NLP Presupposition 2

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Yesterday we learnt that NLP is like an 'owners manual' for your brain

which provides you with practical tools to run your mind and body more

Becoming skilled in NLP will enable you to:

 think more clearly.

 communicate more effectively with others.
 manage your thoughts, moods and behaviours more effectively.
 do whatever you already do reasonably well, even better.
 acquire skills and attitudes to do what you cannot do right now, but
would like to be able to do

You learn precise step-by-step methods for

 How you think

 How to Use your five senses
 How to understand people
 How to relate with people
 and do whatever you already do even better.
 So there are unlikely to be limits to the range of applications for your
NLP or to the areas in your life which can benefit.
So NLP is not Generic. NLP today used in
Training, Life Coaching, Mentoring, Appraising, Facilitating and
Wherever we are Relating with others
To positively change Your inner life
So Whatever you are and Whatever Position you Hold , NLP will help to
achieve Excellence in that Area.

EIGHTEEN Fundamental Principles of NLP

In NLP we consider these to be the more important Principles, or

Presuppositions, because they shape the attitude with which we use NLP –
and they encourage us to use NLP as it was originally designed to be used.

In NLP we consider these to be working hypotheses rather than truths: we

‘act as if’ the Principles are true – while recognizing that there will be many
situations in which this will not be the case.

1. Each behavior was the best choice an

individual had at that particular time

With the wisdom of today, you would often have preferred to have done
something in an other way in the past. But that’s only natural, because you got
that wisdom by doing it and by actually making ‘mistakes’. Another way of
viewing this NLP principle is: everyone is doing their best with the tools they have
available at that particular moment.
2. Behind every behavior lies a positive

The positive intention, also referred to as ´secondary gain´, is one of the most
important factors in a problem. Let’s start straightaway with an example:
someone can smoke because they have the positive intention to have a social
moment with a friend who also smokes at the same time. Another example: Extra
Marital Affairs: Mostly from their point of view, it is to safeguard the current
situations by meeting the requirements of body and mind.

Instead of condemning someone who says I have extra Marital relationship, you ask
yourselves: ‘What does this person intend to achieve with this behavior ? What
value(s) does this person thereby want to fulfill ?

By this way, try to understand. Then we can reframe to that individual.

Some people do not want to get rid of the drama. They are then a little attached to
it. Let this person realize that you can achieve similar benefits with alternative

So working with intentions is something that a NLP practitioner does a lot.

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