Activity 2 Law of Inertia Activity

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Law of Inertia

Name:____________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Activity No.______________ Date:______________

Teacher: Maria Julinarus Presto Gumalo


1. Verify Newton’s first law of motion.


 Two identical jars with cover

 Flour or sand
 Small pebbles
 Two identical three – ring binders
 Tape measure or meterstick


1. Look for three different surfaces in the classroom (e.g. floor tiles, wood, plastic)
2. Set up the ring binders and meterstick or tape measure on the first surface.
3. Fill one jar with sand or flour. Make sure to pack it as tightly as you can. Then put the lid
on tightly.
4. Fill the other jar with small pebbles. Again, ensure that the jar is full and sealed tightly.
5. Place the jar filled with flour or sand on the higher side of the first ring binder. Place the jar
filled with small pebbles on the higher side of the second ring binder.
6. Release the jars at the same time. Make sure that you apply the same amount of force
to both jars at the same time.
7. Record the distance (in meters) travelled by both jars. The distance should be measured
from the lower end of the binder where the initial end of the tape measure is.
8. Perform more two trials for the first surface. Then get the average of the distances.
9. Repeat step 6 to 7 for the two other kinds of surfaces you found in the classroom.

Use table 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 to summarize the data that you gathered.

Table 1.1.2 Distance travelled of the Jar Filled with Flour or Sand

Trial Distance Traveled (m)

Surface 1 Surface 2 Surface 3
_______________ _______________ _______________
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3

Table 1.1.3 Distance travelled of the Jar Filled with Small Pebbles

Trial Distance Traveled (m)

Surface 1 Surface 2 Surface 3
_______________ _______________ _______________
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3

Guide Questions:

1. Compare the average distance of both jars. Which jar travelled farther? On which
surface did it travel farther?

2. What can you conclude about your data?

a.Did the results depend on the content of the jar? Justify your answer.
b.Did the results depend on the kind of surface where the jars were placed?
3. State the law of inertia. Explain this using the data and observations gathered from the
4. What where unbalanced forces that acted upon on the jars?
5. Draw free body diagram for two jars:
a. While they are at rest on the side of the ring binder

b. While they are moving on the surface

6. Did the results surprise you? If yes, in what way(s)? If not, why?
7. Is the law of inertia different from what you know about before you studied and
experimented on this law?
8. If you were to work on an experiment about the law of inertia, how would you go about


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