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Caspar David Friedrich,

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1819

The worship of nature, or more precisely, the feeling of awe it inspired, was a signature
of the Romantic style in art, and there is no better example on that score than this image
of a hiker in the mountains, pausing on a rocky outcrop to take in his surroundings. His
back is turned towards the viewer as if he were too enthralled with the landscape to turn
around, but his pose offers a kind of over-the-shoulder view that draws us into vista as
if we were seeing it through his eyes.


1. Signified - is the concept or thing the representation stands in for.

2. Signifier- is the representation.

Licayan, Jereena Andriane M.

BS Accountancy – 1st Year
3. Art as Experience – according to John Dewey, Art as Experience is that art affords
an aesthetic experience to the viewer. The artist and the observer are both active in
the reception of art. To conceive of art as a static material piece is to ignore art's
intrinsic value. Art as Experience differentiates between the art product and the work
of art. The art product the statue, the painting, the printed poem is physical. The work
of art is active and experienced. When the art product enters into experience, it takes
part in a complex interaction. It is the work of art with its fixed order of elements that
is perceived.
4. Art as an Expression- Art is an expression made visible by a form. The expression
contained in the form is an attempt to translate the unnamed and the unknown.
Intrinsic to our existence as humans is our quest to create meaning, and art allows
that process to take place. Making meaning involves understanding our surroundings
and marking our experiences. Art is an expression an expression of feeling, belief, and
character. The simplicity of that sentence is rather deceptive and seems tidier than its
5. Art as Art Form-refers to the elements of art that are independent of its
interpretation or significance. It covers the methods adopted by the artist and the
physical composition of the artwork, primarily non-semantic aspects of the work
(i.e., figurae) suchas color, contour, dimension, medium, melody, space, texture,and
value.Formmayalsoinclude visual,design,principles,suchas;arrangement, balance, c
ontrast, emphasis, harmony, proportion, proximity, and rhythm. In general there are
three schools of philosophy regarding art, focusing respectively on form, content, and
context. Extreme Formalism is the view that all aesthetic properties of art are formal (that
is, part of the art form).

Licayan, Jereena Andriane M.

BS Accountancy – 1st Year

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