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2.1 Maternity Room

Maternity room is one of the rooms that still get a unique appreciation.
This room is still considered a special section and has a special image in front
of the visitors, residents or officers who are in the room. The Maternity Room
serves patients with labor cases that require maternity assistance can be referral
from poly, ER, midwives, or patients who come alone. The delivery room has
24-hour service with professional and reliable midwives. The person in the
room is a midwife or doctor, nurse, patient.

Large enclosed instrument
1. 3 pieces 3 pieces
2. a small enclosed instrument 3 pieces 3 pieces
Closed instrument instrument
3. 3 pieces 3 pieces
4. Doppler 1 pieces 1 pieces
5. Doyeri Probe Curve 1 pieces 1 pieces

6. Endotracheal Tube Adult 2. 3 pieces 3 pieces
7. Endotracheal Tube Adult 3 3 pieces 3 pieces
8. Endotracheal Tube Adult 4 3 pieces 3 pieces
9. Scissors Yarn 3 pieces 3 pieces
10. Scissors Episiotomy 3 pieces 3 pieces

2.2 Emergency Installation Room

Disastrous: A situation that threatens the patient's life. Emergency: A situation

that immediately needs help.

According to RI Law No.44 Year 2009 article 1 Emergency is a clinical

condition of patients requiring immediate medical action to save lives and prevent
further disability. One part of the hospital that provides early treatment for patients
suffering from illness and cedar, which can threaten its survival. (Wikipedia, 2015)

Emergency is a condition in which the patient needs examination medical

immediately, if not done will be fatal for the patient. Emergency Installation
Emergency (IGD) is one of the units in the hospital that should be able to provide
service emergency to people who suffer from acute illness and have an accident,
accordingly by default.

IGD is an integral unit in a hospital where all the experiences of patients who
have come to the emergency will be an influence which is great for the public about
how the Hospital's picture.

The purpose of Emergency Installation (IGD)

According to Azrul (1997: 37) The purpose of Emergency Insulation, is:

1. Prevent death and disability in emergency patients.

2. Receive patient referrals or send patients.
3. To overcome the mass casualties and disasters occurring within and outside
the hospital.

An emergency must be able to provide the highest quality service to the

community with medical problems.

The sufferer is sorted and served according to the gravity level. Facilities
available include the Observation Room, Resuscitation Room and Action Room
(Surgical and Non-surgical). Besides supported by professional personnel,
Emergency Installation also equipped with emergency equipments such as child
and adult resuscitation tool, ECG, DC Shock, Nebulizer, Bed Site Monitor with 5
parameters, Suction and others. It also includes 24-hour ready-made Ambulance
service equipped with latest relief aids for patient evacuation.

2.3 Surgery Room

The operating room is a special unit in the hospital, a place for surgical
action, both elective and acute, requiring a pure (sterile) holy state. In general
the operating room environment consists of 3 areas :

1. Free unrestricted area In this area officers and patients do not need to
wear special clothes operating room.
2. Area tight semi (semi-restricted area) In this area officers are required
to wear special clothing operating room consists of hats, masks, shirts
and pants operation.
3. Limited strict area (restricted area). In this area the officer is obliged to
wear special operating room complete and carry out aseptic clothing

Tools in the operating room:

1. Dry Sterilisator
Used for sterilizing instrument, glass ware with electric heating system
2. ESU (Electro Surgery Unit) / Electro Couter
Generating high frequencies to perform surgery with benefits can
minimize bleeding and increase tissue sterility
3. Operation Lamp
Used to illuminate the object during operation
4. Operation Lamp
Used to illuminate the object during operation
5. Microscope eyes
Used to see all parts of the eye so that it can help when the eye surgery
6. Anesthesia machine
To provide anesthesia to the patient by passing anesthesia gas to support
surgical action
7. Infant Warmer
Used to warm the baby to the desired temperature
8. Endoscopy
Used to look inside the patient's body by insertion through oral and
9. Pulse Oxymeter

Used to measure the concentration of oxygen in the blood
10. Blood Pressure Monitor
measure blood pressure whose results can be digitally viewed on the
monitor that there is room operating nurses, specialist doctors who
handle existing disease, patients.

2.4 ENT Poly

Poly ENT (Ear Nose & Throat) serves people who need health care Ear
Nose & Throat handled by DOCTOR SPECIALIST ENT who have experience
in the field.

Services addressed at ENT Poly are:

1. Examination of Ear Nose & Throat

2. ENT Actions (Corpus Alienum, Prope Cerumen, Tonsil Surgery)
3. and others.

Tools in the ENT room:

Equipment used by doctors who are specialized in ENT for example is

like the following product products

1. Laryngoscope

The laryngoscope (larynx + scopy) is a medical medical device
used to obtain views of vocal and glottic folds. The laryngoscope may
be performed to facilitate tracheal intubation during general anesthesia
or cardiopulmonary resuscitation or procedures on the larynx or other
parts of the upper tracheobronchial tree.

2. Otoscope

Otoscope or sometimes called Auriscope is a medical medical

device used to look into the ear. Doctors use otoscopes to filter pain
during routine examinations and also to investigate ear symptoms.

The otoscope function potentially provides a view of the ear

canal and the tympanic membrane, or the eardrum. Since the eardrum
is the border that separates the external ear canal from the middle ear,
its characteristics can be an indication of various diseases of the middle
ear space. The presence of cerumen (ear wax), skin change, pus, leather
edema canal, foreign body, and various ear diseases can obscure every
view of the eardrum and thus greatly endanger the value of otoscopy
done with common otoscope. The most commonly used osteopopes
consist of grip and head. The head contains a light source and a low-
power lens of a simple magnifier, usually about 8 diopters. Distal (front)
end of otoscope has attachment for disposable Specula ear ear.

The first examiner straightens the ear canal by pulling the pinna
and then inserting the ear side of the speculum from the otoscope to the
external ear. It is important to strengthen the hand holding the otoscope
against the patient's head to avoid injury to the ear canal by placing the
index finger or the little finger against the head.

The examiner can then look through the lens at the back of the
instrument and look into the ear canal. In many models, the lens can be
removed, allowing the examiner to insert the instrument through the

otoscope into the ear canal, such as to remove earwax (cerumen). Most
models also have an insertion point for the ball capable of pushing the
air through a speculum called pneumatic otoscope. This gust of air
allows the examiner to test the mobility of the tympanic membrane.

3. Anesthesia Tool

In medical practice, especially surgery, and dentistry, anesthesia is

induced, a collection of one or more of the following characteristics:
analgesia (relief from or pain prevention), paralysis (extreme muscle
relaxation), amnesia (memory loss), and unconsciousness.
Drugs are agents that cause anesthesia. A patient under the
influence of anesthesia is stunned. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who
performs anesthesia. Anesthesia allows painful performance of medical
procedures that will cause severe or unbearable pain for unanesthetized
patients. Three categories of anesthesia exist:
General anesthesia suppresses the activity of the central nervous
system and causes a lack of unconsciousness and total sensation.
Sedation (or dissociative anesthesia) inhibits the transmission of nerve
impulses between the cerebral cortex and the limbic system, which
inhibits both anxiety and the creation of long-term memories.
Conduction anesthesia, commonly known as regional or local
anesthesia, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses between the
targeted part of the body and the spinal cord, causing loss of sensation
in the targeted body part. A patient with conduction anesthesia remains
fully conscious.
Two regional anesthesia categories exist. A peripheral blockade
inhibits sensory perception in body parts, such as tooth numbness for
dental treatment or nerve blocking to stop the sensation of all members
of the body. A central blockade manages anesthesia around the spinal

cord, which suppresses all sensations beneath the block. Examples of
central blockades include epidurals and spinal anesthesia.
4. Halogen lamp

A halogen lamp or often also known as a halogen tungsten, quartz-

halogen or quartz iodine lamp, is an incandescent lamp that has a
number of halogens such as iodine or bromine.

The combination of halogen gas and tungsten filaments produces

chemical reactions of halogen cycles that redeposits evaporate tungsten
back into the filaments, improve survival and maintain sharpness.
Therefore, halogen lamps can be operated at higher temperatures than
full gas lamps of the same standard of power and operating life,
producing higher light and higher color temperatures. The small size of
the halogen lamp allows its use in a compact optical system for
projectors and lighting.

5. Tongue Spatel

Tongue spatel or often also called tongue depressor is a tongue

suppressor. Sometimes also disebuat with Tongue Blade. The function
of this tool is to press the tongue to see more clearly the situation in the
throat, to help see if there is in there are abnormalities, such as there are
inflammation such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Physical form of Tongue Spatel is similar to sticks used for ice cream,
made also made of wood or also from metal. The most common modern
form of this product is flat, thin, neat and round at both ends. Because
the price is cheap and also can not be clean after use then tongue
depressor or tongue spatel usually given information for only one use
and then discarded.

6. The speculum is gone
7. Fork Tala
8. Alcohol swab
9. Ear speculum

2.5 Internal Disease Poly

Internal Disease Poly is one of the outpatient service policemen who have

doctors and nurses who are competent in their

field. Poly It serves the examination and treatment of patients with internal

General purpose

Providing qualified and satisfactory healthcare services to patients or customers

based on scholarship with moral and ethical grounds.

Special purpose

1. Increase professional and visionary, professional, visionary, and noble
2. Increasing sustainable human resource development.
3. Develop hospital services along the development of science and
4. Improve quality and maintain Hospital service standards.
5. Cooperate with institutions of educational institutions, especially in the
health sector.
6. Implement medical research continuously and best.
7. Developing institutional and upgrading facility of hospital facilities and
8. Establish an innovative and accountable financial accountability system.
9. To develop a solid internal oversight synergy through the creation of a
performance-based reward and punishment supervision system.

2.6 Nerves Poly

Serving Diseases associated with nervous system handled by a

neurologist neurologist who is observant, painstaking and communicative in
the examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

Inspection and service provided:

1. Brain / Stroke disease

2. Disturbance of Consciousness and Coma
3. Infectious Disease SSP
4. Disorders and Immunologic Diseases
5. Headache Disease and Spinal Medulla
6. Headache & Vertigo
7. Neuropathic pain & Fibromialgia
8. Peripheral Nerve Disorders

9. Motion Disorder
10. Epilepsy rise
11. Neurogeriatri Climber
12. Inspection of EEG and EMG

Tools contained in the neural tube:

1. CT and MRI imaging scans - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and

computerized tomography (CT) focuses on the brain and spinal cord
region, there is also MRI angiography and CT angiography that sees
images of blood vessels, used to study the nervous system and detect
areas which is problematic. The carotid Doppler ultrasound instrument
is used to examine the blood flow leading to the brain through the
carotid artery.
2. PET tests - PET scans can be used to gather both genetic and molecular
information about the brain and its activity. This tool is widely used to
detect problem areas in the brain and also brain tissue that can still be
saved. This indicates that PET scans are not only used to detect existing
problems, but also to slow disease progression.
3. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
4. Study of nerve conductivity or electromyogram (EMG)
5. Elektroneurogram (ENG) - this tool is a diagnostic test used to measure
electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain, especially in the central and
peripheral areas.
6. Eye movement analysis
7. Neurophysiological tests - these tests include several written tests that
assess the patient's attention, language, memory, thinking, and learning
8. Lumbar puncture - also known as cerebrospinal fluid analysis, this test
is performed by taking a small amount of fluid from the spinal canal to
be analyzed
9. Biopsy of the skin and nerve muscles

10. Blood tests
2.7 Surgery General Poly

Poly Surgery General serving the public who need health services in the
process of general surgery is handled by DOCTOR SPESIALIS SURGERY
GENERAL who has experience in the field.

The services handled at Poli Surgery are:

1. Operate Small.
2. Operate Hernia, Appendicitis, Haemoroid (Hemorrhoid).
3. Consultation About Surgical Process.
4. and others.

Poly Surgery serves people who need health services such as surgical cases,
such as:

1. Minor surgical cases (Skin Tumors, Under Skin Tumors, (Lipoma,

Fbroma) Ateroma, Ganglion etc.).
2. Major surgical cases (hernia, appendixitis, hemorrhoids / hemorrhoids,
struma, breast tumors, porstat enlargement (BPH), congenital
abnormalities (hollow lips), hygroma cysts, undescensed testiculorum,
hydrocele etc.)

The man in the surgical poly room:

Surgical poly is served by a professional surgeon and prioritizes response time.

2.8 Lansia Poly


Elderly Police Service is a patient service age 45 and above that requires
outpatient treatment of general practitioners and other medical personnel
including investigation, drug administration and medical treatment


Providing services to patients on street treatment effectively and efficiently.


1. Stethoscope
2. Tension meter
3. Adult scales
4. Height gauge


1. General Doctor

2. Nurse
3. Lansia (patient)
4. Patient Family
2.9 Isolation Room

Space Isolation is done against infectious disease patients, isolation
describes the separation of patients or separation of infected persons or animals
during the incubation period under certain conditions to prevent or reduce the
occurrence of transmission either directly or indirectly from vulnerable persons
or animals.Instead, quarantine is an action that conducted to limit the movement
of healthy people who are suspected of having contact with certain infectious
The function of doing this "General Precautions" is that the health care
workers who care for the patient are protected from blood-borne diseases that
can infect them through improper needle puncture & skin lesions & mucous
1. Gloves
2. Mask
3. Apron

4. Disinfection fluid
5. Hygiene equipment
1. Doctor
2. Nurses
3. Cleaning Services
4. Nutrition
5. Patient Family
2.10 Radiology Room


Radiology Installation is one of the supporting medical installations that

provide radiology examination services with the results of examination in the
form of photos / drawings to help doctors who treat patients in diagnosis


To keep the treatment right on target, minimize side effects, to predict

the probability of cure (prognosis), to be efficient, and to minimize trial and


1. Radiology Aircraft (MOBIL X-ray Unit)

2. Procesing Unit (X-ray film washer)


1. Letter or introductory sheet of x-ray of doctor

2. Patient registration book
3. Expertise Blank
4. Film Radiology
5. Radiology Cassette
6. Radiology Marker
7. Patient Change Clothes


Installation Of Radiology

2.11 Otopsi Room


The Autopsy Room is an examination of the body of the corpse, which

includes examination of the outside and inside, in order to find the process of
disease and / or injury, to interpret or find such findings, to explain the cause of

death and to seek a causal relationship between the abnormalities found with
dead cause.


To find out the illness or cause of death and to evaluate the results of health
restoration efforts.


1. Big and Small Scales

2. Knives
3. Scissors
4. Tweezers
5. Chorsaws
6. 1 liter pint glass
7. Plaque
8. Hammer
9. Meter
10. Needles and threads
11. Gloves
12. Basin and bucket


1. Medical Record Installation

2. Installation Of Street Road
3. Installation Of Cultivation Recovery
4. Police
2.12 Laboratory

The laboratory is a scientific research, experiments, measurements or

scientific training done. The laboratory is made to enable such activities in a

controlled manner. Scientific laboratories are usually distinguished according
to the discipline, for example physics laboratory, chemistry laboratory,

biochemistry laboratory, computer laboratory, and language laboratory.

Kind of laboratory :

1. The biochemestri generally includes tools and chemical reactions

2. The medical managed by Graduate Institute of Cancer Biology
of China Medical University(Taiwan)
3. The techniques biology molecular in university Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan
4. The working table in the laboratory chemistry
5. The laboratory physics

Laboratory equipment refers to the various fixtures and equipment used by

scientists working in a laboratory:

1. Vintage equipment includes equipment such as bunsen burners, and

microscopes as well as special supplies such as space cooling operand,
spectrophotometer and calorimeter.
2. The chemical laboratory consists of laboratory glassware such as beaker or
reagent bottle. Analytical equipment such as HPLC or spektrofotometer.

3. Laboratory of molecular biology laboratory of biological sciences consists
of autoclavable bench-top laboratory bioreactor and fermenter, autoclave,
microscope, centrifuge, shaker and mixer, pipettes, thermal cyclers (PCR),
photometer, refrigerator and freezer, machine testing universal, incubator,
bioreactor, and others.

Consumables for small volume especially the sterile ones. Laboratory

equipment is generally used to conduct experiments or measurements and
collect data. Equipment larger or more sophisticated generally called a
scientific instrument. Better laboratory equipment and instruments scientific,
more designed and used in conjunction with the principles of open hardware.

2.13 Musholah

Mosque is a place or small house resembling a mosque used as a place

to recite and prayer for muslims. mosque is also often called by the surau or
langgar. Its function resembles a mosque, but there are a few things that
distinguish it with the mosque, namely :

1. Can not be used for salat jumat.

2. Can not be used to iktikaf.
3. Sometimes the mosque is privately owned.
4. Generally smaller sized than a mosque

2.14 Apotek

According to the decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

No. 1332/Menkes/SK/X/2001, the Pharmacy is a specific place to perform the
work of pharmacy and distribution of drugs to the

Definition of pharmacy according to PP 51 of 2009, the

Pharmacy is a place or terminal drug distribution of
pharmaceutical supplies maintained by the pharmacist
according to the standard and ethics of pharmacy.

Duties and functions of the pharmacy :

1. Place of the profession of a pharmacist who has sworn position.

2. Means of pharmacy to carry out the compounding, conversion of form,
mixing, and delivery of drugs or materials.
3. The means of distribution of pharmaceutical supplies in spreading the
necessary medicines to the community at large and evenly

2.15 Nutrition installation

Nutrition installation is part of the hospital to serve the needs of the food
and drink, especially for inpatients also for the employees of the hospital.
Nutrition installation is identical with the kitchen so often laymen assume that

the kitchen was dirty and slovenly, but actually it is not so. The kitchen is a
place to process raw food into prepared food, where the place of the needed
tools offered and supported by human resources who are skilled and
deft.Hospital kitchen is not just a kitchen, because it processes the menu
required by a patient who also support the patient's recovery. The installation
of nutritional support the process of healing, because the patient is in need of
nutritional intake during their hospitalization. Expected part of the installation
nutrition can serves food or drink is healthy, clean, nutritious, and interesting.

Services-the services provided by the installation of nutrition, among

others :1. Procurement and provision of food for inpatients and employees of
the house sakit2. Nutrition services-patient inap3. Counseling, consultation and
referral to nutrition for the lay people through seminars-seminar4. Research and
development of nutritional terapanDalam the procurement or provision of food
ranging from planning to material food to come and continue in the process of
processing and distribution are overseen by a nutritionist. Nutritionist hospital
are also ready to provide consultation, education, and evaluation of nutrition
better for the patient inpatient, outpatient and the patient's family who are in

2.16 KIA Poly ( The health of a mother and child)


Is the servive outpatient in the filed of health concerning the service and
maintenance pregnant women, the delivery room, graduate delivery room,
moms breastfeeding and serve counseling.


To keep the health of a mother and child reached the ability to live
healthy through an increase in degrees health for themother and her family.

Instrument In the Poli KIA

No Equipment Type
1 1/2 Korcher Clamps
2 Anuscope
3 Tub Instrument with lid
4 Metal tray where the sterile tool is closed
5 Doppler
6 Cut the yarn
7 Cut the verban
8 Korcher pliers
9 A bowl for solution
10 Instrument table / tool
11 Gynecology check table
12 Hammer reflex
13 Pen lancet
14 Long anatomical tweezers
15 Short anatomical tweezers
16 Surgical tweezers
17 Cylindrical sterile cylinders
18 Sonde mouth
19 Large vaginal speculum
20 Moderate vaginal speculum
21 Small vaginal speculum
22 Vaginal speculum (Sims)
23 Adult Sphygmomanometer
24 Stand lamp for action
25 Adult stethoscope
26 Fetal stethoscope
27 The tongue tongue is 12cm long
28 The long metal tongue angle is 16.5 cm
29 Tampon pliers
30 Check beds
31 Adult Ternometer

32 Adult scales
33 Rubber tornets

Unit involved in Poli KIA

1. Doctor
2. Nurse
3. Patient

2.17 Dental Poly


Dental treatment center is one of the types of health center services that
provide basic dental and oral services such as dental fillings, tooth extraction
and tartar cleaning.
It also provides counseling to patients about the importance of maintaining oral
health as part of maintaining personal health, as well as improving community
knowledge and awareness in the field of oral and dental health.

To improve the quality, coverage, efficiency, teeth and mouth in order
to achieve the ability of self dental field of dental and oral health as well as the
optimal dental and oral health status.

Instrument In the poli Dental

1. 2 dental unit.
2. Light cure composite.
3. Ultrasonic scaler.
4. Complete basic inspection tool and sufficient quantity.
5. Root canal equipment (specialist).
6. Equipment to support dental disease removal (specialist).

2.18 Eye Poly

Serving examination, treatment, action and consultation of various diseases
related to the eyes.

Assess eye health
Eye Tool
2. Snellen / Projektor.
3. Trial Lens set.
4. Trial Frame.

5. Lensmeter.
6. Tonometer.
7. Streak Retinoscope.
8. Direct Ophthalmoscope.
9. Loupe optivisor.
10. Book ishihara.
11. PD Meter.
12. Reading Cart.

Associate Officer at Poli Mata

1. Ophthalmologists
2. Nurse
3. Patients
2.19 Pulmonary poly

The lung is one of the organs in the respiratory system that serves as a place to
exchange oxygen from the air that replaces carbon dioxide in the blood. This process
is termed as respiration by using haemoglobin rock as an oxygen binder. Once O2 in
the blood is bound by hemoglobin, it is then passed throughout the body.

To check for abnormalities found in lung organ.

The tools are in pulmonary poly

Officers are in lung poly
1. Lung specialist

2. Nurse
3. Patient

3.1 Conclusion
The hospital is a health care institution that organizes personal
health services in a plenary manner providing care services in
patient, out patient, and emergency room. The hospital has many

function, wrong the other is to provide health care for the whole

3.2 Suggest
From the description of papers that have been presented then we
can provide advice to the public to know some specific room in the
hospital. The author realizes this paper is far from perfection then
with the existence of this paper, it is expected the reader can
understand about the definition of some room in the hospital.


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