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Flicker Fade Gone

by: Carljoe Javier

The book entitled " Flicker Fade Gone" by Carl Joe Javier, has the connection of fantasy and reality, on
this story it will enable you to realize what is the difference and how the fantasies to the reality. The story
give us lessons that we should remember and apply to our life. This is the summary of the story.
Then that night, the boy used to dream a disappearing. He's facing the mirror and trying to disappear.
First, he used to stare at his reflection at the mirror and then he imagine that his reflection disappear. That
he was no longer there. But his mother caught him staring at the mirror. Hos mother asked him why he's
staring at the mirror and when he try to explain that he wanted to disappear, he was brought him by ear
and his mother him to forget that foolishness. His parent sent him out of the house to play with the
neighborhood's kids. But he never play with them because they were load, ready, and rough, and push
him away to the ground and made fun on his hoody.

They bumb him or just leave him ahead of his house. The boy just waits for his mother to work some
chores for him to grab the mirror without noticing him. Then his father brought him to the arcade game
again where he found the world that he was destined to inhabit. He play again, the gun's shot has the
rhythm. While he was pkaying, the machine him to the other places, other world where he can be another
person and he made him different people.

Mr. Javier is a very talented and accomplished writer. A fellow for fiction at the UP and Dumaguete
National Writer’s Workshops, Mr. Javier’s stories have appeared in the Philippines Free Press and the
Philippine Graphic. He already won various awards such as the Amelia Lapeña-Bonifacio Award and the
Supernatural Story-Writing Contest sponsored by UP’s Institute of Creative Writing.
As he watch the light of the shots from the gun and feel himself slowly fading to the screen. He always
play arcade in few years
His father plays space invaders, but he died quickly. His father put a new quarter, but he died again and
then another set of the game. On his last game, the coin slot jammed. So, his fatner went to the
storekeeper. The storekeeper wore a nylon necklace and keys hanging on it. The storekeeper take the
necklace off and put the keys in to the hole and fix, the machine started up again. He could still remember
the machine and what he felt when the game started the man controls all the game, power and pleasure
to his hand or on that necklace with keys. The only thing he could'nt remember was the man looked like.
Carljoe Javier was born on September 7, 1981. He graduated high school from Victoria School
Foundation on 1999. He got his BA in English Studies and earned his undergraduate in Creative Writing
at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He is currently taking his MA in Creative Writing at the same
A seven years old boy with his father is walking along the street. All store's were brightly lighted, except
for the one store that was dark black and has blinking and flashing lights. Bombs, shot of a pistol, booms
and pops is heard as they pass by. They went to the store. The store were full of boys, playing arcades.
His father brought him a chair were he can stand to reach the keyboard.

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