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Manresa School

Candida Ma. St. BF Homes Paranaque City

Viability of Chicken Eggshells (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) as Fertilizers to

Hydroponically Grown Scallion Plants (Alium Fistulosum)

A Science Investigatory Research Presented to the

Science Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Junior High School

Submitted by:

Phoebe M. Arriola,
Mishae Cassandra D.V. Hernandez,
Devon Jarek Y. Javier,
Maria Miguela A. Nery,
Sophia Paige M. So,
Brenn Kenzo M. Takata


Waste is seen everywhere, especially in streets and suburbs. This is due to people not

caring for the environment’s condition. Eggshells are one of the many factors that

contribute a large percent to waste. Calcium from eggshells could be extracted in order

to fulfill the role of contributing to a plant in Hydroponics. This could develop the plant

for proper growth and avoid calcium deficiency. The objectives of this research are to

sustain the plants calcium and reduce the amount of waste found in our surrounding.

The data presented shows the results of using eggshells to supply calcium towards a

scallion plant.

The plant was grown under 2 conditions, indoors and outdoors. There would be 2 plants

for both conditions that would either include the nutrient solution containing calcium or

simply plain water. The scallion plants would be observed under 2 weeks and would be

measured for their height, the amount of fully-grown plants and the amount of plants

that had improper growth.

The indoors plant resulted in having heights ranging from 14 – 22 cm and having 6

plants with improper growth and 0 fully grown plants. The outdoor plants gave results of

heights ranging from 15-24 cm along with 10 plants that had improper growth and 4

fully-grown plants. The outdoor plants with solution resulted in 16 – 21 cm height, 6

plants with improper growth and 1 fully grown plant. The outdoor without solution

however resulted in having plants with the height of 15 – 24 cm, 4 plants with improper

growth and 3 fully grown plants. These results show that plants involving the eggshell

fertilizer are not needed but are effective indoors to keep the plant healthy.


The research made by group 7 of the special science class of grade 9 -fortitude were

able to successfully do and complete their research paper, the Viability of Chicken

Eggshells (Gallus Gallus Domesticus ) as Fertilizers to Hydroponically Grown Scallion

Plants (Alium Fistulosum) only through the help and encouragement of the people

surrounding them, and for this they would like to give thanks to these people with some


First and foremost to all of their parents who have been with them through the ups and

downs of their research and have encouraged them all to keep going and never give up

for the hard work will pay off in the end. Their parents who have also helped in ways

that they may, including matters at home or helping them by directly getting involved

with the research and giving advice on what options they may consider.

Next is to our adviser for the research, Ms.Cia. Who has guided us throughout the

research, by pointing out our mistakes and helping us improve on them. Also for helping

us follow through with all of the formats given for the entire paper and giving us

constructive criticism. For helping us in finding an expert who may give further advice

for the specific research. For thoroughly checking each chapter studiously to help us

meet our deadlines, and giving us encouragement that we may be able to finish our


We would also like to thank our fellow researchers and friends as they have also played

a big role in keeping us going and also suggesting options for our research.

We give a big thanks to all these people as without them we could not have possibly

finished our paper. Thanks to them we were able to meet our deadlines and as well as

correct our mistakes. They’ve also given us the inspiration for the ideas used in order to

think of the possible factors we could have used for the research. As well as helping us

propose the research in the first place and giving us the idea of the problem and why we

chose to do this research. In helping us improve our work and also helping us become

more responsible students.

Table of Contents

Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 6
Statement of the Problem 8
Objectives 8
Hypothesis 9
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Delimitations 10
Definition of Terms 11
Review of Related Literature 13
Review of Related Studies 14
Research Design 17
Collecting Data 17
Conclusion 23
Recommendation 24
References 25
Appendices 27
A. Materials 27
B. Procedures 30
C. Results 34



Hydroponics, a method of growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrient

solutions in water solvent (Nguyen, 2016). It is a very essential tool in plant factories

(Son, 2016). Water is the source of growing plants in Hydroponics and water as well

contains calcium which would range from almost nothing to more than a hundred or two

parts per million (Brown, 2007). In this study, the researchers have chosen to use

Chicken eggshells in an organic fertilizer for hydroponics as a replacement for the

calcium inside a nutrient solution. The experiment is conducted in order to see the

effects of eggshells and fertilizer on scallions or green onions (Allium Fistolosum). The

chicken’s eggshells are one of the many biodegradable wastes that are just thrown

away. When eggs have already been cracked, there is still a bit of residue from the egg

itself left on the shell. Eggshells present healthy and balanced calcium due to the

amounts of other minerals and it is probably the best source of natural Calcium.

(King’ori, 2011)

Whilst there are various hydroponics systems, the researchers will be using the

Wick System for this experiment. This is the simplest type among all hydroponic

systems wherein it doesn’t require mechanical or moving parts in order to work. The

researchers will be using a simple version of this using water bottles and cloth as the

wick in order to recycle. The chicken or Gallus Gallus Domesticus eggshells benefit a

plant’s growth because it contains Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, etc. Green onion

(Allium Fistolosum) will be the dependent variable because the researchers are

checking the effects of eggshells as a replacement for calcium in a nutrient solution for

hydroponics. Green onions (Allium Fistolosum) are vegetables which Filipinos use daily

for cooking or medical purposes. The researchers chose Allium Fistolosum because the

time frame to grow green onions is only three weeks and it is, once again, a vegetable,

which not only Filipinos but people from different places, commonly use. Each year

factories, companies, products and homes use up a lot of eggs. With this it results to us

creating a pile of eggshells that we must dispose of. Companies are paying up to

$100,000 per year to dispose of eggshells in landfills (Sonenklar, 1999). A good

percentage of the trash we throw everyday is also eggshells since we use eggs to

create several dishes we eat daily. This contributes a lot to the overall waste that we

collect and pile up everyday without a solution on how to rid of them or have another

use for them. In the fresh market that sells fruits and vegetables, one of the vegetables

that have the highest demand are onions. Onions are also a widely used vegetable

ingredient that is used in many dishes, and this explains why there are times that the

supply of this vegetable is not enough to meet the needs of the people. Using dried

banana peels for the nutrient solution will most likely not add up to algae formation.

The general purpose of this problem is to reduce the amount of waste in our

surroundings. Eggshells are a huge contribution to continuous pollution and the

increase of waste in our country.

The general objectives of this research is to reduce the amount of waste coming

from eggshell, find out the effects of the eggshells on green onion plants and the

amount of calcium the eggshells provide.

The research benefits the whole country as a way of reducing the pollution.

Plants that haven't been repotted for some time often perk up quickly when given a

good drench of eggshell water (Pleasant, 2013). People who don't have a use for

eggshells have a low budget can also benefit from this as an alternative to already

made nutrient solution in the store. This helps a large amount of people in saving their

money. This research can also appeal users of soil in gardening to also start a

Hydroponic garden, which will benefit the environment due to Hydroponics being

environment friendly. Less land erosion and water is recycled once a Hydroponic

garden is built and used.


This study will probe to make an analysis on effectiveness of the eggshells as

the source of nutrition for a nutrient solution for Hydroponics. Since eggshells are a

good source of natural Calcium. This study also looks for the benefits of the Hydroponic

system to the convenience of this to the lives of people who plant.

Specified questions in which the researchers are looking for an answer:

1. Will the eggshells be an effective replacement for Calcium in the solution?

2. Will this nutrient solution be cost-efficient?

3. What are the effects of the eggshells a source for calcium to the height, and

amount of leaves as well as the amount of calcium deficient leaves of the

hydroponically grown scallion?


This study will want to provide a better environment with less waste around due

to the pollution eggshells give because they have no important uses. This study aims to

provide a better and cleaner environment by making use of the eggshells and create a

working nutrient solution for Hydroponics. This study also wants to provide information

about using eggshells as a calcium resource for hydroponically-grown scallion plants

and compare it to hydroponically-grown scallion plants without calcium.

The specified objectives of the study are the following:

1. To determine if the eggshells would be an effective replacement in the


2. To investigate if it would create a cost-efficient nutrient solution for people

who don’t have the commonly needed materials for gardening or people

who are on a low budget.

3. To find out the effects having eggshells as a source for calcium for the


4. Observe the differences between indoor and outdoor cases for the growth

of the plant with and without the solution


1. The use of eggshells in a fertilizer in hydroponics can contribute towards the

growth of the Scallion plant (Allium Fistolosum).

2. The nutrient solution made of eggshells can help reduce household wastes.


This study, in summary, will benefit the environment, the farmers and the

general public. For the environment, it will help decrease pollution and it would reduce

waste. As for the farmers, it would decrease labor since crops grow very quick and it a

lot could be planted at a given space. And lastly, it would benefit the general public

because it may be a reference to most.

Specifically, the study would be beneficial to the following:

Environment: The variables used in this study are one of the many things we throw daily

which just spoil away. Through the researchers’ experiment, the amount of waste from

Gallus Gallus Domesticus’ eggshells would be decreased because they will be reused.

In the end this would help to lessen our wastes

Farmers: This would be a big help for farmers since water in Hydroponics can be

reused. Hydroponic systems require 20 times less water than soil based gardening.

Thus, it also makes a better use for space and location. Plants roots usually expand to

search for food and oxygen in the soil, but in Hydroponics, the roots are sunk in a tank

full of oxygenated nutrient solution and directly contact with vital minerals.

The general public: For the people who do not have access to the commonly needed

materials, such as soil, to plant. This study would serve as a reference for those who

would use hydroponics, the alternative for planting without soil, to grow plants. It would

also be affordable to most.


The researchers have limited this study to only one type of plant, which is the

Scallion plant (Alium Fistulosum) and hydroponics system to be grown and used. While

having limited the variables or factors that we are going to use to create the nutrient

solution to egg shells and banana peels. The type of plant that the researchers will be

using or growing for this experiment will be onions because vegetables which Filipinos

use daily for cooking or medical purposes and also the researchers chose Onions

because the time frame to grow green onions is only three weeks. While the type of

hydroponics system being used is a Deep Water Culture is a hydroponics system

wherein the plant’s roots are suspended in a well-oxygenated solution composed of

water and nutrients. We have concentrated on using egg shells and banana peels as

the ingredients for our nutrient solution because of the many beneficial contents inside

them for plants like for banana peels: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and for

eggshells: Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, etc. The study focuses more on how we can

reduce the eggshells and banana peels as biodegradable wastes that are just thrown



The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for better

understanding of the readers:

• Biodegradable Wastes: Biodegradable wastes are also referred to as green waste,

recyclable waste, food waste or organic waste. These include any organic matter, which

can be broken down into Methane, Carbon dioxide or simple organic molecules by living

things and microorganisms by composting, other simple processes and etc. Waste

products that cannot be broken down are known as non-biodegradable waste.

• Chicken’s (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) eggshells:

An eggshell is the outer covering of a hard-shelled egg and of some forms of eggs with

soft outer coats. It consists mostly of calcium carbonate, a common form of calcium.

The rest of the eggshell is made out of protein and other minerals. The eggshells also

contain small amounts of other minerals such as Fluoride, Strontium, Magnesium and

Selenium (Arnarson, 2017).

• Deep Water Culture System: Hydroponics method of growing plants is using mineral

nutrient solution in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in

the mineral nutrient solutions only or in an inert medium. One of the hydroponic types

was Deep Water Culture (DWC). Deep Water Culture (DWC) is a hydroponic technique

that supplies water, which contain nutrient direct to the roots of the plant continuously.

This technique will ensure the roots of the plant always submerge in water and oxygen

(MF Saaid, NAM Yahya, MZH Noor, MSA Megat Ali, 2013). In this study we will use this

system for our hydroponics.

• Hydroponics: Hydroponics is a widely and frequently used technique for growing

plants without soil, providing for a considerable degree of control of the elemental

environment surrounding the root (J Benton Jones Jr, 1982). In this study we will be

using this system throughout our experiment.

• Hydroponic Nutrient Solution/Fertilizer: The hydroponic nutrient solution is the sole

source of nutrients to the plant. Therefore, it is imperative to apply a balanced solution,

which contains all plant nutrients, at the right balance, such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus,

Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and etc. In this study we will see these nutrients in our

chosen variables.

• Scallion (Allium Fistulosum) plant: The onion plant, also known as the Welsh

onions a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Its

close relatives include the garlic, leek, chive, and Chinese onion.


As this study focuses on how the wastes of certain variables, specifically

eggshells, can be reduced by being used as a fertilizer, Gaonkar conducted a similar

study. In 2016, Gaonkar studied the use of eggshells in different applications. This was

to avoid the eggshells to become merely waste. The study included the eggshells as a

powder to be used as a fertilizer. The study was able to find the following results:

1. Adding the eggshell powder to the soil it will increase fertilizer percentage in


2. Due to the addition of the eggshell powder, the calcium level increased. This

helps the plant avoid root diseases and bad growth

3. The eggshell powder added to the soil gives the soil a enriched pH level.

In the study conducted by Chad et al. (2006) titled " Nutrient Solution and Solution

pH Influences on Onion Growth and Mineral Content", the researchers assessed the

effects of the nutrient solution, solution pH and variety of onion on the shoot mass, total

biomass, edible biomass and mineral content of the onion. The onions were grown

hydroponically in custom-made hydroponic units. Through this method, the research

found these results:

1. The shoot mass, total biomass and edible biomass was greatly affected by

nutrient solution composition, pH level and variety of onion, which in turn

shows that these factors greatly affect the physiological variables of the plant.

2. Different pH levels can determine different amount of biomass for the onion.

3. Different amounts and types of nutrient solution can lead changing amounts of

mineral content

A research was conducted by Schulert (2016) designed for Calcium to strengthen

the plant in preparation for heavy flowers/fruits. Thus, natural farming emphasizes

Phosphorus and Calcium during the changeover period from growing to

flowering/fruiting, and this provides for that need. Plus you can also use Phosphorus to

address the root system, which will enable the plant to access better water and nutrients

from the soil to support the critical changeover as manifested by flower initiation. A

bunch of eggshells and also wash to remove inside filaments. Remember, you can also

use bones and other good sources of calcium like seashells, clams and oysters, etc.

Likewise, if you only want calcium, even limestone can be used, or simple lime as

Schulert stated, also the need of acid in the vinegar helps digest them. You will notice

the bubbling as this process helps converts the ingredients to liquid calcium phosphate.

Mixing these with the burnt eggshells we can reach or get the nutrient content of

calcium phosphate in the discussion of the paper He concluded in the end of the study

that the utilization of the eggshells and vinger are the following:

1. Preferred if sprayed on the leaves during transition phase to flower, and when

fruits are large and mature for better results.

2. In the Transition Phase: It Induces flowering, eases nutrient demands of

transition phase, strengthens flowers will happen.

3. For the Mature Fruit the following will happen: It will help Strengthen the plant

stems, leaves, fruits, helps fruit mature properly for optimum sweet flavor.

A research was conducted on the effects of eggshells as a source of calcium on

productions, nutrition and boramtological composition of ‘Piatã’ and ‘Marunda’ grasses.

The researchers conducted it in December 2013 to March 2014, in the municipality of

Alfenas-MG (21° 25' 44" S; 45° 56' 49" W; 888 m), located in Southeastern Brazil. The

researchers assumed that the calcium composition of an eggshells will speed up and

strenghten the Piatã’ and ‘Marunda’ grasses. And here are their results:

1. The forages 'Piatã' and 'Marandu' were not responsive to the use of eggshell

as an alternative source for calcium supply in dystrophic Red Yellow Latosol,

in a short period, even when the content of calcium available in the soil was


2. The nutritional status of 'Piatã' and the bromatological composition of Urochloa

brizantha cv. 'Marandu' fertilized with eggshell were not limiting to adequate

plant development and are not limiting to animal feed.

A research that was performed by Tucodixb (2012) in Making water soluble

calcium w/ eggshells and vinegar. The hypothesis of this study is that to use eggshells

and vinegar to successfully grow the tomato plant. Alot of agriculture advisers have

used calcium phosphate for better plant growth, health, est and disease controls"

natural farmers use this very specific bionutrient".The results are:

1. Then this is applied to that changeover period, it will help improve the plant’s

health and productivity.

2. The use of calcium phosphate is important to natural farmers" This however,

does not mean that we shall forget the nutrient timing application of other

critical nutrients for plant growth both macro and micro nutrients, given that at

the right stages and combinations.

A study was conducted by Harsha Sharadchandra Nikose,Master Degree – M.Sc.

Botany, Nagpur University, India (working in KVS ) where egg shell along with another

Bio-waste like plant waste and animal waste was used in potted plants like money plant

and wheat grass which was applied for night. On observing a result a remarkable

growth in the plant was observed. These are their findings.

1. This study showed that the manure with egg shells and bio-waste has

tremendous potential required for the plant. It fulfills the mineral requirement

for the plants which supports the growth , disease free quality and showing the

quality and quantity.

2. The study showed that the plant with egg shell manure is a source of

phosphate increasing the cohesive forces of the very fine soil and carbon by

stimulating micro flora population. A healthy soil with particles.a balanced

micro flora support healthy plants. It control plant parasiticnematodes and


3. Study also showed that it accelerated cell division, plant growth controlled to

some extent by altering the balance of stronger and healthier composition. It

resists plant disease better and help to microorganism in the soil.


I. Research Design

The researchers aim to undergo the following research plan:

1. Experimental approach

2. Comparative analysis

In this experiment, the researchers will be observing the difference in the height,

greenness, and thickness of the leaves, and overall significant growth of the

hydroponically-grown scallion plant.

Using the recorded document/data during the experimentation process, results

from bottles without fertilizers and eggshell solution will be compared with the chicken

eggshells solution

II. Collecting Data


 4 plastic bottles

 4 Scallions

 Scissors

 2 mason jars

 Egg shells

 White vinegar

 Rugs

 Pebbles

 Net pots

 Tap water
 Household with indoor and outdoor areas

 Markers, masking tape for labeling

 Paper, pens, and camera for documentation/recording


Plant the scallion and Put the net pots in

Bake the egg shells
insert the wick into the top half of the
making them brittle
the net pot bottles

Soak egg shells in Fill with enough Add the Calcium

vinegar for two-three pebbles for the plant Acetate solution to
days to stay up the water

Place top half of Observe and record

Cut bottles in half
and label them
bottle upside dwon for 3 weeks for the
into bottom half results

Using chicken eggshells as fertilizers that would add to nutritional content of

hydroponic-grown plants, the research will undergo experimental approach to determine

the effects of these eggshells to the plant. The hydroponic system which will be used for

this experiment is the Wick System using recycled materials.

There will be four bottles, labeled as bottles A, B, C, and D, containing the

hydroponic-grown scalion plant and each bottle will be placed in two different

environments such as indoor and outdoor. Bottles A, and C will have no fertilizer and no

eggshell solution, while bottles B and D will get their added nutrients from the eggshells


Bottles A and B will be placed indoor with no sunlight. Bottles C and D will be

located outdoors will full exposure to sunlight.

Procedure for the eggshell nutrient solution

Collect 8 eggshells and place them into the oven for 15 minutes at 175 degrees

Celsius to sterilize and make them more brittle. Once out of the oven, start grinding the

eggshells into small pieces and place them in a jar. Fill the jar with white vinegar and let

it sit for two to three days. The vinegar (acetic acid) will dissolve the calcium carbonate

of the eggshells, thereby creating calcium acetate, the solutions needed by the

researchers as the fertilizer to be used on the hydroponically-grown Allium Fistulosum.

The researchers will be collecting four plastic bottles of 1 liter, six small net

pots, and an old t-shirt to create the wick system. The first step is to label each bottle.

Take a plastic bottle and a pair of scissors and cut less than half off the top of the plastic

bottle. Take one net pot and cut 2 cm x 14 cm of the old t-shirt to work as the “wick” and

insert ithe cloth into the net pot. Take the top half of the bottle and turn it upside down

placing it on top of the bottom half. Place the net pot inside the top half of the bottle

making sure that the wick is inserted within the mouth of the bottle dropping into the

bottom half. Plant the Scallion plant inside the net pot and fill it with a small amount of

clay pebbles which will be enough for the plant to stay up. Repeat these steps to all six

and start pouring water to the bottom half of the bottles. And the Calcium Acetate

solution to bottles B and D. Observe and record for three weeks for results.


In this chapter, the data gathered from the research and the experiment

performed is discussed through tables and data analysis. The aim of the research was

to see whether the calcium from the eggshells could be beneficial to the plant being

grown in hydroponics and how it would affect its growth. The plant being tested on is

green onion (Allium Fistolosum), wherein the group of researchers used to measure the

effects of the eggshell’s calcium to the plant by the height of the plant, the amount of

fully grown scallion plants, and the amount of plants that had improper growth. This was

done through comparing a hydroponically-grown green onion without the eggshell

nutrient solution and comparing it to a hydroponically-grown green onion with the

eggshell nutrient solution, from which the experiment was performed, and data was

gathered, seeing as to what the eggshell nutrient solution or the calcium from the

eggshells had done for the plant. The data gathered can be found below in the tables,

as well as the analysis and interpretation:

Research Question 1: What are the effects of the eggshells a source for calcium to the

height and the amount of fully-grown leaves, as well as the amount of plants that had

improper growth out of the hydroponically grown scallion plants?

Research Question 2: What are the differences of growing a scallion plant in

hydroponics with and without the solution, and indoors or outdoors?

Table 1. Effects of eggshells on the height of the Scallion plants


Leaves range

Indoors without solution 12 – 22 cm

Outdoors with solution Leaves range

16 – 21 cm

Leaves range

Indoors with solution 14 – 22 cm

Leaves range

Outdoors without solution 15 – 24 cm

With the data above as reference, the outdoor plants are able to grow higher

than the indoor plants. This may be due to the lack of sunlight. The indoor plants ranged

from 12 – 22 cm and 14 – 22 cm, which compared to the outdoor plants is a little

smaller, with the outdoor plants ranging from 15 – 24 and 16 -21 cm. If we take a look at

the ones that have the solution, they grow much less compared to the ones without. The

solution has caused a decrease in the growth rate of the Scallion plant. It can be

concluded that the calcium acetate solution is beneficial to plants indoors because it

had a healthier composition (Nikose, H. S.) compared to the plant without solution.

Table 2. Effects of eggshells on the amount of scallion plants that had improper growth



Indoors without solution 3

Outdoors with solution 6

Indoors with solution 3

Outdoors without solution 4

According to the data above, the amount of plants that had improper

growth for both indoors with solution and indoors without solution was equal. Both had 3

calcium deficient plants. As for the outdoor plants, the ones with solution showed 6

calcium deficient plants, while the ones without were able to have only 4 calcium

deficient plants. This was able to be determined because the plant wasn’t properly

developing its tissues correctly and appear to be withered just as it was growing (Tajer




Based on the findings of the study, the researchers have come up with the

following conclusions:

1. Egg solutions may not be necessarily needed in growing hydroponic plants

outdoors. Water from the hydroponically grown plants and sunlight alone are

already enough to maintain the growth of the plant as evidence in the plants of

the experiment.

2. Hydroponically grown plants are best grown outdoors without solution.

However if the environment does not provide an outdoor space, hydroponics

can still grow with a solution and partial sunlight. Egg solutions are beneficial

to hydroponic plants that are grown indoors. The nutrients it provided support

the plants in the absence of sunlight.

3. The advantages of hydroponically grown plants is that, knowing the plant

wouldn’t be soil dependent, one can easily find cost-efficient discarded

materials such as used plastic bottles, clay pellets, and old rugs.

4. Based on the results from the physical attribute of the plant, the one without

solution has the better composition in terms of the height and nutrition of the

plant compared to the one with the eggshells and vinegar solution. The

eggshells are not an effective replacement in the solution for the one without is



The research offers the following recommendations, in light of the findings of this

study, for future researchers who will be interested in further continuing or improving the

said research:

1. To consider hydroponics system in urban gardening, the conditions of the

environments should necessarily be studied. Good location should have

access to sunlight, either morning or afternoon sun.

2. To keenly observe all the plants everyday by jotting down detailed and

necessary observations.

3. To expand the study by looking at more variables as fertilizers or

supplementary sources of nutrition in the absence of soil.

4. To consider changing the composition of the solution.

5. To experiment of different weathers and climate to measure if

hydrophonically plants can be grown in a large and open area.

6. To regularly change the water and solution of the hydroponics sytem.


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9. Travis, Schulert (2016,March) CalPhos liquid fertilizer spray made out of eggshells.

Retrived from


Scallions (Allium Fistulosum)

Plastic bottle

Net Pot

Marker, Ruler, Tape for labelling






1. Bake and crush the eggshells

2. Soak the crushed eggshells in vinegar for 2-3 days

3. Take the plastic bottles and cut the top half off

4. Plant the scallion and insert the wick into the net pot

5. Add enough pebbles into each net pot to keep the scallion plants standing up right

6. Assemble the wick system, label, and pour water into every plastic bottle

7. Pour the solution into the assigned bottles. Change water and solution every 3 days.

Observe for 3 weeks



Day one: February 18, 2019

Week 1: February 25, 2019

The water and solution of the specific plants have been changed 3 times in the past

week. Some leaves of all bottles have already started to wither and dry out.

Week 2: March 4, 2019

Water and solution have been replaced 4 times. Plant B indoor without the solution

starts to have more dry leaves compared to plant A. In the outdoors, bottle D’s flowers

began to bloom more than the flowers of plant C with solution. No flowers bloomed


Week 3: March 11, 2019

Water and solution have been changed 7 times. No activity shown that flowers from

scallion plants indoors bloomed. More leaves of plant A with solution appeared healthier

in terms of color and height compared to plant B without solution. For the plants

outdoor, plant D without solution had more flowers blooming and less dried leaves

compared to plant C with solution.


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