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HANDBOOK 2018-2019
In keeping with the school motto of ‘Service Before Self’, Service and Action is integrated in
our curriculum and is an essential part of student life at DPSI.
As the name states, it is composed of two separate yet overlapping parts: Service as Action.
Action (learning by doing and experiencing) is a key component in of IB education, common
to all IB programmes. At DPSI, we develop the idea of service through the years to help
students understand their role within their family, school, city, and country. The service aspect
refers to ways in which we act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to our
community without expecting, wanting, or receiving any extrinsic rewards. Service, as a subset
of action, has always been a shared value of the IB community.

Each student in the MYP years will be a part of the Service and Action project/activity and will
effectively contribute towards it. This will help them become lifelong learners and grow into
responsive and responsible global citizens.

In accordance with the IB MYP guidelines, DPSI students will be given an opportunity to engage
in age appropriate, hands-on service project/activity to foster community awareness and
concern and to hone the skills needed to make an effective contribution to the society.

Aims and Objectives

Service and Action in MYP aims to:

 enable students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action

and reflection.
 enable students to participate in a self-directed inquiry within a Global Context
 nurture and develop the ‘IB learner profile attributes and strive to be caring members
of the community by demonstrating a commitment to service thereby making a
positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
 help students experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work
over an extended period of time
 encourage students to consistently reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their
work. They should build the key skills to help them succeed in studies, workplace and

Objectives of Service & Action
SA helps students to:

 address and take action on social/ environmental issues around them / their
 analyze and devise a plan of action on the issue identified by the students
 take responsibility of the action, organize and plan a course of action
 undertake a challenge which they may be unfamiliar with and develop a new skill
 communicate effectively in a variety of situations and work in collaboration with others
 reflect at various stages on their action and devise the course of future action
 generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth
 demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project/activity
over an extended period of time
 demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of learning
 appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments

Targeted learning outcomes of the Service and Action project

(Also on ManageBac)
1. Increase awareness of one’s own strengths and areas for growth
Student is able to see himself/herself as an individual with various skills and
abilities, some more developed than others, and understand that he/she can
make choices about how he/she wishes to move forward.

2. Undertake challenges that develop new skills

Challenges and new skills may be those not previously undertaken or acquired, or
those that extend student’s existing expertise.

3. Discuss, evaluate and plan student--‐initiated activities

The planning and initiation of an activity should involve a discussion and evaluation of
objectives, responsibilities and expectations. These steps are often completed in
collaboration with others.

4. Work collaboratively with others

Collaboration can be shown in many different activities, including working with coaches,
adults and other students.

5. Persevere in action

At a minimum, this implies showing determination and commitment by attending
activities regularly and accepting a share of the responsibility for dealing with
problems that arise in the course of activities.

6. Develop international-mindedness through global engagement,

multilingualism and intercultural understanding
This can mean being involved in international projects, but there are many global
issues that can be acted upon locally or nationally (e.g. environmental concerns, caring
for the elderly).

7. Consider the ethical implications of one’s actions

Ethical decisions arise in almost any SA activity (e.g. by considering who will and who
will not benefit from one’s actions).

Three types of Service and Action activities/projects

All MYP students need to engage themselves in SA project/activity each year wherein they
will be given opportunities to complete

1. Unit driven service project/activity – Through unit awareness of the role of the
individual, willingness and the skills required in response to the needs of the others
within a community, sensitivity to the needs of the community and society, in general
will be created.

2. Service Project/activity set by the school - A service project/activity will be

undertaken by the school, wherein students will work in their form / MYP groups.

3. Service Project/activity as student’s own initiative - The students are expected

to undertake one project of their own, share the description of the project/activity
and learning outcome with their mentor. The service element requires students to
undertake an unpaid and voluntary exchange, which has learning benefits. In this Self-
Initiated project the student can choose to work either individually or in a group of
not more than 3. They can choose to work on various small activities or on a single
project spread over either a period of time or in one sitting (for example during
summer or winter vacations).
Self-Initiated project must:
 contribute to the community
 be voluntary
 allow the students to develop one or more SA objective/s (page 1)

Students need to submit the evidence of involvement (letter from the organization as an
approval to work with them or defining the contribution of the student/s, photographs of the
project undertaken).

Note - In cases where students work in a group (maximum of three students), they need to:
 work collaboratively to address the objectives of the project/activity undertaken by
the group
 develop their service learning skills together
 define each student’s role and responsibility in the group

For self-initiated project/activity students should adhere to the following process:

 To identify the service recipient and need - Students should focus on identifying
an authentic need of community and environment
 To target and achieve the learning outcomes specific to one’s MYP year or
 To identify the Global Context with the self-initiated activity - Global
Contexts help to recognize the common humanity and shared guardianship of the
planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP Community and
Service project/activity can develop meaningful explorations of:

 identities and relationships

 orientation in space and time
 personal and cultural expression
 scientific and technical innovation
 globalization and sustainability
 fairness and development

 To identify the community in which the service will take place - Students
should consider the community (school, local, regional, global or virtual) and the
effects on it while meeting its needs.

 To brainstorm the possible service activities - Students should identify possible

service activities that are feasible and successfully meet the identified need.

 To complete a proposal and get approval– Once the final activity is decided by
the student in consultation with the mentor, it requires approval from the Service and
Action Coordinator.

 To document the service - Students should provide clear documentation (maintain
a process journal of the activity/ activities, activity log) of the service activity, as these
act as evidence along with the photographs and letter from the organization.

 To complete the reflection - Students need to write and submit their individual
reflections regularly at various stages of their projects in the prescribed format
(Appendix 4). Reflection is an important part of the learning process which gives the
students an opportunity for introspection into the journey taken and helps them
decide the future course of action.

Each student will be assigned a mentor (teacher in school) whom he/ she will consult from
time to time to discuss the reflection and progress of project that the student has
Service learning
In service as action, action involves participation in service learning. As students evolve through
the service learning process, they may engage in one or more types of action.
• Direct service: Students have interactions that involves people, the environment or animals.
Examples include one-on-one tutoring, developing a garden alongside refugees, or teaching
dogs behaviours to prepare them for adoption.
• Indirect service: Though students do not see the recipients during indirect service, they
have verified that their actions will benefit the community or environment. Examples include
redesigning an organization’s website, writing original picture books to teach a language, or
raising fish to restore a stream.
• Advocacy: Students speak on behalf of a cause or concern to promote action on an issue
of public interest. Examples include initiating an awareness campaign on hunger in the
community, performing a play on replacing bullying with respect, or creating a video on
sustainable water solutions.
• Research: Students collect information through varied sources, analyse data and report on
a topic of importance to influence policy or practice. Examples include conducting
environmental surveys to influence their school, contributing to a study of animal migration
patterns, or compiling the most effective means to reduce litter in public spaces.

Few more ideas for Activity/Project

Here is a list of suggestions under various categories that the students can undertake as their
Service and Action project/activity:
 Participating in a recycling activity.
 Organizing Drop Box Centre: Books, toys, clothes, recycle products.
 Collecting backpacks and school supplies for kids who can’t afford them.
 Collecting new sleeping bags and teddy bears for homeless children.

 Gathering gently used books and toys that have been outgrown and donating
the items to children in orphanage.
 Planting flowers in local parks and at community centers, facilities for people
with disabilities and hospitals.
 Organizing or participating a neighborhood clean-up.
 Organizing a neighbourhood clean--‐up
 Campaigning for the upkeep of local parks.
 Taking care of heritage buildings.

Wellbeing/Social welfare
 Type/ record books for visually impaired persons.
 Volunteer help for special needs students, accompany and assist disabled
 Working with disabled children or with the elderly.
 Organizing a concert for the elderly at an elderly people’s home
 Story Telling and fun learning with orphanage children.
 Volunteering with social organizations (Red Cross, Blue cross, animal shelters
 Accompanying senior citizens, listening to their stories, helping them
exercise, reading the newspaper to them.
 Starting up a sports club or becoming a dance or theatre instructor for
younger and underprivileged students. Thinking up activities for the
participating students and take responsibility for their learning.

Volunteering at animal shelters.
Feeding and organizing shelter for stray animals.
 Making bird feeders and setting up bird feeding stations at hospitals, schools
and community sites.
 Campaigning against lab testing on animals.
 Promoting healthy vegetarian lifestyle.
 Sharing skills learned at school with underprivileged children (computers,
cooking, dancing, drawing, singing, sport, music, art and craft).
 Creating resumes for people who are unemployed or homeless to help them
get back into the job market.
 Reading and study partner for a visually impaired person.
 Set up local neighborhood library, initiate reading programs, storytelling
sessions or develop one’s own public library or mobile library.
 Starting an after-school literature or reading club with younger kids.

 Organizing School Events (sports tournaments, fund raising, and environment
 Assisting in school libraries (developing reading programs, maintaining book
circulation and promoting library programs)
 Helping out in the science labs. Giving a helping hand by supporting the lab
 Assisting in extracurricular activities (peer tutoring, study club, conversation
club, sports coaching). School sports club and activities often need older
students to help out with these activities. Give back to the community
while practicing your athletic skills.
 Creating a video of school routines and policies. Narrate it in different
languages. Post it on the school’s website for new families - A virtual tour of
the school for new students and Parents

The service undertaken by students will be documented against the set criteria for the
students to follow and self-evaluate the quality of services. Their self-evaluation will be
based on their responses recorded on the Service and Action planning and proposal sheet
(Appendix 3), neatly maintained journal and activity log (Appendix 4) student’s reflection
and mentor’s evaluation.

Process Journal
All activities related to SA need to be properly recorded and documented by the students.
They will keep a careful record of each activity and record the significant findings from
beginning till the end to show the development of their community project/activity.

The nature of the activities acceptable for Service and Action (SA) is that for which the student
volunteers and DOES NOT receive any kind of reward, compensation, direct or indirect
benefit from the activity. The parties receiving the service must not be related to students in
any which way.

Important Note:

 The student should ask for approval of parents, mentor and SA Coordinator before
starting the activity.
 If the student needs a letter for the SA project that he/she plans to undertake, then
they should ask the SA Coordinator at least a week before starting the activity.
 Student must complete all the tasks: proposal, journal, mentor’s evaluation and
evidence (photographs, letter from organization etc.).
 As soon as the service project/activity is complete, the student must submit the record
book to the SA Coordinator after getting it approved from the mentor.
 The due date for completing SA Journal is last Week of February 2017.
Roles and Responsibilities


The school will provide opportunity to the students to undertake Service and Action

 All the teachers teaching MYP at DPSI will be involved with SA. These teachers will
play a key role in ensuring Service as Action as a significant part of the MYP curriculum
at DPSI. In order to achieve this the teacher will act as role model by showing interest
and involvement with the task.
 Integrating SA through various subject groups (unit planners) in order to help student/s
sensitize to various local/ national and global need. This will also help the students to
identify themselves with the need of their community.

Role of SA Coordinator:

SA Coordinator will be responsible for the successful running of the IB MYP Service and
Action at DPSI. The coordinator is expected to -
 Help in the understanding the aim and objective of the SA project/activity.
 Approve SA programme to be run by the school in consultation with HOS, MYP
Principal and MYP Coordinator.
 Organize SA at DPSI.
 Maintain the record of the Service and Action Activities.
 Keep a record of students’ SA projects.
 Induct new students and parents to SA.

Role of Mentor:

The Mentor will be the first point of contact for the student and will be the mediator between
the student and the school. The mentor is expected to -
 Meet the allocated student/mentee regularly to check the progress of the SA
 Approve student’s project/activity.
 Give relevant feedback of the progress of the project/activity discussed.
 Read and give regular feedback on the reflection.
 Determine student’s achievement level and learning outcomes based on reflection.
 Notify the coordinator about the student’s concerns (in case of irregular attendance/
reflection not on time etc.).
 Ensure timely submission of student-initiated Service and Action project/activity.

Role of Parents:

 Parents will be responsible for supporting the student with time and resources to
complete the service projects and activities.
 Parents should ensure that their ward is accompanied by one of the parents
/responsible adult while working on the self-initiated activity.

Service and Action Time line for MYP 2018-19

August  Students will be introduced to School initiated project

 All MYP 1 students and new students of MYP 2 to 4 will be inducted

and will be given presentation on Self-initiated project where they will:
 be briefed about the school expectations from each student.
 assigned a mentor with whom the student need to discuss the self-
initiated proposal for approval and share his/ her reflections from
time to time
 will explore ideas for their self-initiated projects and discuss the
same with their mentors by the last week of August.

 MYP 2, 3 and 4 (existing students) to discuss their proposals with their

new mentors during the 1st meeting with the mentor.

September 2ndt meeting with the mentor where the student will:
 discuss the objective of the proposal.
 share the ideas in the process journal
 fill the prior reflection form with the mentor.
 finalize at least one idea for their self –initiated activity

October 3rd meeting with the mentor where the student will:
 show evidence of progress
 show the process journal
December 4 meeting with the mentor where the student needs to:
 show evidence of the self-initiated project
 show the process journal and reflection that he/ she has recorded
 reflect back on the prior planning and proposal form (Appendix 1
and 3)and record the changes, if any in the process journal and
proposal form.

January 5th meeting with the mentor where the student:
 shares evidences (process journal, photographs, any other) of final
stages of self-initiated project.

3rd week of February Student needs to submit the final self-initiated project for the year with all
the evidence and reflections to the mentor
*Note- The mentors need to sign and comment in the activity log during each meeting. (Appendix 4)

For the new students who join at the beginning of Term 2, the submission date
will be extended till 1st week of April.

Appendix 1

SERVICE & ACTION REFLECTION SHEET (For self-initiated project)

Prior Reflection
(To be filled by the student with the Mentor before finalizing the project/activity)

Student Name…………………………... MYP Year …………… Date ……………………

Mentor Name ………………………………..…………………………………….………..…

Short Description of activity :


Does the Service and Action project/activity I am considering, help me-

1. Explore a Global Context?

 Which one?
 How?

2. Develop or reinforce the ATL skill(s)?

 Which ones?

 How?

3. Develop or reinforce the attribute(s) of IB Learner Profile.

LEARNER PROFILE Description Tick


1. Inquirer Being curious about others and one’s environment

2. Knowledgeable Becoming knowledgeable about the community, for example, having

the ability to obtain resources

3. Thinkers Raising vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and

4. Communicators Collaborating with others through speech and action

Acting with a sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity of
5. Principled self and others

Being open to the perspectives, values and traditions of others and

6. Open-minded be willing to grow from experiences with others.

7. Risk-takers Having the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and
strategies for serving others.

8. Caring Showing empathy, compassion and respect towards others and

acting to make a difference in the lives of others and the

9. Balanced Achieving personal well-being for self and others

10. Reflective Understanding own strengths and weaknesses through work with
and for others.

4. Demonstrate International Mindedness?

If our thinking be alike and

yet different …..

We are then truly


Does this project/ activity make me-?

 better prepared for the 21st century global challenges

 develop an understanding of myself before I connect with others Yes/No
 aware that the world is much larger than the community in which we live
 respect and develop understanding for other perspectives, cultures and languages Yes/No
 me a responsible member of the community and a global citizen at the same time Yes/No

1. I feel inspired to do this activity because……………………………………………

2. It makes me a responsible learner because…………………………………..………


3. It makes me a responsive learner because……………………………………………


4. How will I make a difference to my community/country/world?


1. Do I do it –

o daily
o weekly
o fortnightly
o monthly

2. Am I clear about how much time it will take me to complete this project? YES/NO

1. Do I have resources to fulfill my commitment to this activity? YES/NO
Resources required ………………………………………………………………...…..

2. Do I have necessary skills for this activity? YES/NO
Reflect -…………………………………………………………………….…………

3. Will I learn some new skills during this activity? YES/NO

Reflect -………………………………………………………………………………



1. Parent 1. Process Journal 1. Process Journal

Acknowledgement (Used to
progress 2. Evidences
honestly, with

Form thoughts, ideas, decisions,
 3. Activity log
2. Proposal Form feelings
 4. Reflection sheet
during the project )
3. Prior Reflection Sheet 5. Mentor’s feedback
2. Evidences
photographs/videos, letter
from organization/institute
worked with)
3. Activity log
(date and description of
the work done each time )

Appendix 2

Parent /Guardian Acknowledgement Form*

I have read and understood the school’s Service and Action Handbook and would like to
acknowledge my support for my ward in her/his endeavor to become a responsible citizen
through her/his commitment to this project/activity. I understand that my ward should be
accompanied by one of the parents /responsible adult while working on the self-initiated

Name of the child: ……..……………………………………. MYP Year…………..

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: …………………………………………………………..

Phone Number:………………………………………………………………………..


Date: …………………………………………………………………………………..

*Parents/Guardians are expected to read the handbook before signing their name on this page.

Appendix 3

Service and Action Project Planning and Proposal Form

(To be filled by the student before the activity commences)

Student’s Name: ………………………………… Mentor’s

Name………..…………………..….. MYP: ………..

What I will do for Service and Action?

Description of the project/activity:
Resources required:

(This part is to be filled out by the person in charge where the activity is taking place)

Place of activity:......................................................................................................................................

We agree to accept the student to perform services/ do voluntary service in our

organization / on our premises.

Name of Person in charge: ………………………………………………………………..

Signature: …………………………………………………….……………………………

Phone number : ……………………………..……………………………………….…….

Email address (optional)………………………………………………………..………….


Date: Date: Date: Date:

Signature Signature Signature Signature

Student Parent/Guardian SA Mentor SA Coordinator

*All the signatures should be completed in order before starting the activity.

Appendix 4

Service & Action Activity log

(To be filled during the project/activity)

Students must use the Activity Log form to record their community service project/activity.

Date Description of work done during this Mentor’s Mentor’s

session/visit comments signature
with date

Appendix 5

SERVICE & ACTION REFLECTION SHEET (For self-initiated project)

(To be filled at the end of the project/activity)

Student name: ……………………………………………………… MYP …… Section: ……

Date: …………………… Mentor’s name: …………………………………………..……….

Service & Action Activity: ………………………………………………….……………..

Start Date: ………………………… End Date: …………………………………

Organization’s name and address………………………………………………………………


Learner Profile attributes exhibited when working on this project/activity:


Please select your targeted learning outcomes achieved during this activity:
Global Value
Challenge & New Skills

Were the learning outcomes achieved by you same or different from what was initially
decided? If No, how did they change?

Were you able to achieve the minimum number of Learning Outcomes set for your MYP
Year/Grade? If No, why not?


At the end of the project, now is the time to write a reflection keeping in
mind the following questions:

 Impact of my action? (on me and my buddy/ community/ place where I worked)

 How was I sensitive to the needs of the community and society in general?
 How did I show initiative and/or a willingness to help others? How did I come up with
a solution to resolve an issue in my community?
 How did I show commitment to a cause?
 What are the prior skills that I have honed in this process?
 What were the new skills that I learnt during my SA activity/activities?
 How did my understanding of community change as a result of my SA activities?
 A brief explanation of my experience while doing this particular SA activity and how it
changed me?
 How was SA a valuable experience for me?














































Student’s signature: ..............................................................

Date: ........................................................

(To be completed by the Mentor at the end of the activity/project)

Punctuality and attendance:



Effort and commitment:


Targeted learning outcomes achieved by the student during this activity:

Global Value
Challenge & New Skills

Was student able to achieve the minimum number of Learning Outcomes set for his/her
MYP year? Why /why not?

The project was:

…………........... Satisfactorily completed ……...…… Not satisfactorily completed

Mentor’s signature: .....................................

Date: .....................................

Appendix 6


MYP Subject Unit Title in which Time line Which of the following does the
Teacher Group SA activity/ Month / unit aim to develop:
involved activities being Date  sensitivity to the needs of the
with MYP done community and society in
group general.
( This  awareness of the role of the
person is individual within a
also the community.
mentor)  willingness and the skills to
respond to the needs of
(*or any other specify)
MYP 1/2/3/4

*Note: This document will be maintained by the teacher in charge of the activity. The teacher is
responsible for assisting students in creating connections between the curriculum and their service.
The teacher needs to upload the SA activity along with the unit plan on ManageBac. Evidence of
this should be there in the form of reflection in the unit planner and also maintain a separate folder
of SA activity undertaken by the student in which there is evidence in form of photograph, in
students work, presentation, role play, reflection etc.

School’s Role - School is determining qualitative expectations for students’ participation in
service and action by ensuring-
high levels of student involvement in planning for action that helps students
demonstrate learning outcomes
authentic connections with the curriculum

regular and varied opportunities for self-directed student reflection, using student-
chosen media and methods (art, music, a brief narrative, conversations, blogs,
photographs, drama, or other methods that engage creative thinking)
consideration of ethical issues that arise from engaging in service activities, including
responsibility for acting with personal and institutional integrity
guided practice in critical reflection, including models and strategies that help
students create meaning from their experience in service activities, as well as
meaningful feedback from peers, teachers and other adults
emphasis on the quality of service, rather than on a system of counting hours
devoted to service activities
diverse opportunities for service with others throughout the programme, which can
include learning about important issues, informing others, engaging in advocacy,
organizing and taking individual and collaborative action
clear understanding of the principles of mutual exchange, along with sustainable
activities and relationships.

 IBO, n.d. Web.
 MYP Principles into practice
 MYP project guide
 IBO Teacher support material
 IBO, n.d. Web.
 8th grade IB community project, "Keeler, Doris M."
 MYP Programme Development
 Jaya Bhavnani enhancing IM
 MYP Community Project Introduction 2014-2015
 Student Portfolio Reflection Form
 Sutherland MYP Community Project

Reviewed and revised on July 2018


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