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di} Flu Nd Vedas MZ! Mechanics F : Fluid & Hydraulics yerau Edition ‘*Complete and detailed discussion of the formulas and principles | ever 800 solved and sunpiementary problems aiiseful tables ond conversion factors With index tor easy access to topiesin the book ‘includes recent board examination questions byDITGILLESANIA ISBN 971-8614~: 28. 1 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics ReVised Edition DIEGO INOCENCIO T. GILLESANIA Oo Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics comrte 0 197 199, tee tmcenl ea esamia sper epee none iaog exhaweeomy son or.s616an2 ge ‘Sms Certenerinn Peve ovr dren by the etor “The cardinal objective ofthis book i o provide reference to Engineering students taking-up Pid Mecharics and Hydraulics ‘This may also serve ass gulde to enginceringsadents who will be faking the licensure examingtion given bythe ‘The book has 9 chapters. Each chapter presets the principles and formulas iwolved, followed by solved problems aod Supplementary problems. Each step inthe Soltion i carefully explained to enrare that it will be readily understood. Some probleme are even solved in several methods to give the reader & choice o the typeof solution he may adopt To provide the reader easy access othe diferent opis, the book includes index Mos ofthe snaterials inthis book have been used in my review classes, The choice ofthese materials was guided by their ffectivenees as tested in my’ classes I vvih to thankall my fiends and relatives who inspired me in writing my books and expecially to my children and beloved ‘wife Imelda who i very supportive to me. | willapprecateany errors pointed out and will welcome any suggestion for farther improvement. DIEGO INOCENCIO T. GILLESANIA (Cebu City, Pitippines TABLE OF CONTENTS i CHAPTER.1 ees : ar A Tomy mat ie ie eee 6 ‘my wife Imelda, an and our Chron Kim Dene, Sempre ; Kerbati, sy cage tS nt Rarer trope Canes 4 CHAPTER 2 Ss of yest z pee y : eon = eae 3 a emf ies ina 2 te = SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS it CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 5 Total Hydrortatic Force on Surtees. 73 | Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 2a Toa yet Frc on Plane Surface B Diackarge 2 Proper of Common Geomet Shajes. 7 Detnton of ome a “al rotate Freon Curved Safe * Energy ard Head a Power and Eiicescy 36 Dams a1 | Bernoulli's Energy Theorem. 246 "Types of Daman 81. |. Energy end Hydraulic Grade Lines 248 fry as a SOLVED PROBLEMS 2078 ‘chimed Pains MH seatalSuby of eng Boia | Stenson Thin Walled Pressure Vessel % | ‘Cylindrical Tank. 96 i CHAPTER 6 Sphere Sha 3 | Fluid Flow Measurement Wood Stave Pipes. 93 | ‘Device Coefficients SOLVED PROBLEMS. Getwigs | Hend lotin Measuring Devices SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS isc | One | Natu af Her Various Candons Contraction ofthe Jt nr under Low Head. ‘CHAPTER 4 Venturi: ren Relative Equilibrium of Liquids 20 Neate. Rectinear Transition 2 Pt Tube Hirota oson zat Gate a Inclined oton 2 ‘Tubes Vera Motion 2 ‘Urtendy Flow (Onc). E Rotation 28 Wate ‘Volume of arabia 28 Chassicaton of Weis. Liguit Surface Conditions. ae Rectangular Wet SOLVED PROBLEMS io 20 Contacte Recanguls We ‘riangulas Weis ‘Trapezoidal Weiss ‘Cipolleti Weir Sutiro Wei 308 i TABLE OF CONTENTS | TABLE OF CONTENTS v Submerged Wek 305 | CHAPTERS Unsteady Faw oe ve, a8 ee we | Onc a ‘SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS... sma |} Gey Formula 482 : fg eee a | Mansing Forma 42 CHAPTER 7 betes ‘se Fluid Flow in Pipes. “375 | Union Flow “es Detntos 575 | Boundnry Shear Sees pa Reyrlds Number 57 | Noma Depth 486 soy Denn ini 377 | Ver Bent Sections 86 carng Suet Pes 2 | wrt for Most cient Soto ro Hea Lessin Pipe ow on ees 7 ‘nr ead Los an | Tropezedal Seton 307 ‘aro Wed Formula. S| pe re Vn se cua Secon. 420 ova Baga 38 | veloaty Disubuton in Gpen Chanel ra Manag oral 365 | herete Sages of ow. a Haren Willame Pom. 6 tee 492 Minor Head Los ae Cote Depth 92 Suen lage 385 | om UufoenorVaied How 95 Gradual Entgement Tie | Noptaliem or ‘or Sudden Contacton w-888 | Hw round Channel Bonds 500 Bers ad Standard Fins 30 |» Sorvep rosie. Soi Pipe Diskargng fom Reserve 350 TARY PROLENS 54749550 rece Tee Nene eceees serene Pipes in Series and Pasa. isa Byutvten Pipe es Resevoir Prolens oo Pipe Nebwore = oe SOLVED PROBUS. ‘ooioare SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLENIS rr vi TABLE OF CONTENTS | fuBuEcHcs rroperterornenas 7 CHAPTER 9 | Rodynanic | |Chapter 1 Force against Fixed Flat Plates Force against Fixed Curved Vanes Force against Moving Vanes ‘Work Done on Moving Vanes Force Developed on Closed Conduit. Drag and Lift. = “Terminal Velocity, Water Hammer, SOLVED PROBLEMS... 2 SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS APPENDIX Properties of Fluids and Conversion Factors ‘Table A~1 Viscosity and Density of Water at atin Table A ~2: Viscosity and Density of Ai at L atm... Toble A~3: Propertis of Common Liquids at 1 atin & 20°C ‘Table A=: Properties of Cammon Gases at am & 20°C ‘Table A~5: Surface Tension, Vapor Pressure, and Sound Speed of Water Table A ~6; Properties of Standard Atmosphere ‘Toble & ~7: Conversion Factors from BG to SI Units Table A~8: Other Conversion Factors INDEX I-IV Properties of Fluids ids are generally died int wo categorie del Suds and yea His in motor ae wh Ipleatons tnd devon in geen wing Mads Fa mechanic canbe bid int vo mar tee, i, ch dear with ls srt anf yamine wan ton “otc dips pp oe of igus lowly gt iova where son be Cideed ws beg evenly ncompresiic ye deals wis the appistion of ud machi toangnering devine | ‘nwoing guia ater oro. Hydrases deals ith rach problems {8 thew of ude Uaough pipes ori open canals the dig e storage kms pumps and water frbiner, and with ter deze for Be santos ‘oc of gids uch ar nose, aver, je ad Nowe Rn a are vn (hens esse set) ‘incompreniie 1 ine ay wn ong {Rovticon tween noving ayo of it INoctiyaonener ace es ite FED inte veces Nena slosty tabution When Nowing Compressibie 2 gurrerone ruoweouwes | po wecucs acto 3 ar at omreaics | Evens . Real fluids are further divided into Nerotortiayfiaids and non-Newlomi fis. “where: p= absolute pressure of gas in Pa eprom Ege ed pio ne a de vith Nin ci fo ee ‘Sete pons tpn st po es ed Regia. ‘ther simple Hide ike achat going, aid olasons, ee However, slurs pastes, gel, suspensions may nt shave according to simple Haid Re iris sug"® "T= atelute temperate in Kalen teers snaPe ast a se ates, eer B ee 3 = @ nore en nn “The density of id iits massper unit of volume. Specfe volume, Vs isthe volo ocepied by aunt mass offi. =e oo 5 Be Gale el, Nteonesrals ieee cesteane wan For an eal ge density canbe found fom the specif yar constant and Sel psw z Bia weperaa 2 prey yrs Bytes 4 ropertarot rues teed | SSnronautics reroctruns 5 Un: English: st Nj or kN/m Space gravy, « dimensionless ratio of 4 Dai's density 10 sme anderd reference density. For guide a slide, the rfernce deny is svar at C32" F, oe aa ‘he upper plate wil adhere tot and wil move with the sume velit while thet incon with he ed ple wl hve sre velo. Formal! ‘ves of Und the veloc gatient en he serum a Se sight ne nd Prarie a9 Usnd ys where the constant of proportionality Iie called the dyranic of tsalte veo denote i Jn ss th standard reference to calculate the spec gay the density cnn oe a e157 bps ‘= eb = 981 BN? P=19 slugs /A = 100 bg? viscostry (40) ‘he property ofa fil which determines the amount of i resietance t Sheafng eres. A pert uid would have no Viseos ‘Contder two age paral Phe tall tee part he space been, hem ng led wth i Considers upper plteto Desubjct afore Fo aro rove thacontant vlty U0 The id icone shears inf of Pa re olte vic inh se (pie) or Fees 1 =Aisance beta the plates ino Um selocy nit orm/e INEMATIC VISCOSITY v (WU) Kinematic vicosy edhe rao of he dynamic vacoty of the Oa 0 te as dent. B19 sate vss n Pasoe Do densityinkg/m Note Tpoise=1dynes/em=01 Pasee _(Ldyne=10°N) & Fagor or de MMEnvonauues | _Eimpeace rroperarattanae 7 See = Sm [Ata [Krome | f ‘ Engl ore Bf | . : = aa ipa ks . st ween ms dak Moke =n00et nee SURFACE TENSION o (SIGMA) The membrane of skin” that sens to orm on the ee surface of 2 id i die 1 the Intermolecular cohesive force, an town a sts Surface tension sth reason thatinsece ze bl toot om wnt rt noes chet lat ont. Stas tenon lo cree Buble an drops fhe om ‘perl sap in ny oe sap meld ve moe ae sn Pressure inside a Droplet of Liu: (ayaanain> ceeccn 9) Cates > athe ptr (Cpiery atin te name gven to the behavior ofthe iid in ‘R-bore tube The seo alors fu in » capillary tobe se cosed bY ‘fas tension and depend onthe eave mages ofthe obese ofthe guid and the adhesion of the il tothe walls of the corsining ese {gid ise tn bes thy wet adeion > coeson td al in ube they 30 tls he)" import wn aig tat ne Byatt 10 For complet wating, with water on aan las he angle o> suiaetesion in N/m 1 dimotr of he droplet nm hae: r= capillary rar depression = 4yStatwelght n/m 2 dame of he be in face son in cuacren one ruupuccrames | ru ecoanies cinrren one 8 _Fopertes of rs ‘Ewvonauues | Siwpnaaues. repetitions 9 Talat seem? a oe wis Tae mage san aE ern 7 rr pall aa ® aie ca deen a | kerosene gins ae LA a J yess ae ‘ei © a PRESSURE DISTURBANCES ‘COMPRESSIBILITY, Compress (lio known. he srt of resi is So rina ‘Sin lane f= a yr ot ng roan er Prope ditrtances impoeed on 2 uid move in waver, The veloc ot felety of premure wave (ato known sata! omic lo) Ie expressed as ti? Forany eal ga experiencing any process, the equation of sates given by: wher: "SV change in vlame = egal volume ‘Spe angen pressure 40/0 = change in wolume arly percent BULK MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, Ee ‘The alk modal of last of the Pid expen the compessbiy othe uid Ie the tie of the change in uit pressure fo the ceresponding ‘me shang pra of alum. a ae a peed hen temper eel constant. 1-18 eco to(Bye'La) ‘When tempers shed conan Gotermal condition), By. 1-18 eds (0(Charies ie) qt By.t-20 to. garrenone ronecrusics Fropertar at ids ‘or Adiabatic or Ientropic Conditions (no heat exchanged) Rien where Pint absolte pres of gs Praia able pressure of ge nal volun of gor inal vtame of gue {Tina beste temperate of gain "K (K=°C #273) ys final asst mpereare of goin "K ato ofthe epee heat constant presare to the speci at at ‘init vlna Als own os adbatc expen. VAPOR PRESSURE Moteur ati in 2 guid wil lw rome ofthe molecules expe the Tigud surface Moles ofthe vapor aio condense back int the gu, The ‘nporzaton and condaneton st constant fompersture ae exiles Dprasavar The eqlltcum peesare eed by tase fee moles is known ike mor pss or aeteton psi Some liquide, such ¢ propane, butane, anumoia and eo, have igen Soper rresve at novel amperes Liquids ear thot boing pot ot fat apores easly ate sald feels Oter gus such a meeary, ‘vig or rr a bean enprte ge o “The tency toward vapoition i dependent on Whe tempers ofthe Tui Boting accurs wen the gid temperature is incenn othe pont that the vapor pes equal he lost ambient (rounding pressure ‘Ts gts oling temperature depend on he oe! ambient posure trellis teeny to vapors Properties fle abe yl estes aa Se ‘ie a Fen En [Solved Problems Problem 4-1 [Aeonvseofglyerin hae a mats of 200 and s vole of 952 cH ind) weight) wil weight, ace Sey, oan (specie ery 6) Sotation (a) Weight Weg 201081) Weight WOSL772N or 1.772 KN 0 Uatwiner= ra oat nth (yp Density, p= 2200. P9982 Density 9 = 12605 kg? 2 _roperserruias IEHWORAUUCS | ERYORAULICS rropervorresas 13. spc gy, = 3288 } Specie gaviy, Probien T= ‘Te specif gravity of cera i 082. Clete spec weight in Tht and KN an (mars denying ae (0) Speci weigh y= ome Specie weigh y= 624082" S1368 yf? Specs weigh y= 26 ~ 052 -804N Densiy, 9 = Domne Density,p = 150082 ~2.59 tga Dena = 100% 082620 ke Problem i= Alter f wate weigh about 978 N. Comput mangas sohution Problem t= an objet has» mas f 22g at an leva () what wll ei sight a 2 pe whe th aeration i vy = 873 / ) a (@) Since the mao an ois abso, eas wil be 2 Fowent-s ‘What i the weigh of 45-kg Boulder ie Brought to a place where the ecneration dv rai 385 m/s perminate) solton wea cs , Amin 3 6500m/e we (6585) W285 {Ee specie volume of cetin gat is OTE mg what te epic wage entire kg/m Sprite weight Specie weight y=125 Ni 14 properties of Pluie EHVORAUUCS | HYDRAULICS rroperterotriuics 15 ‘Watt spec lho 40 KPa and 2°Cr [ f - a7, ross | bat pe whee =28r yg =Tartg/a? & v8" Lr sos? Deno ae Ee) (2 so.a29 10° u7 see = 0.380 p-seiohg ea) Gasconstat R= P87 Tag" 56000581 Ps Nat Fore ate Aire Kp at preture of 201 te and» tegen Find the mass dest of hema tnipertue of °C and presses 0 184 Pa guge i tncophene pena 10L324Pa fh 2079 7g) ston Denaty 9 TURES itn po assaibe Dena, 9= 282010 2091277) Density 90.4955 gn? a ‘32°C and 205 KPa gage, the specie weight of certain gs wap 137 N/m termine the gs cent ots gs Sie tonne What the maze of 5° Sotetion Rr ams? we p=23kg/m? 2255 8, Mase #15 Feb T =r ‘Alindsic an 0 cm in ester and 90 xm High ed with 2g ‘The unk andthe gid weghed #20 hg The weigh of he empy tank 0 ig: Whats the ut weight fhe qu in kN/ 2? 16 rupumoyes | rupees comet al? a sion ay NT 22 osgne ae F(08)*(0.90) oe a D soma Hex, a foto amet ins feat Mectineyatann seg Will egd saat gene” pounce lead = 113, ae pent32 MPa = Tetwnaisga cant duude aE ro 30 (00003) Leesan i9zem Proven A tiga compressed in a container has @ vue of Br a presse of 1 [Pend a volume of 0995 ier at pres of? MPa. The bik module ok sissy ofthe gu is ‘Sotation bo ie at Wi aH i=200Ps Fabien t= ‘What posure i equied to sedace the volume of water by 6 pase? Balk modal of arty of water Fy =22.GPa Woter i Hydrate prem initlly 2 17 KPa bic, sujet 10 Pressure of 116280 KPa atslate” Using Er = 25 GPa determine the centage decree inthe voe of water ero wre aoe 620-19 .10 i cae Pon 6 Ie 9 ofan del psa 24°C a 150 KPa i comps 02,0) what the rnin peetreauing thermal condone) What would have teen the presur and empertie if the proce i teenapie Uae = 13, 18S epasxans | Epa notte 19 (a) Foraothermal condition (01 Forisonope proces 109) rosso kPa ae a" Fete ekoriotee Fee fhe wacsy of water 270°C 000402 poise ans Specie grat 0978 etre it blue vic in Pa and he kieran m/s ‘Solution ‘Abst ico = 00pm pose x SHPE=* Kinematic wscosiy 2” Goo 07a) yeeit0' me 411108 mej — 18th "Soom 75 Twolarge plane ssfce are 25m apart an th pac between them fled trike icon = 0958 Pa. Asvuming te veloty gradient tbe tight line what feces miedo pls ery hn tof 037 are {Sawant peed of 03 nsf pate eB mm om one ofthe safes” Feneh ay we ELA ty fe os pn 0888031057, nen rasa ie Fotsoen ‘Reyer of 125 mm radia les conceal dea ed ele of Teo mm adi Botheylndoe are 00 me ong. Determine the wou 0 Chega whch ls th space between the cles orgs of O88 Nem is ‘Baan an angular velocty ef 20 raians/see Assume the ‘oly recent bea aap ine 20 Fropetesot uy PPiaonauus | SANDRA rropemeerreas 21 Staion ra Uso : Olof treeanuay 7 ae assain ier name (09 Torque = F(0.125) = Toms Tongue =o (125) 0 5201251039] 0125) pao ns ed Problem Ta ‘An ek sa sides dove a 15" clined plane on x Smmihick fim of ith sony j= OOSL4 Passe. Hf the contac ene 03 nd the er | Termina velocy is atin when he sum ofall orcs in the dnston of Uaseum/s Sets Problem TT Eats the eight o which war wilt ina capillary tube of ameter 3 rim Useo = C0728N/m andy = S810 Nj for ater Sotation Note =90" for waters clan be copia vise = 400728) seo.) Capita b= 00089 m= 28 am CCpioy i b= Problema "Extimate the capilry depression for mercer in lass apt abe 2 muni dame Useo= 0514 N/m and O10" sotton cost, MOSLANeoe14% vd” BOW I38N00) Copiary rie = 0.0058 gemini yee) ‘Caplan depression = 89 22 susnone romecaics ‘What the vale ofthe surface tenon of mall drop of wate 09 mm inter which conact with lithe prsere within the droit 5 a sor 20012 Nin Feat T ae ‘naomi forme water droplt 4 ymin diate Deterine the excess pressure within thse doping o 0071 Non. Dit water stands in glass tbe of 9mm dato ight 24mm, Whati the toe ati igi” Uses = D7 N/m. soton “ruc stat hight ©2266 mm as sensttis 23 operant Pus Problem 1-26 ‘sonar ormier operat impale pr scon the dove ald to the suace of resh ater (x= 20410 Pa and the ech eau mi tetween paler, Bow dep the wate? recere wave ound wave Since th sc erccved tiny bebween imps en ‘etl wf rave of soune Fe.) = see and thot) as taas09 aban Ta [seat pressure wl 80°C wate bol ‘Napoca of waar O°C = 474s) solution ‘Water wi bil he aomorpheric pressure equa se vapor grew | Tyeeore water t 80°C wil bil at 7. Pe 24 fropetaror ae fafbmonauucs | Enmpnautes rropeterartanas 25 ‘Supplementary Problems ‘hat would beth weight of 3:kg mae ona planet where the asaeration fect grea el m/2 ‘eral ying ank wit dimer of 12m a depth of milled ‘rth water tthe op with water at 20°. he water sete to 0°, bow Imuch wate wl spl over?" Unse weight of water a °C and 30°C 978 EN) and 968 KN respoetve 2 rg ste! container paral led with ia a 15 tm The volume of the gad 129000 L"Atsprlsere of 30 athe volume ofthe qld 1100 Lind the average Balk mel of ea ofthe bg over the [Bren range of peru f the temperture ater compresion tr allowed > ‘umf nl value, What the concent of eomprense? fu fy 1872 GPs: 6= 0534 GPa robe 1-31 aleult the dens of water vapr 2350 kPa abe and 20° its a5 constant (eaea KPa ag Ane 2591/0 dir shop at pressure of 200 KPa and fmperature'of 20°C in » SOD, Ane 1158 (6) 112 mf sitogen at SPC oink 125 KPa abe Ss permit to eapand other ( 50 what i ha vealing prea? (8) What would the ae atmo have ban the proceed been entropic? ie A) 50 KPa abs 7 Kant 6 ‘A aac block weighing 12 Vand 250 me on an egy aides down an {nie ema fm of ol 60 go hice. Assuming = near velacty profile inthe ‘ik and nogcting.a resitonc, eho thermal eos ofthe Bock? Thevtacertyofoie7 mPa Angle ection’ 2 Ane sisa/s enzne at 20°C has tony of 000051 Fae, What hear sane equred ‘to dform the Gui at sain rte of 500? Ane 12339 Pa ‘shaft 70min in ams sein puted a2 speed of 00 min/s tvough 2 ‘arng sore 702mm indameie ad 250 oun ong, The dearance,astmed Saf ied wih lat 20°C wh v= 0006 tn/s and sp. gr = 09. Find {before eared by he olin he sha wo clean parallel gla Se separa by a dtance ¢=15 mm, are dipped Inaba of wt Tow fr ows hg wer is veto capliay acon s0= Fron 26 Properse otis up mecuanies Problem 1-38 Fn the ange he surface tension film lees the gas for 2 vere! tbe Inui water te ater 025 fn an he cpily 5 6 008 nck. Useo = 05 b/f Ane 43° Wat fos rogue to Mt a thin wie sing 6 em in dame om a water Safa a 20°C? of water st 20°C — D728 N/a). Nagi the weg ofthe Chapter 2 Principles of Hydrostatics rencpleringeovoie 27 LUNTT PRESSURE OR PRESSURE, p Fssure i the fre per tata exerted y a gud ar gas on body or ‘facet he force acting at rit angle the suo aormly ial rotons Ret area Hyd Inthe English sytem, pena wly mesure pounds per aguarnch (psn neatonal ange, n ogre pr square centimeters g/<02) oF fm sosphera nd in he ietrnaonal mete stom Sn Newtons Per ‘ate mer Pac. The uit smarpore ate = dalled sa resu of {Tee gle heli, whl in fern of he conven mercury taromea, coresponds to 70m (29821 i) of mercry. The unt lope (Gap idefined ae prseue of 00102 b/c (1651/49). Psa’ igo, developed by French mathematician Bs Para sates tat te frosute on ud again al dcton nd in al ports of Be container In Figure 2-1, gd flows nto the large container at he botom, prs ashe the liga ually up int he Ibo above the contre The ud Baste saielevel inal lhe tubes, eras of the shape of angle of he cs 2B Frincierorrcrosttcs eR ieeatles “hel of fad mechanic ate observable in many everyday stustone. Fr crample the pesure exerted Ly water tthe botom ofa psn wil bo te ‘ae asthe pressure esate by water a the batom a mich nao pie provided depth remain orton longer pip led wn ater hed 0 {havi raches musa Deight of 1 my Ub water wil ext te same [rstue a the otter amples ft of Figure? Pars can low op 2 wall 5 down in devices such a siphons (ight of Figure 22). Hydrostar “ste wte inthe siphon fo flow up and over the edge unl the bucks | "empy or the suction & brcken A sphon is partly weal er emptying Conaines he should note ped awe 2-2 hte Pca La, up mecus cuarrerrwo 39 Princes of yarns Gage Pressure (Relative Presture) ‘Gag prestes are presses above or below the atmosphere and can be sere pravure props armanoretrs Frama psu itrnce 2 = "Ske manomaersua econo U-shape be wh one end corm Te conner snd the ter apn foie nner fled wit uch = seer oor mercy the lees ne id surface levels in the too Tmncmeler log indaee te posure fees, fom lvl Snorer Cenilons. For higher prsaredierercs a Bourdon gauge named sr he French iwentor Eugine Bourdon, weed THs const of helow mat tbe ih anova eros seon an he shape af ook: One en fe te loth open and comes othe ensurement gin unosphere Presure& Vacuum ‘Arwen Pres the preset any ane pot on th ear surace frm the ‘weigh ofthe tr above ie Asean sta that ne nat enoved am 1 ips cant © pert vctum ip the Ikurtay ro mater ow srt sain it re na aa peeve ‘Shake be decibel ars ropan of opce when he pate & he an the orl ems pena f 70 an 299) recy Under Normal enitior at lve Poe =z 7 HOsskee oot pressure the posure above abot ar (oa) + ennloe snopes eauatthe neato ans’ ete ese 30 Principles of Hydrostatics EHYDRAUUCS | EHYDRAULICS Prncipies of Hysrestatis 31 Conair any eo Pint 4 2), wheaediference in slevaon hte the {ds of an cemetary pee hens cose soctonal ace wand a length of - Since this rpm ster l ora sng upon tmust be ln equi sent = 01250 pidproegoe meses igre 2-2: Rt an atcha an oe esis te: ness ern sti nN 0k a ese espe ese SET ener mcrae sie, vo meena” A Figure 2-4 Fas cng 1 rent Pik reference Figure 2-4 Were ro sanoweTER bro, avererac bane, 9 RR =Wsind etal eat tl cm pram (a) snd {Scans ero estes Myione butLsind i Seschivwssesrigr “heer; heifer x prerehoreny is mogenens i? ei pal ot pc of a eight fh do her it emcee ont 32 File otters ‘hs ane that ny change prem a pot Telnet cage oon 2 Therefore pressure applied at any point in e Ugd 6 res ‘foamed pi nds a vey othr pnt in to i Let us assume tat plat fn Figure 2 4k onthe ee gud sue, he ‘he gage premurep sexo and Eg, 7-4 bxomar enemy a een Ne " a oureenve 35 Pinepeser yates ‘Conlder the tank shown to be il wit quis of diferent densities and with ait the op under a gage prssure of the presure at he Eaten of thetak meebyispenhewh phe qa7 ‘Pressure hea isthe height “i ofa column of homogeneous gu of uit ‘weighty atl produce anntnsty of presse. ‘Ths ean hatte prerelease he prc ftw gh of te ad 6) and Consider tat pins © and © in Fgure 24 e onthe same cleation, sc ‘hath then Bg 2- «becom: nee peng “To Convert Pressure head (height) of qld Ato gud B29 sire a Pressure below Layers of DiferntLqulds ‘To.conver pressure head (hight) of any iui to water, ust mally te roe _ Mist by ke specie ‘carter nwo riuwecuames | rum mecnanecs cuarter Two 34 Pencils or Hyorosais ‘eiworauues | Srroeauulcs rrncilesorryarater 35 MANOMETER ‘Step in Solving ManomaterProblams: [A maonrter «tbe, usually bent in orn of 3 U, conning Hao smi spc grav the sree of which moves proportionally changes Tpeesne ved fo baru preure “Types of Manometer Open Tye teat sip sr I on ag and ae Ditferental Type — without a atmosphere surace and capable of ‘Gearing only erences of preseare Fezometer- The spe orm of pen manometer. es tbe ppd ints» Wl ofa contnner er ond forthe purpose of measuring pressure. The Tint cots acon ie the oom ore sae LUnvtation of iezmetor Lage presen the igh age ong bee 1 abpesuar can not be measured Heese Gab ean vot fry & | a cal ol 2) Oper menntr 1 Decide om the fluid in fat or meter, of which the heeds are £0 by apres (vatr i mort ads). 2. Sting fom ane point namin in ode, the iverace of fer fide 1 Let point of equal pressure (aking ite account that for ¢ omogineous fii set fe pressure slong the sxe horizontal plane Sreequnly. Lael thee pons with hese number. 4 Proce rom lve level, adding (going Gown) or subcting (i fuing up) preware bende ae the elevation daesus of eS, ‘espace wih due regard forte spect revit of he Mas [Solved Problems Problem 2-4 a depth of gud of tm cases a pressure of 7 KPa, what the specific goiyet tet” ‘Soltion Prerus.p=78 TeeatxaQ) P5078” 3 speteoxity ren | Vihatis the presare 125 en el th cea? Uses. a= “Salaton pay Pa avaoya25) poiassers uu mecwamics compe mo 37 36 Fitincrar te MPivonauuc | £HroRAGUCS rinists ohana rns oftheronates EAnOMAUNES pressure in tes pace veal (¢= 075) urace closed tank i [SkEesbelue whl she gage presrare 2m belo he surface? Problem 2-3 ‘eight. os density pad epee gravity Ie) Unit weighty Popa path Fone M5 101505 ee ues S523) pres I3ETSKPe age ee 675 a07H— Sar des,» | Froiem = yo 75210" Find the abot pressure in KPa at depth af 10. below the fee src of ilafep. gr 075i the barometric reading 752 nH +1500 kg/m? tS 1 Spc ravi. Flesh Pow Tesi x3940750 : m= 100329 KPa pov = 100829 +881 0750 Polimente Faber a= ifthe pressure a point inthe ocean 60 KP, what the preeure 7 mete blow tipo Problem 2-7 | peta gage 6m above he bottom fhe tank containing» quid end 90 HL another gage eight ¢m reads 108 KPu, Dstrmne the pace weigh of iets Solution : The ference pesure between any poi 2 Sottsn iguaispon ny shor esaasan nimi quarter nwo riuomecuawcs | Fuo mechanics cuwenwe 39 38 Principles of yarostatics “EHVORAULICS |) & HYDRAULICS Principles of Hydrostatics Problem 2-8 Selotion [An open tae conains 58 m of water covered with 32m of larsene (= 8 Since the density ofthe md ares with depth he presure [N/m Fd the presere De interface an atthe Bt of he ke ‘Should be ole by negra (a) Pressure athe interface pao 05 cea) fr= forcosna (0) Presuze athe botom " = 104002" | Problem 3-3 stop eric rehire it 95,7 Py andthe gage ad nh ak rade 18 trnfig aco fn the abate rena within he ane Ths" Pon* Pe Pre cece hey TER sox) S500 kPa ecwum, Pop = 2308 987 (2508 p= 70RD MPa abe Problema ‘The wight deny of mid i van By y= 10+ 05 where tin RNa ap Mesmmeter Determine the premarin ia at depihot8 fos + 0.256))-0 paS6asiPs the igen fhe atmospheric bs a a the Botton ae ark p Ska. wha i he specie gravity (sear? asm { ‘Solton ‘Gage pena a th tom of thetank p= 2513-10108, ‘Gage presare a the atom ofthe lank p © 15027 KPa b-2h) Poteet Yl he yale fea = pir cis eros) "mt mus a9) +9m25) +68 «0805 40 Fintpisor conte MUP ORAS | EHYORAGLCS rncpesertnaronane 41 ‘robe 2-12 Problem 2-28 Thai ha 2 conte specie weight of 122 N/a? and were compress ‘ena would be te agar ofthe atorphere if the wmosphereprwure 6 Tevet is 02 KPa? Soltion Height of tmoephere Helght of atmoephere robin 3-13 (CE Board Way 1993) [Asmuming specie weight of sto be constant at 12 N/m what is th {pprouni hight of Mount Hanah ifs mreary baronet he bse ‘Ermountan fade S54 and at the ame rata ance barometer 3 hy top ofthe mountain read 80 pom. chan Qe Rar (Be10~ 356,065) S10~ 136)048)= 12h Compute the barometric preure in KPa at an ltd of 1200 m if the prose at cea vel 1O134Pa. Aereme othemal condins 820°C, Use E23 Joule /¥gK a wa p=o000ni8s y p= 0.001185 (981) 2 ‘.0001168 at [i - Volume ! Samo 2100091725) pent Waght=530N7 Prabien =a ‘he igre shown shows & setup with 2 veel containing 6 plunger and cylinder What force Fis vague to tlance the weight he yiner ‘regi ot the plang gible? Sharorauucs| ‘Solution Yous-078 nome naans ea) pate bPa ism. 3004 Fo 601 «478 e036 = DEN compmscrnyaonate 45 Yea ‘one a7e 46 Tinie orients inion [ey a) Fouts = F40025, Fos) 110025) Fades kN Problem 2-5 The ul age fora gatlie(pt~ 68) an aca reads proportional ‘a botont page, I he ak 30 in deep an asdentallycontarunated with no wate, how many centinstae of uctne dos the tank etal ona “then he gage none eade"FULL'? ‘Strona rinapescreyronae 47 ‘See te gage ends "FULL" tun the eaing ir apuvalet to 40cm of gsainn Reading (resur end) when the nk consi vter= 2h )emafgaine Then y72ahy =30 ‘Problem 2-28 (CE Board November 2000) forthe tank shown in the Figure = mand n= 4m) Optermne the ate Sunningp preure etd cae Boag +B ‘| ovate 31-8 stan Preper f poroaccs Probl 2-25 (CE Board May 1992) Inte igre sown, mbt esti presnuen Pain theatrchamber? Forte manometer shown equals he prema on he sorte Brags 2909-2 ‘Sueup pressure hes rm 140m tro waar rincpieotnynenmis 49 LL \\wane 88 SGP Nou s= pao TNjou.2=080 50 Simp of ticeosnr Problem 2-27 (CE Board November 2001) 34 ‘Sotaion i Avouoamanee Passa) o15-yise)= 2 5 439-136y=2 sy rt9-18g= 2 wheren=0 sey HE roncisertyprenoncr 51 Problem 2-28 (CE May 1993) In te figure shown, when Be Felsen the wae see Sporn Aad ho mercy of Sp pe 1359 shows w aac of in Downie the now Setacton of meray when Be lid wth cer Sag for yn gare amp pss ead from Ao 2ig ters of water 2 sycansess)= ony-209=0 phim Fara op temtets ‘cuaoter nwo Fut wecnawics 52 gartaro so mccuamses | run wccuaucs cuarrenTwo 53 tronauucs Prinpanot aroma: In Figue ‘When he funnel i ed with ete to, oi 1 wll ave down | ‘with same value as pont 2 moving p02 ‘Sup prsere hee rom 2 ton in meter of wate: syrseyne Be & mo Bay aise: Sum-ap pressure hed fren 02 phag0+ 200+x-27te-208-0 sera os+y+x-(eeorsenaass = BE as ae Sm-wp presurehed from om in tes of wate: Bepaaneeyreayng +03) 0+ 272sind +196 +272--02~ HE New rating, R=15-+20=15 #28) M6 -¥=818-2722in0 EQ A) Neve reading, R= 22cm fa6y-2=186)-2) S18-2720n0e i smerny to move A mn in he ping Problem 3-30 {abe What isthe ination 8? | Relves linda tenk contin 2 of water 3m of (= 052) and he Stove oil aes presre of 50 KPa. If an open mercury manometer 2 he {eto fhe ton hae no waer delerne the dafarton of mercury ‘Solution ‘Sotetion Sump pressure head from sg o2e1-yan9 = 2 fk o246+9-134-0 awe) In Figure Pipes oreo 34 nines earns tmnt sow aan inane cuecees Le treme ‘Soving orm fawn Volume of wner= & (BFA 12cm = 1$28.m = 1528 mm oe toate Since he guano marcury lor and ater waters poured scone se then ang)=Rr= 12062 reate' Se.) q a i i a 8 Ld Le wom al LE ame owe) wa) Ehvonauues Principles ornare InFigue ‘Suning-up pesure ad fom 13a mmf water: 1 sams-ao3a)~ ng Ths ar=n10 sote3smm ‘tna sighs eae og 16+ 1438 iphthand leg. y= 20728 mm Uoptnandap ho Re ate Sad a1436 ‘Lettand eg hi = 125.42 mm Fora pgereading of 171073, serie the) levatins of ‘he gids inthe open peso eons fF and Gand) te defection of the Boer a te ie Sanomter neglecting the lg of ureeno 55 fo mec cine two gy Penile parr 56 ncnes or tycortaose NG HVORAULES (es 4 B smiaz)= 2 BE rnoro Surfoce elevation = 15.25~ 125 m yon -mys 2 mara sui stins Ske Han 2 2-2 Caan G ‘Sumup prerure hes rm tin metas of water Bsa +4e)-nam #21+4- 1644-0 ‘Snac avaton Suse seven Deftestion of merry Sar rp pressure ei rom tin tie of wate Hagan +4e4-m0as= 2 gp saa -1366 Reastm Problem 2-3 hs open manors stached oa pp shoves deflcton of 150 rit with {be lower level of mercury 50 ma Elo the ceieine of Pipe Ng sya Calla te pressure athe canon of hs pipe ‘Sotation -Sum-ap pressure hed from 12 tan FB o4s-on8a39)= EE ecm Pie 2048-208 cuaerer Two Fue mecuamcs | ru wecnanaes cuapter nwo 58 En cums | ceva recto, 59 Tren Sean For the configuration shown, calculate the pimom (é) Gage Liquid = merciry, r= 0.1 m trig ofthe pstan the presure gpge Sump pressure head fom Brenna xise a Fe 215-014 03036) PP saremotvater Samp phir hed oe anes Aevalteemotewee” game Bs? 24-3089 Te " th var" oar, * t pnmacice ae aig =F Perot ae BL Bb 2275m > fom) | Tadeo | beast vig. sam \ Fans Bp os fg shown, dtm eine Te rose ae comet «fel marae sng uy, fie nage bo wn tthe i ‘connecting tubing being filled with water. The higher pressure vessel is 151 reading at 4 when the T i Fee esac cyitemeray eng im wales proses 90 IONE Bosc ha Stee nme ef ml” 0) cre oon CN 5Woe ed toca af mec) whet woul bee mano sea Ines sling tor anspor? 1 aay § eee G0 rincinies of yerosttes EHYDRAUUCS| HYDRAULICS Prncipis of Hysrostties OT Soton pees pa ing vedantic ‘Sum-up absolute pressure head hi, p= Sa A +1109) +1.3909)-1; 4. ‘from 8 to 2 in meters of water; nao 72+ 1908.8) Be soma he Be a 4 soae-t6e0, Aon a ie Buse to SS miigea ‘Sam-up absolute/pressure head from B to A in meters of water; — x sei tap ‘a fone os ceraaoers Ea eee i presse 1s 101 KPa, the gage Fending at As 40 Pa an the apo procure of alcbal a 12 EPs ‘Sisclute, Compute. Sotetion Tio 2in mates of water rs068=y917 Pysttan 965.0) Sump presurhed fom Ato 8 2a. --o0goassy= it ey +0578 364.0) rincesctryurenatee 03 G2 rmcpls of Hyarostatis SHYDRAULICS Droblem 2-40 the. gue shown the Gdecton of ecu i ally 2S mun ithe prea a A i iptered by 0 KPa while rinnnng the peemure at etn what ll be thee tpeerydelcson? “problem 2-39 hace oa pipet shove tile btcen pints ‘Sump prerur hee rom to Bn meter of ater 7 yasy-03786) +0409)» f09)~ 2 Fe HE song) -03009 mote aim eure) Fire @) In Figure a sump presure end fom Ato 8 in metas of wate A -o5-o25n3e)r025+21~ Le PBL Les mofwater 64 Since orroarstates PUpiaonaus | EDRAutlcs rincptroreyeronaiss 65 In Figured pe = p40 Solon “Eon prsrar head ot 8 inmates of water ene 220 2 9o-x-asastdee @35es)~ 2 ee ome Patil .gg4s-a4-man+a3ser: fo 88. oar 1B Bh 525-2403 xf 2523-2425 | 4 hee aie ‘Sump pressure hen rom Ato Bin meters of water eve mereury decon = 250» 2 = 250+ 216) 24 sox0ss)-novae)-ox1089 +025-010002)¢ FE ~ 22M jam motwaer yc -pp= 981.0525) 102 Po : Problem 2-42 (CE Bosra ‘Assuming nora barometncprerure Row dep in the ocean i the point Shere a lr bbl, upon reaching the surface has tess volume hah had tthe bosom? slution a ‘appli Boyle's Law 5 (aesming other candtion) tira Pra i0t3 931.098 panos +0~1013 ie (a03- 10x08 = 1013064) {vin s0.3f)-1003 et 66 Srp orotate Problem 2-43 [Aveta te, 3m lng, th one end clove i inser verily, ith pane dor iat ta of water fo such dopth that an open manometer ‘Eonet tothe par end of he ibe seade 150m of mercury Nepectig Spor pressure and assuming normal condition, how fo ithe lower end {het below the weer surfer? Solution Applying Boyles Law: preps Before he tbe wa need “Aol pres fade p= 2013 {olumeof iris Vi=34 Whe he abe wea inzertd “Absolute pressure of side, = 2013 -951136)025) “Awol peers of arid p= 12131 KPa ‘olor of isi te tbe, Vr= =A bien 1013 G.4)=2131-y A) y=0495m From the manometer shown: ee Tesi 13.9005) azo ke carrer Two 67 hvonastcs consis ornate ‘Since he pres nasi he be ufo, hens p= 20012 ath Jotdh 960k b= 206m Then cee y=204 +0055 ote on. ting af» einer 19 cm x dsr and 25cm high has 96 Wich 8 ce dtmetor ane 2 cm lang. Tho ote eins vray 19 wih the open end do, sich fat he neck s completly ld wth fe ind the depth to which the epen en le tmerged Assure poral usec presse and nope vapor pressure Aragon Sefoe the be warns "Volum of Vie FOSPQS)* §5%25) vi 450874 em baste resale ators | When the bo inserted "Vohume of Yee $057.25) vyeei79em* pee 101 305-9818 worm 525450874 = 90125 +981 N47) loses he 1258 ats 98 Fines tyes [A bl eit ts level, where the stmcepheri rene i 1015 ‘Resuming ths te doce nal ‘pan, what the gage pressre within thereon the tp of « mount ‘Pas nd the temperature 20°, to 5 KPa Shere the lstade ie 6000 my aumesphee pressures 722 WPaas ae th empertaeis 5° Sotation TO Atseatevel: ‘Abeoutepreeure of ai p= 113 + 445 ‘Absote pressure, p= = 5463 KPaa | _Nbyote temperature of ai. 7)= 21 + 273 eK On the top of the mount ‘Abo pesur of apn 7.2 +7 Since he ie ot expand, volume [Abolte temperature fai, Ty = 5 273 «278° oa) , W722 pW Bi os p=s1657 poses rincptestoyuonance 69 [Supplementary Problems Problom 2-86 ‘A weather report indica the rome prese 2554 nck of mercy ‘Whats the atmosphere prsserein pounds per sgunetnch? Problem 2-47 er ot er fors=aes froblom 2-48 UnkPa Neglect thunk weigt of ns Ane 2 pt The tubes wns ied with i, Deteine the peru heads at and Cin othe tank shown the igure, compute the pretreat pints BCD, and E AS: pon poe4Sepe eT uu wecranics cxarrenrwo 74 cnuaerer Two Foun meciancs Eivpnngties Pringle ot yess 70 Frnt of persis IE eRAUUCS Problem 2-52 ‘eine! an contains water st eight of 55mm, as shown: nde 0 Sol open entcl tank consning desing id (g, = 08 ata height The prosurepns Toa gage and p= 1312 Po gage sume the ceaing Juids prevnicd fom moving 1 ih top of Be tank. Use unit weight of Arte = 309 EN) Beem tha pero nia (he ve fh 0 Jn and) eal of yim insta 1 lise Ustube open to he aoephere at both ends shown. she Ube Sabin oiland water detainee specie rv ofthe hf) 22.8; (8) 102 (9 101 1O™ 1 las 12 crm nl il eth wate is rd The bitom open Uheprstre the cloned ond?” Barmec presse 101505 Ks ‘Ane 100394 Be ropiem 2-52 In Figure 3 in which Ml ala pasta of 70 KPa fst beached? a {tent mono sho mses enc m pra tts pipe, "The ening he erry tp gravity ~ 136) ni 67S fos ais 225 ty ae ig ie 300 Wha the presse diferent sett fon eves the wo pies 2B ies Aue s9320Pa 72 _Frmapte orryorostates PUD MeauLGp errOnAGUCS TetatyrosatcRerceonsurces__ 73 en soteaiomiaeetnae worse Chapter 3 ame 88%) Total Hydrostatic Force wan, on Surfaces pape FAL, 4YDROSTATIC FORCE ON PLANE SURFACES: fhe prerare over plains’ tea i undorm, as sn he cas. » horizontal race rabmergd in algo or 3 plane sfc inside a gs chamber, the fay drone or total pressure) ven by: a EST Problem 2-58 hie hurr pressure and A isthe aes, ‘hm open tbe open tbe i tached 0 tank ae ahve I water see fight of 10 mann th be, what re the presatsprad uftheaa ‘ter? Neglect cpio fects i the abe fn the cave of en inne or vet pane submerged n qui, the ot rss canbe ound bythe fling formal: ‘aspx = 38D KPa a= 49048 rs 3-1: oc on an inde rium wecres quarts 75 Set yeronace Pub iwpesaues | SHYORAULICS otal iydeontat arc on Surtees 74 Teinnyarontace Force on Surtaces Pinronauues LocaTIOW OFF (yr: = fn gure 311 aking moment of fore abot S he intrsztion of the olga othe plan are an he uid Sura Fee fue “Conse the plane surface chown iinet an angle © with te horizon To get etal foc F, coir» dierensal men of sea dA. Since th ‘ent hrc the presses form over hs area the where py whee dPayysind ds potyeng Feysine 4 sk AT y= fptvaneand Jerre fw Frome, fy aa =16 — thomentt me chou 9) Fayed A Payne) beg : From thesgure Faine= on . we psa By taster orale of momento iets sate Ey, 3- 2s convenient toute the plane ie suberged in single iui ani ‘sth! gage poste atthe surface of he quid. Howerer, the plane ‘bmg under ner of ferent quis of dhe gage pressure st tf ign surace ents Eq 3:3 reas to apply. Sar Problem 9-18 ivonauues Totty tose Tot jars Fore on Surfaces 80 er bans Dams ae structurcs dt block the Noe of ver, seam, o ther waterway Some dome divert the How of river water int 9 piping ana or chen PURPOSE OF ADAM Dane are bal or the following purposes: 1 ligation and drskng water 2. ower supply Cyarolocti) 53. Navigation Badan 5. Mali purposes ‘gure 3-2: Seon am se fr yas Envrauues cuorennmes, gy ‘Total pdrostatc Fores amsuraees | Figura 3-3: at Pasig Woosh ial Lack. Cra ods arms gies sore | Siow bt oso pas fem out fate fo ar Hn, ae ae a ‘rege er When tesa el aul on ar ie of re once gt, we Ep ting ugh sae te dosent oes or he oak ues at oes or oams Toy dns nly he fe of gv ster resue— that "my ‘hold back the water by the shoer force of their weight pushing dorado do rey das cons of mass Shey tha te worn veer canet push he am Scorsbeane tore Te re mach her te bse han the tpn or tht recs tina fo eae rag he dam, Ab aes Pes dee er mote oot ‘ure onthe as. Gravy srr ore th ya te urtace Bike roe wher he war pre gh Aik be haste days he moe eset pest ‘Soham ft sar BZ __FoalnyeonnteForeon Succ 2. An embankment dam is »geaiy dam formed out of oes 1ok Gari ors combinaon of there mates The upeteem and Sorte slopes of embarkmert dams re ter tan tote of Soncte avi dane In erence, ey more lsaly ath the url pe ofa pl of ecksor earth 2. Arch dan ar cont or mason structures ht curve upste ine {iSeevat ett from oe wall aaa canon ote oer This {ing basco th Sane pale a the archer exch an au ‘artes sos wer pressure ots the wal of the canyon. Arch das Feu lately nasa ve canyon wi a eck wal capable SPothanding sigan mount of oral oust. These Ss Soot ued tobe aanve a gravity das because the cary als {any pat ofthe prcnue rete y the reser feeds acer Tom ryaronaicterceonsuracs 83 A boitess dane consists of + wal oF foc, supported by seal treme onthe downs sda) The vast majority of bates tls ae ade of concrete tht voce wth sel, Buttress ae ‘play pore actos he dar se evey Seo 30m (20 to 100, Teng upon te sce ane design of he day Buttress dams ae lmeume cl hollow dame bachuse the Buttress do not fort {oa wallstetching ass ver alley sce 2-7: ale senson 84 Soninyeconte (EHYORAULCS Sorat yeranee Fore on Sree [ANALYSIS OF GRAVITY DAM 1 dam ie subjected to hydrote forces due to water whieh sae om i Cpaueum side Tha force suse the dam fo side hora? on 1 {Gundaton and oveturn Wt aboot ir downeream ego or toe The ‘Shen ate fue by fiction am the bes of he damm and gavin force which causes © motnent oppo othe overtrning nomen. The dm ‘nay ala be peeved rom sing by keying base (Tata) Figure 3-8 Toc sain a rat cam Sg te ate es cng ‘taps o Sotution ih aference to Figure 3-8, for purpose of useaton, an asimpton ws “hae the hapept tte up proure dagram 1 Conwy ui length of dam (perpendicular to the seth 1 Determine al the fore acting nupacoun cuereennes gs ‘ott hyorostacc hare on sures A Went forces Welt ofthe dam Where Meee wens 2 Weigh of water inthe uptrend iy) mir 2, Weigh or pemanantsvactres onthe amt 4 Haron Up Whey Ue Ua 1 Ton prostate orc ating athe vertical projection tthe ouimerged portion fhe dam. 5 Wave Acton Soe othe Rescton ‘A Marta Bescon, fy = 2 Heriot Recon, R 1 Moment abut he Toe ‘A Taping Moment RM (tation mand the upstaom ie) Rules Wasa Pane Ma , Qvertaing Moment OM (rttion ows te doostem ie) Swepystvers tse V Location df, (#) 30 uu mecowues Graeren mee gy 86 Tota ttydrostatic Force on Surfaces SE HYDRAULICS whee: Ry , Shy, Tait weight of water = 980 1/0 or 000 Ka/ a [rai weight of conte Tay esl taken 25285 N/m) Factors of Safety Tacorof fy apnt ating 5c ba Note: Use / to got the stress at point where R, is nearest. In the diagram. hows above, se) ta) get A negative ses inet ve stes snd a priv sues inate sete sil canot cy any tne srs, the reul of Fa 3- 1s valid he ‘Spine, Ths wi happen fe» 676 Spelt happen. Eq 3-15, = eS ‘Factor of safely agit overturning Fs treet of cton tween he bate of he dam andthe foundation y= Yuen ReMar a tn eye (8 on8/2) 87H ed : a 88 Seetnyeane PUD uvoRavucs fe _&TDRAULCS Towa nyaronavcrereonsurace: 89 Sot yeast Fore on Suraes EHORAUES Y= uit weight of he id Vp uolume dipacedVsme ofthe ody slow the guid mrace BUOYANCY ‘nile dooney the Gok sient Archies ta states hat “= Erte afd ail pon by a wpa fc on fr) ea te Sagi ened “This principle slo known a thei of ete, ples to bath oan nd sebmerged bods and all us Te pin nap, ety tors za) EM=o sn gpl tion of te Const the by shown in Figure 3-9 immezsed Mi of wnt weigh ‘The horizontal components of the force acing on the body are all aula nce de eral propor ofthe ody opps ses i ne The upper fae ofthe ody i abject Yo «weal dovrard fr ‘whch sequal othe weght ofthe above and he lowes face se {Dan upwalfncr eal othe weight ofl or imaginary id shove “Toa upwand fore stng onthe bes the buon. sew ofbedy y= Td apt Tae a ‘Poured frisbee by BF eFa-Fn ie body fuer vr eesectona aA theme aber A “= (Vol) - (Vol) is a arsvoe 0a _ peated 0 spa ots” Yom 90 Samnvcrosea fwbinpeaues fp _Envenaatics otativaroeancraresansurese OT ‘ott yarontane Fore on Suraces CHORUS SSTATICAL STABILITY OF FLOATING BODIES > foating boy ct upon By too oil opporing force. hese ae the f ads melt (acing te fnter fray and te buoyant force BT [ating at he sorter of ovancy that oat at he centr af riya he ‘fepaced goa) hen thee oot recliner shawn in igus 310 Bois mar pig postion However, when the toy Wl deo win or wave action. ie oie of buoyancy sh foe nee porta shown n Figure 3-10) he te fori, whch te no lange calinenr, produces» couple sal ‘iy Th bay wil et vertu fe oaple maar ths boy rotate twas ‘ovignal positon ar shown Sn Figure 310 (D) and wl oeertarn i he ‘Shston a aheten in wre 310.0) we 10: Unsele postin he pin inerecton betwen th aie ofthe ody a he ine of acto the Buoyent force i alld the mln The distance fom the mc Uh to the sonar of gravity () ofthe Body i eallad the tare eight (iMG, tfcan be seen at» Boy tablets sbave Ga shown igre 1 (and untae Me blow G as shown tm Figure 310 fe) elm with eb to be ut tae. _RIGHFTING MOMENT AND OVERTURNING MOMENT _HLEMENTS OF & FLOATING BODY: = weight ofthe body r= buoyant force alvays equal to Wor ning by) {G= comer of avy of te boty ow cnter of eaoyaney nthe upright potion [eenoid ofthe diplaced igus) ys canter ef buoyancy ete poston Wo mae diapaces ‘Ms metaceter, he point of ntsc betwen thee of acon eof git of te wedges (meron and emerson) ‘shorsantal ian ates the o's the wedgee = volume af the wedge of rman Sng tng MBo= diane cn Mo Bo MG = metacenc height distance hom Mio gen 100 ure potion get 3-10 Se ate oz carmen rupnccuvecs nyo uccan Totathycroneierorcnonsatees 93. ‘at eyaronta Fore on Suraces ‘SHORES (Eas Memcensicheght MO=MB2GR—— Bq 5-20 Moment das to shifting of F = moment dt iting of wedge a) =F) VALUE OF ws 3-2 The sab othe by depends on the amoupt ofthe aghing rome “hich nan dependent onthe metacensc aight MC: When the bode ‘Rotana ova) sitet et poston Ba) TR sing aso cause the wedge to shit new peson The moment da tothe shing of "Reuoyan Foc Fm equal moment to wedge shit gt wane) al | sgl = ae Su Figre 3-1: Renate taey x ence Consider boy i the Shape of retangule pizlllpipe length Ls . Shown in Figure Yolume of wedge, 2 W/2(8/2) 000. Volume ofwedge.0= JLE!tin@| | 94 entrant Force on Suess jae anode Toaind o jy Li men ofr he atin sin MB MB. But for sal values of sna M6, ae BoB sexe: Ts mia an bse ary sch Since the mstcenic Height MG it apendent with By the stat of oan body therfore depends onthe moment f inert ofthe watane Section. [tcan alo be sen Dat he bodys more able i piching than In Tolling baie the moment of ner pitching restr hen a ling moment ‘The ghing overturning moment ona Deting body i Bier OM Wa= WET ge cuarrerninee og cae ween Toul nyeronace Force onset FOR RECTANGULAR SECTION ra wens 4 Yo=OL tere ing pre fr 3348 210/2) a9 ye pb ano Cento of tingle, From gtomeny. 5 = S222 016 /2ene0 18/206 [rso20) re Te SRAUUCS ‘islijareac Force on Suraces 96 (que? tana] snes) woe econ lactone ‘STRESS ON THIN-WALLED PRESSURE VESSELS ‘THEN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL TANK Dank or ppe caring afi or gas under presure subjected to tere fRecon which rent busting, develope across longitudinal and tanevere “osstioronaseoree on sures 97 Consider ip of dameter D and lcs beset fo wrasse 2 To determine he tangential sss in Te pips al et cut section of ng along ti diameter The foes ating on Starons sarethewtl pressure Fuel Cbelntrnlpresare and aris be “feted by Thich the tial es of {Se pipe wal. Applying eqlibeium conaton, Bea Papa = pos To Shae Tesrten) poe 2a 56401 Tangent nse 5 To dtrmine the anginal sees, let ws {the ynder arse te length shown, bh) Br, Pepa Te SA feu Tesinoe PED S.sDt Longtail ses 5, = 2P wo-7 etotemal presse externa premure _£3.3-28 | Fu mecrines crarren inte 99 98 STE consrnes OEM FARRIS sotnyennints [SPHERICAL SHELL Solved Problems Fe i dae art hint oy eters Poe 1 eee a ‘ Z| “SPACING OF HOOPS OF A WOOD STAVE PIPE oo | Spacing §= 25:4 54.3-20 TST allowable ee srs of th Roop ‘ver recangur plane of height ae ace ie ebrmerge va gl “She op adge a heigl ruta Deter the fal force Facting 02 {ssid nits octon fr he ged ere FoykA Bega Ani P exyarmng Finybe et mera enaje (annie sing the prema digram: 75 Volume of pressure agra Foamy tay “The locaton of tthe centroid the presse cage. RESIS ie sudan, be comer of eae am te baton 8 ts I | i 100 _Searnyeoman Fore on Sutaces 2 vera wangular surface of ight and horizontal base width b ‘Latherged ne und wht vores te Ld ear Dern het ite ng on onside nd is lection oem he gd uae ras Le gia A | ee ae gat Foner 2 sane gr acura see ain he posure hagram Te Valume of prerure diagram Fe dace height Fede nn be from ibe bse ‘veri ciclar gator ad submerged ina ud with top edged skal on the tigad surface Detrsine the magitase and Scan of The Il one acting Sm one te of he te. ouattiironeicroreonsermcer 101 Feta Berets) Be om” wre genet foe Presare gran ae (irene ne) Using the pra nga force i gue complied. With the “shops shown, fa slum can be compa by inagaon Hentey prsre {Gapeon cry tov onl ifthe tea meta, wie de soon Coo ‘A wera rectangular gate 15 m wie and 3 m hgh is sberged in water F siti og edge' meow the water src, Fnd the tbl peste ang ‘none ef the gate and te loeston rm He atom. Seaton Fe9s1.51050 feasm PLS kN in an eo HOE oat asses pay yolte yo12s6m 102 _ratryerannte Fore on Suraces ang ee dag Fo (Sta)a5) nd Petar, Faismea) oe pene) an) = aoe Man) Ream i05, y= Sa sry e.5| +450) YRS (mam aptte o ha gte om) Team ‘A vera angular gt with op at orzntl and 15 wide 3m igh i atmerged ol ving sp: po 8 htop bare ubrged to 2 depth mn Deter i tgitade an loenson of tol hos prosure acing on onesie of th gat Fuuio weciawies Envonauties occonswes 103 Tots parse over on Sure fa20 30) Expaiomjoeoo1 onde, 40507" a Bas » {> 3167 m fom theo suace ‘robien 3-6 (CE Board ay O95 A ral rectangular plat submerged hal ol. 08) ae fallin ‘rate such tha top edges shed withthe sraces Wht he eo Uh fore exerted by water acing on tha omer hal that by acing on te spper hal? Solton oroson upper hale Fo inebat Forceon lower hal: Bend heal ye Pare 08/2) 1/8) Nor0 yd Fe 065 yo 4/2) Ber 035 cba aon Fe Rato= 225th 535 Diya kd 104 _Soarryerostde Fore on Sutaes PP ORACIES Problem 37 (CE Board May 1994) 2 vertical cel gatein a une 8 mime asl (5p. 08) oon Shab apd ston the other side If 2m above the inert andthe al pressures 20sPa, wher wil ange support be cated (above the invert of Fie tuna ool he gt in pion? Fu Fae #1 088) « 308% Fale 31S6N oe Bay. BO" osm wre oer mayer oun np wh enn emcee ire vanes Tie z yma Sos Bap eee Enaho, Einpaauuce TotetnyaroatcFarevansureces 105 Problem 3-8 (CE Board May 1992) ' closed eylindial ank 2m in diameter and 8 m deep with ans véeat eians “deep ofl ep. gr = 08) The ar above the gud surface Pas "pressor 08 kg/cm. Determine the total normal fre Im Kg acting oh he _ Walla is loeaton fom the Bottom ofthe nk 8 igi = 0 bgt fF. *8oman2)= 2000 kp Fepad ee (0000830) + 8.00 Pea 3000 kg/m FT ToApar 6) = Taa00r kg Solve for: + rin = GoW «04)F aes 1, Rene" Bead 568008 kg Toll nonnal forse caarten TREE Lup NEcuawics 106 _forarrivarosatic Force on Sutaces (EHYDRAULUCS Frnwshy {asesone y= 20008) + 434.9008)277) Yoaetan > LecabonofFizom the Bette ing the presrre agar: 2 002) = 128 000s P= W4.00)6)) = 28800 es, apy Frassgsotekg > Total normal free PysPige Ferd {ase y= 128,00=)) + (2880002. Joasho. > Locator oP fom te bottom Preble = In the figure shove, sop B i ‘ek fe doce om st reaches DEN. Find the cnteal water Akepih The eng of the gate Perendiclar tthe sketch Fumo mecranecs cnaoren MRE HYDRAULICS ‘ota Hyarostac Force onsurtoces_ 107 (EP ae 0) FE) Foy ansarh yas) Fears xeon? 0560 wank (0565) «0 o5F +oomm=a7e F =527m= + 05=877m > ciel water depth Problem 3-30 | veracal oral gat ie submerged in uid no thats op edges Busha trith the hgued sac Find the rao tefl force acting onthe lower _fatfo ha tting onthe upper al shution jesse rom the Boao 108 fey oe nutes Girona Problem 3-11 ‘Setution ‘A.50 m long dam realns 9 m of Sara shown ne igure ind {ho oul eat oe eting on he ‘Ean and he loan of he center of Raaseaa Reaem Ansa Sotetion Fe 9814910010039) FEABI63 EN ‘hn nin, cielar | fae with water on one Side ie shown im the sie yo $0039) 34st Problem 3-2 The jose angle gate shown Ee gure ir hinged st A and ‘eghe 1500 N. Wt the total deta force ating on one te ithe gate iniloNewton? F269 Fessi@asgay Fe1e7i6in Totatnysronauererceonsurices 109 110 rattan Fore on Sutces Problem 3-24 ‘The gate in tho gues shown ie 15 mh wide, Ringed a pnt Ay and reste pub's smowth all at 8 Compute) he ttl force onthe gate def Eimer (the vecion a and (¢) Se enc at hinge A Neglect he Scelen of he at solation tune =2/3, ona le Fopate 109)0(05)0 1 KN Rupmoeuue. fp einpesutics roxtryaromactorwonsureces TIT - aases* aaa Bi) =) =0 Bes @) "2% y= 1508 fo Bho, It Fein®-Ra=0 Royo Te 21825 ano Ran SRSERN Bag Ra-Peos=0 Rice 21825 0858.8 | Reaieloan Rew WR? > Raa = YOnTg +8587 Ren 1509 1N aS Datrmine the magnitude tae ind eon of Bett || TP Iydrosati foe acting on i te2mxsmgue shown I on = sso 112 SUSE cconsanes —_MEMEGAC FE EMDMESS urna ttontaons 113 ‘Solution i Probl m 3-16 (CE November 1997) Donne aug eterna ts Sayan cress ese one “water is completely closed am Sialpemeepnne | me rove. eae . ka Siar the San : ean y ema | atl same Ricearciane)* esnas+eswosnya)+32 messiaan° seston remaua x0 1 ron ronea eee wm | he sage ID eo g-rasy Siem ay neabine fe 1 losesti5 ‘ = 480225 N Rinconaaokexe Perate shiner aner yasm rsa “Therefore Fost. from the botom ofthe gat. The gots shown in th gure i hinged a A and ress ona smooth Moor at ‘The get ir} meguae and oof having po O82 sande Ws ig of 15 Imalve te hinge. Theale above ta neface einer s prosur 73a ‘Nove smarts. ifthe gate weighs 5A, determine te vere fc F equred open couarter Tac uur mecnanics fe Fito wecravacs ccuarren Tinee 114 _Fearnyeronae Face on surtces (ErWoRAuues ie SHYDRAULCS. Toth perstnlctocewonsurinees 115. 14 toattyaromnicroensens ear Problem 3-18 (CE Boor) “tn pin 20mm in dnmeter rd fo gupporingAsboede tthe cent Se msoey cans Tess show bathe Yat po of wont be 310 Mie (Gene terse) Nelrng the rs eo wate on asus td scming sae conditons, what se proper spcig, 8 fhe ton pa othe sare! man gh yd when tr ee 50 ep re thay ot he aso, sotion setten “Winctt an [ed \ Mer et sos onsite = =, | oy 41 . = 7 P2739 (8)3)) ‘apm. Aw Pare q i Mae ae a KN fee 2 end Jouconasare-3} 1 ooh \eniow se [Lee le aS Monent ay oe rn pln am) can M Ay. 2010" 310 ae oR Baas ue cnt roan ian Moron ody Fong nh of aon =0} soap ‘A whore A=085 os H.09 -F212)~0 Fe9si(45}0.65) aa 2834885 + 5.05) Fe1sea7an couren nes runomeounics IE riuouccuses citoren wee 116 _Feehtyarenoec roe onsutace “Eovonawues fp etronauues toutirminate retorts 117 Poze Prot 3-20 saobee 120% gg ne ae a 30 sl The a2 mide ie, }i900" perpen ioe Age. Aare atonpere preter 3B yar merc termine the total pressure san side CD, a5” Gas Stray 136 De ate e=tocr i ‘ yr0a-ba 020m i Uyenad Mon Payal 2p s 108 = 02097 Son teed Sassi = 39m | the bie ner] war “The semua gate shown eon In'gare ts hnged a 8 Datin th fore Freed bn {oho the gti potion FEC Y AL 7 Po oo re 1 athsfee ome 1D cons | Suton | Selig fort : Pasty pe Soe pain 1h.9e70 + sni+i7s Teal fore onside CD: (Note: 1 ar = 1004s a pasa129) P= 284s9 17a R=peom R509 BaSs5iN Arena) Ee uanaane, lo ress i 118 _iarnyponaee Force on sraces PA ORAS (eHYORAUUGS Problem 3-21 acs The funnel shown i the Agee ee fa of water The tune ofthe Upper par 90 orn the ‘we prea 74 Bers. What the ‘Soe towing 0. pase BIE Yor ‘Sine the pug are in contac with water is orzo he prsure lve itunes fhe coniner dons ot fc th pressure om th men Force = 900-86) Force = 1383788 Fraps In the figure shown, the gate AS faite about am ae though & The gee width 12 mee & tongue Is applied to te shalt sate ‘ivough 5 Determine the torque T toes the gate closed Totatysrstanc Farce onsureess 119. _Sotation Praha Peamannsx12) Foaaori fe | aoarae ‘ e=o082m ‘pre = (EE ay cabal box, 15m on ech ge Pas is base horizontal a shal led ihrer Th remalndro bon fled with under age pres 82 KPa One fhe veil sie Ringed athe fp te eet sing [Evrard To wht depth can the top of boxe sobnerged nah open bo eh wat itostalowingany wate toast? 120 ET cemartn "BARE IE Marna STI 121 aay ret 7 oe ih cary cae side of the verte Srna dik ae 2 2d yay = 84s ew Fea e.39(075)05) rota Aros K9a5) hemo iaomee Saluton sa Feria 4. Fda sync a” ae Frise ‘01875 oo de. 4054-50 | eet Ag 05" 01) tn Baten 0) (020 saork ors 21s 79-4142 -0 124 020 = 4258 bow thew. aS + 4108. 18598- 5175 eRe The gat inthe figure shown ‘igh 5 N Yor each ‘meter ermal tthe paper, Tes eter of (pai sO rm thee face fd Om above the lower fc Fin for the gat ust fo come pte the vert peaition 122 Sorat tysromatie Force on Surtsces ‘SHYDRAUUCS, HYDRAULICS ‘Total Hydrostave Force on Surfeces 123 Soletion souton Considering 1m length Baya est 5UO) poyy ease aN il WA dedy Bevan) { By gyre propery of pune i=) yr Fii/3) + W(06)-F5/2)~ 6 Bi {sca /3) #908) -247154(075)-0 erty Lesp-nae320 so2y7B Solely sia and enor e027 Prone InProbem 3-25 find when the force against the “top” isa manu. EMo~ 0} Fly) +08) + BCS 5/2)= Gee 079) 30)° PU) 147154 079)=0 cng on one side an te enon on the perboic gate shown sing gy inegeton et a yR egal sea D5 ay = 201989 $192-07] Pemakn, Loeaton 3, Jose ) non fy sr-asa[irny’® sprouse au] 124 SSTnparone Farce on Suroces Problem 3-28 In the gure shown, find che wid Sof the concrete dam Tecstary to prevent the dart Fromaliding, The pent gay ‘ conewte 24 andthe ‘Setiet of fron bere he thse of te dam and Ge foundation fe 4 Use 15 factor of fey agit ii the dam aso fe om soon ‘Consider 1 gt of are Wont Mee aK OE Weltayy Bevia Feye2914 50) Fema Te a= 0804) Ton be2s7m 2a OM W072) Be as) _ MNES 554 uy Be STS) os Eivonaaues Toeathrdronaticfoceonsuries 125 Problem 3-29 (CE Board) 1 dam singular rove sction wth the wpe ae wet Water i ‘asked withthe top. The dam aay high tm mide he Base and ‘weghs 24 tons pr cubs meter The secon of ction bebeen he base {the foundation is 03. Det othe anim snd minima ait ‘rarre on the foundation and the (aloe of aay nuit over End agai sing Sp profane Sou =m lzexenn) W876 where = unite of water Perka = 1018+) Fob Repos RaWesre Rump Ssr6K0) w= zany Boa) 15:29 I BOMBS 251m <6/2 7 52-8 13 2510< 0481 me8/s uu means: oat ryoronnte Fore on Surttes 126 fre zag, 045) Using (+) 213947 Po Uaing 2 a8 “+s pressure nthe FSi prereset Broke 30 (CE Bosra May 1997) i 1 granity dam of taperidal crseascton seth one lace vera ant Fonzi tase 32 in high and has 4 these fm ate top. Waa Upstenm sande 2 mn below the cst ofthe dam The specie gravy of 3 Nepeing hysrosmnc wpe SR the bese with Pf the dam 40 that ke rst ce wil thownteme edge ofthe mide hd on te fo. 2. Commute the aos of sty appr ning ond overturn 8 Considering uplift pressure to vary uniformly from full hydrostatic prenure tthe hal toro a the te Fn the bse with ofthe dam thatthe elt oz wl at | theenemay ofthe idl thd eat the to 2. Compute the nas Sr imam compresive sss ating igure > oe | Sotaon A. Neglecting hydrostatic uplift Conder meng of dan 1 Foret We nis qx 2ayeeaen ws any Wes ya za(se@-sy200) y= 248y- 96 Feyhayaniana) Fahooe me R200 Reta ne Ld 248-9 Ry 2 = 1152 128 _Searnyeronat Fore on Setaces 1 Moment about toe f= 8-2) 4 8, 211.2982) + 2405-96) 138 221.28) 422.97 + 168.1288) +257 ety 28 8 om 0/3) S2n0}a0/9) ome 3583) ‘inc the resultant force wil pas tough te eteme eg ot ‘hermione tw? = 3/3 The, (245) = 152948/3) = 168% + s2.y-T664n- 188135) S05 38.4 = 265 083.25) 160975, Ervenauucs Totaltytronatctorewonsuraces_ 129 2482 (CT AO, : co Feces Se tr of safety agai ing 0 Be 1 5y24n1175y «115291 oy Factor of sft against overturning rs= Se on eta 8.201175 fse207 A. Considering hydortatie uit Uplift rc, = 5 QA) = BB gy 152)-106) AM =1(8-21+ WER(B-8) RM = 168 +28) ont = F20/3)+ 98/3) 2020/3) = 1087 (28/2) OM = 67 = 13833), RP RM OM (Bey + 1528/9» 168 + 89.25 ty (6.478% «150350 S65 4888 A7B=0 Fu mecravacs cuarren rinse 434 carrer mines rus Ciromaet Total iperostatic ores on Surtees 1.30 _Feshnyorone Force on Suaces ‘eeoeauucs | 130 _Torsiiarosaucrorce onsutaces HYDRAULICS \ Foundation stress Baye) a sls cy y=} O22m eg ers "S352 we | ee a veep hs = Bistecneyay) > BN sma 734 = 90) = 2° 2/0-1a9m Res Fa175554N rable = BT (CE Board May 2007) Thess ofa one ait ao Reamiernaseeres Bi Aumthown inthe gure The Resa Spf water a he psa side - - i Neg ah othe se unt weight of onrete “ Riven tebe ste 8 7 SED wise ‘etomin te folenng (or 4 Ri in + Vi fone nut sing s| +276) 168.395 | Mecteyan| Se = 78404 kN | Saianng edie i? ower | Srermring net ng got Flag) SotamintNon OM=3ESI6KAm. > overing moment CH ae 7 OM re TBO Se tain ae aaa 132 _Wrarnyeromaee Free on Sceces rable 3-3 (CE Board November 2003) Theseton of gravity da ie shown inthe figure Assume hydratase pil vary ifr rom al yao fescuonperuntiengh atthe 6° 2 ‘se the don Ure sp gr ot Conse oot length fam Shera Saale Wye ng me (24-2922 wax) 224.40 bs ye 2424) Fras otc 2828 on) vy Vo 24 24 AOA Pha Psatte vise Yam 4 060 io be (624) 0070) = 13,00 edaan = aa 8 = Set 13.080 TASB = 269.248 bs per fot Ehaonnccs Towlhiperonate Fares ansuraces_ 133 Problem 3-33 (CE Board May 1986) ‘The secon of th masony dam a shown, The spac wight of water i S81 KN and wa ofconerete e351 Assunung pli prose ane near om in resus he eel zro a theloaton of the din rine tection of ‘terete fore) ctor eaity guna sing toute of ton 07, (taco of aney again rertening theses at thes and atte tow an) “he nt hora shearing Satution 134 Fattnyerose Fore on Srtaces FuPinorauics, fe ervonaauice Tot tydrontatictorevansuriees 135 7 Contr eng of am = Ra, 399012 cs (o F= BM. som 1 Fores iseum 1, 3358 pgs.2y620» 3489 XN ty 2388 (7162}0) 85004 oy» 23.58 aon) = 15919 BN i 981 SyS0)0)] = 1.22694 = 905) © 54601 =v a= 9sr5sony.= 122645) egcon Recher ei We imo aed 159 + 12963-5.80 gy 2820136N Tus WS 79) 14295) + WRT + 9) (3473) » 8369295) * THIS» 122639853) ew 90012 Bin om = F073) ues, {71226360/3) + Ser0c047) OM 377958 Nn 9753.23) «ag 12 ld) Foundation presure ry: £5382/2:182°59m<0/6 Sis at he toe “+ ‘p20 KPa Stress at the ee ase” (6) Untthrzoeal hearing sess 7k 28 Se sak Fee” 3820) Te submerged carve AB one share of cele of ade 28 tbdisiocted on the over omar af sank a thn The lengh of te tank pepeniale lathe sian eo Fn the ‘xapntude and ication oe Forectal snd vere femponent of the total force 136 _Torarnyerostane Force on Stace Fy = Dang) Fla benaun Ate es ieee Voom u Fee Weis Vina" aA) Ar 2) 8% Aalenae Stam atime Yc = 0118 44.86 S058) I FLAN, #42) 1 00) + 24086 fern heen Fis ating 0957 tthe gh of civonauuics foconsumes 137 Tal tyros Fore on surest Sloe unt perc lvays normal the Sua and normal othe cite pases Skough fo cnt then the fol feces E shal lv piss though the certr of he ile , hens the moter shout Ode te Foeduetsfyand Frise. tote Tisistunto a fel rs css. ams 3-35 (CE Baars) ons of lineal face of whch AB i he thse support bys scr ame Binge ‘The length ofthe ge 3 10 m Compute the | tage and locaton of the horizontal and vets components of the ot) Foooeo ae setten “| (oo i 138 _Foornyeronsc Force on Suteces nupmomuues fe Suvenauucs Totalbiydiottc nero suraces 139) Fen Seaton Fo aan 2910865) Cn at Finan Fee en y= 416069 = 2887 “Therfore Fuk ating 2887 m above 0 Vie Wao Vaoe a= a 30. 3.09 fy 20 fr r9.8102550 pasts Moment sont 0 deo Fyand Fe = te) Fa ier 3or90877) “therefore: Fs atng 857 to feom © Probl 336 (CE Way 1995) Calaite the -magrtade of the Felten oes per ste eng de {Siatr acing on the rail titer two shown niga 2 “Ar Ae Asa nsabee peongan) rasa IE Foimasn proven S37 Cate the magnitude’ of the ult presure on Liege sp 2 Semele titer gte shown fa tgurel2 Benes s4 PON 12519 PLE Fo (ao aa ~ sz no SSE popu 140 _Tocnnyaronate Force on utes feuroeavucs | Crronagucs Toxaitaronaicroreeansurnces 141 Probiem 3-38 Problem 3-39 (CE Board November 1993) Determine the magatade of F fe te gue shown, the 129 m the norsonal “and vert licnter hinder 129 m lng ‘Srnponnt of the ttl fre 5 ed upon by watar onthe tan aoe ert gh sting om the ‘i tdbavingsp.g of 8b on the ght Co Eeegucte tinder gale 4 Detain the components of te Shown = frac at 3 the lider weighs Beam “ Setaton Faaria Fn 90i020.2«1 sottion Fao 16s5iN Frew Ereeaiten @opa.ay te fanyFA= 981x09)06 12412) Fan Wi= 081 «08108 0612) PaoSs2kN Br ProSRASKN Rove t6o5r678 Roy 10.7 EN ar=0) Fox BGO) + O7SIRA), Fn mSe KN hort fn Fn W=0 Up MECHANICS 142 _Farnyeonae Foren Suces revered cone pig 40 man dnmetr a 00a fog se 820 man aa inte ae ttt of oncoming cmon NE, Spa aE. Det th wot verbal fee ating on log solation Rav Fra 810825024045) Rrenaie = SBfoa? seny0n 097] -037035 vest? "solion Total yds ars Sunes 143 eat xosy000%25 Fa B0s08 aN 4 00505 OES EN = 635 N downward ‘52m datetr horizontal einer 2m ong plugs 1m by 2am rectangular fea the atom of ane With what fore te eylinderprewed apust Thebotom ofthe tank duets the bm depth of wate? a2 (1eos30% Ti rote DE =A on cae = SELEY 9) snr Arsen 09 9? sch aan os » Area, Ay 21774 A= P rasmas, | charren TREE ruupmeciianics 144 Total Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces a Arex of segment As= 0614? vytaauig) = 1228 = fee B= 981028) Rona 108i (ond foe cling on the ‘linden perm of eng |The gute shown ie = f rotaion abot hinge 8 Serena Totaryronaucrorenonsurnces 145 Byer By =9n(612)(420)0) Fyn 25636 Frey Yat To ne Agel =} Vas = [f9)? + §34¢6.28)] 1) Fresniaan Foblem 3a uate le 25m Fat stint to prevent Rogie the weight of ‘et Berka Bex 9512522) Frame) -c250F105 Faas 146 _Ftistnyaromaee Force on Sroces “Sree the ara tcl 2M Fos Fe) Bibs) = 8052/) BiSe em=0) 2/3) = Fle) F2)-=0 Pe esese/3) + 2105045) Feavosan eying tak sewn has 3 eophencal end cap Compute the Roraontl and Serta components ofthe (ore due tnd water ating dete Fvand fe ART CN | ie | Einbtatues > Total vera re, | [ tics way save forthe total vessel fe Fi uum mecranscs cuarneeninee 4.47 Total HydronaieFoee on Suaces ree due to Fro hed sue of maginany if above the sorface VLE lume of al liner - Volume of sphere Vir vaRO- WE x0? Wamu! row 9 080}00586) Fron SB476880 Foret dt water: = Ree A Form [081 05)0) 95101273) «xy Fv =S58198N y= Weight of read imaginary ol above thesurce "waht fel water above the fice Fem @81 x08} HnBA7) +9812 %$ x6 Fy= 10501 ott orzontl eee, Fi Fo * Fi ‘Total horizontal fore Fy = 684 +9819 Total horizontal fee, Fy = 138859 &N > Tot vera fore Fe F ro B40 8474 Total verte forse = 49827 N ‘gv = iho ai whine arepere PranvewYy Fe= B8bOS en cy]¢ 981 xf OP) 148 Serrryeromat Fore on Surtaces ORAS Problem 3-5 Premuriced water ils tbe tank shown in the Bgure Compute the nel Iydrontate force scngon the Hemiephercl surace i Coser 100 KP oe Weds iar Volume of eylinder + Volume of hemisphere spe)» P= 0 = 9is2005) south hinges zee Fup mecranaes ccunorer mee Ehvonautics roraityaronateFerceonsurteees 149. Problem 3-46 Derm the force rue to open the guartecylinder gee chown The eight ofthe gate SOHN acting aU igh oF the fol water prsure pases ‘soupe pone © which ir ale the Jeeton of th hinge there the faoment dae water presrars f=) Fas) =50(12)+ Fo) | pemun Paap oa dome shown fled with i (+= 0) and is tached to he “ocr ty cght dameriely opposed bl What force m each ble eed eld the dome down he Some weghe SON an a 150 _Serarnyowat Fore on Sutacs sotton Fee psteaare) 2x2 Bhat WB n= 8620N Panes Determine the force Fagus > hold the cone ‘Shown Neplet he eight ot ‘ro nec gumenmets 454 ott ryan Fores on Sree Salation pe=o, Fe Fa fc oxiaetansHe) ‘{s080ro fos anni [$1] core f2e51-0072 Faas Fatien 5-2 ‘200mm diameters pipe 12 am thc care water anders head 250 = eater Ostrmine the nin he see a = 28320)800) 72) Fete 3-50 Deceit the guid cna of 40 dle sel pipet cy & punta prea of=500 kPa th allonsble working tes a2 Pa sBition 's or 124 1000» 252) 152 _Srnrnyoronse Force om Surtees ro mecrunics mum wecraues cunrren mince Shipnaoucs Totatnyaosaietornonsutnes 153 ‘Problem 3-52 Determine the ste at the wale of 200 mam diameter pipe, 10 mm thick ters pose a 15 mf water and sobmeged fos depth of 20m Pipe dame, = 6 m= 600 asm Msximum preasore the ak (at Gtr), p= a (p= P81(08}7) = 54555 ¥Pa 2010107200) ‘Sas56(a00) $= 20023 mms 200-0 oe ee seins Saxc.sya0 se 1388000) "mb roan: F Adina ho sphere 35 m in amet halis hum gs at 1700 Pa Detesne the mina wal hres of th sphere te wale ste ‘Sotton FrabIenT-T 1 100-mmID sel pipe has a6 mim wall knee Fran allowable es “hess of 9 MPa hat mas prsrare ante pipe ian Watt sues, = 22 coon 2188523009 Sotuton 126790 Problem 3-55 ‘A vet olindral tank s 2 mters in ster an 3 meters high sides Me hl in poston by means of vo ste hoops oe a th top ae te ther Nsom belong wih mar deph fat a eae the tensile stress in each hoop, ov : yo = 2000) 216 ps0 MPe = 9600 Kee ‘woe storage vat bm in diameter ad filed wth 7 of += Fhe word staves te bound ty lat sel ban, 0 un wide by 6 men ik thos slows ten sss 110 MiP. What the eed pacing el ‘Eas arte tor of the at. negating ay ntl ses? Spacing orto.» = Bite Allowable tne stress of hoops. 10 MPa Chotesetonl are of ope = S06 = 30 me? 154 Feeaiparomae orc on suraces 1 a= 0) 2a) Fa) TlOMeF > Fa.) 298113} 2,21) = 825K neq) Th 0359(6528) T1688 (tension the botom hoop) Freee | verte etn tank, pan athe op elle with a uid sides a Ftd im potion oy tens of tse! Reop, one athe op an the ther {he an ‘Deere th ao he seein he upper Roop that Solution y= FW 3) (Ee 0 ii) =F) rato £48 ~05 ras Sonate Tota nysronatctoreonsurtess 155 Problem 3-57 “Acrlindrial continer 6m gh and 3 in dati nocd with to ‘oop | meter rom each end. When i led wth water, what the fon Imench hoop det water! Solation Fe dr =} 318/248) (har B= F/3) 139817036 as Minton) (BNO F69) assess 390.75/96 1 =a3RSKN Fria 5-55 (CE Woara Noveriber I9E2) Acinic nk with ts a verte 1 eter n diame and 6m hgh itl togather by or sted hoops one xt ops te thr atte betoxn Three igus A,B and Chavingsp ge of 120, and 30, reapecaly AL tanec ving depth of 120. On the scare of three tmoephere pressure Fn the en sues in each hoop Heck asa cos satona are aso me 156 _rasnyromaee Force on sree oy 29)12)* 721 pt 3K). Fyn 2240) = O72) Bec. i240) #47 4p 0.240) BS ale Nan 2) = 2 (Mey <0) ars = fos) + Ro. + 5) Fe) ~ 02) 32ts= 07208 +1 sy 8) yah 83072) + 21670.) Pro mecranacs Tou nyeronatereneentuimee 157 7860 =a16N rss 73 Ste 5.825 MPa > srain oto hop ana Bara yates 246 20.09 See, Tate, Taipei shen 5) = Bin 11264 1250 ‘Sees S/<113MPa > stetsin top hoop rata [hn open elindrieal nk of 185m crosestiional aren and 3.05 m gh thts 2891 ler of water Ino fs loweed another stall an of ie ight ut of 098 mt crseecton inthe iverted posit aowng Is eed to rest onthe botom of the tgget lnk Delran the mou 2 : ] . oe yh fil etl 8 pg 158 _ SCanrperstauerorceonSutecet TaFigue © i. "alum of waer™ (186-055) +0885= 38 {86+ 45a 2591 : Bien 308 peism-aa > 5.0) nV p= lo1325 APs aanosphere pressure) T= 0956.08) = 25355! pretoises rosie eosna0s-)) sor so42so65 = 201525 + 980) 1083O.5 >] ‘ise o03 of 201 sesh +29524-9 29904 10525-9.81H=0 sas2h- 1012251$22-05h)-981.522-05h~0 ‘Bistrot Ss 1450h 490580 285654 (COATT gy ‘ HER) stn m whetsiom the maximum teste stress atthe oto ofthe tank payite sais) a7 KPa = 020557 MPO Wyo) 3D" 186m? Da1539m= 1539 mm zrenmsras39) rewan Fup mecHANs | Eionngties Tout tyaronnictoresontursas 159 Problem 3-60 (CE Board November 3977) tn erg having specie rv of 052s Hating on alt water of =p. ‘is ike volume oe above the wate sure boc. what he ‘eave tthe ket ‘sotation tat a vole of ie Vo=volune daplced Bie= Ye V= 98109240) Wig 9252 ‘r= ata105)¥ 1000) Tes BFE 10084-1000 Ba =o) Vig BF S0Rs2¥ = roxmis 1000) tarsi = 101083, Ve5setcem Aether Solation: Tor homogenous solid body Heating on homogeneous gud Be Vag, «ME Vi 2 Faas Taga role = GL (CE Board May ZOOS, Rav O02, Way 2005, Nov SBI Dock of wd 60x 060 = meters in dmeron ws town nthe a ft eit 18 m rojcing above the ater urtace, The ar sk fas down Ino acoso ud having specie vit of 050 and ans wath 0.0m projecting sven urace. Determine he wings ip teva of (he specie gait of th eck end (Gthe weight ofthe lock en ee ruupmecuanics IE uo wecsivucs couoren ee 160 Teorey Force on sac ‘Phvonauucs, ie SHYoRACLICS Tota ysrontaicForeeonsurcs 161 Solaton yt names “Avelyn ap 007 nts on gsi of. 08. The une ot tyson cigs var wha penta lone nner sation Dratt= 2b i foe a Suey Siaut Js Yon FE Vas, ts ho 7 Ve fon 05750 Saneton one LL Ste the volume ofthe bey displaced (bow the gu sures 0875 or 5% of 1s tol volume, hen te voltae ofthe body above te ig (Peace 125%of otal vlme ies 05h ox26 Him > hightof the block stato.) “sees 5S oe Sorter 3 Shean amy of wood Dobiom 5-64 (CE Naverber TORT] 1 ook Bf wood 0.20 m hick ie Noting in ee wate. The speci gravity of Peed is De whe tha of enter e188. Find the minim ch wll support man weighing Dk Weigh of Hoek er i Waghtof block = Oat «2es7[06%26,059) Wedhv crock > 272i ‘och a : m0 | Sapo aN ae | em _ DM _ ef se aN ieee {oon FSB Alon 085 Yaw Te ct eta kivteigeme ta Vow = Bm cam cuarrer THREE Lun mecHanncs 162 _Scinperes Force on suraces TE IRAUUCS Siete Totalryronatctorcronsumecs 163 Problem 3-65 (CE Noverer 1997) 7 sein of wood (eg, = 060) has Sin siden Compute the magnitude 24 Fe oe re segura to hald th wood completly submerged sotatlon ‘eight of wood = (624 080)(3) 187951 Buoyant force wn completely submerged in water: Br ~o2ale) eguied fore = 8325-15785, Reed foes = 2088 Tbs downward eee meee : Sineoth a W Ae as BOS erage n-onemisn oe i = is Ee cencom — one ee iden sSemoraa She tosses Bier Yo Walder ezetaqaah) ietasse 164 _Seiarnyaomni Force on Srtoees ras Soe 0000.04 «03 *1.2) pee hetacb77 Frees tha bi stapes atachod tone of 0 03m x2 m Woo tele hats he length ofthe pole above water? Use sp. gf wood of Eps tat of tee 785. Seaton ‘Ao = G00» 0501x0312) Woo 1K it" fy = 09001088) Bry=30d Beso 10005 Fhe plo 785 vers eed Br=0807 Ke ; Wy Mag BF * BF evs lou That sho78m aad I uum mconanucs TE HSRAULES ‘cuarten rane Tottliyarostati ores on Suess 165 robe 3-70 1 moon buoy (2 0.42) f 50 ma by 50 me by 3m ong is made to oat ssn water (6g. = 1025). How many N of sel ag, 785) shoul be seh othe feta male the boy fat wt cy 20 mo ep! 0 | Fan Bl MM fms = 5510". Ve Ens = 1005525 Vny BT Bless Yo Br = (810 «1025400057255 aneasetr aC & as Woes = (a0. 8 2400572) Women Sa n= (51027 88) Vane 5 300525 Vg * 641-1552 70085 Vat D 995525 Vy IBS Ve 00% ia” 9807 85,00276) Moa = 2125518 raze loc of ends. 12.3 i 410 cork whoo space gray ic IS They Hou just sabrged eter What te weit orth crgeren REE Feetepdrontate ore on uae 166 ‘solution Foo) Wer Ws Bree BF. Wem 025103 ws We=05 game Brew yee ee r= (0) fe Bre gem Wien al Wirt) ‘aa H wont B= Es BR=d) Yee maser y=190+ Vn9a7ee wien13ea 1H = 10897 grams Problem 3-7 (CE November 1983) (flow finder 1m in ameter an 2 mBgh weighs 385 N,() AIBPRN client waiging 1101N/ 8 must be fasten oD cuts yi eperto mone ot eth 5m submerged in water? @) How ‘IN oridad its placed inside tein? iu mecuaracs TE ORAULCS Shition Tol tyrostatie Fore om sues ‘CHAPTER THREE 167 ca am (0 en en otan ito end ietne otise aro 981tg 075) srconssh envoy, ero Bre BF. =e Wis 3aa5= 1156 Wi 7735N (0) es ison se ender 168 _orarryeronate Foren Sutaces Problem 3-73 [son ee 220 man on each de an welghng 25 Nis lowers nto tn ning yer water 150 tk overage of mercury. Determine {heptane Soc when thas reched equa Bry = aan 297025) = 769.1028 5) reat Blt BFW ndsean c+ 76921028-9) 25 “Therefore the Block will lot with 2.6mm blow th mercury surface bie 7 ele 22 fet on an ge Ha oer al of = and per ba hag =07. Rrmtsina fvolyer Aid woth ower 2g: 14 ‘and apr fg = 08 Determine te Helght of the top of the cae Stowe the ince. Set gure “nu mechanics cosorer ee RUDIMDRAUIG I shyoRAUtics Totaltyerstchorceonsuraces 169 | ‘EHYDRAWES| aah F | BE > (2414102902) + 6240510270) Bro |e24x22) Q08- Lah +088) Wo (24 Lo4(23y4.3) + 6240712250.) Wojeex271035) fee=1 (e222 68 -14h+ 08K) = eed n2z4e-59) 00—ah 0842176077 iam 5-75 (CE Nay OTP Jot dlameer sold cylinder is 95 ma High ind weighing 375 Nie | eed in a uid y= 8175 H/o) contained In 8 tall ual cinder ingame of 125mm, Before immersion, he gid wae 75 mn Seep. Bevctaovel wil te sold tinder fon? uo wecranics cnarrerinee 4.74 aircon ichvonautics Totttyarstan oreo suns 170 _SCrarnyarone Force on sraces TeHoRAUh Problem 3-76, 'A wooden bern of ap 0.6 50m by 150 man ade hingd at Aa shown inthe gute At what angle wile bers oats wate (oy eaaremesn (Aer imean eae Sale forthe drat Dn gue este Weghotheam 1a Brey ona Magar tenn v= G5105 06510576) . (pace we $58,736 mt 4 oon = 458716 ‘Walghof team, W=708324N Buoyant fre, BE= tone Vo Dial, = 884mm Baopant force, BF = S810(65) 3} t Buoyant force, BF = 2207252 Wen te oi elie sumed the Hui he tal ele to volume of higud duped. ‘Therefore, te volume of eM-9) eee ac ae : BAGS) cond = W725 ceo) ‘Eoplced eqns the lve of ral and imaginary Id above ‘vigil ee Vaan” Vo Fan 8716 B075x8-08) = 7063225) 1 rom Figure BeesDey eee 289mm “Therefore the sli pind wil ost with ts bottom 53975 mm above ot of the alow ender 4 172 _Sethryersatc Fore on Srace ‘problem 2-77 (CE Board May 2003) From he fgute below le show atthe gate sm wie and ishing ‘Fotatomt he gate Compute he ftlveng theatres fone kN acting onthe gate Fumo mecuanacs EnAULES Gy BEIeon af the center of eran he gate rom the Nog {Othe ina vel xp the gate nclaed poison. Expacoanex) -——F y= $0)=066rm Mang) Fegoreas w9e2(nsen =257 Tasno2iN From he FBD ofthe ert oc er =0) Fearew Bem Woon Van= 236 Ve 5292+ 981 Vang" Z38 Vows Von a3796 mo 1 sfeonrte ant wesgh = 2583N/)neede Fu uscranacs Eronauuis fecrentaioes 173 “otal yavostatc ove on Sure oblem 3-78 (CE Bosra November 1993) ‘boa going fom sale water 6p = 10) 0 hiner op = 1.0) sinks Vid em and aor baring 72750 kg of coal ras up oy ISO en Pind the el leplaemet of he boa ins water in EN Feel awe) ovomg oun have to asume that th bat have s contancotesetoal tes A bow ter srane an one = 1000/9 We 000% 14040) riuio mecHamis fe FLUO MECHANIC Gourreenimee 475 74 singrennee Sp reer satm comer Be SOURS serratus an wipe Ly tetera oe ip Seiawwomay son eae chan einen F — ; Wane ET ne Shing fr depacerent in ask ater (ajay = 2400 200 oo[atD 0a) =W.72790 > Eq.) From cyt ta aia) 4010 OsIAD = 1o00A(D +0072) Foee) aap ~ 10000 "72 Leb th fence in the ea in sh seawater Da2stan (rat aeewaten) Vion asco From E60) E00 "w= toss) i ne076 Wa 2eie2a \ Dnata fah wae, #344 076" 34768 Frome ook (254- 00762) = 261624 -72730 sha = 261624. 72730 rable 3-0 (CE Gourd November 1955) Anam Consider an abivary shaped body with 2 sebmerged volume Vs and © Amat submerged in da density, What the nat vets fre on ‘Therefore heb de to yrotat forces? ye 182728) fade 9 1288529 (1/100) Fees Dap avin placement of 24000 tons anda dat of 34 fot Dae UE of fa water ee Bron section of the spa sees Son sq what depo ah weer rqud Host {Rig Soc tht mse ton 2290 bad hat en water ad Srl tpt aa 22 pet respective. Fram 3 ‘A phil Balloon 9 xn ameter ld with heum gas presuriced © Ini KPa at 3 tomperstire of 29°, and anchored By a rope 9 the oun Neqicing te dead weight ofthe balloon, determina the tron i the ope "Gee 212 m/"Kor helium gas and a= 1176 /n “rus aecnanuce guarren mince 4.79 176 SCOESEE xeon eosin BE tact sero a a esha foamed : oe aoe ee 3 Boa aya oo ie baa mania ‘ meen sy Mh vo sgupeaer oe soit a Poe = ae iio : ; Pai snow xo} STB ewanan Sree women oe SSD eey ona eee oe aT joc ae in an ig via eee erreepetetetetaeenaratn cand The buoy n Figue 2-1 has 80 of el walghtatachod, The buoy has logan ck 2m op Compe hari wih ie ct st sch he buoy wl ean runing therck exes ho moment onthe Buoy fo «body of guid having 2p. gr of 08 so tt bse i esac ote cae) How much sdaionl force regia to push the base 10 Soluson ‘The equi downward vera force ie PSBr-W BE Var BE= Gi10<65) o/9.01/287024 Brean Feat Seow tsimeges ‘Foeteycoctace Fore on Surtees 178 Problem 3-24 To what depth will 2am log 4 longa of sp. gr. 0425 sink fresh wee sotation Fora homogeneous sli ody esting ona omepene i Vos 2 nw ‘Ac=5e (sade re) From gost: “hee Bee Aree Siam ae ene Bnaind 267 Sal by tial nd nor ae) ent 70"= 27 (267) yon 18" "e907 sino" = 2655267) yd 16 "eaaisn/ 180) -sotssa’=267 OK ee hed eon@/2) Rad) co6sas"/2) Dons Us Weck ofwoed rues force of 401 to agp meee water ad ‘vce of 1001 fo kvp sinned glycerin lp. gr = 13) Fd he Snap grofthe wood 179 fo “ES BS fe TBF, =o Bh-W-F=o smiov=iv = ‘Ho enn: Bry =0) Bebop (Bai0«3)V-9= esios1[ So ] 1100 nme Unit welthey = = So59g A ‘Sp. geoam Tame BS Spenanae” wo 180 Soarryorosete Force on Succes Problem 3-86 ‘rectangular tank af tema th of Simean shown, cotaing oof sp B= Ob and ete) ind the depth fol I @)tl we HOON Beck of wood a in te ek what te sein fee fee ofthe water incon! th 1 beset Fowre Faure) ao (a) Depth of (Baer to igre) Sunsupprsnuehea fom oi surface © to wae uface @ in of wae ALengn-tete ovanh-1-0 (i) iso the water srlce Refer to igre (98008) v= 1000 Von tizm uo mecuawies Enronaaues Oeeiues 181 ott tyrone Fores on Surtees Sin eof ein anchangs 8125 ebony 03m [As shown in igre olbnater nea drop bya dstance fy the fee sua of water wil ie by 3/2 sce te conser sen othe ‘ght compartmant ice tht he costae Sump prem endo ol sic 1 wa suf mo water D2 1301/08) G-a)-a-y/2=0 ats 239/20 waco | 200136 136 ‘Tharefore; ee surface of water wil see 36m. Ban 3 87 pen cylndie tank 350 mm in diameter and 18 m high sisted eal ito a body of water withthe open end down and Gone with 130 Neck of cnet p=) suspended at lwes ond Neglecting he ht of the cjindr, fo what depth wil the open end be suber tion Blau * BEai-W=0. > £9. 0) ane Pi ype a” Sa { a BF = $610(00552 ce ae ia ee Bra ad LL 182 _ishnyarotve Force on surtoces From eg) an «Ses 1500= 0 Pesce ‘applying Boyles Lae faking pon = 101.25 KPa) bs pressure inal, y= 203.05 KP ‘elume fai iide the ner = #0357028) Volume fair inside te eylader, = 0.0173 Atrio _ tena pecsue rs 72 = 10.35 yh ‘Sette rss ie po 101-2508) ‘Nish premure nae = 10824Po ‘otume of arinsie tender, Va= $0357 Vole de thc, = DR vie nV Fars 17) = 82000562) idm igs 18 yok er tose $0589 -trrfrs, the open ed is submerged 0938 m below the water surace. stem = EBT rep ny am naa an 18m gh eg 205 ‘SRG on of ai wetting pel meee A ae, the bight baa prtedng above wat Weak elute lng of proton the boy He Se op oat Sones 7250p a Uae day wales = 10018 Fup wecrawes erayaronasctorteonsuraces 183 Soution Weight of chain =22ep/m Dany of tal = 779g? ote of tel (cha) = 12/720 Note of so (chan) = O0015¢m pr meter length = doo «1033 0674095) Rent 27958 +1586, -205-12L=0 Depth of water, = £096 184 Foratnyeronate Force on Suaces TEMNORAUUES fe EHDA (iarren meee SHypRAuLics® “Total Myarostatic Force an Suctaces 185 TnFigus | Sottion Depth ot water = H-21 Depth meter = 62 Weg ofa Draft. D= 8-1" Wa Vow Dra =602-L" b= $510 042) $059 eFeo0) ooo DPOF Wea acy Fore BE = (ton 108))[$ 0670 BF ore Va Br 291.23 602-1) BF = BBi0) $0357 Beye arsaas- 29130 ar=13809N ary gow 103jo001549) Depth of oot Work done by ¥¥= Work dane by BPEL se nas.) Be we 5825(4.3 +) = 138.694 s9a8- api 18-28-20 =0 iat Hert ; Deem-si3=099 —_— : =18-0 i x [Bb toner weighs 00216 and hr othe apa end which 279 yrs. ae in dinmator How mach deeper wil it Baath alley. ge = 078) ato $05 m feng rnin) een hee io pom ison a T= (CET ae 1 onen pal a wth pcc gy 02 a dat = AODUGy tom atch 3 m above uric of waar in a pol ET ran aan The tl tay tached Ue tris fe pool be gm, (RTOS O8R1¥o.= 002 Sante non etre the Sepia te pot j | sox Brew Geios07ve «acts Leaner S0N=2097-2687=1ommt ——MIMTORY THN Doo Fema i-229 mm ‘er nyerostate Fore on Sura 186 Problem 3-91 W plas ee of side and sp. gr 082 plac vertically In water. Is Sabra? Solution They islet M ieabove | ak O= BFL Dra. =O. _ qe" L__| Teno t Since MB, Gla Ms above G ‘hebody able 1 sold wood eyinder of pee grat 06 & $00 mun in diameter nd ‘hi big pnced vertaly ino p. ~ O88), would tbe stable? spe weod paral Dish 0 = 4 1200) = 847 Dra, D= 00" sor MB, =25.36 mn 8, — 600-47) cna ies Since MB, «GB th metaceter blow G ‘Telos tbody untae soe Terarryerottctereontuiees 187 Problem 3-93 | ABekof weod p = 06 ne hp of separ uae Savings Tam squr ase the ck fois es a ee ee Hsin wht te mn hgh fr sabe ace Se ie pedion eh ysl ven ts ove Cand etait blow een 1G Wi male value he | _stacenter wl come igh a ‘San making inch ale ie ee When i ineresses will move jeep [a tw avr otk qe i Shih forsale equa aameaere) ihe eines mth or Ml = or =e Gucmiacoi r= fiero os.a05H-oenn/2 a oan, ot iae= 40x00" + SoD Wasa on { "O° Tae °° a 188 _$odhnpeestace Force on Surtees ‘wood cone 700 xm dieter an 100 mn high oats in wate wth ‘toe down ifthe specie paaty ofthe wood i O80, woul be ste Determine so na meteor gh aa $ 85079000) Verne 28201.700) 07696020 =88 me ea” joo “gat Je” 7598800 Fro he ager "Ge. =750-30/8 Se 70- 3889/4 Since MB, G8 M low Gand the cones UNSTABLE. =7749 00 Simona Totutteronactorcansuiecs 189 Ina metcetrichelght. ME ~ MB, - C3, Ina metcens hgh MG=7.49 12745, Inia meracente height MG = 38.96 mm res FO ecangla ow 9 m wide, 15 m Jong, ad 36 m Nigh hs dan iar of 2a mT center of gravy is 27m above the btm of the seem he fallving. (i nal nar hag righting or overaring mom wh he cow tks unl nese Isjust atthe point of sabenrgene ion Ital meacencc hight Ira meacent eight MG = Me i, Inia metaentic height, bac = 28125-15 Ital metacensc height MG = 13128 aa : cara ake 190 _Settryerona Force on Stace Mace igh MG= MB,-C8. Natacenihelght MG=201 15181 m Since MG > Ml th moment righting moment i ghing meme R= 1 sin) (si LOsBUS\20)] =327988N lighting motent = 5273 8.4) sn 1453 Siping moment R= 15083 KN wh barge. oating a es water hss the form of» parlepiped a Slmersons 1 30 any 3m. Heweighs 400 iN when loaded with Step song verte 4 ome Btn, Fd he rte Sei argon Sere orien ee (i — oe oI l E (erent et paaD- Df 4500 Delssm ‘uma wecuanrcs ehvdrauucs Foweonsurecs 191 Total paronatcovee on dura ‘Along login ai ling: w= a eg-5i5m ass"? Metacentiheght. MG=845-3.235 Metacentsi height MG'=225 m (he barges table lling) Aang teaver direction (pitching) fest] ee (so)=6502m to "aay Motacene hight MG = 492-3235, Mace Reg MG= 45.785 m the bage ie tbl in pishing) aaa ST (CE Rag TY Acanc barge, 20 long S mets wide end 2 meter igh leaded at ar ih oad rll weighing 20 sor tonsa on fet water wih dsl of 120 mars nd hast one gravity lcd slong everest isa 2 eit 150 mature above ts atom Compute the sonal dine out ose fom th centesine of th barge hough which he rae could sng he 204m lu chad fe fom the eno the ck and ip te spe withthe 20-meter edge jus touching the water sara? Srieaaucs rorvontatacs 193 ‘Toca hyoronau Force a ures 192. Seaton Farce on Sages Solton Tshert ton = 200 vee 500) 98 ‘abe esa et 14 ei Bro LABSSRNS eight tags ‘Washi of tage is = 18885-17656 ‘Weight barge Wa 17069440 "i08)= He AH3 505) 1.706 9 am redaind 50552 1120" 0306m Gee14-d~ 0888 Mo~ 4533 -0848-2685m soMGainé E=685 an SI = 0725 9 | mex a) Gnsmaes, 11383520.72) = (755544 © 0106) E=7.604m > Herisotldttce rom the center of he deck Fries 3-98 wooden berg of rectangular crear anton tm em igh end 16 mong 5 anspringin saa (= 103) total ld of 1500 KN chiang Han ago. a weight of 78 AN (cde inthe 10044) aed xy 29 ae ie wl ce bg og down 0 mm nero and aso Tie $0 men the coping de fone ‘age dots vray (onan evn he) Etre the shige te weight show fr above the wate the canal gay of honed barge 194. $ebhnpersauc Force on Sraee FLD MECHANIC 'EHNRAUUG, Save forthe dat. “ose 16 =O} 1500 Dat6m Inthe Tite positon wane tf. oar MB. Shs (Ma 0) ae) +750) | MBs ‘loses b= (rs 0st) near 1 asf 03) sn 642] + 752867 = 15000516) re 2947 m > distinc of om te ws Envonautice roattcronaterorsonsuraces 195 ‘The waterine scion of 2 1SOLAN barge is soon. cater of eras 1S mabove the cane f buoyancy Compute te inal metacen Might sie ring 1s Gamer HOUP=2+ 5H 12068000 (oro) Sat Vo «1500 c=, MG 4515 Mg= 90 on > itl metas eight Fluo mecHanics caneren Hee “CHAPTER THREE For ence cinematics “Total iyrostatic Force on Suraces 197 196 _arryerostue Force on Sutces (eVORAUUS robe 3-206 | ‘Supplementary Problems _ iter in a ankis pressried to 8D cmHlg. Determine tho total force per eer ‘veil etnglr gate 2m wide and 2 0 high has water on one shin ac 3 abe to top. Datmine th maga of th el = Sp re acing ee ae tic am he wer fc Ey = th vercalsevsccuny aca of adie rx submerged in «quid with se GaRSRTLSRS igus sorace How frie the confer of peste fom gai uae? an the gure shown, #t-dlameter cylinder, 3 fet ong lg 60s and ison boom ofa tank that 3 et lang. Water and ol are pezed nia tard righthand ofthe tank to depths 2 fot and 4 fot especie nthe magitudes ofthe hoional tad vera components of Se hat wl ep teylinder touching the ak Tropes at hn ll (+080 $m nga $m dep and Sr Ft oe te te to and 9m wea ser eee (yeah ao) eos one bial Seer cet onpral ens un a “As: (a} 1002 KS; (9) 7521 Be Bye 2aaklbs problem 3-103, Fee ana pana wh i foot ray tera nape r BORER reer al Lf Soa emratetln mh / _ Shown. Consider only 1 meter length of eyinder perpendicular fo the below An: y= 195498139 melo D Fent0SkNGOSH mintheleors 198 _Toannperostade Force on Surtees PARAS The Yan dlameer aid ines shown is mong perpendicular to the i Sd retin st ullrson agit Stones wal at ©, Deters hiteight othe stnder. att ‘ane 103 eS Problem 3-208, “The section ofa concrete dam i shown inthe figure. Caneete weighs 2 EN pos sic ter and water weight 9790 N pr cue meter “Colic Frckon between fhe damn sod oundain is 035. Detemsine te factor ‘Sey yaa ding ad gant overtring and abo the ol pressure Tet and toe, Aarne yds pit wares rorya des bend the beso the dm os the oe: Consider 1 length of dan ‘ee S220 50 ne €5.2 aoe = 2002 Taattyrosaucroreonsummees 199 Problem 2 109 [A Wick of wood having a volume of O534 mand weighing 200 N is ended in waar ws shown. wooden 6 of lend mand cose saton| 220 mais tached tthe weight and lot the wal theo weigh 16 determine the ani etn { I t 200 Seiaitgcrnces Force on Suraces Fe oenuucs aomntoS scive Equasnonringen 201 rroben 3-380 Two spre, each 13. min diameter, weigh SKN and 13 LN especie They ce connected with shot pean pce nwt. What the nso {ntbcrope and what poonfthelighter spit prorades om he wale? : Pee ge T= 1 PORN AO Chapter 4 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids 2 Bock weighing 125 pet 1 square and 9 inches deep Hout ona stati Tiguid composed of 7 lier of water above 8 jer of mercury. Determine the poston ofthe Goin othe boc.) Ia dowreard verte Ferc of 20 Tb app ta he center of as fe Block, what the poston at bettie he ack ' ‘4s (9 08° below mare ner cra conditions the pater of» A mass my have alabie ‘oton Dtvoon cach ober et the mass tal may bon moto a ass of iis moving with s conta speed (tern veloc the conan ave hese ws tn Mad stats (as aces in previous chapters), But # te Ray issued to acsloration (whether ttslasan rotation spel eaten Pregl and thi wil be Sune int chaper 3. Would wooden cinder p= 61) 650 mm in ameter and 3 mn bible placed veto pg. = 0857? 1B recrusnenn TeavstaTzon (ovING vesse1) der a mass of ud moving with aie acelrtion ashes he Fire. Considering a parce the rr, he eee acing ste weight Lit aa te thous ier oc reverse ote foe, REP hich le hx an the reaction wich ut nora ote sure Problem 3-113 ‘A rectangular sow 76 by 18 by 2 fang Jaded eh parbage tas 2 da eS fot in wae Io coer of gravity 2 above the waterline the ae Whats thei meta haigh Probl 3-124 4 ‘eats of dimension Land sp. 052 oats horizontal in water. eee cu sable Ae: ‘uo mecriancs 202 _Raowe Egabriom o gues (ewan evetgunorionctingias 203 Vertes Maton ‘om the free palygon shown Bob Consider & mats of Qld cclrated upwards oe downwards with an vane = AEE ‘eclraton ofa sown inthe Figure, Tho forces seng sta oath ee he gu surface are the weight ofthe hud above he Poe. he ese one te ‘ce, Ma andthe preverefoeF= pa then 4 Maov= ty i n “Therfore the surface and al planes of equa hydrostate presure mus ree Irvine athiangle 8 with he hoi Fry Ince Mion a inf gc ttm tn yyy . poi vars) eae Use (for upward motion and (er downs mation ROTATION (RoTarinG VEsstis) he ig mas is rotated bout vera ms ato conan angus speed 0 Gr raians per secon). every parle expos hort ectonton Dias which sual to ut. where x6 he parl’'s distance om the (9 ofroation. Ths acelerabon cave an neti force ca oc or normal afetve or) whichis egal oe or Use sign for upward ation a) sign fr downward maton cHaerer Four uu wecianics up mecuanes charter Foun 204 Relive utr of tues TE IMRAGES 205 tan a, ao tee Ingato sides: nar cinerea a ih rome wheres the angular sped intadan person jp Fguro4 1) thereatinship between any ro pint in he paboh can owed 0 ren eguar propety of paral From he force polygn eg. ‘here tan isthe sop of hepato any point x fom thea of rx Voune= ear 208 _Ricovetqariam of ius supa cota necevecqutintemottsies 209 or dowd nes completely led wit il + 210 uu wecnanues cnaerenrour Sithee Eg tgs ‘Tiree inonaaucs, ene tquistumotucgacr 211 ome (9 Whene= m/s r co Solved Problems =: _ hn open rectangular tank moneda rek wm ong 2m wade and 25 ‘Rgeteatod wih water hos pth of 2) What taxi hor ‘W&letaon can be imped othe ak without pling my te “tenet scenerting fron th gud mast? (6H he cera (Riad tom me how ch water aped cu AF oO: mane HB =D see Ena «0298, 1982 a ‘ Force, ¢ > Me Wis Af pvlume og owes 22 us = 0000 ke ecerting fe P = 000 «1582 ‘ern foe F-38200 id vasa au WS, Es ame) closed horzitl ylndical tank 15 mi diameter and Ao Jong i ply filed with aslie 6p. = 082} and acelrted Norzont at 3 Bind the total force sting a the ea wal ands he ont al ie Find aio the aeclerating son the id nas For= 81x ONLINE OSA Fr 28054 Feet A Frue= Bt 0824075) [5 055) ‘cunrten Four 212 eines Equtorum of ogee (Priore, neiaiveequabeumertguar 213 24.0) 1 = rao mal by = Vere Mies tee 7 710695 ‘ed recs Wk mg 2m nd 2 Nh ld ADEN ow fect Be acces orzo? open ak 1.2 square welghe 3425 Nand conte Ogi of water, es jam antlanced force of 10AODN pale tos pr eden Wat force acing in these wih the smal dept? on Pparha Salve for ade Fe ha= i040 berks 1M Mane * Mas 92981 F221 MM roMmQaZiLAA|OIN] «34257981 ae MMa33 Op : 10400=336842 8 ssnuma mye 214 Retire tgnrum otic 32 oy val” O51 yatzam=ds1m OX) izbaty 90 (062/2)(062~ 183) Soh hase nine 6 oth te horizontal fled wh a TEES GTS if he tank acseratd howaontaly log eng {Sta/P howe mach watr spied ou Solution ena ti oss mont EN onme ay Yous SS) Va Yao Vie Vao= 288.205) Voce “1246S Vacs Aue) “hae = (ABNAE i Seder 2868 G93 fesain ‘AEDs 518m Ane 5200) 61 Hin 286 ' Fup nEcHAs TE onVORAUUES eave cquibrumoruas 215 Vige>51105)=765 9 Vgad7aH5 ne Vga = 85565-47585 Foe ee Boar i vesel 3 min diameter continng 24 x of waters binge () Find te Fpsnue a the bottom ofthe vest in Pa when he vloy e conean nd iid te pressare tha bosto of the vere whan es along 0.6/2 | (0) Whanthevlosy i conta «0 ten ai23) PoZBS4LkPs (rena the baton) 0) vhens 08/8 (afr upward motion) sian of i) rasa a-7 ‘stl conaing ol acelerted on a plane sind 15° wath he a t 12m. Determane the inclination of eo surface when Re on) upwards and) downward * “CHAPTER FOUR WORN HYDRAULICS ‘Roiative Equitiorium of gies 217 216 _feinive equim of ule (EoNORAUUG. “aon (9 Downton ite wn Qe" the peeateomey (a) Be dyn tzeos 8 mnLaSBen 1a) Dowd motion ih aie aeration aso" peosi x09) toh sy 1 sin zona (6) When he motion i upwars: ry (0) yi water nk sein iting water to the tp of omer is 18 m Tithe piesnare ade tt ofthe tke mst net ceed 16 KP, wl fs eral eceeraton canbe impooad in th cylinder when sled tind= i) When hematin downwards tion 9 Irae tant 5 aaa Ieessiya 9m oo Shera Feet en 30 ope indie vse Raving hight sua tae isle with on ad eve sat on etl Sl wih tnt angulated ot Hn tna taco een pl ‘open tank contigo (op. gr. ~O8) acura vet 88/3 Duane the presure 3 ow re he motion (0) wa | ponte acecrabon (@) apord mith 2 negative cealeraton (2) down {Bei nine scleraon and) downvrard wth negate acsraton i thes guste one laid mst teats th he soltion (o Upward ton with postive sean se" wie a P= 81 0810)(1+ 36) (6 Upward motion with gre scration ase“ wihes Sa fee = @51~08)3) sh) prastkre 17pm «2/20 € Fup mecranics cournnrour 949 cuarrer Four Lup wecuans 218 _eiave Equiforium of Liqus [EHVDRAUUGS Vpane= Unb} - (0940.7) pes 032 = 1001? nts 8a) 397 mor 7 Problem Fv open yn tank 1.6 m in dmster an 229 high i fl f wal ‘Mh rotate bout ts vertical ani at 0 pe, hal wuld be the slope of trae surface athe rim ofthe nk? [rope pclae igh contains water to a depth Sin ts alo bot i vera wits comand (9) Wom Syaaane, ther any gu pes (8) What maxim va fw Gn ps) canbe imposed without sping (9 ra" 8snt/s, hoe much water spilled out and to what depth il the water stand when brought ores? setution ope = tn 0 Slope = (@) What. nga spe ‘© (in rpm) will ust zero the depth of water at the o=30 = {@) f= 100 rpm, how much area at the bottoin of the tank is uncovered? er nrad/sec se ena | f : sontion cnarrenrour Lup wecianis Fuso neous conrrenroun 220-_Retive cgsnorum of tuoude TEnYORAULES fe EHVORACLCS seieverguttematuquae 221 (0 w= 8rad/ae | wotrse i= GO 325m =| rise =a) y2=46m> tn some gu pled bu the re fhe paraboloid idee tank ince = Vpme™ Vargas Va tat Vere S09 vate sation Witte toe the » fnew eat a2 yehiaet pase (i) The wortextucher the bottom when = 4m ear 231) wate B w= 886mm (6) When = 10pm (02 10/30) = 3308 n8/s0e 2, aaa F810) ie n=558> 4m he vores ofthe paraboloid aeady below the tank agin) By the squared property soe A= 30280, bland (CE November TOPS pon varie endl veel 2 nds nm high ile! with mf the fpf oated on so own vet ain eer fo dacharge 2 fsanty of wate to uncover» cneular arena th Soto ofthe vsel 1m smear () Determine the angular poe pin an (how mach wate cylinder ae aon? ton Seive for By squats property oF 057 O7ah= 4 tay? 38 254 222 _Sibivetgoorum of ides (Van Varte Viena Vena x (1Fe)- (8 ORI ~ Ye O5E33-A) i Vin= A716 the side of he tae Frat 47 (CE Board Woven 595) | 1h 190 m diameter cloned clings, 278 m Big completely lod with AumEip gr of08 under pressure of hg/ene atthe op.) What ang Tete Ee imposed on te cpinder so tat the maximum pressure at Feehan an os bg/cm Cy Compute the presure fore ented ‘ nupraou yous a heh-275-p 01 nr 1675 10975 = 2085)" . 951) I) Foie yo 278/2= 1786259 = 800073 525)2x095)2 75) Feaaaeiorg "Fblem 3-16 (CE Way 1985) open cylindrical ak Having adie of 200 mana height of 12m water How fat shoal tb rotated about oun wet ott otis volume il be oped out oo Lost weight of y= 10603) Unit wight of Sob for ‘uy=5/0008 = 62502 pines Deg = 000 em? 1 Se 75 tefl al ot nae rts be ferme put oweiie 7S 20756402 | Seas Poors ember, 7 | | | | | | 224 malty bth sides by h/t ee Papen ve 0m Sr nd ed wih at oad ot "eric satsuch eon Bat thew eae 1D mm fo te sah buty=h-12 sBengle of wth he horizontal Compute te spon! of real mig ea ith he spl the spe of tan pte Tahaan) ‘oution oa Th slope ofthe prsnd tan stan“ ome a en aly sos" 795) os 2287 adc 2 = 2184ipm ; Wrabion 7-97 Fema a [An ope cyindricl tsk min dimer and 3 high sal of wate, a (Shaped in pn] nut te ated charge 1/3 Hs one ety be the eight ofthe paraboo Sace the vole of paola epee tho volume of wae pill thn Volume of parsbolid = Fl volume of yinder sen(Ospy $2056) Dn open cylndsiea tank 12m in ameter and 1. dep i filed with water ind ort about own aia evolutions per mine, How muh ge [tpl snd whats the pressre the sonar ef bon? Sotaion estan 5605/20) = aera rraastem a B06? 36) Vrs 0724) riuomecuanics Flu mecHanics ‘unter foun 226 _peineve quinoa of gules 227 pew Ven8-h =L8-0724> Lorem platters = 10555 Speak The rn the esa under a pressure of 1205 Ta = 12sec wha th prenurea tocenter and icone the otto fhe? atau sped wit ooh dep of wae att te (0) rms ood haw much ate the oto Pore (at Refer to Figure 1/2=267 > 1m (part thepaabooid i above he wes) ‘es th pono fhe vr (Page 7) gt aS =8m>734an she vortex ide the ese ge Yow Byeae eq By squared propery of parbol: 2.0) Sua in 10184) Syyeae vem= 2730) Presi a ce (9) hteds-on, pe=9ai(7) +10 DPoeTBLOGKDY (pressor at te center) Pressure acicumference, (at) Pathe pe babi? 73¢=75tm peesau7st) +120 [=ISR67 es prestre at the cuvesens) 228 Sire teSiametgse ars me umes neem ne 229 | » (We=2tmd/me ‘Seater psear] pa = | or? a a 1] oe re tein by squire propery fpantas | ar: Vm ee i i STat ye cape | riage opel Substitute x to Eq. (O1) ae ~ (Eu|n-o0 ' Meed ae > as09 sity af 2a so 12528 rad/s Sobre andi.) G9)- sy) mlpy tsb 8 Baty eden Bhat Binlestnoge ye fe 2ed)16 e310, E inba. (03) ween ae Wey sors rea = 0152) ‘ares 048m (aes uncovered atthe bottom) 230 _Reiswetgutonumottiqul: Problem 4-24 ‘elo venta yn vente, 18 yn ameter ad 36 m high 24 ful of bene (= 12) and revolved about Ulster as wth a const gan peed. The veel sade up of teat 9 en ck wih an allowable ‘Go sss of 8 MPs and has» mall pening athe ane ofthe tp cows [atte angular ped 210 phate ato Bests in he well {th Temata angular spond ean the vessel be reveled? (a @=210qm+3/30 So Pens Ca ie \_|| : i i Li LJ | 22, entors? 29m saiewerquntvumottigae 231 ete the potion ofthe ote 09) Yat Sante af ene 18S yayy- Zin) > munya Buty a3. Yah Be yy? Lei 1256 Fay ee 8h 1286 oe) 72yy=1.80386)-1295 yatas- 1668 possii.3jazass) ge 255500500) ) 2.960 Pa S/=12560MPs (naximom wall sues) ‘charter Four 232 _Renve eutorum of es PAE HoRAUUES (6) Formaximum vaso, 5 = 856 erent) 28) yan eo Se aso e tai: SUS diaba Atta ne 2075? 2881) 2 rad/s 20/0 576 %pm ber (18 m dametr coed cylinder, 27 high compete fle with glycan faving spr sf 1 under» pressure of 4 KPa a he top The ta la ‘ihc fon the linger are Sum Bick wth a lmat ese es of ba bow fantcanit be votned about vera othe pn of aren) ‘Sattion \ 2 oo aa ‘Temas ne seas exure Npont® } j up mecnanes upucous cuarrenrour 933 ele guia of gue savin 220.8410) 75) possi oh fslomaen staepyy-27 measen-a7- 1501 Asean ot0s 798) wer M6 red/sees 19 A535 pm (aman allowable angler sped re The 15m dame imple ofa closed canehgh wer pump sotto, 250 m1 ag al of ot, wat rae Geoped by = 150045/30 Sereda couerenroun uno necraoues $e nuouccunucs Giursicoln 234 Redsave Equttorum of gus TEHVORAUUCS ME GHORAGLICS RelaiveEqutigremottieens 235 rotten 428 Board) Sition . (hiv wits whit vee we rvted soa p= ' SSRAIST nh Comal pla Bow aun soln Fr Mum fa make onder Gat watt poured ae Hw be ena Sling rh Gochargedy nero? “ mmo sition wa aie wat “The war nthe vse nine no 22 rasp-0m Tarp. nspon vba ay bods tapsts coe at he hema ert hence tiation Oo the sb ats mie 6a lope i Ene posi xoszaa.2y pasesiee From the eel: me Woven a3 ‘as Uae whose etl st ar 200 moh pat fl wis mecuy Ship ban nr ee, ead st er ae Soh the mpi of the Bovis en Whe sng sped wil roluceapresuteofabsohteuoin be mercuy athe? 22936 revatio pr minute setion yp 7 , Fram a (CEERI TDI ae ; {YS am date pipe 2m ong ij ed wih of 6p. v= 082 ism seasim | ronan thocopned to ed ons orton pasion ison 275 ‘Sour ever aur 03 m fom ene en uid Be pipe). Whats See rs ce ie Spee nats frend ote ppc isabotue so then ge ‘Pres she Cntr eo Fea mint. therlore lig" O76 5-05 on = 220352 985) 2287 jc = -pm 236. SudiveEqerom otis Pe MRA Problem 4-27 2 las Utube whose vera! tear 00 em apa filed with mercury {oS dpih of 200 mom in the vert stme. ei rotated about a verte 2st tiveugh is honaonial tee 400 mm rom one stam. How fast should be Tot! oat he feence nthe teu Ive nthe toms 200 | a] nee ees 2 22 ots! oa ra ay war-omae 02 o=s7ardjsecx o=st6rpm 2 glass tubing consi of 5 ver tame which are 50 mam apart connected ‘inp orca bes The ube ed wi water to» dep 00 em ‘he era! stmaHow (ast shold fb rotted abut and as tech ‘rast os 20 the dept of atria at ten? newovecqattrtmortigias 237 ALT a (= ete nog splot nal alae ep 1 fl pcriiowntshe hp sunlit sine el fms before and after rotation must be equal. ss 2n 29-505) yoni > 5.0) S519 propery fp a? 5? nh rin one smn 0) Res ea, nts radfsee o=e2399m 238 Setesve Egtinrum of Liquids Problem 4 28 [75mm dame pipe, 2 long led with wate and opp at oth ERs pane cn wt he ona ond ote a Sostell ns tough ower end wih» conan angular speedo el Cnpate the psu a ihe appoint Sear Ssmum posut and te heabon ete pe ‘elution Sine therein inl pressure inte pipe te presarend a the lower ond af he pipe tl Femain gua i the ate es press hand of 173. and Eire the vor te — purbolid wl e173. above lower end ee oar 881) fotze (o) Pressure a the upprend Poe Page 9810.28) poe HLA Pe (6) ina posure, Pena ATEAE 73 atanson 9 65,0) iu weciawics este Equtteumoruigucs 239 Minimize i diferendat (1) with espe sand oquate o 20 a ster—tnsor=0 066m 068 ot =1361m ink a ia arap any +172-(068) tantor wotaean Poa 2510118) ‘on L196 KP lead 1.38 fom the wer nd (log the ge) ‘nde bucket 150mm in laze nd 200m high ose 250 sh of vate. A Boy swing the bucket ona veal plane 0 atte bom a he oeket Gere a ile of rads T eHow fast shold bested tht water wil be opi? awe) 240 ‘ete atlorum of gus The cil potion for the hg fal atthe highest point From Figure , 5110985) ©9381 Probie a= ‘ei! tanh filled with 2m of il ving sp. gh of DS. Find the fore ‘ang on ove sie of the tank wen the acorn S/o) verily = rm war ana vercally downward rug wl A outa mecHamcs Fe (esieasyaya 5/9802) poipamuw # FLUID Mechanics Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 241 ‘The previous chapters deals only with fide rst in which the ony ipa propa) used isthe weigh he id. Tascaptr wi elt Hits im meson which s based one llwing principe the pnp of terevation of mass.) the energy principle (the hie and potent fees) and (oe principe of mamentm, HARGE OR LOW RATE, Q Dcarge ofr he aoa of hid ping ough s seton per Sstt tne Tegra ses mi erin pan ee frei and eon fv mc orf ex Ts Volume Howat =A et Mats ow ste, M=9Q es-2 "B= ascharge ia m/s f/s ‘A= sree seta es win of moan velo fa nso sas dentin g/m or slags/ = weight density ia N/a? or Flow my be sy or analy sjom of aon ota mio west enna horse snd 242 Flame ot id Flow PUD INoRAUUS, i erronautics rencamenasoftiidtion 243 ‘Sey Flow Taunt Fow jen eroseectonjsconsant wih Te ow is sid to be earblent when the path of invidual pate are ic occurs when he charge Q posing ’ 7 aan ee ee Uris felis uniny "| MME teguar and continuously cos each ther Tarutent ow neal cect IF se the Reypolas sumber exceed 210, (although the mst common Seton ita een 80) “Tis ort with stendy lw for given length, o i fasta te rerop vl ow i the sane at every erntancon. The usualy ct then ta inompresbe fd flows though a seam with uiform cro- Taha the creams and ely change, he HOW i Latina fo carps a ein up ale of Ka igh However, sch ean he Spe of fw ieee and the east distance wl arson any info turbulent fw On the ther hand tis proccaly mpfr trblen ow ns sah pps to Sion irate erst at valus GFR ch Below 20 terse any trblence tap Salto be nm [ib damped ot by vous ton : Cconinuous Flow | e.oimensona Flow This occurs when at anytime. he dcharge Qa every rection ofthe amit cous when in an incompressible Rid the drcton and magne of ‘heeame rine af cosrontion of) Ge velodyatall poi arene = wo-merioa Flow Re Tis errs when he Mid pls move in planes rp ples andthe tecnica each pa Femi Those ae imaginary carves deaton vou id to inet th ection of Sinton nwa scons fhe fw othe fad system ‘contiuny Equation Fer compre ds For compenle fais These represen elementary portions offing did bounded bya group of scans which confine he ow cee oe Aso" ple” ss constant Lamina Flow ten dose diario oe “Te lei sid to be laminar when he path of individual ld pats do Toten rants The aw i aly amine when he Reynols uy sles ha approximate) 2300 FLU Mecuanics ‘cuarrer ve NO MECHANICS 244 Rinaamarat oft Flw [ENERGY AND HEAD ‘Theenergy pss by # flowing cose ofthe nian he eet Cragy. Pentel energy ay th urn e subside Ino energy de 6 sunt of aeanon nove zen datum and energy doe topes ie Fis The smurf nory ps pound or Newton 0 ud scaled he Kinetic Eneay “The aby ofthe id mass odo workby vite fs vel © KesuMenue 57 a 1 nicer iy bade = E58 Ey For csr pipet ameter D flowing all: iat, a ag ag” 25a rendameniseottuidrow 245, rscuro Enecgy (Potential Enaray) Consider close tank filed with auld which as «smal pening tthe op [inot pressure ate op the ud praca wil ot ewe Chapter the equivalent head prerure esd} forn prcoure ofp is p/t Hence Pre rrgy weg i] Pres nergy = WE 5-2 Pressure nd = Pua egs3 poston ofthe od above (+) or belw (he datum plane het energy oF headin 2 Bid flow i hes of the inte an the petal noi Iecanberummrts [Tail Biegy= Rises nergy + Postal egy By] ‘Tota Head, E= 2g a aoT = =. mo 2g #gpt ton Eng Pott rr ‘The energy pone by the fad by vee of lis poston or lvation wih ‘epesta | datum pane Training NE ovonse = BSN 2 at Bore aw doe fra fu th [elimoing tara Ynys) wih ot ray of Ea power [aoe cor mats mv Towers OVE mae] ciency, = SAPS 1005, s-7 0 Tapa Sa 8-47, | 5 Not Horepower hp) = 746 Wats ; ropomer (hp) = 25 hse roracacs sur ecyancs currenrve 947 246 _Sndoments of Fa Flom nary Equation with Head Lost Considering head fst the vals hat we can -niheferenceto gure SSERNOULLT'S ENERGY THEOREM ey her el he mpi of evap rau tis cation may be surmariand as ca 25-2 eerie Tinsel alae With reference Figure 8 a ie os 1 nergy Equnton with Pa faa Fam is wed sel 6 increte the hed. (Ueuly to ave water from + Teel wera a higher evan} The input power (Pn) fe pump sata I pury and utp omer Pople se ey 2 dl rores-3 | 248 249 ower mtr sect fv nro mecha wtk neh nt eae aor rts HE mee lass HE Bone BB 45-77 8a Ty 2 Input Power of Tartine = Oy HE 5 ‘Nic known as prsure graien, fc gale ne che grap sere eealet paso wher pes ot ee ong ‘etwon any to pnts i ala aga fo te head ort between thee 0 cversy crate ine et) Eig grade lines «graphical vpresetation of he ol energy of ow (he tere nec an potential ene) stance rm the deta plane + EGL always lope downward in the dco of flow, an wil only so with the prenene a pa. “The drop o the ECL between ay 0 pins te ead lost between For unform pipe roesacton GL spar tothe HCL 26s lays above the HCL by an amount eq othe velocity hen 27% [Neglecting hed la, Eras Fine 5-7: thar in Ue ther ot ene and ale ee 250. Sittateria cow nupwecn Sauce soaamenssianstie 251 — Solution ~ (Solved Problems WeiQeya Maen dovs dough 275 mam dlametr pipe at a sec of 3/36. Fd es ere —— fn he weg rate Ne 2a 12350 160.33)0 Sotuion P= SLSSame (average velo) w Qnae =a TToosre Teio@sa\0155) 0013 af 2000 Q=Loidmyees (volume fics charge) q=asiivice ® 2 Thiooe.019) gee oe wt) | 10m dlameer plunger sing puted 60 mm/s nto an iit vith oltningsp. gr of 82 Ithe fad vicompresble how many N/s is Being oredr a 0 3-man dams ole « 2 | sation Saigo) 4 w aay Nese (lg lw ate ‘ne the Huid isincompresile: Frablen 5-7 7 Gran wom, Whatis the ratof lw of water passing hough a plpe wi diameter =H eo2(005 5 tam and peed of 5 m/c? anieonn ‘oul Solution = 000087 y= ow rte Q= AD 818 omen (O= #1002405) ee (Q=457 «10+ myer Ren SHC and 110K Hows at 20 N/s Wough srtnglr dt ene Som 320 men, Cong the serage vlan volume the velocity af oe ina 7S diameter fie hose 105 mys what the [rnc m 23 mm dame et uring fom case attached a he en of pe Compute aa the pote vain het 252 SATE srwsrow pocome, Gries roswnenaS AEE 253 = Eo 7 eh Satan MTBF 05)~ F005 |. wergasaies az W=4Smye {velocity of the jth oe 7 a Power P= Q1E cee problem 5-& 97 0059 145)~0oma m/s te reine the tet nergy ix of 802 ns of wl. = 085 = A comm charging trough a 0-mm diameter noeze ae 3p 3057 om Poon 4190.02) i Powar,P 2237 watt (power aval nthe Kine Enngy pe socond = Power [tring ted 2 Dp when the dow of water hough 6 0619/5 ‘suming an econo of what the and acing on he aie? nae ew WOT8) 5 258m, . er Power input S148 wats Power input =Qy HE haat ast 9S10)NE He=sg7m ulteting sr sxisance, detain to what eight a vera of water ould fei propted with ave of 20m) ‘A standpipe Sn mtr ac 10 hgh led with rater, Cause {oth Enrgy of te eter fhe elevation date Is aken 2 m below Earths stdpipe 254 naamentsof hia fom Ehvonauus fp enpnauties ote Fw HYDRAULICS Funaamentals of uid Flow 255 rent Tae eats pet pry a7 dag Sr rater ae os cae ee fener ein soapy Helen ae Poecelviset irene : sation Deleting arent KE=Pe cad ede arsar/s aot aes CO anten = BE, ostomy 98 we Taking © oe dat Prove T= 2 Beye SOF Boge 8 aga Terr Rowing an open channels depth 2 and velo of Tels down tchae ita soaher chanel where the dopth is Tm and flocy is Wn/s. Naglcting eon, deterne the diferenceinclwaton thecal Roos Beuns aeai) * Baa0wH “8% aslosim Since B,> a the lw irom to2 Head Lat LE = £)= 1435-1062 Hes Lest HL 3513 256 sumennve Fuomecuawecs nui necamcs 5 Fimtent of Fi ow ‘Shvoeauues fe bivonnuucs cuveren rive Fundementavor isd rw 257 Problem 5-32 nam | Me pin (ows fom 4 ak trough 180» pxe3y0310)=01575, Sr 1s0 oun clamor pipe and then Pe OBTS gin? (ass dnsy stanton 2) figre ithe nd vs om pst i se 2b me deerme the 5 ag presue owed st point ee : _ Neer ows the i of 75 m/s rough Sonm dane ip (pe 1) and Titec of ow ow 7 sap Sem ann hr der oh oe fsa 33 respectively ston he Fg Aol eo seution ak cespen tough a Somam-amee vent Cac a tae Or 0007 mis ‘aly ea dow doug the ent Aue the Bow fone Energy sition btween and aa erie es Bsa tae ee Be aan i d+ Bh +20-06~ SOO so9 . P7007 1945981 «084) = 4776s Gas owing Wwough square conduit whos seebon padually changes om 150 um puchon 1) t 300 mm ton 2)” Aten the velco ow inset dey of gn ty? ws at secton 2 he velco ow 2 Ins alate iS aad he dena a the po secon 2 FOCHIPS~ F005) + FoosHES)+ 4 05)aKpa Setution jae 00553 mys eee a ee i res) Oe I “$(005%.~ § ep aby a H00575= F0qHe) “nm S736 ly fat iei9020105 saber gn a ow te | 258 _Rntanent of ut ow Pup none Simone roneomencathuton 259 proton 5-35 po cae ang pe 0201 Sowing ina 9 me deter pe, Te mney Aged ris Bas found lobe Jul pet Newton. The Serato eae aaa ee eae am bm snl tn premarin i = 656M ea See i cdcbonepritestean tGulpent| Me) 28 0 We to eas sotation E= 17S Joule/N (1 Nem/loue) psvae + Bh os 3g * 3510) E-m6m ea S14m fe (eat offow) Power P2Q1E Teg asap 681032) 375 = iron sate np / 7 wats) Power P= MP The pump shown draws wate fo rerrvir at elevation 10 and i Meaney ae eee 60m. The os of heed fom A t 16 two tne Sere cin te 200 mn ameter pipe snd he oss of head fom 208 CESRESE vtcty head nthe 150 mm diameter pipe, Detainee ‘SasSpower ofthe pump and the presure eads at and 29 mcs when Uichuge 003m /oce a 2g Fea o3y BE - HOO noe 2” Feanewye ™ Energy Equation between Aan Epis A Hy apr yo on ae +A 14036)=0 +8 Hawsisam Power output =Qy HA = 09.810)5153) 35175 wats (hp /746 wats) ower output= 2134 horsepower (rts power othe pump) Presaread at and2 Bhorgy Equation between Aan eels Er nergy Equation between of and Teslloe Ee Pvsrttiee Es Boy aa vo-r9910y-0+000 2 cers mot water coarren eve rupuccinnes fp ru weciawes eee 260 finden or Fi ow ‘Comnuucs fe cionauucs rancomenanruction 261 Problem -17 (GE November 1886) ; ts 16813 ‘in th pap eno, ow fe eae ad ap nd Aaron ad fin the neh C22 Ens Fear be ve ines ely hen the nd ost sn he <8 Se geomet “8S 2 pp ob tv te veld) Compete How rae BraneR at cen wae sd yee grote Um and (9) Sd prea had athe roton ie Solution (a) Discharge Q=G-a=0 Energy Equation between Ao fly siiA- Bigs Ey Pe aoa HAH BE . on es ayes SE os 32, 3 Sp a Sa uses tee 28 Foe -2 te Fameiay | deo aia-rmsseq'e2ee-sneassor~ 21508 0+ 04264 | iassssgre23 Qmaous mis > Discharge 6 soe nd yee gd tes Be NOU 27 Fema a. Sat eta 2” FeO 2 aeons)? 29” Fysnoray * iL, =77396 081359 F-31180 157m ZA, 262 funder of stow Pu INoRAuuG, fp eionauucs Fundamentalist sctiow 263 ‘Eoigy Equation tween 1 and 2 (6) Prosrare hed tS (@ Pros (neglecting bend lest and taking post 2a tu) ‘Energy Equation enon A and S Eiab=e BME es Mag FA say t= B+ oy Dey new Wor ae TY : Bl te a 28 228 025m ts oo 23 Fes om * Fer ceoens-rape0n6+ BE 182 Hes a6t7m . ‘ ower Pye Bs asim $O135610)9 547 ~ 17886 5 wats 76 was 7 Power, P= 2596 horsepower Cr tom the gue shown above, the prssur ea at the vets from te pps tthe HCL 3 (CE May TOT = Bs ao704-152 ‘bp suction pump operating at 70% efBaany draws water fo asco tn whose diame 20 mon and decent vous ne whose sete 190 mn. The velocity nde 250m ne 5 anf The pears ‘point 4 in he suction pipe 34 KPa teow the steeper where Ait en Selw 8 onthe 15 mu line detarmie te unimacn shcalon ove 3 to bh water can be raed aera heed as of me fon rable $= OF (CE Novae TORT ~ atrentrs a motor dough «Steamer pipe under a pressure offi Slution : Ten iriver ough a S0osnmciaetr haut ppe wit a pressure HM oy» 3.4n/4 =e Pe. A-yereal stuns of 25 epratar he cn ofthe tw pipes at ‘eos hort promi eee 30 sf wae B -06m {olor soc sscond, compute he power sep the motor. 2 = FeIsIE6 Solution ea a0. m/s si Be Q= cn 00826 eee Fea" = som Oi a.=05 m/s aaee P Powanm= Qy HA uarren rive rupwecnwes fu mecHanics ‘carter sive | 264 _intamerat of Fu eiow ‘evonauues buvonauucs runaamentassPuideiw 265 746 = n0s348810148 Energy sqution botcen Aan Ba =230m | nergy equation teen A and (tm a. Be PA ayettactihe VBE vc IT 3 oars Hh sasr301-9-065 +0448 Pt some -s-ossrorasen rable S= 20 (CE Naverbar F578) ‘re pump delivers water tough 310nm-dlameter maint 3 hydrant | hich s comocted cit rabberlined fae hose 100 mn is dime weiMiuting tee aSmon-tnneter poze The nose Is 25 m above the FRERNE tem tov he pump Assuming ictonal ses of 3 or he Sip othe Ryan 2m nthe ydrane 10m fom the hy drat othe base [cost the lenin the ozse of 4 ofthe vlc ead n th ‘that vertical height nn te ot Be hewn i the gage prevure ight after he pump is S501 sonation QO Oro Foanesy * 381” easter mys 0-15=108 ors Fanos _a ay” 0005? oye 2.74in/s ag 298m ao24itm 266 Finance of is Fo ute ce ope een td ehiers Betsy me Be Ben a4 ak Seen, BE = ae 2 Bsn otiue Bh os, Mecs-n+ BE v8 ‘A nozzle inclined at an angle of 0” wih the Raion sus 2 5 mcr ater te te of 10s, Napoca estan what then feta the gba point of he poet? soln ving forthe velo ofthe jet at she summit ight pol 4) Brace bra lDeesor=8m/e v= (Fae Says pe Since the owes entinuous a= ‘soon $0007 0-8 Ae 00927 Problem 5-25 i od 267 Fumo mecaawacs cuarren tive Obofsp. gr ossis Sowing ins pipe ‘enaions town in Tp Figure IF the ‘eb ad a fem nto point 2s So mn ese at point? = Q:=a0ss m/s Energy uation between 0 and 6 Erie one? op Tasos ‘Feast * Tan-aa * =s552mofa poise kPa == $$$ $$ [Asim ante siphon dachargs op gr ~ 088 fom aveserver ey £9) into open lev 15.) The Bend is om Be erat ain "besarte 2 le. 22) 615 mand fom te summa othe discharge fos 24 m. Determine the low rate nthe pipe nie andthe ssa Pssue atte summit suming emorphere preset te 10 kPa a prc mm cman resins 269 ™ Determine the velocity and co ae oper perme a meee a Fo ang shndi pequeenen _ Regeneron 2 2 007 g-ousi2n : arse say nin enn ohows ene Seams ens 2B syatge Es Bow Q-01r7 sear a r nnn ovoem ase OQUEE Lo foateee Beane eBoy poor " ae y i _Absofute pressure at © = 1013+ (37) : 0+0+30-02- 2 s04249 at = ‘Absot pressure sm m= 985m/e Rr Aamn FiOISr OI) Qno1rsm/s=173 ye ‘cuarreR rive Fluo wecianics 270 _Frntamantats of Fu Fow ‘Chvonauues fe cieonnoucs Problem 5-27 Neglecting head los, determine ‘he mancocier rediog tr the system shown When the velosty water towing In the 7S Problem 5-26 ‘te ows ely fem the eri shown trough 2 t-n dante pipe ibe fate of 631 litfce tthe head lost i the syste i 138 Joule/N {Tecrnine the svat ofthe water sarc th reservoir fhe discharge nies levation oes ot sn ree ine feioredej eam eae ‘Solution Energy equation between © and @: Grissom eo pon ; : en Bbw eban ‘Energy equation between @ and : ter Ta we we ame BvD one B elon ail 0°, we aie 22 = 3.868 m of water vars 1158 800068 044 se ep) 2/2 1631 m9 Elevation of w sin the ank BL +o78-ig139)= 2 866 +075~ 1364-0 403995 m= 3005 mm nconenSinerepeve 2a ‘Samiing-uppessr ea fom to @ in meters of te 271 | | Fup mecuancs 272 Financ of rs Fow Problem 5-28 Un thortzontl pipe gradual esucs fom 300m ameter ston 0 100m “itor secon The pressure at the 30 mz sat e100 KPa atthe 10 Sm ston 1570 KPa Ihe foe rate 5 terse of wate, compute he Fond Tet teen the two scons Bos 3ar OM ganF * 3aT Hunasrem Ras 4 1 sverging tbe dcargs water fom 4 eservoit ata depth of 1 blow {Bevwner ota The dame of the tbe gradual ieee from 15. ‘Sinuhet te 25 mm lhe oat Nepieing ton, dere el STaninun, posite te of dcarge though ths tobe and.) ‘Srresponding pasar atthe vent } (e)Boegy equation tween 1&3 erate SE oo00 aouim/s a= a.- FomsyI9) (0 0587 mi Oy Pressure atthe throat Enargy uation between © and © Cela 05577 vs 9 1 BEE +B roe soo Peo 7 8 ag pe 075 kee 273 | 1 274 Remsamarts of Fd ow Supplementary Problems sid ie roving tough quae 050- by OStim duct 180 m/min, Wha ‘hemenn vlc of he a ‘Toe piston of» hypodermic apparais shown In Figure 5 — 8 1 bi “Miran at tans sk around the ston at 29 macs a UBenveape peat of end Bovine nod? aa BE ee ‘Th weer ark in Figure 5-9 ing fled though section Vat 6a Trough ceton 3 15 Ls water evel hg constant determine the veloc Bt : FT soos 0 tenes Fo mecianies runcamentvot adrion 275 Problem 5-33 stage ia. fees Problem 5-34 Fld heving op. gD enters th pnd areangement shown in gure S 1 at secon A at O16 N/s The Ommdianter plates re 3 mm apart, ‘Assuming steady ow, determine the average velo st son Aan st ‘ston Assume radial owe at ‘15140 fs 245 / = Problem 5-35 aletistcined upward 30 fom the hoz what sas es velo to ‘each over an wall at ahaizontal distance of 18 eget on? fins 1858/2 Problem 5-36 Neglecting alr resistance, determine th eight avert ett we wil ef rod ith vel of 2/7 : =) } 1 the water Seve in Problem 5-82 varie and ms = 10 m/s fn the rate rum necuanics Luo meciawies cHaorensn, cnaerer Ve Ehvonauues Fuiarow Meensemene 277 276 _Rensananle ot Fw figs saucy ‘shown in Figure 5 - 1 erence Chapter 6 Fluid Flow Measurement ‘Thee ave rumerous numberof dees ued to mur the ow ofan ty | yf these devices, the Berl Energy Tiere Is Brady Gee at a sdkional knowlege of the carats and coficonts of ech ieee Fre a ae | iperant Inthe absence of reable vlan an cof a vice edd ‘calated forte expected operating convo, DEVICE COEFFICIENTS 7 Coetcent of Diecharge, Cor Ce Ths sofia of discharge isthe rato ofthe actual discharge tough the vie tothe da or tucreial discharge which would ocean ee be Thismay be expres a Actalaaciage ——@ SG" Theerualdcge “Qe Et ‘Tee nctualdchage ay be acomplae by srs of obervaton ural by -ssuring the li stount of td pusing through the deg a se red. The theortat vale can be acopishad using te Boreal tet of velo isthe ratio fh ctl mean velo othe Mel or real voi which would ocear witout ty ee 278 adsmowntosurerent FUDiwonatus IR bieounuuce uiattow scesuremens 279° ‘ostiient of Contraction, “Tabla 6= 4 Dace Caton vert S tped Cr Orn The coefciant of contraction the a8 ofthe acu ara ofthe contact Seton of tsa ot the aro ofthe openg tough which he Mast ‘Sedargrg wo ae ieee ows ease ea ieaatmene a olf ES cee eee ST aresofopening A = 8.61 “0.825 515 | 0.607 | 060s | 0.00 tuinntin ne ire Cotas fee ee eee Actual dcharge Q= CQ) >. () asta |- nent ose [pape nse ie eer ee el nien foml ic aoe et eee peter ee CEPR eee oe o26emn eee | ee once Q > Fg.) fess ose “the otf of scharge varie with Reyalds Number ts ot cosa fora piven device. Table 6-1 pve the cote for verti sharp ede Te Te 71 Fre 6-1: ore mcs ‘head lest hough Venturt meters, ontces, tes, and nose may be ‘spree a ° ‘Thole energy equation between and 25¢ Ae ee ae em and (A) et somes (A) E 280 darn eesurement UPINORAUUES qe CHORAGLES ruanow isssenant 281 Hal] crnoren six outa MECHANICS uum rigcranes cures 953 282 _Setgrow esenent ‘Savewsces f Evmonnscis xsd ow cra 7 = ‘Where Hs he tal eal cin flowin es oft ofthe wing ud —— tants rte nb (9 Ut serum ote aw egy open se Ao eeray downtseam, | (pH iesd Upeieam -HeetDownstoam "Fg 6-22] Values of fr Various Conditions Ia moms || | “Theoretcal veociy, 0 = (RF Lat oI Atal ety, 9 6 JF 46-4 mena seme oh | Treoescaldichage "AV Bab ‘tual dacharge, = CA YEG 536-0 Pe searaaarl : 284 Ratton Mensement ‘EHYORAULES ‘regen The igure shown repress a ctoseacaon of Auld low ough 3 versa “honed fis fom rearveetosheatmogpere The Bad wing ‘ming ffom al cecton upstream fom the ove and ae they lave ‘ric they cannot mae on abrupt change ihe ection and they move Survie patn thr causing the jt contact for sso stance beyond the orice The phenomenon relied toate coach ‘Shichi sppraumetly oct tone hl fhe oc ameter (0/2) or uu wecuasacs ruanowiteonrenent 285 ‘ries under Low Wend When the head on avert onfc small in comparison with the ight of ‘hectic, tee i an appracal cdiference Seen the dacharer wing Ne ip tcl son of gt Lan sgh Ds show nh figure wn oh hrs nh abe aspen pee ‘ore daca ough schon sep eng aa ee OL soe JFRLHah o- on FRc n) a-ca verona METER “ear meters an insert usa earuing the charge tzough pipes ‘eons of a converging ibe AB (Se Figure 6-3) which connec te ‘ain pipe athe int at A and ending ina clini setion BC ale he fh and a ivrgng sation CD which consid gain othe ma pipe ‘the ove D The angi of divergence rip sal reas the faa Ist use y tla ate velo eroded Lu meciawics cuaerensix ‘CHAPTER Six SWUP RVORAULIGS _&MYORAULICS FwiaFiow measurement 287 286 _Firsriow Measurement ‘CORALS Ee ‘The dnote ov Mea dlchage“Q, can be fund ence 0 5s known, | Tact dacarge"Q"icompated by mulling the torte value by c hoff aa meter ee n mew a: get nnd tou ee en, ees we 9 ae own a ‘Neve abe votes fm dey een arp). Canaan ed (Gt en getie sma sesochal wosy 9 aaa Sere Nozze ‘A morale a converging tbe instal athe end ofa pipe oF has for the urpoe of creasing he elt) ofthe sug Consider two pont inthe syste, @ at the base of the int and @ at ‘iyo and wong the energy gustan between thas eo pnts neglect ‘The dcharge trough anonlecan be clelted wing the aguation O=Ca aT Hes = tor head abe ofazse ft suaton is thn ergy whch shows an ines in ave tes fh equations oe poi eergy wach es ders Shue There gting fund lone Be rao ee oy ep rome tno wiy Tassttmeniekwnaethe or Pre | ‘Te tere pestare beeen ht andthe cts commonly mes mma cs fren anomaa connecting ie als sho levations athe itferance i pressure bean © and @ re known Aichangecantesaes ‘The lowing tae giveth mean ves of offices for water charging ough a nore having a bse dameterof Wem and C= Teomwnem | [2] ] |] snozule i gienby Ba. 6-5. 7d uo mecrics ‘carrer soe zee gare rrp scenes i nano wecia rusron teens 289 ror TUBE [Names fer he Fronch phys and engineer Hen Pot Po tubes a bent [Ushaped oy Ushope) fue with bot ed pen and re fo measure he ‘ioe fis ow or vslcty afar ow a use on aplanespeedomet This equation shows that the velocity head ot pint 1 tanwormed iam presureeed spine en tebe is plat a # owing eteam wits open en erent int he Uivecton of ow te iud enters the opening st punt? en he sure the tue rts distance of b above the seam surface. AN equllbih ‘Crain is ten estabche, and the quay of lial fn the tbe pine changed ar the lowe remains sey. Poin 2a he ace fhe tbe oc ‘hestran te clled the segue Consider parle post 1 moving with 2 veloc of © Ax the partic Sporcaches pon! solo irradi eared oOo point 2 WHNg ite energyoqton teen T and nepetng ition 2h —a as] 290 Firma teenemant ‘Pavoec Me Chvouauuce ineren so ‘hnonasuce Fu Ftow Mensuemene 291 ‘hate san opting in dam or other hydaueseucture to consol Paster tates tn sume hydrntc properties he ete In us Ftc carton tt are nivale aecurte measurements are 10 ‘tated since confit of Sackarge aris widely ‘Aca Gish Eo 556-18 Aen 02 A (2H loo? ey.e-18 { cettcsentcteontacion, = 4 gq.6-20 The ftlowing dustin dow the Wa diferent flow conditions troup (C=C. (are rom O41 109%) Arby ruses. ‘anda sort tbe the one with «aguarecornered enance and has 3 eg of bout 2 ess ert ameter shown a Fgue 5-8 apse 7$eahws condition wen he ow sted adel with high en so [ Sethe may ro touch he walls oe pe Ts coon ey mach ‘eva s at f shrprced ce ape 8) shows conaion jie het touches he walt the ate. The dachage rug is be ‘Not onc se than tha fhe sanded shapeedgd oe but De sesh of ow eet ave 6-7 (ob Fee Rom Pure 6-7 Samened ow In Figure 6 7 (owing the energy equation between 1 and 2 red ost Ia; weakgieloa Fou 6-819 owes a0 et awe 6-8: Sancr Sher ne 292 Filer Menuement Conca omverging hes hs the ora of fro ng cer cone wth te tigrend jt ote noe Som inegaee* ed wea orcas By 6-22 Flu wecranses cuserensn 293 osnerane Tb These are tbe ving thelr ends poling inside rset or tank ord's Moithpace This is «speci cane of x reentrant ibe, ‘iting of fin bbe props int staking length of Stoutone diameter, The oeicent of contarton forts abe, Submerged Tubes © | tew | sam || bor as [ons | eos ancafat Prey - [vere Cie the cooficant of discharge A Is hs are of the opening. and Hi arc cvton of heal ace ivrgng Tubes z A dvering tbe hs the form of rst gh cla one ih Figure 6-10: sbmarges e aot) canrten sx Fluo mecHaN 294 Fluid Flow Measurement ‘E HYDRAUUG ores rss how Measurement 295 ‘The low tyough orifice, wor tbe sal fo be stedy oly the tnd producing ow, scone. The amount of ld eng cacharged (ime can therefore be computed ring the xml ohare Q isthe dlchargs, which constant or steady. tn sore cond Romer ete over anole, tbe or wee may vary athe fd flows ted ts crsing the Now abe steady 0 the formula becomes Interchange iso change the sgn ofthe ing By. 6-26 Boa Note varie taste apres in ere of ae ie eutow is trough and ofceso abe, Qu = CA JG. Ite ov is rough any otker opening we the coesponding formula for diacharge For tanks with constant cross seta aren andthe culo is Brougham eeice o tube with iow) the te for te ad teehange om yt Consider the tank shown in the gusto be supplied with aD sow) Siltacousy dcarging through an oul (ter an oe tbe, bil Obviously Qu On the bead wil ise and if Qiu > Qu the end a Suppor we ae ogre to compete the neo lower ee evel roa 1 asumtng Qoe> Gn theamount fu whch satin Be a wi git I, Chea B= @yOunt i te tie filveen ais Je ate lJ, where dV iste diferent volume ot ver a dferntal ine Fe rete outlet iis then te evel wl drop th dV = A, where ui cea the servo at any fasta nd aye eons oF var Luo meciawics 244 (i -{Fa) ale 296 ew Wid Sows zou «submerged cies a ie connecting vo tanks ‘how, ier the ead change rm oH ee he eration {he frmuls in PROBLEM 8°35) rth rt i 1 Aida at ae ies it vehee A and Aa ie he tr surfce ae in he anks at any mead Theres mater surfaces inthe (wo tk at anytime. UA and/or way ant be expensed in xP of Ue Ag and Ane constant et wo tks have afm cross sectonal rt the formula become daha 2 (7H, -[) oo Farha Cle iad cuarren sic uu wecianacs 297 we ‘Was ave overflow secure which are Bll coisa open chanel forthe purpose of measuring or contoling the flow of liquide Weis have been Emon use Wo ease the How of water bts now beng adapta F beaure the ow of ober hase The formas sn pices tat ll be ‘bewse on ths chapter ae general Le appabe any ope lagi. issication of Weis According to spe, wel ay be rctaiguly, bing pei cr, rac or of anyother regal form The mor commonly est shapes se the roctnguly angular an the wapezidl shapes, Acording te form the crst wir may be ancestor bow sed The flow over a wet muy her be fet or marge the wate eutae nwnsteam fom he wat lower tn he cet te Dow sor ate owmatcam sacs higher than thc the fow ie submeg, Definition of Ferme app the veroing ses na wei rest of mr the ego oF tp surface of 2 wee with which the flowing Tied comesincantat Conte wir» wes Baving eds ehap-edged, 20 that the nappe is enacted who igen, er ee do Supper oral other - wie having length Lg eel to ‘he yudth of the channel s0 tal the nappe sullen noe Drop cre = he dew curvature ofthe gud surface before the Hau 2 the stance been teu nrc and the cet ofthe we, smeared ble the drop- don curve FLUID MECHAM 298 Flatow Measurement ‘uo mechanics rusrounienrenen 299 fae ea fiona jee tent OF YELLE Loragm] AcwalQ=CQ, ay er RECTANGULAR WEIR Consider ferential area of length and eight do be oat ‘aw eld sures By ofie thor, the Harel velocity th on BP wher the tl hen producing aw = tty wheres the welt GPappronch andi eal to 94/25. The dlcharge through the elemer Sepia ‘onda, $0. Lan FGI) Ciel ene] men Irs wcommon practice fo combine 3 /F Cit single office called ‘hear ft. The gna formes fora dhe ough arecangull weir ‘onda vlaty of pprosch isn ecomes pn Q=61 [Gon PPAF] 4. 6-3t the ati H/P I sulin sal he valet ofspproach becomes very sal and the erm ho" may Boge. The dachuge ome comes ‘n suaons where the aichange 6 soured considering he velety of preach, sing Eq 6-30 or Eq would end a sccesve itso foe O ance the velocity of approach hex funtion of @) The following Spied aquaton may bese cut eal acta [ree(] nen | coh 33 By 6-38 de wate open 300 screw iteauemant ‘EHYORAUUCS He Linpmmcnes rucriownessurenene 301 ‘Standard Weir [BAZIN FORMULA “The following spscfcatons mast be applied to standard rectangular wie 1. The upsteam fae of the we plat hou be vet and smooth 2 The cst aig shal be love shall ave aguareupetieam corner td shall be narrow thatthe water wilt Touch Magan ae using the pateam comme, {4 The presare under the nappesallbe ameepher. 5 The approach hun bl bef nfo os scton for a slice Aistaee abose the wer, of shall be provided wth bales at 8 ermal tion of lacioe ext inthe flow appowhing tig! Sirah tr arta of wae or ure ‘Standard Weir Factor (C,) Formulas [merous equaons Ive byen developed (or ining the alors cote Cink din Sb and 6-5 Se ce ee FRANCIS FORMULA Based upon experiments on rectangular wes fom 1.07 m 5 to 518 (07 lng underead fom 60mm to 90 In 84 f+ 026(H /a)| (SL Unit) 54 6-35 Foc i? <0 owing any be STURT ee pened He [etek AND CHOW FORMULA z 7 got cnawe Bee ee ferrets fag mn 5 20m nde ed om 50 sam to 600 mim. a ve cna “Contract Rectangular Weles fective lenge of contacted weirs ven by POC mea where L's measure lng set N Exar cnet 02) NNGULAR WEIR (V-NOTCH) ery Tow hes the appe of a recangusr wet hs teeny to here ovistrenm face Ae operating unr such condition would git cui tt er eo eds sh wot shld bed cy of measurements rqule. The vertex angle sfx Voth wes ly betwean 0 (090 bat ney ager 302 _ Felson mearement | Fup mecnanies cierrensx 393 5 beg) a7] of a= ve tH) | eek aFuM (oeonbal E acuhig- cua, O- $eieuP™ Hew | fe 6-s2canbe asd oven fe seinen ae nea Sania hatunar Rae Prong the, maya) 2 The dear rough oe ie ia “gen Lean a= BBR tnaplecting velocity of approacty — ree = CYA EH tanya yin wag E 7 ek etemamin mee Futana 9 a= (iat Ler ae 10> a G=iaie BL vay ee =25H0 ngs mes woe km HHH 40° 5 FR oo Inge ee ferenp va ner aeet | | 304 Frrow te ‘& HYDRAULICS The discharge fom a tapeokl we Massed the sme 8 i from WEY Hew CGipollti weir are tapetodal weirs with sid slope of Roszak te ‘ea The adstoal aca tho side nace apprstmatly enough fete eth ofthe steam to ofa! he ede conrcone Lae BE Ua) Hee 3STUH (English Epes ivoeauuics viererement_ 305 SUTTRO WEIR OR PROPORTIONAL FLOW WEIR Tiny be noted that na rectangular we, charge vars with /2 per of ‘Wand, ina angular wi, wth 5/2 power oH. Thee et «shape or ich the discharge varies lineal wth the ead, the poet feof Aetge wel also known as Sut eo The dicarge over a submerged sharpcerted wat listed not only bythe ad onthe pseu ie Hut by the head downer iy. The dehorge ya submerged wor Is elated to the foe or uneubmesged discharge Vitemonte expressed thi rlstonl by the nuston couarrer so Fup mecnanics 306 _Frcynowiteaurement ‘Ervonauucs ie Cuvonaucies a egurement 307 | (Solved Problems “rhe the exponent fH i he equation for ee charge forthe shape TTewisedFortectanglar wenn =3/2and e572 or angular wer ‘A voluet tank 29min ameter rd igh wn ld wth 18 [ONSTEADY FLow WEIR (VARIABLE HEAD) tur and 24 ond, Wha verge Sacre” carpe = Yan qaaras) owerngea~ EESEES? Dichage,Q* 01025 min = 1025 Yn roam 67 Arig tank esses 749 kof gu having op. gf 086 ln 149 seconds ‘ht he owt in Stes per mate? solution ase ow rate a= 28 sy hele as dow rte, = 2 54 = (000-058) Qeso7 10+ m/e (Ga 0507 U/ouc= 9582 yin te ow ough esupreed engl ws: fas oF vd fier actor, a — Gareth tichare ines er acon gh 10-n meteroe ndoratendofSSarof water wwe =Ustend C=O on cat where Com water Cn GnG=061x058 05578 Crating fesse minal eae = 05978 §109:YBPRTIES (= 004877 48.77 308 earners poecuancs Problem Am oie has a coeficent of dachage of 62 and cian of contactor 08 Dearne th oticen of ley forthe ence Cleat the charge trough the MOsmm diameter ere shown, Atun u Kee [ee on cayiaR ao3e anos $017 (TFAVES Q=0108 me ‘sn open yin tank 24 nin ameter and 6m al as 1 of cen $'15,.25 maf watr and 13 mofo (= 082) Determine the dockage Through the 125mm demeterlocled wt fe bata af the tank. Aesue C ishvbrauuies siecsuremen_309 ‘Soution 1 Poca se hn 53487 of lyin oo coats 41s BETS I" 2006 ms ‘= ane The docharge tvough 27-0 diet rice athe botom of fare tk ss mensued be 1794 iter iat I the hed ever tho ies forstantat 35.5 compute the soe of charge Src the ead conan the ow stadt el 34/1000 iis" 10) a= 002892 r= AYRE » 3000797 STATES 588 0/3 SB CE MSY TOY 1 eabraton ts of « 125mm-dlameler circular sharp-edged orifice In Tole side of large tank showed discharge of 90 Nol wer in ‘eons at a constant head of L70 m_ oscuernt ofthe et showed tht tvled 235 m horizontally while dropping 200 mm. Compute te te ec confine. ‘carrer six rua mecnaucs HE ru wecuanics cnasrensx. 310 _fatrrion sesswement (EevoRAUUCS fe Stronauucs Fuisrtowttseurement 311 ‘semtion Contraction, Ce Theos values c=GG iu an Dat= Gases ah = RAT et 5403/8 cI een = F028 8608) (2 = 0001178 m/s Fave s=v oe Q=c00ers8 mys Teas f ooo ge oaz39y sens Vat = Drchatge ¢ |Asboun diameter cca sharp-olged ce athe side ofa tank ceharges ester under a faad of 3m. the cof of conracton C= 063 ard te ‘rad lst 240, Compute the dincharge and ha costo loa dicho Energy ey between and 2: BeBe cote] + o+0+3-0265 2 +040 % Ean D=7359m/s 9 acm or real vacity ‘hectic oat = SOT =7472m/e > thor or ideal velocity octet feisty, = 2 Cece of voc, C= 2382 Or using Ea 6-6 BIZ Fimo eascement epson: Be Sionacues PuieFtowMemnsement 313 "0989 > coelint of vlaity Wen the ote 8 opened the sna tare wl snk volume egal © e266, 2008 0950 Teche of water te the Lr Cason acento diacharge “Frsam 6- 30 (CE May TO] Amore of rn guar, with C= 08 peoaaare Iain om one side of dosed yin Ianoeter inate. premae ead of = 5a min the sr atthe top ofthe ak IF upper ofthe tank al fp gr > O80) tnd the remainder ie we Seine se dar tou he = ca aT v#=4409) (091008) ros. 005) SRT Qea0ni7s mi or ge grin ft ith, Ha ‘op ede afer opening» sandard oie, UB) mur ve dame Bote Nght te thst ote wert sides and aetme C=O Pe barge wil snk tots op frp Sut bp cometond te ofthe barge conaantand te aise Sema ects ee ae Siete perma Vue = 1 Votre = 51005) Ona 06 H018» SRR Pea une the dacarge dough 4 H-oun-tametst ‘hap edged rife figure sown Anam rca Hesritn 065 $ 00%» ABRTBTB 2-008 m/s= «384 314. garters Fuuio mecuawics rw serament no wecisvecs IB RUC MECHAMES owrnensx 345 Problem 6-33 (CE May 2001) 0098 XRF Water flows dough an orice at the vr side of lage tank under fonstnt head of 24m, Hon far otto fom the vena cones wal he ase fetes th ground Sm else the ice? Hates ae ‘large closed cylindrical sel tank 4 ohh ths bot a evel ze oo pond ona uo aes ii Theo ae arr ae ep iyer i crcpied by a gu whose speci gravity i ot kane oo RAT . Ath of 3 mater The airspace atte tp presurcad fo 16 above onde a 5 pee Aon dante whe ty of 6 asexun SE a sti gravy ofthe gud at te op tyr rom he etry: “Probar =F TEE wy $558) ventane. [A ligeciincal spl tank 4m igh with te Botom on # level ground are os ont wo ayer of guid The btm yer watr? mater deop.Theiep 0-0 srs onupd by a ligld whee specie pay inet own os depth | amigay ao ee Fat 50 mm diameter crac wath a count of vlooy of 098 ic 10. 205 {issted one mete fo the bot ofthe ane Tht om te ce one ae {jovnd 275 m hotoontally away fom the vena ertraca Deere Be ee gravity ofthe gu at taetp layer teal 775098 {7887 ~ anc fit | 1-339 . aie [ee fn Hotengs 3 ea Fromy=stne-

minum height above te oie, (Point is ei te ground pointe = 4.9) From pis a5 ¢ 49m tanast, —O8ter — Brena cot 01672-4990 9818 > horizontal distance om the oice rusanowwesnremen 317 (c Valco thee at srs the ground Kegs y okey Peeswhess Deere he dimer of an fice tat permit ak of Mrinal ros ‘con 15 mo haveisiuid surface drow down otra of min/s fot Th cy ou i he man Q= dun «Seman Qe1Stonso% mys lan ca aH 024~ 068» § JSST! = 0.285 245 mm Fg A7Smmianeter once charges 182 mf hai a. gr = 107) in 622 ‘econ under #273 head. The vlc at he vana contacts trina ty Pot ate abe witha coeffien of. The manors gud iene Weabrade having a sp. gr of 290 and the gage irene oe 102 Datamie the tive snc ote The actual velo of Bow ving Pho ste be ven by B18 ttarowttemurement GF nee rsing 2p arte perigee Slap atthe ged flowing = 10 [agra 2%. eroypencal Ty pesos Theoret veloc through the ice oom ia = (BBR) no7366 w/a Coote of elon, C= Coffe of ait. C: Costin of elt, ‘Theoret daharge: Qa (= 005215 m/e 755 IRATE sou, ua On me BE = onan mys content of dacharge.c= & nan} Contino charge, C= S208 CConfcent of dicharg, C= 06782 Svonautis tuiatowntersrement 319 Content of entacton tencnG] Cieasoee “ables 6 48 (CE November 3998) ‘ele yn anh Sm high oni 25. of wate, 100-mm cela cnet stunted 05 yom ie otom. What ir pravore mest be inne nthe sr pace in onder fo charge wete at 10 Power=QyE Power (A019 % ee a oo 1238m/= = = (i = 1038 sal Pe noPaam sm yen ‘concrete culvert 12 m in dames and $m lng conveys oad wate. Sot End fe culvat re sobmrge and the diferencesn water love upstream nd downass 240m. Couette dacharge assuming C= 08 cA iF gy on eax 40.27 ASRVED eae 47H me € [ Lup eciawscs 320 _Frutrow ie ‘SHYORAGICS 1 ind fo cv 53/4 wr om fel who wa sen tievaon 4 to an adjacent pond whose water surface lain is 42.) {primey of shor conretecalvere mong and with bth end submerged ‘What ats of eulvert eed asain = 058? sotetion - a= ca fH Has5-2=3m 51-058» § 0p J25RT) mm ‘A Mmmediameter eric dacharges 23.41 ers pr second of Uguld under fend of 269 The dismetr ofthe et atthe vera contract Is Fund By ‘Mpeg tobe 6825 en Calle the three ore cafes Solution Coefcient of contraction 00757 FRR Efmoeautics srs Fiownensiroment 321 Thess charge Gy = D058 m/s 33/8 co Bat 3 2 sandard short tube 100m tametrdacharge water under a bed of 495 papal hl, app in he de ofthe ae 5m om he samc, oneced wilh Ue upper end of the pezoneter tbe the lower end of which ‘Postrorgd ina pan af ereary plein por presrrg, 6 what hight ‘Tilt mercury tie in te tbe? Alo determine he seat prema at he Sper endo the pesometer tbe 0291980) } | cartensoc Fup mecnanacs | 322 _Fiucariow Measurement ‘Chworawues f Stvonauucs uid owWesuement 323 Problem 6-24 Seton 2h Borda's outpace 150 mmin ater dachargs water under ahead of th Detrnine the dacarge in m/s and the diameter ofthe oat the vent ‘Unser ideal conditions, the cosfiens of Borda's mouthpiece ae C= 05 end a1 Seppe a arora mes 050. Gas! ragy equation between Tan 2 geting hea ot here pers 0-57 os $057 ge 8 oy 003% § 015-2550) Heeaat O78 oor = 00678 ms wong Boa) Sun-up pressure he rom tn meters ol ( dachages fom = pipe (rough sharpened round cee a shown in the igre The counts of coneaon snd velo ae 062 and 058 pactly Calelte te Gedhege tough the oie Sed he diameter an scan 2 sang 075-2 Bean motot Inga 0 Bad2= 205 (Gon .0086 > Thera charge lee Hs neglecta Actual dsharge. = CO1= G GQ ‘etal dichege = D2 098 00288 ‘etal dicharge Q = DOTIE mts 17 conve i rupaccuaucs | RUDNECHANKS coerensix 324 fi tnesuement (Ewronauues pe HvonAutis Fu row neasuenent 325 ‘Actual diameter ofthe jot, d Problem 6-26 a Oi owe trough pipe sown ne fu. Deine he dicharg of cated p Stine pip suming C= ss vant ae wom ee Jo mm cal ely = “hort vey “hres vlc ws Acta vty, 0= Gi Solon stan vlc, 00585470 aa ‘Actual velocty, 9 6348 mys eee meena ney cto twee opting bed lt epee "he Discharge through thi typ of ores given by: Be Bey [ae fit Bh rom AO lias Frost T°" Fair Meera where C= cofcient of dacharge ‘en the orice 1 pyre a nme otf el fowng Direct Dyndumeco pipe cxcuceostnoss elo a VisearaF 05/5 0017 avjs=aratle = 08ire (0m, wear BB 9660 Sump pressure head from to 2in mata of Bh se+0a5-025 3 BOB sssmotat toe, b= asst r= 00797 m/s Actual discharge, Q= Cs = 06500787) ‘Actual discharge Q~O0351 m/s 494 Ye 326 TE sen wpm BE cme screw GOES 327 Teste oh cay ‘onor accusam 7 wate = where C=eflet of discharge Avcanaof theories “remus tft ong = rear ead at instars o fest of th si lowing aa y-l@r a=08% F001 qa m/s U6 Fe $$$ ‘8 LSsadiameer vic yn tank m hgh oning 25m of wat. {oo-murdameter cular shappedged cies Is Ioated at i boom, (a How long wilt take to ower the water evel o 1m deep aftr opening (0) How long wil take to amply the tank? He \emen angse a ea aaxqear ram A) pe ohaseconde sao ‘A 10)-m-imeter rie onthe side of ak 18 min ameter, dea the ‘Katte down fom 244 mr ho 122 m abwe the oles In 697 seconds ‘Coulte thedscarge coe? ‘Sotetion ‘Since he sd ay, the ves unstendy: wage 8 exc aT A casas Fetles -20 l ae Am open nd ank 4 nn letra 10a igh contains of wate nid m cell ps ge). Find the tne foemply th tank rough 21. ‘in diametr oes the Bottoms. Aavums C= 08 and C= 058 garters 399 328 wenn uvpuasns 9 pumesysss oaion (emt =i00o Fw 10- 4 apy J) c=s1e2\i8-4a] 2 nae ‘ces minae Sagig ” Tasos Raa TAT ae ronan 6-37 Time empty the water: yeas) 92 Solution eso) -32m Under sable hed y= 819/92 -J33) 2A. 10a wag MA Tenet empty thet og om Hao i 2A, ge aea—0) ‘ iE Toa tie empty =443 ln aoa "a 19-00" CAT =e PaEERT-3T i sent ‘Aton csr ros-ection is 10 Nght kes 10 minutes to empty # ane ‘hrough al at he Bottom when the tn i fl of water atthe start How tong wile to drop the upper 6 of water solution ble 6-32 (CE Board 1591 cg 8] 0am +1010 Fs=Om so-K{io-4] a] The ntl ison an oie wa 9m and whan the Boe was terminated the eed was measured at dir Under what consant head would these «Sc dachege hese volume of water nth sans nara 9 me? ‘Aveta cid nk he an iis for 8 outat. han th ater surtace iste tank 5 m above te ses, the suave canbe lowered 4m in 20 ‘inuee What unfon sr ese mat apple a thesarace he same ‘lu of waters be dacarged in 10 mites” 330 _Fisamowcarrement Seiaton = ig Min] wake ie cae xl tne Sm Hod KYRA) exh] nFigure Teton Hyes+ Basse ete Be atve tx \F Vie) (re -va8 e sua er eam Scuning tt ie cn75e0m= pe=75e980) pomeaskre UD MECHANICS ee Problem 6-33 (CE 1992) =a A comport empnmac Sinn FS She at te bem. wilh upper base Sinmeter 23 a 15-mediamter a the totem and? m high. The. bosom | fume Teumalamter sharp edged in| ‘eve with sect of Schge of 0 {Tht the top, determi te me te empty thet in mates eee | Davina | Cag stu $000.55 | ca.jiE ~00m07 L iergere payee sued no 2 hs ea fal roaaseagincagtacn |) 12g oF OST Be) ersr¥6. 8h yah Cte 332_fulrow me IE HDRAUUES pw [oma the ee serpacue/ 930 gat? ]! exo) 4 +400") anepote -305 fone +87 Total tine toempy. t= r6 Total tie empty, 24705 +3908 Total ine ep £5095 Soe 18.16 minutes rable O=38 ‘tan th fon of fast fight ruler cone 150m in arc nd hebotomy2meametr tthe tp and 35 m Nigh fal of water A sharp. ‘ged orice with C= 062 locate athe tom of he take What meter [ouerisveeded lo empey tear inepht mints? Re Bos+H agos-ap ‘Avwauiaqi.2s + 7+) fine 80 we ruariow teeasenene 333 [Paso re ea eosean saseza.e [asi toot yen] asin {09 Has 25°] state = $0 = A sharpedged orice 10D in darcy, the side of tank having» orzo cosssueton 2 agua, dicho ter ener onan ed Te tof iow over whi the ad ws ep constants eden changed fn 20 se 030s. How lng wil ae, fer th change ote or th head fo become 2 mates? Th calito dchatge mey Be onideed ‘onctant anol e080 Sottion i ues ca at We 010 $0105 59 = Se th had ws ep conta sehen Qs = 201/ taefre Quen 201/3=00z at) modater = 082 Luo mecranics ‘cuarten so. 334 Figo Measurement TE AoRAUUES 335 lem 6-38 ar nk shown divided by «partion ilo tw chamber an Poel i ard eben sped ees we er [ipvertinn is inehumber A How long wi tae fore water sures n ‘Seo chamber teat th sare evel? assume C= O82 When the low wa sudden changed 1030 Qn=008 m/s Give oan nea a eo 2157 = ed) = 20.487 - when = 518: «= 0479 ‘none [saa ae conn [2a salution + fag ssoa2fterinee = aah: ax7anomaay-in0479)- 00229-0479) vy -avy ‘avdthi= aoa | . ti Stay say [Aaa)ar 336 _Fulsrow meansement Sieg hen A ands te constant fata tee filo Afnaihesd =O ‘Agr romactional ane tink 73228 ‘Ra etemsestional ares of tk 275 «2 1! S05) 2 ee | - oo aaa Al Treo vera cylindrical tanks 1 and 2 having samotce 2 mand 3m rected with a sm-damtar abe as lower portion cD When the abe lose wna ute tak Mein above tank 2 How long wl i take afer opening the ube fr the ‘especie bavi Fup mecuanics ruanowitcansenent 337 oe Huryetes Hai fav $0R=2250 CANE +060» 40.209 AOR cai = 000s 1030 2 |g “Fabien 0-36 (CE Naver 2000) ‘vera rectangular water tank is diad sno Wo chambers whose oronal orton are 3 a and $m, sespectvey. The dividing wall provid with 1D mn = 10 me square {whose cofiet of aicarge e030 Int sale chamber and 1 deep of ole located 0 rom the boton: stern hans 338 _Fidnew measrement ia Sao yeism a In the figure shown, ow ‘lore fo tse Crete ste ith FLUip weciawacs em q] nee Stronaatce ruiariowmeastemant 339 aa ve ade ee ae seh br fia] 2 (a saa ETT serass conde yale 6-40 (CE Board ‘A simuming pol 15m lng, 10 wide, an Sm deep ot one end and 14 0 te tere ied with rain pipe 20 men ameter the overt th po Compt te ie euteiches 1 ee be -e] 340 CASE =m 4020" A= 10 18= 1500 2050 bg] : y= 18883 soon ‘Ao 10H07%8) = 17 4h Ca ah «00 £0305 fh ena om? 9.5 [i 955.283 1.02.0) Total tine oempty (= 6 “Total neo empty, = 2589 scons = 4249 minster riupwecianis | Problem 6 41 (CE May 2003) A auie gate owe ito «| Inthe Figure Detrne the Saag hea Se ae tn mowpherc "and ele the confer of cntarton {Cv O85 and cote! egy evunton between lanl heating ose lana (Ste = (05«t 1m 64.0 orp = 08 341 Actual veecty at ©,» C9 = BSSAD 54 = 954? m/s Dichoge= Ay = (085 win B 4 52 me per meter 342 Suter wane emcee I Siapancoes" unrrensin Soest usartonierwrenen 343 Droblem 6-2 (CE Board) q 1s orzonal 150 mam diameter pipe gradually eeduces is section to 50 mi) diame, subequory elarging into 150 man section. The psu in {som pipe as pont at befere entering th reducing section 140K {hin Got wun sections he end of the reduce the pressure 70 KPa 0 mn of Road let bean the point where the prossres are kno ‘Smut the ate of fon of wer ough he pipe selon Bs a-ane cs za eqn betwen Lan? a0 2a Be ae : sotng for 1=E2 Foaaar Susp re on ao tr 70" = 65356 (Qa O0n2 mys 224 Ye a Fos yeosrsae)-0375-yo B PE cartsm A180 mm diameter horizontal Venturi meter installed in 480 neq. iametcr wr an, The dedecton of mercury nthe ere ha =a725 ‘Sanaed fom te lt tothe trent 375 ax.) Dstormine he di (Q+02712 mie orn cetarge) ‘eplesing hen los 6) Compute he discharge the hand last fm the (Dh eat 0m of water sn (2) what the ete cofcent? 1 Energy oy beowen an consiseng hed x 344 Fd riow tencurement Fun mecnanics wi2@-BoB ow 9540) veiag?=4705-030 0165 acta decane! (oor coc ¢ c= Cama = 11857 Boers” O72 a ‘vere Vetus mite, 150 mm in diameter i comectd 19 300m dimeter pipe the verte distance fm the nist to the rest Heng 750 ma Ith defection of scury in he diferetl manometer conected (om the Inlet 1 the that 0 mum determine the ow of water through the meter these coefcent 068 Determine alko the head art ror thee tb erase Energy Eq between 1 and 2 electing ea st web BR 2? meee =e Faas Fen eRF +B v0 rs ge BP 075 > 64.0) sum-up presi hed rom 2101 FLU mecHanes Evora Ncsurenene 345 m 8 PL sass ysoasise)-026-y= 2 BEB S286 motwater Q."O1722 mje > eo dacharg) ‘Acwal discharge, 0 CQ: ‘Actual discharge Q= 03171 5 | aa oe (ge te ata charge) acasonn En etnton ean onsen at SE sy me eden a4 a ROUT Bt oy MOM. Ba 5075 Hoar OH Sear se BB. ao-078 a3205-2i9-078 Uae 6-8 ales ‘pt B 5 Gaon mys -) _ sou7y [Corr] |Remnest =2459m Bag Snrrensi Fup mecuanics Ehronauties uation Measurement 347 Problem 6-45) Ces Fi Neglecting loss, ae Gils he Slschange through the Vent ear ‘Aso fom the ge LE oy: whaoigr=o2s-2+2 Q= cove m/s mane Ue ‘Sotation Problem a 1575 mm Venta meter (C = 0957) ivtalod im 2 7Smmtameter arizona pipe eareying ol Maving speci gravity of 0852, IF the recorded ! ow inthe meter wns I lene per soon hot ould have Bao he ddan of water nthe deena manometer connected btn the le Q=0-0 nergy ap btwoon 1 and 2eglcing ond ost Bee a sot. sa ‘etal charge, Q* 15 1/5 00015 mi/s P0RF 7 noe ‘Since the hc it no not the tort secarge wil be a eng-2 Ros 9m o-ca, ‘Sump presurhead rom 1 2 melts of water: (ans 70857 By fee nection uty sf re eel oy tne aronear eat Be yene fe (Qe OOT1S7 m/s 2. 0:= nosis 349 | 348 Fitimew Measurement PePinonauucs fe trvonnoucs ut Flow teaser nsgyointon between 2 neglecting Head ost (sngQ) ae ee ae y Pag SOOMEET? «Fh 92 SOOO «Pa 4g Sore yO aE gaa7— *y 2B scot motat Somaya don inmate 19" Da arom n= 0554 = 854i (Pecan 77 erccaeacian aici aE (pr. = 08) Hoye a the ate of 85 liters per second though 225 ‘intr hoon Vent! mnt, which sacha oa 37 nerd Pipes shown n the gure A ferent menome conning mates "tached rom te ase th inlet to the throat and fo he tae of oe oul Catal the datetion frou in each be te end Lt fom then tothe tots of the eosin the oat an ame ato [220% ofthe velo hea ine at . 25 r= 20088 m/s st 22 ~9n5 ROO, 3 MS goa monn 400085? BB setae Bee Bow 00005)". fs og. prsae M0008. ra og Saoussy Sosy Beye hE ae rH Alay B50 puro ieeaueant ‘EHORALLIS 00 eo Bs aed H aT LB saan meat Bry mated ye ee BB vat 029 29m ee 2 abem by 1S. Ths posi represent he water Sasa fo Imaginary reservoir a The ference in evaton between ths suse and Fhe Surface of another reservoir the head lat the pe ang wo et reserve fees Procedure In Solving Reservoir Problems: ye 1. With known flowin oe pipe longo a owing ou om vorervoe tk elenton rl frie hea ety 2 Determine the elevation of the energy grade line a he anton of he ies (P) by eding or nabtacig (depending onthe deco of om) the end [at he pie rom he slevaton of hese sure the 396 Fasariowinripes FUND MECHANICS, 3. the known value 6 the presure at P, the elvation of Fis th 4 Dw aio fom Pio the surface ofthe other reservoir. These line represent the L's of each pipe The diffrence in vation betes Pandthe sufee oF te reserer i hehe sti the pe 5. Silver the sha “Typed (Ser Problam7-5) 1 Given all eevaton ant pipe properties, determine the direction of fon Inesth pipe Ofcourse the highest rset always ave an eto sh th oer always have nino, bu he loss (6) 3) fave an now orton To ind ox the duetion of ow pipe 2 aso that y= 0 sch at isa vation B, then the values of np can be sled (nt figure sown, y= 20m and n= 50m With ad i awe 6 fer Q\ and Gs lf Q,> Gy then Oy towards Band isabove esr, 2°10. « Qe then Qu sey tom Band Pi ow reserve sittowianges 397 21 Alter dtenaning he crcton of iy towards reser 8) expres file hod ot inten he the sy in era of hy. Leln = ie in ad ety epee! mw a an an expendi tems of (ually in te forma) ample f Dye ov Mansing formula ee vane wh we ko eat K 2 eke FkaM bgt 20-4= KG! QekNEes 3 em bn250-2= QE Q-kSi=r 36a Ia-eray Kid eR NRIOE + RT 4 noe ermine sabtue va to Equation (D2) and (3) 0 solve or Qu and Qu pects 398_ See. mvpaageutes | uperc eemensems 399 reams The following cosine mst be aie ony pipe network 11 teal om of he prsnre dope (and los) around any close Toop sts be 2 ae 2. ‘The dow tring juton mut be oa he ow eving “fis eovdon stats hat Shee can be wo dconilty in pressure (he risus Gop threugh any route Eee fe janctons must be thes). ‘Fresecond conan ia tment of he wv of contin ripe netiork problems are usully solved by numerical methods sig “puter snc any aya soluton requis the se oF any silanes ‘Suton some of which ace elie Naray Cross Method The procedure sugested by Handy Coes agus that the flowin each pip TeSROS to thet he pil of contin ested teach ution. ite tthe Ssued flo s ompatedsecesely For each pie Lop the rcek ui te conecton ie veduce oan acceptable vale Let Qe sssumed ow BF tection a-ara Using Darcy ieack formals 65.0" DF Ke 2xg:+0 EKQtapo0 EQ? 25K20+ 240°, tas sl he erm containing may be neglected. TROP + 2a, 7-59 Inappving th above equation FeO alge um ofthe hed os in the rut locke pov, ‘unease nega) 2KQ, = chute tum without roar to ditection of lw (ockwibe ‘ostve, counterclockwise postive) The cortetion aed rsa the assumed flow i oder 1 ge BE RUSS tomected ow, ts added if he dream of flow i clockwise ane bated if counterclocewie : ‘general formal n computing th cocina can be expressed 3 57-58 wee = 2 for Dasey- Weisbach and Manag formu and = 185 for asa ine frm, The value of Kare flows 400 Suarens nape |B Sonpentis rkceowinnag 401 [Solved Problems i Water ving Koemate viscoly v = 13% 10° m/s dow in 100m ameter ppeata vlc of 45a Is the ew lamina or tarblen? Problem 7=4 ‘it having spot raity of 0869 ad dynamic viscosity of OO8Y Pas ovis tough acastiron pipe ata velosty of m/e. The pipe 50m Teng and 20 min dat th a it dw fon and te ee ok ‘Sotation 2. 48100) Re Tanto Re S4554> 2000 (urblent flow) fe et ty 8 ows 28 nm amp Fed cl ne o F863 $$$ For laminar flow condone, what es of pipe wl deliver 6 ers pr sound tol ving Kinematic veo of 6110/8? | Sat0x0849y068)03 a0) sineaern For ain flow conditns, 200, Determine the (shear sree a he walls of 20-nmediamee pipe when ter owing causes hed lw ofS min Sb pipe eth (te Seat ty and the) shar tres a 0 sm fom the concn of epg 402 SiArenseven revo crys i = 3510503) 30 (Shear veo ne fe 6 ~ V0 roam Pabien7=6 1 aid we a 000) fe though a 10Ommdameter pipe, Detericg ‘sete the owe mia ural the ids) hydrogen (= 108 Tos m/s) ar (v= E31 108 m/s), () gaslie (0 406 10" m/s), ster = M2 10+) mercury f= 1.353107 w/o) cer ria mre AS Fon? HYDRAULICS FuidFlowinPipas 403 8 is on gee wo eo tmaty OR Tee? a e107 mr Water ow at he rate f 20 ee ough 120 horizontal pipe ving ® Samet of 30a the pressure ference bohween the end pola 20, ‘Sohiton pw 00859202 —— Fora horionta pipe, he head let Renee he points al {he diferencen presse hea, So: page 76. xem se ru mccuics Huw wecimnce mnmstseos 404 utsrowin Pines EL HYDRAULICS “sHORAULICS uid Fiowin Pipes 405 ee vs SoSH ene ae Aoi having v= 410°? ows in 9 750m long pipe having» dame (020 um Deterine the hen et required to maintain alos O31 setton net + 208) <0 a0 ian as nan67 2M oomse7730) aa) +e 78855 a Fidos tough 20mm pipe, 15m long ate Reyelds name (3750 Cale th charge the ea ote Seaton cameo? qi fo 066 Fea 7-0 TCE Wave TOBY [The head lost im 50 m of 12 00225). Deteine the hod oe and (0) he prsure cop i the PP slepes doen a 10" inthe deco ow setuton (a) Hea ose = sas 0* Dip = Seas y wa 418. firnowmnnnes Pm RAUUE (CHORAL (ty Pressuredeop: ery sion btwoqn 1 and 2 (atu 2} eki=& Shes me 2 sagsn-nis2e 2 +0 piep=2938981«195) fn 12 ar6motol Wate flows through commercial sel anna 30m longa shown i he figure Neglecng minor lose, estinote the reserve vel ended) ‘inno of 10x. Aaree = O02 joe iL LAE oe wee Ey Bh aye Ba Bs % a4 | Lu mecriacs upucaus comprenseven arg Fla PlowinPpes ae ey om oy a EOAR- 300008 Po ade = x01) +008) Prostacsm 2. 27 ToB0m en ibem/snn _ommt) 1 Ines 0 aan 7 tie! See ee eo Fi the approximate ow rte at whch we willow in 3 eo hap Inthe form ofan sgutoral tangle the hand lst 5 = per komt ag. The cuerensonal sven of the ucts O75 Assume f= 00155 yeh "De yas E20 420 Sai aparece poses a2 aypenay to SBOE 2mm nox Sso4iem " 19-401 R= 006m 4 ‘ = 0.0332 D=40.08) 2 " wo TCLS Is code Hem fal ll flows from A 10 8 UNough & 100m horizontal 150-m- later steppe The presre at Ais 1050 KPa and at 839 KPa. The Fanaa wscosty i 00083 m/s andthe pee avy e052. What ie owt Solution For uniorm ein pipe y= 246m seus» 2210000113.00009 . 2s oma am 422 _ snow tines PMemoravucs fp Sowauucs PGdmowineges 423 Thing evel ashe dtu « fesnan > eam “Ehegy =m : oegy. 6-00 2 + Bo 200 215 Fy f=005 Enos oo aa TnEy 008047 v= 8962/8 396003) sg Sie E> Eth How rm 2401 Beales Bisse stot Aeruminglaminar oe fy < 208) fiv= HHO) org~ Hea ‘wD Heaneanya0s" (Q=a00a0t as DO sora mys F008 : \eynolds Numba,» SRB = 272006)920 Reynolds Number, R==135.4< 2000 lamina om On) ely off, “net ouesupton cet hn ‘change = 00 m/s 0/0 DicsarS 9 224m rom 2 Vaca Bon, 0008 we Royer oe i, with 0 = 250 kg/m! and» = O08EN2 m/s laws through » 360m iat pp at 10 ang with «Read lm oF 8/9 = OE - 0 03 ean feral se ("| f= n0a0e New f00206 neg 00206090471, v=470 7) | a) In By (0) O015%= 047% 355 m/= Tht tank of solvent (= D000613 5 = KN) are comms by 390 of conser ta pipe (foughnen «= 000045 my). What ssa mt te pipe bo convey 60 Ls the suace fone take tS higher than the Daher Neplet manor mee soation endee ea sos za SinpTenseven riinomecuanics. mui mecnantcs cunorer seven ae eames Cine sites 425 2/067 22910075 - 03k iS Socanmse pees an zee ® a “The procedure ha converged 1th cret ameter of 240 im, ee oun Aner em Dg pee D=066| lexfsee)* “or( ty] go ame >e0) iy) aie Try fo 003 al .o0noug =| 25808802 | sase10-0.00/4f em ee a aca oitee-aics ‘What of ew cast on pipe (= 0.1006 needed to anspor 850 Ls of, Salwefor new fom E9730 ret fort hn with ad lon of? Ure v= 902 = 10 m/e. sated 2-4)" Feagiees > New Ineg. cy Oday 029 ono Ines 0) te A a moo 5-H = nooo Fe 258) Seve or nfo Ba, 7-20 1 nig 69. 20008)" sas" \ 37 Tey f 008, (rns Late we thy De tseaony7 778 Rea 779360/ (07579 efD = 0005/0737 426 _Fuserow inves POA Grvpnasucs rulstowirpes 427 ies (8) REE, ome y= ME 9261 ** aea15) O76 ee ae eer Sates (OE) heen ri co rete ots) cof someone) TT (tee!. lana eee Waters lowing though 295 um x 1220 mm rcanguss condi of engi SL mands head lou f 46m What the sear tee betweeh the wae nd th pipe walt For noice pipes wother hydrate radius "7 = 036/200 37102) 700m From themeody diagram "feos By Hasan Formals ze SHArTERSEVEN Saarowin pes : PPL Eie ETE hrt6m Problem 73 Compute the head Joe and preture drop in'80 m of horizontal 150m: lametr aphid caston pipe caning water at 20° wih a mean veloc oisae Solution ‘rom Table? -1,=10 «104 Pas Flom Table7-2¢= 012mm 20, 1035) eT SAYORAULICS ruidriowinpies 429 rom he Moody dagen. f= 002 Using £4 7-30 olga" sat a sooo De y= 2020) 34 ais 298 Fretsure drop for honzantl pipe ap y= Sis) Presse drop forhorontal pipe. ap= 78185 Ps What se of pipe eae to carry 450 re per soon of water with Tend oof or 500 ong? Assume rcton factor f= 0.004 p= o a5 - 1onRA GENO lw in 200 mm x 400m estan cond atthe ate of 150 25, find te Ro lose pork ength 430_adnowinripes NUP INpeuc Be evvonmutics radmowinrpes 431 ‘onton robem 7-38 neh A zedlaneter pipe of leigh 2590 seas water bate to , Secrvatvat thers m/e Watt bee Slee in went oa ‘eatonebencean th vo eer? Nogct minor loca and ern = pawteaihy asx pas 208, sation aeaes) Foro evi, the diference in elevation Dineen the warts v8 gle Saltethe wal a 4 waes ee “—T38 268n) = Somes)? host esr ee ‘A 20mm diameter commercial sel pipe, 20m ling we ko dein an ‘tank Detrmine the dncharge hen do lve fhe aks 3 above oe ite the pipe Neglect minor ner and true f= O12 sotution Energy eatin btwean O and © Biche, Bh Bence eBoy Ref arg oeaso12)00* ‘oan = 000017 t/= Or axrsiye = 205 (ference in lava) Fig e =35 Water a8 20 Cis be pump through 3k of 200-min-dameter wrought ‘ron pipe atthe rate of 6 m/s. Compute the ead loss and power require ‘ormuiin theoe. Usev = 16210" and roughness = DOU rs whe Oa Solve for ee 2» astays a” joa no 2AOZ. erin = SME ono 432_ Sunnie, ropasouies J Siping seem 433 ‘From the moody diagram fx 0.016 Problem 7-40 ‘ 4 5 fen 3 kn ie be i a ig 7-20 An ate ood Scant (O shone oso) ast? " 02 -9.8T) fete Rovere P= Qs Bat Power eg, 0 271 Kilowate A. pump draws 20a of water rom rexel Ato eset Ba shown Aanuring = 0.02 fo all pipes compute the horsepower elvered By the amp an the presores nt fonts and 2 @ omnav/s basa \son 0027 a ae aso 200.027 a Energy equation Between A and Be saci eH cdae 7 eek Power delivered bythe pup out poe) Poarna Foapsan0y61475) F204) Wats hp /746 Wat) ‘charter seven 434 SuTERsEUoN Flu wecuawcs Treat "Energy equation between A and ©. iinet EPA eayatge BE a Poe, ae Mag Ty o+0+10-1000 00%. A so F502" Prenat 8 "nerzy equation between © and 3 chess iB ectge Bo Boy ar Magy ODE «Pe 0 -10402-050860 Foe 7 =a era “atte 7 =a (CE Rovenibar 86). | hydoelscc power generating syst shown nthe Figaze, Water ftom an upper eserves tos lower ene pussng tough tbe aerate {Weep sscond. Th otal lang pps conning the eo rerrvie = 100m The pipe same is 25mm the Hasen Willams coun 12 The water autace elevaona of resuvole I and 2 are 197 m and 50m. resposiey.Detemane the power generated by the turine i 6 SE ‘teen? Noglct nor loses ratgrowinepes 435 gran rwarig' Frictional end Ht = OAC a0 0257 Energy guation between © and @ Datu x0 Bhisaeas Hesistio . rong ae re ro sgeugurstoe Probe 7 =a CE Naver ODI ‘The pump shown nthe Figure draws wate ron reservoir and dacharges Into ore sD. The length of pe am the serves hep 80m ‘fom he pump to teresa 100 The pipe diameters bore and Mth pep ae 0 ane 0mm sespectv ‘he atmorpharcprcrres 85 17a assuts nd the Vapor prssue 35H? ‘Use f= 008 fr both pipe. = 4 im The pump i operate such that he 436 Futarowinrpes Desemine the mistmum rate at which water may be pumped tom the Ehvonauucs uprenseven 37 Fina Plow nPget Maxum discharge Q= Av + Fosse eer) oumum dlscharge, O° 059 ms soaton ‘Sige the pomp i above the water sulace of the source tank, the presse to nt ts alway negate eas), ‘As the dcarge incense, the prezue at 8 drops, To avs cvitton, ealohte pears mst tl bow te pvr vor promare nrg equtonbtween and (ernst proms ond data at) Eaclya bs ee BE a Dae 0 oo 080 aa os Fabien =a Asse dt 7 Ut person ofl (p= 86 kg) s pump ough 2 ) 30 mon cnc iptine of cst ion. each pnp produces 05 KP, how ‘ar apart can yb paced? (Avene = 003) sotaton Each pump anist be spaced such thatthe he ot between ay 40 pmpe ie agel othe presure ha produced by ech wan Pressure hea, 2 sea6 For 10mm sme concrete pipe 340 mong, Hind he ameter of 20. long equivalent pipe" Asse the fiton factor fe the sue fr both Pow Foran coe! ppe ston, tc hon eed fate mt eh me a he ngi iesytn aro 2e0 Iyele 2ee) 438 _pusnowntines Fup ecuanics rotgrowinenes 439 opwt.o? | oasis .o* De BF Bea Thro pipes cach 200 m ang, ae comer in sexe, The flow of water rouge the pipes i 10sec with al tional ss of 5m Ife pipe ars ameter of 300 my what the ameter ofthe ober pipe? Nepee ‘ior loss and ese = 0.03 or bth pes. Soletion = 0)-015 m/s Beeline so QORSONNSONIOIS? , nos2a07 C002 =0288m {Fe Tow pipes 1 and 2 aren sees. If the oughnascoeicens m= 2 and he = sO 1 me: _ a (aay 425700157 (0N)Q," 4as7;den5? GoONK wag B:858-0 388 Ske 82828 385 (0.05)* (3000) 0.767209 mois Me 388 vce spstomgsasecesmee . 0 Taal aad dn (ey Z 03)" ss de IO sae rr 446 Lan Aupmcaoess a ceengaes eames 447 vga BOHOL —sengy poe Se TR Ta see EARS agp =e a - 03 sina 2 a 0 : : a jg 2A APEHEOONO SY = 5.03 4 380. 330. eg ibn esoee seen oten mes Blaeaa meye ibe ramarmair-moaroar eotad age a0m;eaints ea azn Sete 828-0 she SST case a8, 388 Saleen el feo 3E8 ScaMen casera Feineinens FEB So-ar0 > soa B28 oem 23:00 nmenat as yn LE aa eet i : a = > © = $1.0826(0.02)(360905* _ a ton MUAH oy ha BOADORIHOO? rg oas)* 7 HSHODIH02 gry ar i 448 Fhaton nope ‘EHYORAULES FiaaowinPipes ne. IS 950g ea.72Q2+ 1A7Q! ut Qh Qs From Ea) TBezL08QF +31 7207 > Eg) sq ‘nge-mmor 2700 Bus 317103 =78208 O=06850; nba. 1a: Q:+ 05490: Gates Pea nea06 1S aunt e499" + 317209 iS 8098 =a ye G=:s49(aty ~0267 mys. Greer ms Os Fem rc = 22+ Gora «026 578108) ‘rab = BE (CE Reve 97 ‘An eating pipeline be enored with anew one whowe coicent of Pipe fictions 2/3 af the old one. I the length of the ew pip i el os ft ld ane and the adtonal equal copay 60h of te easing apni How tg the new pip shoel be compared f the od one: Use ie Davy Weach fn? sitdrowintee 449 "Note. The adltonl pipe shouldbe din pall oot series) with "heigl pe in ode to inerease the apn eye Adaigona pipe: Pipe @ rare capac = 150) tei = 20826112 /3) L505)" rece 1H) nce tay ae ain pa nosmesio,* _ onmK(2/3/L0-50,) OR Peay Be wree Thanos, D)=1.08 times, FB = With veloc of 1 m/s the 200mm ips inthe figue shown. Ciluat th Mow trough the seams the hond 1 veqied “assume f= 02 fora piper and not minor nse 450 Fite intpes po Equations Gear O=04G lve n= Aol thn th sem sea 258) a) om 8) fu wean cumrrenseven gcsy [a= Avn i> #102") «04 me y= ORO NRISOONOERE Frome 6) =n 158 ‘doma002}0000, a i r= nossa From Eg. ( QO Qreodsrs D066 18 me From Bq cosasiomayonja.? _ sasionn 00052 a3 03° =aasig: > 8916 From q 2) Orme 1 086604 =z ys From 4,2) = aiis- once 00888 mys From By 6) Hie he A ‘uea(onaysomyorn8/ , ous25002) 0/0058 452. ugreRseven Fumo mecuancs Problem 7-5 (CE November 1963) | Thre pie of efron gis and ders sone ins a shown isch les ps sane ogous cnn r= S013 {e theland lor in ech pipe {0 We damater of aaalet se pipe te old ep ll the Se ps and (ode Be apponate ECL and HCL, sonation QQ Qe06m/= (0) Head losin eck pipe wz1g" qn BHO SOONG? os)" (tanning Formals) saan) as09y016)2 oa" y= 9498 gx 2MONID G0}0267 | ae I t= 8330 (0 Bguivlet pipe ‘Ge= 016m ew Hm in hese vauan +8 (eS tano +1500 +500 4300 m riidrownrpe 453 ign 102A? sve. BENE? gOS r= 03049 = 204mm (@ Botand Hot ‘able 7~56- (CE Rove 3595) The isan shown in tho Figure desgn fori tank tks with Yate, The chine has an overllengt of 10 fst. The inch ine hi 10fet ong, The Inch ln B 40 fot ang The Oarcy- Welsch factor ‘yuls O02 Nagle nor laser Deters teal charge hich an vera by ths syste whan allege valves nelly ope ‘cuarter seven 454. Qurmscan FLD mEcHanics Solution Q-are 282.0) Energy equation between t and BH tine es 0+04%0-Hua-Hlag= voor) | 98) 2 aa 0g? Bp yo" poe ono) _osiveg? oy) Sa2ca/ae itn 01250 uu neces raga) 8106042 7a) 336/72 bag *0161 2 ed, omg? 3p” au Hay ag sas ge-0161 2 cats Q+20 auasgrrasetOe= 60 Energy equaton betwen © and BAe hina Ee 408 2 00+ 0-H tine +0620 _ soma os, tera 6/1 geo Qe ad assy? mane Has TaM.25 pote op 04m oF tasgretow ors Subtract Ba) B98) Ties rbasdde bags Qt L087 Ge 056808107 OF=0 Q=13820¢ 2HO From 0) Onde os Tato. guaaaer aro 20) Fe) 288) 455, fs mec CHAPTERSEVEN ge nadrowinroet 456_sirmninas, mup mae BBB speeencr-s ai (note eee [A Bbmandianeter pipe [= O01), 150 long, i connected in seis with eather 2b damaor pipe = 02) 200m ong, Determine te dimer fan equivalent singe pipe of lngth 350m and = D025 ha oul replace Che wwo pipe sotation SetQ=100/8 or the gia pipet pe inser QrGnGhetmy6 Hesston demas) , oomeaexexO Hij=12281m For the equivalent pipe: ‘Ges nex SoHo? De 92260=226 mm woszaneayeame,? _ o08240025)7090,* tas oF = 16020. + 1642091-1 Gisaares m/e tyaig = SEOUEISONOATES! 70, 0s Forth quran pipe: Ora tme/s go HL.=1870m ig Bone 200 Frsblem 755 In the igre shown below i dsr tm pump 34110 h/day of water fom stream 9» poo. if the combined pump and sor fies 7% ‘tle theflloang (@) tot pumping hea in ters, (b) dhepower ogee by te pemp, and (0) the monthly power cost elacicy rats POO per KW: Asrume that the pump sparta for hous and ake 1 nomth = 20s, Feo T=ST ‘150. mmdlametr pipe (f= 002), 600m lng iin parallel with» 290 diameter pipe = 005) 780 mong. Desemane the maar of sh gullet "ngs ppesfiengts 50m and f=0.05 that ol teplace the Yop solution ‘StQ=ta/s For the given pipes (two pepsin parley Qraret Fe | eae] Demeter | Fae eel ee | ty | om |G sis 60 | 100] 458 firewire PPAR ‘Sotution nti 2 B90) nO. SER) 35.0) Hazen Wiliams Formal: 3401 ay 0 day = (L360) Grapasiye = cosbiemye Sng for Qn Qe From Ex B} thei 19a7.2507 | 05791510," “aan” oeorr es” anna, Frome =a" 1 805+ a78704 Qrvacazi m/s From aa OSTESISNOOSEASY , 1067c 550022 a ar) ye 258010 Energy euntonDetwean A and B Ee diay A= Ey BE Be sayeth thn He Foy ai dat We ovas7-26801 + HA=0+0+90 HAs é88m. > Toll pumping head uo nec conrrensomen gg Pad Powin Pes Power ogra bythe pamp lap ome Pen QaHA Thosoiass1\698) p= 708 Kowa Powerinput =P, Bicensy Power input = 38.14 hlowats Powar et «NCS Power inp kW Tine in hose Pomer ra por Ke Tame k= 0.24) (P6003) cose rsgsi288 oBlamT=T ow sys per seo of water mst he pup shown sippy when te flow pede inthe edna ppeie 1304 m/s) Assan f= 0417 for 460 fddrownnne: nisms = OOOOH? gn osi5® I Eteaton #6 +h | Boston 61212-1530 fy Bie Bey Co 152-122 1 oar 02290, Qearene p= Bh DB. yn nks 532 =928 SHVDRAULICS, Stdrpwinees 461 ka pw nace ex SEDO}, anos m/s Atjunetion Inflow = Outow G+ Qea der oe Qiaiseisie one, Greens (Q)5 1406 ites pe second a ‘The trie sown 6 lected én the 250 miner ln, 1 he tabine cen 890%, detarne opt power naam 462 filemon ntoes MMemonauues ip Eevonncus rusamowariee 463 ‘Soltion an Power apa erosnes25) q=0zsay/s gx 202A 2H0}0357= ley 7 = Bley. C+ p= 28048775, Blew 0 =367 75m n= Blew = Ble, 8367 75-200 = HOeo20 6109054 r= 00887 m/s Atjunction 0: Usdow = Oi] GQ: 0s ae? 023 qn 07787 m/s = SSO LIONOZETY 55. In +HE= Ble. =v. Hesseasm fe Power input = 148 ots 783.080, Power output = 13307 kilowatts Fe 4. 120timmndianeter conte ips 601m lng ce 136 m/s fom rstvcr A owe wer ssa at lvaton 30 td cg ft fence pges ech 50mg and 0 ander Onl SD ey lamer pipe dang into toner Bin whch the Ser sure 8 Sivan Sm, Deerrine he vation of he water src teeter ‘hich thor 70 mmedaner pipe sowing. Assn /=008 oral pipes, ipn2iem hy, P= Ele. Ap =30-228 Bev P3780 yoo Blew P= Hey B= 782-44 peerond 464 GuArTeRseven ‘uno niscuamics Fumio weciawes cunrrenseven ggg yn ROMOMNOSNO, 5 ein oa oaeaeonnsog? yg averse = Apron can on ee ana 2050025000, 135 =06375 + Qs - (oas)° ecanteee or=ou ny ox BoD SOTIS? 21-2140, a a ee Gira aes ast mys Bee CoB Pip : cence Etat ger Bee. C= 4805 ‘Feo 7= 65 (CE way 3000) ‘Thnee eerie A,B and Care connected respectively with pps 12 and 3 yoni at common neon P whose elevton i366 m. Wess at ‘Seaton $88 mand reservoir Bs at elevation 64 The properties each Pipe ates flows, = 1500 m_D, ~ 0 mm f= DOR: a= 1000 De ‘Bi f= 0025 y= 500m Ds = Sdn bOI. A pressure gage at jcon ‘reads 4950 KPa What isthe fowls pipe 3 imma and te elevation of sess ‘Solution m= BL C=976- 2854 ELesaeacm Probe 7= Detemine the foe im each pipe in the Gigure shown and the slovatn of reservoir Ci the iow to eanvoi A 3am uur weciawics 466 Fuowinepes eusosisnts p= SEKOMEOOSTE? «435 p= Blew. 8 Ele. F #908425 testi he (= 068 me Flow in pipe? ROS RRYEOOIDS? gy os Atfunaon Tinow = Out] Gran oh Grnssnaas Greae aie > Roeinpipes gx SIEEBEREENE 757 envoRAULCS stanowinpes 467 Hr P= Bly. += 0423+727 El F=916m Ie m cosom000. 55 oa 0190 mh > ow need Haow = Outow] sQ) Or a7 ons Or 0dte mis > Rowin pet sas 1530005467 ost We nates Determine dhe fw inch pip inthe tree eervoi shown Fup mecianies 468 futitownee TR HYORAULS ‘Soletion ip. MOOI «ogg by a ma he SRADOAHAIIOR «9g fine DORRSLOOSNAOONOA? 39.25 05 The ow in each pip ede to gravity The fw in pipe 1 ebvously tua rom vrei ad bef in pipe 3 oars errr G bat ise ow in pipe 2 sees mayo toward arr B. Te dterane the Aeon of Ge assume Qn, thn hq = 0 and th ECL for pipe 26 tonzooa dy =2904Q=20 Qs 0521 mi/s iy=3025Q=40, Qe I5a0/s Sine Q)> Qy the supply from fetervoi Ae et eng for Pipe 3. “hres may Hom seri and Ps belo ear aro ecns cwsrenseven 459 by e294 2 = 00s fertm2Qe—2-% 008-3 ig=9028Q2 270-4 Q.20182,70=5 Tow = Ost] Oreos 0167 + 0007 =H = 4162 YE 1482S «317-3 aquarebot aides our A=BD + 21965 =20)= 9610-0) 2464 FH +2858. 12406 aun bo edn SSatee-iabeeesesae0 (0) = 0057 VERE? = ost6 me (01 = 0087 JS0BAT=BH = 0392 mie Qy= 0182 SF=BUIT = 0808 me Sinronauties Sttowineps 471 470_ RUSTE, erie Ste-e a8 8808 (OK) BT _$—————— ‘Determine the low in each of he piper shown nthe gure. Asus f= 02 forall pipes. \ wey 3 ft : 7 > . > “eS ‘som Simm tne a -17592 ye BEER. sy ign MEMO YEO? 4 9p = 0820021900124" «99 92 cS ona 157308 ‘Assume = “I a in #1273 98=15: eects Io 19ST Oe = Grams ms BZ nase mie Br ginasts ms Since Q; > (Q) + Qg he flow trom ppe I more than znough supply Pe 3 a's rte Q's on rae 9 oF le 472 fcthowinones PIN ORAUES sn fnctionP BG Oa 01-0 G-ae oas Je ons Vis Solve sy il and ror: Ousr2G0=F -000ris VF = 0 (2: =028 5 = nso me (Q)= 00051 ESAS = 0.0578 me (5-057. /D=3S = 03477 mie (= a0ar1s YoO=BA55 = 00539 1894 = 0.0578 + 0247 + 9059 basaeaaaae (OK) Cvonanues cxmorenseven 473 Problem 7-67 "he pipe network shown i the Hgure spent «spray rine yond thew imesch pipe Aevum C= 130s poe Gap pn OO 3 = Kini i mae Kee Ra Ras ha 106700) mano) 7520 Ka Kay crarren seven up uecnais 474 Siktonn roe ‘Ehvonnuues 9 Sovonaaucs nadtowmege 475 onetonob pi (Qu.=02-00n19=0388 ae : Qirarcnousone on EHO where 185 GErois 018-0 oe mE Sobran com Tabled Vat Seranseosaes re a Geers 978, a YE 7 ‘aH | —sa0 | 190 [seo asa [ar [anos aoe nd Cyl ng the sbove crac ow Be_| sao | es | 75 ee a a¢—| sat | “a0 | 51 | 0 j [© a La | GF—| sat [a0] st] ta i 7 a CE a aH] sy onset | taser | ma [| |e | i gs | omest_| aos | ~sser o| st as | 6 | as i 3G | “sa | nowrs “pro —| ‘BE—[ sas] 1075 | 2a | i GF | sat —| nosso | sea —| 30 i CF [ 7 sa0 | noses | stae—| “3.7 Contin | FET[ sat [neste ss [is : ne EQ," i ee cere i a Lp LA, 86 Gi Ha i Me AS 7505-4594 28679 ig i come Taw BaD j or hats 70s2—ss07 73599 Leop IBF, Fc pit tis2U= 2887-389 — soo Toes 1501-738 amg i Tans 7217-07 TSTA Tage +75 4k a8) Loop 8. F668 Lowi co, DBF “Tagan ears Teast ars 16- 07H i nop: 3.08 0% oe SOU Eos 9207 1258 yy ‘Qu=02 001902118 Qel=03 Somii8-o1ne=a0s79 5-03 o0n9~ ones ATG SIARTERSEVEN Luo weciawics uum mecramics cumrenseven 497 Serpe Parsee Somounctce ciuttowines Corgeban «ns «ais ws Supplementary Problems G2 som cums’ kare me Go-sauer aoa =omis ye rroten 7-68 Gc:Denan ome caumant Gunde + omms= 01174 me 264 © Danse oonest= ast me Ot having sp. gr of 09 and wiacnty «= 002 m/s Nowe upward trough sn nbd pipe sown Determine the eae Gasoline at 20°C fp gr O78,» = 0.0292 Py) ows atthe ae 62 Ls Uhrough a pipe hating an inte diameter of mm Det he Reyne Problem? -70 IF 10 Ls fl Rows trough th sytem shown determine he oa ead ost Siweet pats Band C 478 _Sncanonnroce Upuworavues |) erronautcs rugrowneres 479 Problem 7-72 Problem 7-78 ‘What ithe hydra ads of rectangular ct 90 my 50? ‘tue 15 long sf connect two lage tanks whore ference eter evel "aus 98750 |i 2m. The tbe tocar 8 L/s of fm What minimum seo be rear ssa lannar Row conor ee robem?-72 ‘Ale at 1300 KPa sole flows in 2 25-mmdlametr tube, What isthe Issam laminar flow rate Use deny of ait = 1608 kg/m and = ns 0061 U8 | Problem 7-73 | water datict which serves «suburban community neds 4 new wate | ‘ranamasio main whch il spply te ars fom an esting reservoir The Newbee ong, “he reserve elevation i 1280 fet, andthe town elevation at point of ivctang s "100 eet No pumping wil be provide, andthe water Wl be ‘hive fea onepresured storage nk in tows “The propel to bull a sng tne of now smooth esan aston Pps Drops i esumed be 0421 The present demand it MCD. (3) Determine the nnimam dimeter pps that cold be usd (b) Determine te commercial sz of pipe tht would fall the need of be (©) Determine the value of the Mannings which would apply to shi partclarintatlaton ‘The low at of war hough cto pipe $000 GPM. The dase of ‘he pipe S50 mim, and the couflnt of ston ie f= ODIZS. What he pressure drop over Sn length of pipe? ae Problem 7-76 The wae atm na suburban as const of an ld 20m pipe 7m long which conveys water from » pup a reservol whore water sures {etm higher onthe pup.” Wale a pumped athe rate of 007 m+ Des e orpe ed by epg th fp 2 2 fn pipe Asn the ye of a el 09 and 22 respectively or Meld ad em pipe, Negi lor Read exept con had Print rus from the fakin shown at Q ‘ondione an nglct entrance and esses (a) Whats the veloc of ow i te pipe an 9167 hve (6) Determine the hes ost in the pp aA (0) Determine the Kiama vice athe pent i 8/5 ago. cHArTERSEveN Fd ow in PE ENORAURIC Problem 7-78 ‘Acapillay tube of inside lancer Sm connects anand pen contain 8 ‘sshownln the Figure. The igi in A,B a capac CD i ater having Spee we of 780 N/a vest of 08K). The rm (o) Determine te Read as the pipe in tema of he cre Q. “ae T1058 (0) Determine de dschargeinL/s ne 0079) (©) Determine the Reynols Number soe 208 Ft rupuccun ower gg Chapter 8 Open Channel Two pas of cand are used to conte water, the open channel and the rere cond pip) which eas dtcueeé n hapige?_ An open chanel {pein Which the stem oot completly enclozed By solid Boundaries and therefore hs fee surice subjected only to wiesphere pressure. The ox ‘rach canna e exured not by some extra head bat rater by the {Eavly component along te slope othe chanel In an open chanel flow the Rydal grade line Is concent with the steam sutice sae the preerare ste putas rsp Thelen open shane may sithar (Tatoo ovrndorm Specrricenency ‘The apc ney (i) ie dfn asthe nergy pr unt weight relative tthe tom ofthe hanna. es gwen by weBee 8-1 482_ Spence utter and Gangulle Formula SSpenenames 483 | Figure 9-1, th ead lst between any to pine inthe chanel ate sg esp toy plete ai hgh cr Th | SLSR From Darcy Welebch ston : c a co AR, 61.Unit) Eg 8-7 c= MBER, engin Uni) byes Lyng, gion) Ha89 graiess'?, GL Uni) 8-10 sa ech emo ge ey : ‘vices pe cps a | eis s a Tee pn lel ity re ee ye Lectern ol sone imo 8 w/o, Ceagen Uni) S482 2 goat dea of hydeai reaarchrs conrad wit roughness, shape, and slope of various open channels Among ther were Gangie nd Rater in 18, Manning 18 Basin 1697, an Pwal n 1280 484 Shencmnnet ber rs EHYORAULICS ‘Opencnannei 485. ras a and enk =o a a wheie = roughne olcln See Tabled ee i Dl — e ae ae 8 pomeme SEES Tce vnrons iow (s=59 ‘The simpler of al open chanel problem isthe ufo ow coin. For Ta agen ig oh I dow tte antorm te vty cop of fow ant romsntonl sro =e Bb Sev at any pot of esos ruse cnr a 9 =e he ae Aa — IIB forts conor tn seam sree pra oe casted and te Lt ei — QR cerey grede line is parallel to the stream surface, and therefore the slope of area oe thee sae n'a ea ttle of ecansloe oa Saar ae Sat aa onan ae Sor pese SS nae Sa aor sau aa | : oe Sapa fone navecrmams | om | ane SUNDAY SHEAR STRESS) aera The svenge boundary seer Soe aing ovr the wate ute ofthe = oT Sopa gen ee eee tes oo ro 4a6 Suretcen Fup mecnavacs ‘where y thw ui wight of he gus the hyde adios the ‘ope BCL an fer union or forS-1/20(8 <3"), 5=S. "The normal depth eis the doth at which unform Now wil cc in an open hanna Noaal dept may be detined from Chezy formals with 5 5, Thevenuting equation vay equiva wakand-aror ration HOST EFFICIENT CROSS SECTIONS (HES) Ins known asthe mest economia scons, these exe sections which for & {Been slope Ss hannel clesesotonal are and roughness he 1a of charge sind rm Manning forall, onal pase Tecan be seen that with A, mand § constant Qf maximum when the Iyaralic anes, and ince = A/P, hen Rs mand Ps rnin. Theor the moet ficient secon the one hat hve the least (ltd pester and therfore rogues the Teast cst of grading a Bring, Ishich stake ton economia Tea aaa wa ured a ong cae ‘Sinalteria eam irae wee one Sn gs anipemanr= 0 Sim ones = 1m BDq San berms = ta arin nt et 2 ea Of all canal shapes, the secular open chanel Is the mast eft. ‘Soicetar ues ate sf but f pete tal and the Gms of meta tutor oe types of onstruction suth a shape i impractal. Tor wooden Flues the setgulr shape rely employed. Cals ecaated ath {rust have» eapecoldl cove section with de slope los than the ge ‘hoor the Wank tntr) Thos thre are oter factors besides hysroaie Then which determine the but roe econ ‘uso nec cortenecir gy PROPORTIONS FOR MOST EFFICIENT SECTIONS “e derive the proportions fr mos fein son, minimize the perimeter Veh crane socal en constant Rectangular Section eS 1 $Me a aes Speer" rome Sac cage 489 heat = eae oa State atone cee iene —_—— sar sane 2mm oH -0 AnQaect tne nt 0) px Becta 5 eg tno Pe rgecce-tnod 9G) aed From the dgure: robe Fobt ang 2ee) mot be Ac tang « 2eed—tano? be 4 -aune + Therefore the most elfen apes sso icung de eoangl) has stop with gual fo he sum ofthese). which sw propor ert saseenngon From 9) 2 coda aden <8 er Ths shows that the bat of al lft reson schon he ale hese (al sides ae eye, ‘angular Sections Perimeter, P= 8/2) ‘Arve datan 72) 94 Aletan(e/2) carrer sic rupuecuanics J slumomecriuis curren ect 4g 490 Sper chenne! E HYDRAULICS HYDRAULICS, ‘Open Channe ‘hen ‘VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION 18 OPEN CHANNEL Pome see(@/2) “Tho velocity distibtion in wide open chan given by the expression pong ld a. Bae : snbere y= depo water changin {Leet ate distance rom canna ed ute 2 von Kaman coorans having velo o 040 for lar water wee fr semen den water sae ray be a ow 98020) dee aie minty of eanvelociyof sting for. 9 = RTD mesic = A TA 1th mquaton wl be pte at shown nthe figure a the ph ie cn ‘Therefor, the mos fcr angular etn the 80 noth in canon lb loud nsw nh ge he ih i cn UD stocs of terms of H we can establish acuree | Crea Sections \ . ' eal chanel wil have it maximum discharge when the depth of flow {2958' ofthe diameter Dard the elon ea anima wher fhe deh 1h ofthe dnmeter See PROBLEMS 2. q az_gurense" wpm i ummm copaumm_ 493 Tagen te ne ba ain on samme a ‘eich any pean charge low with the sate energy content. These “epee aed ten agen and ae spoken asthe nul or pp ge nd the pe ge ‘On the ume sags he Froude nb F< 1 while on he ier stg Fa > 1. FROUDE NUMBER Therati ofthe rsa oreo gravity fore and ie given by th expres . prea Me Forreangaae canna = depth of flow Be me ‘CRITICAL DEPTH, From the gue sven nthe previous pge that thre certain depth tat fern given fil specie energy the charge mas. Ts depth Ente the cea deh and seine a the dat a wi or ett ad hr dcarg is matin, covery, the eth wich fen fa, he {een minum Vr value can be cbaned by arent the ‘elowing equation 0-4 RH Cita Depth on Rectangular Section For rectangular canal: the ischorge per meter width can be expressed ane where 4" unit ow in m/e por meter width of onal = al fw in m/s 42 ESA) 8» [ono a TID ales "EE FE for cng cnn ra 8-25 rq8-26 charter sicuT riuiowecuawics fru wecuanscs currence gos 494 open crane (EHYDRAULICS HYDRAULICS ‘Open channe! rea Spe The citi wy egy unl can tetany lang =A Se supe qed pve sform fow cit dpi own a te Bg a8 Tica lope "The eguton frie sopra eter ees : ; of set an eae-7 | ye. cit Depth on ny Suction Fo ty bee ea yeh ens compa iy tli inf ME gc aroma on WARD Pow (3+) ‘onl Crom rly cus utr ses ee change epth fom t= Zed Scand pe ange chet The Wann qua or eon don B obs Spgu sonra tay aberdeen egth wereo= 7 Seat Men ‘Thuraong seo soa be ved no vera aco ‘Shine nh et clang ops gy hese nh Poe ae Wi a5 constant a8 GF ae | Ter # From the figure sven dA = Bald a suai By hen aa ote From the figure show 2 of 55 8-28 z at es ihe and/or tbe reed nem 496_Secuneaie where Hap ogy neva eng ofeach ope chanel bed 514 5," slope ofthe anergy grade ine atsectons 1 42, respectively, computed sing Moning formule Open nemnnt 497. vDRAULIC JUMP Hydric jp en tp norte nde of ail sing water. Flow 2 th jump changes fom super! te 2 coker Mage wih an sccompaning lo of ne ne A hydric pimp he diy mans by ch th dep Now am ange from ee than crea rte han rl oa oem cane =e 2 sods i weg e2 sooth ce Consider that in short nla‘ tne, dhe massa showh in gue 8-2 ‘moves from sscton 1 to section 2 In changing poisons, the wate laser momentum Theurbslancs force (fF) be gua the rte of cane Fema B where m= Wie at but Ya/t=Q. ths pM t 498 _Sponcneane | muro mecuanacs cusrenee 49g Appving equlitciam conden ize oer %) 8-34 vehee Fad Fy ls the total hydrostatic presse acing. on areas 1 and 2. repeal Replacing hese quant with F= yA and» =Q/4 Weta vas = Biayas-ayaa Sec his equation canbe raranga te ge an xpi foe tnd fe the mp Adlai ti fas-7 _ 58-38 Theat tn teu necting eon rena 98-33 Forrectanguae sections: =e anh Bear hatee a2) = 500 _Gpencheme! PU INDRAUUCS acs ofthe aby of uss to ret sharing src, the oe ura of ‘ay worn flo lays ont fo tesla ofthe forces acing ‘he water When war oer na cored pth esac runes poston ‘novel the estan of the Fores fay and el aclration rpeciay owmstensicHt Soy md Solved Problems Problem 8-2 Water ows usformly ina rectangular, concrete, open chan tht i 10 trite ate depth of m_The cunnel slope s 00035. Using = O01, rd the oly, dow andthe Boundary shear atess. Sotetion ve dros: Rosi/t6= 175 v= aby Carsexoomsy” eS aye [o-aa1 (Q=206.855) Qnarsasmys 85, sss. a75}0.905) sreesPa eRe-T Deteeie the uniform Now through a wapezaidal conte ind anal having dc slpe of Sto and baton with oF mi he dep of fow 2m, The ‘hana ona slope of. per 2 ome. Usen = 0.013 Solution aratmane soz Sasa oupumcene i Tape cumeeey 503 ae Fe 2 Mads POMS ams = <2 (ossesy si oe pgp = 881/0.8868)(0.00083) rani aee hr yah na ae bane teeetel ett ao ritie a rad se mga ong 8 Scere anes am 8 Som Mameineopeer atten ramant-T eT arith ey a _water surface is 25 m above the semicircular section. If x = 0.02 and the slope S ae Q=m4m/s Asc. ieaya.g x26 1008 pee 504 _Sermaer Tnineaie (BE Seen cemeees 50s te ene isan cnt siti nt ieee enon Hie sonnet 978 08 EP Ete rice Laser onaat “ba 85 (CE Ba Way TOS] ‘A eommradis sever pipe i ld ona slope of 00 and has «rough fceficiet n = 0012, was found te be 7/8 fll. Determine the dacharge trough the pipe Sotetion eeadrene se TE jee sechat= 4 (= 10.998) he 03689200012 Ori A rectangui,conrte channel 15. wide 6 co cay wate atthe sat 2 1s Ifthe channel slop 09025, determine the orl depth af aw Use roughness contin r= 0013 506 garmece Fumo mecuanics Wr rt ow a the at of 25 m/s, he concrete canoe howe. Find | the raged veil drop ofthe chal Blt per Klomter of ngt, Use = ona ease 4cesi9 eV paase2s VP eas = 02) qs aay. «25, 00862 or 056m per ilmeter length “opeéamrs_507 Problem 8-8 (CE oard May 1993) Deal contete sewer 10m in eter an Bowing half lls aid on lope alt mer Sho. Deere the acorge ‘Solton arabes Delar=1.40ni-= 090m For semicircular ston, R= 7/2 =v (087 hy OFF bats) Qntisr my ‘Water flows na angus V-notch tel channel with vrs angle of 0 ‘eloy of 12 m/s Bnd the norma depth of Row he channel lak on = ope of 00017" Use w= 0018 page Aspe anton Raye (bile tote > 12> php OA98N@OOITA/Z = 0601 m (normal depth soa gers mouccinoues | mum ucuanes comrrenscHt 599 Problem 8-20 (CE November 2001) R= 0356 1 trapezoal onl wit ides making an angle of 2510 the horizontal basa |e Ae 857g thes hf meh channel al on sop of 0002 wh = O13, Fr | Fea theclachange of /s what tenormal dep? WP vnrz0-2ee Seay sosin [fi seer anoey: fred astra | (29-2 + = 657 tenga 0 prse2a.789 ie Savas amie A, stots a wae TT onal aose 1 S-mm-lmeter ocr pp nid o aloe of pr 50m and ‘nui fo cary we a he ate 004 m/s. Deere the normal depth of Sow. Use roaghnerecoticent = 0013 0 sation a+ 1428i} i (set) geeseneaisn (ena mesg By hand ar d=2 cote A by UP” ‘sorter? ‘Aire =acoeer Hoje agomey? rlsbotsdesto3/2 foppsooms "5B a) ‘Atespeoial Game with ide apo of 11 cae 225 8/s of water ata mean ‘oc of 3/2 The canal lid on slope of DOO02 with n = O01. Determine the normal depth of he anal in eet. AaB 67 at eaner ore) NONE pang z From the Rew: Saanyssost5m/s Fe hae osts= ream A= 2B ren eo . CHAPTER EIGHT 541 uerersicet Fumpmecuancs |] stupiccnanics Sper ener 510 Gpenenennet fevonauues Srvoaauuics ‘Avie sino) = 0025 sin) Ferthemin ctr eae aera 98 Azupage+mp69)+4a6n62) From Ea.) : Acaciam locoustate—00l soos Pad y412+2668/1) 258608 ae 0 ipereanat etn Saka ay nt 2 610» 25400" on =9001 5 Solve for 8 by tial and ero or tn rd pare ‘hen Gon Al ROA on 6/2)=(025-0/025, ‘A= =tome Segue) 0-4 ae 7 R= 60/61 = 0.9636 m “Peale B= (CE Board November 8B (2 ions ‘A flood ocar in «main chanel having nnpeoidal scion (aide slope on ane ® 20857 m/s bose: 24 to 1¥) and bas width of 2m. The depth ef fw in this section epee {em andthe flood apie at over an alest honor plane on one side ft fot, "Gone * are fhe main channel The with fhe fod pain i 0 m wth an eefoe 9 (depth oft men = 025 ort ain chanel two Gs a ge fo he (Q= 110367 ms ‘veiw sation, entimate the dscharge tsb hope for bth 01000. Sotation PaueRe- The water crosesscona are in the JH renaenanons ft rettrae0s figive shown 1836 a andthe treed pornetr 12562 fe Nove E'Gseh m/e and w= CONS, Rind the siz_grunes" upg rumen copay 513, = 4 nad Rese bared a = 103 ms Asem (4) Vatu of in the Kate form: tise amg Re1ise/is6~1aeen co Ene hy O20" Beaton ae = Reames aaa Mesethem ine comets getaasten, meses te srw Tun incon hres eat Sag toe Tinccaatnaneenta eed mete tin a [caer acer er] aastenistas 1 +3075 7s 1079+ 11400: multiply both side by singe Maing Female ood pee P6=218245)"1249m Re A/ 1546/1249 © 1254m > ph 1.254920) = 0657 m/s $0794 m0 "120 Hae 11070210 = ey noms (@) Vato Bain) ae aassssram= 87 a avemext si4_geruneart noppesanes nama seeen, 515 caer ~— [An opin channel tobe dsigned t cary 15 ma at a ope of 0007. The ‘finned material ass oaae of O12. Pid the mot ele eoe ston {er seniear secon Solution oradeasa For semicircle section fads: pee Reape 15 = Baer = hy P0002 b=1325m Le Find the mos fficen coe scion for Problem 8-16 for rectangular ston For most fen retangul eto a I mai 15 0 ce /27 NO.» “FORT FFT Boar OVERS RI] ‘A wapenial canal ha th flowing ow ane chanel proper: Dischars 1 mc nen sly ow = BO cee tougher coticent = O15 side slope ~45¥. Using the mom often repeastal canal what slope of ann ‘sreyured? gaa BAe) Rann For MES,R=4/2and x=2. fe=ay) be 249) = 2084/91 bonys Anes cqiu/sy2 frase puss 42/3 einer Reanion betes ob of 875" Semen ‘engl ehane wid mot fic proportion dicharges water a he AASSAPSY/< Aasuming n= O08 and § “00021 aelte th oral Spe ov inmer sie Sarcaea” rupamgis I rapa “sence 517 ‘Solution (For MES Sepp entities torres cee Aa WRAP Snawe aie 4a # moss 4 ae a0 124 2 pase oooryye wenswe] aqiyeose nate ee SF 2 tapenidal canal has one side vets! and the ther slanting 45% The “lschage trough the canal 5 and ie mean veo fe T/T the ‘opel ats bares minama, what dimenon requ? gin vel Raga al ene te ncn stich eat Saton hen “Peo Board Nave TS) ‘tapers lane of met ficient proportion bas a base width of 15 , s ell chorge i the same mater were used fora most efcent Tecangular ert by how mach wuld te aiveharge be decostd in n/=? soto arate ean ovran cane tems acento [~ traps octon (elses equa) “I -3849 fo2eisat oe Bia 518 Crono! PC ironaes R=a65m So kasz5yo6sy ike fathoms fer cng stn Lng the same material spans the sane primar af the apo secon then Pobead~ade2=15@) Arte 2590125) Reayzei35/2 = KARO = 1367p s0125;056259 G22aemize 120 npr Qn aQ-3-236 502064 mA Tote For he sane material jeinety channel slope and eughnee coticant the sav of ie dicharge Broegh the ‘ow ecient rapeoidalwcton (he hall gar heagon} and ‘hemos elfen rectangular seen rent / Qn * 127 “Fro BP (CE Boa Way BB | rocangula cal 6m wide and 14m deep ined with smth stone (= 13) hae» hydra slope of OOD. What avings in earth excaeton sn lining per meter lent of taal cou have buen efectedy using the bt pen ong cl ton tt shrine th sane cs Soltion the ong cans: gral ose = (6551.0) ahr Gta” amy Q=2si mie Gesign capacity) cuarrene1cHT 519 ing the most effet rectangular section with Q = 2181 m/e $= oot ] pL neal ea Anae =) ake 2A 00)v2= 2281 Peto pene=20.018)= 417m, ‘vine por mete ng ‘ncaaton= Volusia VSlamenjche sian) 4179.20670) ‘scavaton = 0.38 0 pers ength of eal ning Lintngnges ining oe gsc abaya 20) Lining = D958 per meter eng femal s20_ Serna” ropmesiites | Supa aE) Sow that for a daly section the pnt of maim discharge i when he soteton q nab resi kare Av 1860-8, sin Por 8, aye 7350-8) wy Bo0=O1ene aay as Kane =e 1950-0) a7y2 Bs even tena Las c= Hees vg ae=mesina” ore aa a0 Sen) (2r-@-+sn (cor9-2) + 22-8 = in eve: sing} [sar-Ojeord-1)¢20e-8rsine> @ Srcose-ar-oes0 0) ste-20e and = 0 IWeciso-IOv-sbcw050+4x- 29 2xnd = 0 Trews 6-64 abcor8 190 + 2nd =O Solve for byt and err fot shown her} =D/2 (0/2 c08(@/2) S2b/ains cn 67/2 420580 Determine the musinum Aw though a L2-meiamiter cones, cuvert (whichis don asapeef0002. Usew = 0013 Sontion “The maximum flow though he scale section occu when the pth of ow die D9SB ofthe dame a/2y>0ss6/080 50-0 30253" = OREM. yagpansrer 522 Seren mepweiass | tums cgemnee 523 pep ‘Solve for Q:(during uniform flow, d= Ie) un g-adpus g=al ress ‘Gor T2297, : ae, ale de espe an ae EE fasanan1e (ct andn~ O18 aa ep of mF paral care of he ate na he ea ‘ith eel ht by O50 a ow fe wptet he pot here te dopo ora Powe 25m Senyis=170 m/s a = 0.010519 on ee i ee F Row dase —— Rrytesoas 10 : = OfAs 4 - Rtas esmys poe [fe 2 owe ; - oF sanz - QESEBS ose #5, _ poorosi9 + oonsss2 SiS, _ pomio--no09s2, or) 32 St 2 ooze 524 Samoa mepmeens |B) cae copmaes 525 | Ing. 1: - er Qs A 112 208/2.056 = 0982 m= = 0107 +15)-(01540125 essed | a | 0018710992 ogra | er) voy | ‘elfen range otal in ater as const ith “norm spe of? pr thousand and dockage fo hems ar shown im be Atscon2 | Spur Dang thea hony downpipe sage pe | coepaosn | ‘vas 205 m/s. Assuming sendy How and = 0015, determine te tance a > ee DEBE pane 10 Gp eszoimm feasP 522527419 608m oe O18 an tons: Etfasa7 0mm ays co 21-0251 b = 001570800" cones ine EM yapinior ‘aay 00473 «0.0 20856 Pe3si7m RnayP Ry 228/967 «0566 526 _Sponcramel Hupieanae | a maa “Spenco 527 oe nim Teen cm Cun 8 ml yg Ash Pe fan Wigs dom nen eeounobeepan so tere ee fkepth of ow is 117 mW the channel bed slope is 0001), hind the pprouimate fowrate. Usen = 033 Bea B gese-5t a Bs Fiem mest ea 2 oom a ceauahonesar: = 0000001260" easy mae S265 0 feayre Reosaeyas«20in= 077m mains me ors 010 3 coon: px BMF a cenonsia? aono0sas 9? + cono08es a? yet. 7 oom05i50? From Bq SE tieanarse womsegr-eomt2g! = ypannonsiso> 00) = 15-117 + ome) Dovaeise= 948 Qnisstmis 528 Spenenennel MMPumorauues, | Envonagucs Goennamnes 529 Problem @- 28 Problem 8-30 he win aide etal chal fr which the rl pth “The ta sp for rectangle chanel: “fo A 491627 m/s preter width ona Tsz705 9 262 mys (ithe i eceaceeaa cea aare ae ‘Avie rectangular chanel ext rom clan eth ha fw of 4S /¢ ‘oreotr wath tein the mina peti nergy. Solution ‘he minimum pe nergy occurs atrial stage Solving force dept te Wh - 42° cram “Eis = oh cae Boe Bo spsvvany 18 Unafrm How oscar a dept of 240 m in a 30-meiderectangular chanel {he chanel bd slope OOF arn 15, Neglvting hos et hat eight bump, extending ve the nie channel wt aque 9 rst cael ‘kph the bump, Alo Strmine the Hehavior sf he soeun as pases 5=288m/s Q=ao= 6n24288) "249 0/¢ ow sage Froude numba, Fu=1/ 4? Frowse number, Fy=288/ JFTEG = 060-1. (upper sage) Since th low i at he upper sag, the water lows down othe ower ‘age ait passthrough he bump (es igre Som) Une tow, = /8= 245/340 dtm SO 4 1 \ poate os (eat Sietomnds FEY 530 Spencnennes PE RACE Criea epth = L686 weno 652/169 a hosmye Neglecting ls, the EL ie horizontal then fom the igure above: ae eam, ont ea“ * Zap = 027 mor 276mm sath B ‘where Ena 21 Lass B80" 24-696) +4 oan "47 CKO bE Water sowing ata dept of 15 in a -inde rectangular canoe having, f= IS and'S = 0009") What the rage of em () Determine the ‘nel dep and) determine he cea slope selon Co Sage of ow on hs MER] omen aa [Soa vate 7 Froude No, Fy= Ue = 1905 a Peay Froude No, Fi: = 49710 (eae) Luo mechanics fro nec comprenechT 534 (etl ph orafent Sons) = RES pr mith aft 2st tear 1 090m frie dept (4 Cte ope we brass olga =zasr5/058 2 S0tm/e Rea A/Pe=3098/[3+ 2084, R= DSP soe oh (osrepas aig nomen 5/= 000524 (rel stope) ition’: Soe eee ee Determine the crcl slope for 4 rectangular smo concrete Bue = Dota) £8 m wide whch to cary 4S m/s pr ter thf channel Solution Lrzesie fC hey 48 pen 42 [GE v2.0 Rea Aye 4511278165 + 20.273) esa BaNs/1273= 3535 mV cnrrenetont 553 532_Spmc rovpucgeatcs Mm sowie se ies ene rma four rare ese r/c ae ing with ” ‘of 3 m and side slope of 4H#3V. If the canal is lined with concrete (n = 0.025) ‘parable canl hat «top width of 2m ad depth of 2m. Determine the in depth nd rl ent when the i = a2 Sonam on ge lepeh Gwe rn er 9 end ropa oy le aed an tnt 0) \ 3 aay? ey, aT 7 z® se Eat etn apy tea ety ranrnd on Boman Fle 5 Jasna. v= Bri vee an Cracl Sept ge onasmys fn BeBe vasa SP 34244213) a oH” SRS Selve ford by tal and roe e132 ene (oy Creal velo. OPA wf + 5255/3 = 796 nenyren 123263 (tivo) Je) Cre ope S 2 puns saps" sas = /omnayoaiye SS oam frit nope ReAdts 9 534 Sponemonc roblam 8-35 (CE May 2002) "ater ls at th ao of 380s n apoldal canal having bas width of {fee and side lop of 2H WIV. Determine the crea depth Assure = Dorsands= 0002 (ars veil sage = g-as08'/e bead Bd + Van =2= 1nd 8 pomaaye sot cust 2) wn er wing th ho 4= 256 ft a Temp ne hing ie pet cri wat tn ft/s The CORSA ER igpei ona caked ema eget Sepa b orcs lglg Soe fr he oma dep Q-avea! Roo Aamo Praveen ayn ectisa ga n/oorsyoss4qn-yo.0n5y7—4 571850 normal depth fu ccun cnmsren eon” 535 ‘Span cna! sg f= 2m1155)-231 anita 28 ag ans pT asia sa EGE «155710. therefore the flow ie at the lower ste ea Be hows that at normal condition, the channel sowing flower stage, Determine the flow in tapecida hanna having ta wih of€ mand 536_germaecr comms |B pupae CHB 537 pense an ated a Pai or 03) yg. OZ/GF 4 sng = 205) cess ‘Water in moving witha velo of 3 n/a anda depth of 9 om 8 2 «4 os0=0 Somatic aw hiesana-s — sta tyne Foner aa =e mH ravens ora F,=0101 1.9 (Upper sings) Seg nge x > Bq.0) Water dowing in» mv eiangular chanel a depth 0560 mm A Iya amp scare and he dept of water dowreteam fom the uD Is 13N0mm. Daermine he charge Soliton Fo rectangular chan! daly 77 1952m/s permet ith 2° shee, esse mys Fe Water x moving nx Sarwide etangular chanel at depth of LO and Froude umber y= TD the water undergoes 3 jump, what i he 2) ep owe an) Frou numer ae Sejm? sa6_surmses" repre woe Pam, o)=99 m/s (oct before thea) ni {599 = 09 m/e por metar wish Ee hha a O92 | tained) 1858-042 ‘Sod (epi downsbeim) (8) Froude number after he up meaarmve 7s Paes Pamene: rd Naver TORS ‘syle jmp ecu sna tepeoidal chanel with side alge of and Shae width of. Ite upstream dep s 10m andthe dovensteam depth ‘20m, compute thea dcharge and Oe 0) power last in hemp. Envonautce ‘Spenchennes 539 Souter (o ucts Aha, = & > : 0) Asks +910) * 58 Adena 540 Epenenonne = 4y05) ya 22 section 2 e+ 412) = 1207 2x0) + ayaa 992, nes * (a) _ we Bae Pomerat = Qy HL epsy018) romecnacs ruuio meciancs cnmrtenetcet 54 y evonautis. ‘Open Cnet | hydric jump occur in a ditnond-ahape cloned conus shown in he fate the condult i honzonal and the water depth fst upstean ofthe Fanp is 60) nthe cond i comply led wit water downszen of Thebimp. Prsrae gape readings ares shwn, Compute the ow ate cnsererecitt Fup mecuantcs 542_ Sorc recone | a Tamers coreegees saa efi a sea) Staines pein _ kay a opty tnt ‘acoso Atseetion 2 q Fgh 07K #05130 ‘Ag, = 1080318) = 1419 7 hvlc ump scar aanglr me with ade stoped 11. The fom | sire bas at/s onthe depih af water Store temp 803 m Fd the “pater hemp he power teja. sotton { i) ashen S (2 eros 421406103) 4 2 gums = D4882-008) lapse cose =0 Sole ma and ror 1274703 «0009-0888 Hts 0857 P= Quit ~as.4n)0587) PoSU77 AW (powerlos chapter ecu ruumowecranies: | sun nccnamies courren sian 544 Spenenannet ‘evvorauucs, | Shwowacucs noes 545 Problema a4 Forthe fume ‘A splay 15 m deep gos otra dam 20m hgh. Using a we actor Co ee 12 determine the depth of fw a the fot ofthe splay at ater Sul) Fomp te wlchyo ow afer the ump, te errgy ae de pan Te (are head tn they aso? _ oxendonerca) azsquaand-175~0 58/5 per meter width (0) Neglecting oid on th spiny rseme Bva s-Mi dassya ns OS) 4, 225) 5-2 og 53 {= 0123 m (depth atthe foot of the pve 24354 m (depth aferthe jmp) magi 359/454 DEGAS mie sly ter the jmp) © he Bee (085) aysan “A y= 439m (energy fer the jmp) ie (Hs Hy-teemts-a19 HU=231m (belo) Fe 8 ‘orzo 1 vert usa oizantal core witha radivso 30 m wthost ‘uperlerain I the dacharge 2 m/s and theater sce thee ff he carve He 15m above thy channel boom, find the water rice ‘Sevan athe ousde of te curve. Assume te Row i subeical. Sotetion 546 sormaua rupmons: 2 Dumseaeee capone 547 = reer t- poten Me eesti Ratna os roar cea en a = a, [Shseesarmen sn Lh SAS = f Bas) ‘351G0) wisreh eames 15) 15508) Dy wal and ero = ‘Asma bests ning sallow tl water where the depth 515 mss bow ‘hte an angle of "withthe ine af mation Compe the sped ofthe bot sno ee an=29 as onsen [Supplementary Problems ‘What flow canbe expt in a 12-m wd rectangular, camentine channel (= 0015 a om slope of mn 1k fhe ter ows 0 dep? Use Katarec, Ans 425 0/6 Problem 8-49 2 eicalarsower pipe 1.6 m in dameter said ona lope 2m priors. ‘he ape mode of concrete wilh n = 0012. Determine the dscarge when Shoppes woud al Aue 273 m/s sa8_ Suse rupescsoes | 9 pagers cee 549 row ren 5 ‘Whats the hyrall ads ofthe chanson inthe gue? ne 0245 ‘A eapezoal onl section having side lope of 2 to 3V ha ttl depth | {Sim fora mort efesnt proportion, what the teed tor ih | aus Problem 8-52 I {Spr hath mo den prepare dug wate of eT ing noisier tee feo ee Sheela os | ‘Arectangular flume 3m wide and 1.5 m deep has a carrying capacity of 4.5 cu. | ini Wheto weed fr ont a opt eon Show muchwoaltecuingcpecty nccaence ms? ans Problem 8-54 water ve norm tthe ate of 8 cul et per acon in acing | ume with width= ieetota depth of 12 fet hat peo oe ‘Ans Speci | GPs and coffe of roughness n= OOS compte thecal lope ‘ns 0814 | eapeaoka channel wih side slope of 1 haa to width of 2m. At 2 te dopth 2 2m what heey of Mow” ne 379. /8 Problm 8-57 or wide open ectangulr channel i th ial velocity AS on, bat ‘hecetel dep? Ant 2088 Find the flow ina wderectangua hannl for which th a pth ism ‘hn 1627 m/s preter Water flows ina eter wie etangslar channel th rl dapth war rested obo 0 42m what the mania Aone m/s? ane 378 What ase the bust dimensions fr «rectangular bk chanel» 0015) Assgne cary Sf enter im rm Br th = 007 ‘a 122m 22540 Problam 8 61 Water flowin a wide channel approatee& 1cmhigh scot bump al 15 tis and depth of Entiat the alr dap oer the bump 2 () Uhebump hight eich ll ease the rest ow to Meese Fis 2) 859m F197 am 550_Spenenenne! Luo mecuawics Water flesin a wie channel t 10 m/s pe eter and depth 1.25, the ow unergoae jump, compute) the depth ter he amp. () the vlosity for he amp, th roads number ater he jump, he hed est, the percentage dspaton Ane () 346 (0) 289.75, (0486 1 Lease nt ‘rectangle chanel as b=3 mand d=12m. I and are the sae, what fet diameter of vamtccalat canoe hat wil have th sane dicharge? Problem 2-64 ‘clay te Vshape channel f= O61) hasan lnchided angle of 70 and ser m/s. Compute he) cial dept (he neal ely, and) (ecrtal lope fr utr ow A: (1981 0) 311 m7, (e)o00i0s War tows dow a wide rectangular chanel of concrete (4 = O01 id ona lope 2mm) Find the dep and rat fe fo eal contin “he depth = Sy g= 1150/8 ‘A bapezldal canal with side slopes 2 sa btn width of and caries ‘lon of 250. Caleslt thecal depth ro ec charrenniné gy Bysoayneres Chapter 9 Hydrodynamics Hyétecymamics dels wath the sty of the muon of « fd and of te Imre ofr ithe bondaves Ths ape wl cas he ee Eeeplty moving als spot nt aad en {Spa pups tres opanes tes and many ober aru devs “The basic pines uted in yoy are he Newtons awe f motion hich en ected als {Abo ate rien ob a to in den il remain in mobo ‘rth uo veloc slang asthe un aed upon by an extemal (ace La a ti) ‘A pti ace upon by a ub fre yee as an azeeon fe with and icy proportional ote ult ofthe fre system ane ely proportoal oan (Ut foc) 1 sever atone away anal and oppose resto. (L fr FORCE AGAINST FIXED FLAT PLATES Consider the fof aid shown tosis Alt plate eld norma he path of thee Before contac ate fd moves wth anita] veloc of nts less tho pat tvloly nthe recon isp which ethan tis change veloc cna by th fre exert bythe plate one 2S sted by Newtons ft se of meen Lup weciamics 552 fyaraaynemes ‘By Newt second aw of ton Pome ice Mp Vet an Fepva BEL ‘ut Val/ = lecharge@ | Pepaie-n) “This the foc ener by th plate othe Hd, From Newt's third Iw of Tin the foes suet bythe a to the plat gua but opposite in Shes f= -P] and can Be expressed as Fama Bot orF= Stipe 29.92 4 Fepae Bee hee: = nso the Din a? (2 ual of ls defected by the plate in See inal an ial vlc inns Sanit fhe im N/a oN? ‘ithe plate ined 2: =O then he above equations buco if ro wecnan guarmernne 553 Byroaymornes FORCE AGAINST FXED GURVED VANES The x andy components ofthe tl Fre exert By he Ha aga «ed faved vaecanbeonpesed a a na face an ty ver ura, te acne cee. ‘See SoMa walt Save san We eh eh “aoe tetas ane Uf ction in the vane i neglected (= nthe oa ym ore 18 See ‘eration in PROBLEM 8) pan OT) sq. guenennine eons Fyecaynamiee FORCE AGAINST MOVING VANES [Consier the vane shown owt b moving eth ufo veloc In he ‘ae diction the ot having an senate lost of Thora weloty (Feet wth npc othe vee therefore ae Neglatng ft, he {shi vlocy fee ith espact the vane eats unchangsd whe i owe fm pots ts tht eet aves th ane wit rae velo (rips oho ll ean fom et wil Be deflate by he ane ejaltoo! =n whue iste cosemctonal se of eet yures 2: Nowra ane The component the fore ner bythe are gven by Fer Qtou-m)= BE orem) B4.9-10 20 toy- r= SE fy) msn | @=Au oe Eq. 2| beeen Soames 555 Rysoaynemes {the vanes tones sen hat thet eave the vane wth lative etc (alin he direction of (Se dertion w PROBLEM 9-17) Tapp Face moe £pAlo=2¥ snd 59.915 lahore veloc of he vane fe srelatve eo thee (Qc uanty f water dete by the vane Sr bite ty of br i he ae recon fhe ti goon by the faling formes Work= OF wi casey e818 2 for sige vane, he masimam wrk ose whan = 9/2. When = us don dice the faceted en a a is vv represen # ‘Sadion of mm power In sees of vanes so aranged tht te ene Jt ses the oe vane ‘emacs, te fn ewe by te tht ieton of maven prenby po eee Work= Sia cos) eq9-18 556 Saree Fluo weciives Fumo mecnanes CHAPTERNNE 557 uvotauues | Sipmasuice peated nd or mcm poner wha evs fan = an The X and comport of he face ection on th Bend an Be computed Tm te flowing fea Woo wi mo w= BE and mae z 7 sy= My on Notice thatthe exposon Qy/ it equal to dn mass M. Thu the owe y= L eoy-m) % eveopedi =e) ties Se net ery ealalen te For Fgue9- Foncts DEVELOPED oN cLoseb conDurTs “he fre eed on cased con of er cnstant or ring ameter FoR Ree Lpnen-m) 649-2 ther of uc and i pres ered pon ee 7 ‘ston oth conned nt ona, ee ee Z ras AND LUFT Fee B fou on q.9-20 Boo) Fy Z yer 9.921 = oye) ng isthe component of the retnt force eared by a Mid on «boy pl the ative moton eis The gestion ‘The dig forces ona submerged boy cos ofthe prenure dg and fton oe ;__mom 558_Syousin vupamgaeees | Suman sommes 559 — soompi ‘The prenue dig or orn dag) doped gly onthe form of he Bo I Ith raul ol the prs ore ener onthe ware the boy The fio dg along sr he rerun ofthe hea stra long the ‘rfc ofthe bon the dnesbon of motion Fey orfo= Goa = 9.9.27 3 a * eta drag or than gen at - inh co FoeGova -copa . orfo= Gora copa a 9-8 uf he component of the ronan force ented by 8 ald dr a body ‘prc tothe eae min ofthe uk. The geation x fecak 5.9.90 29-31 or =cepa = here Co + drag collet dimensiones) Gt coetcient timersiones > dent afte dn 1A preci te an) ofthe Body an plane perpendicular Goran) x paral for iy the eatve moon oft ld Tresrese wid cnvenntly spotted fr fepulr shapes by dividing the tot sartace ej Le tengh of arte pralilw Deane velo ofthe id ith eect the Hoy in m/s Foe deg forcein Newton FSiin Newon For liar flow at ow Reynoksnumber the drag coefficient ven by fou ge mae a | one 59-2 Re Fortin At plates not normal the relative veloc of the Bud, the Bt lice gen Kata where asthe angle of ais or the angle the plate mas withthe relative (oy ofthe The ng ehould not cond 2° “Terminal Voc, [A body falling trough » Hid bing ated upon by thee vera fore These we i.e weight acting devrovard, (2) te buoyant fee ang Sporard an) the dig fore cing ape Ite body fal fel fore Eicon eg of tine velo cess cote dag Toc incense “nat the total upward free eqns the wept the body and the Body hes ‘Scputed constant velo called the tel lay For soli body ling through aga the buoyant force is seal nepigile Sch hat the tein lon inane sehen the dag force equals the aight 560 _fisoonames TE HORAULS Frome Water ammeter wd to express he resin shock (pressures) in pp cused by te sudden daceae ov stoppage of eton (ete ot Mow or vlc} ofthe Dad a snore Consider the pipe ne sven leading fom a reservoir tthe ale at the valve iru coped, the ann of lgad next to te valve el be Compressed by the et of he con of Ul owing guna tA tne fie the wal ofthe pipe rounding thie mins wil be steed by the ‘ene prearre produced The nent upton lati wil den be brought ‘eat and so on, The eatin of lw and dhe reltng presse inesse ‘move along the pipe se wave with he velocity whch gen By the Fatowing uation op pipes a Fg 9-36 1 ‘nu wecunn umennne 564 ysoaynornes Fe noni pipe: The ime or the prssre wane a avo 198 an ah ein ro 9-36 Instantansvs Closure (=) ‘The resulting shock due trtananeou closure given by rod aoe For Insttaneons clsure, the pesure incense reaches pt the pipe trtrance a where t dep intanty othe value would hav fo cee Row epi Cloaur <2) 10s physically imposible fra valve fo be coed intntancousy = 0) For rapid ose (0 21/c) the mast presse nent te vlve would sl be No mati hove rapid the valve clonze may be, s0 Fong as tI ma the ideale instantaneous ene hare wl be soe distance om te itso within which th pressure vse cant extond al the wa he seservait ‘ne so2 cuarewme FLUID MECHANICS FLD MECHANICS cHAPTERNINE 563 Samana caus i cw Socanans iwi 6 ———————— ee er og vehee=coley ofprearare wave an/s fp lk dul foley of the i ng Pa (Gorter a¢ 30°C Ep 225 «10° Ps) E> mad catty fhe pipe wala Pa 1 pipe thes in mn 47 ENtral diameter of pipe in 1 Stine of dorure in scond 2S wet of flowin duo pear change det water arr in Pa = danity of te isdn? 2 hose and moze tcharges horizons water against» ary wert ste Then vte of waters O08 m/s and the amc of he nazi pts Som. Fi th sent ace cesay tol he platen ple Sotetion 22 a Tthes-7 ee pS "Water ows fom lg ak though an eis of 7 mn ameter snd apne I blck vate inthe Rgure ie water ft es the Mock at he ene fommace Te tock weighs 20 a he cet of flton beeen de {Sn ante oe O88, The oor: costco of sicharge O60 are ‘eft of contacto s 042. What te minimum hh 0 which water ‘post oe inthe nk one ott the Back meving othe igh? soa angrans nepemmas | cages Semaine ses For motion to mpend tothe night P= 1p 1+ Of where the res ofthe jet the vor contacts echa noid 5 (ours? oar ‘qynonzs pa 8g pr Woes 2 seq) = 38595100" 0) = TAN 0182-9600 § (0755 EF y=24m yeheos 524503 227m ‘et ter Ainge rte of 32m is vere bug wal ‘cleniy sce ge witha eof ON Bore er 9 ‘een Fooe Fong Foun rove nesses aby = 0051 m= 51 man Ae ef er was ised horizon 25mm diameter oie, with C= abanv 05 unr ehendof8m Whats cease ae} sohtion F2Rte 0= CG, J2gh = 090» J2{9SIVE) = 891 m/s rca $0606 30057 ATG) nantes = gam, PesoeatrN 630) ‘al ingot and plato rst on 3 soy water ae shoven. fhe oa soli upon 0M eka thee ean ny)? {50-1000 § (arson Deer avs 566 _fieaodymames TE AnORAULIS Hyoaynamis ter euing vera rim snl having ameter of 5 mim. ows out nde ahead uf 30m. IFC = Gr = 095, determine a hat eontan eight EU thet water support ond of 0 were fromthe az sp wEee-agy 9 EG A) = GBR = 098 JR) 28 m/e Fepqm=2t0 ca agi nse 3 025% fF O17 mje 20 0090011791 aeirimys Py.) (7af= @aap-2shy ‘Asal maar jt of water with a velo of 8 m/s stubs lrg, feed Fat late whch noma othe ane of the The fore ofthe water om he ‘lt in260N. What ogee exerted onthe plat fh et velo ts dubled Sotation FFepea 20 asama)as8) Guanes When she vlc doubled the discharge also doubled. 1580) Se3tsmye (= 001779 = 00584 m/s Fao aoasasyan6) Fo1aN uo wean cHAPTERNNE 567 Fiysoaymames Problem 9-8 Tia tof any fd ofan ae and eh eos 0 delle trough tngle off without ay change im magnitude of ewes, prove thatthe {Slvr acting onthe vanes F= 25400 (/2) ‘QnA0 F702) FopAso-sezea) cpa coed) =P0%e- 05) Fy pae-vain®) Fapacsin irae rey Fo pase 0a ane past FIG =e t)F sn] ca Patent +o res oo the elas: sin aya) Test = 2600/2) F=pAitx2ain 0/2) Fetpaetsin 2) eS [Ajeshaving» diameter of 80m ana velocity of 12 m/s deft though {iting of bya ned curved vane, Determine the rzontal and vere npanents of te fore ented by tha eten he vane, Nelo con. 568 fyacaynemes OP NoRAUCs Sinonauties. Fyceameme 569 ‘sotton Sotuton ara penne (005702) ' = dons6 m/s ai Fx 9Qou-0a) ~ fomngom02- 1200560) Ao1aNetheren Fs ott Fy 000%-) Tfo(Saziay0 126) FEN or 345 N downoad a | pthaving a ditvtr of 50 anda velo of 12 m/s deflect though rangle of 18" by o fed carved vane Negcting fcton determine the ovzontl and verti smapanet fhe oc set by the ton tho vane sontion Gram 005702) o=cons6me/ B 2 Q¢om-r} hoooe.2s6\n2- 43) Fa S86a Neate aS a 2 nozleecharges $0 L/s wth a welocty of 5 m/s. The nozle inlined Alownwrneds such at arte et stikes Hed curved vane fis decd 3° flown from the howzaal. The oti defected upwards? with the Forze aver tho vane. Desi the X and Y components of he fone okra by the et on evan Tyas css 19 oo" LDA Nt te rgat Fe ey) fon a5) 5 "1S nt ‘02452 ten s=E—— 1 briana jet of water flaming fel in he simeaphere is dace through hang of "by nina! curved sane the wter as caetr of <0 ‘Soni & velocy ef wha the force rogue t Bld the wane in =a + Fran (a= nr0 mrs mol * eo i ERIN. ee 570 _fyarooynames FLU MEcuanics uu mecuanics cHarrer wine 574 TE IWRAULES taronauucs Nyaoayname: PER = aro 1 SIZ7AIN (lorceon the spring FensiaN by Hook's tw Re PenHR24N acing a5 eth the horizontal Rac ‘Using the formal derive in PROBLEM 9-5 r= 0065 m 85mm Komprston of he spring! Fe apantain 6/2) Alou) + 29000 3 (204? 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