
Mindanawons in various consultations.

Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute

A Resource for Peacebuilders in Asia
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) is an Asian training institute grounded in the
Mindanao, Philippines, context that provides a space for people of diverse backgrounds to gather
together, share and learn in a safe environment where all viewpoints are encouraged and
respected. MPI is a resource for peacebuilders: providing skills, conducting research and
building solidarity within the Asia-Pacific Region.
MPI creates a space where peacebuilders meet in mind, heart and spirit to keep abreast of the
challenges which the issues of peace and justice present. In a professional and personal way,
MPI, through its programs, offers opportunities by which the journey of peace becomes real in
the lives of peacebuilders and their communities.

Australia gives $40M for peace initiatives in

March 18, 2017
THE Australian government has committed to allocate AUS$40 million to the country to support
the peace process and government projects in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao where
extremism is present.

Australia Foreign Minister Julie Bishop reaffirmed her country’s commitment on Friday during
the launching of the Education Pathways Program at Marco Polo Davao Hotel to carry forward
the peace development in southern Mindanao by making various programs and services available
for the residents in the area.

“We know that there's more to be done in the peace process and the Australian government is
quiet supporter of the efforts to bring peace in Southern Philippines,” she said.

Bishop announced that they will provide multi-million Australian dollars to assist the peace
efforts as a way of promoting progress in the country to eventually attain its long dream for just
and lasting peace and to be free from threats perpetrated by local terrorist.

She added that the projects will focus on water supply; infrastructure and other developments
that the local people highly need to be able to uphold inclusive growth in the areas.

“We will also be supporting the peace agreements and technical assistance to ensure that the
peace agreements can be concluded,” she said.

With this positive gesture, the top diplomat believed that Philippines will continue to be a friend
and a partner towards achieving prosperity in conflict-affected regions of Mindanao in the
Southern Philippines.

Her statement was also issued in the wake of the renewed peace talk between the government of
the Philippines and the National Democratic Front (NDF) wherein both parties agreed to stage
the fourth round of peace talk next month.

The pledged amount is on top of the AUS$90 million education assistance that they will give to
the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) that is designed to be a platform in
bringing quality and standard education for the Moro youth.

“It's a measure of significance within a development program to ensure that we can continue to
support the Philippines in its progress towards peace,” she said.

This year, the Philippines holds the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation
(Asean) and Australia looks forward to work closely with the Philippines as it takes the most
important role in Asean.

Bishop had also paid a courtesy call to President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday evening at the
Presidential Guest House in Panacan, Davao City and expressed her willingness to cooperate
with the government against terrorism to address security threats and she said that she hopes to
be back to the country.
PH, Japan tackle infra development
and peace-building initiatives for
By DPWHPublished on February 23, 2019

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JAPAN, Feb. 23 -- High-level officials from the Philippines and Japan comprising the
Joint Committee on Infrastructure Development and Economic Cooperation convene its
seventh meeting in Osaka, Japan on February 21, 2019 where they discussed
infrastructure development, peace-building initiatives for Mindanao, and other key
concerns significant to the expanding economic bilateral cooperation between the two

Since its first meeting in 2017, the “fast and sure” approach of the High-Level Joint
Committee has made substantial progress in speeding up the loan approvals for Japan-
supported “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure projects of the President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte administration, with the processing time shortened to three to four months.
Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez III headed the Philippine delegation composed
of Philippine Embassy in Japan Ambassador Jose Laurel; Socioeconomic Planning
Secretary Ernesto M. Pernia; Budget and Management Secretary Benjamin Diokno;
Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade; Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark
Villar; Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi; Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council Secretary Eduardo Del Rosario; Bases Conversion and Development Authority
President and CEO Vivencio Dizon.

The Japanese delegation was led by Dr. Hiroto Izumi, Special Advisor to the Prime
Minister; Special Adviser to the Cabinet Shigeru Kiyama; and Embassy of Japan to the
Philippines Ambassador Koji Haneda.

Also in attendance at the meeting and provided significant support were DPWH
Undersecretary Emil K. Sadain, NEDA Undersecretary Jonathan Uy, DBM Undersecretary
Amenah Pangandaman, Undersecretary Timothy John Batan, National Housing
Authority (NHA) General Manager Marcelino Escalada Jr., DPWH Assistant Secretary
Eduardo Ramos, DOF Assistant Secretary Maria Edita Tan, and DPWH Project Director
Virgilio Castillo.

The Joint Committee Meeting was followed by a Philippine Economic Briefing where
economic managers and the “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure team presented to
Japanese investors the Philippines of today and what the country wish to accomplish
under the “Build, Build,Build” Program to transport into a Golden Age of Infrastructure.

Through the regular meetings, both the Philippines and Japan leaders are prompted to
deliver on commitments, encouraged to think of more innovative measures to improve
cooperation and facilitate project implementation.
The development of cooperation for the following road and bridge projects under the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) were discussed at the meeting: 1)
New Mactan Bridge Construction Project; 2) Dalton Pass East Alignment Alternative
Project; 3) Circumferential Road 3 Missing Link Project; and 4) Davao City Bypass
Construction Project. Major updates were also shared for the following: DOTR’s Metro
Manila Subway Project Phase I and North South Railway Project; BCDA’s New Clark City
Project; DOE’s Project for the Improvement of Equipment of Power Distribution in the
Bangsamoro Area; Marawi Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program of the Task Force
Bangon Marawi; and among others.

Additional financing support from Japan is expected soon following the signing of
Exchange of Notes on February 10, 2019 for the construction and improvement of about
176.6 kilometers of access roads connecting Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
and other regions in Mindanao under the Road Network Development Project in
Conflict Affected Areas in Mindanao (RNDP-CAAM).

Earlier, a 2 billion Japanese Yen grant by the Japan International Cooperation Agency is
now being utilized for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the 18.97 kilometer
section of the Marawi Transcentral Road under the Reconstruction and Development
Plan for Greater Marawi wherein contract packages 1-B and 2 with a total length of 9.56
kilometers has already broken ground on February 4, 2019 and attended by
Ambassador Haneda and JICA Chief Representative Yoshio Wada.
The project is under the supervision of Undersecretary Emil K. Sadain of the DPWH-
Unified Project Management Office (UPMO) Operations and Technical Services who also
is spearheading the implementation of all Official Development Assistance (ODA)
projects under the Build, Build, Build Program of DPWH and was also assigned by
Secretary Villar to serve as Alternate Representative and Focal Person in the Inter-
Agency Task Force Bangon Marawi and manage the implementation of various
infrastructure projects funded by the national government in the Autonomous Region of
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). (DPWH)

Mindanao Peace Games: Sports as a catalyst

for peace
Jun 27, 2017 | Feature, News

MPG Leaders’ Summit. The MPG leaders pose with members of the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) and the members of the

Madaris Volunteers Program (MVP). Both the MPI and MVP provided key insights to the MPG leaders in how to best use sports in the

peacebuilding initiatives in Mindanao.

By John Juenz Rubillar

When people think of sports, the first thing that usually comes in mind are players competing in
tournaments for gold medals, or athletes clashing for the position of first place. But behind all the
fanfare and competition lies a sense of enjoyment and sportsmanship that connects players, both
teammates and competitors alike.
This is what lies at the heart of the Mindanao Peace Games (MPG), a sporting event that goes
beyond traditional sporting events by using sports as a catalyst for peacebuilding.
The Mindanao Peace Games had its humble beginnings in 2014, when a small group of coaches
and sports leaders shared their hopes and dreams on the development of Mindanao. More coaches
from schools all around Mindanao soon joined the discussion, united by their shared love for sports.
They conceptualized the Mindanao Peace Games to introduce sports as a medium in the
development of the region.
The MPG is now held annually since its conception. It gathers athletes of different religions and
ethnicities from all over Mindanao. The MPG goes beyond traditional sporting events by aiming to
provide an avenue where student-athletes learn more to be better people, where coaches learn
more to be better mentors, and sports directors and coordinators learn to be transformational

MPG Community Outreach. The various team captains of the participating schools pose for a picture with the CDO DepEd Superintendent

after conducting a sports clinic for 200 public school kids in Cagayan de Oro City.

Aside from games and tournaments, it also conducts coaches’ forums, community outreach
programs, and even hosts TED talks. Coaches and athletes from all over Mindanao gather together
to discuss topics centered on Mentor-Leadership, History of the MPG, and the Value of Empowering
Women through Sports. The MPG also conducts discussions emphasizing the role of the coach, not
only as a sports mentor, but as a teacher in the overall development of his or her athletes as well.
The companionship formed from playing sports and the values learned from other activities allows
players to form friendships and connection which, in turn, may pave the way for peacebuilding.
Sports transcends across cultural, political, and religious boundaries, and at the same time provides
a common platform for a more united Mindanao.
Using sports as a catalyst for peace is not unheard of in the International community. In Jamaica, the
Jamaican Red Cross uses sports to strengthen resilience among young people in urban
communities with a long history of violence. Similarly, in Rio de Janeiro, The Brazilian Olympic
Committee spearheaded the “Community Champions” project, which uses martial arts, sports, and
personal and educational programs to realize the potential of young people and coaches in
communities affected by crime and violence.
Regardless of race, nationality, or ethnicity, sports is an activity that everyone can relate to.
Relationships are at the heart of peacemaking, and the MPG builds on this by using sports to
develop supportive relationships in a way that is fun, engaging, and real.
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Japan backs Mindanao peace initiatives

February 10, 2019 | Filed under: Headlines,News,Regional,World News | Posted by: Tempo Desk


Japan has pledged to continue supporting the peace and development initiatives in Mindanao
following the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Law.
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono lauded the approval of the BOL and offered Japan’s support to
the Philippines during a courtesy call on President Duterte in Davao City last Saturday.
Kono arrived in the country Saturday for an official visit until Feb. 11 to strengthen bilateral relations
between Japan and the Philippines.
“During their meeting at Matina Enclaves in Davao City, President Duterte said he is honored that
the Minister of Foreign Affairs is in his city,” Malacanang said. “Foreign Minister Kono, for his part,
said Japan welcomes the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Law. He also mentioned that Japan
would like to continue to support the development of Mindanao,” it added.
Kono also relayed Japan’s sympathy to the victims of the two explosions that hit the Jolo, Sulu
Cathedral last month.
The Commission on Elections earlier declared that the law creating the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao was deemed ratified following the recent plebiscite.
Duterte earlier campaigned for the “Yes” vote for the BOL, saying it would help bring genuine peace
and development in the region.
While in the President’s home town, Kono was also expected to attend the inauguration ceremony of
the Japanese consulate general.
“He said Japan is pleased to be able to open up a new consulate general in the City of Davao,”
Malacanang said.
Kono was accompanied by Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koji Haneda and Davao Consul
General Yoshiaki Miwa during the meeting with the President. Also present were Executive Secretary
Salvador Medialdea, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr., Finance Secretary Carlos
Dominguez, and Philippine Ambassador to Japan Jose Laurel.
Kono was scheduled to hold talks with Locsin to tackle areas of mutual interest, including
political, economic, and people-to-people engagement, especially Japan’s support for infrastructure
development and for Mindanao in the wake of the ratification of the BOL, according to the
Department of Foreign Affairs. (Genalyn Kabiling)
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21 Dec 2017

Promoting peace and preventing youth

radicalization in Mindanao, Philippines
from Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Published on 21 Dec 2017 —View Original

Changing minds together!

The southern Philippines has endured decades of conflict, violence, and the presence of armed groups.
Poverty, poor governance and the ambiguous implementation of the peace agreements with the Moro
Fronts has left this region vulnerable and still no closer to peace. This situation has also damaged the
credibility of the Moro Fronts that have lent strong support to a seemingly never-ending peace process. In
the meantime, more splinter armed groups have emerged, some of which have developed extreme
ideologies. Young Moros are drawn to these groups in the belief that they can address their aspirations for
autonomy and freedom, albeit through violent means.
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is well aware of, and deeply concerned about, this trend, and
has asked the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) for support in gathering the young members of
their communities to see what can be done to reverse this worrying trend. Over the past year, the MILF,
supported by HD, has organised Youth Fora throughout the southern Philippines, in order to reach out to
as many young Filipino Muslims as possible.

The fora aim to encourage the Moro youth to be actively involved in peacebuilding initiatives and to
preserve and promote the gains of the peace process. They also encourage young people to refrain from
joining extremist groups. The fora have now become well-recognized platforms for promoting peace,
dialogue and more moderate forms of Islam amongst youth in Mindanao.

The gatherings also offered young people with an opportunity to exchange thoughts, practical tips and
suggestions based on their personal experiences, on ways to identify extremist groups’ recruitment
strategies. During the last Youth Forum organised by the MILF and HD in September 2017, a young man
shared his own experience of having been invited to attend a series of meetings through a friend from his
local community. It turned out later that the meetings thought to indoctrinate him and his peers. The
young man expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share his story and spread the word.

The first series of youth fora organised in 2017 have already become an appreciated and recognised
avenue for young people to learn from each other, share experiences, and discuss effective ways of
preventing youth radicalisation. The MILF and HD intend to hold a final Youth Summit by March 2018,
which will bring together the most active participants from the previous conferences to share lessons
learned and report back on initiatives they have since undertaken within their respective communities.

— Annieza Mohamed


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