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1st Increment

Accounts Module Document Management System (DMS)

Objective: To test/check the different functionalities of the different components of the Accounts module
Scope: Add, Search, and Edit/Change Accounts
Test Case Name: Successful adding of new Accounts
Test ID: TC-Mod-001
Test Case Description: The user adds an Account
Test Set-up Requirements and Preconditions The user is logged-in (admin), main menu is open
Actual Results/Action Taken on
Step Action Expected Results Passed?
User clicks add
1 Add account form will display
Alphanumeric data can be entered
2 User enters account data
in the fields

Record will be saved in the

3 User clicks submit button

Test Case Name: Successful display of existing accounts

Test ID: TC-Mod-002
Test Case Description: The user is able to view existing accounts
Test Set-up Requirements and Preconditions There should be an existing accounts in the database and admin must be logged-in
Actual Results/Action Taken on
Step Action Expected Results Passed?

user enters clicks “accounts” link in the displays account details in the
navigation bar table
Test Case Name: Successful updating of accounts
Test ID: TC-Mod-003
Test Case Description: The user is able to update an account

Test Set-up Requirements and Preconditions There should be an existing Accounts in the database. The user should click edit button.

Actual Results/Action Taken on

Step Action Expected Results Passed?
1 user clicks the edit button in the table Edit account form will display

Alphanumeric data can be entered

2 user enters account data
in the fields

Data will be recorded in the

3 user clicks save button

4 user clicks back button Returns to accounts page

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